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[09/56] [abbrv] libcloud git commit: Removed sdist
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index f67a522..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-__all__ = [
-    'ElasticLBDriver'
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
-from libcloud.utils.xml import findtext, findall
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import State
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import Driver, LoadBalancer, Member
-from import AWSGenericResponse, SignedAWSConnection
-VERSION = '2012-06-01'
-HOST = ''
-ROOT = '/%s/' % (VERSION)
-NS = '' % (VERSION, )
-class ELBResponse(AWSGenericResponse):
-    """
-    Amazon ELB response class.
-    """
-    namespace = NS
-    exceptions = {}
-    xpath = 'Error'
-class ELBConnection(SignedAWSConnection):
-    version = VERSION
-    host = HOST
-    responseCls = ELBResponse
-    service_name = 'elb'
-class ElasticLBDriver(Driver):
-    name = 'Amazon Elastic Load Balancing'
-    website = ''
-    connectionCls = ELBConnection
-    def __init__(self, access_id, secret, region):
-        super(ElasticLBDriver, self).__init__(access_id, secret)
-        self.region = region
- = HOST % (region)
-    def list_protocols(self):
-        return ['tcp', 'ssl', 'http', 'https']
-    def list_balancers(self):
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancers'}
-        data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
-        return self._to_balancers(data)
-    def create_balancer(self, name, port, protocol, algorithm, members,
-                        ex_members_availability_zones=None):
-        if ex_members_availability_zones is None:
-            ex_members_availability_zones = ['a']
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'CreateLoadBalancer',
-            'LoadBalancerName': name,
-            'Listeners.member.1.InstancePort': str(port),
-            'Listeners.member.1.InstanceProtocol': protocol.upper(),
-            'Listeners.member.1.LoadBalancerPort': str(port),
-            'Listeners.member.1.Protocol': protocol.upper(),
-        }
-        for i, z in enumerate(ex_members_availability_zones):
-            zone = ''.join((self.region, z))
-            params['AvailabilityZones.member.%d' % (i + 1)] = zone
-        data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
-        balancer = LoadBalancer(
-            id=name,
-            name=name,
-            state=State.PENDING,
-            ip=findtext(element=data, xpath='DNSName', namespace=NS),
-            port=port,
-            driver=self.connection.driver
-        )
-        balancer._members = []
-        return balancer
-    def destroy_balancer(self, balancer):
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'DeleteLoadBalancer',
-            'LoadBalancerName':
-        }
-        self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        return True
-    def get_balancer(self, balancer_id):
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancers',
-            'LoadBalancerNames.member.1': balancer_id
-        }
-        data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
-        return self._to_balancers(data)[0]
-    def balancer_attach_compute_node(self, balancer, node):
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer',
-            'LoadBalancerName':,
-            'Instances.member.1.InstanceId':
-        }
-        self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        balancer._members.append(Member(, None, None, balancer=self))
-    def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member):
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer',
-            'LoadBalancerName':,
-            'Instances.member.1.InstanceId':
-        }
-        self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        balancer._members = [m for m in balancer._members if !=]
-        return True
-    def balancer_list_members(self, balancer):
-        return balancer._members
-    def ex_list_balancer_policies(self, balancer):
-        """
-        Return a list of policy description string.
-        :rtype: ``list`` of ``str``
-        """
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies',
-            'LoadBalancerName':
-        }
-        data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
-        return self._to_policies(data)
-    def ex_list_balancer_policy_types(self):
-        """
-        Return a list of policy type description string.
-        :rtype: ``list`` of ``str``
-        """
-        params = {'Action': 'DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes'}
-        data = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params).object
-        return self._to_policy_types(data)
-    def ex_create_balancer_policy(self, name, policy_name, policy_type,
-                                  policy_attributes=None):
-        """
-        Create a new load balancer policy
-        :param name: Balancer name to create the policy for
-        :type  name: ``str``
-        :param policy_name: policy to be created
-        :type  policy_name: ``str``
-        :param policy_type: policy type being used to create policy.
-        :type  policy_type: ``str``
-        :param policy_attributes: Each list contain values, ['AttributeName',
-                                                             'value']
-        :type  policy_attributes: ``PolicyAttribute list``
-        """
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'CreateLoadBalancerPolicy',
-            'LoadBalancerName': name,
-            'PolicyName': policy_name,
-            'PolicyTypeName': policy_type
-        }
-        if policy_attributes is not None:
-            for index, (name, value) in enumerate(
-                    policy_attributes.iteritems(), 1):
-                params['PolicyAttributes.member.%d. \
-                        AttributeName' % (index)] = name
-                params['PolicyAttributes.member.%d. \
-                        AttributeValue' % (index)] = value
-        response = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        return response.status == httplib.OK
-    def ex_delete_balancer_policy(self, name, policy_name):
-        """
-        Delete a load balancer policy
-        :param name: balancer name for which policy will be deleted
-        :type  name: ``str``
-        :param policy_name: The Mnemonic name for the policy being deleted
-        :type  policy_name: ``str``
-        """
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy',
-            'LoadBalancerName': name,
-            'PolicyName': policy_name
-        }
-        response = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        return response.status == httplib.OK
-    def ex_set_balancer_policies_listener(self, name, port, policies):
-        """
-        Associates, updates, or disables a policy with a listener on
-        the load balancer
-        :param name: balancer name to set policies for listerner
-        :type  name: ``str``
-        :param port: port to use
-        :type  port: ``str``
-        :param policies: List of policies to be associated with the balancer
-        :type  policies: ``string list``
-        """
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener',
-            'LoadBalancerName': name,
-            'LoadBalancerPort': str(port)
-        }
-        if policies:
-            params = self._create_list_params(params, policies,
-                                              'PolicyNames.member.%d')
-        response = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        return response.status == httplib.OK
-    def ex_set_balancer_policies_backend_server(self, name, instance_port,
-                                                policies):
-        """
-        Replaces the current set of policies associated with a port on
-        which the back-end server is listening with a new set of policies
-        :param name: balancer name to set policies of backend server
-        :type  name: ``str``
-        :param instance_port: Instance Port
-        :type  instance_port: ``int``
-        :param policies: List of policies to be associated with the balancer
-        :type  policies: ``string list`
-        """
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer',
-            'LoadBalancerName': name,
-            'InstancePort': str(instance_port)
-        }
-        if policies:
-            params = self._create_list_params(params, policies,
-                                              'PolicyNames.member.%d')
-        response = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        return response.status == httplib.OK
-    def ex_create_balancer_listeners(self, name, listeners=None):
-        """
-        Creates one or more listeners on a load balancer for the specified port
-        :param name: The mnemonic name associated with the load balancer
-        :type  name: ``str``
-        :param listeners: Each tuple contain values, (LoadBalancerPortNumber,
-                          InstancePortNumber, Protocol,[SSLCertificateId])
-        :type  listeners: ``list of tuple`
-        """
-        params = {
-            'Action': 'CreateLoadBalancerListeners',
-            'LoadBalancerName': name
-        }
-        for index, listener in enumerate(listeners):
-            i = index + 1
-            protocol = listener[2].upper()
-            params['Listeners.member.%d.LoadBalancerPort' % i] = listener[0]
-            params['Listeners.member.%d.InstancePort' % i] = listener[1]
-            params['Listeners.member.%d.Protocol' % i] = listener[2]
-            if protocol == 'HTTPS' or protocol == 'SSL':
-                params['Listeners.member.%d.   \
-                        SSLCertificateId' % i] = listener[3]
-        else:
-            return False
-        response = self.connection.request(ROOT, params=params)
-        return response.status == httplib.OK
-    def _to_policies(self, data):
-        xpath = 'DescribeLoadBalancerPoliciesResult/PolicyDescriptions/member'
-        return [findtext(element=el, xpath='PolicyName', namespace=NS)
-                for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)]
-    def _to_policy_types(self, data):
-        xpath = 'DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypesResult/'
-        xpath += 'PolicyTypeDescriptions/member'
-        return [findtext(element=el, xpath='PolicyTypeName', namespace=NS)
-                for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)]
-    def _to_balancers(self, data):
-        xpath = 'DescribeLoadBalancersResult/LoadBalancerDescriptions/member'
-        return [self._to_balancer(el)
-                for el in findall(element=data, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)]
-    def _to_balancer(self, el):
-        name = findtext(element=el, xpath='LoadBalancerName', namespace=NS)
-        dns_name = findtext(el, xpath='DNSName', namespace=NS)
-        port = findtext(el, xpath='LoadBalancerPort', namespace=NS)
-        balancer = LoadBalancer(
-            id=name,
-            name=name,
-            state=State.UNKNOWN,
-            ip=dns_name,
-            port=port,
-            driver=self.connection.driver
-        )
-        xpath = 'Instances/member/InstanceId'
-        members = findall(element=el, xpath=xpath, namespace=NS)
-        balancer._members = []
-        for m in members:
-            balancer._members.append(Member(m.text, None, None,
-                                            balancer=balancer))
-        return balancer
-    def _create_list_params(self, params, items, label):
-        """
-        return parameter list
-        """
-        if isinstance(items, str):
-            items = [items]
-        for index, item in enumerate(items):
-            params[label % (index + 1)] = item
-        return params
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index c754221..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-    import simplejson as json
-except ImportError:
-    import json  # NOQA
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import LoadBalancer, Member, Driver, Algorithm
-from libcloud.compute.drivers.gce import GCEConnection, GCENodeDriver
-# GCE doesn't actually give you an algorithm choice, but this is here simply as
-# the closest match.  The actual algorithm is described here:
-class GCELBDriver(Driver):
-    connectionCls = GCEConnection
-    apiname = 'googleapis'
-    name = 'Google Compute Engine Load Balancer'
-    website = ''
-        'RANDOM': Algorithm.RANDOM
-    }
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        if kwargs.get('gce_driver'):
-            self.gce = kwargs['gce_driver']
-        else:
-            self.gce = GCENodeDriver(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.connection = self.gce.connection
-    def _get_node_from_ip(self, ip):
-        """
-        Return the node object that matches a given public IP address.
-        :param  ip: Public IP address to search for
-        :type   ip: ``str``
-        :return:  Node object that has the given IP, or None if not found.
-        :rtype:   :class:`Node` or None
-        """
-        all_nodes = self.gce.list_nodes(ex_zone='all')
-        for node in all_nodes:
-            if ip in node.public_ips:
-                return node
-        return None
-    def list_protocols(self):
-        """
-        Return a list of supported protocols.
-        For GCE, this is simply a hardcoded list.
-        :rtype: ``list`` of ``str``
-        """
-        return ['TCP', 'UDP']
-    def list_balancers(self, ex_region=None):
-        """
-        List all loadbalancers
-        :keyword  ex_region: The region to return balancers from.  If None,
-                             will default to self.region.  If 'all', will
-                             return all balancers.
-        :type     ex_region: ``str`` or :class:`GCERegion` or ``None``
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        """
-        balancers = []
-        for fwr in self.gce.ex_list_forwarding_rules(region=ex_region):
-            balancers.append(self._forwarding_rule_to_loadbalancer(fwr))
-        return balancers
-    def create_balancer(self, name, port, protocol, algorithm, members,
-                        ex_region=None, ex_healthchecks=None, ex_address=None,
-                        ex_session_affinity=None):
-        """
-        Create a new load balancer instance.
-        For GCE, this means creating a forwarding rule and a matching target
-        pool, then adding the members to the target pool.
-        :param  name: Name of the new load balancer (required)
-        :type   name: ``str``
-        :param  port: Port or range of ports the load balancer should listen
-                      on, defaults to all ports.  Examples: '80', '5000-5999'
-        :type   port: ``str``
-        :param  protocol: Load balancer protocol.  Should be 'tcp' or 'udp',
-                          defaults to 'tcp'.
-        :type   protocol: ``str``
-        :param  members: List of Members to attach to balancer.  Can be Member
-                         objects or Node objects.  Node objects are preferred
-                         for GCE, but Member objects are accepted to comply
-                         with the established libcloud API.  Note that the
-                         'port' attribute of the members is ignored.
-        :type   members: ``list`` of :class:`Member` or :class:`Node`
-        :param  algorithm: Load balancing algorithm.  Ignored for GCE which
-                           uses a hashing-based algorithm.
-        :type   algorithm: :class:`Algorithm` or ``None``
-        :keyword  ex_region:  Optional region to create the load balancer in.
-                              Defaults to the default region of the GCE Node
-                              Driver.
-        :type     ex_region:  C{GCERegion} or ``str``
-        :keyword  ex_healthchecks: Optional list of healthcheck objects or
-                                   names to add to the load balancer.
-        :type     ex_healthchecks: ``list`` of :class:`GCEHealthCheck` or
-                                   ``list`` of ``str``
-        :keyword  ex_address: Optional static address object to be assigned to
-                              the load balancer.
-        :type     ex_address: C{GCEAddress}
-        :keyword  ex_session_affinity: Optional algorithm to use for session
-                                       affinity.  This will modify the hashing
-                                       algorithm such that a client will tend
-                                       to stick to a particular Member.
-        :type     ex_session_affinity: ``str``
-        :return:  LoadBalancer object
-        :rtype:   :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        """
-        node_list = []
-        for member in members:
-            # Member object
-            if hasattr(member, 'ip'):
-                if member.extra.get('node'):
-                    node_list.append(member.extra['node'])
-                else:
-                    node_list.append(self._get_node_from_ip(member.ip))
-            # Node object
-            elif hasattr(member, 'name'):
-                node_list.append(member)
-            # Assume it's a node name otherwise
-            else:
-                node_list.append(self.gce.ex_get_node(member, 'all'))
-        # Create Target Pool
-        tp_name = '%s-tp' % name
-        targetpool = self.gce.ex_create_targetpool(
-            tp_name, region=ex_region, healthchecks=ex_healthchecks,
-            nodes=node_list, session_affinity=ex_session_affinity)
-        # Create the Forwarding rule, but if it fails, delete the target pool.
-        try:
-            forwarding_rule = self.gce.ex_create_forwarding_rule(
-                name, targetpool, region=ex_region, protocol=protocol,
-                port_range=port, address=ex_address)
-        except:
-            targetpool.destroy()
-            raise
-        # Reformat forwarding rule to LoadBalancer object
-        return self._forwarding_rule_to_loadbalancer(forwarding_rule)
-    def destroy_balancer(self, balancer):
-        """
-        Destroy a load balancer.
-        For GCE, this means destroying the associated forwarding rule, then
-        destroying the target pool that was attached to the forwarding rule.
-        :param  balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type   balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :return:  True if successful
-        :rtype:   ``bool``
-        """
-        destroy = balancer.extra['forwarding_rule'].destroy()
-        if destroy:
-            tp_destroy = balancer.extra['targetpool'].destroy()
-            return tp_destroy
-        else:
-            return destroy
-    def get_balancer(self, balancer_id):
-        """
-        Return a :class:`LoadBalancer` object.
-        :param  balancer_id: Name of load balancer you wish to fetch.  For GCE,
-                             this is the name of the associated forwarding
-                             rule.
-        :param  balancer_id: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        """
-        fwr = self.gce.ex_get_forwarding_rule(balancer_id)
-        return self._forwarding_rule_to_loadbalancer(fwr)
-    def balancer_attach_compute_node(self, balancer, node):
-        """
-        Attach a compute node as a member to the load balancer.
-        :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type  balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :param node: Node to join to the balancer
-        :type  node: :class:`Node`
-        :return: Member after joining the balancer.
-        :rtype: :class:`Member`
-        """
-        add_node = balancer.extra['targetpool'].add_node(node)
-        if add_node:
-            return self._node_to_member(node, balancer)
-    def balancer_attach_member(self, balancer, member):
-        """
-        Attach a member to balancer
-        :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type  balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :param member: Member to join to the balancer
-        :type member: :class:`Member`
-        :return: Member after joining the balancer.
-        :rtype: :class:`Member`
-        """
-        node = member.extra.get('node') or self._get_node_from_ip(member.ip)
-        add_node = balancer.extra['targetpool'].add_node(node)
-        if add_node:
-            return self._node_to_member(node, balancer)
-    def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member):
-        """
-        Detach member from balancer
-        :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type  balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :param member: Member which should be used
-        :type member: :class:`Member`
-        :return: True if member detach was successful, otherwise False
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        node = member.extra.get('node') or self._get_node_from_ip(member.ip)
-        remove_node = balancer.extra['targetpool'].remove_node(node)
-        return remove_node
-    def balancer_list_members(self, balancer):
-        """
-        Return list of members attached to balancer
-        :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type  balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Member`
-        """
-        return [self._node_to_member(n, balancer) for n in
-                balancer.extra['targetpool'].nodes]
-    def ex_create_healthcheck(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return self.gce.ex_create_healthcheck(*args, **kwargs)
-    def ex_list_healthchecks(self):
-        return self.gce.ex_list_healthchecks()
-    def ex_balancer_attach_healthcheck(self, balancer, healthcheck):
-        """
-        Attach a healthcheck to balancer
-        :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type  balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :param healthcheck: Healthcheck to add
-        :type  healthcheck: :class:`GCEHealthCheck`
-        :return: True if successful
-        :rtype:  ``bool``
-        """
-        return balancer.extra['targetpool'].add_healthcheck(healthcheck)
-    def ex_balancer_detach_healthcheck(self, balancer, healthcheck):
-        """
-        Detach healtcheck from balancer
-        :param balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type  balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :param healthcheck: Healthcheck to remove
-        :type  healthcheck: :class:`GCEHealthCheck`
-        :return: True if successful
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        return balancer.extra['targetpool'].remove_healthcheck(healthcheck)
-    def ex_balancer_list_healthchecks(self, balancer):
-        """
-        Return list of healthchecks attached to balancer
-        :param  balancer: LoadBalancer which should be used
-        :type   balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`HealthChecks`
-        """
-        return balancer.extra['healthchecks']
-    def _node_to_member(self, node, balancer):
-        """
-        Return a Member object based on a Node.
-        :param  node: Node object
-        :type   node: :class:`Node`
-        :keyword  balancer: The balancer the member is attached to.
-        :type     balancer: :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        :return:  Member object
-        :rtype:   :class:`Member`
-        """
-        # A balancer can have a node as a member, even if the node doesn't
-        # exist.  In this case, 'node' is simply a string to where the resource
-        # would be found if it was there.
-        if hasattr(node, 'name'):
-            member_id =
-            member_ip = node.public_ips[0]
-        else:
-            member_id = node
-            member_ip = None
-        extra = {'node': node}
-        return Member(id=member_id, ip=member_ip, port=balancer.port,
-                      balancer=balancer, extra=extra)
-    def _forwarding_rule_to_loadbalancer(self, forwarding_rule):
-        """
-        Return a Load Balancer object based on a GCEForwardingRule object.
-        :param  forwarding_rule: ForwardingRule object
-        :type   forwarding_rule: :class:`GCEForwardingRule`
-        :return:  LoadBalancer object
-        :rtype:   :class:`LoadBalancer`
-        """
-        extra = {}
-        extra['forwarding_rule'] = forwarding_rule
-        extra['targetpool'] = forwarding_rule.targetpool
-        extra['healthchecks'] = forwarding_rule.targetpool.healthchecks
-        return LoadBalancer(,
-                  , state=None,
-                            ip=forwarding_rule.address,
-                            port=forwarding_rule.extra['portRange'],
-                            driver=self, extra=extra)
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index 201ad03..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import sys
-import time
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import httplib
-    import simplejson as json
-except ImportError:
-    import json
-from libcloud.utils.misc import reverse_dict
-from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError
-from libcloud.common.gogrid import GoGridConnection, GoGridResponse,\
-    BaseGoGridDriver
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import LoadBalancer, Member, Driver, Algorithm
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.base import DEFAULT_ALGORITHM
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.types import State, LibcloudLBImmutableError
-class GoGridLBResponse(GoGridResponse):
-    def success(self):
-        if self.status == httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:
-            # Hack, but at least this error message is more useful than
-            # "unexpected server error"
-            body = json.loads(self.body)
-            if body['method'] == '/grid/loadbalancer/add' and \
-                len(body['list']) >= 1 and \
-                body['list'][0]['message'].find(
-                    'unexpected server error') != -1:
-                raise LibcloudError(
-                    value='You mostly likely tried to add a member with an IP'
-                          ' address not assigned to your account', driver=self)
-        return super(GoGridLBResponse, self).success()
-class GoGridLBConnection(GoGridConnection):
-    """
-    Connection class for the GoGrid load-balancer driver.
-    """
-    responseCls = GoGridLBResponse
-class GoGridLBDriver(BaseGoGridDriver, Driver):
-    connectionCls = GoGridLBConnection
-    api_name = 'gogrid_lb'
-    name = 'GoGrid LB'
-    website = ''
-    LB_STATE_MAP = {'On': State.RUNNING,
-                    'Unknown': State.UNKNOWN}
-        'round robin': Algorithm.ROUND_ROBIN,
-        'least connect': Algorithm.LEAST_CONNECTIONS
-    }
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        @inherits: :class:`Driver.__init__`
-        """
-        super(GoGridLBDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def list_protocols(self):
-        # GoGrid only supports http
-        return ['http']
-    def list_balancers(self):
-        return self._to_balancers(
-            self.connection.request('/api/grid/loadbalancer/list').object)
-    def ex_create_balancer_nowait(self, name, members, protocol='http',
-                                  port=80, algorithm=DEFAULT_ALGORITHM):
-        """
-        @inherits: :class:`Driver.create_balancer`
-        """
-        algorithm = self._algorithm_to_value(algorithm)
-        params = {'name': name,
-                  'loadbalancer.type': algorithm,
-                  'virtualip.ip': self._get_first_ip(),
-                  'virtualip.port': port}
-        params.update(self._members_to_params(members))
-        resp = self.connection.request('/api/grid/loadbalancer/add',
-                                       method='GET',
-                                       params=params)
-        return self._to_balancers(resp.object)[0]
-    def create_balancer(self, name, members, protocol='http', port=80,
-                        algorithm=DEFAULT_ALGORITHM):
-        balancer = self.ex_create_balancer_nowait(name, members, protocol,
-                                                  port, algorithm)
-        timeout = 60 * 20
-        waittime = 0
-        interval = 2 * 15
-        if is not None:
-            return balancer
-        else:
-            while waittime < timeout:
-                balancers = self.list_balancers()
-                for i in balancers:
-                    if == and is not None:
-                        return i
-                waittime += interval
-                time.sleep(interval)
-        raise Exception('Failed to get id')
-    def destroy_balancer(self, balancer):
-        try:
-            resp = self.connection.request(
-                '/api/grid/loadbalancer/delete', method='POST',
-                params={'id':})
-        except Exception:
-            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-            if "Update request for LoadBalancer" in str(e):
-                raise LibcloudLBImmutableError(
-                    "Cannot delete immutable object", GoGridLBDriver)
-            else:
-                raise
-        return resp.status == 200
-    def get_balancer(self, **kwargs):
-        params = {}
-        try:
-            params['name'] = kwargs['ex_balancer_name']
-        except KeyError:
-            balancer_id = kwargs['balancer_id']
-            params['id'] = balancer_id
-        resp = self.connection.request('/api/grid/loadbalancer/get',
-                                       params=params)
-        return self._to_balancers(resp.object)[0]
-    def balancer_attach_member(self, balancer, member):
-        members = self.balancer_list_members(balancer)
-        members.append(member)
-        params = {"id":}
-        params.update(self._members_to_params(members))
-        resp = self._update_balancer(params)
-        return [m for m in
-                self._to_members(resp.object["list"][0]["realiplist"],
-                                 balancer)
-                if m.ip == member.ip][0]
-    def balancer_detach_member(self, balancer, member):
-        members = self.balancer_list_members(balancer)
-        remaining_members = [n for n in members if !=]
-        params = {"id":}
-        params.update(self._members_to_params(remaining_members))
-        resp = self._update_balancer(params)
-        return resp.status == 200
-    def balancer_list_members(self, balancer):
-        resp = self.connection.request('/api/grid/loadbalancer/get',
-                                       params={'id':})
-        return self._to_members(resp.object["list"][0]["realiplist"], balancer)
-    def _update_balancer(self, params):
-        try:
-            return self.connection.request('/api/grid/loadbalancer/edit',
-                                           method='POST',
-                                           params=params)
-        except Exception:
-            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-            if "Update already pending" in str(e):
-                raise LibcloudLBImmutableError(
-                    "Balancer is immutable", GoGridLBDriver)
-        raise LibcloudError(value='Exception: %s' % str(e), driver=self)
-    def _members_to_params(self, members):
-        """
-        Helper method to convert list of :class:`Member` objects
-        to GET params.
-        """
-        params = {}
-        i = 0
-        for member in members:
-            params["realiplist.%s.ip" % i] = member.ip
-            params["realiplist.%s.port" % i] = member.port
-            i += 1
-        return params
-    def _to_balancers(self, object):
-        return [self._to_balancer(el) for el in object["list"]]
-    def _to_balancer(self, el):
-        lb = LoadBalancer(id=el.get("id"),
-                          name=el["name"],
-                          state=self.LB_STATE_MAP.get(
-                              el["state"]["name"], State.UNKNOWN),
-                          ip=el["virtualip"]["ip"]["ip"],
-                          port=el["virtualip"]["port"],
-                          driver=self.connection.driver)
-        return lb
-    def _to_members(self, object, balancer=None):
-        return [self._to_member(el, balancer) for el in object]
-    def _to_member(self, el, balancer=None):
-        member = Member(id=el["ip"]["id"],
-                        ip=el["ip"]["ip"],
-                        port=el["port"],
-                        balancer=balancer)
-        return member
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index cb28f6c..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/loadbalancer/drivers/
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-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.providers import Provider
-from libcloud.loadbalancer.drivers.cloudstack import CloudStackLBDriver
-class NinefoldLBDriver(CloudStackLBDriver):
-    "Driver for load balancers on Ninefold's Compute platform."
-    host = ''
-    path = '/compute/v1.0/'
-    type = Provider.NINEFOLD
-    name = 'Ninefold LB'
-    website = ''