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Posted to by Andrzej Matejko <> on 2003/12/04 11:03:06 UTC

DOMWriterImpl - how to serialize (write into memory buffer) xml document


   I need to serialize my signed xml document into string. And the 
problem is: when I serialize xml document DOMWriteImpl reorder (sorts in 
alphabetic order) attributes in each node , change < and &, :(..
   My samlpe code (based on looks like:

XMLCh tempStr[100];
XMLString::transcode("LS", tempStr, 99);
DOMImplementation *impl 
DOMWriter *theSerializer = ((DOMImplementationLS*)impl)->createDOMWriter();

DOMPrintFilter *myFilter=0;
// set user specified end of line sequence and output encoding

XMLFormatTarget *myFormTarget;
myFormTarget = new MemBufFormatTarget(50000);

theSerializer->writeNode(myFormTarget, *doc);

XMLByte *buf;
unsigned int uiBufLen = ((MemBufFormatTarget*)myFormTarget)->getLen();

const XMLByte* pcBuf;
pcBuf = ((MemBufFormatTarget*)myFormTarget)->getRawBuffer();


   And the question is: how to serialize xml document in such way, that 
it isn't sorted, characters like '<', '&' are not changed into &gt; ?
   Why is it so important? because I have created digital signature over 
this document before serialization and after DOMWriterImpl 
'reorder-work' signature is broken.

    looking for your help,
      best regards,

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