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servicemix-bundles git commit: [SM-3697] Create OSGi bundles for elasticsearch 6.2.4

Repository: servicemix-bundles
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 48349aa49 -> ea70beefb

[SM-3697] Create OSGi bundles for elasticsearch 6.2.4


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: ea70beefb24687954b2884c87d04382055a0abca
Parents: 48349aa
Author: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
Authored: Mon Apr 30 15:13:01 2018 +0200
Committer: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
Committed: Mon Apr 30 15:13:01 2018 +0200

 elasticsearch-6.2.3/pom.xml                     | 164 -------------------
 .../elasticsearch/common/logging/   | 154 -----------------
 .../META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec     |   3 -
 .../org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat    |   2 -
 .../org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat     |   1 -
 .../src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/     |  17 --
 elasticsearch-6.2.4/pom.xml                     | 164 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../elasticsearch/common/logging/   | 154 +++++++++++++++++
 .../META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec     |   3 +
 .../org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat    |   2 +
 .../org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat     |   1 +
 .../src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/     |  17 ++
 elasticsearch-client-6.2.3/pom.xml              | 164 -------------------
 .../src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/     |  14 --
 elasticsearch-client-6.2.4/pom.xml              | 164 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/     |  14 ++
 pom.xml                                         |   2 +
 17 files changed, 521 insertions(+), 519 deletions(-)
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/pom.xml b/elasticsearch-6.2.3/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dd851e..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-    <!--
-        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-        contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-        this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-        The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-        (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-        the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-        limitations under the License.
-    -->
-    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-    <parent>
-        <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
-        <artifactId>bundles-pom</artifactId>
-        <version>13</version>
-        <relativePath>../bundles-pom/pom.xml</relativePath>
-    </parent>
-    <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
-    <artifactId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch</artifactId>
-    <version>6.2.3_2-SNAPSHOT</version>
-    <packaging>bundle</packaging>
-    <name>Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: ${pkgArtifactId}</name>
-    <description>This OSGi bundle wraps ${pkgArtifactId} ${pkgVersion} jar file.</description>
-    <scm>
-        <connection>scm:git:</connection>
-        <developerConnection>scm:git:</developerConnection>
-        <url></url>
-    <tag>HEAD</tag>
-  </scm>
-    <properties>
-        <pkgGroupId>org.elasticsearch</pkgGroupId>
-        <pkgArtifactId>elasticsearch</pkgArtifactId>
-        <pkgVersion>6.2.3</pkgVersion>
-        <servicemix.osgi.export.pkg>
-            org.elasticsearch
-        </servicemix.osgi.export.pkg>
-        <servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
-            !org.elasticsearch*,
-            !org.joda.convert,
-            !org.locationtech.spatial4j*,
-            !com.vividsolutions.jts.geom,
-  ,
-            com.fasterxml.jackson.core;version="[2.8,3)",
-            com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml;version="[2.8,3)",
-  ;version="[2.8,3)",
-            com.sun.jna;resolution:=optional,
-            com.ning.compress.lzf.util,
-            org.apache.logging.log4j*;version="[2.8,3)",
-            *
-        </servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
-        <servicemix.osgi.private.pkg>
-            org.joda.time*,
-            org.joda.convert*,
-            org.apache.lucene*,
-            org.tartarus.snowball*,
-            com.tdunning.math.stats,
-            com.vividsolutions.jts.geom,
-            com.carrotsearch.hppc*,
-            joptsimple*,
-            org.HdrHistogram,
-            org.locationtech.spatial4j*,
-  *
-        </servicemix.osgi.private.pkg>
-    </properties>
-    <dependencies>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>${pkgArtifactId}</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>org.elasticsearch.plugin</groupId>
-            <artifactId>transport-netty4-client</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-             <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId>
-             <artifactId>log4j-core</artifactId>
-             <version>2.9.1</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>org.apache.lucene</groupId>
-            <artifactId>lucene-backward-codecs</artifactId>
-            <version>7.1.0</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <!-- sources -->
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>${pkgArtifactId}</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-            <classifier>sources</classifier>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>org.elasticsearch.plugin</groupId>
-            <artifactId>transport-netty4-client</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-            <classifier>sources</classifier>
-        </dependency>
-    </dependencies>
-    <build>
-        <plugins>
-            <plugin>
-                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-                <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
-                <executions>
-                    <execution>
-                        <phase>package</phase>
-                        <goals>
-                            <goal>shade</goal>
-                        </goals>
-                        <configuration>
-                            <artifactSet>
-                                <includes>
-                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:${pkgArtifactId}</include>
-				    <include>org.elasticsearch.plugin:transport-netty4client</include>
-                                    <include>org.apache.lucene:*</include>
-                                </includes>
-                            </artifactSet>
-                            <filters>
-                                <filter>
-                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:${pkgArtifactId}</artifact>
-                                    <includes>
-                                        <include>config/**</include>
-                                        <include>META-INF/services/**</include>
-                                        <include>plugins.txt</include>
-                                    </includes>
-                                </filter>
-                                <filter>
-                                    <artifact>org.apache.lucene:*</artifact>
-                                    <includes>
-                                        <include>META-INF/services/**</include>
-                                    </includes>
-                                </filter>
-                            </filters>
-                            <transformers>
-                                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
-                            </transformers>
-                            <promoteTransitiveDependencies>true</promoteTransitiveDependencies>
-                            <createDependencyReducedPom>true</createDependencyReducedPom>
-                        </configuration>
-                    </execution>
-                </executions>
-            </plugin>
-        </plugins>
-    </build>
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/logging/ b/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/logging/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e1c46..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/logging/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
- * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
- * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
- * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-package org.elasticsearch.common.logging;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Appender;
-import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
-import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
-import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
-import org.elasticsearch.node.Node;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static org.elasticsearch.common.util.CollectionUtils.asArrayList;
- * A set of utilities around Logging.
- */
-public class Loggers {
-    public static final String SPACE = " ";
-    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, Settings settings, ShardId shardId, String... prefixes) {
-        return getLogger(clazz, settings, shardId.getIndex(), asArrayList(Integer.toString(, prefixes).toArray(new String[0]));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Just like {@link #getLogger(Class, org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings, ShardId, String...)} but String loggerName instead of
-     * Class.
-     */
-    public static Logger getLogger(String loggerName, Settings settings, ShardId shardId, String... prefixes) {
-        return getLogger(loggerName, settings,
-                asArrayList(shardId.getIndexName(), Integer.toString(, prefixes).toArray(new String[0]));
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, Settings settings, Index index, String... prefixes) {
-        return getLogger(clazz, settings, asArrayList(SPACE, index.getName(), prefixes).toArray(new String[0]));
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, Settings settings, String... prefixes) {
-        final List<String> prefixesList = prefixesList(settings, prefixes);
-        return getLogger(clazz, prefixesList.toArray(new String[prefixesList.size()]));
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(String loggerName, Settings settings, String... prefixes) {
-        final List<String> prefixesList = prefixesList(settings, prefixes);
-        return getLogger(loggerName, prefixesList.toArray(new String[prefixesList.size()]));
-    }
-    private static List<String> prefixesList(Settings settings, String... prefixes) {
-        List<String> prefixesList = new ArrayList<String>();
-        if (Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.exists(settings)) {
-            prefixesList.add(Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.get(settings));
-        }
-        if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0) {
-            prefixesList.addAll(asList(prefixes));
-        }
-        return prefixesList;
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(Logger parentLogger, String s) {
-        assert parentLogger instanceof PrefixLogger;
-        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(((PrefixLogger)parentLogger).prefix(), parentLogger.getName() + s);
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(String s) {
-        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(s);
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz) {
-        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz);
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, String... prefixes) {
-        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(formatPrefix(prefixes), clazz);
-    }
-    public static Logger getLogger(String name, String... prefixes) {
-        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(formatPrefix(prefixes), name);
-    }
-    private static String formatPrefix(String... prefixes) {
-        String prefix = null;
-        if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0) {
-            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-            for (String prefixX : prefixes) {
-                if (prefixX != null) {
-                    if (prefixX.equals(SPACE)) {
-                        sb.append(" ");
-                    } else {
-                        sb.append("[").append(prefixX).append("]");
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (sb.length() > 0) {
-                sb.append(" ");
-                prefix = sb.toString();
-            }
-        }
-        return prefix;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set the level of the logger. If the new level is null, the logger will inherit it's level from its nearest ancestor with a non-null
-     * level.
-     */
-    public static void setLevel(Logger logger, String level) {
-        final Level l;
-        if (level == null) {
-            l = null;
-        } else {
-            l = Level.valueOf(level);
-        }
-        setLevel(logger, l);
-    }
-    public static void setLevel(Logger logger, Level level) {
-        // nothing to do
-    }
-    public static void addAppender(final Logger logger, final Appender appender) {
-        // nothing to do
-    }
-    public static void removeAppender(final Logger logger, final Appender appender) {
-        // nothing to do
-    }
-    public static Appender findAppender(final Logger logger, final Class<? extends Appender> clazz) {
-        // nothing to do
-        return null;
-    }
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec b/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec
deleted file mode 100644
index 087c825..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat b/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat
deleted file mode 100644
index b069eb6..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat b/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5682a..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/ b/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
deleted file mode 100644
index af11bfd..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-6.2.3/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-    ${project.description}
-    Original Maven URL:
-        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/${pkgArtifactId}/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
-    So, we build a web site or an application and want to add search to it, and
-    then it hits us: getting search working is hard. We want our search solution
-    to be fast, we want a painless setup and a completely free search schema, we
-    want to be able to index data simply using JSON over HTTP, we want our search
-    server to be always available, we want to be able to start with one machine
-    and scale to hundreds, we want real-time search, we want simple multi-tenancy,
-    and we want a solution that is built for the cloud.
-\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m
-    \u001B[36m\u001B[0m
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.4/pom.xml b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ae484e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+    <!--
+        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+        contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+        this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+        The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+        (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+        the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+        limitations under the License.
+    -->
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+    <parent>
+        <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
+        <artifactId>bundles-pom</artifactId>
+        <version>13</version>
+        <relativePath>../bundles-pom/pom.xml</relativePath>
+    </parent>
+    <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
+    <artifactId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch</artifactId>
+    <version>6.2.4_1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <packaging>bundle</packaging>
+    <name>Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: ${pkgArtifactId}</name>
+    <description>This OSGi bundle wraps ${pkgArtifactId} ${pkgVersion} jar file.</description>
+    <scm>
+        <connection>scm:git:</connection>
+        <developerConnection>scm:git:</developerConnection>
+        <url></url>
+    <tag>HEAD</tag>
+  </scm>
+    <properties>
+        <pkgGroupId>org.elasticsearch</pkgGroupId>
+        <pkgArtifactId>elasticsearch</pkgArtifactId>
+        <pkgVersion>6.2.4</pkgVersion>
+        <servicemix.osgi.export.pkg>
+            org.elasticsearch
+        </servicemix.osgi.export.pkg>
+        <servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
+            !org.elasticsearch*,
+            !org.joda.convert,
+            !org.locationtech.spatial4j*,
+            !com.vividsolutions.jts.geom,
+  ,
+            com.fasterxml.jackson.core;version="[2.8,3)",
+            com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml;version="[2.8,3)",
+  ;version="[2.8,3)",
+            com.sun.jna;resolution:=optional,
+            com.ning.compress.lzf.util,
+            org.apache.logging.log4j*;version="[2.8,3)",
+            *
+        </servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
+        <servicemix.osgi.private.pkg>
+            org.joda.time*,
+            org.joda.convert*,
+            org.apache.lucene*,
+            org.tartarus.snowball*,
+            com.tdunning.math.stats,
+            com.vividsolutions.jts.geom,
+            com.carrotsearch.hppc*,
+            joptsimple*,
+            org.HdrHistogram,
+            org.locationtech.spatial4j*,
+  *
+        </servicemix.osgi.private.pkg>
+    </properties>
+    <dependencies>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>${pkgArtifactId}</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.elasticsearch.plugin</groupId>
+            <artifactId>transport-netty4-client</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+             <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId>
+             <artifactId>log4j-core</artifactId>
+             <version>2.9.1</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.lucene</groupId>
+            <artifactId>lucene-backward-codecs</artifactId>
+            <version>7.1.0</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <!-- sources -->
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>${pkgArtifactId}</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+            <classifier>sources</classifier>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.elasticsearch.plugin</groupId>
+            <artifactId>transport-netty4-client</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+            <classifier>sources</classifier>
+        </dependency>
+    </dependencies>
+    <build>
+        <plugins>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+                <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
+                <executions>
+                    <execution>
+                        <phase>package</phase>
+                        <goals>
+                            <goal>shade</goal>
+                        </goals>
+                        <configuration>
+                            <artifactSet>
+                                <includes>
+                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:${pkgArtifactId}</include>
+				    <include>org.elasticsearch.plugin:transport-netty4client</include>
+                                    <include>org.apache.lucene:*</include>
+                                </includes>
+                            </artifactSet>
+                            <filters>
+                                <filter>
+                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:${pkgArtifactId}</artifact>
+                                    <includes>
+                                        <include>config/**</include>
+                                        <include>META-INF/services/**</include>
+                                        <include>plugins.txt</include>
+                                    </includes>
+                                </filter>
+                                <filter>
+                                    <artifact>org.apache.lucene:*</artifact>
+                                    <includes>
+                                        <include>META-INF/services/**</include>
+                                    </includes>
+                                </filter>
+                            </filters>
+                            <transformers>
+                                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
+                            </transformers>
+                            <promoteTransitiveDependencies>true</promoteTransitiveDependencies>
+                            <createDependencyReducedPom>true</createDependencyReducedPom>
+                        </configuration>
+                    </execution>
+                </executions>
+            </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+    </build>
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/logging/ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/logging/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97e1c46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/logging/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
+ * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under
+ * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.elasticsearch.common.logging;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
+import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Appender;
+import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
+import org.elasticsearch.index.Index;
+import org.elasticsearch.index.shard.ShardId;
+import org.elasticsearch.node.Node;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
+import static org.elasticsearch.common.util.CollectionUtils.asArrayList;
+ * A set of utilities around Logging.
+ */
+public class Loggers {
+    public static final String SPACE = " ";
+    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, Settings settings, ShardId shardId, String... prefixes) {
+        return getLogger(clazz, settings, shardId.getIndex(), asArrayList(Integer.toString(, prefixes).toArray(new String[0]));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Just like {@link #getLogger(Class, org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings, ShardId, String...)} but String loggerName instead of
+     * Class.
+     */
+    public static Logger getLogger(String loggerName, Settings settings, ShardId shardId, String... prefixes) {
+        return getLogger(loggerName, settings,
+                asArrayList(shardId.getIndexName(), Integer.toString(, prefixes).toArray(new String[0]));
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, Settings settings, Index index, String... prefixes) {
+        return getLogger(clazz, settings, asArrayList(SPACE, index.getName(), prefixes).toArray(new String[0]));
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, Settings settings, String... prefixes) {
+        final List<String> prefixesList = prefixesList(settings, prefixes);
+        return getLogger(clazz, prefixesList.toArray(new String[prefixesList.size()]));
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(String loggerName, Settings settings, String... prefixes) {
+        final List<String> prefixesList = prefixesList(settings, prefixes);
+        return getLogger(loggerName, prefixesList.toArray(new String[prefixesList.size()]));
+    }
+    private static List<String> prefixesList(Settings settings, String... prefixes) {
+        List<String> prefixesList = new ArrayList<String>();
+        if (Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.exists(settings)) {
+            prefixesList.add(Node.NODE_NAME_SETTING.get(settings));
+        }
+        if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0) {
+            prefixesList.addAll(asList(prefixes));
+        }
+        return prefixesList;
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(Logger parentLogger, String s) {
+        assert parentLogger instanceof PrefixLogger;
+        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(((PrefixLogger)parentLogger).prefix(), parentLogger.getName() + s);
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(String s) {
+        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(s);
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz) {
+        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(clazz);
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(Class<?> clazz, String... prefixes) {
+        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(formatPrefix(prefixes), clazz);
+    }
+    public static Logger getLogger(String name, String... prefixes) {
+        return ESLoggerFactory.getLogger(formatPrefix(prefixes), name);
+    }
+    private static String formatPrefix(String... prefixes) {
+        String prefix = null;
+        if (prefixes != null && prefixes.length > 0) {
+            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+            for (String prefixX : prefixes) {
+                if (prefixX != null) {
+                    if (prefixX.equals(SPACE)) {
+                        sb.append(" ");
+                    } else {
+                        sb.append("[").append(prefixX).append("]");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (sb.length() > 0) {
+                sb.append(" ");
+                prefix = sb.toString();
+            }
+        }
+        return prefix;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Set the level of the logger. If the new level is null, the logger will inherit it's level from its nearest ancestor with a non-null
+     * level.
+     */
+    public static void setLevel(Logger logger, String level) {
+        final Level l;
+        if (level == null) {
+            l = null;
+        } else {
+            l = Level.valueOf(level);
+        }
+        setLevel(logger, l);
+    }
+    public static void setLevel(Logger logger, Level level) {
+        // nothing to do
+    }
+    public static void addAppender(final Logger logger, final Appender appender) {
+        // nothing to do
+    }
+    public static void removeAppender(final Logger logger, final Appender appender) {
+        // nothing to do
+    }
+    public static Appender findAppender(final Logger logger, final Class<? extends Appender> clazz) {
+        // nothing to do
+        return null;
+    }
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087c825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b069eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.DocValuesFormat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b5682a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/META-INF/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af11bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-6.2.4/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+    ${project.description}
+    Original Maven URL:
+        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/${pkgArtifactId}/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
+    So, we build a web site or an application and want to add search to it, and
+    then it hits us: getting search working is hard. We want our search solution
+    to be fast, we want a painless setup and a completely free search schema, we
+    want to be able to index data simply using JSON over HTTP, we want our search
+    server to be always available, we want to be able to start with one machine
+    and scale to hundreds, we want real-time search, we want simple multi-tenancy,
+    and we want a solution that is built for the cloud.
+\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m
+    \u001B[36m\u001B[0m
diff --git a/elasticsearch-client-6.2.3/pom.xml b/elasticsearch-client-6.2.3/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 13ebfc7..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-client-6.2.3/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-    <!--
-        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-        contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-        this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-        The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-        (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-        the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-        limitations under the License.
-    -->
-    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-    <parent>
-        <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
-        <artifactId>bundles-pom</artifactId>
-        <version>13</version>
-        <relativePath>../bundles-pom/pom.xml</relativePath>
-    </parent>
-    <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
-    <artifactId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch-client</artifactId>
-    <version>6.2.3_2-SNAPSHOT</version>
-    <packaging>bundle</packaging>
-    <name>Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: elasticsearch-client</name>
-    <description>This OSGi bundle wraps elasticsearch-client ${pkgVersion} jar files.</description>
-    <scm>
-        <connection>scm:git:</connection>
-        <developerConnection>scm:git:</developerConnection>
-        <url></url>
-    <tag>HEAD</tag>
-  </scm>
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-        <pkgGroupId>org.elasticsearch.client</pkgGroupId>
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-            org.elasticsearch.client;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
-            org.elasticsearch.client.sniff;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
-            org.elasticsearch.transport.client;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
-            org.elasticsearch.client.transport;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
-  ;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
-            org.elasticsearch.client.node;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first
-        </servicemix.osgi.export>
-        <servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
-        </servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
-    </properties>
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-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>transport</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-        </dependency>
-        <!-- sources -->
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-            <classifier>sources</classifier>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-            <classifier>sources</classifier>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-            <classifier>sources</classifier>
-        </dependency>
-        <dependency>
-            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
-            <artifactId>transport</artifactId>
-            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
-            <classifier>sources</classifier>
-        </dependency>
-    </dependencies>
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-        <plugins>
-            <plugin>
-                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-                <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
-                <executions>
-                    <execution>
-                        <phase>package</phase>
-                        <goals>
-                            <goal>shade</goal>
-                        </goals>
-                        <configuration>
-                            <artifactSet>
-                                <includes>
-                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client</include>
-                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</include>
-                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</include>
-                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:transport</include>
-                                </includes>
-                            </artifactSet>
-                            <filters>
-                                <filter>
-                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client</artifact>
-                                    <excludes>
-                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
-                                    </excludes>
-                                </filter>
-                                <filter>
-                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</artifact>
-                                    <excludes>
-                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
-                                    </excludes>
-                                </filter>
-                                <filter>
-                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</artifact>
-                                    <excludes>
-                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
-                                    </excludes>
-                                </filter>
-                                <filter>
-                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:transport</artifact>
-                                    <excludes>
-                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
-                                    </excludes>
-                                </filter>
-                            </filters>
-                            <promoteTransitiveDependencies>true</promoteTransitiveDependencies>
-                            <createDependencyReducedPom>true</createDependencyReducedPom>
-                        </configuration>
-                    </execution>
-                </executions>
-            </plugin>
-        </plugins>
-    </build>
diff --git a/elasticsearch-client-6.2.3/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/ b/elasticsearch-client-6.2.3/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
deleted file mode 100644
index 633bf8b..0000000
--- a/elasticsearch-client-6.2.3/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-    ${project.description}
-    Original Maven URL:
-        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/rest/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
-        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/transport/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
-        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/sniffer/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
-    This is the elasticsearch client bundle introduced in Elasticsearch 5.x.
-    It allows you to communicate with Elasticsearch instances.
-\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m
-    \u001B[36m\u001B[0m
diff --git a/elasticsearch-client-6.2.4/pom.xml b/elasticsearch-client-6.2.4/pom.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c3926c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-client-6.2.4/pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+    <!--
+        Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+        contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+        this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+        The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+        (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+        the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+        limitations under the License.
+    -->
+    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+    <parent>
+        <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
+        <artifactId>bundles-pom</artifactId>
+        <version>13</version>
+        <relativePath>../bundles-pom/pom.xml</relativePath>
+    </parent>
+    <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles</groupId>
+    <artifactId>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch-client</artifactId>
+    <version>6.2.4_1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <packaging>bundle</packaging>
+    <name>Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: elasticsearch-client</name>
+    <description>This OSGi bundle wraps elasticsearch-client ${pkgVersion} jar files.</description>
+    <scm>
+        <connection>scm:git:</connection>
+        <developerConnection>scm:git:</developerConnection>
+        <url></url>
+    <tag>HEAD</tag>
+  </scm>
+    <properties>
+        <pkgGroupId>org.elasticsearch.client</pkgGroupId>
+        <pkgVersion>6.2.4</pkgVersion>
+        <servicemix.osgi.export>
+            org.elasticsearch.client;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
+            org.elasticsearch.client.sniff;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
+            org.elasticsearch.transport.client;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
+            org.elasticsearch.client.transport;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
+  ;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first,
+            org.elasticsearch.client.node;version="${pkgVersion}";-split-package:=merge-first
+        </servicemix.osgi.export>
+        <servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
+        </servicemix.osgi.import.pkg>
+    </properties>
+    <dependencies>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>transport</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <!-- sources -->
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+            <classifier>sources</classifier>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+            <classifier>sources</classifier>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+            <classifier>sources</classifier>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>${pkgGroupId}</groupId>
+            <artifactId>transport</artifactId>
+            <version>${pkgVersion}</version>
+            <classifier>sources</classifier>
+        </dependency>
+    </dependencies>
+    <build>
+        <plugins>
+            <plugin>
+                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+                <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId>
+                <executions>
+                    <execution>
+                        <phase>package</phase>
+                        <goals>
+                            <goal>shade</goal>
+                        </goals>
+                        <configuration>
+                            <artifactSet>
+                                <includes>
+                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client</include>
+                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</include>
+                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</include>
+                                    <include>${pkgGroupId}:transport</include>
+                                </includes>
+                            </artifactSet>
+                            <filters>
+                                <filter>
+                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client</artifact>
+                                    <excludes>
+                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
+                                    </excludes>
+                                </filter>
+                                <filter>
+                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-client-sniffer</artifact>
+                                    <excludes>
+                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
+                                    </excludes>
+                                </filter>
+                                <filter>
+                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client</artifact>
+                                    <excludes>
+                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
+                                    </excludes>
+                                </filter>
+                                <filter>
+                                    <artifact>${pkgGroupId}:transport</artifact>
+                                    <excludes>
+                                        <exclude>**/*</exclude>
+                                    </excludes>
+                                </filter>
+                            </filters>
+                            <promoteTransitiveDependencies>true</promoteTransitiveDependencies>
+                            <createDependencyReducedPom>true</createDependencyReducedPom>
+                        </configuration>
+                    </execution>
+                </executions>
+            </plugin>
+        </plugins>
+    </build>
diff --git a/elasticsearch-client-6.2.4/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/ b/elasticsearch-client-6.2.4/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633bf8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elasticsearch-client-6.2.4/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    ${project.description}
+    Original Maven URL:
+        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/rest/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
+        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/transport/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
+        \u001B[33mmvn:${pkgGroupId}/sniffer/${pkgVersion}\u001B[0m
+    This is the elasticsearch client bundle introduced in Elasticsearch 5.x.
+    It allows you to communicate with Elasticsearch instances.
+\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m
+    \u001B[36m\u001B[0m
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index e2553ab..237d5f3 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
+        <module>elasticsearch-6.2.4</module>
+        <module>elasticsearch-client-6.2.4</module>