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svn commit: r1644658 [1/19] - in /tajo/site/docs/current: ./ _sources/ _sources/backup_and_restore/ _sources/configuration/ _sources/functions/ _sources/getting_started/ _sources/partitioning/ _sources/sql_language/ _sources/table_management/ _sources/...

Author: hyunsik
Date: Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
New Revision: 1644658

add current documentation (0.9.0)

    tajo/site/docs/current/_static/ajax-loader.gif   (with props)
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Added: tajo/site/docs/current/.buildinfo
--- tajo/site/docs/current/.buildinfo (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/.buildinfo Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Sphinx build info version 1
+# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.
+config: bc2afd991aacbe812db57707c3398b4e
+tags: 645f666f9bcd5a90fca523b33c5a78b7

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/backup_and_restore.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/backup_and_restore.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/backup_and_restore.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Backup and Restore
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    backup_and_restore/catalog

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/backup_and_restore/catalog.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/backup_and_restore/catalog.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/backup_and_restore/catalog.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Backup and Restore Catalog
+Now, Tajo supports a two backup methods for 
+* SQL dump
+* Database-level backup 
+SQL dump 
+SQL dump is an easy and strong way. If you use this approach, you don't need to concern database-level compatiblities. If you want to backup your catalog, just use bin/tajo-dump command. The basic usage of this command is: ::
+  $ tajo-dump table_name > outfile
+For example, if you want to backup a table customer, you should type a command as follows: ::
+  $ bin/tajo-dump customer > table_backup.sql
+  $
+  $ cat table_backup.sql
+  -- Tajo database dump
+  -- Dump date: 10/04/2013 16:28:03
+  --
+  --
+  -- Name: customer; Type: TABLE; Storage: CSV
+  -- Path: file:/home/hyunsik/tpch/customer
+  --
+  CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE customer (c_custkey INT8, c_name TEXT, c_address TEXT, c_nationkey INT8, c_phone TEXT, c_acctbal FLOAT8, c_mktsegment TEXT, c_comment TEXT) USING CSV LOCATION 'file:/home/hyunsik/tpch/customer';
+If you want to restore the catalog from the SQL dump file, please type the below command: ::
+  $ bin/tsql -f table_backup.sql
+If you use an option '-a', tajo-dump will dump all table DDLs. ::
+  $ bin/tajo-dump -a > all_backup.sql
+Database-level backup
+.. todo::

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    configuration/preliminary
+    configuration/cluster_setup
+    configuration/tajo_master_configuration
+    configuration/worker_configuration
+    configuration/catalog_configuration
+    configuration/configuration_defaults
+    configuration/ha_configuration

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/catalog_configuration.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/catalog_configuration.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/catalog_configuration.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Catalog Configuration
+If you want to customize the catalog service, copy ``$TAJO_HOME/conf/catalog-site.xml.template`` to ``catalog-site.xml``. Then, add the following configs to catalog-site.xml. Note that the default configs are enough to launch Tajo cluster in most cases.
+* tajo.catalog.master.addr - If you want to launch a Tajo cluster in distributed mode, you must specify this address. For more detail information, see [Default Ports](#DefaultPorts).
+* - If you want to change the persistent storage of the catalog server, specify the class name. Its default value is In the current version, Tajo provides three persistent storage classes as follows:
+| Driver Class                      | Descriptions                                   |
+|     | this storage class uses Apache Derby.          |
+|     | this storage class uses MySQL.                 |
+|   | this storage class uses MariaDB.               |
+|       | this is the in-memory storage. It is only used |
+|                                   | in unit tests to shorten the duration of unit  |
+|                                   | tests.                                         |
+|  | this storage class uses HiveMetaStore.         |
+Derby Configuration
+By default, Tajo uses `Apache Derby <>`_ as a persistent storage in order to manage table meta data. So, without any configuration, you can use Derby for catalog store.
+Also, you can set manually configs in ``conf/catalog-site.xml`` as follows:
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value></value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.catalog.uri</name>
+    <value>jdbc:derby:<absolute directory>;create=true</value>
+  </property>
+Since Derby is a file-based embedded database, it stores data into a specified directory. So, you need to specify the directory for storing data files instead of specifying JDBC URI with hostname and port. For example, in case where you use '/var/data/tajo-catalog' as a derby store directory, you should set configs as follows:
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.catalog.uri</name>
+    <value>jdbc:derby:/var/data/tajo-catalog;create=true</value>
+  </property>
+.. warning::
+  By default, *Catalog server* stores catalog data into ``/tmp/tajo-catalog-${username}`` directory. But, some operating systems may remove all contents in ``/tmp`` when booting up. In order to ensure persistent store of your catalog data, you need to set a proper location of derby directory.
+MySQLStore Configuration
+In order to use MySQLStore, you need to create database and user on MySQL for Tajo.
+.. code-block:: sh
+  mysql> create user 'tajo'@'localhost' identified by 'xxxxxx';
+  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
+  mysql> create database tajo;
+  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)  
+  mysql> grant all on tajo.* to 'tajo'@'localhost';
+  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
+And then, you need to prepare MySQL JDBC driver on the machine which can be ran TajoMaster. If you do, you should set ``TAJO_CLASSPATH`` variable in ``conf/`` with it as follows:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  export TAJO_CLASSPATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql-connector-java-x.x.x.jar
+Or you just can copy jdbc driver into ``$TAJO_HOME/lib``.
+Finally, you should add the following config to `conf/catalog-site.xml` :
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value></value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value><mysql user name></value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.catalog.jdbc.connection.password</name>
+    <value><mysql user password></value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.catalog.jdbc.uri</name>
+    <value>jdbc:mysql://<mysql host name>:<mysql port>/<database name for tajo>?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true</value>
+  </property>
+MariaDBStore Configuration
+All configurations for using MariaDBStore is compatible with MySQLStore except following:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  export TAJO_CLASSPATH=/usr/local/mariadb/lib/mariadb-java-client-x.x.x.jar
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value></value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.catalog.jdbc.uri</name>
+    <value>jdbc:mariadb://<mariadb host name>:<mariadb port>/<database name for tajo>?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true</value>
+  </property>
+  HCatalogStore Configuration
+Tajo support HCatalogStore to integrate with hive. If you want to use HCatalogStore, you just do as follows.
+First, you must compile source code and get a binary archive as follows:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  $ git clone tajo
+  $ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Phcatalog-0.1x.0
+  $ ls tajo-dist/target/tajo-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
+Currently Tajo supports hive 0.12.0, hive 0.13.0, hive 0.13.1. If you enables HCatalogStore, you set the maven profile as ``-Phcatalog-0.12.0``.
+Second, you must set your hive home directory to HIVE_HOME variable in ``conf/`` with it as follows:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  export HIVE_HOME=/path/to/your/hive/directory
+Third, if you need to use jdbc to connect HiveMetaStore, you have to prepare mysql jdbc driver on host which can be ran TajoMaster. If you prepare it, you should set jdbc driver file path to ``HIVE_JDBC_DRIVER_DIR`` variable in conf/ with it as follows:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  export HIVE_JDBC_DRIVER_DIR=/path/to/your/mysql_jdbc_driver/mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar
+Lastly, you should add the following config to ``conf/catalog-site.xml`` :
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value></value>
+  </property>

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/cluster_setup.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/cluster_setup.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/cluster_setup.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+Cluster Setup
+Fully Distributed Mode
+A fully distributed mode enables a Tajo instance to run on `Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) <>`_. In this mode, a number of Tajo workers run across a number of the physical nodes where HDFS data nodes run.
+In this section, we explain how to setup the cluster mode. 
+Please add the following configs to tajo-site.xml file:
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.rootdir</name>
+    <value>hdfs://hostname:port/tajo</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.master.umbilical-rpc.address</name>
+    <value>hostname:26001</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.master.client-rpc.address</name>
+    <value>hostname:26002</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.resource-tracker.rpc.address</name>
+    <value>hostname:26003</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.catalog.client-rpc.address</name>
+    <value>hostname:26005</value>
+  </property>
+The file ``conf/workers`` lists all host names of workers, one per line.
+By default, this file contains the single entry ``localhost``.
+You can easily add host names of workers via your favorite text editor.
+For example: ::
+  $ cat > conf/workers
+  ....
+  <ctrl + d>
+Make base directories and set permissions
+If you want to know Tajo’s configuration in more detail, see Configuration page.
+Before launching the tajo, you should create the tajo root dir and set the permission as follows: ::
+  $ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir       /tajo
+  $ $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -chmod g+w   /tajo
+Launch a Tajo cluster
+Then, execute ```` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/
+.. note::
+  In default, each worker is set to very little resource capacity. In order to increase parallel degree, please read 
+  :doc:`/configuration/worker_configuration`.
+.. note::
+  In default, TajoMaster listens on for clients. To allow remote clients to access TajoMaster, please set tajo.master.client-rpc.address config to tajo-site.xml. In order to know how to change the listen port, please refer :doc:`/configuration/configuration_defaults`.

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/configuration_defaults.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/configuration_defaults.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/configuration_defaults.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Configuration Defaults
+Tajo Master Configuration Defaults
+============================  ==============================================================  ===========   ===============  
+  Service Name                Config Property Name                                            Description   default address 
+============================  ==============================================================  ===========   ===============  
+Tajo Master Umbilical Rpc     tajo.master.umbilical-rpc.address                                             localhost:26001 
+Tajo Master Client Rpc        tajo.master.client-rpc.address                                                localhost:26002 
+Tajo Master Info Http                                       
+Tajo Resource Tracker Rpc     tajo.resource-tracker.rpc.address                                             localhost:26003
+Tajo Catalog Client Rpc       tajo.catalog.client-rpc.address                                               localhost:26005
+============================  ==============================================================  ===========   ===============  
+Tajo Worker Configuration Defaults
+============================  ==============================================================  ===========   ===============  
+  Service Name                Config Property Name                                            Description   default address 
+============================  ==============================================================  ===========   ===============  
+Tajo Worker Peer Rpc          tajo.worker.peer-rpc.address                                           
+Tajo Worker Client Rpc        tajo.worker.client-rpc.address                                         
+Tajo Worker Info Http                                          
+============================  ==============================================================  ===========   ===============  
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/ha_configuration.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/ha_configuration.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/ha_configuration.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+High Availability for TajoMaster
+TajoMaster is a Single Point of Failure in a Tajo Cluster because TajoMaster is the central controlling entity for all components of the Tajo system. TajoMaster failure prevents clients from submitting new queries to the cluster, and results in the disruption of the ability to run insert overwrite queries because the TajoWorker can’t apply its statistical information to CatalogStore. Therefore, the high-availability (HA) of TajoMaster is essential for the high-availability of Tajo generally.
+Currently, TajoMaster HA provides the following elements:
+* Automatic failover of TajoMaster: Even if the active TajoMaster stops, the standby TajoMaster will become the active node.
+* Preservation of the ongoing query in the cluster: Even if the active TajoMaster stops, the ongoing query will still complete in the cluster.
+  Terminology
+* Active master: TajoMaster that is actively serving the all operation from TajoClient and TajoWorker.
+* Backup master: This TajoMaster waits becomes active when the Active dies or unhealthy. Users can setup multiple back TajoMaster, and this servers monitors the Active status to become active.
+  Configuration File Settings
+If you want to use TajoMaster HA mode, specific your ``tajo.master.ha.enable`` as follows:
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.master.ha.enable</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+  </property>
+If you use HA mode, all back masters monitor the active master at 5 second intervals. If you update this period, specific your ``tajo.master.ha.monitor.interval`` as follows:
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.master.ha.monitor.interval</name>
+    <value>monitor interval</value>
+  </property>
+  Backup Master Settings
+If you want to run masters with ````, specific your masters in ``conf/masters``. The file lists all host names of masters, one per line.By default, this file contains the single entry ``localhost``. You can easily add host names of workers via your favorite text editor.
+For example: ::
+  $ cat > conf/masters
+  ....
+  <ctrl + d>
+And then, you need to setup tarball and set configuration files on backup masters.
+.. note::
+  If you want to run active master and backup master on the same host, you may find TajoMaster port conflicts. To avoid this problem, you must convert backup master primary ports to another port in ``tajo-site.xml`` as follows:
+  .. code-block:: xml
+    <property>
+      <name>tajo.master.umbilical-rpc.address</name>
+      <value>localhost:36001</value>
+      <description>The default port is 26001.</description>
+    </property>
+    <property>
+      <name>tajo.master.client-rpc.address</name>
+      <value>localhost:36002</value>
+      <description>The default port is 26002.</description>
+    </property>
+    <property>
+      <name>tajo.resource-tracker.rpc.address</name>
+      <value>localhost:36003</value>
+      <description>The default port is 26003.</description>
+      </property>
+    <property>
+      <name>tajo.catalog.client-rpc.address</name>
+      <value>localhost:36005</value>
+      <description>The default port is 26005.</description>
+    </property>
+    <property>
+      <name></name>
+      <value></value>
+      <description>The default port is 26080.</description>
+    </property>
+  And you need to convert ``TAJO_PID_DIR`` to another directory in ````.
+  Launch a Tajo cluster
+Then, execute ```` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/
+.. note::
+  You can't use HA mode in DerbyStore. Currently, just one TajoMaster invoke the derby. If another master try to invoke it, it never run itself. Also, if you set another catalog uri for backup master, it is a incorrect configuration. Because they are unequal in every way.
+  Administration HA state
+If you want to transit any backup master to active master, execute ``tajo hadmin -transitionToActive`` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tajo haadmin -transitionToActive <target tajo.master.umbilical-rpc.address>
+If you want to transit any active master to backup master, execute ``tajo hadmin -transitionToBackup`` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tajo haadmin -transitionToBackup <target tajo.master.umbilical-rpc.address>
+If you want to find the state of any master, execute ``tajo hadmin -getState`` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tajo haadmin -getState <target tajo.master.umbilical-rpc.address>
+If you want to initiate HA information, execute ``tajo haadmin -formatHA`` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tajo haadmin -formatHA
+.. note::
+  Before format HA, you must shutdown the Tajo cluster.
+  How to Test Automatic Failover
+If you want to verify automatic failover of TajoMaster, you must deploy your Tajo cluster with TajoMaster HA enable. And then, you need to find which node is active from Tajo web UI.
+Once you find your active TajoMaster, you can cause a failure on that node. For example, you can use kill -9 <pid of TajoMaster> to simulate a JVM crash. Or you can shutdown the machine or disconnect network interface. And then, the backup TajoMaster will be automatically active within 5 seconds. The amount of time required to detect a failure and  trigger a failover depends on the config ``tajo.master.ha.monitor.interval``. If there is running queries, it will be finished successfully. Because your TajoClient will get the result data on TajoWorker. But you can't find already query history. Because TajoMaster stores query history on memory. So, the other master can't access already active master query history. And if there is no running query, the automatic failover run successfully.
+.. note::
+  TajoMaster HA does not consider TajoWorker failure. It guarantees the high availability of both TajoResourceManager and QueryMaster.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/preliminary.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/preliminary.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/preliminary.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+catalog-site.xml and tajo-site.xml
+Tajo's configuration is based on Hadoop's configuration system. Tajo uses two config files:
+* catalog-site.xml - configuration for the catalog server.
+* tajo-site.xml - configuration for other tajo modules. 
+Each config consists of a pair of a name and a value. If you want to set the config name ``a.b.c`` with the value ``123``, add the following element to an appropriate file.
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>a.b.c</name>
+    <value>123</value>
+  </property>
+Tajo has a variety of internal configs. If you don't set some config explicitly, the default config will be used for for that config. Tajo is designed to use only a few of configs in usual cases. You may not be concerned with the configuration.
+In default, there is no ``tajo-site.xml`` in ``${TAJO}/conf`` directory. If you set some configs, first copy ``$TAJO_HOME/conf/tajo-site.xml.templete`` to ``tajo-site.xml``. Then, add the configs to your tajo-site.
+ is a shell script file. The main purpose of this file is to set shell environment variables for TajoMaster and TajoWorker java program. So, you can set some variable as follows:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  VARIABLE=value
+If a value is a literal string, type this as follows:
+.. code-block:: sh
+  VARIABLE='value'
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/tajo_master_configuration.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/tajo_master_configuration.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/tajo_master_configuration.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Tajo Master Configuration
+  Tajo Rootdir
+Tajo uses HDFS as a primary storage layer. So, one Tajo cluster instance should have one tajo rootdir. A user is allowed to specific your tajo rootdir as follows:
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.rootdir</name>
+    <value>hdfs://namenode_hostname:port/path</value>
+  </property>
+Tajo rootdir must be a url form like ``scheme://hostname:port/path``. The current implementaion only supports ``hdfs://`` and ``file://`` schemes. The default value is ``file:///tmp/tajo-${}/``.
+TajoMaster Heap Memory Size
+The environment variable TAJO_MASTER_HEAPSIZE in conf/ allow Tajo Master to use the specified heap memory size.
+If you want to adjust heap memory size, set ``TAJO_MASTER_HEAPSIZE`` variable in ``conf/`` with a proper size as follows:
+.. code-block:: sh
+The default size is 1000 (1GB). 
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/worker_configuration.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/worker_configuration.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/configuration/worker_configuration.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+Worker Configuration
+Worker Heap Memory Size
+The environment variable ``TAJO_WORKER_HEAPSIZE`` in ``conf/`` allow Tajo Worker to use the specified heap memory size.
+If you want to adjust heap memory size, set ``TAJO_WORKER_HEAPSIZE`` variable in ``conf/`` with a proper size as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+The default size is 1000 (1GB).
+Temporary Data Directory
+TajoWorker stores temporary data on local file system due to out-of-core algorithms. It is possible to specify one or more temporary data directories where temporary data will be stored.
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.worker.tmpdir.locations</name>
+    <value>/disk1/tmpdir,/disk2/tmpdir,/disk3/tmpdir</value>
+  </property>
+Maximum number of parallel running tasks for each worker
+In Tajo, the capacity of running tasks in parallel are determined by available resources and workload of running queries. In order to specify it, please see [Worker Resources] (#ResourceConfiguration) section.
+Worker Resources
+Each worker can execute multiple tasks simultaneously.
+In Tajo, users can specify the total size of memory and the number of disks for each worker. Available resources affect how many tasks are executed simultaneously.
+In order to specify the resource capacity of each worker, you should add the following configs to ``tajo-site.xml`` :
+=================================  ==========================  ===================   =========================
+  property name                     description                value type            default value            
+=================================  ==========================  ===================   =========================
+  tajo.worker.resource.cpu-cores    the number of cpu cores    integer               1                        
+  tajo.worker.resource.memory-mb    memory size (MB)           integer               1024                     
+  tajo.worker.resource.disks        the number of disks        integer               1                        
+=================================  ==========================  ===================   =========================
+.. note:: 
+  Currently, QueryMaster requests 512MB memory and 0.5 disk per task for the backward compatibility.
+.. note::
+  If ``tajo.worker.resource.dfs-dir-aware`` is set to ``true`` in ``tajo-site.xml``, the worker will aware of and use the number of HDFS datanode's data dirs in the node.
+  In other words, ``tajo.worker.resource.disks`` is ignored.
+ Example
+Assume that you want to give 5120 MB memory, 4 disks, and 24 cores on each worker. The example configuration is as follows:
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.worker.resource.tajo.worker.resource.cpu-cores</name>
+    <value>24</value>
+  </property>
+   <property>
+    <name>tajo.worker.resource.memory-mb</name>
+    <value>5120</value>
+  </property>
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.worker.resource.tajo.worker.resource.disks</name>
+    <value>4.0</value>
+  </property>  
+ Dedicated Mode
+Tajo provides a dedicated mode that allows each worker in a Tajo cluster to use whole available system resources including cpu-cores, memory, and disks. For this mode, a user should add the following config to ``tajo-site.xml`` : 
+.. code-block:: xml
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.worker.resource.dedicated</name>
+    <value>true</value>
+  </property>
+In addition, it can limit the memory capacity used for Tajo worker as follows:
+===============================================  ================================================   ===================   =======================
+  property name                                  description                                        value type            default value           
+===============================================  ================================================   ===================   =======================
+  tajo.worker.resource.dedicated-memory-ratio    how much memory to be used in whole memory         float                 0.8                     
+===============================================  ================================================   ===================   =======================
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Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/faq.txt
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+.. todo::
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Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions.txt
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+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    functions/math_func_and_operators
+    functions/string_func_and_operators
+    functions/datetime_func_and_operators
+    functions/network_func_and_operators
\ No newline at end of file

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/datetime_func_and_operators.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/datetime_func_and_operators.txt (added)
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+DateTime Functions and Operators
+  * Note : Example result may be various based on time zone.
+.. function:: add_days (date date|timestamp, day int)
+  Returns date value which is added with given day parameter.
+  :param date: base timestamp or date
+  :param day: day value to be added
+  :rtype: timestamp
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select add_days(date '2013-12-30', 5);
+    > 2014-01-03 15:00:00
+    select add_days(timestamp '2013-12-05 12:10:20', -7);
+    > 2013-11-28 03:10:20
+.. function:: add_months (date date|timestamp, month int)
+  Returns date value which is added with given month parameter.
+  :param date: base timestamp or date
+  :param month: month value to be added
+  :rtype: timestamp
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select add_months(date '2013-12-17', 2);
+    > 2014-02-16 15:00:00
+.. function:: current_date ()
+  Returns current date
+  :rtype: date
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select current_date();
+    > 2014-09-23
+.. function:: current_time ()
+  Returns current time
+  :rtype: time
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select current_time();
+    > 05:18:27.651999
+.. function:: extract(field FROM source)
+  The extract function retrieves subfields such as year or hour from date/time values. *source* must be a value expression of type *timestamp*, or *time*. (Expressions of type *date* are cast to *timestamp* and can therefore be used as well.) *field* is an identifier that selects what field to extract from the source value. The extract function returns values of type double precision. The following are valid field names:
+  **century**
+  The century
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(century from timestamp '2001-12-16 12:21:13');
+    > 21.0
+  The first century starts at 0001-01-01 00:00:00 AD, although they did not know it at the time. This definition applies to all Gregorian calendar countries. There is no century number 0, you go from -1 century to 1 century. If you disagree with this, please write your complaint to: Pope, Cathedral Saint-Peter of Roma, Vatican.
+  **day**
+  For *timestamp* values, the day (of the month) field (1 - 31)
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(day from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 16.0
+  **decade**
+  The year field divided by 10
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(decade from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 200.0
+  **dow**
+  The day of the week as Sunday(0) to Saturday(6)
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(dow from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 5.0
+  Note that extract's day of the week numbering differs from that of the to_char(..., 'D') function.
+  **doy**
+  The day of the year (1 - 365/366)
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(doy from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 47.0
+  **hour**
+  The hour field (0 - 23)
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(hour from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 20.0
+  **isodow**
+  The day of the week as Monday(1) to Sunday(7)
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(isodow from timestamp '2001-02-18 20:38:40');
+    > 7.0
+  This is identical to dow except for Sunday. This matches the ISO 8601 day of the week numbering.
+  **isoyear**
+  The ISO 8601 year that the date falls in
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(isoyear from date '2006-01-01');
+    > 2005.0
+  Each ISO year begins with the Monday of the week containing the 4th of January, so in early January or late December the ISO year may be different from the Gregorian year. See the week field for more information.
+  **microseconds**
+  The seconds field, including fractional parts, multiplied by 1 000 000; note that this includes full seconds
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(microseconds from time '17:12:28.5');
+    > 2.85E7
+  **millennium**
+  The millennium
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(millennium from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 3.0
+  Years in the 1900s are in the second millennium. The third millennium started January 1, 2001.
+  **milliseconds**
+  The seconds field, including fractional parts, multiplied by 1000. Note that this includes full seconds.
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(milliseconds from time '17:12:28.5');
+    > 28500.0
+  **minute**
+  The minutes field (0 - 59)
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(minute from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 38.0
+  **month**
+  For timestamp values, the number of the month within the year (1 - 12)
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(month from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 2.0
+  **quarter**
+  The quarter of the year (1 - 4) that the date is in
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(quarter from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 1.0
+  **second**
+  The seconds field, including fractional parts (0 - 59[1])
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(second from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 40.0
+  **week**
+  The number of the week of the year that the day is in. By definition (ISO 8601), weeks start on Mondays and the first week of a year contains January 4 of that year. In other words, the first Thursday of a year is in week 1 of that year.
+  In the ISO definition, it is possible for early-January dates to be part of the 52nd or 53rd week of the previous year, and for late-December dates to be part of the first week of the next year. For example, 2005-01-01 is part of the 53rd week of year 2004, and 2006-01-01 is part of the 52nd week of year 2005, while 2012-12-31 is part of the first week of 2013. It's recommended to use the isoyear field together with week to get consistent results.
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(week from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 7.0
+  **year**
+  The year field. Keep in mind there is no 0 AD, so subtracting BC years from AD years should be done with care.
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select extract(year from timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 2001.0
+  The extract function is primarily intended for computational processing.
+  The date_part function is also supported. It is equivalent to the SQL-standard function extract:
+.. function:: date_part('field', source)
+  Note that here the field parameter needs to be a string value, not a name. The valid field names for date_part are the same as for extract.
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select date_part('day', timestamp '2001-02-16 20:38:40');
+    > 16.0
+.. function:: now()
+  Returns current timestamp
+  :rtype: timestamp
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select now();
+    > 2014-09-23 08:32:43.286
+.. function:: to_char(src timestamp, format text)
+  Converts timestamp to text. For more detailed, see 'Date/Time Formatting and Conversion' section below.
+  :param src: timestamp to be converted
+  :param format: format string
+  :rtype: text
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select to_char(current_timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
+    > 2014-09-23
+.. function:: to_date(src text, format text)
+  Converts text to date. For more detailed, see 'Date/Time Formatting and Conversion' section below.
+  :param src: date string to be converted
+  :param format: format string
+  :rtype: date
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select to_date('2014-01-04', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
+    > 2014-01-04
+.. function:: to_timestamp(epoch int)
+  Converts int(UNIX epoch) to timestamp.
+  :param epoch: second value from Jan. 1, 1970
+  :rtype: timestamp
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select to_timestamp(412312345);
+    > 1983-01-25 03:12:25
+.. function:: to_timestamp(src text, format text)
+  Converts text timestamp. For more detailed, see 'Date/Time Formatting and Conversion' section below.
+  :param src: timestamp string to be converted
+  :param format: format string
+  :rtype: timestamp
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select to_timestamp('97/2/16 8:14:30', 'FMYYYY/FMMM/FMDD FMHH:FMMI:FMSS');
+    > 0097-02-15 23:14:30
+.. function:: utc_usec_to (string text , long timestamp , int dayOfWeek)
+  * If the **first parameter** is 'day'.
+    Shifts and return a UNIX timestamp in microseconds to the beginning of the day it occurs in.
+    For example, if unix_timestamp occurs on May 19th at 08:58, this function returns a UNIX timestamp for May 19th at 00:00 (midnight).
+  * If the **first parameter** is 'hour'.
+    Shifts and return a UNIX timestamp in microseconds to the beginning of the hour it occurs in.
+    For example, if unix_timestamp occurs at 08:58, this function returns a UNIX timestamp for 08:00 on the same day.
+  * If the **first parameter** is 'month'.
+    Shifts and return a UNIX timestamp in microseconds to the beginning of the month it occurs in.
+    For example, if unix_timestamp occurs on March 19th, this function returns a UNIX timestamp for March 1st of the same year.
+  * If the **first parameter** is 'year'.
+    Returns a UNIX timestamp in microseconds that represents the year of the unix_timestamp argument.
+    For example, if unix_timestamp occurs in 2010, the function returns 1274259481071200, the microsecond representation of 2010-01-01 00:00.
+  * If the **first parameter** is 'week' and **third parameter** is 2 i.e (TUESDAY)
+    Returns a UNIX timestamp in microseconds that represents a day in the week of the
+    For example, if unix_timestamp occurs on Friday, 2008-04-11, and you set day_of_week to 2 (Tuesday), the function returns a UNIX timestamp for Tuesday, 2008-04-08.
+  :param string: could be 'day' 'hour' 'month' 'year' 'week'
+  :param long: unix timestamp in microseconds
+  :param int: day of the week from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).Optional parameter required only if first parameter is 'week'
+  :rtype: long
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    SELECT utc_usec_to('day', 1274259481071200);
+    > 1274227200000000
+Date/Time Formatting and Conversion
+*Template patterns for date/time formatting*
+=========================== ================================================================
+Pattern                     Description
+=========================== ================================================================
+HH                          hour of day (01-12)
+HH12                        hour of day (01-12)
+HH24                        hour of day (00-23)
+MI                          minute (00-59)
+SS                          second (00-59)
+MS                          millisecond (000-999)
+US                          microsecond (000000-999999)
+SSSS                        seconds past midnight (0-86399)
+AM, am, PM or pm            meridiem indicator (without periods)
+A.M., a.m., P.M. or p.m.    meridiem indicator (with periods)
+Y,YYY                       year (4 and more digits) with comma
+YYYY                        year (4 and more digits)
+YYY                         last 3 digits of year
+YY                          last 2 digits of year
+Y                           last digit of year
+IYYY                        ISO year (4 and more digits)
+IYY                         last 3 digits of ISO year
+IY                          last 2 digits of ISO year
+I                           last digit of ISO year
+BC, bc, AD or ad            era indicator (without periods)
+B.C., b.c., A.D. or a.d.    era indicator (with periods)
+MONTH                       full upper case month name (blank-padded to 9 chars)
+Month                       full capitalized month name (blank-padded to 9 chars)
+month                       full lower case month name (blank-padded to 9 chars)
+MON                         abbreviated upper case month name (3 chars in English, localized lengths vary)
+Mon                         abbreviated capitalized month name (3 chars in English, localized lengths vary)
+mon                         abbreviated lower case month name (3 chars in English, localized lengths vary)
+MM                          month number (01-12)
+DAY                         full upper case day name (blank-padded to 9 chars)
+Day                         full capitalized day name (blank-padded to 9 chars)
+day                         full lower case day name (blank-padded to 9 chars)
+DY                          abbreviated upper case day name (3 chars in English, localized lengths vary)
+Dy                          abbreviated capitalized day name (3 chars in English, localized lengths vary)
+dy                          abbreviated lower case day name (3 chars in English, localized lengths vary)
+DDD                         day of year (001-366)
+IDDD                        ISO day of year (001-371; day 1 of the year is Monday of the first ISO week.)
+DD                          day of month (01-31)
+D                           day of the week, Sunday(1) to Saturday(7)
+ID                          ISO day of the week, Monday(1) to Sunday(7)
+W                           week of month (1-5) (The first week starts on the first day of the month.)
+WW                          week number of year (1-53) (The first week starts on the first day of the year.)
+IW                          ISO week number of year (01 - 53; the first Thursday of the new year is in week 1.)
+CC                          century (2 digits) (The twenty-first century starts on 2001-01-01.)
+J                           Julian Day (integer days since November 24, 4714 BC at midnight UTC)
+Q                           quarter (ignored by to_date and to_timestamp)
+RM                          month in upper case Roman numerals (I-XII; I=January)
+rm                          month in lower case Roman numerals (i-xii; i=January)
+TZ                          upper case time-zone name
+tz                          lower case time-zone name
+=========================== ================================================================
+*Template pattern modifiers for date/time formatting*
+=========== ======================================================================= ================
+Modifier    Description                                                             Example
+=========== ======================================================================= ================
+FM prefix   fill mode (suppress padding blanks and trailing zeroes)                 FMMonth
+TH suffix   upper case ordinal number suffix    DDTH, e.g.,                         12TH
+th suffix   lower case ordinal number suffix    DDth, e.g.,                         12th
+FX prefix   fixed format global option (see usage notes)                            FX Month DD Day
+TM prefix   translation mode (print localized day and month names based on lc_time) TMMonth
+SP suffix   spell mode (not implemented)                                            DDSP
+=========== ======================================================================= ================
+  * FM suppresses leading zeroes and trailing blanks that would otherwise be added to make the output of a pattern be fixed-width. In Tajo, FM modifies only the next specification, while in Oracle FM affects all subsequent specifications, and repeated FM modifiers toggle fill mode on and off.
+  * TM does not include trailing blanks.
+  * *to_timestamp* and *to_date* skip multiple blank spaces in the input string unless the FX option is used. For example, *to_timestamp* ('2000    JUN', 'YYYY MON') works, but *to_timestamp* ('2000    JUN', 'FXYYYY MON') returns an error because *to_timestamp* expects one space only. FX must be specified as the first item in the template.
+  * Ordinary text is allowed in *to_char* templates and will be output literally. You can put a substring in double quotes to force it to be interpreted as literal text even if it contains pattern key words. For example, in '"Hello Year "YYYY', the YYYY will be replaced by the year data, but the single Y in Year will not be. In *to_date*, to_number, and *to_timestamp*, double-quoted strings skip the number of input characters contained in the string, e.g. "XX" skips two input characters.
+  * If you want to have a double quote in the output you must precede it with a backslash, for example '\"YYYY Month\"'.
+  * If the year format specification is less than four digits, e.g. YYY, and the supplied year is less than four digits, the year will be adjusted to be nearest to the year 2020, e.g. 95 becomes 1995.
+  * The YYYY conversion from string to timestamp or date has a restriction when processing years with more than 4 digits. You must use some non-digit character or template after YYYY, otherwise the year is always interpreted as 4 digits. For example (with the year 20000): *to_date* ('200001131', 'YYYYMMDD') will be interpreted as a 4-digit year; instead use a non-digit separator after the year, like *to_date* ('20000-1131', 'YYYY-MMDD') or *to_date* ('20000Nov31', 'YYYYMonDD').
+  * In conversions from string to timestamp or date, the CC (century) field is ignored if there is a YYY, YYYY or Y,YYY field. If CC is used with YY or Y then the year is computed as the year in the specified century. If the century is specified but the year is not, the first year of the century is assumed.
+  * An ISO week date (as distinct from a Gregorian date) can be specified to *to_timestamp* and *to_date* in one of two ways:
+  * Year, week, and weekday: for example *to_date* ('2006-42-4', 'IYYY-IW-ID') returns the date 2006-10-19. If you omit the weekday it is assumed to be 1 (Monday).
+  * Year and day of year: for example *to_date* ('2006-291', 'IYYY-IDDD') also returns 2006-10-19.
+  * Attempting to construct a date using a mixture of ISO week and Gregorian date fields is nonsensical, and will cause an error. In the context of an ISO year, the concept of a "month" or "day of month" has no meaning. In the context of a Gregorian year, the ISO week has no meaning. Users should avoid mixing Gregorian and ISO date specifications.
+  * In a conversion from string to timestamp, millisecond (MS) or microsecond (US) values are used as the seconds digits after the decimal point. For example *to_timestamp* ('12:3', 'SS:MS') is not 3 milliseconds, but 300, because the conversion counts it as 12 + 0.3 seconds. This means for the format SS:MS, the input values 12:3, 12:30, and 12:300 specify the same number of milliseconds. To get three milliseconds, one must use 12:003, which the conversion counts as 12 + 0.003 = 12.003 seconds.
+  * Here is a more complex example: *to_timestamp* ('15:12:02.020.001230', 'HH:MI:SS.MS.US') is 15 hours, 12 minutes, and 2 seconds + 20 milliseconds + 1230 microseconds = 2.021230 seconds.
+  * *to_char* (..., 'ID')'s day of the week numbering matches the extract(isodow from ...) function, but *to_char* (..., 'D')'s does not match extract(dow from ...)'s day numbering.
+  * *to_char* (interval) formats HH and HH12 as shown on a 12-hour clock, i.e. zero hours and 36 hours output as 12, while HH24 outputs the full hour value, which can exceed 23 for intervals.

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/math_func_and_operators.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/math_func_and_operators.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/math_func_and_operators.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+Math Functions and Operators
+.. function:: abs (number int|float)
+  Returns absolute value
+  :param number: input number
+  :rtype: same as a parameter type
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select abs(-9); 
+    > 9
+.. function:: acos (number float)
+  Returns the arc cosine of number value
+  :param number: input number as radian
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select acos(0.3); 
+    > 1.2661036727794992 
+.. function:: asin (number float)
+  Returns the arc sine of number value
+  :param number: input number as radian
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select acos(0.8); 
+    > 0.9272952180016123
+.. function:: atan (number float8)
+  Returns the arc tangent of number value
+  :param number: input number as radian
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select atan(0.8); 
+    > 0.6747409422235527
+.. function:: atan2 (y float, x float)
+  Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, theta)
+  :param y: the ordinate(y axis) coordinate
+  :param x: the abscissa(x axis) coordinate
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select atan2(2.7, 0.3);
+    > 1.460139105621001
+.. function:: cbrt (number float)
+  Returns the cube root of a number
+  :param number: target real number
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select cbrt(27.0); 
+    > 3.0
+.. function:: ceil (number float)
+  Returns a smallest integer not less than argument
+  :param number: target real number
+  :rtype: int8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select ceil(-42.8); 
+    > -42
+.. function:: cos (number float)
+  Returns the cosine of a number
+  :param number: target real number
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select cos(0.7);
+    > 0.7648421872844885
+.. function:: degrees (number float)
+  Converts radians to degrees
+  :param number: radian value
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select degrees(0.8);
+    > 45.83662361046586
+.. function:: div (num1 int, num2 int)
+  Integer division truncates resut
+  :param num1: number to be divided
+  :param num2: number to divide
+  :rtype: int8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select div(8,3);
+    > 2
+.. function:: exp (number float)
+  Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a number
+  :param number: input number
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select exp(1.0);
+    > 2.718281828459045
+.. function:: floor (number float)
+  Returns a largest integer not greater than argument
+  :param number: target real number
+  :rtype: int8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select floor(53.1); 
+    > 53
+.. function:: mod (num1 int, num2 int)
+  Returns remainder of num1 / num2
+  :param num1: number to be divided
+  :param num2: number to divide
+  :rtype: int8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select mod(10,3);
+    > 1
+.. function:: pi ()
+  Returns constant value of pi
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select pi();
+    > 3.141592653589793
+.. function:: pow (x float, y float)
+  Returns value of x raised to the power of y
+  :param x: base number
+  :param y: exponent
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select pow(2.0, 10.0);
+    > 1024.0
+.. function:: radians (number float)
+  Converts degrees to radians
+  :param number: degree value
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select radians(45.0);
+    > 0.7853981633974483
+.. function:: round (number int|float)
+  Rounds to nearest integer
+  :param number: target number
+  :rtype: int8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select round(5.1); 
+    > 5
+.. function:: sign (number int|float)
+  Returns sign of argument as -1, 0, 1
+  :param number: target number
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select sign(-8.4); 
+    > -1.0
+.. function:: sin (number float)
+  Returns the sine of number value
+  :param number: target number
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select sin(1.0); 
+    > 0.8414709848078965
+.. function:: sqrt (number float8)
+  Returns the square root of a number
+  :param number: target number
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select sqrt(256.0); 
+    > 16.0
+.. function:: tan (number float)
+  Returns the tangent of number value
+  :param number: target number
+  :rtype: float8
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select tan(0.2); 
+    > 0.2027100355086725

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/network_func_and_operators.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/network_func_and_operators.txt (added)
+++ tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/functions/network_func_and_operators.txt Thu Dec 11 14:43:31 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Network Functions and Operators
+Apache Tajo provides network functions and operations using GeoIP databases.
+To use these functions and operations, the GeoIP database should be precedently installed in local disks of
+all the workers.
+(Please refer the install instruction in
+Once the GeoIP database is installed, you should specify the install location in ``conf/tajo-site.xml``
+as follows. ::
+  <property>
+    <name>tajo.function.geoip-database-location</name>
+    <value>/path/to/geoip/database/file</value>
+  </property>
+Supported Functions
+.. function:: geoip_country_code (string addr)
+  Convert an ipv4 address string to a geoip country code.
+  :param addr: ipv4 address string
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select geoip_country_code('')
+    > 'KR'
+.. function:: geoip_country_code (inet4 addr)
+  Convert an ipv4 address to a geoip country code.
+  :param addr: ipv4 address
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select geoip_country_code(
+    > 'KR'
+.. function:: geoip_in_country (string addr, string code)
+  If the given country code is same with the country code of the given address, it returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
+  :param addr: ipv4 address string
+  :param code: country code
+  :rtype: boolean
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select geoip_in_country('', 'KR')
+    > true
+.. function:: geoip_in_country (inet4 addr, string code)
+  If the given country code is same with the country code of the given address, it returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
+  :param addr: ipv4 address
+  :param code: country code
+  :rtype: boolean
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select geoip_in_country(, 'KR')
+    > true
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+String Functions and Operators
+.. function:: str1 || str2
+  Returns the concatnenated string of both side strings ``str1`` and ``str2``.
+  :param str1: first string
+  :param str2: second string
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select ‘Ta’ || ‘jo’; 
+    > 'Tajo'
+.. function:: char_length (string text)
+  Returns Number of characters in string
+  :param string: to be counted
+  :rtype: int4
+  :alias: character_length
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select char_length(‘Tajo’);
+    > 4
+.. function:: trim([leading | trailing | both] [characters] from string)
+  Removes the characters (a space by default) from the start/end/both ends of the string
+  :param string: 
+  :param characters: 
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select trim(both ‘x’ from ‘xTajoxx’);
+    > Tajo   
+.. function:: btrim(string text, [characters text])
+  Removes the characters (a space by default) from the both ends of the string
+  :param string: 
+  :param characters: 
+  :rtype: text
+  :alias: trim
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select btrim(‘xTajoxx’, ‘x’);
+    > Tajo 
+.. function:: ltrim(string text, [characters text])
+  Removes the characters (a space by default) from the start ends of the string
+  :param string: 
+  :param characters: 
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select ltrim(‘xxTajo’, ‘x’);
+    > Tajo 
+.. function:: rtrim(string text, [characters text])
+  Removes the characters (a space by default) from the end ends of the string
+  :param string: 
+  :param characters: 
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select rtrim('Tajoxx', 'x');
+    > Tajo 
+.. function:: split_part(string text, delimiter text, field int)
+  Splits a string on delimiter and return the given field (counting from one)
+  :param string: 
+  :param delimiter: 
+  :param field: 
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select split_part(‘ab_bc_cd’,‘_’,2);   
+    > bc 
+.. function:: regexp_replace(string text, pattern text, replacement text)
+  Replaces substrings matched to a given regular expression pattern
+  :param string: 
+  :param pattern: 
+  :param replacement: 
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select regexp_replace(‘abcdef’, ‘(ˆab|ef$)’, ‘–’); 
+    > –cd–
+.. function:: upper(string text)
+  makes an input text to be upper case
+  :param string:
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select upper('tajo');
+    > TAJO
+.. function:: lower(string text)
+  makes an input text to be lower case
+  :param string:
+  :rtype: text
+  :example:
+  .. code-block:: sql
+    select lower('TAJO');
+    > tajo

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/getting_started.txt
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+Getting Started
+In this section, we explain setup of a standalone Tajo instance. It will run against the local filesystem. In later sections, we will present how to run Tajo cluster instance on Apache Hadoop's HDFS, a distributed filesystem. This section shows you how to start up a Tajo cluster, create tables in your Tajo cluster, submit SQL queries via Tajo shell, and shutting down your Tajo cluster instance. The below exercise should take no more than ten minutes.
+.. toctree::
+  :maxdepth: 1
+  getting_started/prerequisites
+  getting_started/downloading_source
+  getting_started/building
+  getting_started/local_setup
+  getting_started/first_query
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Build source code
+You prepare the prerequisites and the source code, you can build the source code now.
+The first step of the installation procedure is to configure the source tree for your system and choose the options you would like. This is done by running the configure script. For a default installation simply enter:
+You can compile source code and get a binary archive as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ cd tajo-x.y.z
+  $ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Dhadoop.version=2.X.X
+  $ ls tajo-dist/target/tajo-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
+.. note::
+  If you don't specify the hadoop version, tajo cluster may not run correctly. Thus, we highly recommend that you specify your hadoop version with maven build command.
+  Example:
+    $ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Dhadoop.version=2.5.1
+Then, after you move some proper directory, discompress the tar.gz file as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ cd [a directory to be parent of tajo binary]
+  $ tar xzvf ${TAJO_SRC}/tajo-dist/target/tajo-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
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+Dowload and unpack the source code
+You can either download the source code release of Tajo or check out the development codebase from Git.
+Download the latest source release
+Choose a download site from this list of `Apache Download Mirrors <>`_.
+Click on the suggested mirror link. This will take you to a mirror of Tajo Releases. 
+Download the file that ends in .tar.gz to your local filesystem, e.g. tajo-x.y.z-src.tar.gz.
+Decompress and untar your downloaded file and then change into the unpacked directory. ::
+  tar xzvf tajo-x.y.z-src.tar.gz
+Check out the source code via Git
+The development codebase can also be downloaded from `the Apache git repository <>`_ as follows: ::
+  git clone
+A read-only git repository is also mirrored on `Github <>`_.

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/getting_started/first_query.txt
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+First query execution
+First of all, we need to prepare some table for query execution. For example, you can make a simple text-based table as follows: 
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ mkdir /home/x/table1
+  $ cd /home/x/table1
+  $ cat > data.csv
+  1|abc|1.1|a
+  2|def|2.3|b
+  3|ghi|3.4|c
+  4|jkl|4.5|d
+  5|mno|5.6|e
+  <CTRL + D>
+Apache Tajo™ provides a SQL shell which allows users to interactively submit SQL queries. In order to use this shell, please execute ``bin/tsql`` ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tsql
+  tajo>
+In order to load the table we created above, we should think of a schema of the table.
+Here, we assume the schema as (int, text, float, text). ::
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/tsql
+  tajo> create external table table1 (
+        id int,
+        name text, 
+        score float, 
+        type text) 
+        using csv with ('csvfile.delimiter'='|') location 'file:/home/x/table1';
+To load an external table, you need to use ‘create external table’ statement. 
+In the location clause, you should use the absolute directory path with an appropriate scheme. 
+If the table resides in HDFS, you should use ‘hdfs’ instead of ‘file’.
+If you want to know DDL statements in more detail, please see Query Language. ::
+  tajo> \d
+  table1
+ ``\d`` command shows the list of tables. ::
+  tajo> \d table1
+  table name: table1
+  table path: file:/home/x/table1
+  store type: CSV
+  number of rows: 0
+  volume (bytes): 78 B
+  schema:
+  id      INT
+  name    TEXT
+  score   FLOAT
+  type    TEXT
+``\d [table name]`` command shows the description of a given table.
+Also, you can execute SQL queries as follows: ::
+  tajo> select * from table1 where id > 2;
+  final state: QUERY_SUCCEEDED, init time: 0.069 sec, response time: 0.397 sec
+  result: file:/tmp/tajo-hadoop/staging/q_1363768615503_0001_000001/RESULT, 3 rows ( 35B)
+  id,  name,  score,  type
+  - - - - - - - - - -  - - -
+  3,  ghi,  3.4,  c
+  4,  jkl,  4.5,  d
+  5,  mno,  5.6,  e
+  tajo> \q
+  bye
+Feel free to enjoy Tajo with SQL standards. 
+If you want to know more explanation for SQL supported by Tajo, please refer :doc:`/sql_language`.
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+Setting up a local Tajo cluster
+Apache Tajo™ provides two run modes: local mode and fully distributed mode. Here, we explain only the local mode where a Tajo instance runs on a local file system. A local mode Tajo instance can start up with very simple configurations.
+First of all, you need to add the environment variables to conf/
+.. code-block:: bash
+  # Hadoop home. Required
+  export HADOOP_HOME= ...
+  # The java implementation to use.  Required.
+  export JAVA_HOME= ...
+To launch the tajo master, execute
+.. code-block:: bash
+  $ $TAJO_HOME/bin/
+.. note::
+  If you want to how to setup a fully distributed mode of Tajo, please see :doc:`/configuration/cluster_setup`.
+.. warning::
+  By default, *Catalog server* which manages table meta data uses `Apache Derby <>`_ as a persistent storage, and Derby stores data into ``/tmp/tajo-catalog-${username}`` directory. But, some operating systems may remove all contents in ``/tmp`` when booting up. In order to ensure persistent store of your catalog data, you need to set a proper location of derby directory. To learn Catalog configuration, please refer to :doc:`/configuration/catalog_configuration`.

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+ * Hadoop 2.2.0, 2.3.0, or 2.4.0
+ * Java 1.6 or higher
+ * Protocol buffer 2.5.0
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Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/hcatalog_integration.txt
--- tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/hcatalog_integration.txt (added)
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+HCatalog Integration
+Apache Tajo™ catalog supports HCatalogStore driver to integrate with Apache Hive™. 
+This integration allows Tajo to access all tables used in Apache Hive. 
+Depending on your purpose, you can execute either SQL queries or HiveQL queries on the 
+same tables managed in Apache Hive.
+In order to use this feature, you need to build Tajo with a specified maven profile 
+and then add some configs into ``conf/`` and ``conf/catalog-site.xml``. 
+This section describes how to setup HCatalog integration. 
+This instruction would take no more than ten minutes.
+First, you need to compile the source code with hcatalog profile. 
+Currently, Tajo supports hcatalog-0.11.0 and hcatalog-0.12.0 profile.
+So, if you want to use Hive 0.11.0, you need to set ``-Phcatalog-0.11.0`` as the maven profile ::
+  $ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Phcatalog-0.11.0
+Or, if you want to use Hive 0.12.0, you need to set ``-Phcatalog-0.12.0`` as the maven profile ::
+  $ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdist -Dtar -Phcatalog-0.12.0
+Then, you need to set your Hive home directory to the environment variable ``HIVE_HOME`` in conf/ as follows: ::
+  export HIVE_HOME=/path/to/your/hive/directory
+If you need to use jdbc to connect HiveMetaStore, you have to prepare MySQL jdbc driver.
+Next, you should set the path of MySQL JDBC driver jar file to the environment variable HIVE_JDBC_DRIVER_DIR in conf/ as follows: ::
+  export HIVE_JDBC_DRIVER_DIR==/path/to/your/mysql_jdbc_driver/mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar
+Finally, you should specify HCatalogStore as Tajo catalog driver class in ``conf/catalog-site.xml`` as follows: ::
+  <property>
+    <name></name>
+    <value></value>
+  </property>

Added: tajo/site/docs/current/_sources/index.txt
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+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+.. Apache Tajo documentation master file, created by
+   sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 27 08:29:11 2014.
+   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+   contain the root `toctree` directive.
+Apache Tajo™ 0.9.0 Release Documentation
+Table of Contents:
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 3
+   introduction
+   getting_started
+   configuration
+   tsql
+   sql_language
+   functions
+   table_management
+   table_partitioning
+   backup_and_restore
+   hcatalog_integration
+   jdbc_driver   
+   tajo_client_api
+   faq
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`

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+The main goal of Apache Tajo project is to build an advanced open source
+data warehouse system in Hadoop for processing web-scale data sets. 
+Basically, Tajo provides SQL standard as a query language.
+Tajo is designed for both interactive and batch queries on data sets
+stored on HDFS and other data sources. Without hurting query response
+times, Tajo provides fault-tolerance and dynamic load balancing which
+are necessary for long-running queries. Tajo employs a cost-based and
+progressive query optimization techniques for reoptimizing running
+queries in order to avoid the worst query plans.
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