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[13/53] [abbrv] [partial] storm git commit: STORM-1202: Migrate APIs to org.apache.storm, but try to provide some form of backwards compatability
diff --git a/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/ui/core.clj b/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/ui/core.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b309b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/ui/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,1273 @@
+;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+;; distributed with this work for additional information
+;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+;; limitations under the License.
+(ns org.apache.storm.ui.core
+  (:use compojure.core)
+  (:use [ :only [sh]])
+  (:use ring.middleware.reload
+        ring.middleware.multipart-params)
+  (:use [ring.middleware.json :only [wrap-json-params]])
+  (:use [hiccup core page-helpers])
+  (:use [org.apache.storm config util log stats zookeeper converter])
+  (:use [org.apache.storm.ui helpers])
+  (:use [org.apache.storm.daemon [common :only [ACKER-COMPONENT-ID ACKER-INIT-STREAM-ID ACKER-ACK-STREAM-ID
+                                              ACKER-FAIL-STREAM-ID mk-authorization-handler
+                                              start-metrics-reporters]]])
+  (:import [org.apache.storm.utils Utils]
+           [org.apache.storm.generated NimbusSummary])
+  (:use [clojure.string :only [blank? lower-case trim split]])
+  (:import [org.apache.storm.generated ExecutorSpecificStats
+            ExecutorStats ExecutorSummary ExecutorInfo TopologyInfo SpoutStats BoltStats
+            ErrorInfo ClusterSummary SupervisorSummary TopologySummary
+            Nimbus$Client StormTopology GlobalStreamId RebalanceOptions
+            KillOptions GetInfoOptions NumErrorsChoice DebugOptions TopologyPageInfo
+            TopologyStats CommonAggregateStats ComponentAggregateStats
+            ComponentType BoltAggregateStats SpoutAggregateStats
+            ExecutorAggregateStats SpecificAggregateStats ComponentPageInfo
+            LogConfig LogLevel LogLevelAction])
+  (:import [ AuthUtils ReqContext])
+  (:import [org.apache.storm.generated AuthorizationException ProfileRequest ProfileAction NodeInfo])
+  (:import [ AuthUtils])
+  (:import [org.apache.storm.utils VersionInfo])
+  (:import [org.apache.storm Config])
+  (:import [ File])
+  (:require [compojure.route :as route]
+            [compojure.handler :as handler]
+            [ring.util.response :as resp]
+            [org.apache.storm [thrift :as thrift]])
+  (:require [metrics.meters :refer [defmeter mark!]])
+  (:import [org.apache.commons.lang StringEscapeUtils])
+  (:import [org.apache.logging.log4j Level])
+  (:gen-class))
+(def ^:dynamic *STORM-CONF* (read-storm-config))
+(def ^:dynamic *UI-ACL-HANDLER* (mk-authorization-handler (*STORM-CONF* NIMBUS-AUTHORIZER) *STORM-CONF*))
+(def http-creds-handler (AuthUtils/GetUiHttpCredentialsPlugin *STORM-CONF*))
+(def STORM-VERSION (VersionInfo/getVersion))
+(defmeter ui:num-cluster-configuration-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-cluster-summary-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-nimbus-summary-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-supervisor-summary-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-all-topologies-summary-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-topology-page-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-build-visualization-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-mk-visualization-data-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-component-page-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-log-config-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-activate-topology-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-deactivate-topology-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-debug-topology-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-component-op-response-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-topology-op-response-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-topology-op-response-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-topology-op-response-http-requests)
+(defmeter ui:num-main-page-http-requests)
+(defn assert-authorized-user
+  ([op]
+    (assert-authorized-user op nil))
+  ([op topology-conf]
+    (let [context (ReqContext/context)]
+      (if (.isImpersonating context)
+            (if-not (.permit *UI-IMPERSONATION-HANDLER* context op topology-conf)
+              (let [principal (.principal context)
+                    real-principal (.realPrincipal context)
+                    user (if principal (.getName principal) "unknown")
+                    real-user (if real-principal (.getName real-principal) "unknown")
+                    remote-address (.remoteAddress context)]
+                (throw (AuthorizationException.
+                         (str "user '" real-user "' is not authorized to impersonate user '" user "' from host '" remote-address "'. Please
+                         see SECURITY.MD to learn how to configure impersonation ACL.")))))
+          (log-warn " principal " (.realPrincipal context) " is trying to impersonate " (.principal context) " but "
+            NIMBUS-IMPERSONATION-AUTHORIZER " has no authorizer configured. This is a potential security hole.
+            Please see SECURITY.MD to learn how to configure an impersonation authorizer.")))
+      (if *UI-ACL-HANDLER*
+       (if-not (.permit *UI-ACL-HANDLER* context op topology-conf)
+         (let [principal (.principal context)
+               user (if principal (.getName principal) "unknown")]
+           (throw (AuthorizationException.
+                   (str "UI request '" op "' for '" user "' user is not authorized")))))))))
+(defn assert-authorized-profiler-action
+  [op]
+    (throw (AuthorizationException.
+             (str "UI request for profiler action '" op "' is disabled.")))))
+(defn executor-summary-type
+  [topology ^ExecutorSummary s]
+  (component-type topology (.get_component_id s)))
+(defn is-ack-stream
+  [stream]
+  (let [acker-streams
+    (every? #(not= %1 stream) acker-streams)))
+(defn spout-summary?
+  [topology s]
+  (= :spout (executor-summary-type topology s)))
+(defn bolt-summary?
+  [topology s]
+  (= :bolt (executor-summary-type topology s)))
+(defn group-by-comp
+  [summs]
+  (let [ret (group-by #(.get_component_id ^ExecutorSummary %) summs)]
+    (into (sorted-map) ret )))
+(defn logviewer-link [host fname secure?]
+  (if (and secure? (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-HTTPS-PORT))
+    (url-format "https://%s:%s/log?file=%s"
+      host
+      fname)
+    (url-format "http://%s:%s/log?file=%s"
+      host
+      fname)))
+(defn event-log-link
+  [topology-id component-id host port secure?]
+  (logviewer-link host (event-logs-filename topology-id port) secure?))
+(defn worker-log-link [host port topology-id secure?]
+  (let [fname (logs-filename topology-id port)]
+    (logviewer-link host fname secure?)))
+(defn nimbus-log-link [host port]
+  (url-format "http://%s:%s/daemonlog?file=nimbus.log" host (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-PORT) port))
+(defn get-error-time
+  [error]
+  (if error
+    (time-delta (.get_error_time_secs ^ErrorInfo error))))
+(defn get-error-data
+  [error]
+  (if error
+    (error-subset (.get_error ^ErrorInfo error))
+    ""))
+(defn get-error-port
+  [error]
+  (if error
+    (.get_port ^ErrorInfo error)
+    ""))
+(defn get-error-host
+  [error]
+  (if error
+    (.get_host ^ErrorInfo error)
+    ""))
+(defn get-error-time
+  [error]
+  (if error
+    (.get_error_time_secs ^ErrorInfo error)
+    ""))
+(defn worker-dump-link [host port topology-id]
+  (url-format "http://%s:%s/dumps/%s/%s"
+              (url-encode host)
+              (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-PORT)
+              (url-encode topology-id)
+              (str (url-encode host) ":" (url-encode port))))
+(defn stats-times
+  [stats-map]
+  (sort-by #(Integer/parseInt %)
+           (-> stats-map
+               clojurify-structure
+               (dissoc ":all-time")
+               keys)))
+(defn window-hint
+  [window]
+  (if (= window ":all-time")
+    "All time"
+    (pretty-uptime-sec window)))
+(defn sanitize-stream-name
+  [name]
+  (let [sym-regex #"(?![A-Za-z_\-:\.])."]
+    (str
+     (if (re-find #"^[A-Za-z]" name)
+       (clojure.string/replace name sym-regex "_")
+       (clojure.string/replace (str \s name) sym-regex "_"))
+     (hash name))))
+(defn sanitize-transferred
+  [transferred]
+  (into {}
+        (for [[time, stream-map] transferred]
+          [time, (into {}
+                       (for [[stream, trans] stream-map]
+                         [(sanitize-stream-name stream), trans]))])))
+(defn visualization-data
+  [spout-bolt spout-comp-summs bolt-comp-summs window storm-id]
+  (let [components (for [[id spec] spout-bolt]
+            [id
+             (let [inputs (.get_inputs (.get_common spec))
+                   bolt-summs (get bolt-comp-summs id)
+                   spout-summs (get spout-comp-summs id)
+                   bolt-cap (if bolt-summs
+                              (compute-bolt-capacity bolt-summs)
+                              0)]
+               {:type (if bolt-summs "bolt" "spout")
+                :capacity bolt-cap
+                :latency (if bolt-summs
+                           (get-in
+                             (bolt-streams-stats bolt-summs true)
+                             [:process-latencies window])
+                           (get-in
+                             (spout-streams-stats spout-summs true)
+                             [:complete-latencies window]))
+                :transferred (or
+                               (get-in
+                                 (spout-streams-stats spout-summs true)
+                                 [:transferred window])
+                               (get-in
+                                 (bolt-streams-stats bolt-summs true)
+                                 [:transferred window]))
+                :stats (let [mapfn (fn [dat]
+                                     (map (fn [^ExecutorSummary summ]
+                                            {:host (.get_host summ)
+                                             :port (.get_port summ)
+                                             :uptime_secs (.get_uptime_secs summ)
+                                             :transferred (if-let [stats (.get_stats summ)]
+                                                            (sanitize-transferred (.get_transferred stats)))})
+                                          dat))]
+                         (if bolt-summs
+                           (mapfn bolt-summs)
+                           (mapfn spout-summs)))
+                :link (url-format "/component.html?id=%s&topology_id=%s" id storm-id)
+                :inputs (for [[global-stream-id group] inputs]
+                          {:component (.get_componentId global-stream-id)
+                           :stream (.get_streamId global-stream-id)
+                           :sani-stream (sanitize-stream-name (.get_streamId global-stream-id))
+                           :grouping (clojure.core/name (thrift/grouping-type group))})})])]
+    (into {} (doall components))))
+(defn stream-boxes [datmap]
+  (let [filter-fn (mk-include-sys-fn true)
+        streams
+        (vec (doall (distinct
+                     (apply concat
+                            (for [[k v] datmap]
+                              (for [m (get v :inputs)]
+                                {:stream (get m :stream)
+                                 :sani-stream (get m :sani-stream)
+                                 :checked (is-ack-stream (get m :stream))}))))))]
+    (map (fn [row]
+           {:row row}) (partition 4 4 nil streams))))
+(defn- get-topology-info
+  ([^Nimbus$Client nimbus id]
+    (.getTopologyInfo nimbus id))
+  ([^Nimbus$Client nimbus id options]
+    (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts nimbus id options)))
+(defn mk-visualization-data
+  [id window include-sys?]
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection
+    nimbus
+    (let [window (if window window ":all-time")
+          topology (.getTopology ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+          spouts (.get_spouts topology)
+          bolts (.get_bolts topology)
+          summ (->> (doto
+                      (GetInfoOptions.)
+                      (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/NONE))
+                    (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+          execs (.get_executors summ)
+          spout-summs (filter (partial spout-summary? topology) execs)
+          bolt-summs (filter (partial bolt-summary? topology) execs)
+          spout-comp-summs (group-by-comp spout-summs)
+          bolt-comp-summs (group-by-comp bolt-summs)
+          bolt-comp-summs (filter-key (mk-include-sys-fn include-sys?)
+                                      bolt-comp-summs)]
+      (visualization-data
+       (merge (hashmap-to-persistent spouts)
+              (hashmap-to-persistent bolts))
+       spout-comp-summs bolt-comp-summs window id))))
+(defn validate-tplg-submit-params [params]
+  (let [tplg-jar-file (params :topologyJar)
+        tplg-config (if (not-nil? (params :topologyConfig)) (from-json (params :topologyConfig)))]
+    (cond
+     (nil? tplg-jar-file) {:valid false :error "missing topology jar file"}
+     (nil? tplg-config) {:valid false :error "missing topology config"}
+     (nil? (tplg-config "topologyMainClass")) {:valid false :error "topologyMainClass missing in topologyConfig"}
+     :else {:valid true})))
+(defn run-tplg-submit-cmd [tplg-jar-file tplg-config user]
+  (let [tplg-main-class (if (not-nil? tplg-config) (trim (tplg-config "topologyMainClass")))
+        tplg-main-class-args (if (not-nil? tplg-config) (tplg-config "topologyMainClassArgs"))
+        storm-home (System/getProperty "storm.home")
+        storm-conf-dir (str storm-home file-path-separator "conf")
+        storm-log-dir (if (not-nil? (*STORM-CONF* "storm.log.dir")) (*STORM-CONF* "storm.log.dir")
+                          (str storm-home file-path-separator "logs"))
+        storm-libs (str storm-home file-path-separator "lib" file-path-separator "*")
+        java-cmd (str (System/getProperty "java.home") file-path-separator "bin" file-path-separator "java")
+        storm-cmd (str storm-home file-path-separator "bin" file-path-separator "storm")
+        tplg-cmd-response (apply sh
+                            (flatten
+                              [storm-cmd "jar" tplg-jar-file tplg-main-class
+                                (if (not-nil? tplg-main-class-args) tplg-main-class-args [])
+                                (if (not= user "unknown") (str "-c storm.doAsUser=" user) [])]))]
+    (log-message "tplg-cmd-response " tplg-cmd-response)
+    (cond
+     (= (tplg-cmd-response :exit) 0) {"status" "success"}
+     (and (not= (tplg-cmd-response :exit) 0)
+          (not-nil? (re-find #"already exists on cluster" (tplg-cmd-response :err)))) {"status" "failed" "error" "Topology with the same name exists in cluster"}
+          (not= (tplg-cmd-response :exit) 0) {"status" "failed" "error" (clojure.string/trim-newline (tplg-cmd-response :err))}
+          :else {"status" "success" "response" "topology deployed"}
+          )))
+(defn cluster-configuration []
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+    (.getNimbusConf ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)))
+(defn topology-history-info
+  ([user]
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+      (topology-history-info (.getTopologyHistory ^Nimbus$Client nimbus user) user)))
+  ([history user]
+    {"topo-history"
+     (into [] (.get_topo_ids history))}))
+(defn cluster-summary
+  ([user]
+     (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+        (cluster-summary (.getClusterInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus) user)))
+  ([^ClusterSummary summ user]
+     (let [sups (.get_supervisors summ)
+           used-slots (reduce + (map #(.get_num_used_workers ^SupervisorSummary %) sups))
+           total-slots (reduce + (map #(.get_num_workers ^SupervisorSummary %) sups))
+           free-slots (- total-slots used-slots)
+           topologies (.get_topologies_size summ)
+           total-tasks (->> (.get_topologies summ)
+                            (map #(.get_num_tasks ^TopologySummary %))
+                            (reduce +))
+           total-executors (->> (.get_topologies summ)
+                                (map #(.get_num_executors ^TopologySummary %))
+                                (reduce +))]
+       {"user" user
+        "stormVersion" STORM-VERSION
+        "supervisors" (count sups)
+        "topologies" topologies
+        "slotsTotal" total-slots
+        "slotsUsed"  used-slots
+        "slotsFree" free-slots
+        "executorsTotal" total-executors
+        "tasksTotal" total-tasks })))
+(defn convert-to-nimbus-summary[nimbus-seed]
+  (let [[host port] (.split nimbus-seed ":")]
+    {
+      "host" host
+      "port" port
+      "nimbusLogLink" (nimbus-log-link host port)
+      "status" "Offline"
+      "version" "Not applicable"
+      "nimbusUpTime" "Not applicable"
+      "nimbusUptimeSeconds" "Not applicable"}
+    ))
+(defn nimbus-summary
+  ([]
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+      (nimbus-summary
+        (.get_nimbuses (.getClusterInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)))))
+  ([nimbuses]
+    (let [nimbus-seeds (set (map #(str %1 ":" (*STORM-CONF* NIMBUS-THRIFT-PORT)) (set (*STORM-CONF* NIMBUS-SEEDS))))
+          alive-nimbuses (set (map #(str (.get_host %1) ":" (.get_port %1)) nimbuses))
+          offline-nimbuses (clojure.set/difference nimbus-seeds alive-nimbuses)
+          offline-nimbuses-summary (map #(convert-to-nimbus-summary %1) offline-nimbuses)]
+      {"nimbuses"
+       (concat offline-nimbuses-summary
+       (for [^NimbusSummary n nimbuses
+             :let [uptime (.get_uptime_secs n)]]
+         {
+          "host" (.get_host n)
+          "port" (.get_port n)
+          "nimbusLogLink" (nimbus-log-link (.get_host n) (.get_port n))
+          "status" (if (.is_isLeader n) "Leader" "Not a Leader")
+          "version" (.get_version n)
+          "nimbusUpTime" (pretty-uptime-sec uptime)
+          "nimbusUpTimeSeconds" uptime}))})))
+(defn supervisor-summary
+  ([]
+   (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+                (supervisor-summary
+                  (.get_supervisors (.getClusterInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)))))
+  ([summs]
+   {"supervisors"
+    (for [^SupervisorSummary s summs]
+      {"id" (.get_supervisor_id s)
+       "host" (.get_host s)
+       "uptime" (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs s))
+       "uptimeSeconds" (.get_uptime_secs s)
+       "slotsTotal" (.get_num_workers s)
+       "slotsUsed" (.get_num_used_workers s)
+       "totalMem" (get (.get_total_resources s) Config/SUPERVISOR_MEMORY_CAPACITY_MB)
+       "totalCpu" (get (.get_total_resources s) Config/SUPERVISOR_CPU_CAPACITY)
+       "usedMem" (.get_used_mem s)
+       "usedCpu" (.get_used_cpu s)
+       "version" (.get_version s)})
+    "schedulerDisplayResource" (*STORM-CONF* Config/SCHEDULER_DISPLAY_RESOURCE)}))
+(defn all-topologies-summary
+  ([]
+   (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection
+     nimbus
+     (all-topologies-summary
+       (.get_topologies (.getClusterInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus)))))
+  ([summs]
+   {"topologies"
+    (for [^TopologySummary t summs]
+      {
+       "id" (.get_id t)
+       "encodedId" (url-encode (.get_id t))
+       "owner" (.get_owner t)
+       "name" (.get_name t)
+       "status" (.get_status t)
+       "uptime" (pretty-uptime-sec (.get_uptime_secs t))
+       "uptimeSeconds" (.get_uptime_secs t)
+       "tasksTotal" (.get_num_tasks t)
+       "workersTotal" (.get_num_workers t)
+       "executorsTotal" (.get_num_executors t)
+       "replicationCount" (.get_replication_count t)
+       "schedulerInfo" (.get_sched_status t)
+       "requestedMemOnHeap" (.get_requested_memonheap t)
+       "requestedMemOffHeap" (.get_requested_memoffheap t)
+       "requestedTotalMem" (+ (.get_requested_memonheap t) (.get_requested_memoffheap t))
+       "requestedCpu" (.get_requested_cpu t)
+       "assignedMemOnHeap" (.get_assigned_memonheap t)
+       "assignedMemOffHeap" (.get_assigned_memoffheap t)
+       "assignedTotalMem" (+ (.get_assigned_memonheap t) (.get_assigned_memoffheap t))
+       "assignedCpu" (.get_assigned_cpu t)})
+    "schedulerDisplayResource" (*STORM-CONF* Config/SCHEDULER_DISPLAY_RESOURCE)}))
+(defn topology-stats [window stats]
+  (let [times (stats-times (:emitted stats))
+        display-map (into {} (for [t times] [t pretty-uptime-sec]))
+        display-map (assoc display-map ":all-time" (fn [_] "All time"))]
+    (for [w (concat times [":all-time"])
+          :let [disp ((display-map w) w)]]
+      {"windowPretty" disp
+       "window" w
+       "emitted" (get-in stats [:emitted w])
+       "transferred" (get-in stats [:transferred w])
+       "completeLatency" (float-str (get-in stats [:complete-latencies w]))
+       "acked" (get-in stats [:acked w])
+       "failed" (get-in stats [:failed w])})))
+(defn build-visualization [id window include-sys?]
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+    (let [window (if window window ":all-time")
+          topology-info (->> (doto
+                               (GetInfoOptions.)
+                               (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/ONE))
+                             (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus
+                                                       id))
+          storm-topology (.getTopology ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id)
+          spout-executor-summaries (filter (partial spout-summary? storm-topology) (.get_executors topology-info))
+          bolt-executor-summaries (filter (partial bolt-summary? storm-topology) (.get_executors topology-info))
+          spout-comp-id->executor-summaries (group-by-comp spout-executor-summaries)
+          bolt-comp-id->executor-summaries (group-by-comp bolt-executor-summaries)
+          bolt-comp-id->executor-summaries (filter-key (mk-include-sys-fn include-sys?) bolt-comp-id->executor-summaries)
+          id->spout-spec (.get_spouts storm-topology)
+          id->bolt (.get_bolts storm-topology)
+          visualizer-data (visualization-data (merge (hashmap-to-persistent id->spout-spec)
+                                                     (hashmap-to-persistent id->bolt))
+                                              spout-comp-id->executor-summaries
+                                              bolt-comp-id->executor-summaries
+                                              window
+                                              id)]
+       {"visualizationTable" (stream-boxes visualizer-data)})))
+(defn- get-error-json
+  [topo-id error-info secure?]
+  (let [host (get-error-host error-info)
+        port (get-error-port error-info)]
+    {"lastError" (get-error-data error-info)
+     "errorTime" (get-error-time error-info)
+     "errorHost" host
+     "errorPort" port
+     "errorLapsedSecs" (get-error-time error-info)
+     "errorWorkerLogLink" (worker-log-link host port topo-id secure?)}))
+(defn- common-agg-stats-json
+  "Returns a JSON representation of a common aggregated statistics."
+  [^CommonAggregateStats common-stats]
+  {"executors" (.get_num_executors common-stats)
+   "tasks" (.get_num_tasks common-stats)
+   "emitted" (.get_emitted common-stats)
+   "transferred" (.get_transferred common-stats)
+   "acked" (.get_acked common-stats)
+   "failed" (.get_failed common-stats)})
+(defmulti comp-agg-stats-json
+  "Returns a JSON representation of aggregated statistics."
+  (fn [_ _ [id ^ComponentAggregateStats s]] (.get_type s)))
+(defmethod comp-agg-stats-json ComponentType/SPOUT
+  [topo-id secure? [id ^ComponentAggregateStats s]]
+  (let [^SpoutAggregateStats ss (.. s get_specific_stats get_spout)
+        cs (.get_common_stats s)]
+    (merge
+      (common-agg-stats-json cs)
+      (get-error-json topo-id (.get_last_error s) secure?)
+      {"spoutId" id
+       "encodedSpoutId" (url-encode id)
+       "completeLatency" (float-str (.get_complete_latency_ms ss))})))
+(defmethod comp-agg-stats-json ComponentType/BOLT
+  [topo-id secure? [id ^ComponentAggregateStats s]]
+  (let [^BoltAggregateStats ss (.. s get_specific_stats get_bolt)
+        cs (.get_common_stats s)]
+    (merge
+      (common-agg-stats-json cs)
+      (get-error-json topo-id (.get_last_error s) secure?)
+      {"boltId" id
+       "encodedBoltId" (url-encode id)
+       "capacity" (float-str (.get_capacity ss))
+       "executeLatency" (float-str (.get_execute_latency_ms ss))
+       "executed" (.get_executed ss)
+       "processLatency" (float-str (.get_process_latency_ms ss))})))
+(defn- unpack-topology-page-info
+  "Unpacks the serialized object to data structures"
+  [^TopologyPageInfo topo-info window secure?]
+  (let [id (.get_id topo-info)
+        ^TopologyStats topo-stats (.get_topology_stats topo-info)
+        stat->window->number
+          {:emitted (.get_window_to_emitted topo-stats)
+           :transferred (.get_window_to_transferred topo-stats)
+           :complete-latencies (.get_window_to_complete_latencies_ms topo-stats)
+           :acked (.get_window_to_acked topo-stats)
+           :failed (.get_window_to_failed topo-stats)}
+        topo-stats (topology-stats window stat->window->number)
+        [debugEnabled
+         samplingPct] (if-let [debug-opts (.get_debug_options topo-info)]
+                        [(.is_enable debug-opts)
+                         (.get_samplingpct debug-opts)])
+        uptime (.get_uptime_secs topo-info)]
+    {"id" id
+     "encodedId" (url-encode id)
+     "owner" (.get_owner topo-info)
+     "name" (.get_name topo-info)
+     "status" (.get_status topo-info)
+     "uptime" (pretty-uptime-sec uptime)
+     "uptimeSeconds" uptime
+     "tasksTotal" (.get_num_tasks topo-info)
+     "workersTotal" (.get_num_workers topo-info)
+     "executorsTotal" (.get_num_executors topo-info)
+     "schedulerInfo" (.get_sched_status topo-info)
+     "requestedMemOnHeap" (.get_requested_memonheap topo-info)
+     "requestedMemOffHeap" (.get_requested_memoffheap topo-info)
+     "requestedCpu" (.get_requested_cpu topo-info)
+     "assignedMemOnHeap" (.get_assigned_memonheap topo-info)
+     "assignedMemOffHeap" (.get_assigned_memoffheap topo-info)
+     "assignedTotalMem" (+ (.get_assigned_memonheap topo-info) (.get_assigned_memoffheap topo-info))
+     "assignedCpu" (.get_assigned_cpu topo-info)
+     "topologyStats" topo-stats
+     "spouts" (map (partial comp-agg-stats-json id secure?)
+                   (.get_id_to_spout_agg_stats topo-info))
+     "bolts" (map (partial comp-agg-stats-json id secure?)
+                  (.get_id_to_bolt_agg_stats topo-info))
+     "configuration" (.get_topology_conf topo-info)
+     "debug" (or debugEnabled false)
+     "samplingPct" (or samplingPct 10)
+     "replicationCount" (.get_replication_count topo-info)}))
+(defn exec-host-port
+  [executors]
+  (for [^ExecutorSummary e executors]
+    {"host" (.get_host e)
+     "port" (.get_port e)}))
+(defn worker-host-port
+  "Get the set of all worker host/ports"
+  [id]
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+    (distinct (exec-host-port (.get_executors (get-topology-info nimbus id))))))
+(defn topology-page [id window include-sys? user secure?]
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+    (let [window (if window window ":all-time")
+          window-hint (window-hint window)
+          topo-page-info (.getTopologyPageInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus
+                                               id
+                                               window
+                                               include-sys?)
+          topology-conf (from-json (.get_topology_conf topo-page-info))
+          msg-timeout (topology-conf TOPOLOGY-MESSAGE-TIMEOUT-SECS)]
+      (merge
+       (unpack-topology-page-info topo-page-info window secure?)
+       {"user" user
+        "window" window
+        "windowHint" window-hint
+        "msgTimeout" msg-timeout
+        "configuration" topology-conf
+        "visualizationTable" []
+        "schedulerDisplayResource" (*STORM-CONF* Config/SCHEDULER_DISPLAY_RESOURCE)}))))
+(defn component-errors
+  [errors-list topology-id secure?]
+  (let [errors (->> errors-list
+                    (sort-by #(.get_error_time_secs ^ErrorInfo %))
+                    reverse)]
+    {"componentErrors"
+     (for [^ErrorInfo e errors]
+       {"time" (* 1000 (long (.get_error_time_secs e)))
+        "errorHost" (.get_host e)
+        "errorPort"  (.get_port e)
+        "errorWorkerLogLink"  (worker-log-link (.get_host e)
+                                               (.get_port e)
+                                               topology-id
+                                               secure?)
+        "errorLapsedSecs" (get-error-time e)
+        "error" (.get_error e)})}))
+(defmulti unpack-comp-agg-stat
+  (fn [[_ ^ComponentAggregateStats s]] (.get_type s)))
+(defmethod unpack-comp-agg-stat ComponentType/BOLT
+  [[window ^ComponentAggregateStats s]]
+  (let [^CommonAggregateStats comm-s (.get_common_stats s)
+        ^SpecificAggregateStats spec-s (.get_specific_stats s)
+        ^BoltAggregateStats bolt-s (.get_bolt spec-s)]
+    {"window" window
+     "windowPretty" (window-hint window)
+     "emitted" (.get_emitted comm-s)
+     "transferred" (.get_transferred comm-s)
+     "acked" (.get_acked comm-s)
+     "failed" (.get_failed comm-s)
+     "executeLatency" (float-str (.get_execute_latency_ms bolt-s))
+     "processLatency"  (float-str (.get_process_latency_ms bolt-s))
+     "executed" (.get_executed bolt-s)
+     "capacity" (float-str (.get_capacity bolt-s))}))
+(defmethod unpack-comp-agg-stat ComponentType/SPOUT
+  [[window ^ComponentAggregateStats s]]
+  (let [^CommonAggregateStats comm-s (.get_common_stats s)
+        ^SpecificAggregateStats spec-s (.get_specific_stats s)
+        ^SpoutAggregateStats spout-s (.get_spout spec-s)]
+    {"window" window
+     "windowPretty" (window-hint window)
+     "emitted" (.get_emitted comm-s)
+     "transferred" (.get_transferred comm-s)
+     "acked" (.get_acked comm-s)
+     "failed" (.get_failed comm-s)
+     "completeLatency" (float-str (.get_complete_latency_ms spout-s))}))
+(defn- unpack-bolt-input-stat
+  [[^GlobalStreamId s ^ComponentAggregateStats stats]]
+  (let [^SpecificAggregateStats sas (.get_specific_stats stats)
+        ^BoltAggregateStats bas (.get_bolt sas)
+        ^CommonAggregateStats cas (.get_common_stats stats)
+        comp-id (.get_componentId s)]
+    {"component" comp-id
+     "encodedComponentId" (url-encode comp-id)
+     "stream" (.get_streamId s)
+     "executeLatency" (float-str (.get_execute_latency_ms bas))
+     "processLatency" (float-str (.get_process_latency_ms bas))
+     "executed" (nil-to-zero (.get_executed bas))
+     "acked" (nil-to-zero (.get_acked cas))
+     "failed" (nil-to-zero (.get_failed cas))}))
+(defmulti unpack-comp-output-stat
+  (fn [[_ ^ComponentAggregateStats s]] (.get_type s)))
+(defmethod unpack-comp-output-stat ComponentType/BOLT
+  [[stream-id ^ComponentAggregateStats stats]]
+  (let [^CommonAggregateStats cas (.get_common_stats stats)]
+    {"stream" stream-id
+     "emitted" (nil-to-zero (.get_emitted cas))
+     "transferred" (nil-to-zero (.get_transferred cas))}))
+(defmethod unpack-comp-output-stat ComponentType/SPOUT
+  [[stream-id ^ComponentAggregateStats stats]]
+  (let [^CommonAggregateStats cas (.get_common_stats stats)
+        ^SpecificAggregateStats spec-s (.get_specific_stats stats)
+        ^SpoutAggregateStats spout-s (.get_spout spec-s)]
+    {"stream" stream-id
+     "emitted" (nil-to-zero (.get_emitted cas))
+     "transferred" (nil-to-zero (.get_transferred cas))
+     "completeLatency" (float-str (.get_complete_latency_ms spout-s))
+     "acked" (nil-to-zero (.get_acked cas))
+     "failed" (nil-to-zero (.get_failed cas))}))
+(defmulti unpack-comp-exec-stat
+  (fn [_ _ ^ComponentAggregateStats cas] (.get_type (.get_stats ^ExecutorAggregateStats cas))))
+(defmethod unpack-comp-exec-stat ComponentType/BOLT
+  [topology-id secure? ^ExecutorAggregateStats eas]
+  (let [^ExecutorSummary summ (.get_exec_summary eas)
+        ^ExecutorInfo info (.get_executor_info summ)
+        ^ComponentAggregateStats stats (.get_stats eas)
+        ^SpecificAggregateStats ss (.get_specific_stats stats)
+        ^BoltAggregateStats bas (.get_bolt ss)
+        ^CommonAggregateStats cas (.get_common_stats stats)
+        host (.get_host summ)
+        port (.get_port summ)
+        exec-id (pretty-executor-info info)
+        uptime (.get_uptime_secs summ)]
+    {"id" exec-id
+     "encodedId" (url-encode exec-id)
+     "uptime" (pretty-uptime-sec uptime)
+     "uptimeSeconds" uptime
+     "host" host
+     "port" port
+     "emitted" (nil-to-zero (.get_emitted cas))
+     "transferred" (nil-to-zero (.get_transferred cas))
+     "capacity" (float-str (nil-to-zero (.get_capacity bas)))
+     "executeLatency" (float-str (.get_execute_latency_ms bas))
+     "executed" (nil-to-zero (.get_executed bas))
+     "processLatency" (float-str (.get_process_latency_ms bas))
+     "acked" (nil-to-zero (.get_acked cas))
+     "failed" (nil-to-zero (.get_failed cas))
+     "workerLogLink" (worker-log-link host port topology-id secure?)}))
+(defmethod unpack-comp-exec-stat ComponentType/SPOUT
+  [topology-id secure? ^ExecutorAggregateStats eas]
+  (let [^ExecutorSummary summ (.get_exec_summary eas)
+        ^ExecutorInfo info (.get_executor_info summ)
+        ^ComponentAggregateStats stats (.get_stats eas)
+        ^SpecificAggregateStats ss (.get_specific_stats stats)
+        ^SpoutAggregateStats sas (.get_spout ss)
+        ^CommonAggregateStats cas (.get_common_stats stats)
+        host (.get_host summ)
+        port (.get_port summ)
+        exec-id (pretty-executor-info info)
+        uptime (.get_uptime_secs summ)]
+    {"id" exec-id
+     "encodedId" (url-encode exec-id)
+     "uptime" (pretty-uptime-sec uptime)
+     "uptimeSeconds" uptime
+     "host" host
+     "port" port
+     "emitted" (nil-to-zero (.get_emitted cas))
+     "transferred" (nil-to-zero (.get_transferred cas))
+     "completeLatency" (float-str (.get_complete_latency_ms sas))
+     "acked" (nil-to-zero (.get_acked cas))
+     "failed" (nil-to-zero (.get_failed cas))
+     "workerLogLink" (worker-log-link host port topology-id secure?)}))
+(defmulti unpack-component-page-info
+  "Unpacks component-specific info to clojure data structures"
+  (fn [^ComponentPageInfo info & _]
+    (.get_component_type info)))
+(defmethod unpack-component-page-info ComponentType/BOLT
+  [^ComponentPageInfo info topology-id window include-sys? secure?]
+  (merge
+    {"boltStats" (map unpack-comp-agg-stat (.get_window_to_stats info))
+     "inputStats" (map unpack-bolt-input-stat (.get_gsid_to_input_stats info))
+     "outputStats" (map unpack-comp-output-stat (.get_sid_to_output_stats info))
+     "executorStats" (map (partial unpack-comp-exec-stat topology-id secure?)
+                          (.get_exec_stats info))}
+    (-> info .get_errors (component-errors topology-id secure?))))
+(defmethod unpack-component-page-info ComponentType/SPOUT
+  [^ComponentPageInfo info topology-id window include-sys? secure?]
+  (merge
+    {"spoutSummary" (map unpack-comp-agg-stat (.get_window_to_stats info))
+     "outputStats" (map unpack-comp-output-stat (.get_sid_to_output_stats info))
+     "executorStats" (map (partial unpack-comp-exec-stat topology-id secure?)
+                          (.get_exec_stats info))}
+    (-> info .get_errors (component-errors topology-id secure?))))
+(defn get-active-profile-actions
+  [nimbus topology-id component]
+  (let [profile-actions  (.getComponentPendingProfileActions nimbus
+                                               topology-id
+                                               component
+                                 ProfileAction/JPROFILE_STOP)
+        latest-profile-actions (map clojurify-profile-request profile-actions)
+        active-actions (map (fn [profile-action]
+                              {"host" (:host profile-action)
+                               "port" (str (:port profile-action))
+                               "dumplink" (worker-dump-link (:host profile-action) (str (:port profile-action)) topology-id)
+                               "timestamp" (str (- (:timestamp profile-action) (System/currentTimeMillis)))})
+                            latest-profile-actions)]
+    (log-message "Latest-active actions are: " (pr active-actions))
+    active-actions))
+(defn component-page
+  [topology-id component window include-sys? user secure?]
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+    (let [window (or window ":all-time")
+          window-hint (window-hint window)
+          comp-page-info (.getComponentPageInfo ^Nimbus$Client nimbus
+                                                topology-id
+                                                component
+                                                window
+                                                include-sys?)
+          topology-conf (from-json (.getTopologyConf ^Nimbus$Client nimbus
+                                                     topology-id))
+          msg-timeout (topology-conf TOPOLOGY-MESSAGE-TIMEOUT-SECS)
+          [debugEnabled
+           samplingPct] (if-let [debug-opts (.get_debug_options comp-page-info)]
+                          [(.is_enable debug-opts)
+                           (.get_samplingpct debug-opts)])]
+      (assoc
+       (unpack-component-page-info comp-page-info
+                                   topology-id
+                                   window
+                                   include-sys?
+                                   secure?)
+       "user" user
+       "id" component
+       "encodedId" (url-encode component)
+       "name" (.get_topology_name comp-page-info)
+       "executors" (.get_num_executors comp-page-info)
+       "tasks" (.get_num_tasks comp-page-info)
+       "topologyId" topology-id
+       "topologyStatus" (.get_topology_status comp-page-info)
+       "encodedTopologyId" (url-encode topology-id)
+       "window" window
+       "componentType" (-> comp-page-info .get_component_type str lower-case)
+       "windowHint" window-hint
+       "debug" (or debugEnabled false)
+       "samplingPct" (or samplingPct 10)
+       "eventLogLink" (event-log-link topology-id
+                                      component
+                                      (.get_eventlog_host comp-page-info)
+                                      (.get_eventlog_port comp-page-info)
+                                      secure?)
+       "profileActionEnabled" (*STORM-CONF* WORKER-PROFILER-ENABLED)
+       "profilerActive" (if (*STORM-CONF* WORKER-PROFILER-ENABLED)
+                          (get-active-profile-actions nimbus topology-id component)
+                          [])))))
+(defn- level-to-dict [level]
+  (if level
+    (let [timeout (.get_reset_log_level_timeout_secs level)
+          timeout-epoch (.get_reset_log_level_timeout_epoch level)
+          target-level (.get_target_log_level level)
+          reset-level (.get_reset_log_level level)]
+          {"target_level" (.toString (Level/toLevel target-level))
+           "reset_level" (.toString (Level/toLevel reset-level))
+           "timeout" timeout
+           "timeout_epoch" timeout-epoch})))
+(defn log-config [topology-id]
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection
+    nimbus
+    (let [log-config (.getLogConfig ^Nimbus$Client nimbus topology-id)
+          named-logger-levels (into {}
+                                (for [[key val] (.get_named_logger_level log-config)]
+                                  [(str key) (level-to-dict val)]))]
+      {"namedLoggerLevels" named-logger-levels})))
+(defn topology-config [topology-id]
+  (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+    (from-json (.getTopologyConf ^Nimbus$Client nimbus topology-id))))
+(defn topology-op-response [topology-id op]
+  {"topologyOperation" op,
+   "topologyId" topology-id,
+   "status" "success"
+   })
+(defn component-op-response [topology-id component-id op]
+  {"topologyOperation" op,
+   "topologyId" topology-id,
+   "componentId" component-id,
+   "status" "success"
+   })
+(defn check-include-sys?
+  [sys?]
+  (if (or (nil? sys?) (= "false" sys?)) false true))
+(def http-creds-handler (AuthUtils/GetUiHttpCredentialsPlugin *STORM-CONF*))
+(defn populate-context!
+  "Populate the Storm RequestContext from an servlet-request. This should be called in each handler"
+  [servlet-request]
+    (when http-creds-handler
+      (.populateContext http-creds-handler (ReqContext/context) servlet-request)))
+(defn get-user-name
+  [servlet-request]
+  (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request))
+(defroutes main-routes
+  (GET "/api/v1/cluster/configuration" [& m]
+    (mark! ui:num-cluster-configuration-http-requests)
+    (json-response (cluster-configuration)
+                   (:callback m) :serialize-fn identity))
+  (GET "/api/v1/cluster/summary" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-cluster-summary-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getClusterInfo")
+    (let [user (get-user-name servlet-request)]
+      (json-response (assoc (cluster-summary user)
+                          "bugtracker-url" (*STORM-CONF* UI-PROJECT-BUGTRACKER-URL)
+                          "central-log-url" (*STORM-CONF* UI-CENTRAL-LOGGING-URL)) (:callback m))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/nimbus/summary" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-nimbus-summary-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getClusterInfo")
+    (json-response (nimbus-summary) (:callback m)))
+  (GET "/api/v1/history/summary" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} & m]
+    (let [user (.getUserName http-creds-handler servlet-request)]
+      (json-response (topology-history-info user) (:callback m))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/supervisor/summary" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-supervisor-summary-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getClusterInfo")
+    (json-response (assoc (supervisor-summary)
+                     "logviewerPort" (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-PORT)) (:callback m)))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/summary" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-all-topologies-summary-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getClusterInfo")
+    (json-response (all-topologies-summary) (:callback m)))
+  (GET  "/api/v1/topology-workers/:id" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id & m]
+    (let [id (url-decode id)]
+      (json-response {"hostPortList" (worker-host-port id)
+                      "logviewerPort" (*STORM-CONF* LOGVIEWER-PORT)} (:callback m))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request scheme]} id & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-topology-page-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getTopology" (topology-config id))
+    (let [user (get-user-name servlet-request)]
+      (json-response (topology-page id (:window m) (check-include-sys? (:sys m)) user (= scheme :https)) (:callback m))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/visualization-init" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-build-visualization-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getTopology" (topology-config id))
+    (json-response (build-visualization id (:window m) (check-include-sys? (:sys m))) (:callback m)))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/visualization" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-mk-visualization-data-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getTopology" (topology-config id))
+    (json-response (mk-visualization-data id (:window m) (check-include-sys? (:sys m))) (:callback m)))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/component/:component" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request scheme]} id component & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-component-page-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getTopology" (topology-config id))
+    (let [user (get-user-name servlet-request)]
+      (json-response
+          (component-page id component (:window m) (check-include-sys? (:sys m)) user (= scheme :https))
+          (:callback m))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/logconfig" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-log-config-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "getTopology" (topology-config id))
+       (json-response (log-config id) (:callback m)))
+  (POST "/api/v1/topology/:id/activate" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-activate-topology-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "activate" (topology-config id))
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+       (let [tplg (->> (doto
+                        (GetInfoOptions.)
+                        (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/NONE))
+                      (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+            name (.get_name tplg)]
+        (.activate nimbus name)
+        (log-message "Activating topology '" name "'")))
+    (json-response (topology-op-response id "activate") (m "callback")))
+  (POST "/api/v1/topology/:id/deactivate" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-deactivate-topology-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "deactivate" (topology-config id))
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+        (let [tplg (->> (doto
+                        (GetInfoOptions.)
+                        (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/NONE))
+                      (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+            name (.get_name tplg)]
+        (.deactivate nimbus name)
+        (log-message "Deactivating topology '" name "'")))
+    (json-response (topology-op-response id "deactivate") (m "callback")))
+  (POST "/api/v1/topology/:id/debug/:action/:spct" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id action spct & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-debug-topology-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "debug" (topology-config id))
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+        (let [tplg (->> (doto
+                        (GetInfoOptions.)
+                        (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/NONE))
+                   (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+            name (.get_name tplg)
+            enable? (= "enable" action)]
+        (.debug nimbus name "" enable? (Integer/parseInt spct))
+        (log-message "Debug topology [" name "] action [" action "] sampling pct [" spct "]")))
+     (json-response (topology-op-response id (str "debug/" action)) (m "callback")))
+  (POST "/api/v1/topology/:id/component/:component/debug/:action/:spct" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id component action spct & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-component-op-response-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "debug" (topology-config id))
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+      (let [tplg (->> (doto
+                        (GetInfoOptions.)
+                        (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/NONE))
+                   (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+            name (.get_name tplg)
+            enable? (= "enable" action)]
+        (.debug nimbus name component enable? (Integer/parseInt spct))
+        (log-message "Debug topology [" name "] component [" component "] action [" action "] sampling pct [" spct "]")))
+    (json-response (component-op-response id component (str "/debug/" action)) (m "callback")))
+  (POST "/api/v1/topology/:id/rebalance/:wait-time" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id wait-time & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-topology-op-response-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "rebalance" (topology-config id))
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+      (let [tplg (->> (doto
+                        (GetInfoOptions.)
+                        (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/NONE))
+                      (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+            name (.get_name tplg)
+            rebalance-options (m "rebalanceOptions")
+            options (RebalanceOptions.)]
+        (.set_wait_secs options (Integer/parseInt wait-time))
+        (if (and (not-nil? rebalance-options) (contains? rebalance-options "numWorkers"))
+          (.set_num_workers options (Integer/parseInt (.toString (rebalance-options "numWorkers")))))
+        (if (and (not-nil? rebalance-options) (contains? rebalance-options "executors"))
+          (doseq [keyval (rebalance-options "executors")]
+            (.put_to_num_executors options (key keyval) (Integer/parseInt (.toString (val keyval))))))
+        (.rebalance nimbus name options)
+        (log-message "Rebalancing topology '" name "' with wait time: " wait-time " secs")))
+    (json-response (topology-op-response id "rebalance") (m "callback")))
+  (POST "/api/v1/topology/:id/kill/:wait-time" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id wait-time & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-topology-op-response-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "killTopology" (topology-config id))
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+      (let [tplg (->> (doto
+                        (GetInfoOptions.)
+                        (.set_num_err_choice NumErrorsChoice/NONE))
+                      (.getTopologyInfoWithOpts ^Nimbus$Client nimbus id))
+            name (.get_name tplg)
+            options (KillOptions.)]
+        (.set_wait_secs options (Integer/parseInt wait-time))
+        (.killTopologyWithOpts nimbus name options)
+        (log-message "Killing topology '" name "' with wait time: " wait-time " secs")))
+    (json-response (topology-op-response id "kill") (m "callback")))
+  (POST "/api/v1/topology/:id/logconfig" [:as {:keys [cookies servlet-request]} id namedLoggerLevels & m]
+    (mark! ui:num-topology-op-response-http-requests)
+    (populate-context! servlet-request)
+    (assert-authorized-user "setLogConfig" (topology-config id))
+    (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection
+      nimbus
+      (let [new-log-config (LogConfig.)]
+        (doseq [[key level] namedLoggerLevels]
+            (let [logger-name (str key)
+                  target-level (.get level "target_level")
+                  timeout (or (.get level "timeout") 0)
+                  named-logger-level (LogLevel.)]
+              ;; if target-level is nil, do not set it, user wants to clear
+              (log-message "The target level for " logger-name " is " target-level)
+              (if (nil? target-level)
+                (do
+                  (.set_action named-logger-level LogLevelAction/REMOVE)
+                  (.unset_target_log_level named-logger-level))
+                (do
+                  (.set_action named-logger-level LogLevelAction/UPDATE)
+                  ;; the toLevel here ensures the string we get is valid
+                  (.set_target_log_level named-logger-level (.name (Level/toLevel target-level)))
+                  (.set_reset_log_level_timeout_secs named-logger-level timeout)))
+              (log-message "Adding this " logger-name " " named-logger-level " to " new-log-config)
+              (.put_to_named_logger_level new-log-config logger-name named-logger-level)))
+        (log-message "Setting topology " id " log config " new-log-config)
+        (.setLogConfig nimbus id new-log-config)
+        (json-response (log-config id) (m "callback")))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/profiling/start/:host-port/:timeout"
+       [:as {:keys [servlet-request]} id host-port timeout & m]
+       (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+         (assert-authorized-user "setWorkerProfiler" (topology-config id))
+         (assert-authorized-profiler-action "start")
+         (let [[host, port] (split host-port #":")
+               nodeinfo (NodeInfo. host (set [(Long. port)]))
+               timestamp (+ (System/currentTimeMillis) (* 60000 (Long. timeout)))
+               request (ProfileRequest. nodeinfo
+                                        ProfileAction/JPROFILE_STOP)]
+           (.set_time_stamp request timestamp)
+           (.setWorkerProfiler nimbus id request)
+           (json-response {"status" "ok"
+                           "id" host-port
+                           "timeout" timeout
+                           "dumplink" (worker-dump-link
+                                       host
+                                       port
+                                       id)}
+                          (m "callback")))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/profiling/stop/:host-port"
+       [:as {:keys [servlet-request]} id host-port & m]
+       (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+         (assert-authorized-user "setWorkerProfiler" (topology-config id))
+         (assert-authorized-profiler-action "stop")
+         (let [[host, port] (split host-port #":")
+               nodeinfo (NodeInfo. host (set [(Long. port)]))
+               timestamp 0
+               request (ProfileRequest. nodeinfo
+                                        ProfileAction/JPROFILE_STOP)]
+           (.set_time_stamp request timestamp)
+           (.setWorkerProfiler nimbus id request)
+           (json-response {"status" "ok"
+                           "id" host-port}
+                          (m "callback")))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/profiling/dumpprofile/:host-port"
+       [:as {:keys [servlet-request]} id host-port & m]
+       (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+         (assert-authorized-user "setWorkerProfiler" (topology-config id))
+         (assert-authorized-profiler-action "dumpprofile")
+         (let [[host, port] (split host-port #":")
+               nodeinfo (NodeInfo. host (set [(Long. port)]))
+               timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
+               request (ProfileRequest. nodeinfo
+                                        ProfileAction/JPROFILE_DUMP)]
+           (.set_time_stamp request timestamp)
+           (.setWorkerProfiler nimbus id request)
+           (json-response {"status" "ok"
+                           "id" host-port}
+                          (m "callback")))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/profiling/dumpjstack/:host-port"
+       [:as {:keys [servlet-request]} id host-port & m]
+       (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+         (assert-authorized-user "setWorkerProfiler" (topology-config id))
+         (assert-authorized-profiler-action "dumpjstack")
+         (let [[host, port] (split host-port #":")
+               nodeinfo (NodeInfo. host (set [(Long. port)]))
+               timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
+               request (ProfileRequest. nodeinfo
+                                        ProfileAction/JSTACK_DUMP)]
+           (.set_time_stamp request timestamp)
+           (.setWorkerProfiler nimbus id request)
+           (json-response {"status" "ok"
+                           "id" host-port}
+                          (m "callback")))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/profiling/restartworker/:host-port"
+       [:as {:keys [servlet-request]} id host-port & m]
+       (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+         (assert-authorized-user "setWorkerProfiler" (topology-config id))
+         (assert-authorized-profiler-action "restartworker")
+         (let [[host, port] (split host-port #":")
+               nodeinfo (NodeInfo. host (set [(Long. port)]))
+               timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
+               request (ProfileRequest. nodeinfo
+                                        ProfileAction/JVM_RESTART)]
+           (.set_time_stamp request timestamp)
+           (.setWorkerProfiler nimbus id request)
+           (json-response {"status" "ok"
+                           "id" host-port}
+                          (m "callback")))))
+  (GET "/api/v1/topology/:id/profiling/dumpheap/:host-port"
+       [:as {:keys [servlet-request]} id host-port & m]
+       (thrift/with-configured-nimbus-connection nimbus
+         (assert-authorized-user "setWorkerProfiler" (topology-config id))
+         (assert-authorized-profiler-action "dumpheap")
+         (let [[host, port] (split host-port #":")
+               nodeinfo (NodeInfo. host (set [(Long. port)]))
+               timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
+               request (ProfileRequest. nodeinfo
+                                        ProfileAction/JMAP_DUMP)]
+           (.set_time_stamp request timestamp)
+           (.setWorkerProfiler nimbus id request)
+           (json-response {"status" "ok"
+                           "id" host-port}
+                          (m "callback")))))
+  (GET "/" [:as {cookies :cookies}]
+    (mark! ui:num-main-page-http-requests)
+    (resp/redirect "/index.html"))
+  (route/resources "/")
+  (route/not-found "Page not found"))
+(defn catch-errors
+  [handler]
+  (fn [request]
+    (try
+      (handler request)
+      (catch Exception ex
+        (json-response (exception->json ex) ((:query-params request) "callback") :status 500)))))
+(def app
+  (handler/site (-> main-routes
+                    (wrap-json-params)
+                    (wrap-multipart-params)
+                    (wrap-reload '[org.apache.storm.ui.core])
+                    requests-middleware
+                    catch-errors)))
+(defn start-server!
+  []
+  (try
+    (let [conf *STORM-CONF*
+          header-buffer-size (int (.get conf UI-HEADER-BUFFER-BYTES))
+          filters-confs [{:filter-class (conf UI-FILTER)
+                          :filter-params (conf UI-FILTER-PARAMS)}]
+          https-port (if (not-nil? (conf UI-HTTPS-PORT)) (conf UI-HTTPS-PORT) 0)
+          https-ks-path (conf UI-HTTPS-KEYSTORE-PATH)
+          https-ks-password (conf UI-HTTPS-KEYSTORE-PASSWORD)
+          https-ks-type (conf UI-HTTPS-KEYSTORE-TYPE)
+          https-key-password (conf UI-HTTPS-KEY-PASSWORD)
+          https-ts-path (conf UI-HTTPS-TRUSTSTORE-PATH)
+          https-ts-password (conf UI-HTTPS-TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD)
+          https-ts-type (conf UI-HTTPS-TRUSTSTORE-TYPE)
+          https-want-client-auth (conf UI-HTTPS-WANT-CLIENT-AUTH)
+          https-need-client-auth (conf UI-HTTPS-NEED-CLIENT-AUTH)]
+      (start-metrics-reporters)
+      (storm-run-jetty {:port (conf UI-PORT)
+                        :host (conf UI-HOST)
+                        :https-port https-port
+                        :configurator (fn [server]
+                                        (config-ssl server
+                                                    https-port
+                                                    https-ks-path
+                                                    https-ks-password
+                                                    https-ks-type
+                                                    https-key-password
+                                                    https-ts-path
+                                                    https-ts-password
+                                                    https-ts-type
+                                                    https-need-client-auth
+                                                    https-want-client-auth)
+                                        (doseq [connector (.getConnectors server)]
+                                          (.setRequestHeaderSize connector header-buffer-size))
+                                        (config-filter server app filters-confs))}))
+   (catch Exception ex
+     (log-error ex))))
+(defn -main
+  []
+  (log-message "Starting ui server for storm version '" STORM-VERSION "'")
+  (start-server!))
diff --git a/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/ui/helpers.clj b/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/ui/helpers.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ded154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/ui/helpers.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+;; distributed with this work for additional information
+;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+;; limitations under the License.
+(ns org.apache.storm.ui.helpers
+  (:use compojure.core)
+  (:use [hiccup core page-helpers])
+  (:use [clojure
+         [string :only [blank? join]]
+         [walk :only [keywordize-keys]]])
+  (:use [org.apache.storm config log])
+  (:use [org.apache.storm.util :only [clojurify-structure uuid defnk to-json url-encode not-nil?]])
+  (:use [clj-time coerce format])
+  (:import [org.apache.storm.generated ExecutorInfo ExecutorSummary])
+  (:import [org.apache.storm.logging.filters AccessLoggingFilter])
+  (:import [java.util EnumSet])
+  (:import [org.eclipse.jetty.server Server]
+           [org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio SelectChannelConnector]
+           [org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl SslSocketConnector]
+           [org.eclipse.jetty.servlet ServletHolder FilterMapping]
+	   [org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl SslContextFactory]
+           [org.eclipse.jetty.server DispatcherType]
+           [org.eclipse.jetty.servlets CrossOriginFilter])
+  (:require [ring.util servlet])
+  (:require [compojure.route :as route]
+            [compojure.handler :as handler])
+  (:require [metrics.meters :refer [defmeter mark!]]))
+(defmeter num-web-requests)
+(defn requests-middleware
+  "Coda Hale metric for counting the number of web requests."
+  [handler]
+  (fn [req]
+    (mark! num-web-requests)
+    (handler req)))
+(defn split-divide [val divider]
+  [(Integer. (int (/ val divider))) (mod val divider)]
+  )
+     [["s" 60]
+      ["m" 60]
+      ["h" 24]
+      ["d" nil]])
+     (cons ["ms" 1000]
+(defn pretty-uptime-str* [val dividers]
+  (let [val (if (string? val) (Integer/parseInt val) val)
+        vals (reduce (fn [[state val] [_ divider]]
+                       (if (pos? val)
+                         (let [[divided mod] (if divider
+                                               (split-divide val divider)
+                                               [nil val])]
+                           [(concat state [mod])
+                            divided]
+                           )
+                         [state val]
+                         ))
+                     [[] val]
+                     dividers)
+        strs (->>
+              (first vals)
+              (map
+               (fn [[suffix _] val]
+                 (str val suffix))
+               dividers
+               ))]
+    (join " " (reverse strs))
+    ))
+(defn pretty-uptime-sec [secs]
+  (pretty-uptime-str* secs PRETTY-SEC-DIVIDERS))
+(defn pretty-uptime-ms [ms]
+  (pretty-uptime-str* ms PRETTY-MS-DIVIDERS))
+(defelem table [headers-map data]
+  [:table
+   [:thead
+    [:tr
+     (for [h headers-map]
+       [:th (if (:text h) [:span (:attr h) (:text h)] h)])
+     ]]
+   [:tbody
+    (for [row data]
+      [:tr
+       (for [col row]
+         [:td col]
+         )]
+      )]
+   ])
+(defn url-format [fmt & args]
+  (String/format fmt
+    (to-array (map #(url-encode (str %)) args))))
+(defn pretty-executor-info [^ExecutorInfo e]
+  (str "[" (.get_task_start e) "-" (.get_task_end e) "]"))
+(defn unauthorized-user-json
+  [user]
+  {"error" "No Authorization"
+   "errorMessage" (str "User " user " is not authorized.")})
+(defn unauthorized-user-html [user]
+  [[:h2 "User '" (escape-html user) "' is not authorized."]])
+(defn- mk-ssl-connector [port ks-path ks-password ks-type key-password
+                         ts-path ts-password ts-type need-client-auth want-client-auth]
+  (let [sslContextFactory (doto (SslContextFactory.)
+                            (.setExcludeCipherSuites (into-array String ["SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5" "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA"]))
+                            (.setExcludeProtocols (into-array String ["SSLv3"]))
+                            (.setAllowRenegotiate false)
+                            (.setKeyStorePath ks-path)
+                            (.setKeyStoreType ks-type)
+                            (.setKeyStorePassword ks-password)
+                            (.setKeyManagerPassword key-password))]
+    (if (and (not-nil? ts-path) (not-nil? ts-password) (not-nil? ts-type))
+      (do
+        (.setTrustStore sslContextFactory ts-path)
+        (.setTrustStoreType sslContextFactory ts-type)
+        (.setTrustStorePassword sslContextFactory ts-password)))
+    (cond
+      need-client-auth (.setNeedClientAuth sslContextFactory true)
+      want-client-auth (.setWantClientAuth sslContextFactory true))
+    (doto (SslSocketConnector. sslContextFactory)
+      (.setPort port))))
+(defn config-ssl [server port ks-path ks-password ks-type key-password
+                  ts-path ts-password ts-type need-client-auth want-client-auth]
+  (when (> port 0)
+    (.addConnector server (mk-ssl-connector port ks-path ks-password ks-type key-password
+                                            ts-path ts-password ts-type need-client-auth want-client-auth))))
+(defn cors-filter-handler
+  []
+  (doto (org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.FilterHolder. (CrossOriginFilter.))
+    (.setInitParameter CrossOriginFilter/ALLOWED_ORIGINS_PARAM "*")
+    (.setInitParameter CrossOriginFilter/ALLOWED_METHODS_PARAM "GET, POST, PUT")
+    (.setInitParameter CrossOriginFilter/ALLOWED_HEADERS_PARAM "X-Requested-With, X-Requested-By, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept, Origin")
+    (.setInitParameter CrossOriginFilter/ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_HEADER "*")
+    ))
+(defn mk-access-logging-filter-handler []
+  (org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.FilterHolder. (AccessLoggingFilter.)))
+(defn config-filter [server handler filters-confs]
+  (if filters-confs
+    (let [servlet-holder (ServletHolder.
+                           (ring.util.servlet/servlet handler))
+          context (doto (org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler. server "/")
+                    (.addServlet servlet-holder "/"))]
+      (.addFilter context (cors-filter-handler) "/*" (EnumSet/allOf DispatcherType))
+      (doseq [{:keys [filter-name filter-class filter-params]} filters-confs]
+        (if filter-class
+          (let [filter-holder (doto (org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.FilterHolder.)
+                                (.setClassName filter-class)
+                                (.setName (or filter-name filter-class))
+                                (.setInitParameters (or filter-params {})))]
+            (.addFilter context filter-holder "/*" FilterMapping/ALL))))
+      (.addFilter context (mk-access-logging-filter-handler) "/*" (EnumSet/allOf DispatcherType))
+      (.setHandler server context))))
+(defn ring-response-from-exception [ex]
+  {:headers {}
+   :status 400
+   :body (.getMessage ex)})
+(defn- remove-non-ssl-connectors [server]
+  (doseq [c (.getConnectors server)]
+    (when-not (or (nil? c) (instance? SslSocketConnector c))
+      (.removeConnector server c)
+      ))
+  server)
+;; Modified from ring.adapter.jetty 1.3.0
+(defn- jetty-create-server
+  "Construct a Jetty Server instance."
+  [options]
+  (let [connector (doto (SelectChannelConnector.)
+                    (.setPort (options :port 80))
+                    (.setHost (options :host))
+                    (.setMaxIdleTime (options :max-idle-time 200000)))
+        server    (doto (Server.)
+                    (.addConnector connector)
+                    (.setSendDateHeader true))
+        https-port (options :https-port)]
+    (if (and (not-nil? https-port) (> https-port 0)) (remove-non-ssl-connectors server))
+    server))
+(defn storm-run-jetty
+  "Modified version of run-jetty
+  Assumes configurator sets handler."
+  [config]
+  {:pre [(:configurator config)]}
+  (let [#^Server s (jetty-create-server (dissoc config :configurator))
+        configurator (:configurator config)]
+    (configurator s)
+    (.start s)))
+(defn wrap-json-in-callback [callback response]
+  (str callback "(" response ");"))
+(defnk json-response
+  [data callback :serialize-fn to-json :status 200 :headers {}]
+  {:status status
+   :headers (merge {"Cache-Control" "no-cache, no-store"
+                    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
+                    "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" "Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Controler-Allow-Origin, X-Requested-By, X-Csrf-Token, Authorization, X-Requested-With"}
+              (if (not-nil? callback) {"Content-Type" "application/javascript;charset=utf-8"}
+                {"Content-Type" "application/json;charset=utf-8"})
+              headers)
+   :body (if (not-nil? callback)
+           (wrap-json-in-callback callback (serialize-fn data))
+           (serialize-fn data))})
+(defn exception->json
+  [ex]
+  {"error" "Internal Server Error"
+   "errorMessage"
+   (let [sw (]
+     (.printStackTrace ex ( sw))
+     (.toString sw))})