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Posted to by Valentin Aitken <> on 2015/07/10 12:50:23 UTC

Count the null values for the average enrichers


I am writing you for an issue which I hit in the 
TomcatAutoScalerPolicyTest .
I made a pull request 
<> about this, but 
we think it should be changed globally.

Here is the use case:
The test makes two requests to the newly created one node cluster.
On the second request the avarage enricher for REQUEST_COUNT_PER_NODE 
gets to two and since it has attached scaling policy in the test which 
requires between 0 and 1 average value, scale up is triggered immediately.

On the next update after scaling is triggered the REQUEST_COUNT_PER_NODE 
is again 2
since the REQUESTS for the previously created is null and it is missed 
in the count aggregation will again return 1
which will result again in scaling up.

So please share your opinion on this and vote if you want to use 0 for 
defaultValueForUnreportedSensors for the average enricher.

Thank you,

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