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Posted to by Brian Behlendorf <> on 1995/09/11 13:18:28 UTC

mail archives back online a reasonable format, that is.  Check out

There are the compressed monthly archives, except for the current month, 
which is added to as soon as a post is made.  For months earlier than the 
current one, go to the "95" directory and the appropriate month, and 
you'll see that month's traffic in its full uncompressed hypermail glory. 
Note to the feature fiends - it would be Really Cool to be able to have 
my files compressed like foo.html.gz and a request for foo.html run 
gunzip on the file server-side if the browser can't handle gzip - I 
noticed that if I gzipped everything, it would send the file gzipped to 
Mac netscape which doesn't understand x-gzip as an encoding.  It worked 
fine for X netscape and X Mosaic, but none else

Eventually this should be linked into, as well as 
searchable via glimpse/WAIS.  If someone would like to write a perl 
script or two to automate the creation of index.html's in /mail and 
/mail/95, and that runs the right command on hypermail each month, feel 

Having the archives out there is a good way to show people how decisions 
were made by the group, how we attacked problems, why patches were 
vetoed, who played what roles, etc.  If we're an open group, which we 
are, this is a Good Thing to have - the mail archives have always been 
available via FTP anyways.


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