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Posted to by GARG Shishir FTR&D <> on 2000/10/05 04:44:28 UTC

error using addressbook sample


So I've got Apache setup, got the necessary classpath etc. Then I follow the
readme and the deployment descriptor for the addressbook sample, which is
within the samples.addressbook package, and I get a response that's
successful. I do this deployment using SOAP's web based administration

Now's the time to use this setup, and I run one of the sample clients
provided, as follows:

D:\soap-2_0>java samples.addressbook.GetAddress
/rpcrouter "Mary Smith"
Caught SOAPException (SOAP-ENV:Client): No mapping found for
ss-demo:x:address' using encoding style

Now this is actually quite strange, since I DO have exactly that elementType
mapped using exactly that encoding style. I've read and re-read this over
and over again.

I've also attached a snapshot of the summary for the
<<<<'urn:AddressFetcher' Service >>>> deployed.

I hope, this combination of the exception generated at the client side, as
well as the server application's config summary should help someone more
experienced with soap(last 15 hours) than me to understand this error.
Thanks. Any help appreciated.
Regards, Shishir.