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Posted to by Dennis Lundberg <> on 2010/10/02 00:05:25 UTC

Re: Release plugin snapshot dependency resolution

On 2010-09-29 15:50, Brett Porter wrote:
> Hi,
> The release plugin has a mode where it can assist you in updating snapshot dependencies at release time. A lot of this is better manipulated with the versions plugin now, but it seems a useful feature to have at release time if you can.
> The previous behaviour was a bit weird, though. It would prompt you like this:
> Resolve Project Dependency Snapshots.: 'test:MRELEASE-583' set to release? (yes/no) yes: : 
> What is the next development version? (2.1.3-SNAPSHOT) 2.1.3-SNAPSHOT: : 
> The first question was redundant - you'd already said you wanted to update snapshots and the other option is failure. The second one assumes you'll be setting the snapshot to the equivalent release, then automatically to the next dev't version. The inflexibility of the first part was pointed out in MRELEASE-583 and I applied a change similar to the patch provided.
> However, I disagree with the default choice of updating the dependency to another snapshot - since this is outside of the reactor it's a better practice to pin to the release you just chose. I retained one exception for the use case where it was a more recent snapshot than the release you selected, and the original choice is restored.
> As it's only interactive and the form of the questions change, I don't think this will catch anyone by surprise, and encourages better practices.
> Does anyone see a downside?

No. Keep the pinned down (release) version of the dependency. Anything
else is out of scope for the Release Plugin in my opinion.

> - Brett
> --
> Brett Porter
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Dennis Lundberg

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