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Posted to by Dominique Devienne <> on 2006/03/18 04:43:39 UTC

Re: Trying to escape quote character in define argument for cpptasks

> <compilerarg value="-D"/><compilerarg value="FIXLVL=&quot;FEB 17
> 2006&quot;"/>

Shouldn't this be:

<compilerarg value="-DFIXLVL=&quot;FEB 17 2006&quot;"/>


> I've even tried defining the fix level in a property, and then using the
> property name in the defineset value, but it was too smart for that.
> How can I force this thing to listen to me?

If this doesn't work, doesn't the pre-processor support a "stringify"
command, something like #NAME, that would be the quote around it

If not, then use a header that contains a default value, and
<replaceregex> it to whatever you want before the build, and <cc> will
do its dependency magic to recompile only the necessary files. --DD

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