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cvs commit: modperl-docs/src/docs/2.0/os/win32 config.pod install.pod Changes.pod config.cfg modperl2.pod

randyk      02/05/30 12:56:15

  Modified:    src/docs/2.0/os/win32 Changes.pod config.cfg
  Added:       src/docs/2.0/os/win32 config.pod install.pod
  Removed:     src/docs/2.0/os/win32 modperl2.pod
  split modperl2 into config and install
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +5 -0      modperl-docs/src/docs/2.0/os/win32/Changes.pod
  Index: Changes.pod
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-docs/src/docs/2.0/os/win32/Changes.pod,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- Changes.pod	30 May 2002 05:50:21 -0000	1.1
  +++ Changes.pod	30 May 2002 19:56:14 -0000	1.2
  @@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
   The most recent changes are listed first.
  +=head1 Thu May 30 16:44:02  SGT 2002
  +* split modperl2 into config and install
  +  [Randy Kobes E<lt>randy@theoryx5.uwinnipeg.caE<gt>]
   =head1 Thu May 30 12:20:02  SGT 2002
   * win32::modperl2 initial docs
  1.2       +2 -1      modperl-docs/src/docs/2.0/os/win32/config.cfg
  Index: config.cfg
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-docs/src/docs/2.0/os/win32/config.cfg,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- config.cfg	30 May 2002 05:50:21 -0000	1.1
  +++ config.cfg	30 May 2002 19:56:14 -0000	1.2
  @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
       chapters => [qw(
  -        modperl2.pod
  +        config.pod
  +        install.pod
  1.1                  modperl-docs/src/docs/2.0/os/win32/config.pod
  Index: config.pod
  =head1 NAME
  config - configuring mod_perl-2 for Win32
  =head1 Description
  This document discusses how to configure mod_perl-2.
  =head1 Configuration
  Add this line to F<C:/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf>:
   LoadModule perl_module modules/
  Be sure that the path to your Perl binary (eg, F<C:/Perl/bin>) is in
  your C<PATH> environment variable. You may also want to use
  a start-up script to load commonly used modules; this can be
  done with a directive as, eg,
   PerlRequire "C:/Apache2/conf/"
  where a sample start-up script F<C:/Apache2/conf/> is
    use Apache2 ();
    use ModPerl::Util ();
    use Apache::RequestRec ();
    use Apache::RequestIO ();
    use Apache::RequestUtil ();
    use Apache::Server ();
    use Apache::ServerUtil ();
    use Apache::Connection ();
    use Apache::Log ();
    use Apache::Const -compile => ':common';
    use APR::Const -compile => ':common';
    use APR::Table ();
    use Apache::compat ();
    use ModPerl::Registry ();
    use CGI ();
  The C<Apache2> module is used to add to C<@INC> the
  relevant directories underneath, eg, F</Perl/site/lib/Apache2/>
  used when building mod_perl-2 with an C<MP_INST_APACHE2=1>
  option to C<perl Makefile.PL> (the C<PPM> packages discussed
  above were built this way). C<Apache::compat> is used to
  provide backwards compatibility with mod_perl-1.
  C<ModPerl::Registry>, named so as not to conflict with
  C<Apache::Registry> of mod_perl-1, is used for registry scripts.
  =head1 Registry scripts
  Using C<ModPerl::Registry> to speed up cgi scripts may be done as
  follows. Create a directory, for example, F<C:/Apache2/perl/>, which
  will hold your scripts, such as
    ##  printenv -- demo CGI program which just prints its environment
    use strict;
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<HTML><BODY><H3>Environment variables</H3><UL>";
    foreach (sort keys %ENV) {
      my $val = $ENV{$_};
      $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
      $val =~ s|"|\\"|g;
      print "<LI>$_ = \"${val}\"</LI>\n";
    print "</UL></BODY></HTML>";
  Note that Apache takes care of using the proper line endings
  when sending the I<Content-type> header. Next, insert in 
  F<C:/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf> the following directives:
    Alias /perl/ "/Apache2/perl/"
    <Location /perl>
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
       Options +ExecCGI
       PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  whereby the script would be called as
  The C<PerlOptions +ParseHeaders> directive is needed when
  the script sends the header (in mod_perl-1, this was given
  as C<PerlSendHeader ON)>. Note that if you use the C<>
  module in your script, then the directive
       PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
  should be added within the relevant C<Location> block. 
  As an illustration of how mod_perl-2 addresses the issues
  raised in the discussion of issues in
  L<multithread win32|docs::1.0::os::win32::multithread>
  concerning the threading limitations
  of mod_perl-1 on Win32, consider the C<printenv> script above
  with the C<sleep(10)> line uncommented. Using the Apache
  benchmarking tool C<ab> of the Apache-2 Win32 distribution:
     ab -n 5 -c 5 http://localhost/perl/printenv
  to make 5 concurrent requests, we find the following results.
  For mod_perl-1/Apache-1:
    Server Software:        Apache/1.3.23
    Concurrency Level:      5
    Time taken for tests:   50.51972 seconds
    Complete requests:      5
    Failed requests:        0
    Requests per second:    0.10 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       50.052 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       10.010 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          0.14 [Kbytes/sec] received
  while for mod_perl-2/Apache-2:
    Server Software:        Apache/2.0.36
    Concurrency Level:      5
    Time taken for tests:   1.81555 seconds
    Complete requests:      5
    Requests per second:    4.62 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       1.082 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.216 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          7.40 [Kbytes/sec] received
  The dramatic difference is due to the fact that in Apache-1/mod_perl-1 
  a given request has to finish (taking essentially 10 seconds, due
  to the C<sleep(10)> call) before the next request is processed, whereas
  on Apache-2/mod_perl-2 the requests are processed as they arrive.
  =head1 Hello World
  As you will discover, there is much to mod_perl beyond simple speed-up
  of cgi scripts. Here is a simple I<Hello, World> example that
  illustrates the use of mod_perl as a content handler.  Create a file
  F<> as follows:
    package Apache::Hello;
    use strict;
    use Apache::RequestRec ();  # for $r->content_type
    use Apache::RequestIO ();   # for $r->puts
    use Apache::Const -compile => ':common';
    sub handler {
        my $r = shift;
        my $time = scalar localtime();
        my $package = __PACKAGE__;
    Hello from <B>$package</B>! The time is $time.
        return Apache::OK;
  and save it in, for example, the F<C:/Perl/site/lib/Apache2/Apache/>
  directory. Next put the following directives in
    PerlModule Apache::Hello
    <Location /hello>
      SetHandler modperl
      PerlResponseHandler Apache::Hello
  With this, calls to
  will use C<Apache::Hello> to deliver the content.
  =head1 See Also
  The directions for
  <installing mod_perl-2 on Win32|docs::1.0::os::win32::install>, 
  the L<mod_perl documentation|docs::index>,,,, and
  Help on setting up and configuring mod_perl-2 can be
  found by subscribing to the mod_perl mailing list,
  details of which are at
  =head1 Maintainers
  Maintainer is the person(s) you should contact with updates,
  corrections and patches.
  =item * 
  Randy Kobes E<lt>randy@theoryx5.uwinnipeg.caE<gt>
  =head1 Authors
  =item *
  Randy Kobes E<lt>randy@theoryx5.uwinnipeg.caE<gt>
  Only the major authors are listed above. For contributors see the
  Changes file.
  1.1                  modperl-docs/src/docs/2.0/os/win32/install.pod
  Index: install.pod
  =head1 NAME
  install - installing mod_perl-2 for Win32
  =head1 Description
  As described in the discussion of issues in
  L<multithreaded win32|docs::1.0::os::win32::multithread>,
  a mod_perl-1 enabled
  server based on Apache-1 on Win32 is limited to a single
  thread serving a request at a time. This effectively
  prevents concurrent processing, which can have serious
  implications for busy sites. This problem is addressed
  in the multi-thread/multi-process approach of mod_perl-2/Apache-2.
  This document discusses how to obtain mod_perl-2.
  =head1 Installing
  Apache-2 and mod_perl-2 can be obtained in two ways - either
  as binaries, or through building from the sources.
  As with most packages of a more complex nature, it is best,
  when possible, to build things from the sources. However,
  this requires some experience with using Visual C++.
  =head2 Building from sources
  If you are building mod_perl-2 from sources, it is probably
  also best to do the same for Apache-2. The Apache-2 sources
  can be obtained from, which when
  unpacked will contain at the top-level a Visual Studio
  project file. Choose the C<InstallBin - Win32 Release> target
  to build and install Apache-2, which by default will
  be placed in F</Apache2>.
  Having built and installed Apache-2, next obtain the
  mod_perl-2 sources from
  After unpacking, run the command
      perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=\Path\to\Apache2
  where F<\Path\to\Apache2> is the path to the Apache-2
  package you earlier built. Then
      nmake test
  will build and test mod_perl-2. mod_perl-2 on Win32 is
  considered at an alpha stage of development, so not
  all the tests may pass.
  The final command,
      nmake install
  will install the necessary mod_perl-2 files into your
  Perl directory tree (you will also need to copy
  F<src/modules/perl/> into your F</Path/to/Apache2/modules/>
  directory). If you are installing mod_perl-2 on a system that 
  also contains mod_perl-1, then some mod_perl-1 files will be 
  overwritten by this procedure. This can be avoided by preparing
  the build as
    perl Makefile.PL MP_AP_PREFIX=\Path\to\Apache2 MP_INST_APACHE2=1
  which will subsequently lead to the mod_perl-2 files 
  being installed under an F<Apache2> subdirectory in your Perl tree. 
  You will then have to employ either a C<use Apache2;> line in your 
  scripts/packages or else a C<PerlModule Apache2> directive in 
  Apache's F<httpd.conf>. 
  If this build fails, you may want to try the latest cvs
  sources - see for
  details. If you do try this, it is generally
  a good idea to also use the cvs Apache-2 sources -
  see for information. Be aware, 
  though, that as well as providing
  bug fixes, there may be new features being added and tested
  in the cvs versions, so at any given time there are no
  guarantees that these packages will build and test successfully.
  =head2 Binary packages
  There are two ways of obtaining a binary mod_perl-2 package.
  =over 3
  =item PPM
  The first, for ActivePerl users, is through C<PPM> - this
  assumes you already have ActivePerl (build 6xx) from and a Win32 Apache-2 binary 
  from In installing 
  this, you may find it convenient when transcribing any Unix-oriented 
  documentation to choose installation directories that do not have 
  spaces in their names (eg, F<C:/Apache2>).
  After installing Perl and Apache-2, you can then install mod_perl via
  the C<PPM> utility. ActiveState does not maintain mod_perl in their ppm
  repository, so you must get it from a different location other than
  ActiveState's site. One way is simply as (broken over two lines for
    C:\> ppm install
  Another way, which will be useful if you plan on installing additional
  Apache modules, is to set the repository within the C<ppm> shell
  utility as (broken over 2 lines for readability)
     PPM> set repository theoryx5 
  or, for C<ppm3>,
     PPM> rep add theoryx5 
  mod_perl-2 can then be installed as
     PPM> install mod_perl-2
  This will install the necessary modules under an F<Apache2>
  subdirectory in your Perl tree, so as not to disturb an
  existing F<Apache> directory from mod_perl-1. See the section
  below on configuring mod_perl to add this directory to the
  C<@INC> path for searching for modules.
  The mod_perl PPM package also includes the necessary Apache DLL
  C<>; a post-installation script should be run which will
  offer to copy this file to your Apache2 modules directory (eg,
  F<C:/Apache2/modules/>). If this is not done, you can get
  the file F<mod_perl-2.tar.gz> from which, when
  unpacked, contains F<> in the top-level directory.
  Note that the mod_perl package available from this site will always
  use the latest mod_perl sources compiled against the latest official
  Apache release; depending on changes made in Apache, you may or may
  not be able to use an earlier Apache binary. However, in the Apache
  Win32 world it is particularly a good idea to use the latest version,
  for bug and security fixes.
  =item Apache/mod_perl binary
  At one can find an
  archive F<Apache2.tar.gz> containing a binary version
  of Apache-2/mod_perl-2 - see the F<Apache2.readme> file
  for further information. This archive unpacks into
  an F<Apache2> directory, underneath which is a F<blib>
  subdirectory containing the necessary mod_perl files (enabled
  with a C<PerlSwitches> directive in F<httpd.conf>).
  Some editing of F<httpd.conf> will be necessary to reflect
  the location of the installed directory.
  This package, which is updated periodically, is compiled against 
  recent cvs sources of Apache-2 and mod_perl-2. As such, it may 
  contain features, and bugs, not present in the current official 
  releases. Also for this reason, these may not be binary compatible
  with other versions of Apache-2/mod_perl-2.
  =head1 See Also
  The directions for
  <configuring mod_perl-2 on Win32|docs::1.0::os::win32::config>, 
  the L<mod_perl documentation|docs::index>,,, and
  Help on setting up and configuring mod_perl-2 can be
  found by subscribing to the mod_perl mailing list,
  details of which are at
  =head1 Maintainers
  Maintainer is the person(s) you should contact with updates,
  corrections and patches.
  =item * 
  Randy Kobes E<lt>randy@theoryx5.uwinnipeg.caE<gt>
  =head1 Authors
  =item *
  Randy Kobes E<lt>randy@theoryx5.uwinnipeg.caE<gt>
  Only the major authors are listed above. For contributors see the
  Changes file.

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Re: notes to committers

Posted by Per Einar Ellefsen <>.
At 05:15 02.06.2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
>>At 04:07 31.05.2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>>>Since now we have four committers it's easier to break the automatic build
>>Hmm, so is the automatic build up now? Could you give specifics as to how 
>>you've enabled it?
>it's just a cron job, doing 'cvs up', bin/build and bin/makeindex. Every 6 
>hours it does bin/build -d (update), every 24 hours bin/build -fd (rebuild 
>all). I'll document the details once I'm done with it. I've to move the 
>whole build to a different location on, first.

Ok, that's what I thought. Thanks.

Per Einar Ellefsen

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Re: notes to committers

Posted by Stas Bekman <>.
Per Einar Ellefsen wrote:
> At 04:07 31.05.2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>> Since now we have four committers it's easier to break the automatic 
>> build
> Hmm, so is the automatic build up now? Could you give specifics as to 
> how you've enabled it?

it's just a cron job, doing 'cvs up', bin/build and bin/makeindex. Every 
6 hours it does bin/build -d (update), every 24 hours bin/build -fd 
(rebuild all). I'll document the details once I'm done with it. I've to 
move the whole build to a different location on, first.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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Re: notes to committers

Posted by Per Einar Ellefsen <>.
At 04:07 31.05.2002, Stas Bekman wrote:
>Since now we have four committers it's easier to break the automatic build

Hmm, so is the automatic build up now? Could you give specifics as to how 
you've enabled it?


Per Einar Ellefsen

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notes to committers

Posted by Stas Bekman <>.
Starting from yesterday Randy, Per Einar, Bill and I are the four active 
committers to the modperl-docs repository. That's fantastic! Thank you all!

Since now we have four committers it's easier to break the automatic 
build, especially if you mess up with config files and break something. 
Currently I get the automatic build problems emailed to me, but later 
these emails will be sent to the list, so if I'm not around you can fix 
the problems. Nothing bad happens if you break something, and if it does 
it's easy to fix, so don't be paranoid, but still it's nice to have 
everything working all the time.

Therefore before you commit, make sure to run bin/build on your machine 
and see that it builds cleanly. Then commit. Thanks!

When adding new files, make sure to run 'cvs up' on your machine, which 
will pinpoint any files that were forgotten to be 'cvs add'. It's quite 
frequent when people add new files, run bin/build and everything works 
for them but forget to commit :)

BTW, Randy we have a conventions of using a prompt sign % in our docs, 
so the readers won't get confused where is code and where are command 
line instructions. I guess on win32 it's something like C:>. Can you 
please add those? Thanks!

One more note: the style doc that we try to follow is not cast in stone, 
so if you think there is something wrong about it or you have an idea on 
how to do things better please speak up. The consistent style is needed 
so many people can work in agreement on the same docs, not to make you 
work harder :) So please try following it. (I know you do, but just a 

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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