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Posted to by Aaron Kimball <> on 2011/06/15 20:53:43 UTC

Meetup Announcement: July 2011 SF HUG (7/13/2011)

Hadoop fans,

Last week we held another successful San Francisco Hadoop "unconference"
meetup at RichRelevance's office.

Discussion topics included:
* Working with multiple Hadoop clusters
* HBase
* Hive SerDes and evolving data formats
* Zookeeper and Leader Election
* Timeseries databases / statistics
* Hadoop internals
* Hadoop Pipes
* Hive performance with Joins
* Pig + Java
* Avro

We will hold next month's meetup on Wednesday July 13, from 6--8pm.
This meetup will be hosted once again by our friends at CBSi. Their office
is at 235 Second Street.

As usual, we will use the discussion-based "unconference" format. At the
beginning of the meetup we will collaboratively construct an agenda
consisting of several discussion breakout groups. All participants may
propose a topic and volunteer to facilitate a discussion. All Hadoop-related
topics are encouraged, and all members of the Hadoop community are welcome.
It's never too early to start brainstorming topics if you'd like to lead a
session -- send me an email off-list if you want to discuss an idea.

Event schedule:

* 6pm - Welcome
* 6:30pm - Introductions; start creating agenda
* Breakout sessions begin as soon as we're ready
* 8pm - Conclusion

Food and refreshments will be provided, courtesy of CBSi.

I hope to see you there! Please RSVP at so we can get
an accurate count for food and beverages.
- Aaron Kimball