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Posted to by on 2013/07/11 13:55:22 UTC

[08/22] refactoring theme-mgt components, service stub and changing service stub parent name to stratos-service-stubs-parent
diff --git a/components/stratos/theme-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.theme.mgt.ui/2.1.0/src/main/resources/web/tenant-theme/js/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_functions.js b/components/stratos/theme-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.theme.mgt.ui/2.1.0/src/main/resources/web/tenant-theme/js/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_functions.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 984d4c6..0000000
--- a/components/stratos/theme-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.theme.mgt.ui/2.1.0/src/main/resources/web/tenant-theme/js/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_functions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1203 +0,0 @@
-	//replace tabulation by the good number of white spaces
-	EditArea.prototype.replace_tab= function(text){
-		return text.replace(/((\n?)([^\t\n]*)\t)/gi, editArea.smartTab);		// slower than simple replace...	
-	};
-	// call by the replace_tab function
-	EditArea.prototype.smartTab= function(){
-		val="                   ";
-		return EditArea.prototype.smartTab.arguments[2] + EditArea.prototype.smartTab.arguments[3] + val.substr(0, editArea.tab_nb_char - (EditArea.prototype.smartTab.arguments[3].length)%editArea.tab_nb_char);
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.show_waiting_screen= function(){
-		width	= this.editor_area.offsetWidth;
-		height	= this.editor_area.offsetHeight;
-		if( !(this.isIE && this.isIE<6) )
-		{
-			width	-= 2;
-			height	-= 2;
-		}
- "block";
-	= width+"px";
-	= height+"px";
-		this.waiting_screen_displayed		= true;
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.hide_waiting_screen= function(){
-		this.waiting_screen_displayed= false;
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.add_style= function(styles){
-		if(styles.length>0){
-			newcss = document.createElement("style");
-			newcss.type="text/css";
-			if(newcss.styleSheet){ // IE
-				newcss.styleSheet.cssText = styles;
-			} else { // W3C
-				newcss.appendChild(document.createTextNode(styles));
-			}
-			document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(newcss);
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.set_font= function(family, size){
-		var t=this, a=this.textarea, s=this.settings, elem_font, i, elem;
-		// list all elements concerned by font changes
-		var elems= ["textarea", "content_highlight", "cursor_pos", "end_bracket", "selection_field", "selection_field_text", "line_number"];
-		if(family && family!="")
-			s["font_family"]= family;
-		if(size && size>0)
-			s["font_size"]	= size;
-		if( t.isOpera && t.isOpera < 9.6 )	// opera<9.6 can't manage non monospace font
-			s['font_family']="monospace";
-		// update the select tag
-		if( elem_font = _$("area_font_size") )
-		{	
-			for( i = 0; i < elem_font.length; i++ )
-			{
-				if( elem_font.options[i].value && elem_font.options[i].value == s["font_size"] )
-					elem_font.options[i].selected=true;
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-		 * somethimes firefox has rendering mistake with non-monospace font for text width in textarea vs in div for changing font size (eg: verdana change between 11pt to 12pt)
-		 * => looks like a browser internal random bug as text width can change while content_highlight is updated
-		 * we'll check if the font-size produce the same text width inside textarea and div and if not, we'll increment the font-size
-		 * 
-		 * This is an ugly fix 
-		 */ 
-		if( t.isFirefox )
-		{
-			var nbTry = 3;
-			do {
-				var div1 = document.createElement( 'div' ), text1 = document.createElement( 'textarea' );
-				var styles = {
-					width:		'40px',
-					overflow:	'scroll',
-					zIndex: 	50,
-					visibility:	'hidden',
-					fontFamily:	s["font_family"],
-					fontSize:	s["font_size"]+"pt",
-					lineHeight:	t.lineHeight+"px",
-					padding:	'0',
-					margin:		'0',
-					border:		'none',
-					whiteSpace:	'nowrap'
-				};
-				var diff, changed = false;
-				for( i in styles )
-				{
-[ i ]		= styles[i];
-[ i ]	= styles[i];
-				}
-				// no wrap for this text
-				text1.wrap = 'off';
-				text1.setAttribute('wrap', 'off');
-				t.container.appendChild( div1 );
-				t.container.appendChild( text1 );
-				// try to make FF to bug
-				div1.innerHTML 		= text1.value	= 'azertyuiopqsdfghjklm';
-				div1.innerHTML 		= text1.value	= text1.value+'wxcvbn^p*รน$!:;,,';
-				diff	=  text1.scrollWidth - div1.scrollWidth;
-				// firefox return here a diff of 1 px between equals scrollWidth (can't explain)
-				if( Math.abs( diff ) >= 2 )
-				{
-					s["font_size"]++;
-					changed	= true;
-				}
-				t.container.removeChild( div1 );
-				t.container.removeChild( text1 );
-				nbTry--;
-			}while( changed && nbTry > 0 );
-		}
-		// calc line height
-		elem					= t.test_font_size;
-	= ""+s["font_family"];
-		= s["font_size"]+"pt";				
-		elem.innerHTML			= "0";		
-		t.lineHeight			= elem.offsetHeight;
-		// update font for all concerned elements
-		for( i=0; i<elems.length; i++)
-		{
-			elem	= _$(elems[i]);	
-	= s["font_family"];
-		= s["font_size"]+"pt";
-	= t.lineHeight+"px";
-		}
-		// define a css for <pre> tags
-		t.add_style("pre{font-family:"+s["font_family"]+"}");
-		// old opera and IE>=8 doesn't update font changes to the textarea
-		if( ( t.isOpera && t.isOpera < 9.6 ) || t.isIE >= 8 )
-		{
-			var parNod = a.parentNode, nxtSib = a.nextSibling, start= a.selectionStart, end= a.selectionEnd;
-			parNod.removeChild(a);
-			parNod.insertBefore(a, nxtSib);
-			t.area_select(start, end-start);
-		}
-		// force update of selection field
-		this.focus();
-		this.update_size();
-		this.check_line_selection();
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.change_font_size= function(){
-		var size=_$("area_font_size").value;
-		if(size>0)
-			this.set_font("", size);			
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.open_inline_popup= function(popup_id){
-		this.close_all_inline_popup();
-		var popup= _$(popup_id);		
-		var editor= _$("editor");
-		// search matching icon
-		for(var i=0; i<this.inlinePopup.length; i++){
-			if(this.inlinePopup[i]["popup_id"]==popup_id){
-				var icon= _$(this.inlinePopup[i]["icon_id"]);
-				if(icon){
-					this.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', true);			
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// check size
- "visible";
-		if(document.body.offsetHeight< popup.offsetHeight){
- (document.body.offsetHeight-10)+"px";
- "auto";
-		}
-		if(!popup.positionned){
-			var new_left= editor.offsetWidth /2 - popup.offsetWidth /2;
-			var new_top= editor.offsetHeight /2 - popup.offsetHeight /2;
-			//var new_top= area.offsetHeight /2 - popup.offsetHeight /2;
-			//var new_left= area.offsetWidth /2 - popup.offsetWidth /2;
-			//alert("new_top: ("+new_top+") = calculeOffsetTop(area) ("+calculeOffsetTop(area)+") + area.offsetHeight /2("+ area.offsetHeight /2+") - popup.offsetHeight /2("+popup.offsetHeight /2+") - scrollTop: "+document.body.scrollTop);
- new_left+"px";
- new_top+"px";
-			popup.positionned=true;
-		}
-		//"block";
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.close_inline_popup= function(popup_id){
-		var popup= _$(popup_id);		
-		// search matching icon
-		for(var i=0; i<this.inlinePopup.length; i++){
-			if(this.inlinePopup[i]["popup_id"]==popup_id){
-				var icon= _$(this.inlinePopup[i]["icon_id"]);
-				if(icon){
-					this.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);			
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.close_all_inline_popup= function(e){
-		for(var i=0; i<this.inlinePopup.length; i++){
-			this.close_inline_popup(this.inlinePopup[i]["popup_id"]);		
-		}
-		this.textarea.focus();
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.show_help= function(){
-		this.open_inline_popup("edit_area_help");
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.new_document= function(){
-		this.textarea.value="";
-		this.area_select(0,0);
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.get_all_toolbar_height= function(){
-		var area= _$("editor");
-		var results= parent.getChildren(area, "div", "class", "area_toolbar", "all", "0");	// search only direct children
-		//results= results.concat(getChildren(area, "table", "class", "area_toolbar", "all", "0"));
-		var height=0;
-		for(var i=0; i<results.length; i++){			
-			height+= results[i].offsetHeight;
-		}
-		//alert("toolbar height: "+height);
-		return height;
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.go_to_line= function(line){	
-		if(!line)
-		{	
-			var icon= _$("go_to_line");
-			if(icon != null){
-				this.restoreClass(icon);
-				this.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', true);
-			}
-			line= prompt(this.get_translation("go_to_line_prompt"));
-			if(icon != null)
-				this.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-		}
-		if(line && line!=null &&^[0-9]+$/)!=-1){
-			var start=0;
-			var lines= this.textarea.value.split("\n");
-			if(line > lines.length)
-				start= this.textarea.value.length;
-			else{
-				for(var i=0; i<Math.min(line-1, lines.length); i++)
-					start+= lines[i].length + 1;
-			}
-			this.area_select(start, 0);
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.change_smooth_selection_mode= function(setTo){
-		//alert("setTo: "+setTo);
-		if(this.do_highlight)
-			return;
-		if(setTo != null){
-			if(setTo === false)
-				this.smooth_selection=true;
-			else
-				this.smooth_selection=false;
-		}
-		var icon= _$("change_smooth_selection");
-		this.textarea.focus();
-		if(this.smooth_selection===true){
-			//setAttribute(icon, "class", getAttribute(icon, "class").replace(/ selected/g, "") );
-			/*setAttribute(icon, "oldClassName", "editAreaButtonNormal" );
-			setAttribute(icon, "className", "editAreaButtonNormal" );*/
-			//this.restoreClass(icon);
-			//this.restoreAndSwitchClass(icon,'editAreaButtonNormal');
-			this.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-			this.smooth_selection=false;
- "none";
-			_$("cursor_pos").style.display= "none";
-			_$("end_bracket").style.display= "none";
-		}else{
-			//setAttribute(icon, "class", getAttribute(icon, "class") + " selected");
-			//this.switchClass(icon,'editAreaButtonSelected');
-			this.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', false);
-			this.smooth_selection=true;
- "block";
-			_$("cursor_pos").style.display= "block";
-			_$("end_bracket").style.display= "block";
-		}	
-	};
-	// the auto scroll of the textarea has some lacks when it have to show cursor in the visible area when the textarea size change
-	// show specifiy whereas it is the "top" or "bottom" of the selection that is showned
-	EditArea.prototype.scroll_to_view= function(show){
-		var zone, lineElem;
-		if(!this.smooth_selection)
-			return;
-		zone= _$("result");
-		// manage height scroll
-		var cursor_pos_top= _$("cursor_pos").cursor_top;
-		if(show=="bottom")
-		{
-			//cursor_pos_top+=  (this.last_selection["line_nb"]-1)* this.lineHeight;
-			cursor_pos_top+= this.getLinePosTop( this.last_selection['line_start'] + this.last_selection['line_nb'] - 1 );
-		}
-		var max_height_visible= zone.clientHeight + zone.scrollTop;
-		var miss_top	= cursor_pos_top + this.lineHeight - max_height_visible;
-		if(miss_top>0){
-			//alert(miss_top);
-			zone.scrollTop=  zone.scrollTop + miss_top;
-		}else if( zone.scrollTop > cursor_pos_top){
-			// when erase all the content -> does'nt scroll back to the top
-			//alert("else: "+cursor_pos_top);
-			zone.scrollTop= cursor_pos_top;	 
-		}
-		// manage left scroll
-		//var cursor_pos_left= parseInt(_$("cursor_pos").style.left.replace("px",""));
-		var cursor_pos_left= _$("cursor_pos").cursor_left;
-		var max_width_visible= zone.clientWidth + zone.scrollLeft;
-		var miss_left= cursor_pos_left + 10 - max_width_visible;
-		if(miss_left>0){			
-			zone.scrollLeft= zone.scrollLeft + miss_left + 50;
-		}else if( zone.scrollLeft > cursor_pos_left){
-			zone.scrollLeft= cursor_pos_left ;
-		}else if( zone.scrollLeft == 45){
-			// show the line numbers if textarea align to it's left
-			zone.scrollLeft=0;
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.check_undo= function(only_once){
-		if(!editAreas[])
-			return false;
-		if(this.textareaFocused && editAreas[]["displayed"]==true){
-			var text=this.textarea.value;
-			if(this.previous.length<=1)
-				this.switchClassSticky(_$("undo"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true);
-			if(!this.previous[this.previous.length-1] || this.previous[this.previous.length-1]["text"] != text){
-				this.previous.push({"text": text, "selStart": this.textarea.selectionStart, "selEnd": this.textarea.selectionEnd});
-				if(this.previous.length > this.settings["max_undo"]+1)
-					this.previous.shift();
-			}
-			if(this.previous.length >= 2)
-				this.switchClassSticky(_$("undo"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);		
-		}
-		if(!only_once)
-			setTimeout("editArea.check_undo()", 3000);
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.undo= function(){
-		//alert("undo"+this.previous.length);
-		if(this.previous.length > 0)
-		{
-			this.getIESelection();
-		//	var pos_cursor=this.textarea.selectionStart;
- { "text": this.textarea.value, "selStart": this.textarea.selectionStart, "selEnd": this.textarea.selectionEnd } );
-			var prev= this.previous.pop();
-			if( prev["text"] == this.textarea.value && this.previous.length > 0 )
-				prev	=this.previous.pop();						
-			this.textarea.value	= prev["text"];
-			this.last_undo		= prev["text"];
-			this.area_select(prev["selStart"], prev["selEnd"]-prev["selStart"]);
-			this.switchClassSticky(_$("redo"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-			this.resync_highlight(true);
-			//alert("undo"+this.previous.length);
-			this.check_file_changes();
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.redo= function(){
-		if( > 0)
-		{
-			/*this.getIESelection();*/
-			//var pos_cursor=this.textarea.selectionStart;
-			var next=;
-			this.previous.push(next);
-			this.textarea.value= next["text"];
-			this.last_undo= next["text"];
-			this.area_select(next["selStart"], next["selEnd"]-next["selStart"]);
-			this.switchClassSticky(_$("undo"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-			this.resync_highlight(true);
-			this.check_file_changes();
-		}
-		if( == 0)
-			this.switchClassSticky(_$("redo"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true);
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.check_redo= function(){
-		if( == 0 || editArea.textarea.value!=editArea.last_undo){
- [];	// undo the ability to use "redo" button
-			editArea.switchClassSticky(_$("redo"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			this.switchClassSticky(_$("redo"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-		}
-	};
-	// functions that manage icons roll over, disabled, etc...
-	EditArea.prototype.switchClass = function(element, class_name, lock_state) {
-		var lockChanged = false;
-		if (typeof(lock_state) != "undefined" && element != null) {
-			element.classLock = lock_state;
-			lockChanged = true;
-		}
-		if (element != null && (lockChanged || !element.classLock)) {
-			element.oldClassName = element.className;
-			element.className = class_name;
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.restoreAndSwitchClass = function(element, class_name) {
-		if (element != null && !element.classLock) {
-			this.restoreClass(element);
-			this.switchClass(element, class_name);
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.restoreClass = function(element) {
-		if (element != null && element.oldClassName && !element.classLock) {
-			element.className = element.oldClassName;
-			element.oldClassName = null;
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.setClassLock = function(element, lock_state) {
-		if (element != null)
-			element.classLock = lock_state;
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.switchClassSticky = function(element, class_name, lock_state) {
-		var lockChanged = false;
-		if (typeof(lock_state) != "undefined" && element != null) {
-			element.classLock = lock_state;
-			lockChanged = true;
-		}
-		if (element != null && (lockChanged || !element.classLock)) {
-			element.className = class_name;
-			element.oldClassName = class_name;
-		}
-	};
-	//make the "page up" and "page down" buttons works correctly
-	EditArea.prototype.scroll_page= function(params){
-		var dir= params["dir"], shift_pressed= params["shift"];
-		var lines= this.textarea.value.split("\n");		
-		var new_pos=0, length=0, char_left=0, line_nb=0, curLine=0;
-		var toScrollAmount	= _$("result").clientHeight -30;
-		var nbLineToScroll	= 0, diff= 0;
-		if(dir=="up"){
-			nbLineToScroll	= Math.ceil( toScrollAmount / this.lineHeight );
-			// fix number of line to scroll
-			for( i = this.last_selection["line_start"]; i - diff > this.last_selection["line_start"] - nbLineToScroll ; i-- )
-			{
-				if( elem = _$('line_'+ i) )
-				{
-					diff +=  Math.floor( ( elem.offsetHeight - 1 ) / this.lineHeight );
-				}
-			}
-			nbLineToScroll	-= diff;
-			if(this.last_selection["selec_direction"]=="up"){
-				for(line_nb=0; line_nb< Math.min(this.last_selection["line_start"]-nbLineToScroll, lines.length); line_nb++){
-					new_pos+= lines[line_nb].length + 1;
-				}
-				char_left=Math.min(lines[Math.min(lines.length-1, line_nb)].length, this.last_selection["curr_pos"]-1);
-				if(shift_pressed)
-					length=this.last_selection["selectionEnd"]-new_pos-char_left;	
-				this.area_select(new_pos+char_left, length);
-				view="top";
-			}else{			
-				view="bottom";
-				for(line_nb=0; line_nb< Math.min(this.last_selection["line_start"]+this.last_selection["line_nb"]-1-nbLineToScroll, lines.length); line_nb++){
-					new_pos+= lines[line_nb].length + 1;
-				}
-				char_left=Math.min(lines[Math.min(lines.length-1, line_nb)].length, this.last_selection["curr_pos"]-1);
-				if(shift_pressed){
-					//length=this.last_selection["selectionEnd"]-new_pos-char_left;	
-					start= Math.min(this.last_selection["selectionStart"], new_pos+char_left);
-					length= Math.max(new_pos+char_left, this.last_selection["selectionStart"] )- start ;
-					if(new_pos+char_left < this.last_selection["selectionStart"])
-						view="top";
-				}else
-					start=new_pos+char_left;
-				this.area_select(start, length);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			var nbLineToScroll= Math.floor( toScrollAmount / this.lineHeight );
-			// fix number of line to scroll
-			for( i = this.last_selection["line_start"]; i + diff < this.last_selection["line_start"] + nbLineToScroll ; i++ )
-			{
-				if( elem = _$('line_'+ i) )
-				{
-					diff +=  Math.floor( ( elem.offsetHeight - 1 ) / this.lineHeight );
-				}
-			}
-			nbLineToScroll	-= diff;
-			if(this.last_selection["selec_direction"]=="down"){
-				view="bottom";
-				for(line_nb=0; line_nb< Math.min(this.last_selection["line_start"]+this.last_selection["line_nb"]-2+nbLineToScroll, lines.length); line_nb++){
-					if(line_nb==this.last_selection["line_start"]-1)
-						char_left= this.last_selection["selectionStart"] -new_pos;
-					new_pos+= lines[line_nb].length + 1;
-				}
-				if(shift_pressed){
-					length=Math.abs(this.last_selection["selectionStart"]-new_pos);	
-					length+=Math.min(lines[Math.min(lines.length-1, line_nb)].length, this.last_selection["curr_pos"]);
-					//length+=Math.min(lines[Math.min(lines.length-1, line_nb)].length, char_left);
-					this.area_select(Math.min(this.last_selection["selectionStart"], new_pos), length);
-				}else{
-					this.area_select(new_pos+char_left, 0);
-				}
-			}else{
-				view="top";
-				for(line_nb=0; line_nb< Math.min(this.last_selection["line_start"]+nbLineToScroll-1, lines.length, lines.length); line_nb++){
-					if(line_nb==this.last_selection["line_start"]-1)
-						char_left= this.last_selection["selectionStart"] -new_pos;
-					new_pos+= lines[line_nb].length + 1;									
-				}
-				if(shift_pressed){
-					length=Math.abs(this.last_selection["selectionEnd"]-new_pos-char_left);	
-					length+=Math.min(lines[Math.min(lines.length-1, line_nb)].length, this.last_selection["curr_pos"])- char_left-1;
-					//length+=Math.min(lines[Math.min(lines.length-1, line_nb)].length, char_left);
-					this.area_select(Math.min(this.last_selection["selectionEnd"], new_pos+char_left), length);
-					if(new_pos+char_left > this.last_selection["selectionEnd"])
-						view="bottom";
-				}else{
-					this.area_select(new_pos+char_left, 0);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//console.log( new_pos, char_left, length, nbLineToScroll, toScrollAmount, _$("result").clientHeigh );
-		this.check_line_selection();
-		this.scroll_to_view(view);
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.start_resize= function(e){
-		parent.editAreaLoader.resize["id"]		=;		
-		parent.editAreaLoader.resize["start_x"]	= (e)? e.pageX : event.x + document.body.scrollLeft;		
-		parent.editAreaLoader.resize["start_y"]	= (e)? e.pageY : event.y + document.body.scrollTop;
-		if(editArea.isIE)
-		{
-			editArea.textarea.focus();
-			editArea.getIESelection();
-		}
-		parent.editAreaLoader.resize["selectionStart"]	= editArea.textarea.selectionStart;
-		parent.editAreaLoader.resize["selectionEnd"]	= editArea.textarea.selectionEnd;
-		parent.editAreaLoader.start_resize_area();
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.toggle_full_screen= function(to){
-		var t=this, p=parent, a=t.textarea, html, frame, selStart, selEnd, old, icon;
-		if(typeof(to)=="undefined")
-			to= !t.fullscreen['isFull'];
-		old			= t.fullscreen['isFull'];
-		t.fullscreen['isFull']= to;
-		icon		= _$("fullscreen");
-		selStart	= t.textarea.selectionStart;
-		selEnd		= t.textarea.selectionEnd;
-		html		= p.document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
-		frame		= p.document.getElementById("frame_";
-		if(to && to!=old)
-		{	// toogle on fullscreen		
-			t.fullscreen['old_overflow']	= p.get_css_property(html, "overflow");
-			t.fullscreen['old_height']		= p.get_css_property(html, "height");
-			t.fullscreen['old_width']		= p.get_css_property(html, "width");
-			t.fullscreen['old_scrollTop']	= html.scrollTop;
-			t.fullscreen['old_scrollLeft']	= html.scrollLeft;
-			t.fullscreen['old_zIndex']		= p.get_css_property(frame, "z-index");
-			if(t.isOpera){
-	= "100%";
-	= "100%";	
-			}
-	= "hidden";
-			html.scrollTop		= 0;
-			html.scrollLeft		= 0;
-	= "absolute";
-		= html.clientWidth+"px";
-		= html.clientHeight+"px";
-		= "block";
-		= "999999";
-			= "0px";
-		= "0px";
-			// if the iframe was in a div with position absolute, the top and left are the one of the div, 
-			// so I fix it by seeing at witch position the iframe start and correcting it
-			= "-"+p.calculeOffsetTop(frame)+"px";
-		= "-"+p.calculeOffsetLeft(frame)+"px";
-		//	parent.editAreaLoader.execCommand(, "update_size();");
-		//	var body=parent.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
-		//	body.appendChild(frame);
-			t.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonSelected', false);
-			t.fullscreen['allow_resize']= t.resize_allowed;
-			t.allow_resize(false);
-			//t.area_select(selStart, selEnd-selStart);
-			// opera can't manage to do a direct size update
-			if(t.isFirefox){
-				p.editAreaLoader.execCommand(, "update_size();");
-				t.area_select(selStart, selEnd-selStart);
-				t.scroll_to_view();
-				t.focus();
-			}else{
-				setTimeout("p.editAreaLoader.execCommand('"+ +"', 'update_size();');editArea.focus();", 10);
-			}	
-		}
-		else if(to!=old)
-		{	// toogle off fullscreen
- t.fullscreen['old_zIndex'];
-			if(t.isOpera)
-			{
-	= "auto"; 
-	= "auto";
-	= "auto";
-			}
-			else if(t.isIE && p!=top)
-			{	// IE doesn't manage html overflow in frames like in normal page... 
-	= "auto";
-			}
-			else
-			{
-	= t.fullscreen['old_overflow'];
-			}
-			html.scrollTop	= t.fullscreen['old_scrollTop'];
-			html.scrollLeft	= t.fullscreen['old_scrollLeft'];
-			p.editAreaLoader.hide(;
-			t.switchClassSticky(icon, 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-			if(t.fullscreen['allow_resize'])
-				t.allow_resize(t.fullscreen['allow_resize']);
-			if(t.isFirefox){
-				t.area_select(selStart, selEnd-selStart);
-				setTimeout("editArea.scroll_to_view();", 10);
-			}			
-			//p.editAreaLoader.remove_event(p.window, "resize", editArea.update_size);
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.allow_resize= function(allow){
-		var resize= _$("resize_area");
-		if(allow){
-			parent.editAreaLoader.add_event(resize, "mouseup", editArea.start_resize);
-		}else{
-			parent.editAreaLoader.remove_event(resize, "mouseup", editArea.start_resize);
-		}
-		this.resize_allowed= allow;
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.change_syntax= function(new_syntax, is_waiting){
-	//	alert("cahnge to "+new_syntax);
-		// the syntax is the same
-		if(new_syntax==this.settings['syntax'])
-			return true;
-		// check that the syntax is one allowed
-		var founded= false;
-		for(var i=0; i<this.syntax_list.length; i++)
-		{
-			if(this.syntax_list[i]==new_syntax)
-				founded= true;
-		}
-		if(founded==true)
-		{
-			// the reg syntax file is not loaded
-			if(!parent.editAreaLoader.load_syntax[new_syntax])
-			{
-				// load the syntax file and wait for file loading
-				if(!is_waiting)
-					parent.editAreaLoader.load_script(parent.editAreaLoader.baseURL + "reg_syntax/" + new_syntax + ".js");
-				setTimeout("editArea.change_syntax('"+ new_syntax +"', true);", 100);
-				this.show_waiting_screen();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if(!this.allready_used_syntax[new_syntax])
-				{	// the syntax has still not been used
-					// rebuild syntax definition for new languages
-					parent.editAreaLoader.init_syntax_regexp();
-					// add style to the new list
-					this.add_style(parent.editAreaLoader.syntax[new_syntax]["styles"]);
-					this.allready_used_syntax[new_syntax]=true;
-				}
-				// be sure that the select option is correctly updated
-				var sel= _$("syntax_selection");
-				if(sel && sel.value!=new_syntax)
-				{
-					for(var i=0; i<sel.length; i++){
-						if(sel.options[i].value && sel.options[i].value == new_syntax)
-							sel.options[i].selected=true;
-					}
-				}
-			/*	if(this.settings['syntax'].length==0)
-				{
-					this.switchClassSticky(_$("highlight"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-					this.switchClassSticky(_$("reset_highlight"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', false);
-					this.change_highlight(true);
-				}
-				*/
-				this.settings['syntax']= new_syntax;
-				this.resync_highlight(true);
-				this.hide_waiting_screen();
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	};
-	// check if the file has changed
-	EditArea.prototype.set_editable= function(is_editable){
-		if(is_editable)
-		{
-			document.body.className= "";
-			this.textarea.readOnly= false;
-			this.is_editable= true;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			document.body.className= "non_editable";
-			this.textarea.readOnly= true;
-			this.is_editable= false;
-		}
-		if(editAreas[]["displayed"]==true)
-			this.update_size();
-	};
-	/***** Wrap mode *****/
-	// toggling function for set_wrap_mode
-	EditArea.prototype.toggle_word_wrap= function(){
-		this.set_word_wrap( !this.settings['word_wrap'] );
-	};
-	// open a new tab for the given file
-	EditArea.prototype.set_word_wrap= function(to){
-		var t=this, a= t.textarea;
-		if( t.isOpera )
-		{
-			this.settings['word_wrap']= false;
-			t.switchClassSticky( _$("word_wrap"), 'editAreaButtonDisabled', true );
-			return false;
-		}
-		if( to )
-		{
-			wrap_mode = 'soft';
-			this.container.className+= ' word_wrap';
-			if( t.isIE && t.isIE < 7 )	// IE 6 count 50 px too much
-			{
-	= ( a.offsetWidth-5 )+"px";
-			}
-			t.switchClassSticky( _$("word_wrap"), 'editAreaButtonSelected', false );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			wrap_mode = 'off';
-			this.container.className	= this.container.className.replace(/word_wrap/g, '');
-			t.switchClassSticky( _$("word_wrap"), 'editAreaButtonNormal', true );
-		}
-		this.textarea.previous_scrollWidth = '';
-		this.textarea.previous_scrollHeight = '';
-		a.wrap= wrap_mode;
-		a.setAttribute('wrap', wrap_mode);
-		// only IE can change wrap mode on the fly without element reloading
-		if(!this.isIE)
-		{
-			var start=a.selectionStart, end= a.selectionEnd;
-			var parNod = a.parentNode, nxtSib = a.nextSibling;
-			parNod.removeChild(a);
-			parNod.insertBefore(a, nxtSib);
-			this.area_select(start, end-start);
-		}
-		// reset some optimisation
-		this.settings['word_wrap']	= to;
-		this.focus();
-		this.update_size();
-		this.check_line_selection();
-	};	
-	/***** tabbed files managing functions *****/
-	// open a new tab for the given file
-	EditArea.prototype.open_file= function(settings){
-		if(settings['id']!="undefined")
-		{
-			var id= settings['id'];
-			// create a new file object with defautl values
-			var new_file= {};
-			new_file['id']			= id;
-			new_file['title']		= id;
-			new_file['text']		= "";
-			new_file['last_selection']	= "";		
-			new_file['last_text_to_highlight']	= "";
-			new_file['last_hightlighted_text']	= "";
-			new_file['previous']	= [];
-			new_file['next']		= [];
-			new_file['last_undo']	= "";
-			new_file['smooth_selection']	= this.settings['smooth_selection'];
-			new_file['do_highlight']= this.settings['start_highlight'];
-			new_file['syntax']		= this.settings['syntax'];
-			new_file['scroll_top']	= 0;
-			new_file['scroll_left']	= 0;
-			new_file['selection_start']= 0;
-			new_file['selection_end']= 0;
-			new_file['edited']		= false;
-			new_file['font_size']	= this.settings["font_size"];
-			new_file['font_family']	= this.settings["font_family"];
-			new_file['word_wrap']	= this.settings["word_wrap"];
-			new_file['toolbar']		= {'links':{}, 'selects': {}};
-			new_file['compare_edited_text']= new_file['text'];
-			this.files[id]= new_file;
-			this.update_file(id, settings);
-			this.files[id]['compare_edited_text']= this.files[id]['text'];
-			var html_id= 'tab_file_'+encodeURIComponent(id);
-			this.filesIdAssoc[html_id]= id;
-			this.files[id]['html_id']= html_id;
-			if(!_$(this.files[id]['html_id']) && id!="")
-			{
-				// be sure the tab browsing area is displayed
- "block";
-				var elem= document.createElement('li');
- this.files[id]['html_id'];
-				var close= "<img src=\""+ parent.editAreaLoader.baseURL +"images/close.gif\" title=\""+ this.get_translation('close_tab', 'word') +"\" onclick=\"editArea.execCommand('close_file', editArea.filesIdAssoc['"+ html_id +"']);return false;\" class=\"hidden\" onmouseover=\"this.className=''\" onmouseout=\"this.className='hidden'\" />";
-				elem.innerHTML= "<a onclick=\"javascript:editArea.execCommand('switch_to_file', editArea.filesIdAssoc['"+ html_id +"']);\" selec=\"none\"><b><span><strong class=\"edited\">*</strong>"+ this.files[id]['title'] + close +"</span></b></a>";
-				_$('tab_browsing_list').appendChild(elem);
-				var elem= document.createElement('text');
-				this.update_size();
-			}
-			// open file callback (for plugin)
-			if(id!="")
-				this.execCommand('file_open', this.files[id]);
-			this.switch_to_file(id, true);
-			return true;
-		}
-		else
-			return false;
-	};
-	// close the given file
-	EditArea.prototype.close_file= function(id){
-		if(this.files[id])
-		{
-			this.save_file(id);
-			// close file callback
-			if(this.execCommand('file_close', this.files[id])!==false)
-			{
-				// remove the tab in the toolbar
-				var li= _$(this.files[id]['html_id']);
-				li.parentNode.removeChild(li);
-				// select a new file
-				if(id== this.curr_file)
-				{
-					var next_file= "";
-					var is_next= false;
-					for(var i in this.files)
-					{
-						if( is_next )
-						{
-							next_file	= i;
-							break;
-						}
-						else if( i == id )
-							is_next		= true;
-						else
-							next_file	= i;
-					}
-					// display the next file
-					this.switch_to_file(next_file);
-				}
-				// clear datas
-				delete (this.files[id]);
-				this.update_size();
-			}	
-		}
-	};
-	// backup current file datas
-	EditArea.prototype.save_file= function(id){
-		var t= this, save, a_links, a_selects, save_butt, img, i;
-		if(t.files[id])
-		{
-			var save= t.files[id];
-			save['last_selection']			= t.last_selection;		
-			save['last_text_to_highlight']	= t.last_text_to_highlight;
-			save['last_hightlighted_text']	= t.last_hightlighted_text;
-			save['previous']				= t.previous;
-			save['next']					=;
-			save['last_undo']				= t.last_undo;
-			save['smooth_selection']		= t.smooth_selection;
-			save['do_highlight']			= t.do_highlight;
-			save['syntax']					= t.settings['syntax'];
-			save['text']					= t.textarea.value;
-			save['scroll_top']				= t.result.scrollTop;
-			save['scroll_left']				= t.result.scrollLeft;
-			save['selection_start']			= t.last_selection["selectionStart"];
-			save['selection_end']			= t.last_selection["selectionEnd"];
-			save['font_size']				= t.settings["font_size"];
-			save['font_family']				= t.settings["font_family"];
-			save['word_wrap']				= t.settings["word_wrap"];
-			save['toolbar']					= {'links':{}, 'selects': {}};
-			// save toolbar buttons state for fileSpecific buttons
-			a_links= _$("toolbar_1").getElementsByTagName("a");
-			for( i=0; i<a_links.length; i++ )
-			{
-				if( a_links[i].getAttribute('fileSpecific') == 'yes' )
-				{
-					save_butt	= {};
-					img			= a_links[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
-					save_butt['classLock']		= img.classLock;
-					save_butt['className']		= img.className;
-					save_butt['oldClassName']	= img.oldClassName;
-					save['toolbar']['links'][a_links[i].id]= save_butt;
-				}
-			}
-			// save toolbar select state for fileSpecific buttons
-			a_selects= _$("toolbar_1").getElementsByTagName("select");
-			for( i=0; i<a_selects.length; i++)
-			{
-				if(a_selects[i].getAttribute('fileSpecific')=='yes')
-				{
-					save['toolbar']['selects'][a_selects[i].id]= a_selects[i].value;
-				}
-			}
-			t.files[id]= save;
-			return save;
-		}
-		return false;
-	};
-	// update file_datas
-	EditArea.prototype.update_file= function(id, new_values){
-		for(var i in new_values)
-		{
-			this.files[id][i]= new_values[i];
-		}
-	};
-	// display file datas
-	EditArea.prototype.display_file= function(id){
-		var t = this, a= t.textarea, new_file, a_lis, a_selects, a_links, a_options, i, j;
-		// we're showing the empty file
-		if(id=='')
-		{
-			a.readOnly= true;
- "none";
-			_$("no_file_selected").style.display= "block";
-			t.result.className= "empty";
-			// clear current datas
-			if(!t.files[''])
-			{
-				t.open_file({id: ''});
-			}
-		}
-		// we try to show a non existent file, so we left
-		else if( typeof( t.files[id] ) == 'undefined' )
-		{
-			return false;
-		}
-		// display a normal file
-		else
-		{
-			t.result.className= "";
-			a.readOnly= !t.is_editable;
-			_$("no_file_selected").style.display= "none";
- "block";
-		}
-		// ensure to have last state for undo/redo actions
-		t.check_redo(true);
-		t.check_undo(true);
-		t.curr_file= id;
-		// replace selected tab file
-		a_lis= t.tab_browsing_area.getElementsByTagName('li');
-		for( i=0; i<a_lis.length; i++)
-		{
-			if(a_lis[i].id == t.files[id]['html_id'])
-				a_lis[i].className='selected';
-			else
-				a_lis[i].className='';
-		}
-		// replace next files datas
-		new_file= t.files[id];
-		// restore text content
-		a.value= new_file['text'];
-		// restore font-size
-		t.set_font(new_file['font_family'], new_file['font_size']);
-		// restore selection and scroll
-		t.area_select(new_file['last_selection']['selection_start'], new_file['last_selection']['selection_end'] - new_file['last_selection']['selection_start']);
-		t.manage_size(true);
-		t.result.scrollTop= new_file['scroll_top'];
-		t.result.scrollLeft= new_file['scroll_left'];
-		// restore undo, redo
-		t.previous=	new_file['previous'];
-	new_file['next'];
-		t.last_undo=	new_file['last_undo'];
-		t.check_redo(true);
-		t.check_undo(true);
-		// restore highlight
-		t.execCommand("change_highlight", new_file['do_highlight']);
-		t.execCommand("change_syntax", new_file['syntax']);
-		// smooth mode
-		t.execCommand("change_smooth_selection_mode", new_file['smooth_selection']);
-		// word_wrap
-		t.execCommand("set_word_wrap", new_file['word_wrap']);
-		// restore links state in toolbar
-		a_links= new_file['toolbar']['links'];
-		for( i in a_links)
-		{
-			if( img =  _$(i).getElementsByTagName('img')[0] )
-			{
-				img.classLock	= a_links[i]['classLock'];
-				img.className	= a_links[i]['className'];
-				img.oldClassName= a_links[i]['oldClassName'];
-			}
-		}
-		// restore select state in toolbar
-		a_selects = new_file['toolbar']['selects'];
-		for( i in a_selects)
-		{
-			a_options	= _$(i).options;
-			for( j=0; j<a_options.length; j++)
-			{
-				if( a_options[j].value == a_selects[i] )
-					_$(i).options[j].selected=true;
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	// change tab for displaying a new one
-	EditArea.prototype.switch_to_file= function(file_to_show, force_refresh){
-		if(file_to_show!=this.curr_file || force_refresh)
-		{
-			this.save_file(this.curr_file);
-			if(this.curr_file!='')
-				this.execCommand('file_switch_off', this.files[this.curr_file]);
-			this.display_file(file_to_show);
-			if(file_to_show!='')
-				this.execCommand('file_switch_on', this.files[file_to_show]);
-		}
-	};
-	// get all infos for the given file
-	EditArea.prototype.get_file= function(id){
-		if(id==this.curr_file)
-			this.save_file(id);
-		return this.files[id];
-	};
-	// get all available files infos
-	EditArea.prototype.get_all_files= function(){
-		tmp_files= this.files;
-		this.save_file(this.curr_file);
-		if(tmp_files[''])
-			delete(this.files['']);
-		return tmp_files;
-	};
-	// check if the file has changed
-	EditArea.prototype.check_file_changes= function(){
-		var id= this.curr_file;
-		if(this.files[id] && this.files[id]['compare_edited_text']!=undefined)
-		{
-			if(this.files[id]['compare_edited_text'].length==this.textarea.value.length && this.files[id]['compare_edited_text']==this.textarea.value)
-			{
-				if(this.files[id]['edited']!= false)
-					this.set_file_edited_mode(id, false);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if(this.files[id]['edited']!= true)
-					this.set_file_edited_mode(id, true);
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	// set if the file is edited or not
-	EditArea.prototype.set_file_edited_mode= function(id, to){
-		// change CSS for edited tab
-		if(this.files[id] && _$(this.files[id]['html_id']))
-		{
-			var link= _$(this.files[id]['html_id']).getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
-			if(to==true)
-			{
-				link.className= 'edited';
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				link.className= '';
-				if(id==this.curr_file)
-					text= this.textarea.value;
-				else
-					text= this.files[id]['text'];
-				this.files[id]['compare_edited_text']= text;
-			}
-			this.files[id]['edited']= to;
-		}
-	};
-	EditArea.prototype.set_show_line_colors = function(new_value){
-		this.show_line_colors = new_value;
-		if( new_value )
-			this.selection_field.className	+= ' show_colors';
-		else
-			this.selection_field.className	= this.selection_field.className.replace( / show_colors/g, '' );
-	};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/stratos/theme-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.theme.mgt.ui/2.1.0/src/main/resources/web/tenant-theme/js/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_loader.js b/components/stratos/theme-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.theme.mgt.ui/2.1.0/src/main/resources/web/tenant-theme/js/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_loader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a17dd..0000000
--- a/components/stratos/theme-mgt/org.wso2.carbon.theme.mgt.ui/2.1.0/src/main/resources/web/tenant-theme/js/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_loader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1080 +0,0 @@
- *
- *	EditArea 
- * 	Developped by Christophe Dolivet
- *	Released under LGPL, Apache and BSD licenses (use the one you want)
- *
-function EditAreaLoader(){
-	var t=this;
-	t.version= "";
-	date= new Date();
-	t.start_time=date.getTime();
- "loading";	// window loading state
-	t.error= false;	// to know if load is interrrupt
-	t.baseURL="";
-	//t.suffix="";
-	t.template="";
-	t.lang= {};	// array of loaded speech language
-	t.load_syntax= {};	// array of loaded syntax language for highlight mode
-	t.syntax= {};	// array of initilized syntax language for highlight mode
-	t.loadedFiles= [];
-	t.waiting_loading= {}; 	// files that must be loaded in order to allow the script to really start
-	// scripts that must be loaded in the iframe
-	t.scripts_to_load= ["elements_functions", "resize_area", "reg_syntax"];
-	t.sub_scripts_to_load= ["edit_area", "manage_area" ,"edit_area_functions", "keyboard", "search_replace", "highlight", "regexp"];
-	t.resize= []; // contain resizing datas
-	t.hidden= {};	// store datas of the hidden textareas
-	t.default_settings= {
-		//id: "src"	// id of the textarea to transform
-		debug: false
-		,smooth_selection: true
-		,font_size: "10"		// not for IE
-		,font_family: "monospace"	// can be "verdana,monospace". Allow non monospace font but Firefox get smaller tabulation with non monospace fonts. IE doesn't change the tabulation width and Opera doesn't take this option into account... 
-		,start_highlight: false	// if start with highlight
-		,toolbar: "search, go_to_line, fullscreen, |, undo, redo, |, select_font,|, change_smooth_selection, highlight, reset_highlight, word_wrap, |, help"
-		,begin_toolbar: ""		//  "new_document, save, load, |"
-		,end_toolbar: ""		// or end_toolbar
-		,is_multi_files: false		// enable the multi file mode (the textarea content is ignored)
-		,allow_resize: "both"	// possible values: "no", "both", "x", "y"
-		,show_line_colors: false	// if the highlight is disabled for the line currently beeing edited (if enabled => heavy CPU use)
-		,min_width: 400
-		,min_height: 125
-		,replace_tab_by_spaces: false
-		,allow_toggle: true		// true or false
-		,language: "en"
-		,syntax: ""
-		,syntax_selection_allow: "basic,brainfuck,c,coldfusion,cpp,css,html,java,js,pas,perl,php,python,ruby,robotstxt,sql,tsql,vb,xml"
-		,display: "onload" 		// onload or later
-		,max_undo: 30
-		,browsers: "known"	// all or known
-		,plugins: "" // comma separated plugin list
-		,gecko_spellcheck: false	// enable/disable by default the gecko_spellcheck
-		,fullscreen: false
-		,is_editable: true
-		,cursor_position: "begin"
-		,word_wrap: false		// define if the text is wrapped of not in the textarea
-		,autocompletion: false	// NOT IMPLEMENTED			
-		,load_callback: ""		// click on load button (function name)
-		,save_callback: ""		// click on save button (function name)
-		,change_callback: ""	// textarea onchange trigger (function name)
-		,submit_callback: ""	// form submited (function name)
-		,EA_init_callback: ""	// EditArea initiliazed (function name)
-		,EA_delete_callback: ""	// EditArea deleted (function name)
-		,EA_load_callback: ""	// EditArea fully loaded and displayed (function name)
-		,EA_unload_callback: ""	// EditArea delete while being displayed (function name)
-		,EA_toggle_on_callback: ""	// EditArea toggled on (function name)
-		,EA_toggle_off_callback: ""	// EditArea toggled off (function name)
-		,EA_file_switch_on_callback: ""	// a new tab is selected (called for the newly selected file)
-		,EA_file_switch_off_callback: ""	// a new tab is selected (called for the previously selected file)
-		,EA_file_close_callback: ""		// close a tab
-	};
-	t.advanced_buttons = [
-			// id, button img, command (it will try to find the translation of "id"), is_file_specific
-			['new_document', 'newdocument.gif', 'new_document', false],
-			['search', 'search.gif', 'show_search', false],
-			['go_to_line', 'go_to_line.gif', 'go_to_line', false],
-			['undo', 'undo.gif', 'undo', true],
-			['redo', 'redo.gif', 'redo', true],
-			['change_smooth_selection', 'smooth_selection.gif', 'change_smooth_selection_mode', true],
-			['reset_highlight', 'reset_highlight.gif', 'resync_highlight', true],
-			['highlight', 'highlight.gif','change_highlight', true],
-			['help', 'help.gif', 'show_help', false],
-			['save', 'save.gif', 'save', false],
-			['load', 'load.gif', 'load', false],
-			['fullscreen', 'fullscreen.gif', 'toggle_full_screen', false],
-			['word_wrap', 'word_wrap.gif', 'toggle_word_wrap', true],
-			['autocompletion', 'autocompletion.gif', 'toggle_autocompletion', true]
-		];
-	// navigator identification
-	t.set_browser_infos(t);
-	if(t.isIE>=6 || t.isGecko || ( t.isWebKit && !t.isSafari<3 ) || t.isOpera>=9  || t.isCamino )
-		t.isValidBrowser=true;
-	else
-		t.isValidBrowser=false;
-	t.set_base_url();		
-	for(var i=0; i<t.scripts_to_load.length; i++){
-		setTimeout("editAreaLoader.load_script('"+t.baseURL + t.scripts_to_load[i]+ ".js');", 1);	// let the time to Object editAreaLoader to be created before loading additionnal scripts
-		t.waiting_loading[t.scripts_to_load[i]+ ".js"]= false;
-	}
-	t.add_event(window, "load", EditAreaLoader.prototype.window_loaded);
-EditAreaLoader.prototype ={
-	has_error : function(){
-		this.error= true;
-		// set to empty all EditAreaLoader functions
-		for(var i in EditAreaLoader.prototype){
-			EditAreaLoader.prototype[i]=function(){};		
-		}
-	},
-	// add browser informations to the object passed in parameter
-	set_browser_infos : function(o){
-		ua= navigator.userAgent;
-		// general detection
-		o.isWebKit	= /WebKit/.test(ua);
-		o.isGecko	= !o.isWebKit && /Gecko/.test(ua);
-		o.isMac		= /Mac/.test(ua);
-		o.isIE	= (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer");
-		if(o.isIE){
-			o.isIE = ua.replace(/^.*?MSIE\s+([0-9\.]+).*$/, "$1");
-			if(o.isIE<6)
-				o.has_error();
-		}
-		if(o.isOpera = (ua.indexOf('Opera') != -1)){	
-			o.isOpera= ua.replace(/^.*?Opera.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1");
-			if(o.isOpera<9)
-				o.has_error();
-			o.isIE=false;			
-		}
-		if(o.isFirefox =(ua.indexOf('Firefox') != -1))
-			o.isFirefox = ua.replace(/^.*?Firefox.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1");
-		// Firefox clones 	
-		if( ua.indexOf('Iceweasel') != -1 )
-			o.isFirefox	= ua.replace(/^.*?Iceweasel.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1");
-		if( ua.indexOf('GranParadiso') != -1 )
-			o.isFirefox	= ua.replace(/^.*?GranParadiso.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1");
-		if( ua.indexOf('BonEcho') != -1 )
-			o.isFirefox	= ua.replace(/^.*?BonEcho.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1");
-		if( ua.indexOf('SeaMonkey') != -1)
-			o.isFirefox = (ua.replace(/^.*?SeaMonkey.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1") ) + 1;
-		if(o.isCamino =(ua.indexOf('Camino') != -1))
-			o.isCamino = ua.replace(/^.*?Camino.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1");
-		if(o.isSafari =(ua.indexOf('Safari') != -1))
-			o.isSafari= ua.replace(/^.*?Version\/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*$/i, "$1");
-		if(o.isChrome =(ua.indexOf('Chrome') != -1)) {
-			o.isChrome = ua.replace(/^.*?Chrome.*?([0-9\.]+).*$/i, "$1");
-			o.isSafari	= false;
-		}
-	},
-	window_loaded : function(){
-		// add events on forms
-		if (document.forms) {
-			for (var i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++) {
-				var form = document.forms[i];
-				form.edit_area_replaced_submit=null;
-				try {
-					form.edit_area_replaced_submit = form.onsubmit;
-					form.onsubmit="";
-				} catch (e) {// Do nothing
-				}
-				editAreaLoader.add_event(form, "submit", EditAreaLoader.prototype.submit);
-				editAreaLoader.add_event(form, "reset", EditAreaLoader.prototype.reset);
-			}
-		}
-		editAreaLoader.add_event(window, "unload", function(){for(var i in editAreas){editAreaLoader.delete_instance(i);}});	// ini callback
-	},
-	// init the checkup of the selection of the IE textarea
-	init_ie_textarea : function(id){
-		var a=document.getElementById(id);
-		try{
-			if(a && typeof(a.focused)=="undefined"){
-				a.focus();
-				a.focused=true;
-				a.selectionStart= a.selectionEnd= 0;			
-				get_IE_selection(a);
-				editAreaLoader.add_event(a, "focus", IE_textarea_focus);
-				editAreaLoader.add_event(a, "blur", IE_textarea_blur);
-			}
-		}catch(ex){}
-	},
-	init : function(settings){
-		var t=this,s=settings,i;
-		if(!s["id"])
-			t.has_error();
-		if(t.error)
-			return;
-		// if an instance of the editor already exists for this textarea => delete the previous one
-		if(editAreas[s["id"]])
-			t.delete_instance(s["id"]);
-		// init settings
-		for(i in t.default_settings){
-			if(typeof(s[i])=="undefined")
-				s[i]=t.default_settings[i];
-		}
-		if(s["browsers"]=="known" && t.isValidBrowser==false){
-			return;
-		}
-		if(s["begin_toolbar"].length>0)
-			s["toolbar"]= s["begin_toolbar"] +","+ s["toolbar"];
-		if(s["end_toolbar"].length>0)
-			s["toolbar"]= s["toolbar"] +","+ s["end_toolbar"];
-		s["tab_toolbar"]= s["toolbar"].replace(/ /g,"").split(",");
-		s["plugins"]= s["plugins"].replace(/ /g,"").split(",");
-		for(i=0; i<s["plugins"].length; i++){
-			if(s["plugins"][i].length==0)
-				s["plugins"].splice(i,1);
-		}
-	//	alert(settings["plugins"].length+": "+ settings["plugins"].join(","));
-		t.get_template();
-		t.load_script(t.baseURL + "langs/"+ s["language"] + ".js");
-		if(s["syntax"].length>0){
-			s["syntax"]=s["syntax"].toLowerCase();
-			t.load_script(t.baseURL + "reg_syntax/"+ s["syntax"] + ".js");
-		}
-		//alert(this.template);
-		editAreas[s["id"]]= {"settings": s};
-		editAreas[s["id"]]["displayed"]=false;
-		editAreas[s["id"]]["hidden"]=false;
-		//if(settings["display"]=="onload")
-		t.start(s["id"]);
-	},
-	// delete an instance of an EditArea
-	delete_instance : function(id){
-		var d=document,fs=window.frames,span,iframe;
-		editAreaLoader.execCommand(id, "EA_delete");
-		if(fs["frame_"+id] && fs["frame_"+id].editArea)
-		{
-			if(editAreas[id]["displayed"])
-				editAreaLoader.toggle(id, "off");
-			fs["frame_"+id].editArea.execCommand("EA_unload");
-		}
-		// remove toggle infos and debug textarea
-		span= d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id);
-		if(span)
-			span.parentNode.removeChild(span);
-		// remove the iframe
-		iframe= d.getElementById("frame_"+id);
-		if(iframe){
-			iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);
-			//delete iframe;
-			try {
-				delete fs["frame_"+id];
-			} catch (e) {// Do nothing
-			}
-		}	
-		delete editAreas[id];
-	},
-	start : function(id){
-		var t=this,d=document,f,span,father,next,html='',html_toolbar_content='',template,content,i;
-		// check that the window is loaded
-		if(!="loaded"){
-			setTimeout("editAreaLoader.start('"+id+"');", 50);
-			return;
-		}
-		// check that all needed scripts are loaded
-		for( i in t.waiting_loading){
-			if(t.waiting_loading[i]!="loaded" && typeof(t.waiting_loading[i])!="function"){
-				setTimeout("editAreaLoader.start('"+id+"');", 50);
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		// wait until language and syntax files are loaded
-		if(!t.lang[editAreas[id]["settings"]["language"]] || (editAreas[id]["settings"]["syntax"].length>0 && !t.load_syntax[editAreas[id]["settings"]["syntax"]]) ){
-			setTimeout("editAreaLoader.start('"+id+"');", 50);
-			return;
-		}
-		// init the regexp for syntax highlight
-		if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["syntax"].length>0)
-			t.init_syntax_regexp();
-		// display toggle option and debug area
-		if(!d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id) && (editAreas[id]["settings"]["debug"] || editAreas[id]["settings"]["allow_toggle"]))
-		{
-			span= d.createElement("span");
- "EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id;
-			if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["allow_toggle"]){
-				checked=(editAreas[id]["settings"]["display"]=="onload")?"checked='checked'":"";
-				html+="<div id='edit_area_toggle_"+i+"'>";
-				html+="<input id='edit_area_toggle_checkbox_"+ id +"' class='toggle_"+ id +"' type='checkbox' onclick='editAreaLoader.toggle(\""+ id +"\");' accesskey='e' "+checked+" />";
-				html+="<label for='edit_area_toggle_checkbox_"+ id +"'>{$toggle}</label></div>";	
-			}
-			if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["debug"])
-				html+="<textarea id='edit_area_debug_"+ id +"' spellcheck='off' style='z-index: 20; width: 100%; height: 120px;overflow: auto; border: solid black 1px;'></textarea><br />";				
-			html= t.translate(html, editAreas[id]["settings"]["language"]);				
-			span.innerHTML= html;				
-			father= d.getElementById(id).parentNode;
-			next= d.getElementById(id).nextSibling;
-			if(next==null)
-				father.appendChild(span);
-			else
-				father.insertBefore(span, next);
-		}
-		if(!editAreas[id]["initialized"])
-		{
-			t.execCommand(id, "EA_init");	// ini callback
-			if(editAreas[id]["settings"]["display"]=="later"){
-				editAreas[id]["initialized"]= true;
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		if(t.isIE){	// launch IE selection checkup
-			t.init_ie_textarea(id);
-		}
-		// get toolbar content
-		area=editAreas[id];
-		for(i=0; i<area["settings"]["tab_toolbar"].length; i++){
-		//	alert(this.tab_toolbar[i]+"\n"+ this.get_control_html(this.tab_toolbar[i]));
-			html_toolbar_content+= t.get_control_html(area["settings"]["tab_toolbar"][i], area["settings"]["language"]);
-		}
-		// translate toolbar text here for chrome 2
-		html_toolbar_content = t.translate(html_toolbar_content, area["settings"]["language"], "template"); 
-		// create javascript import rules for the iframe if the javascript has not been already loaded by the compressor
-		if(!t.iframe_script){
-			t.iframe_script="";
-			for(i=0; i<t.sub_scripts_to_load.length; i++)
-				t.iframe_script+='<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'+ t.baseURL + t.sub_scripts_to_load[i] +'.js"></script>';
-		}
-		// add plugins scripts if not already loaded by the compressor (but need to load language in all the case)
-		for(i=0; i<area["settings"]["plugins"].length; i++){
-			//if(typeof(area["settings"]["plugins"][i])=="function") continue;
-			if(!t.all_plugins_loaded)
-				t.iframe_script+='<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'+ t.baseURL + 'plugins/' + area["settings"]["plugins"][i] + '/' + area["settings"]["plugins"][i] +'.js"></script>';
-			t.iframe_script+='<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'+ t.baseURL + 'plugins/' + area["settings"]["plugins"][i] + '/langs/' + area["settings"]["language"] +'.js"></script>';
-		}
-		// create css link for the iframe if the whole css text has not been already loaded by the compressor
-		if(!t.iframe_css){
-			t.iframe_css="<link href='"+ t.baseURL +"edit_area.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />";
-		}
-		// create template
-		template= t.template.replace(/\[__BASEURL__\]/g, t.baseURL);
-		template= template.replace("[__TOOLBAR__]",html_toolbar_content);
-		// fill template with good language sentences
-		template= t.translate(template, area["settings"]["language"], "template");
-		// add css_code
-		template= template.replace("[__CSSRULES__]", t.iframe_css);				
-		// add js_code
-		template= template.replace("[__JSCODE__]", t.iframe_script);
-		// add version_code
-		template= template.replace("[__EA_VERSION__]", t.version);
-		//template=template.replace(/\{\$([^\}]+)\}/gm, this.traduc_template);
-		//editAreas[area["settings"]["id"]]["template"]= template;
-		area.textarea=d.getElementById(area["settings"]["id"]);
-		editAreas[area["settings"]["id"]]["textarea"]=area.textarea;
-		// if removing previous instances from DOM before (fix from Marcin)
-		if(typeof(window.frames["frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]])!='undefined') 
-			delete window.frames["frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]];
-		// insert template in the document after the textarea
-		father= area.textarea.parentNode;
-	/*	var container= document.createElement("div");
- "EditArea_frame_container_"+area["settings"]["id"];
-	*/	
-		content= d.createElement("iframe");
- "frame_"+area["settings"]["id"];
- "frame_"+area["settings"]["id"];
- "0px";
-		setAttribute(content, "frameBorder", "0"); // IE
-		next= area.textarea.nextSibling;
-		if(next==null)
-			father.appendChild(content);
-		else
-			father.insertBefore(content, next) ;		
-		f=window.frames["frame_"+area["settings"]["id"]];
-		f.editAreas=editAreas;
-		f.area_id= area["settings"]["id"];	
-		f.document.area_id= area["settings"]["id"];	
-		f.document.write(template);
-		f.document.close();
-	//	frame.editAreaLoader=this;
-		//editAreas[area["settings"]["id"]]["displayed"]=true;
-	},
-	toggle : function(id, toggle_to){
-	/*	if((editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true  && toggle_to!="on") || toggle_to=="off"){
-			this.toggle_off(id);
-		}else if((editAreas[id]["displayed"]==false  && toggle_to!="off") || toggle_to=="on"){
-			this.toggle_on(id);
-		}*/
-		if(!toggle_to)
-			toggle_to= (editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true)?"off":"on";
-		if(editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true  && toggle_to=="off"){
-			this.toggle_off(id);
-		}else if(editAreas[id]["displayed"]==false  && toggle_to=="on"){
-			this.toggle_on(id);
-		}
-		return false;
-	},
-	// static function
-	toggle_off : function(id){
-		var fs=window.frames,f,t,parNod,nxtSib,selStart,selEnd,scrollTop,scrollLeft;
-		if(fs["frame_"+id])
-		{	
-			f	= fs["frame_"+id];
-			t	= editAreas[id]["textarea"];
-			if(f.editArea.fullscreen['isFull'])
-				f.editArea.toggle_full_screen(false);
-			editAreas[id]["displayed"]=false;
-			// set wrap to off to keep same display mode (some browser get problem with this, so it need more complex operation		
-			t.wrap = "off";	// for IE
-			setAttribute(t, "wrap", "off");	// for Firefox	
-			parNod = t.parentNode;
-			nxtSib = t.nextSibling;
-			parNod.removeChild(t); 
-			parNod.insertBefore(t, nxtSib);
-			// restore values
-			t.value= f.editArea.textarea.value;
-			selStart	= f.editArea.last_selection["selectionStart"];
-			selEnd		= f.editArea.last_selection["selectionEnd"];
-			scrollTop	= f.document.getElementById("result").scrollTop;
-			scrollLeft	= f.document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft;
-			document.getElementById("frame_"+id).style.display='none';
-			try{	// IE will give an error when trying to focus an invisible or disabled textarea
-				t.focus();
-			} catch(e){};
-			if(this.isIE){
-				t.selectionStart= selStart;
-				t.selectionEnd	= selEnd;
-				t.focused		= true;
-				set_IE_selection(t);
-			}else{
-				if(this.isOpera && this.isOpera < 9.6 ){	// Opera bug when moving selection start and selection end
-					t.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
-				}
-				try{
-					t.setSelectionRange(selStart, selEnd);
-				} catch(e) {};
-			}
-			t.scrollTop= scrollTop;
-			t.scrollLeft= scrollLeft;
-			f.editArea.execCommand("toggle_off");
-		}
-	},	
-	// static function
-	toggle_on : function(id){
-		var fs=window.frames,f,t,selStart=0,selEnd=0,scrollTop=0,scrollLeft=0,curPos,elem;
-		if(fs["frame_"+id])
-		{
-			f	= fs["frame_"+id];
-			t	= editAreas[id]["textarea"];
-			area= f.editArea;
-			area.textarea.value= t.value;
-			// store display values;
-			curPos	= editAreas[id]["settings"]["cursor_position"];
-			if(t.use_last==true)
-			{
-				selStart	= t.last_selectionStart;
-				selEnd		= t.last_selectionEnd;
-				scrollTop	= t.last_scrollTop;
-				scrollLeft	= t.last_scrollLeft;
-				t.use_last=false;
-			}
-			else if( curPos == "auto" )
-			{
-				try{
-					selStart	= t.selectionStart;
-					selEnd		= t.selectionEnd;
-					scrollTop	= t.scrollTop;
-					scrollLeft	= t.scrollLeft;
-					//alert(scrollTop);
-				}catch(ex){}
-			}
-			// set to good size
-			this.set_editarea_size_from_textarea(id, document.getElementById("frame_"+id));
-			document.getElementById("frame_"+id).style.display="inline";
-			area.execCommand("focus"); // without this focus opera doesn't manage well the iframe body height
-			// restore display values
-			editAreas[id]["displayed"]=true;
-			area.execCommand("update_size");
-			f.document.getElementById("result").scrollTop= scrollTop;
-			f.document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft= scrollLeft;
-			area.area_select(selStart, selEnd-selStart);
-			area.execCommand("toggle_on");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		/*	if(this.isIE)
-				get_IE_selection(document.getElementById(id));	*/	
-			elem= document.getElementById(id);	
-			elem.last_selectionStart= elem.selectionStart;
-			elem.last_selectionEnd= elem.selectionEnd;
-			elem.last_scrollTop= elem.scrollTop;
-			elem.last_scrollLeft= elem.scrollLeft;
-			elem.use_last=true;
-			editAreaLoader.start(id);
-		}
-	},	
-	set_editarea_size_from_textarea : function(id, frame){	
-		var elem,width,height;
-		elem	= document.getElementById(id);
-		width	= Math.max(editAreas[id]["settings"]["min_width"], elem.offsetWidth)+"px";
-		height	= Math.max(editAreas[id]["settings"]["min_height"], elem.offsetHeight)+"px";
-		if("%")!=-1)
-			width	=;
-		if("%")!=-1)
-			height	=;
-		//alert("h: "+height+" w: "+width);
- width;
- height;
-	},
-	set_base_url : function(){
-		var t=this,elems,i,docBasePath;
-		if( !this.baseURL ){
-			elems = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
-			for( i=0; i<elems.length; i++ ){
-				if (elems[i].src && elems[i].src.match(/edit_area_[^\\\/]*$/i) ) {
-					var src = elems[i].src;
-					src = src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf('/'));
-					this.baseURL = src;
-					this.file_name= elems[i].src.substr(elems[i].src.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		docBasePath	= document.location.href;
-		if (docBasePath.indexOf('?') != -1)
-			docBasePath	= docBasePath.substring(0, docBasePath.indexOf('?'));
-		docBasePath	= docBasePath.substring(0, docBasePath.lastIndexOf('/'));
-		// If not HTTP absolute
-		if (t.baseURL.indexOf('://') == -1 && t.baseURL.charAt(0) != '/') {
-			// If site absolute
-			t.baseURL = docBasePath + "/" + t.baseURL;
-		}
-		t.baseURL	+="/";	
-	},
-	get_button_html : function(id, img, exec, isFileSpecific, baseURL) {
-		var cmd,html;
-		if(!baseURL)
-			baseURL= this.baseURL;
-		cmd	= 'editArea.execCommand(\'' + exec + '\')';
-		html	= '<a id="a_'+ id +'" href="javascript:' + cmd + '" onclick="' + cmd + ';return false;" onmousedown="return false;" target="_self" fileSpecific="'+ (isFileSpecific?'yes':'no') +'">';
-		html	+= '<img id="' + id + '" src="'+ baseURL +'images/' + img + '" title="{$' + id + '}" width="20" height="20" class="editAreaButtonNormal" onmouseover="editArea.switchClass(this,\'editAreaButtonOver\');" onmouseout="editArea.restoreClass(this);" onmousedown="editArea.restoreAndSwitchClass(this,\'editAreaButtonDown\');" /></a>';
-		return html;
-	},
-	get_control_html : function(button_name, lang) {		
-		var t=this,i,but,html,si;
-		for (i=0; i<t.advanced_buttons.length; i++)
-		{
-			but = t.advanced_buttons[i];			
-			if (but[0] == button_name)
-			{
-				return t.get_button_html(but[0], but[1], but[2], but[3]);
-			}	
-		}		
-		switch (button_name){
-			case "*":
-			case "return":
-				return "<br />";
-			case "|":
-		  	case "separator":
-				return '<img src="'+ t.baseURL +'images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="15" class="editAreaSeparatorLine">';
-			case "select_font":
-				html= "<select id='area_font_size' onchange='javascript:editArea.execCommand(\"change_font_size\")' fileSpecific='yes'>";
-				html+="<option value='-1'>{$font_size}</option>";
-				si=[8,9,10,11,12,14];
-				for( i=0;i<si.length;i++){
-					html+="<option value='"+si[i]+"'>"+si[i]+" pt</option>";
-				}
-				html+="</select>";
-				return html;
-			case "syntax_selection":
-				html= "<select id='syntax_selection' onchange='javascript:editArea.execCommand(\"change_syntax\", this.value)' fileSpecific='yes'>";
-				html+="<option value='-1'>{$syntax_selection}</option>";
-				html+="</select>";
-				return html;
-		}
-		return "<span id='tmp_tool_"+button_name+"'>["+button_name+"]</span>";		
-	},
-	get_template : function(){
-		if(this.template=="")
-		{
-			var xhr_object = null; 
-			if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Firefox 
-				xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
-			else if(window.ActiveXObject) // Internet Explorer 
-				xhr_object = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); 
-			else { // XMLHttpRequest not supported
-				alert("XMLHTTPRequest not supported. EditArea not loaded"); 
-				return; 
-			} 
-"GET", this.baseURL+"template.html", false); 
-			xhr_object.send(null); 
-			if(xhr_object.readyState == 4) 
-				this.template=xhr_object.responseText;
-			else
-				this.has_error();
-		}
-	},
-	// translate text
-	translate : function(text, lang, mode){
-		if(mode=="word")
-			text=editAreaLoader.get_word_translation(text, lang);
-		else if(mode="template"){
-			editAreaLoader.current_language= lang;
-			text=text.replace(/\{\$([^\}]+)\}/gm, editAreaLoader.translate_template);
-		}
-		return text;
-	},
-	translate_template : function(){
-		return editAreaLoader.get_word_translation(EditAreaLoader.prototype.translate_template.arguments[1], editAreaLoader.current_language);
-	},
-	get_word_translation : function(val, lang){
-		var i;
-		for( i in editAreaLoader.lang[lang]){
-			if(i == val)
-				return editAreaLoader.lang[lang][i];
-		}
-		return "_"+val;
-	},
-	load_script : function(url){
-		var t=this,d=document,script,head;
-		if( t.loadedFiles[url] )
-			return;	
-		//alert("load: "+url);
-		try{
-			script= d.createElement("script");
-			script.type= "text/javascript";
-			script.src= url;
-			script.charset= "UTF-8";
-			d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script);
-		}catch(e){
-			d.write('<sc'+'ript language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '" charset="UTF-8"></sc'+'ript>');
-		}
-		t.loadedFiles[url] = true;
-	},
-	add_event : function(obj, name, handler) {
-		try{
-			if (obj.attachEvent) {
-				obj.attachEvent("on" + name, handler);
-			} else{
-				obj.addEventListener(name, handler, false);
-			}
-		}catch(e){}
-	},
-	remove_event : function(obj, name, handler){
-		try{
-			if (obj.detachEvent)
-				obj.detachEvent("on" + name, handler);
-			else
-				obj.removeEventListener(name, handler, false);
-		}catch(e){}
-	},
-	// reset all the editareas in the form that have been reseted
-	reset : function(e){
-		var formObj,is_child,i,x;
-		formObj = editAreaLoader.isIE ? window.event.srcElement :;
-		if(formObj.tagName!='FORM')
-			formObj= formObj.form;
-		for( i in editAreas ){			
-			is_child= false;
-			for( x=0;x<formObj.elements.length;x++ ) {
-				if(formObj.elements[x].id == i)
-					is_child=true;
-			}
-			if(window.frames["frame_"+i] && is_child && editAreas[i]["displayed"]==true){
-				var exec= 'window.frames["frame_'+ i +'"].editArea.textarea.value= document.getElementById("'+ i +'").value;';
-				exec+= 'window.frames["frame_'+ i +'"].editArea.execCommand("focus");';
-				exec+= 'window.frames["frame_'+ i +'"].editArea.check_line_selection();';
-				exec+= 'window.frames["frame_'+ i +'"].editArea.execCommand("reset");';
-				window.setTimeout(exec, 10);
-			}
-		}		
-		return;
-	},
-	// prepare all the textarea replaced by an editarea to be submited
-	submit : function(e){		
-		var formObj,is_child,fs=window.frames,i,x;
-		formObj = editAreaLoader.isIE ? window.event.srcElement :;
-		if(formObj.tagName!='FORM')
-			formObj= formObj.form;
-		for( i in editAreas){
-			is_child= false;
-			for( x=0;x<formObj.elements.length;x++ ) {
-				if(formObj.elements[x].id == i)
-					is_child=true;
-			}
-			if(is_child)
-			{
-				if(fs["frame_"+i] && editAreas[i]["displayed"]==true)
-					document.getElementById(i).value= fs["frame_"+ i].editArea.textarea.value;
-				editAreaLoader.execCommand(i,"EA_submit");
-			}
-		}				
-		if( typeof(formObj.edit_area_replaced_submit) == "function" ){
-			res= formObj.edit_area_replaced_submit();
-			if(res==false){
-				if(editAreaLoader.isIE)
-					return false;
-				else
-					e.preventDefault();
-			}
-		}
-		return;
-	},
-	// allow to get the value of the editarea
-	getValue : function(id){
-        if(window.frames["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-            return window.frames["frame_"+ id].editArea.textarea.value;       
-        }else if(elem=document.getElementById(id)){
-        	return elem.value;
-        }
-        return false;
-    },
-    // allow to set the value of the editarea
-    setValue : function(id, new_val){
-    	var fs=window.frames;
-        if( ( f=fs["frame_"+id] ) && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-			f.editArea.textarea.value= new_val;     
-			f.editArea.execCommand("focus"); 
-			f.editArea.check_line_selection(false);  
-			f.editArea.execCommand("onchange");
-        }else if(elem=document.getElementById(id)){
-        	elem.value= new_val;
-        }
-    },
-    // allow to get infos on the selection: array(start, end)
-    getSelectionRange : function(id){
-    	var sel,eA,fs=window.frames;
-    	sel= {"start": 0, "end": 0};
-        if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-        	eA= fs["frame_"+ id].editArea;
-			sel["start"]	= eA.textarea.selectionStart;
-			sel["end"]		= eA.textarea.selectionEnd;
-        }else if( elem=document.getElementById(id) ){
-        	sel= getSelectionRange(elem);
-        }
-        return sel;
-    },
-    // allow to set the selection with the given start and end positions
-    setSelectionRange : function(id, new_start, new_end){
-    	var fs=window.frames;
-        if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-            fs["frame_"+ id].editArea.area_select(new_start, new_end-new_start);  
-			// make an auto-scroll to the selection
-			if(!this.isIE){
-				fs["frame_"+ id].editArea.check_line_selection(false); 
-				fs["frame_"+ id].editArea.scroll_to_view();
-			}   
-        }else if(elem=document.getElementById(id)){
-        	setSelectionRange(elem, new_start, new_end);
-        }
-    },
-    getSelectedText : function(id){
-    	var sel= this.getSelectionRange(id);
-        return this.getValue(id).substring(sel["start"], sel["end"]);
-    },
-	setSelectedText : function(id, new_val){
-		var fs=window.frames,d=document,sel,text,scrollTop,scrollLeft,new_sel_end;
-		new_val	= new_val.replace(/\r/g, ""); 
-		sel		= this.getSelectionRange(id);
-		text	= this.getValue(id);
-		if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-			scrollTop	= fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollTop;
-			scrollLeft	= fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft;
-		}else{
-			scrollTop	= d.getElementById(id).scrollTop;
-			scrollLeft	= d.getElementById(id).scrollLeft;
-		}
-		text	= text.substring(0, sel["start"])+ new_val +text.substring(sel["end"]);
-		this.setValue(id, text);
-		new_sel_end	= sel["start"]+ new_val.length;
-		this.setSelectionRange(id, sel["start"], new_sel_end);
-		// fix \r problem for selection length count on IE & Opera
-		if(new_val != this.getSelectedText(id).replace(/\r/g, "")){
-			this.setSelectionRange(id, sel["start"], new_sel_end+ new_val.split("\n").length -1);
-		}
-		// restore scrolling position
-		if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-			fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollTop= scrollTop;
-			fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft= scrollLeft;
-			fs["frame_"+ id].editArea.execCommand("onchange");
-		}else{
-			d.getElementById(id).scrollTop= scrollTop;
-			d.getElementById(id).scrollLeft= scrollLeft;
-		}
-    },
-    insertTags : function(id, open_tag, close_tag){
-    	var old_sel,new_sel;
-    	old_sel	= this.getSelectionRange(id);
-    	text	= open_tag + this.getSelectedText(id) + close_tag;
-		editAreaLoader.setSelectedText(id, text);
-    	new_sel	= this.getSelectionRange(id);
-    	if(old_sel["end"] > old_sel["start"])	// if text was selected, cursor at the end
-    		this.setSelectionRange(id, new_sel["end"], new_sel["end"]);
-    	else // cursor in the middle
-    		this.setSelectionRange(id, old_sel["start"]+open_tag.length, old_sel["start"]+open_tag.length);
-    },
-    // hide both EditArea and normal textarea
-	hide : function(id){
-		var fs= window.frames,d=document,t=this,scrollTop,scrollLeft,span;
-		if(d.getElementById(id) && !t.hidden[id])
-		{
-			t.hidden[id]= {};
-			t.hidden[id]["selectionRange"]= t.getSelectionRange(id);
-			if(d.getElementById(id).style.display!="none")
-			{
-				t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"]= d.getElementById(id).scrollTop;
-				t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"]= d.getElementById(id).scrollLeft;
-			}
-			if(fs["frame_"+id])
-			{
-				t.hidden[id]["toggle"]= editAreas[id]["displayed"];
-				if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-					scrollTop	= fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollTop;
-					scrollLeft	= fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft;
-				}else{
-					scrollTop	= d.getElementById(id).scrollTop;
-					scrollLeft	= d.getElementById(id).scrollLeft;
-				}
-				t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"]= scrollTop;
-				t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"]= scrollLeft;
-				if(editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true)
-					editAreaLoader.toggle_off(id);
-			}
-			// hide toggle button and debug box
-			span= d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id);
-			if(span){
-			}
-			// hide textarea
-			d.getElementById(id).style.display= "none";
-		}
-	},
-	// restore hidden EditArea and normal textarea
-	show : function(id){
-		var fs= window.frames,d=document,t=this,span;
-		if((elem=d.getElementById(id)) && t.hidden[id])
-		{
- "inline";
-			elem.scrollTop= t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"];
-			elem.scrollLeft= t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"];
-			span= d.getElementById("EditAreaArroundInfos_"+id);
-			if(span){
-			}
-			if(fs["frame_"+id])
-			{
-				// restore toggle button and debug box
-				// restore textarea
- "inline";
-				// restore EditArea
-				if(t.hidden[id]["toggle"]==true)
-					editAreaLoader.toggle_on(id);
-				scrollTop	= t.hidden[id]["scrollTop"];
-				scrollLeft	= t.hidden[id]["scrollLeft"];
-				if(fs["frame_"+id] && editAreas[id]["displayed"]==true){
-					fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollTop	= scrollTop;
-					fs["frame_"+ id].document.getElementById("result").scrollLeft	= scrollLeft;
-				}else{
-					elem.scrollTop	= scrollTop;
-					elem.scrollLeft	= scrollLeft;
-				}
-			}
-			// restore selection
-			sel	= t.hidden[id]["selectionRange"];
-			t.setSelectionRange(id, sel["start"], sel["end"]);
-			delete t.hidden[id];	
-		}
-	},
-	// get the current file datas (for multi file editing mode)
-	getCurrentFile : function(id){
-		return this.execCommand(id, 'get_file', this.execCommand(id, 'curr_file'));
-	},
-	// get the given file datas (for multi file editing mode)
-	getFile : function(id, file_id){
-		return this.execCommand(id, 'get_file', file_id);
-	},
-	// get all the openned files datas (for multi file editing mode)
-	getAllFiles : function(id){
-		return this.execCommand(id, 'get_all_files()');
-	},
-	// open a file (for multi file editing mode)
-	openFile : function(id, file_infos){
-		return this.execCommand(id, 'open_file', file_infos);
-	},
-	// close the given file (for multi file editing mode)
-	closeFile : function(id, file_id){
-		return this.execCommand(id, 'close_file', file_id);
-	},
-	// close the given file (for multi file editing mode)
-	setFileEditedMode : function(id, file_id, to){
-		var reg1,reg2;
-		reg1	= new RegExp('\\\\', 'g');
-		reg2	= new RegExp('"', 'g');
-		return this.execCommand(id, 'set_file_edited_mode("'+ file_id.replace(reg1, '\\\\').replace(reg2, '\\"') +'", '+ to +')');
-	},
-	// allow to access to editarea functions and datas (for advanced users only)
-	execCommand : function(id, cmd, fct_param){
-		switch(cmd){
-			case "EA_init":
-				if(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_init_callback"].length>0)
-					eval(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_init_callback"]+"('"+ id +"');");
-				break;
-			case "EA_delete":
-				if(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_delete_callback"].length>0)
-					eval(editAreas[id]['settings']["EA_delete_callback"]+"('"+ id +"');");
-				break;
-			case "EA_submit":
-				if(editAreas[id]['settings']["submit_callback"].length>0)
-					eval(editAreas[id]['settings']["submit_callback"]+"('"+ id +"');");
-				break;
-		}
-        if(window.frames["frame_"+id] && window.frames["frame_"+ id].editArea){
-			if(fct_param!=undefined)
-				return eval('window.frames["frame_'+ id +'"].editArea.'+ cmd +'(fct_param);');
-			else
-				return eval('window.frames["frame_'+ id +'"].editArea.'+ cmd +';');       
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-	var editAreaLoader= new EditAreaLoader();
-	var editAreas= {};