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[33/52] bigtop git commit: BIGTOP-1406. package Ambari in Bigtop
diff --git a/bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/ b/bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/
deleted file mode 100755
index 568e46e..0000000
--- a/bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1947 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ambari-python-wrap
-Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-distributed with this work for additional information
-regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-import socket
-from math import ceil, floor
-from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
-from resource_management.libraries.functions.mounted_dirs_helper import get_mounts_with_multiple_data_dirs
-from stack_advisor import DefaultStackAdvisor
-class ODPi10StackAdvisor(DefaultStackAdvisor):
-  def __init__(self):
-    super(ODPi10StackAdvisor, self).__init__()
-    Logger.initialize_logger()
-  def getComponentLayoutValidations(self, services, hosts):
-    """Returns array of Validation objects about issues with hostnames components assigned to"""
-    items = super(ODPi10StackAdvisor, self).getComponentLayoutValidations(services, hosts)
-    # Validating NAMENODE and SECONDARY_NAMENODE are on different hosts if possible
-    # Use a set for fast lookup
-    hostsSet =  set(super(ODPi10StackAdvisor, self).getActiveHosts([host["Hosts"] for host in hosts["items"]]))  #[host["Hosts"]["host_name"] for host in hosts["items"]]
-    hostsCount = len(hostsSet)
-    componentsListList = [service["components"] for service in services["services"]]
-    componentsList = [item for sublist in componentsListList for item in sublist]
-    nameNodeHosts = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] for component in componentsList if component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"] == "NAMENODE"]
-    secondaryNameNodeHosts = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] for component in componentsList if component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"] == "SECONDARY_NAMENODE"]
-    # Validating cardinality
-    for component in componentsList:
-      if component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"] is not None:
-         componentName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"]
-         componentDisplayName = component["StackServiceComponents"]["display_name"]
-         componentHosts = []
-         if component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] is not None:
-           componentHosts = [componentHost for componentHost in component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] if componentHost in hostsSet]
-         componentHostsCount = len(componentHosts)
-         cardinality = str(component["StackServiceComponents"]["cardinality"])
-         # cardinality types: null, 1+, 1-2, 1, ALL
-         message = None
-         if "+" in cardinality:
-           hostsMin = int(cardinality[:-1])
-           if componentHostsCount < hostsMin:
-             message = "At least {0} {1} components should be installed in cluster.".format(hostsMin, componentDisplayName)
-         elif "-" in cardinality:
-           nums = cardinality.split("-")
-           hostsMin = int(nums[0])
-           hostsMax = int(nums[1])
-           if componentHostsCount > hostsMax or componentHostsCount < hostsMin:
-             message = "Between {0} and {1} {2} components should be installed in cluster.".format(hostsMin, hostsMax, componentDisplayName)
-         elif "ALL" == cardinality:
-           if componentHostsCount != hostsCount:
-             message = "{0} component should be installed on all hosts in cluster.".format(componentDisplayName)
-         else:
-           if componentHostsCount != int(cardinality):
-             message = "Exactly {0} {1} components should be installed in cluster.".format(int(cardinality), componentDisplayName)
-         if message is not None:
-           items.append({"type": 'host-component', "level": 'ERROR', "message": message, "component-name": componentName})
-    # Validating host-usage
-    usedHostsListList = [component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] for component in componentsList if not self.isComponentNotValuable(component)]
-    usedHostsList = [item for sublist in usedHostsListList for item in sublist]
-    nonUsedHostsList = [item for item in hostsSet if item not in usedHostsList]
-    for host in nonUsedHostsList:
-      items.append( { "type": 'host-component', "level": 'ERROR', "message": 'Host is not used', "host": str(host) } )
-    return items
-  def getServiceConfigurationRecommenderDict(self):
-    return {
-      "YARN": self.recommendYARNConfigurations,
-      "MAPREDUCE2": self.recommendMapReduce2Configurations,
-      "HDFS": self.recommendHDFSConfigurations,
-      "HBASE": self.recommendHbaseConfigurations,
-      "STORM": self.recommendStormConfigurations,
-      "AMBARI_METRICS": self.recommendAmsConfigurations,
-      "RANGER": self.recommendRangerConfigurations
-    }
-  def recommendYARNConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
-    putYarnProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "yarn-site", services)
-    putYarnPropertyAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "yarn-site")
-    putYarnEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "yarn-env", services)
-    nodemanagerMinRam = 1048576 # 1TB in mb
-    if "referenceNodeManagerHost" in clusterData:
-      nodemanagerMinRam = min(clusterData["referenceNodeManagerHost"]["total_mem"]/1024, nodemanagerMinRam)
-    putYarnProperty('yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb', int(round(min(clusterData['containers'] * clusterData['ramPerContainer'], nodemanagerMinRam))))
-    putYarnProperty('yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb', int(clusterData['ramPerContainer']))
-    putYarnProperty('yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb', int(configurations["yarn-site"]["properties"]["yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb"]))
-    putYarnEnvProperty('min_user_id', self.get_system_min_uid())
-    sc_queue_name = self.recommendYarnQueue(services, "yarn-env", "")
-    if sc_queue_name is not None:
-      putYarnEnvProperty("", sc_queue_name)
-    containerExecutorGroup = 'hadoop'
-    if 'cluster-env' in services['configurations'] and 'user_group' in services['configurations']['cluster-env']['properties']:
-      containerExecutorGroup = services['configurations']['cluster-env']['properties']['user_group']
-    putYarnProperty("", containerExecutorGroup)
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    if "TEZ" in servicesList:
-        ambari_user = self.getAmbariUser(services)
-        ambariHostName = socket.getfqdn()
-        putYarnProperty("yarn.timeline-service.http-authentication.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(ambari_user), ambariHostName)
-        putYarnProperty("yarn.timeline-service.http-authentication.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(ambari_user), "*")
-        old_ambari_user = self.getOldAmbariUser(services)
-        if old_ambari_user is not None:
-            putYarnPropertyAttribute("yarn.timeline-service.http-authentication.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(old_ambari_user), 'delete', 'true')
-            putYarnPropertyAttribute("yarn.timeline-service.http-authentication.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(old_ambari_user), 'delete', 'true')
-  def recommendMapReduce2Configurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
-    putMapredProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "mapred-site", services)
-    putMapredProperty('', int(clusterData['amMemory']))
-    putMapredProperty('', "-Xmx" + str(int(round(0.8 * clusterData['amMemory']))) + "m")
-    putMapredProperty('', clusterData['mapMemory'])
-    putMapredProperty('mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb', int(clusterData['reduceMemory']))
-    putMapredProperty('', "-Xmx" + str(int(round(0.8 * clusterData['mapMemory']))) + "m")
-    putMapredProperty('', "-Xmx" + str(int(round(0.8 * clusterData['reduceMemory']))) + "m")
-    putMapredProperty('', min(int(round(0.4 * clusterData['mapMemory'])), 1024))
-    mr_queue = self.recommendYarnQueue(services, "mapred-site", "mapreduce.job.queuename")
-    if mr_queue is not None:
-      putMapredProperty("mapreduce.job.queuename", mr_queue)
-  def getAmbariUser(self, services):
-    ambari_user = services['ambari-server-properties']['ambari-server.user']
-    if "cluster-env" in services["configurations"] \
-          and "ambari_principal_name" in services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"] \
-                and "security_enabled" in services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"] \
-                    and services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]["security_enabled"].lower() == "true":
-      ambari_user = services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]["ambari_principal_name"]
-      ambari_user = ambari_user.split('@')[0]
-    return ambari_user
-  def getOldAmbariUser(self, services):
-    ambari_user = None
-    if "cluster-env" in services["configurations"]:
-      if "security_enabled" in services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"] \
-              and services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]["security_enabled"].lower() == "true":
-         ambari_user = services['ambari-server-properties']['ambari-server.user']
-      elif "ambari_principal_name" in services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]:
-         ambari_user = services["configurations"]["cluster-env"]["properties"]["ambari_principal_name"]
-         ambari_user = ambari_user.split('@')[0]
-    return ambari_user
-  def recommendAmbariProxyUsersForHDFS(self, services, servicesList, putCoreSiteProperty, putCoreSitePropertyAttribute):
-      if "HDFS" in servicesList:
-          ambari_user = self.getAmbariUser(services)
-          ambariHostName = socket.getfqdn()
-          putCoreSiteProperty("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(ambari_user), ambariHostName)
-          putCoreSiteProperty("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(ambari_user), "*")
-          old_ambari_user = self.getOldAmbariUser(services)
-          if old_ambari_user is not None:
-            putCoreSitePropertyAttribute("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(old_ambari_user), 'delete', 'true')
-            putCoreSitePropertyAttribute("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(old_ambari_user), 'delete', 'true')
-  def recommendHadoopProxyUsers (self, configurations, services, hosts):
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    users = {}
-    if 'forced-configurations' not in services:
-      services["forced-configurations"] = []
-    if "HDFS" in servicesList:
-      hdfs_user = None
-      if "hadoop-env" in services["configurations"] and "hdfs_user" in services["configurations"]["hadoop-env"]["properties"]:
-        hdfs_user = services["configurations"]["hadoop-env"]["properties"]["hdfs_user"]
-        if not hdfs_user in users and hdfs_user is not None:
-          users[hdfs_user] = {"propertyHosts" : "*","propertyGroups" : "*", "config" : "hadoop-env", "propertyName" : "hdfs_user"}
-    if "OOZIE" in servicesList:
-      oozie_user = None
-      if "oozie-env" in services["configurations"] and "oozie_user" in services["configurations"]["oozie-env"]["properties"]:
-        oozie_user = services["configurations"]["oozie-env"]["properties"]["oozie_user"]
-        oozieServerrHosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("OOZIE", "OOZIE_SERVER", services, hosts)
-        if oozieServerrHosts is not None:
-          oozieServerHostsNameList = []
-          for oozieServerHost in oozieServerrHosts:
-            oozieServerHostsNameList.append(oozieServerHost["Hosts"]["host_name"])
-          oozieServerHostsNames = ",".join(oozieServerHostsNameList)
-          if not oozie_user in users and oozie_user is not None:
-            users[oozie_user] = {"propertyHosts" : oozieServerHostsNames,"propertyGroups" : "*", "config" : "oozie-env", "propertyName" : "oozie_user"}
-    hive_user = None
-    if "HIVE" in servicesList:
-      webhcat_user = None
-      if "hive-env" in services["configurations"] and "hive_user" in services["configurations"]["hive-env"]["properties"] \
-              and "webhcat_user" in services["configurations"]["hive-env"]["properties"]:
-        hive_user = services["configurations"]["hive-env"]["properties"]["hive_user"]
-        webhcat_user = services["configurations"]["hive-env"]["properties"]["webhcat_user"]
-        hiveServerHosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("HIVE", "HIVE_SERVER", services, hosts)
-        hiveServerInteractiveHosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("HIVE", "HIVE_SERVER_INTERACTIVE", services, hosts)
-        webHcatServerHosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("HIVE", "WEBHCAT_SERVER", services, hosts)
-        if hiveServerHosts is not None:
-          hiveServerHostsNameList = []
-          for hiveServerHost in hiveServerHosts:
-            hiveServerHostsNameList.append(hiveServerHost["Hosts"]["host_name"])
-          # Append Hive Server Interactive host as well, as it is Hive2/HiveServer2 component.
-          if hiveServerInteractiveHosts:
-            for hiveServerInteractiveHost in hiveServerInteractiveHosts:
-              hiveServerInteractiveHostName = hiveServerInteractiveHost["Hosts"]["host_name"]
-              if hiveServerInteractiveHostName not in hiveServerHostsNameList:
-                hiveServerHostsNameList.append(hiveServerInteractiveHostName)
-      "Appended (if not exiting), Hive Server Interactive Host : '{0}', to Hive Server Host List : '{1}'".format(hiveServerInteractiveHostName, hiveServerHostsNameList))
-          hiveServerHostsNames = ",".join(hiveServerHostsNameList)  # includes Hive Server interactive host also.
-"Hive Server and Hive Server Interactive (if enabled) Host List : {0}".format(hiveServerHostsNameList))
-          if not hive_user in users and hive_user is not None:
-            users[hive_user] = {"propertyHosts" : hiveServerHostsNames,"propertyGroups" : "*", "config" : "hive-env", "propertyName" : "hive_user"}
-        if webHcatServerHosts is not None:
-          webHcatServerHostsNameList = []
-          for webHcatServerHost in webHcatServerHosts:
-            webHcatServerHostsNameList.append(webHcatServerHost["Hosts"]["host_name"])
-          webHcatServerHostsNames = ",".join(webHcatServerHostsNameList)
-          if not webhcat_user in users and webhcat_user is not None:
-            users[webhcat_user] = {"propertyHosts" : webHcatServerHostsNames,"propertyGroups" : "*", "config" : "hive-env", "propertyName" : "webhcat_user"}
-    if "YARN" in servicesList:
-      yarn_user = None
-      if "yarn-env" in services["configurations"] and "yarn_user" in services["configurations"]["yarn-env"]["properties"]:
-        yarn_user = services["configurations"]["yarn-env"]["properties"]["yarn_user"]
-        rmHosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("YARN", "RESOURCEMANAGER", services, hosts)
-        if len(rmHosts) > 1:
-          rmHostsNameList = []
-          for rmHost in rmHosts:
-            rmHostsNameList.append(rmHost["Hosts"]["host_name"])
-          rmHostsNames = ",".join(rmHostsNameList)
-          if not yarn_user in users and yarn_user is not None:
-            users[yarn_user] = {"propertyHosts" : rmHostsNames, "config" : "yarn-env", "propertyName" : "yarn_user"}
-    if "FALCON" in servicesList:
-      falconUser = None
-      if "falcon-env" in services["configurations"] and "falcon_user" in services["configurations"]["falcon-env"]["properties"]:
-        falconUser = services["configurations"]["falcon-env"]["properties"]["falcon_user"]
-        if not falconUser in users and falconUser is not None:
-          users[falconUser] = {"propertyHosts" : "*","propertyGroups" : "*", "config" : "falcon-env", "propertyName" : "falcon_user"}
-    if "SPARK" in servicesList:
-      livyUser = None
-      if "livy-env" in services["configurations"] and "livy_user" in services["configurations"]["livy-env"]["properties"]:
-        livyUser = services["configurations"]["livy-env"]["properties"]["livy_user"]
-        if not livyUser in users and livyUser is not None:
-          users[livyUser] = {"propertyHosts" : "*","propertyGroups" : "*", "config" : "livy-env", "propertyName" : "livy_user"}
-    putCoreSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "core-site", services)
-    putCoreSitePropertyAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "core-site")
-    for user_name, user_properties in users.iteritems():
-      if hive_user and hive_user == user_name:
-        if "propertyHosts" in user_properties:
-          services["forced-configurations"].append({"type" : "core-site", "name" : "hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(hive_user)})
-      # Add properties "hadoop.proxyuser.*.hosts", "hadoop.proxyuser.*.groups" to core-site for all users
-      putCoreSiteProperty("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(user_name) , user_properties["propertyHosts"])
-"Updated hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts as : {1}".format(hive_user, user_properties["propertyHosts"]))
-      if "propertyGroups" in user_properties:
-        putCoreSiteProperty("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(user_name) , user_properties["propertyGroups"])
-      # Remove old properties if user was renamed
-      userOldValue = getOldValue(self, services, user_properties["config"], user_properties["propertyName"])
-      if userOldValue is not None and userOldValue != user_name:
-        putCoreSitePropertyAttribute("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(userOldValue), 'delete', 'true')
-        services["forced-configurations"].append({"type" : "core-site", "name" : "hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(userOldValue)})
-        services["forced-configurations"].append({"type" : "core-site", "name" : "hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.hosts".format(user_name)})
-        if "propertyGroups" in user_properties:
-          putCoreSitePropertyAttribute("hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(userOldValue), 'delete', 'true')
-          services["forced-configurations"].append({"type" : "core-site", "name" : "hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(userOldValue)})
-          services["forced-configurations"].append({"type" : "core-site", "name" : "hadoop.proxyuser.{0}.groups".format(user_name)})
-    self.recommendAmbariProxyUsersForHDFS(services, servicesList, putCoreSiteProperty, putCoreSitePropertyAttribute)
-  def recommendHDFSConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
-    putHDFSProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hadoop-env", services)
-    putHDFSSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hdfs-site", services)
-    putHDFSSitePropertyAttributes = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "hdfs-site")
-    putHDFSProperty('namenode_heapsize', max(int(clusterData['totalAvailableRam'] / 2), 1024))
-    putHDFSProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hadoop-env", services)
-    putHDFSProperty('namenode_opt_newsize', max(int(clusterData['totalAvailableRam'] / 8), 128))
-    putHDFSProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hadoop-env", services)
-    putHDFSProperty('namenode_opt_maxnewsize', max(int(clusterData['totalAvailableRam'] / 8), 256))
-    # Check if NN HA is enabled and recommend removing dfs.namenode.rpc-address
-    hdfsSiteProperties = getServicesSiteProperties(services, "hdfs-site")
-    nameServices = None
-    if hdfsSiteProperties and 'dfs.internal.nameservices' in hdfsSiteProperties:
-      nameServices = hdfsSiteProperties['dfs.internal.nameservices']
-    if nameServices is None and hdfsSiteProperties and 'dfs.nameservices' in hdfsSiteProperties:
-      nameServices = hdfsSiteProperties['dfs.nameservices']
-    if nameServices and "dfs.ha.namenodes.%s" % nameServices in hdfsSiteProperties:
-      namenodes = hdfsSiteProperties["dfs.ha.namenodes.%s" % nameServices]
-      if len(namenodes.split(',')) > 1:
-        putHDFSSitePropertyAttributes("dfs.namenode.rpc-address", "delete", "true")
-    #Initialize default '' if needed
-    if (not hdfsSiteProperties) or ('' not in hdfsSiteProperties):
-      dataDirs = '/hadoop/hdfs/data'
-      putHDFSSiteProperty('', dataDirs)
-    else:
-      dataDirs = hdfsSiteProperties[''].split(",")
-    # dfs.datanode.du.reserved should be set to 10-15% of volume size
-    # For each host selects maximum size of the volume. Then gets minimum for all hosts.
-    # This ensures that each host will have at least one data dir with available space.
-    reservedSizeRecommendation = 0l #kBytes
-    for host in hosts["items"]:
-      mountPoints = []
-      mountPointDiskAvailableSpace = [] #kBytes
-      for diskInfo in host["Hosts"]["disk_info"]:
-        mountPoints.append(diskInfo["mountpoint"])
-        mountPointDiskAvailableSpace.append(long(diskInfo["size"]))
-      maxFreeVolumeSizeForHost = 0l #kBytes
-      for dataDir in dataDirs:
-        mp = getMountPointForDir(dataDir, mountPoints)
-        for i in range(len(mountPoints)):
-          if mp == mountPoints[i]:
-            if mountPointDiskAvailableSpace[i] > maxFreeVolumeSizeForHost:
-              maxFreeVolumeSizeForHost = mountPointDiskAvailableSpace[i]
-      if not reservedSizeRecommendation or maxFreeVolumeSizeForHost and maxFreeVolumeSizeForHost < reservedSizeRecommendation:
-        reservedSizeRecommendation = maxFreeVolumeSizeForHost
-    if reservedSizeRecommendation:
-      reservedSizeRecommendation = max(reservedSizeRecommendation * 1024 / 8, 1073741824) # At least 1Gb is reserved
-      putHDFSSiteProperty('dfs.datanode.du.reserved', reservedSizeRecommendation) #Bytes
-    # recommendations for "hadoop.proxyuser.*.hosts", "hadoop.proxyuser.*.groups" properties in core-site
-    self.recommendHadoopProxyUsers(configurations, services, hosts)
-  def recommendHbaseConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
-    # recommendations for HBase env config
-    # If cluster size is < 100, hbase master heap = 2G
-    # else If cluster size is < 500, hbase master heap = 4G
-    # else hbase master heap = 8G
-    # for small test clusters use 1 gb
-    hostsCount = 0
-    if hosts and "items" in hosts:
-      hostsCount = len(hosts["items"])
-    hbaseMasterRam = {
-      hostsCount < 20: 1,
-      20 <= hostsCount < 100: 2,
-      100 <= hostsCount < 500: 4,
-      500 <= hostsCount: 8
-    }[True]
-    putHbaseProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hbase-env", services)
-    putHbaseProperty('hbase_regionserver_heapsize', int(clusterData['hbaseRam']) * 1024)
-    putHbaseProperty('hbase_master_heapsize', hbaseMasterRam * 1024)
-    # recommendations for HBase site config
-    putHbaseSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "hbase-site", services)
-    if 'hbase-site' in services['configurations'] and 'hbase.superuser' in services['configurations']['hbase-site']['properties'] \
-      and 'hbase-env' in services['configurations'] and 'hbase_user' in services['configurations']['hbase-env']['properties'] \
-      and services['configurations']['hbase-env']['properties']['hbase_user'] != services['configurations']['hbase-site']['properties']['hbase.superuser']:
-      putHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.superuser", services['configurations']['hbase-env']['properties']['hbase_user'])
-  def recommendRangerConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
-    putRangerAdminProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "admin-properties", services)
-    # Build policymgr_external_url
-    protocol = 'http'
-    ranger_admin_host = 'localhost'
-    port = '6080'
-    # Check if http is disabled. For HDP-2.3 this can be checked in ranger-admin-site/ranger.service.http.enabled
-    # For Ranger-0.4.0 this can be checked in ranger-site/http.enabled
-    if ('ranger-site' in services['configurations'] and 'http.enabled' in services['configurations']['ranger-site']['properties'] \
-      and services['configurations']['ranger-site']['properties']['http.enabled'].lower() == 'false') or \
-      ('ranger-admin-site' in services['configurations'] and 'ranger.service.http.enabled' in services['configurations']['ranger-admin-site']['properties'] \
-      and services['configurations']['ranger-admin-site']['properties']['ranger.service.http.enabled'].lower() == 'false'):
-      # HTTPS protocol is used
-      protocol = 'https'
-      # Starting Ranger- port stored in ranger-admin-site ranger.service.https.port
-      if 'ranger-admin-site' in services['configurations'] and \
-          'ranger.service.https.port' in services['configurations']['ranger-admin-site']['properties']:
-        port = services['configurations']['ranger-admin-site']['properties']['ranger.service.https.port']
-      # In Ranger-0.4.0 port stored in ranger-site https.service.port
-      elif 'ranger-site' in services['configurations'] and \
-          'https.service.port' in services['configurations']['ranger-site']['properties']:
-        port = services['configurations']['ranger-site']['properties']['https.service.port']
-    else:
-      # HTTP protocol is used
-      # Starting Ranger- port stored in ranger-admin-site ranger.service.http.port
-      if 'ranger-admin-site' in services['configurations'] and \
-          'ranger.service.http.port' in services['configurations']['ranger-admin-site']['properties']:
-        port = services['configurations']['ranger-admin-site']['properties']['ranger.service.http.port']
-      # In Ranger-0.4.0 port stored in ranger-site http.service.port
-      elif 'ranger-site' in services['configurations'] and \
-          'http.service.port' in services['configurations']['ranger-site']['properties']:
-        port = services['configurations']['ranger-site']['properties']['http.service.port']
-    ranger_admin_hosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "RANGER", "RANGER_ADMIN")
-    if ranger_admin_hosts:
-      if len(ranger_admin_hosts) > 1 \
-        and services['configurations'] \
-        and 'admin-properties' in services['configurations'] and 'policymgr_external_url' in services['configurations']['admin-properties']['properties'] \
-        and services['configurations']['admin-properties']['properties']['policymgr_external_url'] \
-        and services['configurations']['admin-properties']['properties']['policymgr_external_url'].strip():
-        # in case of HA deployment keep the policymgr_external_url specified in the config
-        policymgr_external_url = services['configurations']['admin-properties']['properties']['policymgr_external_url']
-      else:
-        ranger_admin_host = ranger_admin_hosts[0]
-        policymgr_external_url = "%s://%s:%s" % (protocol, ranger_admin_host, port)
-      putRangerAdminProperty('policymgr_external_url', policymgr_external_url)
-    rangerServiceVersion = [service['StackServices']['service_version'] for service in services["services"] if service['StackServices']['service_name'] == 'RANGER'][0]
-    if rangerServiceVersion == '0.4.0':
-      # Recommend ldap settings based on configuration
-      # If 'ambari.ldap.isConfigured' == true
-      # For Ranger version 0.4.0
-      if 'ambari-server-properties' in services and \
-      'ambari.ldap.isConfigured' in services['ambari-server-properties'] and \
-        services['ambari-server-properties']['ambari.ldap.isConfigured'].lower() == "true":
-        putUserSyncProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "usersync-properties", services)
-        serverProperties = services['ambari-server-properties']
-        if 'authentication.ldap.managerDn' in serverProperties:
-          putUserSyncProperty('SYNC_LDAP_BIND_DN', serverProperties['authentication.ldap.managerDn'])
-        if 'authentication.ldap.primaryUrl' in serverProperties:
-          ldap_protocol =  'ldap://'
-          if 'authentication.ldap.useSSL' in serverProperties and serverProperties['authentication.ldap.useSSL'] == 'true':
-            ldap_protocol =  'ldaps://'
-          ldapUrl = ldap_protocol + serverProperties['authentication.ldap.primaryUrl'] if serverProperties['authentication.ldap.primaryUrl'] else serverProperties['authentication.ldap.primaryUrl']
-          putUserSyncProperty('SYNC_LDAP_URL', ldapUrl)
-        if 'authentication.ldap.userObjectClass' in serverProperties:
-          putUserSyncProperty('SYNC_LDAP_USER_OBJECT_CLASS', serverProperties['authentication.ldap.userObjectClass'])
-        if 'authentication.ldap.usernameAttribute' in serverProperties:
-          putUserSyncProperty('SYNC_LDAP_USER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE', serverProperties['authentication.ldap.usernameAttribute'])
-      # Set Ranger Admin Authentication method
-      if 'admin-properties' in services['configurations'] and 'usersync-properties' in services['configurations'] and \
-          'SYNC_SOURCE' in services['configurations']['usersync-properties']['properties']:
-        rangerUserSyncSource = services['configurations']['usersync-properties']['properties']['SYNC_SOURCE']
-        authenticationMethod = rangerUserSyncSource.upper()
-        if authenticationMethod != 'FILE':
-          putRangerAdminProperty('authentication_method', authenticationMethod)
-      # Recommend xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.dir
-      # For Ranger version 0.4.0
-      servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-      putRangerEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "ranger-env", services)
-      include_hdfs = "HDFS" in servicesList
-      if include_hdfs:
-        if 'core-site' in services['configurations'] and ('fs.defaultFS' in services['configurations']['core-site']['properties']):
-          default_fs = services['configurations']['core-site']['properties']['fs.defaultFS']
-          default_fs += '/ranger/audit/%app-type%/%time:yyyyMMdd%'
-          putRangerEnvProperty('xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.dir', default_fs)
-      # Recommend Ranger Audit properties for ranger supported services
-      # For Ranger version 0.4.0
-      ranger_services = [
-        {'service_name': 'HDFS', 'audit_file': 'ranger-hdfs-plugin-properties'},
-        {'service_name': 'HBASE', 'audit_file': 'ranger-hbase-plugin-properties'},
-        {'service_name': 'HIVE', 'audit_file': 'ranger-hive-plugin-properties'},
-        {'service_name': 'KNOX', 'audit_file': 'ranger-knox-plugin-properties'},
-        {'service_name': 'STORM', 'audit_file': 'ranger-storm-plugin-properties'}
-      ]
-      for item in range(len(ranger_services)):
-        if ranger_services[item]['service_name'] in servicesList:
-          component_audit_file =  ranger_services[item]['audit_file']
-          if component_audit_file in services["configurations"]:
-            ranger_audit_dict = [
-              {'filename': 'ranger-env', 'configname': 'xasecure.audit.destination.db', 'target_configname': 'XAAUDIT.DB.IS_ENABLED'},
-              {'filename': 'ranger-env', 'configname': 'xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs', 'target_configname': 'XAAUDIT.HDFS.IS_ENABLED'},
-              {'filename': 'ranger-env', 'configname': 'xasecure.audit.destination.hdfs.dir', 'target_configname': 'XAAUDIT.HDFS.DESTINATION_DIRECTORY'}
-            ]
-            putRangerAuditProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, component_audit_file, services)
-            for item in ranger_audit_dict:
-              if item['filename'] in services["configurations"] and item['configname'] in  services["configurations"][item['filename']]["properties"]:
-                if item['filename'] in configurations and item['configname'] in  configurations[item['filename']]["properties"]:
-                  rangerAuditProperty = configurations[item['filename']]["properties"][item['configname']]
-                else:
-                  rangerAuditProperty = services["configurations"][item['filename']]["properties"][item['configname']]
-                putRangerAuditProperty(item['target_configname'], rangerAuditProperty)
-  def getAmsMemoryRecommendation(self, services, hosts):
-    # MB per sink in hbase heapsize
-    schMemoryMap = {
-      "HDFS": {
-      },
-      "YARN": {
-      },
-      "HBASE": {
-      },
-      "ACCUMULO": {
-      },
-      "KAFKA": {
-      },
-      "FLUME": {
-      },
-      "STORM": {
-      },
-      "AMBARI_METRICS": {
-      }
-    }
-    total_sinks_count = 0
-    # minimum heap size
-    hbase_heapsize = 500
-    for serviceName, componentsDict in schMemoryMap.items():
-      for componentName, multiplier in componentsDict.items():
-        schCount = len(
-          self.getHostsWithComponent(serviceName, componentName, services,
-                                     hosts))
-        hbase_heapsize += int((schCount * multiplier) ** 0.9)
-        total_sinks_count += schCount
-    collector_heapsize = int(hbase_heapsize/4 if hbase_heapsize > 2048 else 512)
-    return round_to_n(collector_heapsize), round_to_n(hbase_heapsize), total_sinks_count
-  def recommendStormConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
-    putStormSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "storm-site", services)
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    # Storm AMS integration
-    if 'AMBARI_METRICS' in servicesList:
-      putStormSiteProperty('metrics.reporter.register', 'org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.storm.StormTimelineMetricsReporter')
-  def recommendAmsConfigurations(self, configurations, clusterData, services, hosts):
-    putAmsEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "ams-env", services)
-    putAmsHbaseSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "ams-hbase-site", services)
-    putAmsSiteProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "ams-site", services)
-    putHbaseEnvProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "ams-hbase-env", services)
-    putGrafanaProperty = self.putProperty(configurations, "ams-grafana-env", services)
-    putGrafanaPropertyAttribute = self.putPropertyAttribute(configurations, "ams-grafana-env")
-    amsCollectorHosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "AMBARI_METRICS", "METRICS_COLLECTOR")
-    if 'cluster-env' in services['configurations'] and \
-        'metrics_collector_vip_host' in services['configurations']['cluster-env']['properties']:
-      metric_collector_host = services['configurations']['cluster-env']['properties']['metrics_collector_vip_host']
-    else:
-      metric_collector_host = 'localhost' if len(amsCollectorHosts) == 0 else amsCollectorHosts[0]
-    putAmsSiteProperty("timeline.metrics.service.webapp.address", str(metric_collector_host) + ":6188")
-    log_dir = "/var/log/ambari-metrics-collector"
-    if "ams-env" in services["configurations"]:
-      if "metrics_collector_log_dir" in services["configurations"]["ams-env"]["properties"]:
-        log_dir = services["configurations"]["ams-env"]["properties"]["metrics_collector_log_dir"]
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("hbase_log_dir", log_dir)
-    defaultFs = 'file:///'
-    if "core-site" in services["configurations"] and \
-      "fs.defaultFS" in services["configurations"]["core-site"]["properties"]:
-      defaultFs = services["configurations"]["core-site"]["properties"]["fs.defaultFS"]
-    operatingMode = "embedded"
-    if "ams-site" in services["configurations"]:
-      if "timeline.metrics.service.operation.mode" in services["configurations"]["ams-site"]["properties"]:
-        operatingMode = services["configurations"]["ams-site"]["properties"]["timeline.metrics.service.operation.mode"]
-    if operatingMode == "distributed":
-      putAmsSiteProperty("timeline.metrics.service.watcher.disabled", 'true')
-      putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.cluster.distributed", 'true')
-    else:
-      putAmsSiteProperty("timeline.metrics.service.watcher.disabled", 'false')
-      putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.cluster.distributed", 'false')
-    rootDir = "file:///var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase"
-    tmpDir = "/var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase-tmp"
-    zk_port_default = []
-    if "ams-hbase-site" in services["configurations"]:
-      if "hbase.rootdir" in services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"]:
-        rootDir = services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"]["hbase.rootdir"]
-      if "hbase.tmp.dir" in services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"]:
-        tmpDir = services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"]["hbase.tmp.dir"]
-      if "" in services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"]:
-        zk_port_default = services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"][""]
-      # Skip recommendation item if default value is present
-    if operatingMode == "distributed" and not "{{zookeeper_clientPort}}" in zk_port_default:
-      zkPort = self.getZKPort(services)
-      putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("", zkPort)
-    elif operatingMode == "embedded" and not "{{zookeeper_clientPort}}" in zk_port_default:
-      putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("", "61181")
-    mountpoints = ["/"]
-    for collectorHostName in amsCollectorHosts:
-      for host in hosts["items"]:
-        if host["Hosts"]["host_name"] == collectorHostName:
-          mountpoints = self.getPreferredMountPoints(host["Hosts"])
-          break
-    isLocalRootDir = rootDir.startswith("file://") or (defaultFs.startswith("file://") and rootDir.startswith("/"))
-    if isLocalRootDir:
-      rootDir = re.sub("^file:///|/", "", rootDir, count=1)
-      rootDir = "file://" + os.path.join(mountpoints[0], rootDir)
-    tmpDir = re.sub("^file:///|/", "", tmpDir, count=1)
-    if len(mountpoints) > 1 and isLocalRootDir:
-      tmpDir = os.path.join(mountpoints[1], tmpDir)
-    else:
-      tmpDir = os.path.join(mountpoints[0], tmpDir)
-    putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.tmp.dir", tmpDir)
-    if operatingMode == "distributed":
-      putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.rootdir", defaultFs + "/user/ams/hbase")
-    if operatingMode == "embedded":
-      if isLocalRootDir:
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.rootdir", rootDir)
-      else:
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.rootdir", "file:///var/lib/ambari-metrics-collector/hbase")
-    collector_heapsize, hbase_heapsize, total_sinks_count = self.getAmsMemoryRecommendation(services, hosts)
-    putAmsEnvProperty("metrics_collector_heapsize", collector_heapsize)
-    # blockCache = 0.3, memstore = 0.35, phoenix-server = 0.15, phoenix-client = 0.25
-    putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hfile.block.cache.size", 0.3)
-    putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size", 134217728)
-    putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("", 0.35)
-    putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("", 0.3)
-    if len(amsCollectorHosts) > 1:
-      pass
-    else:
-      # blockCache = 0.3, memstore = 0.3, phoenix-server = 0.2, phoenix-client = 0.3
-      if total_sinks_count >= 2000:
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.regionserver.handler.count", 60)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.regionserver.hlog.blocksize", 134217728)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.regionserver.maxlogs", 64)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size", 268435456)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("", 0.3)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("", 0.25)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("phoenix.query.maxGlobalMemoryPercentage", 20)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("phoenix.coprocessor.maxMetaDataCacheSize", 81920000)
-        putAmsSiteProperty("phoenix.query.maxGlobalMemoryPercentage", 30)
-        putAmsSiteProperty("timeline.metrics.service.resultset.fetchSize", 10000)
-      elif total_sinks_count >= 500:
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.regionserver.handler.count", 60)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.regionserver.hlog.blocksize", 134217728)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.regionserver.maxlogs", 64)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size", 268435456)
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("phoenix.coprocessor.maxMetaDataCacheSize", 40960000)
-        putAmsSiteProperty("timeline.metrics.service.resultset.fetchSize", 5000)
-      else:
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("phoenix.coprocessor.maxMetaDataCacheSize", 20480000)
-      pass
-    metrics_api_handlers = min(50, max(20, int(total_sinks_count / 100)))
-    putAmsSiteProperty("timeline.metrics.service.handler.thread.count", metrics_api_handlers)
-    # Distributed mode heap size
-    if operatingMode == "distributed":
-      hbase_heapsize = max(hbase_heapsize, 768)
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("hbase_master_heapsize", "512")
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("hbase_master_xmn_size", "102") #20% of 512 heap size
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("hbase_regionserver_heapsize", hbase_heapsize)
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("regionserver_xmn_size", round_to_n(0.15*hbase_heapsize,64))
-    else:
-      # Embedded mode heap size : master + regionserver
-      hbase_rs_heapsize = 768
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("hbase_regionserver_heapsize", hbase_rs_heapsize)
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("hbase_master_heapsize", hbase_heapsize)
-      putHbaseEnvProperty("hbase_master_xmn_size", round_to_n(0.15*(hbase_heapsize+hbase_rs_heapsize),64))
-    # If no local DN in distributed mode
-    if operatingMode == "distributed":
-      dn_hosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "HDFS", "DATANODE")
-      # call by Kerberos wizard sends only the service being affected
-      # so it is possible for dn_hosts to be None but not amsCollectorHosts
-      if dn_hosts and len(dn_hosts) > 0:
-        if set(amsCollectorHosts).intersection(dn_hosts):
-          collector_cohosted_with_dn = "true"
-        else:
-          collector_cohosted_with_dn = "false"
-        putAmsHbaseSiteProperty("", collector_cohosted_with_dn)
-    #split points
-    scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    metricsDir = os.path.join(scriptDir, '../../../../common-services/AMBARI_METRICS/0.1.0/package')
-    serviceMetricsDir = os.path.join(metricsDir, 'files', 'service-metrics')
-    sys.path.append(os.path.join(metricsDir, 'scripts'))
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    from split_points import FindSplitPointsForAMSRegions
-    ams_hbase_site = None
-    ams_hbase_env = None
-    # Overriden properties form the UI
-    if "ams-hbase-site" in services["configurations"]:
-      ams_hbase_site = services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"]
-    if "ams-hbase-env" in services["configurations"]:
-       ams_hbase_env = services["configurations"]["ams-hbase-env"]["properties"]
-    # Recommendations
-    if not ams_hbase_site:
-      ams_hbase_site = configurations["ams-hbase-site"]["properties"]
-    if not ams_hbase_env:
-      ams_hbase_env = configurations["ams-hbase-env"]["properties"]
-    split_point_finder = FindSplitPointsForAMSRegions(
-      ams_hbase_site, ams_hbase_env, serviceMetricsDir, operatingMode, servicesList)
-    result = split_point_finder.get_split_points()
-    precision_splits = ' '
-    aggregate_splits = ' '
-    if result.precision:
-      precision_splits = result.precision
-    if result.aggregate:
-      aggregate_splits = result.aggregate
-    putAmsSiteProperty("", ','.join(precision_splits))
-    putAmsSiteProperty("timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregate.splitpoints", ','.join(aggregate_splits))
-    component_grafana_exists = False
-    for service in services['services']:
-      if 'components' in service:
-        for component in service['components']:
-          if 'StackServiceComponents' in component:
-            # If Grafana is installed the hostnames would indicate its location
-            if 'METRICS_GRAFANA' in component['StackServiceComponents']['component_name'] and\
-              len(component['StackServiceComponents']['hostnames']) != 0:
-              component_grafana_exists = True
-              break
-    pass
-    if not component_grafana_exists:
-      putGrafanaPropertyAttribute("metrics_grafana_password", "visible", "false")
-    pass
-  def getHostNamesWithComponent(self, serviceName, componentName, services):
-    """
-    Returns the list of hostnames on which service component is installed
-    """
-    if services is not None and serviceName in [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]:
-      service = [serviceEntry for serviceEntry in services["services"] if serviceEntry["StackServices"]["service_name"] == serviceName][0]
-      components = [componentEntry for componentEntry in service["components"] if componentEntry["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"] == componentName]
-      if (len(components) > 0 and len(components[0]["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]) > 0):
-        componentHostnames = components[0]["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
-        return componentHostnames
-    return []
-  def getHostsWithComponent(self, serviceName, componentName, services, hosts):
-    if services is not None and hosts is not None and serviceName in [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]:
-      service = [serviceEntry for serviceEntry in services["services"] if serviceEntry["StackServices"]["service_name"] == serviceName][0]
-      components = [componentEntry for componentEntry in service["components"] if componentEntry["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"] == componentName]
-      if (len(components) > 0 and len(components[0]["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]) > 0):
-        componentHostnames = components[0]["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]
-        componentHosts = [host for host in hosts["items"] if host["Hosts"]["host_name"] in componentHostnames]
-        return componentHosts
-    return []
-  def getHostWithComponent(self, serviceName, componentName, services, hosts):
-    componentHosts = self.getHostsWithComponent(serviceName, componentName, services, hosts)
-    if (len(componentHosts) > 0):
-      return componentHosts[0]
-    return None
-  def getHostComponentsByCategories(self, hostname, categories, services, hosts):
-    components = []
-    if services is not None and hosts is not None:
-      for service in services["services"]:
-          components.extend([componentEntry for componentEntry in service["components"]
-                              if componentEntry["StackServiceComponents"]["component_category"] in categories
-                              and hostname in componentEntry["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]])
-    return components
-  def getZKHostPortString(self, services, include_port=True):
-    """
-    Returns the comma delimited string of zookeeper server host with the configure port installed in a cluster
-    Example:,,
-    include_port boolean param -> If port is also needed.
-    """
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    include_zookeeper = "ZOOKEEPER" in servicesList
-    zookeeper_host_port = ''
-    if include_zookeeper:
-      zookeeper_hosts = self.getHostNamesWithComponent("ZOOKEEPER", "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER", services)
-      zookeeper_host_port_arr = []
-      if include_port:
-        zookeeper_port = self.getZKPort(services)
-        for i in range(len(zookeeper_hosts)):
-          zookeeper_host_port_arr.append(zookeeper_hosts[i] + ':' + zookeeper_port)
-      else:
-        for i in range(len(zookeeper_hosts)):
-          zookeeper_host_port_arr.append(zookeeper_hosts[i])
-      zookeeper_host_port = ",".join(zookeeper_host_port_arr)
-    return zookeeper_host_port
-  def getZKPort(self, services):
-    zookeeper_port = '2181'     #default port
-    if 'zoo.cfg' in services['configurations'] and ('clientPort' in services['configurations']['zoo.cfg']['properties']):
-      zookeeper_port = services['configurations']['zoo.cfg']['properties']['clientPort']
-    return zookeeper_port
-  def getConfigurationClusterSummary(self, servicesList, hosts, components, services):
-    hBaseInstalled = False
-    if 'HBASE' in servicesList:
-      hBaseInstalled = True
-    cluster = {
-      "cpu": 0,
-      "disk": 0,
-      "ram": 0,
-      "hBaseInstalled": hBaseInstalled,
-      "components": components
-    }
-    if len(hosts["items"]) > 0:
-      nodeManagerHosts = self.getHostsWithComponent("YARN", "NODEMANAGER", services, hosts)
-      # NodeManager host with least memory is generally used in calculations as it will work in larger hosts.
-      if nodeManagerHosts is not None and len(nodeManagerHosts) > 0:
-        nodeManagerHost = nodeManagerHosts[0];
-        for nmHost in nodeManagerHosts:
-          if nmHost["Hosts"]["total_mem"] < nodeManagerHost["Hosts"]["total_mem"]:
-            nodeManagerHost = nmHost
-        host = nodeManagerHost["Hosts"]
-        cluster["referenceNodeManagerHost"] = host
-      else:
-        host = hosts["items"][0]["Hosts"]
-      cluster["referenceHost"] = host
-      cluster["cpu"] = host["cpu_count"]
-      cluster["disk"] = len(host["disk_info"])
-      cluster["ram"] = int(host["total_mem"] / (1024 * 1024))
-    ramRecommendations = [
-      {"os":1, "hbase":1},
-      {"os":2, "hbase":1},
-      {"os":2, "hbase":2},
-      {"os":4, "hbase":4},
-      {"os":6, "hbase":8},
-      {"os":8, "hbase":8},
-      {"os":8, "hbase":8},
-      {"os":12, "hbase":16},
-      {"os":24, "hbase":24},
-      {"os":32, "hbase":32},
-      {"os":64, "hbase":32}
-    ]
-    index = {
-      cluster["ram"] <= 4: 0,
-      4 < cluster["ram"] <= 8: 1,
-      8 < cluster["ram"] <= 16: 2,
-      16 < cluster["ram"] <= 24: 3,
-      24 < cluster["ram"] <= 48: 4,
-      48 < cluster["ram"] <= 64: 5,
-      64 < cluster["ram"] <= 72: 6,
-      72 < cluster["ram"] <= 96: 7,
-      96 < cluster["ram"] <= 128: 8,
-      128 < cluster["ram"] <= 256: 9,
-      256 < cluster["ram"]: 10
-    }[1]
-    cluster["reservedRam"] = ramRecommendations[index]["os"]
-    cluster["hbaseRam"] = ramRecommendations[index]["hbase"]
-    cluster["minContainerSize"] = {
-      cluster["ram"] <= 4: 256,
-      4 < cluster["ram"] <= 8: 512,
-      8 < cluster["ram"] <= 24: 1024,
-      24 < cluster["ram"]: 2048
-    }[1]
-    totalAvailableRam = cluster["ram"] - cluster["reservedRam"]
-    if cluster["hBaseInstalled"]:
-      totalAvailableRam -= cluster["hbaseRam"]
-    cluster["totalAvailableRam"] = max(512, totalAvailableRam * 1024)
-    '''containers = max(3, min (2*cores,min (1.8*DISKS,(Total available RAM) / MIN_CONTAINER_SIZE))))'''
-    cluster["containers"] = round(max(3,
-                                min(2 * cluster["cpu"],
-                                    min(ceil(1.8 * cluster["disk"]),
-                                            cluster["totalAvailableRam"] / cluster["minContainerSize"]))))
-    '''ramPerContainers = max(2GB, RAM - reservedRam - hBaseRam) / containers'''
-    cluster["ramPerContainer"] = abs(cluster["totalAvailableRam"] / cluster["containers"])
-    '''If greater than 1GB, value will be in multiples of 512.'''
-    if cluster["ramPerContainer"] > 1024:
-      cluster["ramPerContainer"] = int(cluster["ramPerContainer"] / 512) * 512
-    cluster["mapMemory"] = int(cluster["ramPerContainer"])
-    cluster["reduceMemory"] = cluster["ramPerContainer"]
-    cluster["amMemory"] = max(cluster["mapMemory"], cluster["reduceMemory"])
-    return cluster
-  def getServiceConfigurationValidators(self):
-    return {
-      "HDFS": { "hdfs-site": self.validateHDFSConfigurations,
-                "hadoop-env": self.validateHDFSConfigurationsEnv},
-      "MAPREDUCE2": {"mapred-site": self.validateMapReduce2Configurations},
-      "YARN": {"yarn-site": self.validateYARNConfigurations,
-               "yarn-env": self.validateYARNEnvConfigurations},
-      "HBASE": {"hbase-env": self.validateHbaseEnvConfigurations},
-      "STORM": {"storm-site": self.validateStormConfigurations},
-      "AMBARI_METRICS": {"ams-hbase-site": self.validateAmsHbaseSiteConfigurations,
-              "ams-hbase-env": self.validateAmsHbaseEnvConfigurations,
-              "ams-site": self.validateAmsSiteConfigurations}
-    }
-  def validateMinMax(self, items, recommendedDefaults, configurations):
-    # required for casting to the proper numeric type before comparison
-    def convertToNumber(number):
-      try:
-        return int(number)
-      except ValueError:
-        return float(number)
-    for configName in configurations:
-      validationItems = []
-      if configName in recommendedDefaults and "property_attributes" in recommendedDefaults[configName]:
-        for propertyName in recommendedDefaults[configName]["property_attributes"]:
-          if propertyName in configurations[configName]["properties"]:
-            if "maximum" in recommendedDefaults[configName]["property_attributes"][propertyName] and \
-                propertyName in recommendedDefaults[configName]["properties"]:
-              userValue = convertToNumber(configurations[configName]["properties"][propertyName])
-              maxValue = convertToNumber(recommendedDefaults[configName]["property_attributes"][propertyName]["maximum"])
-              if userValue > maxValue:
-                validationItems.extend([{"config-name": propertyName, "item": self.getWarnItem("Value is greater than the recommended maximum of {0} ".format(maxValue))}])
-            if "minimum" in recommendedDefaults[configName]["property_attributes"][propertyName] and \
-                    propertyName in recommendedDefaults[configName]["properties"]:
-              userValue = convertToNumber(configurations[configName]["properties"][propertyName])
-              minValue = convertToNumber(recommendedDefaults[configName]["property_attributes"][propertyName]["minimum"])
-              if userValue < minValue:
-                validationItems.extend([{"config-name": propertyName, "item": self.getWarnItem("Value is less than the recommended minimum of {0} ".format(minValue))}])
-      items.extend(self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, configName))
-    pass
-  def validateAmsSiteConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    validationItems = []
-    op_mode = properties.get("timeline.metrics.service.operation.mode")
-    correct_op_mode_item = None
-    if op_mode not in ("embedded", "distributed"):
-      correct_op_mode_item = self.getErrorItem("Correct value should be set.")
-      pass
-    validationItems.extend([{"config-name":'timeline.metrics.service.operation.mode', "item": correct_op_mode_item }])
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "ams-site")
-  def validateAmsHbaseSiteConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    amsCollectorHosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "AMBARI_METRICS", "METRICS_COLLECTOR")
-    ams_site = getSiteProperties(configurations, "ams-site")
-    core_site = getSiteProperties(configurations, "core-site")
-    collector_heapsize, hbase_heapsize, total_sinks_count = self.getAmsMemoryRecommendation(services, hosts)
-    recommendedDiskSpace = 10485760
-    # TODO validate configuration for multiple AMBARI_METRICS collectors
-    if len(amsCollectorHosts) > 1:
-      pass
-    else:
-      if total_sinks_count > 2000:
-        recommendedDiskSpace  = 104857600  # * 1k == 100 Gb
-      elif total_sinks_count > 500:
-        recommendedDiskSpace  = 52428800  # * 1k == 50 Gb
-      elif total_sinks_count > 250:
-        recommendedDiskSpace  = 20971520  # * 1k == 20 Gb
-    validationItems = []
-    rootdir_item = None
-    op_mode = ams_site.get("timeline.metrics.service.operation.mode")
-    default_fs = core_site.get("fs.defaultFS") if core_site else "file:///"
-    hbase_rootdir = properties.get("hbase.rootdir")
-    hbase_tmpdir = properties.get("hbase.tmp.dir")
-    distributed = properties.get("hbase.cluster.distributed")
-    is_local_root_dir = hbase_rootdir.startswith("file://") or (default_fs.startswith("file://") and hbase_rootdir.startswith("/"))
-    if op_mode == "distributed" and is_local_root_dir:
-      rootdir_item = self.getWarnItem("In distributed mode hbase.rootdir should point to HDFS.")
-    elif op_mode == "embedded":
-      if distributed.lower() == "false" and hbase_rootdir.startswith('/') or hbase_rootdir.startswith("hdfs://"):
-        rootdir_item = self.getWarnItem("In embedded mode hbase.rootdir cannot point to schemaless values or HDFS, "
-                                        "Example - file:// for localFS")
-      pass
-    distributed_item = None
-    if op_mode == "distributed" and not distributed.lower() == "true":
-      distributed_item = self.getErrorItem("hbase.cluster.distributed property should be set to true for "
-                                           "distributed mode")
-    if op_mode == "embedded" and distributed.lower() == "true":
-      distributed_item = self.getErrorItem("hbase.cluster.distributed property should be set to false for embedded mode")
-    hbase_zk_client_port = properties.get("")
-    zkPort = self.getZKPort(services)
-    hbase_zk_client_port_item = None
-    if distributed.lower() == "true" and op_mode == "distributed" and \
-        hbase_zk_client_port != zkPort and hbase_zk_client_port != "{{zookeeper_clientPort}}":
-      hbase_zk_client_port_item = self.getErrorItem("In AMS distributed mode, "
-                                                    "should be the cluster zookeeper server port : {0}".format(zkPort))
-    if distributed.lower() == "false" and op_mode == "embedded" and \
-        hbase_zk_client_port == zkPort and hbase_zk_client_port != "{{zookeeper_clientPort}}":
-      hbase_zk_client_port_item = self.getErrorItem("In AMS embedded mode, "
-                                                    "should be a different port than cluster zookeeper port."
-                                                    "(default:61181)")
-    validationItems.extend([{"config-name":'hbase.rootdir', "item": rootdir_item },
-                            {"config-name":'hbase.cluster.distributed', "item": distributed_item },
-                            {"config-name":'', "item": hbase_zk_client_port_item }])
-    for collectorHostName in amsCollectorHosts:
-      for host in hosts["items"]:
-        if host["Hosts"]["host_name"] == collectorHostName:
-          if op_mode == 'embedded' or is_local_root_dir:
-            validationItems.extend([{"config-name": 'hbase.rootdir', "item": self.validatorEnoughDiskSpace(properties, 'hbase.rootdir', host["Hosts"], recommendedDiskSpace)}])
-            validationItems.extend([{"config-name": 'hbase.rootdir', "item": self.validatorNotRootFs(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'hbase.rootdir', host["Hosts"])}])
-            validationItems.extend([{"config-name": 'hbase.tmp.dir', "item": self.validatorNotRootFs(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'hbase.tmp.dir', host["Hosts"])}])
-          dn_hosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "HDFS", "DATANODE")
-          if is_local_root_dir:
-            mountPoints = []
-            for mountPoint in host["Hosts"]["disk_info"]:
-              mountPoints.append(mountPoint["mountpoint"])
-            hbase_rootdir_mountpoint = getMountPointForDir(hbase_rootdir, mountPoints)
-            hbase_tmpdir_mountpoint = getMountPointForDir(hbase_tmpdir, mountPoints)
-            preferred_mountpoints = self.getPreferredMountPoints(host['Hosts'])
-            # hbase.rootdir and hbase.tmp.dir shouldn't point to the same partition
-            # if multiple preferred_mountpoints exist
-            if hbase_rootdir_mountpoint == hbase_tmpdir_mountpoint and \
-              len(preferred_mountpoints) > 1:
-              item = self.getWarnItem("Consider not using {0} partition for storing metrics temporary data. "
-                                      "{0} partition is already used as hbase.rootdir to store metrics data".format(hbase_tmpdir_mountpoint))
-              validationItems.extend([{"config-name":'hbase.tmp.dir', "item": item}])
-            # if METRICS_COLLECTOR is co-hosted with DATANODE
-            # cross-check and hbase.rootdir
-            # they shouldn't share same disk partition IO
-            hdfs_site = getSiteProperties(configurations, "hdfs-site")
-            dfs_datadirs = hdfs_site.get("").split(",") if hdfs_site and "" in hdfs_site else []
-            if dn_hosts and collectorHostName in dn_hosts and ams_site and \
-              dfs_datadirs and len(preferred_mountpoints) > len(dfs_datadirs):
-              for dfs_datadir in dfs_datadirs:
-                dfs_datadir_mountpoint = getMountPointForDir(dfs_datadir, mountPoints)
-                if dfs_datadir_mountpoint == hbase_rootdir_mountpoint:
-                  item = self.getWarnItem("Consider not using {0} partition for storing metrics data. "
-                                          "{0} is already used by datanode to store HDFS data".format(hbase_rootdir_mountpoint))
-                  validationItems.extend([{"config-name": 'hbase.rootdir', "item": item}])
-                  break
-          # If no local DN in distributed mode
-          elif collectorHostName not in dn_hosts and distributed.lower() == "true":
-            item = self.getWarnItem("It's recommended to install Datanode component on {0} "
-                                    "to speed up IO operations between HDFS and Metrics "
-                                    "Collector in distributed mode ".format(collectorHostName))
-            validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "hbase.cluster.distributed", "item": item}])
-          # Short circuit read should be enabled in distibuted mode
-          # if local DN installed
-          else:
-            validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "", "item": self.validatorEqualsToRecommendedItem(properties, recommendedDefaults, "")}])
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "ams-hbase-site")
-  def validateStormConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    validationItems = []
-    servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    # Storm AMS integration
-    if 'AMBARI_METRICS' in servicesList and "metrics.reporter.register" in properties and \
-      "org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.storm.StormTimelineMetricsReporter" not in properties.get("metrics.reporter.register"):
-      validationItems.append({"config-name": 'metrics.reporter.register',
-                              "item": self.getWarnItem(
-                                "Should be set to org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.storm.StormTimelineMetricsReporter to report the metrics to Ambari Metrics service.")})
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "storm-site")
-  def validateAmsHbaseEnvConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    ams_env = getSiteProperties(configurations, "ams-env")
-    amsHbaseSite = getSiteProperties(configurations, "ams-hbase-site")
-    validationItems = []
-    mb = 1024 * 1024
-    gb = 1024 * mb
-    regionServerItem = self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, "hbase_regionserver_heapsize") ## FIXME if new service added
-    if regionServerItem:
-      validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "hbase_regionserver_heapsize", "item": regionServerItem}])
-    hbaseMasterHeapsizeItem = self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, "hbase_master_heapsize")
-    if hbaseMasterHeapsizeItem:
-      validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "hbase_master_heapsize", "item": hbaseMasterHeapsizeItem}])
-    logDirItem = self.validatorEqualsPropertyItem(properties, "hbase_log_dir", ams_env, "metrics_collector_log_dir")
-    if logDirItem:
-      validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "hbase_log_dir", "item": logDirItem}])
-    collector_heapsize = to_number(ams_env.get("metrics_collector_heapsize"))
-    hbase_master_heapsize = to_number(properties["hbase_master_heapsize"])
-    hbase_master_xmn_size = to_number(properties["hbase_master_xmn_size"])
-    hbase_regionserver_heapsize = to_number(properties["hbase_regionserver_heapsize"])
-    hbase_regionserver_xmn_size = to_number(properties["regionserver_xmn_size"])
-    # Validate Xmn settings.
-    masterXmnItem = None
-    regionServerXmnItem = None
-    is_hbase_distributed = amsHbaseSite.get("hbase.cluster.distributed").lower() == 'true'
-    if is_hbase_distributed:
-      minMasterXmn = 0.12 * hbase_master_heapsize
-      maxMasterXmn = 0.2 * hbase_master_heapsize
-      if hbase_master_xmn_size < minMasterXmn:
-        masterXmnItem = self.getWarnItem("Value is lesser than the recommended minimum Xmn size of {0} "
-                                         "(12% of hbase_master_heapsize)".format(int(ceil(minMasterXmn))))
-      if hbase_master_xmn_size > maxMasterXmn:
-        masterXmnItem = self.getWarnItem("Value is greater than the recommended maximum Xmn size of {0} "
-                                         "(20% of hbase_master_heapsize)".format(int(floor(maxMasterXmn))))
-      minRegionServerXmn = 0.12 * hbase_regionserver_heapsize
-      maxRegionServerXmn = 0.2 * hbase_regionserver_heapsize
-      if hbase_regionserver_xmn_size < minRegionServerXmn:
-        regionServerXmnItem = self.getWarnItem("Value is lesser than the recommended minimum Xmn size of {0} "
-                                               "(12% of hbase_regionserver_heapsize)"
-                                               .format(int(ceil(minRegionServerXmn))))
-      if hbase_regionserver_xmn_size > maxRegionServerXmn:
-        regionServerXmnItem = self.getWarnItem("Value is greater than the recommended maximum Xmn size of {0} "
-                                               "(20% of hbase_regionserver_heapsize)"
-                                               .format(int(floor(maxRegionServerXmn))))
-    else:
-      minMasterXmn = 0.12 * (hbase_master_heapsize + hbase_regionserver_heapsize)
-      maxMasterXmn = 0.2 *  (hbase_master_heapsize + hbase_regionserver_heapsize)
-      if hbase_master_xmn_size < minMasterXmn:
-        masterXmnItem = self.getWarnItem("Value is lesser than the recommended minimum Xmn size of {0} "
-                                         "(12% of hbase_master_heapsize + hbase_regionserver_heapsize)"
-                                         .format(int(ceil(minMasterXmn))))
-      if hbase_master_xmn_size > maxMasterXmn:
-        masterXmnItem = self.getWarnItem("Value is greater than the recommended maximum Xmn size of {0} "
-                                         "(20% of hbase_master_heapsize + hbase_regionserver_heapsize)"
-                                         .format(int(floor(maxMasterXmn))))
-    if masterXmnItem:
-      validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "hbase_master_xmn_size", "item": masterXmnItem}])
-    if regionServerXmnItem:
-      validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "regionserver_xmn_size", "item": regionServerXmnItem}])
-    if hbaseMasterHeapsizeItem is None:
-      hostMasterComponents = {}
-      for service in services["services"]:
-        for component in service["components"]:
-          if component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] is not None:
-            for hostName in component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]:
-              if self.isMasterComponent(component):
-                if hostName not in hostMasterComponents.keys():
-                  hostMasterComponents[hostName] = []
-                hostMasterComponents[hostName].append(component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"])
-      amsCollectorHosts = self.getComponentHostNames(services, "AMBARI_METRICS", "METRICS_COLLECTOR")
-      for collectorHostName in amsCollectorHosts:
-        for host in hosts["items"]:
-          if host["Hosts"]["host_name"] == collectorHostName:
-            # AMS Collector co-hosted with other master components in bigger clusters
-            if len(hosts['items']) > 31 and \
-                            len(hostMasterComponents[collectorHostName]) > 2 and \
-                            host["Hosts"]["total_mem"] < 32*mb: # < 32Gb(total_mem in k)
-              masterHostMessage = "Host {0} is used by multiple master components ({1}). " \
-                                  "It is recommended to use a separate host for the " \
-                                  "Ambari Metrics Collector component and ensure " \
-                                  "the host has sufficient memory available."
-              hbaseMasterHeapsizeItem = self.getWarnItem(masterHostMessage.format(
-                  collectorHostName, str(", ".join(hostMasterComponents[collectorHostName]))))
-              if hbaseMasterHeapsizeItem:
-                validationItems.extend([{"config-name": "hbase_master_heapsize", "item": hbaseMasterHeapsizeItem}])
-            # Check for unused RAM on AMS Collector node
-            hostComponents = []
-            for service in services["services"]:
-              for component in service["components"]:
-                if component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"] is not None:
-                  if collectorHostName in component["StackServiceComponents"]["hostnames"]:
-                    hostComponents.append(component["StackServiceComponents"]["component_name"])
-            requiredMemory = getMemorySizeRequired(hostComponents, configurations)
-            unusedMemory = host["Hosts"]["total_mem"] * 1024 - requiredMemory # in bytes
-            if unusedMemory > 4*gb:  # warn user, if more than 4GB RAM is unused
-              heapPropertyToIncrease = "hbase_regionserver_heapsize" if is_hbase_distributed else "hbase_master_heapsize"
-              xmnPropertyToIncrease = "regionserver_xmn_size" if is_hbase_distributed else "hbase_master_xmn_size"
-              recommended_collector_heapsize = int((unusedMemory - 4*gb)/5) + collector_heapsize*mb
-              recommended_hbase_heapsize = int((unusedMemory - 4*gb)*4/5) + to_number(properties.get(heapPropertyToIncrease))*mb
-              recommended_hbase_heapsize = min(32*gb, recommended_hbase_heapsize) #Make sure heapsize <= 32GB
-              recommended_xmn_size = round_to_n(0.12*recommended_hbase_heapsize/mb,128)
-              if collector_heapsize < recommended_collector_heapsize or \
-                  to_number(properties[heapPropertyToIncrease]) < recommended_hbase_heapsize:
-                collectorHeapsizeItem = self.getWarnItem("{0} MB RAM is unused on the host {1} based on components " \
-                                                         "assigned. Consider allocating  {2} MB to " \
-                                                         "metrics_collector_heapsize in ams-env, " \
-                                                         "{3} MB to {4} in ams-hbase-env"
-                                                         .format(unusedMemory/mb, collectorHostName,
-                                                                 recommended_collector_heapsize/mb,
-                                                                 recommended_hbase_heapsize/mb,
-                                                                 heapPropertyToIncrease))
-                validationItems.extend([{"config-name": heapPropertyToIncrease, "item": collectorHeapsizeItem}])
-              if to_number(properties[xmnPropertyToIncrease]) < recommended_hbase_heapsize:
-                xmnPropertyToIncreaseItem = self.getWarnItem("Consider allocating {0} MB to use up some unused memory "
-                                                             "on host".format(recommended_xmn_size))
-                validationItems.extend([{"config-name": xmnPropertyToIncrease, "item": xmnPropertyToIncreaseItem}])
-      pass
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "ams-hbase-env")
-  def getPreferredMountPoints(self, hostInfo):
-    # '/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/hostname', '/etc/hosts' are docker specific mount points
-    undesirableMountPoints = ["/", "/home", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/hosts",
-                              "/etc/hostname", "/tmp"]
-    undesirableFsTypes = ["devtmpfs", "tmpfs", "vboxsf", "CDFS"]
-    mountPoints = []
-    if hostInfo and "disk_info" in hostInfo:
-      mountPointsDict = {}
-      for mountpoint in hostInfo["disk_info"]:
-        if not (mountpoint["mountpoint"] in undesirableMountPoints or
-                mountpoint["mountpoint"].startswith(("/boot", "/mnt")) or
-                mountpoint["type"] in undesirableFsTypes or
-                mountpoint["available"] == str(0)):
-          mountPointsDict[mountpoint["mountpoint"]] = to_number(mountpoint["available"])
-      if mountPointsDict:
-        mountPoints = sorted(mountPointsDict, key=mountPointsDict.get, reverse=True)
-    mountPoints.append("/")
-    return mountPoints
-  def validatorNotRootFs(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, propertyName, hostInfo):
-    if not propertyName in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
-    dir = properties[propertyName]
-    if not dir.startswith("file://") or dir == recommendedDefaults.get(propertyName):
-      return None
-    dir = re.sub("^file://", "", dir, count=1)
-    mountPoints = []
-    for mountPoint in hostInfo["disk_info"]:
-      mountPoints.append(mountPoint["mountpoint"])
-    mountPoint = getMountPointForDir(dir, mountPoints)
-    if "/" == mountPoint and self.getPreferredMountPoints(hostInfo)[0] != mountPoint:
-      return self.getWarnItem("It is not recommended to use root partition for {0}".format(propertyName))
-    return None
-  def validatorEnoughDiskSpace(self, properties, propertyName, hostInfo, reqiuredDiskSpace):
-    if not propertyName in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
-    dir = properties[propertyName]
-    if not dir.startswith("file://"):
-      return None
-    dir = re.sub("^file://", "", dir, count=1)
-    mountPoints = {}
-    for mountPoint in hostInfo["disk_info"]:
-      mountPoints[mountPoint["mountpoint"]] = to_number(mountPoint["available"])
-    mountPoint = getMountPointForDir(dir, mountPoints.keys())
-    if not mountPoints:
-      return self.getErrorItem("No disk info found on host %s" % hostInfo["host_name"])
-    if mountPoints[mountPoint] < reqiuredDiskSpace:
-      msg = "Ambari Metrics disk space requirements not met. \n" \
-            "Recommended disk space for partition {0} is {1}G"
-      return self.getWarnItem(msg.format(mountPoint, reqiuredDiskSpace/1048576)) # in Gb
-    return None
-  def validatorLessThenDefaultValue(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, propertyName):
-    if propertyName not in recommendedDefaults:
-      # If a property name exists in say hbase-env and hbase-site (which is allowed), then it will exist in the
-      # "properties" dictionary, but not necessarily in the "recommendedDefaults" dictionary". In this case, ignore it.
-      return None
-    if not propertyName in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
-    value = to_number(properties[propertyName])
-    if value is None:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be integer")
-    defaultValue = to_number(recommendedDefaults[propertyName])
-    if defaultValue is None:
-      return None
-    if value < defaultValue:
-      return self.getWarnItem("Value is less than the recommended default of {0}".format(defaultValue))
-    return None
-  def validatorEqualsPropertyItem(self, properties1, propertyName1,
-                                  properties2, propertyName2,
-                                  emptyAllowed=False):
-    if not propertyName1 in properties1:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set for %s" % propertyName1)
-    if not propertyName2 in properties2:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set for %s" % propertyName2)
-    value1 = properties1.get(propertyName1)
-    if value1 is None and not emptyAllowed:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Empty value for %s" % propertyName1)
-    value2 = properties2.get(propertyName2)
-    if value2 is None and not emptyAllowed:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Empty value for %s" % propertyName2)
-    if value1 != value2:
-      return self.getWarnItem("It is recommended to set equal values "
-             "for properties {0} and {1}".format(propertyName1, propertyName2))
-    return None
-  def validatorEqualsToRecommendedItem(self, properties, recommendedDefaults,
-                                       propertyName):
-    if not propertyName in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set for %s" % propertyName)
-    value = properties.get(propertyName)
-    if not propertyName in recommendedDefaults:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be recommended for %s" % propertyName)
-    recommendedValue = recommendedDefaults.get(propertyName)
-    if value != recommendedValue:
-      return self.getWarnItem("It is recommended to set value {0} "
-             "for property {1}".format(recommendedValue, propertyName))
-    return None
-  def validateMinMemorySetting(self, properties, defaultValue, propertyName):
-    if not propertyName in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
-    if defaultValue is None:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Config's default value can't be null or undefined")
-    value = properties[propertyName]
-    if value is None:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value can't be null or undefined")
-    try:
-      valueInt = to_number(value)
-      # TODO: generify for other use cases
-      defaultValueInt = int(str(defaultValue).strip())
-      if valueInt < defaultValueInt:
-        return self.getWarnItem("Value is less than the minimum recommended default of -Xmx" + str(defaultValue))
-    except:
-      return None
-    return None
-  def validatorYarnQueue(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, propertyName, services):
-    if propertyName not in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
-    capacity_scheduler_properties, _ = self.getCapacitySchedulerProperties(services)
-    leaf_queue_names = self.getAllYarnLeafQueues(capacity_scheduler_properties)
-    queue_name = properties[propertyName]
-    if len(leaf_queue_names) == 0:
-      return None
-    elif queue_name not in leaf_queue_names:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Queue is not exist or not corresponds to existing YARN leaf queue")
-    return None
-  def recommendYarnQueue(self, services, catalog_name=None, queue_property=None):
-    old_queue_name = None
-    if services and 'configurations' in services:
-        configurations = services["configurations"]
-        if catalog_name in configurations and queue_property in configurations[catalog_name]["properties"]:
-          old_queue_name = configurations[catalog_name]["properties"][queue_property]
-        capacity_scheduler_properties, _ = self.getCapacitySchedulerProperties(services)
-        leaf_queues = sorted(self.getAllYarnLeafQueues(capacity_scheduler_properties))
-        if leaf_queues and (old_queue_name is None or old_queue_name not in leaf_queues):
-          return leaf_queues.pop()
-        elif old_queue_name and old_queue_name in leaf_queues:
-          return None
-    return "default"
-  def validateXmxValue(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, propertyName):
-    if not propertyName in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
-    value = properties[propertyName]
-    defaultValue = recommendedDefaults[propertyName]
-    if defaultValue is None:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Config's default value can't be null or undefined")
-    if not checkXmxValueFormat(value) and checkXmxValueFormat(defaultValue):
-      # Xmx is in the default-value but not the value, should be an error
-      return self.getErrorItem('Invalid value format')
-    if not checkXmxValueFormat(defaultValue):
-      # if default value does not contain Xmx, then there is no point in validating existing value
-      return None
-    valueInt = formatXmxSizeToBytes(getXmxSize(value))
-    defaultValueXmx = getXmxSize(defaultValue)
-    defaultValueInt = formatXmxSizeToBytes(defaultValueXmx)
-    if valueInt < defaultValueInt:
-      return self.getWarnItem("Value is less than the recommended default of -Xmx" + defaultValueXmx)
-    return None
-  def validateMapReduce2Configurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    validationItems = [ {"config-name": '', "item": self.validateXmxValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, '')},
-                        {"config-name": '', "item": self.validateXmxValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, '')},
-                        {"config-name": '', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, '')},
-                        {"config-name": '', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, '')},
-                        {"config-name": 'mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb')},
-                        {"config-name": '', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, '')},
-                        {"config-name": '', "item": self.validateXmxValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, '')},
-                        {"config-name": 'mapreduce.job.queuename', "item": self.validatorYarnQueue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'mapreduce.job.queuename', services)} ]
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "mapred-site")
-  def validateYARNConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    clusterEnv = getSiteProperties(configurations, "cluster-env")
-    validationItems = [ {"config-name": 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb')},
-                        {"config-name": 'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb')},
-                        {"config-name": '', "item": self.validatorEqualsPropertyItem(properties, "", clusterEnv, "user_group")},
-                        {"config-name": 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb')} ]
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "yarn-site")
-  def validateYARNEnvConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    validationItems = [{"config-name": '', "item": self.validatorYarnQueue(properties, recommendedDefaults, '', services)} ]
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "yarn-env")
-  def validateHbaseEnvConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    hbase_site = getSiteProperties(configurations, "hbase-site")
-    validationItems = [ {"config-name": 'hbase_regionserver_heapsize', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'hbase_regionserver_heapsize')},
-                        {"config-name": 'hbase_master_heapsize', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'hbase_master_heapsize')},
-                        {"config-name": "hbase_user", "item": self.validatorEqualsPropertyItem(properties, "hbase_user", hbase_site, "hbase.superuser")} ]
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "hbase-env")
-  def validateHDFSConfigurations(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    clusterEnv = getSiteProperties(configurations, "cluster-env")
-    validationItems = [{"config-name": 'dfs.datanode.du.reserved', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'dfs.datanode.du.reserved')},
-                       {"config-name": '', "item": self.validatorOneDataDirPerPartition(properties, '', services, hosts, clusterEnv)}]
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "hdfs-site")
-  def validateHDFSConfigurationsEnv(self, properties, recommendedDefaults, configurations, services, hosts):
-    validationItems = [ {"config-name": 'namenode_heapsize', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'namenode_heapsize')},
-                        {"config-name": 'namenode_opt_newsize', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'namenode_opt_newsize')},
-                        {"config-name": 'namenode_opt_maxnewsize', "item": self.validatorLessThenDefaultValue(properties, recommendedDefaults, 'namenode_opt_maxnewsize')}]
-    return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "hadoop-env")
-  def validatorOneDataDirPerPartition(self, properties, propertyName, services, hosts, clusterEnv):
-    if not propertyName in properties:
-      return self.getErrorItem("Value should be set")
-    dirs = properties[propertyName]
-    if not (clusterEnv and "one_dir_per_partition" in clusterEnv and clusterEnv["one_dir_per_partition"].lower() == "true"):
-      return None
-    dataNodeHosts = self.getDataNodeHosts(services, hosts)
-    warnings = set()
-    for host in dataNodeHosts:
-      hostName = host["Hosts"]["host_name"]
-      mountPoints = []
-      for diskInfo in host["Hosts"]["disk_info"]:
-        mountPoints.append(diskInfo["mountpoint"])
-      if get_mounts_with_multiple_data_dirs(mountPoints, dirs):
-        # A detailed message can be too long on large clusters:
-        # warnings.append("Host: " + hostName + "; Mount: " + mountPoint + "; Data directories: " + ", ".join(dirList))
-        warnings.add(hostName)
-        break;
-    if len(warnings) > 0:
-      return self.getWarnItem("cluster-env/one_dir_per_partition is