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Posted to by Edmondo Porcu <> on 2018/05/29 07:24:40 UTC

Producing a null AVRO record on a compacted topic with kafka-avro-console-producer

We are using Kafka Connect to stream from a database with a JDBC Connector.
Some row were wrongly deleted, therefore we have our key-value stores that
are stale.

We thought we could solve the problem by using kafka-avro-console-producer
and produce a message with the deleted key and the null payload so to
trigger eviction from the view, however we didn't manage to

When using kafka-avro-console-producer like so:

kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 \
 --topic myTopic \
 --key-serializer org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer \
 --property "parse.key=true" \
 --property "key.separator=:" \
 --property "schema.registry.url=http://my-schema-regisrtry" \
 --property "value.schema=avroSchema"
we got error "Must provide the Avro schema string in value.schema". Our Key
is a pure INT, so it's not AVRO. Can we produce non avro-keys with

When using kafka-console-producer, instead like so

kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 \
 --topic myTopic \
 --key-serializer org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.IntegerSerializer \
 --property "parse.key=true" \
 --property "key.separator=:"

and inserting 12213:null, null was treated as a byte array and broke our

What is the right way to fix our stale KTABLE?

Thank you