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Posted to by on 2013/02/04 03:24:02 UTC

svn commit: r1442010 [2/29] - in /incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2: ./ ambari-agent/ ambari-agent/conf/unix/ ambari-agent/src/examples/ ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-ganglia/files/ ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-ganglia/manifes...

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/files/check_name_dir_status.php
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/files/check_name_dir_status.php (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/files/check_name_dir_status.php Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
   $json_array = json_decode($json_string, true);
   $object = $json_array['beans'][0];
   if ($object['NameDirStatuses'] == "") {
-    echo "UNKNOWN: Namenode directory status not available via http://<nn_host>:port/jmx url" . "\n";
-    exit(3);
+    echo "WARNING: Namenode directory status not available via http://".$host.":".$port."/jmx url" . "\n";
+    exit(1);
   $NameDirStatuses = json_decode($object['NameDirStatuses'], true);
   $failed_dir_count = count($NameDirStatuses['failed']);

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/manifests/server.pp
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/manifests/server.pp (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/manifests/server.pp Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -162,12 +162,14 @@ class hdp-nagios::server(
       notify => Class['hdp-nagios::server::services']
+    class { 'hdp-nagios::server::enable_snmp': }
     class { 'hdp-nagios::server::web_permisssions': }
     class { 'hdp-nagios::server::services': ensure => $service_state}
-	Class['hdp-nagios::server::packages'] -> Hdp::Directory[$nagios_config_dir] -> Hdp::Directory[$plugins_dir] -> Hdp::Directory_recursive_create[$nagios_pid_dir] ->
+	Class['hdp-nagios::server::packages'] -> Class['hdp-nagios::server::enable_snmp']-> Hdp::Directory[$nagios_config_dir] -> Hdp::Directory[$plugins_dir] -> Hdp::Directory_recursive_create[$nagios_pid_dir] ->
 	Hdp::Directory[$nagios_obj_dir] -> Hdp::Directory_Recursive_Create[$nagios_var_dir] ->
 	Hdp::Directory_Recursive_Create[$check_result_path] -> Hdp::Directory_Recursive_Create[$nagios_rw_dir] ->
 	Class['hdp-nagios::server::config'] -> Class['hdp-nagios::server::web_permisssions'] -> Class['hdp-nagios::server::services'] -> Class['hdp-monitor-webserver']
@@ -217,3 +219,12 @@ class hdp-nagios::server::services($ensu
     anchor{'hdp-nagios::server::services::begin':} ->  Service['nagios'] ->  anchor{'hdp-nagios::server::services::end':}
+class hdp-nagios::server::enable_snmp() {
+  exec { "enable_snmp":
+    command => "service snmpd start; chkconfig snmpd on",
+    path    => "/usr/local/bin/:/bin/:/sbin/",
+  }

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/manifests/server/packages.pp
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/manifests/server/packages.pp (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-nagios/manifests/server/packages.pp Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -28,9 +28,17 @@ class hdp-nagios::server::packages(
       ensure => 'uninstalled'
   } elsif ($service_state in ['running','stopped','installed_and_configured']) {
+  hdp::package { 'perl':
+    ensure      => present,
+    java_needed => false
+  }
+  hdp::package { 'perl-Net-SNMP':
+    ensure      => present,
+    java_needed => false
+  }
   hdp::package { 'nagios-server':
     ensure      => present,
     java_needed => false

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-oozie/manifests/service.pp
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-oozie/manifests/service.pp (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-oozie/manifests/service.pp Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class hdp-oozie::service(
   $user = "$hdp-oozie::params::oozie_user"
   $hadoop_home = $hdp-oozie::params::hadoop_prefix
   $oozie_tmp = $hdp-oozie::params::oozie_tmp_dir
+  $oozie_hdfs_user_dir = $hdp::params::oozie_hdfs_user_dir
   $cmd = "env HADOOP_HOME=${hadoop_home} /usr/sbin/"
   $pid_file = "${hdp-oozie::params::oozie_pid_dir}/" 
   $jar_location = $hdp::params::hadoop_jar_location
@@ -42,11 +43,11 @@ class hdp-oozie::service(
   $cmd1 = "cd /usr/lib/oozie && tar -xvf oozie-sharelib.tar.gz"
   $cmd2 =  "cd /usr/lib/oozie && mkdir -p ${oozie_tmp}"
-  $cmd3 =  "cd /usr/lib/oozie && chown ${user}:hadoop ${oozie_tmp}"    
+  $cmd3 =  "cd /usr/lib/oozie && chown ${user}:${hdp::params::user_group} ${oozie_tmp}"    
   $cmd4 =  "cd ${oozie_tmp} && /usr/lib/oozie/bin/ -hadoop 0.20.200 $jar_location -extjs $ext_js_path $lzo_jar_suffix"
   $cmd5 =  "cd ${oozie_tmp} && /usr/lib/oozie/bin/ create -sqlfile oozie.sql -run ; echo 0"
-  $cmd6 =  "hadoop dfs -put /usr/lib/oozie/share share ; hadoop dfs -chmod -R 755 /user/${user}/share"
-  $cmd7 = "/usr/lib/oozie/bin/"
+  $cmd6 =  "su - ${user} -c 'hadoop dfs -put /usr/lib/oozie/share ${oozie_hdfs_user_dir} ; hadoop dfs -chmod -R 755 ${oozie_hdfs_user_dir}/share'"
+  #$cmd7 = "/usr/lib/oozie/bin/"
   if ($ensure == 'installed_and_configured') {
     $sh_cmds = [$cmd1, $cmd2, $cmd3]
@@ -75,9 +76,16 @@ class hdp-oozie::service(
     Hdp-oozie::Service::Directory<||> -> Hdp-oozie::Service::Exec_sh[$cmd1] -> Hdp-oozie::Service::Exec_sh[$cmd2] ->Hdp-oozie::Service::Exec_sh[$cmd3] -> Hdp-oozie::Service::Exec_user[$cmd4] ->Hdp-oozie::Service::Exec_user[$cmd5] -> Anchor['hdp-oozie::service::end']
   } elsif ($ensure == 'running') {
-    $user_cmds = [$cmd6, $cmd7]
-    hdp-oozie::service::exec_user{$user_cmds:}
-    Hdp-oozie::Service::Exec_user[$cmd6] -> Hdp-oozie::Service::Exec_user[$cmd7] -> Anchor['hdp-oozie::service::end']
+    hdp::exec { "exec $cmd6" :
+      command => $cmd6,
+      unless => "hadoop dfs -ls /user/oozie/share | awk 'BEGIN {count=0;} /share/ {count++} END {if (count > 0) {exit 0} else {exit 1}}'"
+    }
+    hdp::exec { "exec $start_cmd":
+      command => $start_cmd,
+      unless  => $no_op_test,
+      initial_wait => $initial_wait,
+      require => Exec["exec $cmd6"]
+    }
   } elsif ($ensure == 'stopped') {
     hdp::exec { "exec $stop_cmd":
       command => $stop_cmd,

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-zookeeper/manifests/service.pp
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-zookeeper/manifests/service.pp (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp-zookeeper/manifests/service.pp Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ class hdp-zookeeper::service(
 class hdp-zookeeper::set_myid($myid)
-  $create_file = "${hdp-zookeeper::params::zk_data_dir}/myid"
-  $cmd = "echo '${myid}' > ${create_file}"
-  hdp::exec{ $cmd:
-    command => $cmd,
-    creates  => $create_file
+  file {"${hdp-zookeeper::params::zk_data_dir}/myid":
+    ensure  => file,
+    content => $myid,
+    mode    => 0644,

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp/manifests/init.pp
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp/manifests/init.pp (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp/manifests/init.pp Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -98,28 +98,26 @@ class hdp::pre_install_pkgs
 class hdp::create_smoke_user()
   $smoke_group = $hdp::params::smoke_user_group
   $smoke_user = $hdp::params::smokeuser
   $security_enabled = $hdp::params::security_enabled
   if ( $smoke_group != $proxyuser_group) {
     group { $smoke_group :
       ensure => present
-  group { $proxyuser_group :
-    ensure => present
+  if ($hdp::params::user_group != $proxyuser_group) {
+    group { $proxyuser_group :
+      ensure => present
+    }
-  hdp::user { $smoke_user: gid => $proxyuser_group}
-  $cmd = "usermod -g  $smoke_group  $smoke_user"
-  $check_group_cmd = "id -gn $smoke_user | grep $smoke_group"
-  hdp::exec{ $cmd:
-     command => $cmd,
-     unless => $check_group_cmd
+  hdp::user { $smoke_user: 
+              gid    => $hdp::params::user_group,
+              groups => ["$proxyuser_group"]
   if ($security_enabled == true) {
@@ -133,11 +131,7 @@ class hdp::create_smoke_user()
-  if ( $smoke_group != $proxyuser_group) {
-    Group[$smoke_group] -> Group[$proxyuser_group] -> Hdp::User[$smoke_user] -> Hdp::Exec[$cmd]
-  } else {
-    Group[$smoke_group] -> Hdp::User[$smoke_user] -> Hdp::Exec[$cmd]
-  }
+  Group<||> -> Hdp::User[$smoke_user]
@@ -153,7 +147,8 @@ class hdp::set_selinux()
 define hdp::user(
   $gid = $hdp::params::user_group,
-  $just_validate = undef
+  $just_validate = undef,
+  $groups = undef
   $user_info = $hdp::params::user_info[$name]
@@ -175,7 +170,8 @@ define hdp::user(
       ensure     => present,
       managehome => true,
       gid        => $gid, #TODO either remove this to support LDAP env or fix it
-      shell      => '/bin/bash'
+      shell      => '/bin/bash',
+      groups     => $groups 
@@ -187,7 +183,8 @@ define hdp::directory(
   $mode  = undef,
   $ensure = directory,
   $force = undef,
-  $service_state = 'running'
+  $service_state = 'running',
+  $override_owner = false
  if (($service_state == 'uninstalled') and ($wipeoff_data == true)) {
@@ -199,13 +196,21 @@ define hdp::directory(
     force  => $force
   } elsif ($service_state != 'uninstalled') {
-  file { $name :
-    ensure => present,
-    owner  => $owner,
-    group  => $group,
-    mode   => $mode,
-    force  => $force
-   }
+    if $override_owner == true {
+      file { $name :
+      ensure => present,
+      owner  => $owner,
+      group  => $group,
+      mode   => $mode,
+      force  => $force
+     }
+    } else {
+      file { $name :
+      ensure => present,
+      mode   => $mode,
+      force  => $force
+     }
+    }
 #TODO: check on -R flag and use of recurse
@@ -216,7 +221,8 @@ define hdp::directory_recursive_create(
   $context_tag = undef,
   $ensure = directory,
   $force = undef,
-  $service_state = 'running'
+  $service_state = 'running',
+  $override_owner = true
@@ -231,7 +237,8 @@ define hdp::directory_recursive_create(
     mode  => $mode,
     ensure => $ensure,
     force => $force,
-    service_state => $service_state
+    service_state => $service_state,
+    override_owner => $override_owner
   Hdp::Exec["mkdir -p ${name}"] -> Hdp::Directory[$name]
@@ -247,9 +254,16 @@ define hdp::directory_recursive_create_i
   hdp::exec {"mkdir -p ${name} ; exit 0" :
-    command => "mkdir -p ${name} ; chown ${owner}:${group} ${name}; chmod ${mode} ${name} ; exit 0",
+    command => "mkdir -p ${name} ; exit 0",
     creates => $name
+    hdp::exec {"chown ${owner}:${group} ${name}; exit 0" :
+    command => "chown ${owner}:${group} ${name}; exit 0"
+  }
+    hdp::exec {"chmod ${mode} ${name} ; exit 0" :
+    command => "chmod ${mode} ${name} ; exit 0"
+  }
+  Hdp::Exec["mkdir -p ${name} ; exit 0"] -> Hdp::Exec["chown ${owner}:${group} ${name}; exit 0"] -> Hdp::Exec["chmod ${mode} ${name} ; exit 0"]
 ### helper to do exec

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp/manifests/params.pp
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp/manifests/params.pp (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/puppet/modules/hdp/manifests/params.pp Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ class hdp::params()
     $public_webhcat_server_host = hdp_default("webhcat_server_host")
-  ############ Hdfs directories
-  $hbase_hdfs_root_dir = hdp_default("hadoop/hbase-site/hbase_hdfs_root_dir","/apps/hbase/data")
   ############ users
   $user_info = hdp_default("user_info",{})
@@ -133,6 +131,13 @@ class hdp::params()
   $smokeuser = hdp_default("smokeuser","ambari_qa")
   $smoke_user_group = hdp_default("smoke_user_group","users")
+  ############ Hdfs directories
+  $hbase_hdfs_root_dir = hdp_default("hadoop/hbase-site/hbase_hdfs_root_dir","/apps/hbase/data")
+  $oozie_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("oozie_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/oozie")
+  $hcat_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("hcat_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/hcat")
+  $hive_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("hive_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/hive")
+  $smoke_hdfs_user_dir = hdp_default("smoke_hdfs_user_dir", "/user/${smokeuser}")
   #because of Puppet user resource issue make sure that $hadoop_user is different from user_group
   if ($security_enabled == true) {
@@ -496,6 +501,16 @@ class hdp::params()
       64 => {'ALL' => 'hdp_mon_dashboard'}
+    perl =>
+    {
+      64 => {'ALL' => 'perl'}
+    },
+    perl-Net-SNMP =>
+    {
+      64 => {'ALL' => 'perl-Net-SNMP'}
+    },
     nagios-server => {
       64 => {'ALL' => 'nagios-3.2.3'}

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -109,8 +109,9 @@ class ActionQueue(threading.Thread):
           cluster = command['clusterName']
           service = command['serviceName']
           component = command['componentName']
+          globalConfig = command['configurations']['global']
-            livestatus = LiveStatus(cluster, service, component)
+            livestatus = LiveStatus(cluster, service, component, globalConfig)
             result =
   "Got live status for component " + component + " of service " + str(service) +\
                         " of cluster " + str(cluster) + "\n" + pprint.pformat(result))

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ secured_url_port=8441
@@ -54,19 +52,155 @@ sleepBetweenRetries=1
+state_interval = 6
 s = StringIO.StringIO(content)
+imports = [
+  "hdp/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-hadoop/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-hbase/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-zookeeper/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-oozie/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-pig/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-sqoop/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-templeton/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-hive/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-hcat/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-mysql/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-monitor-webserver/manifests/*.pp",
+  "hdp-repos/manifests/*.pp"
+rolesToClass = {
+  'NAMENODE': 'hdp-hadoop::namenode',
+  'DATANODE': 'hdp-hadoop::datanode',
+  'SECONDARY_NAMENODE': 'hdp-hadoop::snamenode',
+  'JOBTRACKER': 'hdp-hadoop::jobtracker',
+  'TASKTRACKER': 'hdp-hadoop::tasktracker',
+  'HDFS_CLIENT': 'hdp-hadoop::client',
+  'MAPREDUCE_CLIENT': 'hdp-hadoop::client',
+  'ZOOKEEPER_SERVER': 'hdp-zookeeper',
+  'ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT': 'hdp-zookeeper::client',
+  'HBASE_MASTER': 'hdp-hbase::master',
+  'HBASE_REGIONSERVER': 'hdp-hbase::regionserver',
+  'HBASE_CLIENT': 'hdp-hbase::client',
+  'PIG': 'hdp-pig',
+  'SQOOP': 'hdp-sqoop',
+  'OOZIE_SERVER': 'hdp-oozie::server',
+  'OOZIE_CLIENT': 'hdp-oozie::client',
+  'HIVE_CLIENT': 'hdp-hive::client',
+  'HCAT': 'hdp-hcat',
+  'HIVE_SERVER': 'hdp-hive::server',
+  'HIVE_METASTORE': 'hdp-hive::metastore',
+  'MYSQL_SERVER': 'hdp-mysql::server',
+  'WEBHCAT_SERVER': 'hdp-templeton::server',
+  'DASHBOARD': 'hdp-dashboard',
+  'NAGIOS_SERVER': 'hdp-nagios::server',
+  'GANGLIA_SERVER': 'hdp-ganglia::server',
+  'GANGLIA_MONITOR': 'hdp-ganglia::monitor',
+  'HTTPD': 'hdp-monitor-webserver',
+  'HDFS_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-hadoop::hdfs::service_check',
+  'MAPREDUCE_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-hadoop::mapred::service_check',
+  'ZOOKEEPER_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-zookeeper::zookeeper::service_check',
+  'ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-zookeeper::quorum::service_check',
+  'HBASE_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-hbase::hbase::service_check',
+  'HIVE_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-hive::hive::service_check',
+  'HCAT_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-hcat::hcat::service_check',
+  'OOZIE_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-oozie::oozie::service_check',
+  'PIG_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-pig::pig::service_check',
+  'SQOOP_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-sqoop::sqoop::service_check',
+  'WEBHCAT_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-templeton::templeton::service_check',
+  'DASHBOARD_SERVICE_CHECK': 'hdp-dashboard::dashboard::service_check',
+  'DECOMMISSION_DATANODE': 'hdp-hadoop::hdfs::decommission'
+serviceStates = {
+  'START': 'running',
+  'INSTALL': 'installed_and_configured',
+  'STOP': 'stopped'
+servicesToPidNames = {
+  'NAMENODE': 'hadoop-[A-Za-z0-9_]$',
+  'SECONDARY_NAMENODE': 'hadoop-[A-Za-z0-9_]$',
+  'DATANODE': 'hadoop-[A-Za-z0-9_]$',
+  'JOBTRACKER': 'hadoop-[A-Za-z0-9_]$',
+  'TASKTRACKER': 'hadoop-[A-Za-z0-9_]$',
+  'OOZIE_SERVER': '',
+  'HBASE_MASTER': 'hbase-[A-Za-z0-9_]',
+  'HBASE_REGIONSERVER': 'hbase-[A-Za-z0-9_]',
+  'HIVE_SERVER': '',
+pidPathesVars = [
+  {'var' : 'hadoop_pid_dir_prefix',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/hadoop'},
+  {'var' : 'hadoop_pid_dir_prefix',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/hadoop'},                 
+  {'var' : 'ganglia_runtime_dir',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/ganglia/hdp'},                 
+  {'var' : 'hbase_pid_dir',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/hbase'},                
+  {'var' : '',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/nagios'},                    
+  {'var' : 'zk_pid_dir',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/zookeeper'},             
+  {'var' : 'oozie_pid_dir',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/oozie'},             
+  {'var' : 'hcat_pid_dir',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/webhcat'},                       
+  {'var' : 'hive_pid_dir',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/hive'},                      
+   {'var' : 'mysqld_pid_dir',
+   'defaultValue' : '/var/run/mysqld'}
 class AmbariConfig:
   def getConfig(self):
     global config
     return config
+  def getImports(self):
+    global imports
+    return imports
+  def getRolesToClass(self):
+    global rolesToClass
+    return rolesToClass
+  def getServiceStates(self):
+    global serviceStates
+    return serviceStates
+  def getServicesToPidNames(self):
+    global servicesToPidNames
+    return servicesToPidNames
+  def getPidPathesVars(self):
+    global pidPathesVars
+    return pidPathesVars
 def setConfig(customConfig):
   global config
   config = customConfig
 def main():
   print config

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import logging
 import logging.handlers
 import signal
 import json
-import socket
+import hostname
 import sys, traceback
 import time
 import threading
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class Controller(threading.Thread):
     self.safeMode = True
     self.credential = None
     self.config = config
-    self.hostname = socket.gethostname()
+    self.hostname = hostname.hostname()
     server_secured_url = 'https://' + config.get('server', 'hostname') + ':' + config.get('server', 'secured_url_port')
     self.registerUrl = server_secured_url + '/agent/v1/register/' + self.hostname
     self.heartbeatUrl = server_secured_url + '/agent/v1/heartbeat/' + self.hostname
@@ -135,12 +135,15 @@ class Controller(threading.Thread):
     retry = False
     certVerifFailed = False
+    config = AmbariConfig.config
+    hb_interval = config.get('heartbeat', 'state_interval')
     #TODO make sure the response id is monotonically increasing
     id = 0
     while not self.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING:
         if not retry:
-          data = json.dumps(
+          data = json.dumps(, int(hb_interval)))
           self.DEBUG_HEARTBEAT_RETRIES += 1
@@ -226,8 +229,7 @@ class Controller(threading.Thread):
   def restartAgent(self):
-    #stopping for now, restart will be added later
-    ProcessHelper.stopAgent()
+    ProcessHelper.restartAgent()
   def sendRequest(self, url, data):

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ import logging
 from Hardware import Hardware
 from ActionQueue import ActionQueue
 from ServerStatus import ServerStatus
+import NetUtil
 import AmbariConfig
-import socket
+import hostname
 import time
 import traceback
 from pprint import pprint, pformat
+from HostInfo import HostInfo
 logger = logging.getLogger()
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ class Heartbeat:
     self.actionQueue = actionQueue
     self.reports = []
-  def build(self, id='-1'):
+  def build(self, id='-1', state_interval=-1):
     global clusterId, clusterDefinitionRevision, firstContact
     timestamp = int(time.time()*1000)
     queueResult = self.actionQueue.result()
@@ -49,9 +51,16 @@ class Heartbeat:
     heartbeat = { 'responseId'        : int(id),
                   'timestamp'         : timestamp,
-                  'hostname'          : socket.getfqdn(),
+                  'hostname'          : hostname.hostname(),
                   'nodeStatus'        : nodeStatus
+    if (int(id) >= 0) and state_interval > 0 and (int(id) % state_interval) == 0:
+      hostInfo = HostInfo()
+      nodeInfo = { }
+      # for now, just do the same work as registration
+      hostInfo.register(nodeInfo)
+      heartbeat['agentEnv'] = nodeInfo
     if len(queueResult) != 0:
       heartbeat['reports'] = queueResult['reports']
       heartbeat['componentStatus'] = queueResult['componentStatus']
@@ -60,9 +69,9 @@ class Heartbeat:
     return heartbeat
 def main(argv=None):
-  actionQueue = ActionQueue()
+  actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.config)
   heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
-  print json.dumps(
+  print json.dumps('3',3))
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Added: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (added)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import os
+import glob
+import pwd
+import subprocess
+import AmbariConfig
+class HostInfo:
+  def dirType(self, path):
+    if not os.path.exists(path):
+      return 'not_exist'
+    elif os.path.islink(path):
+      return 'sym_link'
+    elif os.path.isdir(path):
+      return 'directory'
+    elif os.path.isfile(path):
+      return 'file'
+    return 'unknown'
+  def rpmInfo(self, rpmList):
+    config = AmbariConfig.config
+    try:
+      for rpmName in config.get('heartbeat', 'rpms').split(','):
+        rpmName = rpmName.strip()
+        rpm = { }
+        rpm['name'] = rpmName
+        try:
+          osStat = subprocess.Popen(["rpm", "-q", rpmName], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+          out, err = osStat.communicate()
+          if (0 != osStat.returncode or 0 == len(out.strip())):
+            rpm['installed'] = False
+          else:
+            rpm['installed'] = True
+            rpm['version'] = out.strip()
+        except:
+          rpm['available'] = False
+        rpmList.append(rpm)
+    except:
+      pass
+  def hadoopVarRunCount(self):
+    if not os.path.exists('/var/run/hadoop'):
+      return 0
+    pids = glob.glob('/var/run/hadoop/*/*.pid')
+    return len(pids)
+  def hadoopVarLogCount(self):
+    if not os.path.exists('/var/log/hadoop'):
+      return 0
+    logs = glob.glob('/var/log/hadoop/*/*.log')
+    return len(logs)
+  def etcAlternativesConf(self, etcList):
+    if not os.path.exists('/etc/alternatives'):
+      return []
+    confs = glob.glob('/etc/alternatives/*conf')
+    for conf in confs:
+      confinfo = { }
+      realconf = conf
+      if os.path.islink(conf):
+        realconf = os.path.realpath(conf)
+      confinfo['name'] = conf
+      confinfo['target'] = realconf
+      etcList.append(confinfo)
+  def repos(self):
+    # centos, redhat
+    try:
+      osStat = subprocess.Popen(["yum", "-C", "repolist"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+      out, err = osStat.communicate()
+      return out
+    except:
+      pass
+    # suse, only if above failed
+    try:
+      osStat = subprocess.Popen(["zypper", "repos"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+      out, err = osStat.communicate()
+      return out
+    except:
+      pass
+    # default, never return empty
+    return "could_not_determine"
+  def register(self, dict):
+    dict['varLogHadoopLogCount'] = self.hadoopVarLogCount()
+    dict['varRunHadoopPidCount'] = self.hadoopVarRunCount()
+    etcs = []
+    self.etcAlternativesConf(etcs)
+    dict['etcAlternativesConf'] = etcs
+    dirs = []
+    config = AmbariConfig.config
+    try:
+      for dirName in config.get('heartbeat', 'dirs').split(','):
+        obj = { }
+        obj['type'] = self.dirType(dirName.strip())
+        obj['name'] = dirName.strip()
+        dirs.append(obj)
+    except:
+      pass
+    dict['paths'] = dirs
+    java = []
+    self.javaProcs(java)
+    dict['javaProcs'] = java
+    rpms = []
+    self.rpmInfo(rpms)
+    dict['rpms'] = rpms
+    dict['repoInfo'] = self.repos()
+  def javaProcs(self, list):
+    try:
+      pids = [pid for pid in os.listdir('/proc') if pid.isdigit()]
+      for pid in pids:
+        cmd = open(os.path.join('/proc', pid, 'cmdline'), 'rb').read()
+        cmd = cmd.replace('\0', ' ')
+        if 'java' in cmd:
+          dict = { }
+          dict['pid'] = int(pid)
+          dict['hadoop'] = True if 'hadoop' in cmd else False
+          dict['command'] = cmd.strip()
+          for line in open(os.path.join('/proc', pid, 'status')):
+            if line.startswith('Uid:'):
+              uid = int(line.split()[1])
+              dict['user'] = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
+          list.append(dict)
+    except:
+      pass
+    pass
+def main(argv=None):
+  h = HostInfo()
+  struct = { }
+  h.register(struct)
+  print struct
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -91,10 +91,11 @@ class LiveStatus:
-  def __init__(self, cluster, service, component):
+  def __init__(self, cluster, service, component, globalConfig):
     self.cluster = cluster
     self.service = service
     self.component = component
+    self.globalConfig = globalConfig
   def belongsToService(self, component):
@@ -104,9 +105,7 @@ class LiveStatus:
   # Live status was stripped from heartbeat after revision e1718dd
   def build(self):
-    pidLookupPath = AmbariConfig.config.get('services','pidLookupPath')
-    serviceToPidMapFile = AmbariConfig.config.get('services','serviceToPidMapFile')
-    statusCheck = StatusCheck(pidLookupPath, serviceToPidMapFile)
+    statusCheck = StatusCheck(AmbariConfig.servicesToPidNames, AmbariConfig.pidPathesVars, self.globalConfig)
     livestatus = None
     for component in self.COMPONENTS:
       if component["serviceName"] == self.service and component["componentName"] == self.component:

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class NetUtil:
+  HEARTBEAT_STATE_INTERVAL = 6 # default one per minute
   # Url within server to request during status check. This url
   # should return HTTP code 200

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ limitations under the License.
 import os
 import logging
 import traceback
+import sys
 from shell import getTempFiles
 logger = logging.getLogger()
@@ -32,20 +33,42 @@ else:
     pidfile = "/var/run/ambari-agent/"
-def stopAgent():
+def _clean():
+"Removing pid file")
-  except Exception:
-    logger.warn("Unable to remove: "+pidfile)
+  except Exception as ex:
+    logger.warn("Unable to remove pid file: %s", ex)
-  tempFiles = getTempFiles()
-  for tempFile in tempFiles:
-    if os.path.exists(tempFile):
+"Removing temp files")
+  for f in getTempFiles():
+    if os.path.exists(f):
-          os.unlink(tempFile)
-      except Exception:
-          traceback.print_exc()
-          logger.warn("Unable to remove: "+tempFile)
+        os.unlink(f)
+      except Exception as ex:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        logger.warn("Unable to remove: %s, %s", f, ex)
+def stopAgent():
+  _clean()
-  pass
\ No newline at end of file
+  pass
+def restartAgent():
+  _clean()
+  executable = sys.executable
+  args = sys.argv[:]
+  args.insert(0, executable)
+"Restarting self: %s %s", executable, args)
+  os.execvp(executable, args)

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ import json
 from Hardware import Hardware
 from ActionQueue import ActionQueue
 from ServerStatus import ServerStatus
-import socket
+import hostname
 import time
 import urllib2
 import subprocess
+from HostInfo import HostInfo
 firstContact = True
@@ -36,23 +37,20 @@ class Register:
   def __init__(self):
     self.hardware = Hardware()
-  def pfqdn(self):
-    try:
-      handle = urllib2.urlopen('', '', 3)
-      str =
-      handle.close()
-      return str
-    except Exception, e:
-      return socket.getfqdn()
   def build(self, id='-1'):
     global clusterId, clusterDefinitionRevision, firstContact
     timestamp = int(time.time()*1000)
+    hostInfo = HostInfo() 
+    agentEnv = { }
+    hostInfo.register(agentEnv)
     register = { 'responseId'        : int(id),
                   'timestamp'         : timestamp,
-                  'hostname'          : socket.getfqdn(),
-                  'publicHostname'    : self.pfqdn(),
+                  'hostname'          : hostname.hostname(),
+                  'publicHostname'    : hostname.public_hostname(),
                   'hardwareProfile'   : self.hardware.get(),
+                  'agentEnv'          : agentEnv
     return register

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from shell import shellRunner
 from manifestGenerator import writeImports
 from pprint import pprint, pformat
 import ast
+import AmbariConfig
 import urlparse, urllib
 import re
@@ -60,10 +61,8 @@ class RepoInstaller:
     for repo in self.repoInfoList:
       repoFile = open(self.path + os.sep + repo['repoId'] + '-' + 
                       str(self.taskId) + PUPPET_EXT, 'w+')
-      importsfile = "imports.txt"
-      if self.config.has_option('puppet','imports_file'):
-        importsfile = self.config.get('puppet', 'imports_file')
-      writeImports(repoFile, self.modulesdir, importsfile)
+      writeImports(repoFile, self.modulesdir, AmbariConfig.imports)
       baseUrl = ''
       mirrorList = ''

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -28,15 +28,9 @@ import re
 logger = logging.getLogger()
 class StatusCheck:
-  def get_pair(self, line):
-    key, sep, value = line.strip().partition("=")
-    return key, value
   def listFiles(self, dir):
     basedir = dir
     logger.debug("Files in " + os.path.abspath(dir) + ": ")
@@ -45,9 +39,9 @@ class StatusCheck:
       if os.path.isdir(dir):
         for item in os.listdir(dir):
             if os.path.isfile(item) and item.endswith('.pid'):
-              self.pidFilesDict[item.split(os.sep).pop()] = item
+              self.pidFilesDict[item.split(os.sep).pop()] = os.getcwd() + os.sep + item
-                subdirlist.append(os.path.join(basedir, item))
+              subdirlist.append(os.path.join(basedir, item))
         for subdir in subdirlist:
@@ -55,24 +49,35 @@ class StatusCheck:
           self.pidFilesDict[dir.split(os.sep).pop()] = dir
     except OSError as e: + ' to ' + e.filename)
-  def __init__(self, path, mappingFilePath):
-    if not os.path.isdir(path):
-      raise ValueError("Path argument must be valid directory")
-    if not os.path.exists(mappingFilePath):
-      raise IOError("File with services to pid mapping doesn't exist")
-    self.path = path
-    self.mappingFilePath = mappingFilePath
+  def fillDirValues(self):
+    try:
+      for pidVar in self.pidPathesVars:
+        pidVarName = pidVar['var']
+        pidDefaultvalue = pidVar['defaultValue']
+        if self.globalConfig.has_key(pidVarName):
+          self.pidPathes.append(self.globalConfig[pidVarName])
+        else:
+          self.pidPathes.append(pidDefaultvalue)
+    except Exception as e:
+        logger.error("Error while filling directories values " + str(e))
+  def __init__(self, serviceToPidDict, pidPathesVars, globalConfig):
+    self.serToPidDict = serviceToPidDict
+    self.pidPathesVars = pidPathesVars
+    self.pidPathes = [] = shellRunner()
     self.pidFilesDict = {}
-    self.listFiles(self.path)
-    with open(self.mappingFilePath) as fd:    
-      self.serToPidDict = dict(self.get_pair(line) for line in fd)
+    self.globalConfig = globalConfig
+    self.fillDirValues()
+    for pidPath in self.pidPathes:
+      self.listFiles(pidPath)
   def getIsLive(self, pidPath):
     if not pidPath:
       return False
@@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ class StatusCheck:
       pidPath = None
       pidPattern = self.serToPidDict[serviceCode]
- 'pidPattern: ' + pidPattern)
+'pidPattern: ' + pidPattern)
     except KeyError as e:
       logger.warn('There is no mapping for ' + serviceCode)
       return None

Added: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (added)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import AmbariConfig
+import urllib2
+def hostname():
+  config = AmbariConfig.config
+  try:
+    scriptname = config.get('agent', 'hostname_script')
+    try: 
+      osStat = subprocess.Popen([scriptname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+      out, err = osStat.communicate()
+      if (0 == osStat.returncode and 0 != len(out.strip())):
+        return out.strip()
+      else:
+        return socket.getfqdn()
+    except:
+      return socket.getfqdn()
+  except:
+    return socket.getfqdn()
+def public_hostname():
+  # future - do an agent entry for this too
+  try:
+    handle = urllib2.urlopen('', '', 2)
+    str =
+    handle.close()
+    return str
+  except Exception, e:
+    return socket.getfqdn()
+def main(argv=None):
+  print hostname()
+  print public_hostname()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -111,10 +111,28 @@ def main():
         os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
+  # Check for ambari configuration file.
+  try:
+    config = AmbariConfig.config
+    if os.path.exists('/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini'):
+      AmbariConfig.setConfig(config)
+    else:
+      raise Exception("No config found, use default")
+  except Exception, err:
+    logger.warn(err)
   # Check if there is another instance running
   if os.path.isfile(ProcessHelper.pidfile):
     print("%s already exists, exiting" % ProcessHelper.pidfile)
+  # check if ambari prefix exists
+  elif not os.path.isdir(config.get("agent", "prefix")):
+    msg = "Ambari prefix dir %s does not exists, can't continue" \
+          % config.get("agent", "prefix")
+    logger.error(msg)
+    print(msg)
+    sys.exit(1)
     # Daemonize current instance of Ambari Agent
     #retCode = createDaemon()
@@ -123,17 +141,6 @@ def main():
   credential = None
-  # Check for ambari configuration file.
-  try:
-    config = AmbariConfig.config
-    if os.path.exists('/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini'):
-      AmbariConfig.setConfig(config)
-    else:
-      raise Exception("No config found, use default")
-  except Exception, err:
-    logger.warn(err)
   server_url = 'https://' + config.get('server', 'hostname') + ':' + config.get('server', 'url_port')

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import logging
 from uuid import getnode as get_mac
 from shell import shellRunner
 from datetime import datetime
-from AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
+import AmbariConfig
 logger = logging.getLogger()
@@ -37,16 +37,14 @@ non_global_configuration_types = ["hdfs-
                              "webhcat-site", "hdfs-exclude-file"]
 #read static imports from file and write them to manifest
-def writeImports(outputFile, modulesdir, inputFileName='imports.txt'):
-  inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
+def writeImports(outputFile, modulesdir, importsList):"Modules dir is " + modulesdir)
   outputFile.write('#' +'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') + os.linesep)
-  for line in inputFile:
+  for line in importsList:
     modulename = line.rstrip()
     line = "import '" + modulesdir + os.sep + modulename + "'" + os.linesep
-  inputFile.close()
 def generateManifest(parsedJson, fileName, modulesdir, ambariconfig):"JSON Received:")
@@ -77,13 +75,9 @@ def generateManifest(parsedJson, fileNam
   #writing manifest
   manifest = open(fileName, 'w')
   #Check for Ambari Config and make sure you pick the right imports file
-  importsfile = "imports.txt"
-  if ambariconfig.has_option('puppet', 'imports_file') :
-    importsfile = ambariconfig.get('puppet', 'imports_file')
-"Using imports file " + importsfile)   
   #writing imports from external static file
-  writeImports(outputFile=manifest, modulesdir=modulesdir, inputFileName=importsfile)
+  writeImports(outputFile=manifest, modulesdir=modulesdir, importsList=AmbariConfig.imports)
   #writing nodes
   writeNodes(manifest, clusterHostInfo)
@@ -116,17 +110,6 @@ def generateManifest(parsedJson, fileNam
-  #read dictionary
-def readDict(file, separator='='):
-  result = dict()
-  for line in file :
-    dictTuple = line.partition(separator)
-    result[dictTuple[0].strip()] = dictTuple[2].strip()
-  return result
   #write nodes
 def writeNodes(outputFile, clusterHostInfo):
@@ -209,21 +192,9 @@ def writeNonGlobalConfigurations(outputF
 def writeTasks(outputFile, roles, ambariconfig, clusterHostInfo=None, 
   #reading dictionaries
-  rolestoclass = "rolesToClass.dict"
-  if ambariconfig.has_option('puppet','roles_to_class'):
-    rolestoclass = ambariconfig.get('puppet', 'roles_to_class')
-  rolesToClassFile = open(rolestoclass, 'r')
-  rolesToClass = readDict(rolesToClassFile)
-  rolesToClassFile.close()
-  servicestates = "serviceStates.dict"
-  if ambariconfig.has_option('puppet','service_states'):
-    servicestates = ambariconfig.get('puppet', 'service_states')
-  serviceStatesFile =  open(servicestates, 'r')
-  serviceStates = readDict(serviceStatesFile)
-  serviceStatesFile.close()
+  rolesToClass = AmbariConfig.rolesToClass
+  serviceStates = AmbariConfig.serviceStates
   outputFile.write('node /default/ {\n ')

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from RepoInstaller import RepoInstaller
 import pprint, threading
 from Grep import Grep
 from threading import Thread
+import shell
 import traceback
 logger = logging.getLogger()
@@ -212,10 +213,12 @@ class puppetExecutor:
     if puppet.returncode is None:
       logger.error("Task timed out and will be killed")
-      puppet.terminate()
+      self.runShellKillPgrp(puppet)
       self.last_puppet_has_been_killed = True
+  def runShellKillPgrp(self, puppet):
+    shell.killprocessgrp(
 def main():

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/main/python/ambari_agent/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import httplib
 import urllib2
 from urllib2 import Request
 import socket
+import hostname
 import ssl
 import os
 import logging
@@ -52,9 +53,9 @@ class VerifiedHTTPSConnection(httplib.HT
       self.sock = sock
     agent_key = AmbariConfig.config.get('security', 'keysdir') + os.sep + \
-     socket.gethostname() + ".key"
+     hostname.hostname() + ".key"
     agent_crt = AmbariConfig.config.get('security', 'keysdir') + os.sep \
-    + socket.gethostname() + ".crt" 
+    + hostname.hostname() + ".crt" 
     server_crt = AmbariConfig.config.get('security', 'keysdir') + os.sep \
     + "ca.crt"
@@ -112,13 +113,13 @@ class CertificateManager():
   def getAgentKeyName(self):
     keysdir = self.config.get('security', 'keysdir')
-    return keysdir + os.sep + socket.gethostname() + ".key"
+    return keysdir + os.sep + hostname.hostname() + ".key"
   def getAgentCrtName(self):
     keysdir = self.config.get('security', 'keysdir')
-    return keysdir + os.sep + socket.gethostname() + ".crt"
+    return keysdir + os.sep + hostname.hostname() + ".crt"
   def getAgentCrtReqName(self):
     keysdir = self.config.get('security', 'keysdir')
-    return keysdir + os.sep + socket.gethostname() + ".csr"
+    return keysdir + os.sep + hostname.hostname() + ".csr"
   def getSrvrCrtName(self):
     keysdir = self.config.get('security', 'keysdir')
     return keysdir + os.sep + "ca.crt"
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ class CertificateManager():
   def reqSignCrt(self):
-    sign_crt_req_url = self.server_url + '/certs/' + socket.gethostname()
+    sign_crt_req_url = self.server_url + '/certs/' + hostname.hostname()
     agent_crt_req_f = open(self.getAgentCrtReqName())
     agent_crt_req_content =
     passphrase_env_var = self.config.get('security', 'passphrase_env_var_name')
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ class CertificateManager():
       logger.error("Certificate signing failed")
   def genAgentCrtReq(self):
-    generate_script = GEN_AGENT_KEY % {'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
+    generate_script = GEN_AGENT_KEY % {'hostname': hostname.hostname(),
                                      'keysdir' : self.config.get('security', 'keysdir')}
     p = Popen([generate_script], shell=True, stdout=PIPE)

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ class TestActionQueue(TestCase):
       'clusterHostInfo': "clusterHostInfo",
       'roleCommand': "roleCommand",
       'configurations': "configurations",
-      'commandType': "EXECUTION_COMMAND"
+      'commandType': "EXECUTION_COMMAND",
+      'configurations':{'global' : {}}
@@ -121,4 +122,4 @@ class FakeExecutor():
       "exitcode": 0,
       "stdout": "returned stdout",
       "stderr": "returned stderr"
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+    }

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python2.6
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
@@ -18,308 +19,316 @@ See the License for the specific languag
 limitations under the License.
-from unittest import TestCase
-from ambari_agent.Register import Register
-from ambari_agent.Controller import Controller
-from ambari_agent.Heartbeat import Heartbeat
-from ambari_agent.ActionQueue import ActionQueue
-from ambari_agent import AmbariConfig
-from ambari_agent.NetUtil import NetUtil
-import socket, ConfigParser, logging
-import os, pprint, json, sys
-from threading import Thread
-import time
-import Queue
-BAD_URL = 'http://localhost:54222/badurl/'
-logger = logging.getLogger()
-class TestController(TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    logger.disabled = True
-    self.defaulttimeout = -1.0
-    if hasattr(socket, 'getdefaulttimeout'):
-      # get the default timeout on sockets
-      self.defaulttimeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
-  def tearDown(self):
-    if self.defaulttimeout is not None and self.defaulttimeout > 0 and hasattr(socket, 'setdefaulttimeout'):
-      # Set the default timeout on sockets
-      socket.setdefaulttimeout(self.defaulttimeout)
-    logger.disabled = False
-  def test_reregister_loop(self):
-    class ControllerMock(Controller):
-      def __init__(self, config, range=0):
-        self.repeatRegistration = False
-        self.range = range
-      callCounter = 0
-      def registerAndHeartbeat(self):
-        if self.callCounter < 3:
-          self.repeatRegistration = True;
-          self.callCounter += 1
-        else:
-          self.repeatRegistration = False;
-    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-    mock = ControllerMock(config)
-    self.assertEquals(mock.callCounter, 3)
-    pass
-  def test_nonincremental_ids1(self):
-    '''
-      test to make sure nothing we act appropriately on getting non incremental reponse ids
-    '''
-    #timings adjustment
-    netutil = NetUtil()
-    #building fake responces
-    responces = Queue.Queue()
-    responce1 = {
-      'responseId':8,
-      'executionCommands':[],
-      'statusCommands':[],
-      'restartAgent':'False',
-      }
-    responce1 = json.dumps(responce1)
-    responce2 = {
-      'responseId':11,
-      'executionCommands':[],
-      'statusCommands':[],
-      'restartAgent':'False',
-      }
-    responce2 = json.dumps(responce2)
-    responces.put(responce1)
-    responces.put(responce2)
-    #building heartbeat object
-    testsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    dictPath = testsPath + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'main' + os.sep + 'python' + os.sep + 'ambari_agent' + os.sep + 'servicesToPidNames.dict'
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', dictPath)
-    actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
-    heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
-    # testing controller with our heartbeat
-    controller = self.ControllerMock_fake_restartAgent(AmbariConfig.config, responces)
-    controller.heartbeat = heartbeat
-    controller.actionQueue = actionQueue
-    controller.logger = logger
-    controller.netutil = netutil
-    controller.heartbeatWithServer()
-    restarts = controller.restartCount
-    self.assertEquals(restarts, 1, "Agent should restart on non incremental responce ids")
-    pass
-  def test_nonincremental_ids2(self):
-    '''
-      test to make sure nothing we act appropriately on getting incremental reponse ids
-    '''
-    #timings adjustment
-    netutil = NetUtil()
-    #building fake responces
-    responces = Queue.Queue()
-    responce1 = {
-      'responseId':8,
-      'executionCommands':[],
-      'statusCommands':[],
-      'restartAgent':'False',
-      }
-    responce1 = json.dumps(responce1)
-    responce2 = {
-      'responseId':9,
-      'executionCommands':[],
-      'statusCommands':[],
-      'restartAgent':'False',
-      }
-    responce2 = json.dumps(responce2)
-    responces.put(responce1)
-    responces.put(responce2)
-    #building heartbeat object
-    testsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    dictPath = testsPath + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'main' + os.sep + 'python' + os.sep + 'ambari_agent' + os.sep + 'servicesToPidNames.dict'
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', dictPath)
-    actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
-    heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
-    # testing controller with our heartbeat
-    controller = self.ControllerMock_fake_restartAgent(AmbariConfig.config, responces)
-    controller.heartbeat = heartbeat
-    controller.actionQueue = actionQueue
-    controller.logger = logger
-    controller.netutil = netutil
-    controller.heartbeatWithServer()
-    restarts = controller.restartCount
-    self.assertEquals(restarts, 0, "Agent should not restart on incremental responce ids")
-    pass
-  def test_reregister(self):
-    '''
-      test to make sure if we can get a re register command, we register with the server
-    '''
-    #timings adjustment
-    netutil = NetUtil()
-    #building fake responces
-    responces = Queue.Queue()
-    responce1 = {
-      'responseId':8,
-      'executionCommands':[],
-      'statusCommands':[],
-      'restartAgent':'true',
-      }
-    responce1 = json.dumps(responce1)
-    responces.put(responce1)
-    #building heartbeat object
-    testsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    dictPath = testsPath + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'main' + os.sep + 'python' + os.sep + 'ambari_agent' + os.sep + 'servicesToPidNames.dict'
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', dictPath)
-    actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
-    heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
-    # testing controller with our heartbeat
-    controller = self.ControllerMock_fake_restartAgent(AmbariConfig.config, responces)
-    controller.heartbeat = heartbeat
-    controller.actionQueue = actionQueue
-    controller.logger = logger
-    controller.netutil = netutil
-    controller.heartbeatWithServer()
-    restarts = controller.restartCount
-    self.assertEquals(restarts, 1, "Agent should restart if we get a re register command")
-  def test_heartbeat_retries(self):
-    netutil = NetUtil()
-    #building heartbeat object
-    testsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    dictPath = testsPath + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'main' + os.sep + 'python' + os.sep + 'ambari_agent' + os.sep + 'servicesToPidNames.dict'
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', dictPath)
-    actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
-    heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
-    # testing controller with our heartbeat and wrong url
-    controller = self.ControllerMock_failure_sendRequest(AmbariConfig.config)
-    controller.heartbeat = heartbeat
-    controller.actionQueue = actionQueue
-    controller.logger = logger
-    controller.netutil = netutil
-    thread = Thread(target =  controller.heartbeatWithServer)
-    thread.start()
-    time.sleep(0.5)
-    # I have to stop the thread anyway, so I'll check results later
-    threadWasAlive = thread.isAlive()
-    successfull_heartbits0 = controller.DEBUG_SUCCESSFULL_HEARTBEATS
-    heartbeat_retries0 = controller.DEBUG_HEARTBEAT_RETRIES
-    # Stopping thread
-    controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = True
-    time.sleep(0.3)
-    # Checking results before thread stop
-    self.assertEquals(threadWasAlive, True, "Heartbeat should be alive now")
-    self.assertEquals(successfull_heartbits0, 0, "Heartbeat should not have any success")
-    self.assertEquals(heartbeat_retries0 > 1, True, "Heartbeat should retry connecting")
-    # Checking results after thread stop
-    self.assertEquals(thread.isAlive(), False, "Heartbeat should stop now")
-    self.assertEquals(controller.DEBUG_SUCCESSFULL_HEARTBEATS, 0, "Heartbeat should not have any success")
-  def test_status_command_on_registration(self):
-    '''
-    test to make sure if we get a status check command from the server, we are able to evaluate and register at the server
-    '''
-    #timings adjustment
-    netutil = NetUtil()
-    #building fake registration responce
-    responces = Queue.Queue()
-    responce1 = {
-      'response':'OK',
-      'responseId':8,
-      'statusCommands':[{
-        'clusterName' : "c1",
-        'commandType' : "STATUS_COMMAND",
-        'componentName' : "NAMENODE",
-        'serviceName' : "HDFS",
-        }],
-      }
-    responce1 = json.dumps(responce1)
-    responces.put(responce1)
-    #building heartbeat object
-    testsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    dictPath = testsPath + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'main' + os.sep + 'python' + os.sep + 'ambari_agent' + os.sep + 'servicesToPidNames.dict'
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', dictPath)
-    actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
-    heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
-    # testing controller with our heartbeat
-    controller = self.ControllerMock_fake_restartAgent(AmbariConfig.config, responces)
-    controller.heartbeat = heartbeat
-    controller.actionQueue = actionQueue
-    controller.logger = logger
-    controller.netutil = netutil
-    controller.registerWithServer()
-    # If test does not hang, registration is successful
-    # So, checking queue
-    queue = controller.actionQueue.getCommandQueue()
-    self.assertEquals(queue.qsize(), 1, "Status command should be queued once")
-    # Checking parsed status command
-    command = queue.get()
-    self.assertEquals(command['clusterName'], 'c1')
-    self.assertEquals(command['commandType'], 'STATUS_COMMAND')
-    self.assertEquals(command['componentName'], 'NAMENODE')
-    self.assertEquals(command['serviceName'], 'HDFS')
-  class ControllerMock_fake_restartAgent(Controller):
-    def __init__(self, config, responces, range=3):
-      self.repeatRegistration = False
-      self.responces = responces
-      self.heartbeatUrl = "fakeurl"
-      self.registerUrl = "fakeregisterurl"
-      self.responseId = 7
-      self.register = Register()
-      self.range = range
-    def restartAgent(self):
-      self.restartCount += 1
-      pass
-    restartCount = 0
-    def sendRequest(self, url, data):
-      responce = self.responces.get(block=False)
-      if self.responces.empty():
-        self.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = True # Because we have nothing to reply next time
-      return responce
-  class ControllerMock_failure_sendRequest(Controller):
-    def __init__(self, config, range=0):
-      self.repeatRegistration = False
-      self.heartbeatUrl = "fakeurl"
-      self.registerUrl = "fakeregisterurl"
-      self.responseId = 7
-      self.register = Register()
-      self.range = range
-    def restartAgent(self):
-      self.restartCount += 1
-      pass
+import StringIO
+import unittest
+from ambari_agent import Controller
+import sys
+from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock, call
+class TestController(unittest.TestCase):
+  @patch("threading.Thread")
+  @patch("threading.Lock")
+  @patch("socket.gethostname")
+  @patch.object(Controller, "NetUtil")
+  def setUp(self, NetUtil_mock, hostnameMock, lockMock, threadMock):
+    Controller.logger = MagicMock()
+    hostnameMock.return_value = "test_hostname"
+    lockMock.return_value = MagicMock()
+    NetUtil_mock.return_value = MagicMock()
+    config = MagicMock()
+    config.get.return_value = "something"
+    self.controller = Controller.Controller(config)
+  @patch.object(Controller, "Heartbeat")
+  @patch.object(Controller, "Register")
+  @patch.object(Controller, "ActionQueue")
+  def test_start(self, ActionQueue_mock, Register_mock, Heartbeat_mock):
+    aq = MagicMock()
+    ActionQueue_mock.return_value = aq
+    self.controller.start()
+    self.assertTrue(ActionQueue_mock.called)
+    self.assertTrue(aq.start.called)
+    self.assertTrue(Register_mock.called)
+    self.assertTrue(Heartbeat_mock.called)
+  @patch("json.dumps")
+  @patch("json.loads")
+  @patch("time.sleep")
+  @patch("pprint.pformat")
+  @patch.object(Controller, "randint")
+  def test_registerWithServer(self, randintMock, pformatMock, sleepMock,
+                              loadsMock, dumpsMock):
+    out = StringIO.StringIO()
+    sys.stdout = out
+    register = MagicMock()
+    self.controller.register = register
+    sendRequest = MagicMock()
+    self.controller.sendRequest = sendRequest
+    dumpsMock.return_value = "request"
+    response = {"responseId":1,}
+    loadsMock.return_value = response
+    self.assertEqual(response, self.controller.registerWithServer())
+    response["statusCommands"] = "commands"
+    self.controller.addToQueue = MagicMock(name="addToQueue")
+    self.assertEqual(response, self.controller.registerWithServer())
+    self.controller.addToQueue.assert_called_with("commands")
+    calls = []
+    def side_effect(*args):
+      if len(calls) == 0:
+        calls.append(1)
+        raise Exception("test")
+      return "request"
+    del response["statusCommands"]
+    dumpsMock.side_effect = side_effect
+    self.assertEqual(response, self.controller.registerWithServer())
+    self.assertTrue(randintMock.called)
+    self.assertTrue(sleepMock.called)
+    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+    self.controller.sendRequest = Controller.Controller.sendRequest
+    self.controller.addToQueue = Controller.Controller.addToQueue
+  @patch("pprint.pformat")
+  def test_addToQueue(self, pformatMock):
+    actionQueue = MagicMock()
+    self.controller.actionQueue = actionQueue
+    self.controller.addToQueue(None)
+    self.assertFalse(actionQueue.put.called)
+    self.controller.addToQueue("cmd")
+    self.assertTrue(actionQueue.put.called)
+  @patch("urllib2.build_opener")
+  @patch("urllib2.install_opener")
+  def test_run(self, installMock, buildMock):
+    buildMock.return_value = "opener"
+    registerAndHeartbeat  = MagicMock("registerAndHeartbeat")
+    calls = []
+    def side_effect():
+      if len(calls) == 0:
+        self.controller.repeatRegistration = True
+      calls.append(1)
+    registerAndHeartbeat.side_effect = side_effect
+    self.controller.registerAndHeartbeat = registerAndHeartbeat
+    # repeat registration
+    self.assertTrue(buildMock.called)
+    installMock.called_once_with("opener")
+    self.assertEqual(2, registerAndHeartbeat.call_count)
+    # one call, +1
+    registerAndHeartbeat.side_effect = None
+    self.assertEqual(3, registerAndHeartbeat.call_count)
+  def test_heartbeatWithServer(self, installMock, buildMock):
+    registerAndHeartbeat = MagicMock(name="registerAndHeartbeat")
+    self.controller.registerAndHeartbeat = registerAndHeartbeat
+    self.assertTrue(installMock.called)
+    self.assertTrue(buildMock.called)
+    self.controller.registerAndHeartbeat.assert_called_once_with()
+    calls = []
+    def switchBool():
+      if len(calls) == 0:
+        self.controller.repeatRegistration = True
+        calls.append(1)
+      self.controller.repeatRegistration = False
+    registerAndHeartbeat.side_effect = switchBool
+    self.assertEqual(2, registerAndHeartbeat.call_count)
+    self.controller.registerAndHeartbeat = \
+      Controller.Controller.registerAndHeartbeat
+  @patch("time.sleep")
+  def test_registerAndHeartbeat(self, sleepMock):
+    registerWithServer = MagicMock(name="registerWithServer")
+    registerWithServer.return_value = {"response":"resp"}
+    self.controller.registerWithServer = registerWithServer
+    heartbeatWithServer = MagicMock(name="heartbeatWithServer")
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer = heartbeatWithServer
+    self.controller.registerAndHeartbeat()
+    registerWithServer.assert_called_once_with()
+    heartbeatWithServer.assert_called_once_with()
+    self.controller.registerWithServer = \
+      Controller.Controller.registerWithServer
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer = \
+      Controller.Controller.registerWithServer
+  @patch.object(Controller, "ProcessHelper")
+  def test_restartAgent(self, ProcessHelper_mock):
+    self.controller.restartAgent()
+    self.assertTrue(ProcessHelper_mock.restartAgent.called)
+  @patch("urllib2.Request")
+  @patch.object(Controller, "security")
+  def test_sendRequest(self, security_mock, requestMock):
+    conMock = MagicMock()
+    conMock.request.return_value = "response"
+    security_mock.CachedHTTPSConnection.return_value = conMock
+    url = "url"
+    data = "data"
+    requestMock.return_value = "request"
+    self.controller.cachedconnect = None
+    self.assertEqual("response", self.controller.sendRequest(url, data))
+    security_mock.CachedHTTPSConnection.assert_called_once_with(
+      self.controller.config)
+    requestMock.called_once_with(url, data,
+      {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
+  @patch("time.sleep")
+  @patch("json.loads")
+  @patch("json.dumps")
+  def test_heartbeatWithServer(self, dumpsMock, loadsMock, sleepMock):
+    out = StringIO.StringIO()
+    sys.stdout = out
+    hearbeat = MagicMock()
+    self.controller.heartbeat = hearbeat
+    dumpsMock.return_value = "data"
+    sendRequest = MagicMock(name="sendRequest")
+    self.controller.sendRequest = sendRequest
+    self.controller.responseId = 1
+    response = {"responseId":"2", "restartAgent":"false"}
+    loadsMock.return_value = response
+    def one_heartbeat(*args, **kwargs):
+      self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = True
+      return "data"
+    sendRequest.side_effect = one_heartbeat
+    actionQueue = MagicMock()
+    actionQueue.isIdle.return_value = True
+    # one successful request, after stop
+    self.controller.actionQueue = actionQueue
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer()
+    self.assertTrue(sendRequest.called)
+    calls = []
+    def retry(*args, **kwargs):
+      if len(calls) == 0:
+        calls.append(1)
+        response["responseId"] = "3"
+        raise Exception()
+      if len(calls) > 0:
+        self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = True
+      return "data"
+    # exception, retry, successful and stop
+    sendRequest.side_effect = retry
+    self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = False
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer()
+    self.assertEqual(1, self.controller.DEBUG_SUCCESSFULL_HEARTBEATS)
+    # retry registration
+    response["registrationCommand"] = "true"
+    sendRequest.side_effect = one_heartbeat
+    self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = False
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer()
+    self.assertTrue(self.controller.repeatRegistration)
+    # wrong responseId => restart
+    response = {"responseId":"2", "restartAgent":"false"}
+    loadsMock.return_value = response
+    restartAgent = MagicMock(name="restartAgent")
+    self.controller.restartAgent = restartAgent
+    self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = False
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer()
+    restartAgent.assert_called_once_with()
+    # executionCommands, statusCommands
+    self.controller.responseId = 1
+    addToQueue = MagicMock(name="addToQueue")
+    self.controller.addToQueue = addToQueue
+    response["executionCommands"] = "executionCommands"
+    response["statusCommands"] = "statusCommands"
+    self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = False
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer()
+    addToQueue.assert_has_calls([call("executionCommands"),
+                                 call("statusCommands")])
+    # restartAgent command
+    self.controller.responseId = 1
+    self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = False
+    response["restartAgent"] = "true"
+    restartAgent = MagicMock(name="restartAgent")
+    self.controller.restartAgent = restartAgent
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer()
+    restartAgent.assert_called_once_with()
+    # actionQueue not idle
+    self.controller.responseId = 1
+    self.controller.DEBUG_STOP_HEARTBITTING = False
+    actionQueue.isIdle.return_value = False
+    response["restartAgent"] = "false"
+    self.controller.heartbeatWithServer()
+    sleepMock.assert_called_with(
+      self.controller.netutil.HEARTBEAT_NOT_IDDLE_INTERVAL_SEC)
+    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+    self.controller.sendRequest = Controller.Controller.sendRequest
+    self.controller.sendRequest = Controller.Controller.addToQueue
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  unittest.main(verbosity=2)
-    restartCount = 0
-    def sendRequest(self, url, data):
-      raise Exception("Fake exception")

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ debug: Finishing transaction 70171639726
     fragment = self.grep.tail(self.string_good, 3)
     desired = """
 debug: Finishing transaction 70060456663980
-debug: Received report to process from
-debug: Processing report from with processor Puppet::Reports::Store
+debug: Received report to process from ambari-dmi
+debug: Processing report from ambari-dmi with processor Puppet::Reports::Store
     self.assertEquals(fragment, desired, "Grep tail function should return only last 3 lines of file")

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -29,12 +29,7 @@ import time
 class TestHeartbeat(TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    testsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    self.dictPath = testsPath + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'main' + os.sep + 'python' + os.sep + 'ambari_agent' + os.sep + 'servicesToPidNames.dict'
   def test_build(self):
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', self.dictPath)
     actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
     heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
     result =
@@ -47,19 +42,20 @@ class TestHeartbeat(TestCase):
     self.assertEquals(len(result['nodeStatus']), 2)
     self.assertEquals(result['nodeStatus']['cause'], "NONE")
     self.assertEquals(result['nodeStatus']['status'], "HEALTHY")
-    self.assertEquals(len(result), 6)
+    # result may or may NOT have an agentEnv structure in it
+    self.assertEquals((len(result) is 6) or (len(result) is 7), True)
     self.assertEquals(not heartbeat.reports, True, "Heartbeat should not contain task in progress")
   def test_heartbeat_with_status(self):
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', self.dictPath)
     actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
     heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
     statusCommand = {
       "serviceName" : 'HDFS',
       "commandType" : "STATUS_COMMAND",
       "clusterName" : "",
-      "componentName" : "DATANODE"
+      "componentName" : "DATANODE",
+      'configurations':{'global' : {}}
@@ -70,7 +66,6 @@ class TestHeartbeat(TestCase):
     self.assertEquals(len(result['componentStatus']) > 0, True, 'Heartbeat should contain status of HDFS components')
   def test_heartbeat_with_status_multiple(self):
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', self.dictPath)
     actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
     actionQueue.IDLE_SLEEP_TIME = 0.01
     heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
@@ -81,7 +76,8 @@ class TestHeartbeat(TestCase):
         "serviceName" : 'HDFS',
         "commandType" : "STATUS_COMMAND",
         "clusterName" : "",
-        "componentName" : "DATANODE"
+        "componentName" : "DATANODE",
+        'configurations':{'global' : {}}
@@ -97,7 +93,6 @@ class TestHeartbeat(TestCase):
     self.assertEquals(max_number_of_status_entries == NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS, True)
   def test_heartbeat_with_task_in_progress(self):
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', self.dictPath)
     actionQueue = ActionQueue(AmbariConfig.AmbariConfig().getConfig())
     actionQueue.commandInProgress= {
       'role' : "role",
@@ -108,7 +103,8 @@ class TestHeartbeat(TestCase):
       'stderr' : 'none',
       'exitCode' : 777,
       'serviceName' : "serviceName",
-      'status' : 'IN_PROGRESS'
+      'status' : 'IN_PROGRESS',
+      'configurations':{'global' : {}}
     heartbeat = Heartbeat(actionQueue)
     result =

Added: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ (added)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from unittest import TestCase
+import ambari_agent.hostname as hostname
+from ambari_agent.AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
+import socket
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import os, pprint, json,stat
+class TestHostname(TestCase):
+  def test_hostname(self):
+    self.assertEquals(hostname.hostname(), socket.gethostname(), "hostname should equal the socket-based hostname")
+    pass
+  def test_hostname_override(self):
+    tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)[1]
+    os.chmod(tmpname, os.stat(tmpname).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
+    tmpfile = file(tmpname, "w+")
+    try:
+      tmpfile.write("#!/bin/sh\n\necho ''")
+      tmpfile.close()
+      config = AmbariConfig().getConfig()
+      config.set('agent', 'hostname_script', tmpname)
+      self.assertEquals(hostname.hostname(), '', "expected hostname ''")
+    finally:
+      os.remove(tmpname)
+    pass

Modified: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ (original)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -26,11 +26,8 @@ import os
 class TestLiveStatus(TestCase):
   def test_build(self):
-    testsPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-    dictPath = testsPath + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep + 'main' + os.sep + 'python' + os.sep + 'ambari_agent' + os.sep + 'servicesToPidNames.dict'
-    AmbariConfig.config.set('services','serviceToPidMapFile', dictPath)
     for component in LiveStatus.COMPONENTS:
-      livestatus = LiveStatus('', component['serviceName'], component['componentName'])
+      livestatus = LiveStatus('', component['serviceName'], component['componentName'], {})
       result =
       print "LiveStatus of {0}: {1}".format(component['serviceName'], str(result))
       self.assertEquals(len(result) > 0, True, 'Livestatus should not be empty')

Added: incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/
--- incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ (added)
+++ incubator/ambari/branches/branch-1.2/ambari-agent/src/test/python/ Mon Feb  4 02:23:55 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import os
+from unittest import TestCase
+from ambari_agent import manifestGenerator
+import ambari_agent.AmbariConfig
+import tempfile
+import json
+import shutil
+from ambari_agent.AmbariConfig import AmbariConfig
+from mock.mock import patch, MagicMock, call
+class TestManifestGenerator(TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    self.config = AmbariConfig()
+    jsonCommand = file('../../main/python/ambari_agent/test.json').read()
+    self.parsedJson = json.loads(jsonCommand)
+    pass
+  def tearDown(self):
+    shutil.rmtree(self.dir)
+    pass
+  def testWriteImports(self):
+    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
+    print tmpFileName
+    tmpFile = file(tmpFileName, 'r+')
+    manifestGenerator.writeImports(tmpFile, '../../main/puppet/modules', self.config.getImports())
+    print
+    tmpFile.close()
+    pass
+  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeImports')
+  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeNodes')
+  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeParams')
+  @patch.object(manifestGenerator, 'writeTasks')
+  def testGenerateManifest(self, writeTasksMock, writeParamsMock, writeNodesMock, writeImportsMock):
+    tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir, text=True)[1]
+    manifestGenerator.generateManifest(self.parsedJson, tmpFileName, '../../main/puppet/modules', self.config.getConfig())
+    self.assertTrue(writeParamsMock.called)
+    self.assertTrue(writeNodesMock.called)
+    self.assertTrue(writeImportsMock.called)
+    self.assertTrue(writeTasksMock.called)
+    print file(tmpFileName).read()
+    pass
\ No newline at end of file