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Posted to by Jerry Jalassola <> on 2001/10/18 16:55:36 UTC

Addressbook sample still bothering...

Hi soapers,

I still have this problem of mine with the addressbook -sample. I decided to re-install soap by putting the soap.war in the webapps -directory and restarting tomcat (I deleted the old soap -directory first). Everything goes ok, soap is working fine. (rpcrouter ok , I can see the message "Sorry, I don't speak via HTTP GET- you have to use HTTP POST to talk to me.")

I do have the WEB-INF -directory structure ok, it contains the .class -files for addressbook -sample in WEB-INF/classes/samples/addressbook -directory (It is formed automatically during tomcat restart) .

I do have the addressbook -sample properly deployed:
jerry@foohost:~/soap-2_2$ java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter list
Deployed Services:

But still... when I try to do the following:
jerry@foohost:~/soap-2_2$ java samples.addressbook.GetAddress http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter "John B. Good"
Generated fault: 
  Fault Code   = SOAP-ENV:Client
  Fault String = Deployment error in SOAP service 'urn:AddressFetcher': class name 'samples.addressbook.Address' could not be resolved: samples.addressbook.Address

So tomcat/soap still can't resolve Address -class location. Where exactly the SERVER side CLASSPATH is defined for soap (and tomcat in general)? In Debian Linux tomcat's start-up says the following:

# Add all JAR files in /usr/share/tomcat/lib to the CLASSPATH
# Also add the core classes in case Jikes is used to compile JSP files
if [ -f $JAVA_HOME/lib/ ]; then
        # JDK 1.1
        # JDK 1.2/1.3/1.4
for jar in /usr/share/tomcat/lib/*.jar; do

As far as I understand, those WEB-INF/classes -paths are not defined here. If so, where are they defined?

Further help would be greatly appreciated! (Thanks to Mike and Kelly for the help they've already given.)
