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Posted to by OpenWhisk Team Slack <> on 2019/03/30 07:31:10 UTC

[slack-digest] [2019-03-29] #random

2019-03-29 06:34:03 UTC - Satwik Kolhe: 25! (not for the tshirt! just for the fun of it!)
smile : Rodric Rabbah
2019-03-29 09:04:45 UTC - Lars Andersson: <>
2019-03-29 09:35:59 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: 25 is right. 

Thanks @Lars Andersson for the reference I didn’t know about the site. 
+1 : Lars Andersson
2019-03-29 10:14:11 UTC - Carlos Santana: I did not know about that website, now I want to play with airflow and arrow they look super interesting
2019-03-29 10:27:58 UTC - Lars Andersson: @Carlos Santana Yes, Airflow is interesting. Would be nice to be able to invoke an OpenWhisk composition from an AirFlow workflow.
2019-03-29 10:36:03 UTC - Carlos Santana: Why are you reading my mind @Lars Andersson :rocket:
2019-03-29 10:36:22 UTC - Lars Andersson: I'm a Jedi!
yay : Rodric Rabbah, Carlos Santana
2019-03-29 10:36:51 UTC - Carlos Santana: @Olivier Tardieu you have any opinions on Airflow?
2019-03-29 10:37:14 UTC - Carlos Santana: I see @Rodric Rabbah is up an early :sunny:
2019-03-29 10:37:46 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: it’s morning already? :man-facepalming:
2019-03-29 10:38:45 UTC - Carlos Santana: WTF this Slack doesn’t have lightsabers or any Star Wars  emojis?
lightsaber : Lars Andersson
2019-03-29 10:46:52 UTC - Lars Andersson: Create a PR to add some custom emojis?
joy : Rodric Rabbah
2019-03-29 11:46:09 UTC - Olivier Tardieu: airflow is very popular but it has key limitations that we are trying to overcome with composer:
- no cycles, only DAGS, no real control flow
- heavy weight: on kube, AFAIK, every task instance is a pod
- no data flow: does not help with data management even for small payloads
- not big on events
Concretely that means airflow users still have a lot of orchestration to worry about outside of airflow.
thankyou : Carlos Santana
2019-03-29 14:53:14 UTC - Roberto Diaz: I'm talking today about Openwhisk on the serverless days in Amsterdam. Around 13 talks and the mine is the only one talking about Openwhisk.

People need to know it because it is a really nice platform to take in consideration developing serverless solutions!!! :blush:
heart : Rodric Rabbah, Upkar Lidder, James Thomas, Satwik Kolhe, Carlos Santana
beers : Carlos Santana
2019-03-29 14:55:54 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: break a leg!
_and thank you and all the contributors that help spread the word about the project_
2019-03-29 15:00:34 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: *There are 65 apache repos with 1000 stars or more.* I think it’s really neat to be in the company of these projects.
#1   33111 incubator-echarts
#2   25353 incubator-dubbo
#3   23685 incubator-superset
#4   21135 spark
#5   16569 incubator-mxnet
#6   12059 incubator-weex
#7   11707 predictionio
#8   11630 airflow
#9   11536 kafka
#10  8753  hadoop
#11  8369  incubator-brpc
#12  8046  flink
#13  7807  incubator-druid
#14  7247  rocketmq
#15  7118  incubator-shardingsphere
#16  6629  incubator-skywalking
#17  6031  thrift
#18  6013  zookeeper
#19  5610  storm
#20  5033  cassandra
#21  4133  couchdb
#22  4092  mesos
#23  4059  zeppelin
#24  3995  incubator-pagespeed-ngx
#25  3901  incubator-openwhisk
#26  3590  arrow
#27  3337  incubator-heron
#28  3142  pulsar
#29  3113  groovy
#30  3058  tomcat
#31  2990  incubator-dubbo-spring-boot-project
#32  2808  jmeter
#33  2675  beam
#34  2651  hbase
#35  2606  cordova-android
#36  2490  camel
#37  2424  hive
#38  2421  lucene-solr
#39  2407  ignite
#40  2271  shiro
#41  2211  incubator-pinot
#42  2072  httpd
#43  2019  kylin
#44  1900  nutch
#45  1643  incubator-singa
#46  1637  mahout
#47  1617  cordova-ios
#48  1606  flume
#49  1589  commons-lang
#50  1557  maven
2019-03-29 17:11:22 UTC - mmarth: OMG, did you talk about OpenWhisk &amp; brewing beer? Are the slides available? <>
beers : Carlos Santana
2019-03-29 17:26:41 UTC - Carlos Santana: That’s great !!!
2019-03-29 21:06:47 UTC - Roberto Diaz: Yes!!! Beer brewery based on openwhisk :joy: here is a medium articule about the project <>
+1 : Carlos Santana