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[36/49] Remove src/mochiweb
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_html.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_html.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f281db..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_html.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1264 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Loosely tokenizes and generates parse trees for HTML 4.
--export([tokens/1, parse/1, parse_tokens/1, to_tokens/1, escape/1,
-         escape_attr/1, to_html/1]).
-%% This is a macro to placate syntax highlighters..
--define(QUOTE, $\").
--define(SQUOTE, $\').
--define(ADV_COL(S, N),
-        S#decoder{column=N+S#decoder.column,
-                  offset=N+S#decoder.offset}).
-        S#decoder{column=1+S#decoder.column,
-                  offset=1+S#decoder.offset}).
-        S#decoder{column=1,
-                  line=1+S#decoder.line,
-                  offset=1+S#decoder.offset}).
--define(INC_CHAR(S, C),
-        case C of
-            $\n ->
-                S#decoder{column=1,
-                          line=1+S#decoder.line,
-                          offset=1+S#decoder.offset};
-            _ ->
-                S#decoder{column=1+S#decoder.column,
-                          offset=1+S#decoder.offset}
-        end).
-        (C =:= $\s orelse C =:= $\t orelse C =:= $\r orelse C =:= $\n)).
-        ((C >= $A andalso C =< $Z) orelse (C >= $a andalso C =< $z)
-         orelse (C >= $0 andalso C =< $9))).
-        (C =:= $> orelse ?IS_WHITESPACE(C))).
--record(decoder, {line=1,
-                  column=1,
-                  offset=0}).
-%% @type html_node() = {string(), [html_attr()], [html_node() | string()]}
-%% @type html_attr() = {string(), string()}
-%% @type html_token() = html_data() | start_tag() | end_tag() | inline_html() | html_comment() | html_doctype()
-%% @type html_data() = {data, string(), Whitespace::boolean()}
-%% @type start_tag() = {start_tag, Name, [html_attr()], Singleton::boolean()}
-%% @type end_tag() = {end_tag, Name}
-%% @type html_comment() = {comment, Comment}
-%% @type html_doctype() = {doctype, [Doctype]}
-%% @type inline_html() = {'=', iolist()}
-%% External API.
-%% @spec parse(string() | binary()) -> html_node()
-%% @doc tokenize and then transform the token stream into a HTML tree.
-parse(Input) ->
-    parse_tokens(tokens(Input)).
-%% @spec parse_tokens([html_token()]) -> html_node()
-%% @doc Transform the output of tokens(Doc) into a HTML tree.
-parse_tokens(Tokens) when is_list(Tokens) ->
-    %% Skip over doctype, processing instructions
-    F = fun (X) ->
-                case X of
-                    {start_tag, _, _, false} ->
-                        false;
-                    _ ->
-                        true
-                end
-        end,
-    [{start_tag, Tag, Attrs, false} | Rest] = lists:dropwhile(F, Tokens),
-    {Tree, _} = tree(Rest, [norm({Tag, Attrs})]),
-    Tree.
-%% @spec tokens(StringOrBinary) -> [html_token()]
-%% @doc Transform the input UTF-8 HTML into a token stream.
-tokens(Input) ->
-    tokens(iolist_to_binary(Input), #decoder{}, []).
-%% @spec to_tokens(html_node()) -> [html_token()]
-%% @doc Convert a html_node() tree to a list of tokens.
-to_tokens({Tag0}) ->
-    to_tokens({Tag0, [], []});
-to_tokens(T={'=', _}) ->
-    [T];
-to_tokens(T={doctype, _}) ->
-    [T];
-to_tokens(T={comment, _}) ->
-    [T];
-to_tokens({Tag0, Acc}) ->
-    %% This is only allowed in sub-tags: {p, [{"class", "foo"}]}
-    to_tokens({Tag0, [], Acc});
-to_tokens({Tag0, Attrs, Acc}) ->
-    Tag = to_tag(Tag0),
-    to_tokens([{Tag, Acc}], [{start_tag, Tag, Attrs, is_singleton(Tag)}]).
-%% @spec to_html([html_token()] | html_node()) -> iolist()
-%% @doc Convert a list of html_token() to a HTML document.
-to_html(Node) when is_tuple(Node) ->
-    to_html(to_tokens(Node));
-to_html(Tokens) when is_list(Tokens) ->
-    to_html(Tokens, []).
-%% @spec escape(string() | atom() | binary()) -> binary()
-%% @doc Escape a string such that it's safe for HTML (amp; lt; gt;).
-escape(B) when is_binary(B) ->
-    escape(binary_to_list(B), []);
-escape(A) when is_atom(A) ->
-    escape(atom_to_list(A), []);
-escape(S) when is_list(S) ->
-    escape(S, []).
-%% @spec escape_attr(string() | binary() | atom() | integer() | float()) -> binary()
-%% @doc Escape a string such that it's safe for HTML attrs
-%%      (amp; lt; gt; quot;).
-escape_attr(B) when is_binary(B) ->
-    escape_attr(binary_to_list(B), []);
-escape_attr(A) when is_atom(A) ->
-    escape_attr(atom_to_list(A), []);
-escape_attr(S) when is_list(S) ->
-    escape_attr(S, []);
-escape_attr(I) when is_integer(I) ->
-    escape_attr(integer_to_list(I), []);
-escape_attr(F) when is_float(F) ->
-    escape_attr(mochinum:digits(F), []).
-to_html([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-to_html([{'=', Content} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    to_html(Rest, [Content | Acc]);
-to_html([{pi, Bin} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    Open = [<<"<?">>,
-            Bin,
-            <<"?>">>],
-    to_html(Rest, [Open | Acc]);
-to_html([{pi, Tag, Attrs} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    Open = [<<"<?">>,
-            Tag,
-            attrs_to_html(Attrs, []),
-            <<"?>">>],
-    to_html(Rest, [Open | Acc]);
-to_html([{comment, Comment} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    to_html(Rest, [[<<"<!--">>, Comment, <<"-->">>] | Acc]);
-to_html([{doctype, Parts} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    Inside = doctype_to_html(Parts, Acc),
-    to_html(Rest, [[<<"<!DOCTYPE">>, Inside, <<">">>] | Acc]);
-to_html([{data, Data, _Whitespace} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    to_html(Rest, [escape(Data) | Acc]);
-to_html([{start_tag, Tag, Attrs, Singleton} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    Open = [<<"<">>,
-            Tag,
-            attrs_to_html(Attrs, []),
-            case Singleton of
-                true -> <<" />">>;
-                false -> <<">">>
-            end],
-    to_html(Rest, [Open | Acc]);
-to_html([{end_tag, Tag} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    to_html(Rest, [[<<"</">>, Tag, <<">">>] | Acc]).
-doctype_to_html([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-doctype_to_html([Word | Rest], Acc) ->
-    case lists:all(fun (C) -> ?IS_LITERAL_SAFE(C) end,
-                   binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(Word))) of
-        true ->
-            doctype_to_html(Rest, [[<<" ">>, Word] | Acc]);
-        false ->
-            doctype_to_html(Rest, [[<<" \"">>, escape_attr(Word), ?QUOTE] | Acc])
-    end.
-attrs_to_html([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-attrs_to_html([{K, V} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    attrs_to_html(Rest,
-                  [[<<" ">>, escape(K), <<"=\"">>,
-                    escape_attr(V), <<"\"">>] | Acc]).
-escape([], Acc) ->
-    list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc));
-escape("<" ++ Rest, Acc) ->
-    escape(Rest, lists:reverse("&lt;", Acc));
-escape(">" ++ Rest, Acc) ->
-    escape(Rest, lists:reverse("&gt;", Acc));
-escape("&" ++ Rest, Acc) ->
-    escape(Rest, lists:reverse("&amp;", Acc));
-escape([C | Rest], Acc) ->
-    escape(Rest, [C | Acc]).
-escape_attr([], Acc) ->
-    list_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc));
-escape_attr("<" ++ Rest, Acc) ->
-    escape_attr(Rest, lists:reverse("&lt;", Acc));
-escape_attr(">" ++ Rest, Acc) ->
-    escape_attr(Rest, lists:reverse("&gt;", Acc));
-escape_attr("&" ++ Rest, Acc) ->
-    escape_attr(Rest, lists:reverse("&amp;", Acc));
-escape_attr([?QUOTE | Rest], Acc) ->
-    escape_attr(Rest, lists:reverse("&quot;", Acc));
-escape_attr([C | Rest], Acc) ->
-    escape_attr(Rest, [C | Acc]).
-to_tag(A) when is_atom(A) ->
-    norm(atom_to_list(A));
-to_tag(L) ->
-    norm(L).
-to_tokens([], Acc) ->
-    lists:reverse(Acc);
-to_tokens([{Tag, []} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    to_tokens(Rest, [{end_tag, to_tag(Tag)} | Acc]);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Allow {br}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, [], []} | R1]} | Rest], Acc);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [T0={'=', _C0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Allow {'=', iolist()}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, R1} | Rest], [T0 | Acc]);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [T0={comment, _C0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Allow {comment, iolist()}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, R1} | Rest], [T0 | Acc]);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [T0={pi, _S0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Allow {pi, binary()}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, R1} | Rest], [T0 | Acc]);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [T0={pi, _S0, _A0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Allow {pi, binary(), list()}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, R1} | Rest], [T0 | Acc]);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, A0=[{_, _} | _]} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Allow {p, [{"class", "foo"}]}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, A0, []} | R1]} | Rest], Acc);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, C0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Allow {p, "content"} and {p, <<"content">>}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, [], C0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, A1, C0} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) when is_binary(C0) ->
-    %% Allow {"p", [{"class", "foo"}], <<"content">>}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, A1, binary_to_list(C0)} | R1]} | Rest], Acc);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, A1, C0=[C | _]} | R1]} | Rest], Acc)
-  when is_integer(C) ->
-    %% Allow {"p", [{"class", "foo"}], "content"}
-    to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, A1, [C0]} | R1]} | Rest], Acc);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [{T0, A1, C1} | R1]} | Rest], Acc) ->
-    %% Native {"p", [{"class", "foo"}], ["content"]}
-    Tag = to_tag(Tag0),
-    T1 = to_tag(T0),
-    case is_singleton(norm(T1)) of
-        true ->
-            to_tokens([{Tag, R1} | Rest], [{start_tag, T1, A1, true} | Acc]);
-        false ->
-            to_tokens([{T1, C1}, {Tag, R1} | Rest],
-                      [{start_tag, T1, A1, false} | Acc])
-    end;
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [L | R1]} | Rest], Acc) when is_list(L) ->
-    %% List text
-    Tag = to_tag(Tag0),
-    to_tokens([{Tag, R1} | Rest], [{data, iolist_to_binary(L), false} | Acc]);
-to_tokens([{Tag0, [B | R1]} | Rest], Acc) when is_binary(B) ->
-    %% Binary text
-    Tag = to_tag(Tag0),
-    to_tokens([{Tag, R1} | Rest], [{data, B, false} | Acc]).
-tokens(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            lists:reverse(Acc);
-        _ ->
-            {Tag, S1} = tokenize(B, S),
-            case parse_flag(Tag) of
-                script ->
-                    {Tag2, S2} = tokenize_script(B, S1),
-                    tokens(B, S2, [Tag2, Tag | Acc]);
-                textarea ->
-                    {Tag2, S2} = tokenize_textarea(B, S1),
-                    tokens(B, S2, [Tag2, Tag | Acc]);
-                none ->
-                    tokens(B, S1, [Tag | Acc])
-            end
-    end.
-parse_flag({start_tag, B, _, false}) ->
-    case string:to_lower(binary_to_list(B)) of
-        "script" ->
-            script;
-        "textarea" ->
-            textarea;
-        _ ->
-            none
-    end;
-parse_flag(_) ->
-    none.
-tokenize(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary, "<!--", _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_comment(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 4));
-        <<_:O/binary, "<!DOCTYPE", _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_doctype(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 10));
-        <<_:O/binary, "<![CDATA[", _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_cdata(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 9));
-        <<_:O/binary, "<?php", _/binary>> ->
-            {Body, S1} = raw_qgt(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2)),
-            {{pi, Body}, S1};
-        <<_:O/binary, "<?", _/binary>> ->
-            {Tag, S1} = tokenize_literal(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2)),
-            {Attrs, S2} = tokenize_attributes(B, S1),
-            S3 = find_qgt(B, S2),
-            {{pi, Tag, Attrs}, S3};
-        <<_:O/binary, "&", _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_charref(B, ?INC_COL(S));
-        <<_:O/binary, "</", _/binary>> ->
-            {Tag, S1} = tokenize_literal(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2)),
-            {S2, _} = find_gt(B, S1),
-            {{end_tag, Tag}, S2};
-        <<_:O/binary, "<", C, _/binary>> when ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) ->
-            %% This isn't really strict HTML
-            {{data, Data, _Whitespace}, S1} = tokenize_data(B, ?INC_COL(S)),
-            {{data, <<$<, Data/binary>>, false}, S1};
-        <<_:O/binary, "<", _/binary>> ->
-            {Tag, S1} = tokenize_literal(B, ?INC_COL(S)),
-            {Attrs, S2} = tokenize_attributes(B, S1),
-            {S3, HasSlash} = find_gt(B, S2),
-            Singleton = HasSlash orelse is_singleton(Tag),
-            {{start_tag, Tag, Attrs, Singleton}, S3};
-        _ ->
-            tokenize_data(B, S)
-    end.
-tree_data([{data, Data, Whitespace} | Rest], AllWhitespace, Acc) ->
-    tree_data(Rest, (Whitespace andalso AllWhitespace), [Data | Acc]);
-tree_data(Rest, AllWhitespace, Acc) ->
-    {iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), AllWhitespace, Rest}.
-tree([], Stack) ->
-    {destack(Stack), []};
-tree([{end_tag, Tag} | Rest], Stack) ->
-    case destack(norm(Tag), Stack) of
-        S when is_list(S) ->
-            tree(Rest, S);
-        Result ->
-            {Result, []}
-    end;
-tree([{start_tag, Tag, Attrs, true} | Rest], S) ->
-    tree(Rest, append_stack_child(norm({Tag, Attrs}), S));
-tree([{start_tag, Tag, Attrs, false} | Rest], S) ->
-    tree(Rest, stack(norm({Tag, Attrs}), S));
-tree([T={pi, _Raw} | Rest], S) ->
-    tree(Rest, append_stack_child(T, S));
-tree([T={pi, _Tag, _Attrs} | Rest], S) ->
-    tree(Rest, append_stack_child(T, S));
-tree([T={comment, _Comment} | Rest], S) ->
-    tree(Rest, append_stack_child(T, S));
-tree(L=[{data, _Data, _Whitespace} | _], S) ->
-    case tree_data(L, true, []) of
-        {_, true, Rest} ->
-            tree(Rest, S);
-        {Data, false, Rest} ->
-            tree(Rest, append_stack_child(Data, S))
-    end;
-tree([{doctype, _} | Rest], Stack) ->
-    tree(Rest, Stack).
-norm({Tag, Attrs}) ->
-    {norm(Tag), [{norm(K), iolist_to_binary(V)} || {K, V} <- Attrs], []};
-norm(Tag) when is_binary(Tag) ->
-    Tag;
-norm(Tag) ->
-    list_to_binary(string:to_lower(Tag)).
-stack(T1={TN, _, _}, Stack=[{TN, _, _} | _Rest])
-  when TN =:= <<"li">> orelse TN =:= <<"option">> ->
-    [T1 | destack(TN, Stack)];
-stack(T1={TN0, _, _}, Stack=[{TN1, _, _} | _Rest])
-  when (TN0 =:= <<"dd">> orelse TN0 =:= <<"dt">>) andalso
-       (TN1 =:= <<"dd">> orelse TN1 =:= <<"dt">>) ->
-    [T1 | destack(TN1, Stack)];
-stack(T1, Stack) ->
-    [T1 | Stack].
-append_stack_child(StartTag, [{Name, Attrs, Acc} | Stack]) ->
-    [{Name, Attrs, [StartTag | Acc]} | Stack].
-destack(<<"br">>, Stack) ->
-    %% This is an ugly hack to make dumb_br_test() pass,
-    %% this makes it such that br can never have children.
-    Stack;
-destack(TagName, Stack) when is_list(Stack) ->
-    F = fun (X) ->
-                case X of
-                    {TagName, _, _} ->
-                        false;
-                    _ ->
-                        true
-                end
-        end,
-    case lists:splitwith(F, Stack) of
-        {_, []} ->
-            %% If we're parsing something like XML we might find
-            %% a <link>tag</link> that is normally a singleton
-            %% in HTML but isn't here
-            case {is_singleton(TagName), Stack} of
-                {true, [{T0, A0, Acc0} | Post0]} ->
-                    case lists:splitwith(F, Acc0) of
-                        {_, []} ->
-                            %% Actually was a singleton
-                            Stack;
-                        {Pre, [{T1, A1, Acc1} | Post1]} ->
-                            [{T0, A0, [{T1, A1, Acc1 ++ lists:reverse(Pre)} | Post1]}
-                             | Post0]
-                    end;
-                _ ->
-                    %% No match, no state change
-                    Stack
-            end;
-        {_Pre, [_T]} ->
-            %% Unfurl the whole stack, we're done
-            destack(Stack);
-        {Pre, [T, {T0, A0, Acc0} | Post]} ->
-            %% Unfurl up to the tag, then accumulate it
-            [{T0, A0, [destack(Pre ++ [T]) | Acc0]} | Post]
-    end.
-destack([{Tag, Attrs, Acc}]) ->
-    {Tag, Attrs, lists:reverse(Acc)};
-destack([{T1, A1, Acc1}, {T0, A0, Acc0} | Rest]) ->
-    destack([{T0, A0, [{T1, A1, lists:reverse(Acc1)} | Acc0]} | Rest]).
-is_singleton(<<"br">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"hr">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"img">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"input">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"base">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"meta">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"link">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"area">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"param">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(<<"col">>) -> true;
-is_singleton(_) -> false.
-tokenize_data(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    tokenize_data(B, S, O, true).
-tokenize_data(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Start, Whitespace) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when (C =/= $< andalso C =/= $&) ->
-            tokenize_data(B, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Start,
-                          (Whitespace andalso ?IS_WHITESPACE(C)));
-        _ ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Data:Len/binary, _/binary>> = B,
-            {{data, Data, Whitespace}, S}
-    end.
-tokenize_attributes(B, S) ->
-    tokenize_attributes(B, S, []).
-tokenize_attributes(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            {lists:reverse(Acc), S};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when (C =:= $> orelse C =:= $/) ->
-            {lists:reverse(Acc), S};
-        <<_:O/binary, "?>", _/binary>> ->
-            {lists:reverse(Acc), S};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) ->
-            tokenize_attributes(B, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Acc);
-        _ ->
-            {Attr, S1} = tokenize_literal(B, S),
-            {Value, S2} = tokenize_attr_value(Attr, B, S1),
-            tokenize_attributes(B, S2, [{Attr, Value} | Acc])
-    end.
-tokenize_attr_value(Attr, B, S) ->
-    S1 = skip_whitespace(B, S),
-    O = S1#decoder.offset,
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary, "=", _/binary>> ->
-            S2 = skip_whitespace(B, ?INC_COL(S1)),
-            tokenize_quoted_or_unquoted_attr_value(B, S2);
-        _ ->
-            {Attr, S1}
-    end.
-tokenize_quoted_or_unquoted_attr_value(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            { [], S };
-        <<_:O/binary, Q, _/binary>> when Q =:= ?QUOTE orelse
-                                         Q =:= ?SQUOTE ->
-            tokenize_quoted_attr_value(B, ?INC_COL(S), [], Q);
-        <<_:O/binary, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_unquoted_attr_value(B, S, [])
-    end.
-tokenize_quoted_attr_value(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc, Q) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            { iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), S };
-        <<_:O/binary, $&, _/binary>> ->
-            {{data, Data, false}, S1} = tokenize_charref(B, ?INC_COL(S)),
-            tokenize_quoted_attr_value(B, S1, [Data|Acc], Q);
-        <<_:O/binary, Q, _/binary>> ->
-            { iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), ?INC_COL(S) };
-        <<_:O/binary, $\n, _/binary>> ->
-            { iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), ?INC_LINE(S) };
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_quoted_attr_value(B, ?INC_COL(S), [C|Acc], Q)
-    end.
-tokenize_unquoted_attr_value(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            { iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), S };
-        <<_:O/binary, $&, _/binary>> ->
-            {{data, Data, false}, S1} = tokenize_charref(B, ?INC_COL(S)),
-            tokenize_unquoted_attr_value(B, S1, [Data|Acc]);
-        <<_:O/binary, $/, $>, _/binary>> ->
-            { iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), S };
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when ?PROBABLE_CLOSE(C) ->
-            { iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), S };
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_unquoted_attr_value(B, ?INC_COL(S), [C|Acc])
-    end.   
-skip_whitespace(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    case B of
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) ->
-            skip_whitespace(B, ?INC_CHAR(S, C));
-        _ ->
-            S
-    end.
-tokenize_literal(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C =:= $>
-                                    orelse C =:= $/
-                                    orelse C =:= $= ->
-            %% Handle case where tokenize_literal would consume
-            %% 0 chars.
-            {[C], ?INC_COL(S)};
-        _ ->
-            tokenize_literal(Bin, S, [])
-    end.
-tokenize_literal(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, $&, _/binary>> ->
-            {{data, Data, false}, S1} = tokenize_charref(Bin, ?INC_COL(S)),
-            tokenize_literal(Bin, S1, [Data | Acc]);
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when not (?IS_WHITESPACE(C)
-                                              orelse C =:= $>
-                                              orelse C =:= $/
-                                              orelse C =:= $=) ->
-            tokenize_literal(Bin, ?INC_COL(S), [C | Acc]);
-        _ ->
-            {iolist_to_binary(string:to_lower(lists:reverse(Acc))), S}
-    end.
-raw_qgt(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    raw_qgt(Bin, S, O).
-raw_qgt(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Start) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, "?>", _/binary>> ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw:Len/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-            {Raw, ?ADV_COL(S, 2)};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            raw_qgt(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Start);
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw/binary>> = Bin,
-            {Raw, S}
-    end.
-find_qgt(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, "?>", _/binary>> ->
-            ?ADV_COL(S, 2);
-        <<_:O/binary, ">", _/binary>> ->
-			?ADV_COL(S, 1);
-        <<_:O/binary, "/>", _/binary>> ->
-			?ADV_COL(S, 2);
-        %% tokenize_attributes takes care of this state:
-        %% <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-        %%     find_qgt(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C));
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            S
-    end.
-find_gt(Bin, S) ->
-    find_gt(Bin, S, false).
-find_gt(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, HasSlash) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, $/, _/binary>> ->
-            find_gt(Bin, ?INC_COL(S), true);
-        <<_:O/binary, $>, _/binary>> ->
-            {?INC_COL(S), HasSlash};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            find_gt(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), HasSlash);
-        _ ->
-            {S, HasSlash}
-    end.
-tokenize_charref(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    tokenize_charref(Bin, S, O).
-tokenize_charref(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Start) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw/binary>> = Bin,
-            {{data, Raw, false}, S};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when ?IS_WHITESPACE(C)
-                                         orelse C =:= ?SQUOTE
-                                         orelse C =:= ?QUOTE
-                                         orelse C =:= $/
-                                         orelse C =:= $> ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw:Len/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-            {{data, Raw, false}, S};
-        <<_:O/binary, $;, _/binary>> ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw:Len/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-            Data = case mochiweb_charref:charref(Raw) of
-                       undefined ->
-                           Start1 = Start - 1,
-                           Len1 = Len + 2,
-                           <<_:Start1/binary, R:Len1/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-                           R;
-                       Unichar ->
-                           mochiutf8:codepoint_to_bytes(Unichar)
-                   end,
-            {{data, Data, false}, ?INC_COL(S)};
-        _ ->
-            tokenize_charref(Bin, ?INC_COL(S), Start)
-    end.
-tokenize_doctype(Bin, S) ->
-    tokenize_doctype(Bin, S, []).
-tokenize_doctype(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            {{doctype, lists:reverse(Acc)}, S};
-        <<_:O/binary, $>, _/binary>> ->
-            {{doctype, lists:reverse(Acc)}, ?INC_COL(S)};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) ->
-            tokenize_doctype(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Acc);
-        _ ->
-            {Word, S1} = tokenize_word_or_literal(Bin, S),
-            tokenize_doctype(Bin, S1, [Word | Acc])
-    end.
-tokenize_word_or_literal(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C =:= ?QUOTE orelse C =:= ?SQUOTE ->
-            tokenize_word(Bin, ?INC_COL(S), C);
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when not ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) ->
-            %% Sanity check for whitespace
-            tokenize_literal(Bin, S)
-    end.
-tokenize_word(Bin, S, Quote) ->
-    tokenize_word(Bin, S, Quote, []).
-tokenize_word(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Quote, Acc) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary>> ->
-            {iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), S};
-        <<_:O/binary, Quote, _/binary>> ->
-            {iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)), ?INC_COL(S)};
-        <<_:O/binary, $&, _/binary>> ->
-            {{data, Data, false}, S1} = tokenize_charref(Bin, ?INC_COL(S)),
-            tokenize_word(Bin, S1, Quote, [Data | Acc]);
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_word(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Quote, [C | Acc])
-    end.
-tokenize_cdata(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    tokenize_cdata(Bin, S, O).
-tokenize_cdata(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Start) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, "]]>", _/binary>> ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw:Len/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-            {{data, Raw, false}, ?ADV_COL(S, 3)};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_cdata(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Start);
-        _ ->
-            <<_:O/binary, Raw/binary>> = Bin,
-            {{data, Raw, false}, S}
-    end.
-tokenize_comment(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    tokenize_comment(Bin, S, O).
-tokenize_comment(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Start) ->
-    case Bin of
-        <<_:O/binary, "-->", _/binary>> ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw:Len/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-            {{comment, Raw}, ?ADV_COL(S, 3)};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_comment(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Start);
-        <<_:Start/binary, Raw/binary>> ->
-            {{comment, Raw}, S}
-    end.
-tokenize_script(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    tokenize_script(Bin, S, O).
-tokenize_script(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Start) ->
-    case Bin of
-        %% Just a look-ahead, we want the end_tag separately
-        <<_:O/binary, $<, $/, SS, CC, RR, II, PP, TT, ZZ, _/binary>>
-        when (SS =:= $s orelse SS =:= $S) andalso
-             (CC =:= $c orelse CC =:= $C) andalso
-             (RR =:= $r orelse RR =:= $R) andalso
-             (II =:= $i orelse II =:= $I) andalso
-             (PP =:= $p orelse PP =:= $P) andalso
-             (TT=:= $t orelse TT =:= $T) andalso
-             ?PROBABLE_CLOSE(ZZ) ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw:Len/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-            {{data, Raw, false}, S};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_script(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Start);
-        <<_:Start/binary, Raw/binary>> ->
-            {{data, Raw, false}, S}
-    end.
-tokenize_textarea(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
-    tokenize_textarea(Bin, S, O).
-tokenize_textarea(Bin, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Start) ->
-    case Bin of
-        %% Just a look-ahead, we want the end_tag separately
-        <<_:O/binary, $<, $/, TT, EE, XX, TT2, AA, RR, EE2, AA2, ZZ, _/binary>>
-        when (TT =:= $t orelse TT =:= $T) andalso
-             (EE =:= $e orelse EE =:= $E) andalso
-             (XX =:= $x orelse XX =:= $X) andalso
-             (TT2 =:= $t orelse TT2 =:= $T) andalso
-             (AA =:= $a orelse AA =:= $A) andalso
-             (RR =:= $r orelse RR =:= $R) andalso
-             (EE2 =:= $e orelse EE2 =:= $E) andalso
-             (AA2 =:= $a orelse AA2 =:= $A) andalso
-             ?PROBABLE_CLOSE(ZZ) ->
-            Len = O - Start,
-            <<_:Start/binary, Raw:Len/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
-            {{data, Raw, false}, S};
-        <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> ->
-            tokenize_textarea(Bin, ?INC_CHAR(S, C), Start);
-        <<_:Start/binary, Raw/binary>> ->
-            {{data, Raw, false}, S}
-    end.
-%% Tests
-to_html_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"<html><head><title>hey!</title></head><body><p class=\"foo\">what's up<br /></p><div>sucka</div>RAW!<!-- comment! --></body></html>">>,
-       iolist_to_binary(
-         to_html({html, [],
-                  [{<<"head">>, [],
-                    [{title, <<"hey!">>}]},
-                   {body, [],
-                    [{p, [{class, foo}], [<<"what's">>, <<" up">>, {br}]},
-                     {'div', <<"sucka">>},
-                     {'=', <<"RAW!">>},
-                     {comment, <<" comment! ">>}]}]}))),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">">>,
-       iolist_to_binary(
-         to_html({doctype,
-                  [<<"html">>, <<"PUBLIC">>,
-                   <<"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN">>,
-                   <<"">>]}))),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"<html><?xml:namespace prefix=\"o\" ns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"?></html>">>,
-       iolist_to_binary(
-         to_html({<<"html">>,[],
-                  [{pi, <<"xml:namespace">>,
-                    [{<<"prefix">>,<<"o">>},
-                     {<<"ns">>,<<"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">>}]}]}))),
-    ok.
-escape_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"&amp;quot;\"word &gt;&lt;&lt;up!&amp;quot;">>,
-       escape(<<"&quot;\"word ><<up!&quot;">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"&amp;quot;\"word &gt;&lt;&lt;up!&amp;quot;">>,
-       escape("&quot;\"word ><<up!&quot;")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"&amp;quot;\"word &gt;&lt;&lt;up!&amp;quot;">>,
-       escape('&quot;\"word ><<up!&quot;')),
-    ok.
-escape_attr_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"&amp;quot;&quot;word &gt;&lt;&lt;up!&amp;quot;">>,
-       escape_attr(<<"&quot;\"word ><<up!&quot;">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"&amp;quot;&quot;word &gt;&lt;&lt;up!&amp;quot;">>,
-       escape_attr("&quot;\"word ><<up!&quot;")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"&amp;quot;&quot;word &gt;&lt;&lt;up!&amp;quot;">>,
-       escape_attr('&quot;\"word ><<up!&quot;')),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"12345">>,
-       escape_attr(12345)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       <<"1.5">>,
-       escape_attr(1.5)),
-    ok.
-tokens_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"foo">>, [{<<"bar">>, <<"baz">>},
-                                {<<"wibble">>, <<"wibble">>},
-                                {<<"alice">>, <<"bob">>}], true}],
-       tokens(<<"<foo bar=baz wibble='wibble' alice=\"bob\"/>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"foo">>, [{<<"bar">>, <<"baz">>},
-                                {<<"wibble">>, <<"wibble">>},
-                                {<<"alice">>, <<"bob">>}], true}],
-       tokens(<<"<foo bar=baz wibble='wibble' alice=bob/>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{comment, <<"[if lt IE 7]>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n.no_ie { display: none; }\n</style>\n<![endif]">>}],
-       tokens(<<"<!--[if lt IE 7]>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n.no_ie { display: none; }\n</style>\n<![endif]-->">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"script">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"text/javascript">>}], false},
-        {data, <<" A= B <= C ">>, false},
-        {end_tag, <<"script">>}],
-       tokens(<<"<script type=\"text/javascript\"> A= B <= C </script>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"script">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"text/javascript">>}], false},
-        {data, <<" A= B <= C ">>, false},
-        {end_tag, <<"script">>}],
-       tokens(<<"<script type =\"text/javascript\"> A= B <= C </script>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"script">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"text/javascript">>}], false},
-        {data, <<" A= B <= C ">>, false},
-        {end_tag, <<"script">>}],
-       tokens(<<"<script type = \"text/javascript\"> A= B <= C </script>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"script">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"text/javascript">>}], false},
-        {data, <<" A= B <= C ">>, false},
-        {end_tag, <<"script">>}],
-       tokens(<<"<script type= \"text/javascript\"> A= B <= C </script>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"textarea">>, [], false},
-        {data, <<"<html></body>">>, false},
-        {end_tag, <<"textarea">>}],
-       tokens(<<"<textarea><html></body></textarea>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"textarea">>, [], false},
-        {data, <<"<html></body></textareaz>">>, false}],
-       tokens(<<"<textarea ><html></body></textareaz>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{pi, <<"xml:namespace">>,
-         [{<<"prefix">>,<<"o">>},
-          {<<"ns">>,<<"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">>}]}],
-       tokens(<<"<?xml:namespace prefix=\"o\" ns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"?>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{pi, <<"xml:namespace">>,
-         [{<<"prefix">>,<<"o">>},
-          {<<"ns">>,<<"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">>}]}],
-       tokens(<<"<?xml:namespace prefix=o ns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office \n?>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{pi, <<"xml:namespace">>,
-         [{<<"prefix">>,<<"o">>},
-          {<<"ns">>,<<"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">>}]}],
-       tokens(<<"<?xml:namespace prefix=o ns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{data, <<"<">>, false}],
-       tokens(<<"&lt;">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{data, <<"not html ">>, false},
-        {data, <<"< at all">>, false}],
-       tokens(<<"not html < at all">>)),
-    ok.
-parse_test() ->
-    D0 = <<"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">
- <head>
-   <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">
-   <title>Foo</title>
-   <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/static/rel/dojo/resources/dojo.css\" media=\"screen\">
-   <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/static/foo.css\" media=\"screen\">
-   <!--[if lt IE 7]>
-   <style type=\"text/css\">
-     .no_ie { display: none; }
-   </style>
-   <![endif]-->
-   <link rel=\"icon\" href=\"/static/images/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\">
-   <link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/static/images/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\">
- </head>
- <body id=\"home\" class=\"tundra\"><![CDATA[&lt;<this<!-- is -->CDATA>&gt;]]></body>
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [],
-        [{<<"head">>, [],
-          [{<<"meta">>,
-            [{<<"http-equiv">>,<<"Content-Type">>},
-             {<<"content">>,<<"text/html; charset=UTF-8">>}],
-            []},
-           {<<"title">>,[],[<<"Foo">>]},
-           {<<"link">>,
-            [{<<"rel">>,<<"stylesheet">>},
-             {<<"type">>,<<"text/css">>},
-             {<<"href">>,<<"/static/rel/dojo/resources/dojo.css">>},
-             {<<"media">>,<<"screen">>}],
-            []},
-           {<<"link">>,
-            [{<<"rel">>,<<"stylesheet">>},
-             {<<"type">>,<<"text/css">>},
-             {<<"href">>,<<"/static/foo.css">>},
-             {<<"media">>,<<"screen">>}],
-            []},
-           {comment,<<"[if lt IE 7]>\n   <style type=\"text/css\">\n     .no_ie { display: none; }\n   </style>\n   <![endif]">>},
-           {<<"link">>,
-            [{<<"rel">>,<<"icon">>},
-             {<<"href">>,<<"/static/images/favicon.ico">>},
-             {<<"type">>,<<"image/x-icon">>}],
-            []},
-           {<<"link">>,
-            [{<<"rel">>,<<"shortcut icon">>},
-             {<<"href">>,<<"/static/images/favicon.ico">>},
-             {<<"type">>,<<"image/x-icon">>}],
-            []}]},
-         {<<"body">>,
-          [{<<"id">>,<<"home">>},
-           {<<"class">>,<<"tundra">>}],
-          [<<"&lt;<this<!-- is -->CDATA>&gt;">>]}]},
-       parse(D0)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>,[],
-        [{pi, <<"xml:namespace">>,
-          [{<<"prefix">>,<<"o">>},
-           {<<"ns">>,<<"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">>}]}]},
-       parse(
-         <<"<html><?xml:namespace prefix=\"o\" ns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"?></html>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [],
-        [{<<"dd">>, [], [<<"foo">>]},
-         {<<"dt">>, [], [<<"bar">>]}]},
-       parse(<<"<html><dd>foo<dt>bar</html>">>)),
-    %% Singleton sadness
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [],
-        [{<<"link">>, [], []},
-         <<"foo">>,
-         {<<"br">>, [], []},
-         <<"bar">>]},
-       parse(<<"<html><link>foo<br>bar</html>">>)),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [],
-        [{<<"link">>, [], [<<"foo">>,
-                           {<<"br">>, [], []},
-                           <<"bar">>]}]},
-       parse(<<"<html><link>foo<br>bar</link></html>">>)),
-    %% Case insensitive tags
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [],
-        [{<<"head">>, [], [<<"foo">>,
-                           {<<"br">>, [], []},
-                           <<"BAR">>]},
-         {<<"body">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"">>}, {<<"bgcolor">>, <<"#Aa01fF">>}], []}
-        ]},
-       parse(<<"<html><Head>foo<bR>BAR</head><body Class=\"\" bgcolor=\"#Aa01fF\"></BODY></html>">>)),
-    ok.
-exhaustive_is_singleton_test() ->
-    T = mochiweb_cover:clause_lookup_table(?MODULE, is_singleton),
-    [?assertEqual(V, is_singleton(K)) || {K, V} <- T].
-tokenize_attributes_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"foo">>,
-        [{<<"bar">>, <<"b\"az">>},
-         {<<"wibble">>, <<"wibble">>},
-         {<<"taco", 16#c2, 16#a9>>, <<"bell">>},
-         {<<"quux">>, <<"quux">>}],
-        []},
-       parse(<<"<foo bar=\"b&quot;az\" wibble taco&copy;=bell quux">>)),
-    ok.
-tokens2_test() ->
-    D0 = <<"<channel><title>from __future__ import *</title><link></link><description>Bob's Rants</description></channel>">>,
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag,<<"channel">>,[],false},
-        {start_tag,<<"title">>,[],false},
-        {data,<<"from __future__ import *">>,false},
-        {end_tag,<<"title">>},
-        {start_tag,<<"link">>,[],true},
-        {data,<<"">>,false},
-        {end_tag,<<"link">>},
-        {start_tag,<<"description">>,[],false},
-        {data,<<"Bob's Rants">>,false},
-        {end_tag,<<"description">>},
-        {end_tag,<<"channel">>}],
-       tokens(D0)),
-    ok.
-to_tokens_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"p">>, [{class, 1}], false},
-        {end_tag, <<"p">>}],
-       to_tokens({p, [{class, 1}], []})),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"p">>, [], false},
-        {end_tag, <<"p">>}],
-       to_tokens({p})),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{'=', <<"data">>}],
-       to_tokens({'=', <<"data">>})),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{comment, <<"comment">>}],
-       to_tokens({comment, <<"comment">>})),
-    %% This is only allowed in sub-tags:
-    %% {p, [{"class", "foo"}]} as {p, [{"class", "foo"}], []}
-    %% On the outside it's always treated as follows:
-    %% {p, [], [{"class", "foo"}]} as {p, [], [{"class", "foo"}]}
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{start_tag, <<"html">>, [], false},
-        {start_tag, <<"p">>, [{class, 1}], false},
-        {end_tag, <<"p">>},
-        {end_tag, <<"html">>}],
-       to_tokens({html, [{p, [{class, 1}]}]})),
-    ok.
-parse2_test() ->
-    D0 = <<"<channel><title>from __future__ import *</title><link><br>foo</link><description>Bob's Rants</description></channel>">>,
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"channel">>,[],
-        [{<<"title">>,[],[<<"from __future__ import *">>]},
-         {<<"link">>,[],[
-                         <<"">>,
-                         {<<"br">>,[],[]},
-                         <<"foo">>]},
-         {<<"description">>,[],[<<"Bob's Rants">>]}]},
-       parse(D0)),
-    ok.
-parse_tokens_test() ->
-    D0 = [{doctype,[<<"HTML">>,<<"PUBLIC">>,<<"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">>]},
-          {data,<<"\n">>,true},
-          {start_tag,<<"html">>,[],false}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [], []},
-       parse_tokens(D0)),
-    D1 = D0 ++ [{end_tag, <<"html">>}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [], []},
-       parse_tokens(D1)),
-    D2 = D0 ++ [{start_tag, <<"body">>, [], false}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [], [{<<"body">>, [], []}]},
-       parse_tokens(D2)),
-    D3 = D0 ++ [{start_tag, <<"head">>, [], false},
-                {end_tag, <<"head">>},
-                {start_tag, <<"body">>, [], false}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [], [{<<"head">>, [], []}, {<<"body">>, [], []}]},
-       parse_tokens(D3)),
-    D4 = D3 ++ [{data,<<"\n">>,true},
-                {start_tag,<<"div">>,[{<<"class">>,<<"a">>}],false},
-                {start_tag,<<"a">>,[{<<"name">>,<<"#anchor">>}],false},
-                {end_tag,<<"a">>},
-                {end_tag,<<"div">>},
-                {start_tag,<<"div">>,[{<<"class">>,<<"b">>}],false},
-                {start_tag,<<"div">>,[{<<"class">>,<<"c">>}],false},
-                {end_tag,<<"div">>},
-                {end_tag,<<"div">>}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [],
-        [{<<"head">>, [], []},
-         {<<"body">>, [],
-          [{<<"div">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"a">>}], [{<<"a">>, [{<<"name">>, <<"#anchor">>}], []}]},
-           {<<"div">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"b">>}], [{<<"div">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"c">>}], []}]}
-          ]}]},
-       parse_tokens(D4)),
-    D5 = [{start_tag,<<"html">>,[],false},
-          {data,<<"\n">>,true},
-          {data,<<"boo">>,false},
-          {data,<<"hoo">>,false},
-          {data,<<"\n">>,true},
-          {end_tag,<<"html">>}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [], [<<"\nboohoo\n">>]},
-       parse_tokens(D5)),
-    D6 = [{start_tag,<<"html">>,[],false},
-          {data,<<"\n">>,true},
-          {data,<<"\n">>,true},
-          {end_tag,<<"html">>}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [], []},
-       parse_tokens(D6)),
-    D7 = [{start_tag,<<"html">>,[],false},
-          {start_tag,<<"ul">>,[],false},
-          {start_tag,<<"li">>,[],false},
-          {data,<<"word">>,false},
-          {start_tag,<<"li">>,[],false},
-          {data,<<"up">>,false},
-          {end_tag,<<"li">>},
-          {start_tag,<<"li">>,[],false},
-          {data,<<"fdsa">>,false},
-          {start_tag,<<"br">>,[],true},
-          {data,<<"asdf">>,false},
-          {end_tag,<<"ul">>},
-          {end_tag,<<"html">>}],
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>, [],
-        [{<<"ul">>, [],
-          [{<<"li">>, [], [<<"word">>]},
-           {<<"li">>, [], [<<"up">>]},
-           {<<"li">>, [], [<<"fdsa">>,{<<"br">>, [], []}, <<"asdf">>]}]}]},
-       parse_tokens(D7)),
-    ok.
-destack_test() ->
-    {<<"a">>, [], []} =
-        destack([{<<"a">>, [], []}]),
-    {<<"a">>, [], [{<<"b">>, [], []}]} =
-        destack([{<<"b">>, [], []}, {<<"a">>, [], []}]),
-    {<<"a">>, [], [{<<"b">>, [], [{<<"c">>, [], []}]}]} =
-     destack([{<<"c">>, [], []}, {<<"b">>, [], []}, {<<"a">>, [], []}]),
-    [{<<"a">>, [], [{<<"b">>, [], [{<<"c">>, [], []}]}]}] =
-     destack(<<"b">>,
-             [{<<"c">>, [], []}, {<<"b">>, [], []}, {<<"a">>, [], []}]),
-    [{<<"b">>, [], [{<<"c">>, [], []}]}, {<<"a">>, [], []}] =
-     destack(<<"c">>,
-             [{<<"c">>, [], []}, {<<"b">>, [], []},{<<"a">>, [], []}]),
-    ok.
-doctype_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>,[],[{<<"head">>,[],[]}]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"
-                           "<html><head></head></body></html>")),
-    %%
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>,[],[{<<"head">>,[],[]}]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse("<html>"
-                           "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"
-                           "<head></head></body></html>")),
-    %%
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"html">>,[],[{<<"head">>,[],[]}]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"/>"
-                           "<html>"
-                           "<head></head></body></html>")),
-    ok.
-dumb_br_test() ->
-    %%
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"div">>,[],[{<<"br">>, [], []}, {<<"br">>, [], []}, <<"z">>]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse("<div><br/><br/>z</br/></br/></div>")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"div">>,[],[{<<"br">>, [], []}, {<<"br">>, [], []}, <<"z">>]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse("<div><br><br>z</br/></br/></div>")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"div">>,[],[{<<"br">>, [], []}, {<<"br">>, [], []}, <<"z">>, {<<"br">>, [], []}, {<<"br">>, [], []}]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse("<div><br><br>z<br/><br/></div>")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"div">>,[],[{<<"br">>, [], []}, {<<"br">>, [], []}, <<"z">>]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse("<div><br><br>z</br></br></div>")).
-php_test() ->
-    %%
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{pi, <<"php\n">>}],
-       mochiweb_html:tokens(
-         "<?php\n?>")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       {<<"div">>, [], [{pi, <<"php\n">>}]},
-       mochiweb_html:parse(
-         "<div><?php\n?></div>")),
-    ok.
-parse_unquoted_attr_test() ->
-    D0 = <<"<html><img src=/images/icon.png/></html>">>,
-    ?assertEqual(
-        {<<"html">>,[],[
-            { <<"img">>, [ { <<"src">>, <<"/images/icon.png">> } ], [] }
-        ]},
-        mochiweb_html:parse(D0)),
-    D1 = <<"<html><img src=/images/icon.png></img></html>">>,
-        ?assertEqual(
-            {<<"html">>,[],[
-                { <<"img">>, [ { <<"src">>, <<"/images/icon.png">> } ], [] }
-            ]},
-            mochiweb_html:parse(D1)),
-    D2 = <<"<html><img src=/images/icon&gt;.png width=100></img></html>">>,
-        ?assertEqual(
-            {<<"html">>,[],[
-                { <<"img">>, [ { <<"src">>, <<"/images/icon>.png">> }, { <<"width">>, <<"100">> } ], [] }
-            ]},
-            mochiweb_html:parse(D2)),
-    ok.        
-parse_quoted_attr_test() ->    
-    D0 = <<"<html><img src='/images/icon.png'></html>">>,
-    ?assertEqual(
-        {<<"html">>,[],[
-            { <<"img">>, [ { <<"src">>, <<"/images/icon.png">> } ], [] }
-        ]},
-        mochiweb_html:parse(D0)),     
-    D1 = <<"<html><img src=\"/images/icon.png'></html>">>,
-    ?assertEqual(
-        {<<"html">>,[],[
-            { <<"img">>, [ { <<"src">>, <<"/images/icon.png'></html>">> } ], [] }
-        ]},
-        mochiweb_html:parse(D1)),     
-    D2 = <<"<html><img src=\"/images/icon&gt;.png\"></html>">>,
-    ?assertEqual(
-        {<<"html">>,[],[
-            { <<"img">>, [ { <<"src">>, <<"/images/icon>.png">> } ], [] }
-        ]},
-        mochiweb_html:parse(D2)),     
-    ok.
-parse_missing_attr_name_test() ->
-    D0 = <<"<html =black></html>">>,
-    ?assertEqual(
-        {<<"html">>, [ { <<"=">>, <<"=">> }, { <<"black">>, <<"black">> } ], [] },
-       mochiweb_html:parse(D0)),
-    ok.
-parse_broken_pi_test() ->
-	D0 = <<"<html><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" /></html>">>,
-	?assertEqual(
-		{<<"html">>, [], [
-			{ pi, <<"xml:namespace">>, [ { <<"prefix">>, <<"o">> }, 
-			                             { <<"ns">>, <<"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">> } ] }
-		] },
-		mochiweb_html:parse(D0)),
-	ok.
-parse_funny_singletons_test() ->
-	D0 = <<"<html><input><input>x</input></input></html>">>,
-	?assertEqual(
-		{<<"html">>, [], [
-			{ <<"input">>, [], [] },
-			{ <<"input">>, [], [ <<"x">> ] }
-		] },
-		mochiweb_html:parse(D0)),
-	ok.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_http.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_http.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a4752..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_http.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc HTTP server.
--export([start/0, start/1, stop/0, stop/1]).
--export([loop/2, default_body/1]).
--export([after_response/2, reentry/1]).
--export([parse_range_request/1, range_skip_length/2]).
--define(REQUEST_RECV_TIMEOUT, 300000).   % timeout waiting for request line
--define(HEADERS_RECV_TIMEOUT, 30000). % timeout waiting for headers
--define(MAX_HEADERS, 1000).
--define(DEFAULTS, [{name, ?MODULE},
-                   {port, 8888}]).
-parse_options(Options) ->
-    {loop, HttpLoop} = proplists:lookup(loop, Options),
-    Loop = fun (S) ->
-                   ?MODULE:loop(S, HttpLoop)
-           end,
-    Options1 = [{loop, Loop} | proplists:delete(loop, Options)],
-    mochilists:set_defaults(?DEFAULTS, Options1).
-stop() ->
-    mochiweb_socket_server:stop(?MODULE).
-stop(Name) ->
-    mochiweb_socket_server:stop(Name).
-start() ->
-    start([{ip, ""},
-           {loop, {?MODULE, default_body}}]).
-%% @spec start(Options) -> ServerRet
-%%     Options = [option()]
-%%     Option = {name, atom()} | {ip, string() | tuple()} | {backlog, integer()}
-%%              | {nodelay, boolean()} | {acceptor_pool_size, integer()}
-%%              | {ssl, boolean()} | {profile_fun, undefined | (Props) -> ok}
-%% @doc Start a mochiweb server.
-%%      profile_fun is used to profile accept timing.
-%%      After each accept, if defined, profile_fun is called with a proplist of a subset of the mochiweb_socket_server state and timing information.
-%%      The proplist is as follows: [{name, Name}, {port, Port}, {active_sockets, ActiveSockets}, {timing, Timing}].
-%% @end
-start(Options) ->
-    mochiweb_socket_server:start(parse_options(Options)).
-frm(Body) ->
-    ["<html><head></head><body>"
-     "<form method=\"POST\">"
-     "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"message\" name=\"hidden\"/>"
-     "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"regular POST\">"
-     "</form>"
-     "<br />"
-     "<form method=\"POST\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\""
-     " action=\"/multipart\">"
-     "<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"multipart message\" name=\"hidden\"/>"
-     "<input type=\"file\" name=\"file\"/>"
-     "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"multipart POST\" />"
-     "</form>"
-     "<pre>", Body, "</pre>"
-     "</body></html>"].
-default_body(Req, M, "/chunked") when M =:= 'GET'; M =:= 'HEAD' ->
-    Res = Req:ok({"text/plain", [], chunked}),
-    Res:write_chunk("First chunk\r\n"),
-    timer:sleep(5000),
-    Res:write_chunk("Last chunk\r\n"),
-    Res:write_chunk("");
-default_body(Req, M, _Path) when M =:= 'GET'; M =:= 'HEAD' ->
-    Body = io_lib:format("~p~n", [[{parse_qs, Req:parse_qs()},
-                                   {parse_cookie, Req:parse_cookie()},
-                                   Req:dump()]]),
-    Req:ok({"text/html",
-            [mochiweb_cookies:cookie("mochiweb_http", "test_cookie")],
-            frm(Body)});
-default_body(Req, 'POST', "/multipart") ->
-    Body = io_lib:format("~p~n", [[{parse_qs, Req:parse_qs()},
-                                   {parse_cookie, Req:parse_cookie()},
-                                   {body, Req:recv_body()},
-                                   Req:dump()]]),
-    Req:ok({"text/html", [], frm(Body)});
-default_body(Req, 'POST', _Path) ->
-    Body = io_lib:format("~p~n", [[{parse_qs, Req:parse_qs()},
-                                   {parse_cookie, Req:parse_cookie()},
-                                   {parse_post, Req:parse_post()},
-                                   Req:dump()]]),
-    Req:ok({"text/html", [], frm(Body)});
-default_body(Req, _Method, _Path) ->
-    Req:respond({501, [], []}).
-default_body(Req) ->
-    default_body(Req, Req:get(method), Req:get(path)).
-loop(Socket, Body) ->
-    mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, http}]),
-    request(Socket, Body).
-request(Socket, Body) ->
-    mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
-    receive
-        {Protocol, _, {http_request, Method, Path, Version}} when Protocol == http orelse Protocol == ssl ->
-            mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, httph}]),
-            headers(Socket, {Method, Path, Version}, [], Body, 0);
-        {Protocol, _, {http_error, "\r\n"}} when Protocol == http orelse Protocol == ssl ->
-            request(Socket, Body);
-        {Protocol, _, {http_error, "\n"}} when Protocol == http orelse Protocol == ssl ->
-            request(Socket, Body);
-        {tcp_closed, _} ->
-            mochiweb_socket:close(Socket),
-            exit(normal);
-        _Other ->
-            handle_invalid_request(Socket)
-        mochiweb_socket:close(Socket),
-        exit(normal)
-    end.
-reentry(Body) ->
-    fun (Req) ->
-            ?MODULE:after_response(Body, Req)
-    end.
-headers(Socket, Request, Headers, _Body, ?MAX_HEADERS) ->
-    %% Too many headers sent, bad request.
-    mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, raw}]),
-    handle_invalid_request(Socket, Request, Headers);
-headers(Socket, Request, Headers, Body, HeaderCount) ->
-    mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
-    receive
-        {Protocol, _, http_eoh} when Protocol == http orelse Protocol == ssl ->
-            Req = new_request(Socket, Request, Headers),
-            call_body(Body, Req),
-            ?MODULE:after_response(Body, Req);
-        {Protocol, _, {http_header, _, Name, _, Value}} when Protocol == http orelse Protocol == ssl ->
-            headers(Socket, Request, [{Name, Value} | Headers], Body,
-                    1 + HeaderCount);
-        {tcp_closed, _} ->
-            mochiweb_socket:close(Socket),
-            exit(normal);
-        _Other ->
-            handle_invalid_request(Socket, Request, Headers)
-        mochiweb_socket:close(Socket),
-        exit(normal)
-    end.
-call_body({M, F}, Req) ->
-    M:F(Req);
-call_body(Body, Req) ->
-    Body(Req).
-handle_invalid_request(Socket) ->
-    handle_invalid_request(Socket, {'GET', {abs_path, "/"}, {0,9}}, []).
-handle_invalid_request(Socket, Request, RevHeaders) ->
-    Req = new_request(Socket, Request, RevHeaders),
-    Req:respond({400, [], []}),
-    mochiweb_socket:close(Socket),
-    exit(normal).
-new_request(Socket, Request, RevHeaders) ->
-    mochiweb_socket:setopts(Socket, [{packet, raw}]),
-    mochiweb:new_request({Socket, Request, lists:reverse(RevHeaders)}).
-after_response(Body, Req) ->
-    Socket = Req:get(socket),
-    case Req:should_close() of
-        true ->
-            mochiweb_socket:close(Socket),
-            exit(normal);
-        false ->
-            Req:cleanup(),
-            ?MODULE:loop(Socket, Body)
-    end.
-parse_range_request("bytes=0-") ->
-    undefined;
-parse_range_request(RawRange) when is_list(RawRange) ->
-    try
-        "bytes=" ++ RangeString = RawRange,
-        Ranges = string:tokens(RangeString, ","),
-        lists:map(fun ("-" ++ V)  ->
-                          {none, list_to_integer(V)};
-                      (R) ->
-                          case string:tokens(R, "-") of
-                              [S1, S2] ->
-                                  {list_to_integer(S1), list_to_integer(S2)};
-                              [S] ->
-                                  {list_to_integer(S), none}
-                          end
-                  end,
-                  Ranges)
-    catch
-        _:_ ->
-            fail
-    end.
-range_skip_length(Spec, Size) ->
-    case Spec of
-        {none, R} when R =< Size, R >= 0 ->
-            {Size - R, R};
-        {none, _OutOfRange} ->
-            {0, Size};
-        {R, none} when R >= 0, R < Size ->
-            {R, Size - R};
-        {_OutOfRange, none} ->
-            invalid_range;
-        {Start, End} when 0 =< Start, Start =< End, End < Size ->
-            {Start, End - Start + 1};
-        {_OutOfRange, _End} ->
-            invalid_range
-    end.
-%% Tests
-range_test() ->
-    %% valid, single ranges
-    ?assertEqual([{20, 30}], parse_range_request("bytes=20-30")),
-    ?assertEqual([{20, none}], parse_range_request("bytes=20-")),
-    ?assertEqual([{none, 20}], parse_range_request("bytes=-20")),
-    %% trivial single range
-    ?assertEqual(undefined, parse_range_request("bytes=0-")),
-    %% invalid, single ranges
-    ?assertEqual(fail, parse_range_request("")),
-    ?assertEqual(fail, parse_range_request("garbage")),
-    ?assertEqual(fail, parse_range_request("bytes=-20-30")),
-    %% valid, multiple range
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{20, 30}, {50, 100}, {110, 200}],
-       parse_range_request("bytes=20-30,50-100,110-200")),
-    ?assertEqual(
-       [{20, none}, {50, 100}, {none, 200}],
-       parse_range_request("bytes=20-,50-100,-200")),
-    %% no ranges
-    ?assertEqual([], parse_range_request("bytes=")),
-    ok.
-range_skip_length_test() ->
-    Body = <<"012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789">>,
-    BodySize = byte_size(Body), %% 60
-    BodySize = 60,
-    %% these values assume BodySize =:= 60
-    ?assertEqual({1,9}, range_skip_length({1,9}, BodySize)), %% 1-9
-    ?assertEqual({10,10}, range_skip_length({10,19}, BodySize)), %% 10-19
-    ?assertEqual({40, 20}, range_skip_length({none, 20}, BodySize)), %% -20
-    ?assertEqual({30, 30}, range_skip_length({30, none}, BodySize)), %% 30-
-    %% valid edge cases for range_skip_length
-    ?assertEqual({BodySize, 0}, range_skip_length({none, 0}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual({0, BodySize}, range_skip_length({none, BodySize}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual({0, BodySize}, range_skip_length({0, none}, BodySize)),
-    BodySizeLess1 = BodySize - 1,
-    ?assertEqual({BodySizeLess1, 1},
-                 range_skip_length({BodySize - 1, none}, BodySize)),
-    %% out of range, return whole thing
-    ?assertEqual({0, BodySize},
-                 range_skip_length({none, BodySize + 1}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual({0, BodySize},
-                 range_skip_length({none, -1}, BodySize)),
-    %% invalid ranges
-    ?assertEqual(invalid_range,
-                 range_skip_length({-1, 30}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual(invalid_range,
-                 range_skip_length({0, BodySize + 1}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual(invalid_range,
-                 range_skip_length({-1, BodySize + 1}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual(invalid_range,
-                 range_skip_length({BodySize, 40}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual(invalid_range,
-                 range_skip_length({-1, none}, BodySize)),
-    ?assertEqual(invalid_range,
-                 range_skip_length({BodySize, none}, BodySize)),
-    ok.
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_io.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_io.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce57ec..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_io.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Utilities for dealing with IO devices (open files).
--export([iodevice_stream/3, iodevice_stream/2]).
--export([iodevice_foldl/4, iodevice_foldl/3]).
--define(READ_SIZE, 8192).
-iodevice_foldl(F, Acc, IoDevice) ->
-    iodevice_foldl(F, Acc, IoDevice, ?READ_SIZE).
-iodevice_foldl(F, Acc, IoDevice, BufferSize) ->
-    case file:read(IoDevice, BufferSize) of
-        eof ->
-            Acc;
-        {ok, Data} ->
-            iodevice_foldl(F, F(Data, Acc), IoDevice, BufferSize)
-    end.
-iodevice_stream(Callback, IoDevice) ->
-    iodevice_stream(Callback, IoDevice, ?READ_SIZE).
-iodevice_stream(Callback, IoDevice, BufferSize) ->
-    F = fun (Data, ok) -> Callback(Data) end,
-    ok = iodevice_foldl(F, ok, IoDevice, BufferSize).
-iodevice_size(IoDevice) ->
-    {ok, Size} = file:position(IoDevice, eof),
-    {ok, 0} = file:position(IoDevice, bof),
-    Size.
-%% Tests
diff --git a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_mime.erl b/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_mime.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5344aee..0000000
--- a/src/mochiweb/src/mochiweb_mime.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
-%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
-%% @doc Gives a good MIME type guess based on file extension.
-%% @spec from_extension(S::string()) -> string() | undefined
-%% @doc Given a filename extension (e.g. ".html") return a guess for the MIME
-%%      type such as "text/html". Will return the atom undefined if no good
-%%      guess is available.
-from_extension(".html") ->
-    "text/html";
-from_extension(".xhtml") ->
-    "application/xhtml+xml";
-from_extension(".xml") ->
-    "application/xml";
-from_extension(".css") ->
-    "text/css";
-from_extension(".js") ->
-    "application/x-javascript";
-from_extension(".jpg") ->
-    "image/jpeg";
-from_extension(".gif") ->
-    "image/gif";
-from_extension(".png") ->
-    "image/png";
-from_extension(".swf") ->
-    "application/x-shockwave-flash";
-from_extension(".zip") ->
-    "application/zip";
-from_extension(".bz2") ->
-    "application/x-bzip2";
-from_extension(".gz") ->
-    "application/x-gzip";
-from_extension(".tar") ->
-    "application/x-tar";
-from_extension(".tgz") ->
-    "application/x-gzip";
-from_extension(".txt") ->
-    "text/plain";
-from_extension(".doc") ->
-    "application/msword";
-from_extension(".pdf") ->
-    "application/pdf";
-from_extension(".xls") ->
-    "application/";
-from_extension(".rtf") ->
-    "application/rtf";
-from_extension(".mov") ->
-    "video/quicktime";
-from_extension(".mp3") ->
-    "audio/mpeg";
-from_extension(".z") ->
-    "application/x-compress";
-from_extension(".wav") ->
-    "audio/x-wav";
-from_extension(".ico") ->
-    "image/x-icon";
-from_extension(".bmp") ->
-    "image/bmp";
-from_extension(".m4a") ->
-    "audio/mpeg";
-from_extension(".m3u") ->
-    "audio/x-mpegurl";
-from_extension(".exe") ->
-    "application/octet-stream";
-from_extension(".csv") ->
-    "text/csv";
-from_extension(_) ->
-    undefined.
-%% Tests
-exhaustive_from_extension_test() ->
-    T = mochiweb_cover:clause_lookup_table(?MODULE, from_extension),
-    [?assertEqual(V, from_extension(K)) || {K, V} <- T].
-from_extension_test() ->
-    ?assertEqual("text/html",
-                 from_extension(".html")),
-    ?assertEqual(undefined,
-                 from_extension("")),
-    ?assertEqual(undefined,
-                 from_extension(".wtf")),
-    ok.