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[4/8] removed duplicate mobile-spec tests, test project now redirects to tests hosted in the gh_pages branch of mobilespec
diff --git a/tests/MobileSpecUnitTests/www/autotest/tests/contacts.tests.js b/tests/MobileSpecUnitTests/www/autotest/tests/contacts.tests.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e4344bd..0000000
--- a/tests/MobileSpecUnitTests/www/autotest/tests/contacts.tests.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-// global to store a contact so it doesn't have to be created or retrieved multiple times
-// all of the setup/teardown test methods can reference the following variables to make sure to do the right cleanup
-var gContactObj = null;
-var gContactId = null;
-var removeContact = function(){
-    if (gContactObj) {
-        gContactObj.remove(function(){},function(){
-            console.log("[CONTACTS ERROR]: removeContact cleanup method failed to clean up test artifacts.");
-        });
-        gContactObj = null;
-    }
-describe("Contacts (navigator.contacts)", function () {
-    it("should exist", function() {
-        expect(navigator.contacts).toBeDefined();
-    });
-    it("should contain a find function", function() {
-        expect(navigator.contacts.find).toBeDefined();
-        expect(typeof navigator.contacts.find).toBe('function');
-    });
-    describe("find method", function() {
-        it("success callback should be called with an array", function() {
-            var win = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(result) {
-                    expect(result).toBeDefined();
-                    expect(result instanceof Array).toBe(true);
-                }),
-                fail = jasmine.createSpy(),
-                obj = new ContactFindOptions();
-            runs(function () {
-                obj.filter="";
-                obj.multiple=true;
-                navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name", "phoneNumbers", "emails"], win, fail, obj);
-            });
-            waitsFor(function () { return win.wasCalled; }, "win never called", Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(fail).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-            });
-        }); 
-        it("should throw an exception if success callback is empty", function() {
-            var fail = function() {};
-            var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
-            obj.filter="";
-            obj.multiple=true;
-            expect(function () {
-                navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name", "emails", "phoneNumbers"], null, fail, obj);
-            }).toThrow();
-        }); 
-        it("error callback should be called when no fields are specified", function() {
-            var win = jasmine.createSpy(),
-                fail = jasmine.createSpy(function(result) { 
-                    expect(result).toBeDefined();
-                    expect(result.code).toBe(ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
-                }),
-                obj = new ContactFindOptions();
-            runs(function () {
-                obj.filter="";
-                obj.multiple=true;
-                navigator.contacts.find([], win, fail, obj);
-            });
-            waitsFor(function () { return fail.wasCalled; }, Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-            runs(function () { 
-                expect(win).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-                expect(fail).toHaveBeenCalled();
-            });
-        });
-        describe("with newly-created contact", function () {
-            afterEach(removeContact);
-            it("should be able to find a contact by name", function() {
-                var foundName = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(result) {
-                        var bFound = false;
-                        try {
-                            for (var i=0; i < result.length; i++) {
-                                if (result[i].name.familyName == "Delete") {
-                                    bFound = true;
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } catch(e) {
-                            return false;
-                        } 
-                        return bFound;
-                    }),
-                    fail = jasmine.createSpy(),
-                    test = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(savedContact) {
-                        console.log('in test');
-                        // update so contact will get removed
-                        gContactObj = savedContact;
-                        // ----
-                        // Find asserts
-                        // ---
-                        var findWin = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(object) {
-                                console.log('in findwin');
-                                expect(object instanceof Array).toBe(true);
-                                expect(object.length >= 1).toBe(true);
-                                expect(foundName(object)).toBe(true);
-                            }),
-                            findFail = jasmine.createSpy(),
-                            obj = new ContactFindOptions();
-                        obj.filter="Delete";
-                        obj.multiple=true;
-                        runs(function () {
-                            navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name", "phoneNumbers", "emails"], findWin, findFail, obj);
-                        });
-                        waitsFor(function () { return foundName.wasCalled; }, "foundName not done", Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-                        runs(function () {
-                            expect(findFail).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-                            expect(fail).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-                        });
-                    });
-                runs(function () {
-                    gContactObj = new Contact();
-           = new ContactName();
-           = "Delete";
-          , fail);
-                });
-                waitsFor(function () { return test.wasCalled; }, "test not done", Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-            });
-        });
-    });
-    describe('create method', function() {
-        it("should exist", function() {
-            expect(navigator.contacts.create).toBeDefined();
-            expect(typeof navigator.contacts.create).toBe('function');
-        });
-        it("should return a Contact object", function() {
-            var bDay = new Date(1976, 7,4);
-            var obj = navigator.contacts.create({"displayName": "test name", "gender": "male", "note": "my note", "name": {"formatted": "Mr. Test Name"}, "emails": [{"value": ""}, {"value": ""}], "birthday": bDay});		
-            expect(obj).toBeDefined();
-            expect(obj.displayName).toBe('test name');
-            expect(obj.note).toBe('my note');
-            expect('Mr. Test Name');
-            expect(obj.emails.length).toBe(2);
-            expect(obj.emails[0].value).toBe('');
-            expect(obj.emails[1].value).toBe('');
-            expect(obj.nickname).toBe(null);
-            expect(obj.birthday).toBe(bDay);
-        });
-    });
-    describe("Contact object", function () {
-        it("should be able to create instance", function() {
-            var contact = new Contact("a", "b", new ContactName("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), "c", [], [], [], [], [], "f", "i",  
-                [], [], []);
-            expect(contact).toBeDefined();
-            expect("a");
-            expect(contact.displayName).toBe("b");
-            expect("a");
-            expect(contact.nickname).toBe("c");
-            expect(contact.phoneNumbers).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contact.emails).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contact.addresses).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contact.ims).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contact.organizations).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contact.birthday).toBe("f");
-            expect(contact.note).toBe("i");
-            expect(;
-            expect(contact.categories).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contact.urls).toBeDefined();
-        });	
-        it("should be able to define a ContactName object", function() {
-            var contactName = new ContactName("Dr. First Last Jr.", "Last", "First", "Middle", "Dr.", "Jr.");
-            expect(contactName).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contactName.formatted).toBe("Dr. First Last Jr.");
-            expect(contactName.familyName).toBe("Last");
-            expect(contactName.givenName).toBe("First");
-            expect(contactName.middleName).toBe("Middle");
-            expect(contactName.honorificPrefix).toBe("Dr.");
-            expect(contactName.honorificSuffix).toBe("Jr.");
-        });	
-        it("should be able to define a ContactField object", function() {
-            var contactField = new ContactField("home", "8005551212", true);
-            expect(contactField).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contactField.type).toBe("home");
-            expect(contactField.value).toBe("8005551212");
-            expect(contactField.pref).toBe(true);
-        });	
-        it("ContactField object should coerce type and value properties to strings", function() {
-            var contactField = new ContactField(12345678, 12345678, true);
-            expect(contactField.type).toBe("12345678");
-            expect(contactField.value).toBe("12345678");
-        });	
-        it("should be able to define a ContactAddress object", function() {
-            var contactAddress = new ContactAddress(true, "home", "a","b","c","d","e","f");
-            expect(contactAddress).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contactAddress.pref).toBe(true);
-            expect(contactAddress.type).toBe("home");
-            expect(contactAddress.formatted).toBe("a");
-            expect(contactAddress.streetAddress).toBe("b");
-            expect(contactAddress.locality).toBe("c");
-            expect(contactAddress.region).toBe("d");
-            expect(contactAddress.postalCode).toBe("e");
-            expect("f");
-        });	
-        it("should be able to define a ContactOrganization object", function() {
-            var contactOrg = new ContactOrganization(true, "home", "a","b","c","d","e","f","g");
-            expect(contactOrg).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contactOrg.pref).toBe(true);
-            expect(contactOrg.type).toBe("home");
-            expect("a");
-            expect(contactOrg.department).toBe("b");
-            expect(contactOrg.title).toBe("c");
-        });	
-        it("should be able to define a ContactFindOptions object", function() {
-            var contactFindOptions = new ContactFindOptions("a", true, "b");
-            expect(contactFindOptions).toBeDefined();
-            expect(contactFindOptions.filter).toBe("a");
-            expect(contactFindOptions.multiple).toBe(true);
-        });	
-        it("should contain a clone function", function() {
-            var contact = new Contact();
-            expect(contact.clone).toBeDefined();
-            expect(typeof contact.clone).toBe('function');
-        });
-        it("clone function should make deep copy of Contact Object", function() {
-            var contact = new Contact();
-  ;
-            contact.displayName="Test Name";
-            contact.nickname="Testy";
-            contact.gender="male";
-            contact.note="note to be cloned";
-   = new ContactName("Mr. Test Name");
-            var clonedContact = contact.clone();
-            expect(;
-            expect(;
-            expect(clonedContact.displayName).toBe(contact.displayName);
-            expect(clonedContact.nickname).toBe(contact.nickname);
-            expect(clonedContact.gender).toBe(contact.gender);
-            expect(clonedContact.note).toBe(contact.note);
-            expect(;
-            expect(clonedContact.connected).toBe(contact.connected);
-        });
-        it("should contain a save function", function() {
-            var contact = new Contact();
-            expect(;
-            expect(typeof'function');
-        });
-        it("should contain a remove function", function() {
-            var contact = new Contact();
-            expect(contact.remove).toBeDefined();
-            expect(typeof contact.remove).toBe('function');
-        });
-    });
-    describe('save method', function () {
-        it("should be able to save a contact", function() {
-            var bDay = new Date(1976, 6,4);
-            gContactObj = navigator.contacts.create({"gender": "male", "note": "my note", "name": {"familyName": "Delete", "givenName": "Test"}, "emails": [{"value": ""}, {"value": ""}], "birthday": bDay});	
-            var saveSuccess = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(obj) {
-                    expect(obj).toBeDefined();
-                    expect(obj.note).toBe('my note');
-                    expect('Delete');
-                    expect('Test');
-                    expect(obj.emails.length).toBe(2);
-                    expect(obj.emails[0].value).toBe('');
-                    expect(obj.emails[1].value).toBe('');
-                    expect(obj.birthday.toDateString()).toBe(bDay.toDateString());
-                    expect(obj.addresses).toBe(null);
-                    // must store returned object in order to have id for update test below
-                    gContactObj = obj;
-                }),
-                saveFail = jasmine.createSpy();
-            runs(function () {
-      , saveFail);
-            });
-            waitsFor(function () { return saveSuccess.wasCalled; }, "saveSuccess never called", Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(saveFail).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-            });
-         });
-        // HACK: there is a reliance between the previous and next test. This is bad form.
-        it("update a contact", function() {
-            expect(gContactObj).toBeDefined();
-            var bDay = new Date(1975, 5,4);
-            var noteText = "an UPDATED note";
-            var win = function(obj) {
-                    expect(obj).toBeDefined();
-                    expect(;
-                    expect(obj.note).toBe(noteText);
-                    expect(obj.birthday.toDateString()).toBe(bDay.toDateString());
-                    expect(obj.emails.length).toBe(1);
-                    expect(obj.emails[0].value).toBe('');
-                    removeContact();         // Clean up contact object 
-                }, fail = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(removeContact);
-            runs(function () {
-                // remove an email
-                gContactObj.emails[1].value = "";
-                // change birthday
-                gContactObj.birthday = bDay;
-                // update note
-                gContactObj.note = noteText;
-      , fail);
-            });
-            waitsFor(function () { return win.wasCalled; }, "saveSuccess never called", Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(fail).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-            });
-        });
-    });
-    describe('Contact.remove method', function () {
-        afterEach(removeContact);
-        it("calling remove on a contact has an id of null should return ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR", function() {
-            var win = jasmine.createSpy();
-            var fail = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(result) {
-                expect(result.code).toBe(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
-            });
-            runs(function () {
-                var rmContact = new Contact();
-                rmContact.remove(win, fail);
-            });
-            waitsFor(function () { return fail.wasCalled; }, Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(win).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-            });
-        });
-        it("calling remove on a contact that does not exist should return ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR", function() {
-            var win = jasmine.createSpy();
-            var fail = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake(function(result) {
-                expect(result.code).toBe(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
-            });
-            runs(function () {
-                var rmContact = new Contact();
-                // this is a bit risky as some devices may have contact ids that large
-                var contact = new Contact("this string is supposed to be a unique identifier that will never show up on a device");
-                contact.remove(win, fail);
-            });
-            waitsFor(function () { return fail.wasCalled; }, Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-            runs(function () {
-                expect(win).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-            });
-        });
-    });
-    describe("Round trip Contact tests (creating + save + delete + find).", function () {
-        afterEach(removeContact);
-        it("Creating, saving, finding a contact should work, removing it should work, after which we should not be able to find it, and we should not be able to delete it again.", function() {
-            var done = false;
-            runs(function () {
-                gContactObj = new Contact();
-       = new ContactName();
-       = "DeleteMe";
-       {
-                    var findWin = function(cs) {
-                        expect(cs.length).toBe(1);
-                        // update to have proper saved id
-                        gContactObj = cs[0];
-                        gContactObj.remove(function() {
-                            var findWinAgain = function(seas) {
-                                expect(seas.length).toBe(0);
-                                gContactObj.remove(function() {
-                                    throw("success callback called after non-existent Contact object called remove(). Test failed.");
-                                }, function(e) {
-                                    expect(e.code).toBe(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);
-                                    done = true;
-                                });
-                            };
-                            var findFailAgain = function(e) {
-                                throw("find error callback invoked after delete, test failed.");
-                            };
-                            var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
-                            obj.filter="DeleteMe";
-                            obj.multiple=true;
-                            navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name", "phoneNumbers", "emails"], findWinAgain, findFailAgain, obj);
-                        }, function(e) {
-                            throw("Newly created contact's remove function invoked error callback. Test failed.");
-                        });
-                    };
-                    var findFail = function(e) {
-                        throw("Failure callback invoked in navigator.contacts.find call, test failed.");
-                    };
-                    var obj = new ContactFindOptions();
-                    obj.filter="DeleteMe";
-                    obj.multiple=true;
-                    navigator.contacts.find(["displayName", "name", "phoneNumbers", "emails"], findWin, findFail, obj);
-                }, function(e) {
-                    throw("Contact creation failed, error callback was invoked.");
-                });
-            });
-            waitsFor(function () { return done; }, Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        });
-    });
-    describe('ContactError interface', function () {
-        it("ContactError constants should be defined", function() {
-            expect(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR).toBe(0);
-            expect(ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR).toBe(1);
-            expect(ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR).toBe(2);
-            expect(ContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR).toBe(3);
-            expect(ContactError.IO_ERROR).toBe(4);
-            expect(ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR).toBe(5);
-            expect(ContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR).toBe(20);
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/tests/MobileSpecUnitTests/www/autotest/tests/device.tests.js b/tests/MobileSpecUnitTests/www/autotest/tests/device.tests.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cc322d6..0000000
--- a/tests/MobileSpecUnitTests/www/autotest/tests/device.tests.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-describe('Device Information (window.device)', function () {
-	it("should exist", function() {
-        expect(window.device).toBeDefined();
-	});
-	it("should contain a platform specification that is a string", function() {
-        expect(window.device.platform).toBeDefined();
-		expect((new String(window.device.platform)).length > 0).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it("should contain a version specification that is a string", function() {
-        expect(window.device.version).toBeDefined();
-		expect((new String(window.device.version)).length > 0).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it("should contain a name specification that is a string", function() {
-        expect(;
-		expect((new String( > 0).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it("should contain a UUID specification that is a string or a number", function() {
-        expect(window.device.uuid).toBeDefined();
-		if (typeof window.device.uuid == 'string' || typeof window.device.uuid == 'object') {
-		    expect((new String(window.device.uuid)).length > 0).toBe(true);
-		} else {
-			expect(window.device.uuid > 0).toBe(true);
-		}
-	});
-	it("should contain a cordova specification that is a string", function() {
-        expect(window.device.cordova).toBeDefined();
-		expect((new String(window.device.cordova)).length > 0).toBe(true);
-	});