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+++ websites/staging/oodt/trunk/content/blogpage2.html Thu Jul 17 00:11:46 2014
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+                    <h5>Dawncin'</h5>
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+                        Posted on: 2 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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+                        <img src="images/temp/nivo3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb">"ARE you comin' to the dawncin', Lady Speedway?" asked the American in his best transatlantic liner accent. "Most decidedly not!" Mind you, this answer from Lady Speedway meant red lights ahead. At the Hotel Biscuit...
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+                    <h5> Field Marshal</h5>
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+                        Posted on: 3 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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+                        <img src="images/temp/folio3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb"> She was the Field Marshal of the Front Porch Knitting Needle Hussars, nicknamed "Hussies." Her approbation was olive oil; her discountenance prickly heat. "Of course," she added, "while recognizing that expatiation does not include brevity ...
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+                    <h5>Lady Speedway</h5>
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+                        Posted on: 2 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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+                        <img src="images/temp/folio4.jpg" alt="" class="thumb">"ARE you comin' to the dawncin', Lady Speedway?" asked the American in his best transatlantic liner accent. "Most decidedly not!" Mind you, this answer from Lady Speedway meant red lights ahead. At the Hotel Biscuit ...
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+                    <h5>Hotel Biscuit</h5>
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+                        Posted on: 3 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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+                        <img src="images/temp/folio6.jpg" alt="" class="thumb"> She was the Field Marshal of the Front Porch Knitting Needle Hussars, nicknamed "Hussies." Her approbation was olive oil; her discountenance prickly heat. "Of course," she added, "while recognizing that expatiation does not include brevity ...
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+                    <h5>Private Theater</h5>
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+                        Posted on: 2 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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+                        <img src="images/temp/folio3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb">"ARE you comin' to the dawncin', Lady Speedway?" asked the American in his best transatlantic liner accent. "Most decidedly not!" Mind you, this answer from Lady Speedway meant red lights ahead. At the Hotel Biscuit ...
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+                    <h5>Transatlantic</h5>
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+                        Posted on: 3 Oct 2013 <span class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="90" title="6 comments"><img src="images/comments.png" alt=""></span>
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+                        <img src="images/temp/nivo3.jpg" alt="" class="thumb"> She was the Field Marshal of the Front Porch Knitting Needle Hussars, nicknamed "Hussies." Her approbation was olive oil; her discountenance prickly heat. "Of course," she added, "while recognizing that expatiation does not include brevity ...
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+                 Many pieces were proposed, but none seemed suitable, because each one wished to play a good ...
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+                 Many pieces were proposed, but none seemed suitable, because each one wished to play a good ...
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+                    - 04 -<br/>October<br/>2013
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+            <h4>The Dower Farm <span class="comments">3 comments</span></h4>
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+            <p>
+                You may have seen prettier girls than Ellin Delorane, but never one that the heart so quickly went out to. She was too much like her dead mother; had the same look of fragile delicacy, the same sweet face with its pensive sadness, the soft brown eyes and the lovely complexion. Mrs. Delorane had died of decline: people would say to one another, in confidence, they hoped Ellin might escape it. The largest and <b>best farm</b> in the neighbourhood of Timberdale, larger than even that of the Ashtons, was called the Dower Farm.
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                 It belonged to Sir Robert Tenby, and had been occupied for many years by one Roger Brook, a genial, pleasant gentleman of large private means apart from his success in farming. Rich though he was, he did not disdain to see practically after his work himself; was up with the lark and out with his men, as a good farmer ought to be. Out-of-doors he was the keen, active, thorough farmer; indoors he lived as a gentleman. He had four children: three boys and one girl ... <a href="#" class="saymore">Read more</a>
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+                    - 05 -<br/>August<br/>2013
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+            <h4>Ellin Delorane <span class="comments">2 comments</span></h4>
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+                You may have seen prettier girls than Ellin Delorane, but never one that the heart so quickly went out to. She was too much like her dead mother; had the same look of fragile delicacy, the same sweet face with its pensive sadness, the soft brown eyes and the lovely complexion. Mrs. Delorane had died of decline: people would say to one another, in confidence, they hoped Ellin might escape it. The largest and <b>best farm</b> in the neighbourhood of Timberdale, larger than even that of the Ashtons, was called the Dower Farm.
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+            <p>
+                 It belonged to Sir Robert Tenby, and had been occupied for many years by one Roger Brook, a genial, pleasant gentleman of large private means apart from his success in farming. Rich though he was, he did not disdain to see practically after his work himself; was up with the lark and out with his men, as a good farmer ought to be. Out-of-doors he was the keen, active, thorough farmer; indoors he lived as a gentleman. He had four children: three boys and one girl.
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+            <p>
+                Lord Tawdry was six feet two in height, though seated, and half a foot wide and he wore an eight-pound black mustache to show that regardless of Verbeena's curiously trained character, there was nothing ambisextrous about himself.
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+                His courtesy was so inbred that he kept looking the company over as if he wished they'd all go home and let him go to bed. His sleek head would drop forward sleepily from time to time but always bob up like the balloon it possibly perhaps was maybe ... <a href="#" class="saymore">Read more</a>
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+                 Many pieces were proposed, but none seemed suitable, because each one wished to play a good ...
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+                 Many pieces were proposed, but none seemed suitable, because each one wished to play a good ...
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+                Many pieces were proposed, but none seemed suitable, because each one wished to play a good and suitable part ...
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+                6 Sept 2013
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+                It was ready for production, when through accident we were disappointed about securing the private theatre on ...
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+                4 Aug 2013
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+                The over-kind praise which it won encouraged me to have the play printed. I decided, as I could see no other prospects...
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