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Posted to by "dependabot[bot] (via GitHub)" <> on 2024/01/14 17:44:32 UTC

[PR] Bump grpc.version from 1.59.0 to 1.61.0 in /lang/java [avro]

dependabot[bot] opened a new pull request, #2686:

   Bumps `grpc.version` from 1.59.0 to 1.61.0.
   Updates `io.grpc:grpc-core` from 1.59.0 to 1.61.0
   <summary>Release notes</summary>
   <p><em>Sourced from <a href="">io.grpc:grpc-core's releases</a>.</em></p>
   <h3>API Changes</h3>
   <li>Remove unused experimental API ManagedChannelBuilder.enableFullStreamDecompression (<a href="">#10744</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Deprecate LoadBalancer.EMPTY_PICKER added in 1.58.0 in favor of FixedResultPicker (860b5cb1f)</li>
   <h3>New Features</h3>
   <li>binder: Experimental support for asynchronous security policies (<a href="">#10566</a>)</li>
   <li>core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (<a href="">#3279</a>)</li>
   <li>core: Improve error message clarity when a channel leak is detected (201893f5e)</li>
   <li>util: use shared index across <code>round_robin</code> pickers (dca89b25b). This makes its implementation more similar to <code>weighted_round_robin</code>.</li>
   <li>xds: Implement ADS stream flow control mechanism (<a href="">#10674</a>). This limits the maximum memory consumed if the control plane sends updates more rapidly than they can be processed.</li>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>core: Check outbound maximum message size for the compressed size in addition to the already-checked uncompressed size (<a href="">#10739</a>). Fixed the status code to be RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED instead of UNKNOWN.</li>
   <li>util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses are in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (<a href="">#10769</a>)</li>
   <li>util: Disable publishing of fixtures (8ac43dd81). The Gradle test fixtures are for use by grpc-java's internal tests.</li>
   <li>okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (<a href="">#10812</a>). This stops an exception from being thrown when a known Conscrypt synchronization issue happens.</li>
   <li>Drop support for Bazel 5 (55a9c012c). Bazel 7 is available, and Protobuf has already dropped support for Bazel 5.</li>
   <li>Change many compile deps to runtime deps (d6830d7f9). This reduces the transitive classes &quot;leaked&quot; into the compile classpath. In particular, grpc-core (<code>io.grpc.internal</code>) will be less frequently included transitively at compile time.</li>
   <li>Upgrade dependencies (c985797d9)
   <li>Protobuf to 3.25.1</li>
   <li>auto-value-annotations to 1.10.4</li>
   <li>error_prone_annotations to 2.23.0</li>
   <li>proto-google-common-protos to 2.29.0</li>
   <li>google-cloud-logging to 3.15.14</li>
   <li>guava to 32.1.3-android</li>
   <li>okio to 3.4.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​Gordiychuk</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​jroper</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​jyane</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​ulfjack</code></a></li>
   <h1>Bug Fixes</h1>
   <li>util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (<a href="">#10770</a>)</li>
   <h3>API Changes</h3>
   <li>api: Stabilize <code>ForwardingServerBuilder</code>, <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code>, and <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code>. Note that <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code> is stabilized (no changes will be made to it), but immediately deprecated in favor of <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code>. (<a href="">#10586</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Deprecate <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder.delegate()</code>. De facto this deprecates the class itself, since all classes extending <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code> implement the <code>delegate()</code> method. See javadoc for details (<a href="">#10587</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Changed recently-introduced <code>LoadBalancer.acceptResolvedAddresses()</code> to return <code>Status</code> instead of <code>boolean</code> (<a href="">#10636</a>). This is part of continued work to align the LB API cross-language and API stabilization</li>
   <li>stub: Deprecate StreamObservers (<a href="">#10654</a>)</li>
   <li>alts: AltsChannelBuilder now extends <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code> (<a href="">#10587</a>)</li>
   <li>protobuf: Stabilize <code>ProtoUtils.metadataMarshaller()</code> (<a href="">#10628</a>)</li>
   <!-- raw HTML omitted -->
   <p>... (truncated)</p>
   <li><a href=""><code>f06abeb</code></a> Bump version to 1.61.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>7700510</code></a> Update README protoc references to 3.25.1</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>c639b81</code></a> Update README etc to reference 1.61.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5606081</code></a> fix flaky xds test due to verification race (<a href="">#10798</a>) (<a href="">#10808</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>2531563</code></a> okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (<a href="">#10811</a>) (<a href="">#10812</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5b082ca</code></a> Do not cache failed futures for async security policies indefinitely. (<a href="">#10743</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>062f7a2</code></a> Correct gradle protobuf reference from 3.22.3 to 3.24.0 (<a href="">#10772</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>597101c</code></a> xds: fix flow control message not delivered when previous message type is unk...</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>0f21574</code></a> core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (<a href="">#3279</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>846e008</code></a> xds: Revert xds flow control change. (<a href="">#10784</a>)</li>
   <li>Additional commits viewable in <a href="">compare view</a></li>
   <br />
   Updates `io.grpc:grpc-stub` from 1.59.0 to 1.61.0
   <summary>Release notes</summary>
   <p><em>Sourced from <a href="">io.grpc:grpc-stub's releases</a>.</em></p>
   <h3>API Changes</h3>
   <li>Remove unused experimental API ManagedChannelBuilder.enableFullStreamDecompression (<a href="">#10744</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Deprecate LoadBalancer.EMPTY_PICKER added in 1.58.0 in favor of FixedResultPicker (860b5cb1f)</li>
   <h3>New Features</h3>
   <li>binder: Experimental support for asynchronous security policies (<a href="">#10566</a>)</li>
   <li>core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (<a href="">#3279</a>)</li>
   <li>core: Improve error message clarity when a channel leak is detected (201893f5e)</li>
   <li>util: use shared index across <code>round_robin</code> pickers (dca89b25b). This makes its implementation more similar to <code>weighted_round_robin</code>.</li>
   <li>xds: Implement ADS stream flow control mechanism (<a href="">#10674</a>). This limits the maximum memory consumed if the control plane sends updates more rapidly than they can be processed.</li>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>core: Check outbound maximum message size for the compressed size in addition to the already-checked uncompressed size (<a href="">#10739</a>). Fixed the status code to be RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED instead of UNKNOWN.</li>
   <li>util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses are in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (<a href="">#10769</a>)</li>
   <li>util: Disable publishing of fixtures (8ac43dd81). The Gradle test fixtures are for use by grpc-java's internal tests.</li>
   <li>okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (<a href="">#10812</a>). This stops an exception from being thrown when a known Conscrypt synchronization issue happens.</li>
   <li>Drop support for Bazel 5 (55a9c012c). Bazel 7 is available, and Protobuf has already dropped support for Bazel 5.</li>
   <li>Change many compile deps to runtime deps (d6830d7f9). This reduces the transitive classes &quot;leaked&quot; into the compile classpath. In particular, grpc-core (<code>io.grpc.internal</code>) will be less frequently included transitively at compile time.</li>
   <li>Upgrade dependencies (c985797d9)
   <li>Protobuf to 3.25.1</li>
   <li>auto-value-annotations to 1.10.4</li>
   <li>error_prone_annotations to 2.23.0</li>
   <li>proto-google-common-protos to 2.29.0</li>
   <li>google-cloud-logging to 3.15.14</li>
   <li>guava to 32.1.3-android</li>
   <li>okio to 3.4.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​Gordiychuk</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​jroper</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​jyane</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​ulfjack</code></a></li>
   <h1>Bug Fixes</h1>
   <li>util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (<a href="">#10770</a>)</li>
   <h3>API Changes</h3>
   <li>api: Stabilize <code>ForwardingServerBuilder</code>, <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code>, and <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code>. Note that <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code> is stabilized (no changes will be made to it), but immediately deprecated in favor of <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code>. (<a href="">#10586</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Deprecate <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder.delegate()</code>. De facto this deprecates the class itself, since all classes extending <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code> implement the <code>delegate()</code> method. See javadoc for details (<a href="">#10587</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Changed recently-introduced <code>LoadBalancer.acceptResolvedAddresses()</code> to return <code>Status</code> instead of <code>boolean</code> (<a href="">#10636</a>). This is part of continued work to align the LB API cross-language and API stabilization</li>
   <li>stub: Deprecate StreamObservers (<a href="">#10654</a>)</li>
   <li>alts: AltsChannelBuilder now extends <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code> (<a href="">#10587</a>)</li>
   <li>protobuf: Stabilize <code>ProtoUtils.metadataMarshaller()</code> (<a href="">#10628</a>)</li>
   <!-- raw HTML omitted -->
   <p>... (truncated)</p>
   <li><a href=""><code>f06abeb</code></a> Bump version to 1.61.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>7700510</code></a> Update README protoc references to 3.25.1</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>c639b81</code></a> Update README etc to reference 1.61.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5606081</code></a> fix flaky xds test due to verification race (<a href="">#10798</a>) (<a href="">#10808</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>2531563</code></a> okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (<a href="">#10811</a>) (<a href="">#10812</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5b082ca</code></a> Do not cache failed futures for async security policies indefinitely. (<a href="">#10743</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>062f7a2</code></a> Correct gradle protobuf reference from 3.22.3 to 3.24.0 (<a href="">#10772</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>597101c</code></a> xds: fix flow control message not delivered when previous message type is unk...</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>0f21574</code></a> core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (<a href="">#3279</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>846e008</code></a> xds: Revert xds flow control change. (<a href="">#10784</a>)</li>
   <li>Additional commits viewable in <a href="">compare view</a></li>
   <br />
   Updates `io.grpc:grpc-netty` from 1.59.0 to 1.61.0
   <summary>Release notes</summary>
   <p><em>Sourced from <a href="">io.grpc:grpc-netty's releases</a>.</em></p>
   <h3>API Changes</h3>
   <li>Remove unused experimental API ManagedChannelBuilder.enableFullStreamDecompression (<a href="">#10744</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Deprecate LoadBalancer.EMPTY_PICKER added in 1.58.0 in favor of FixedResultPicker (860b5cb1f)</li>
   <h3>New Features</h3>
   <li>binder: Experimental support for asynchronous security policies (<a href="">#10566</a>)</li>
   <li>core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (<a href="">#3279</a>)</li>
   <li>core: Improve error message clarity when a channel leak is detected (201893f5e)</li>
   <li>util: use shared index across <code>round_robin</code> pickers (dca89b25b). This makes its implementation more similar to <code>weighted_round_robin</code>.</li>
   <li>xds: Implement ADS stream flow control mechanism (<a href="">#10674</a>). This limits the maximum memory consumed if the control plane sends updates more rapidly than they can be processed.</li>
   <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
   <li>core: Check outbound maximum message size for the compressed size in addition to the already-checked uncompressed size (<a href="">#10739</a>). Fixed the status code to be RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED instead of UNKNOWN.</li>
   <li>util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses are in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (<a href="">#10769</a>)</li>
   <li>util: Disable publishing of fixtures (8ac43dd81). The Gradle test fixtures are for use by grpc-java's internal tests.</li>
   <li>okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (<a href="">#10812</a>). This stops an exception from being thrown when a known Conscrypt synchronization issue happens.</li>
   <li>Drop support for Bazel 5 (55a9c012c). Bazel 7 is available, and Protobuf has already dropped support for Bazel 5.</li>
   <li>Change many compile deps to runtime deps (d6830d7f9). This reduces the transitive classes &quot;leaked&quot; into the compile classpath. In particular, grpc-core (<code>io.grpc.internal</code>) will be less frequently included transitively at compile time.</li>
   <li>Upgrade dependencies (c985797d9)
   <li>Protobuf to 3.25.1</li>
   <li>auto-value-annotations to 1.10.4</li>
   <li>error_prone_annotations to 2.23.0</li>
   <li>proto-google-common-protos to 2.29.0</li>
   <li>google-cloud-logging to 3.15.14</li>
   <li>guava to 32.1.3-android</li>
   <li>okio to 3.4.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​Gordiychuk</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​jroper</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​jyane</code></a></li>
   <li><a href=""><code>@​ulfjack</code></a></li>
   <h1>Bug Fixes</h1>
   <li>util: Fix NPE when multiple addresses in an address group for petiole load balancer policies (<a href="">#10770</a>)</li>
   <h3>API Changes</h3>
   <li>api: Stabilize <code>ForwardingServerBuilder</code>, <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code>, and <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code>. Note that <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code> is stabilized (no changes will be made to it), but immediately deprecated in favor of <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code>. (<a href="">#10586</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Deprecate <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder.delegate()</code>. De facto this deprecates the class itself, since all classes extending <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder</code> implement the <code>delegate()</code> method. See javadoc for details (<a href="">#10587</a>)</li>
   <li>api: Changed recently-introduced <code>LoadBalancer.acceptResolvedAddresses()</code> to return <code>Status</code> instead of <code>boolean</code> (<a href="">#10636</a>). This is part of continued work to align the LB API cross-language and API stabilization</li>
   <li>stub: Deprecate StreamObservers (<a href="">#10654</a>)</li>
   <li>alts: AltsChannelBuilder now extends <code>ForwardingChannelBuilder2</code> (<a href="">#10587</a>)</li>
   <li>protobuf: Stabilize <code>ProtoUtils.metadataMarshaller()</code> (<a href="">#10628</a>)</li>
   <!-- raw HTML omitted -->
   <p>... (truncated)</p>
   <li><a href=""><code>f06abeb</code></a> Bump version to 1.61.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>7700510</code></a> Update README protoc references to 3.25.1</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>c639b81</code></a> Update README etc to reference 1.61.0</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5606081</code></a> fix flaky xds test due to verification race (<a href="">#10798</a>) (<a href="">#10808</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>2531563</code></a> okhttp: Ignore known conscrypt socket close issue (<a href="">#10811</a>) (<a href="">#10812</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>5b082ca</code></a> Do not cache failed futures for async security policies indefinitely. (<a href="">#10743</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>062f7a2</code></a> Correct gradle protobuf reference from 3.22.3 to 3.24.0 (<a href="">#10772</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>597101c</code></a> xds: fix flow control message not delivered when previous message type is unk...</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>0f21574</code></a> core: reduce CompositeReadableBuffer allocation (<a href="">#3279</a>)</li>
   <li><a href=""><code>846e008</code></a> xds: Revert xds flow control change. (<a href="">#10784</a>)</li>
   <li>Additional commits viewable in <a href="">compare view</a></li>
   <br />
   Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`.
   [//]: # (dependabot-automerge-start)
   [//]: # (dependabot-automerge-end)
   <summary>Dependabot commands and options</summary>
   <br />
   You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:
   - `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR
   - `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
   - `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
   - `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
   - `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
   - `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed
   - `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
   - `@dependabot show <dependency name> ignore conditions` will show all of the ignore conditions of the specified dependency
   - `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
   - `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
   - `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)

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Re: [PR] Bump grpc.version from 1.59.0 to 1.61.0 in /lang/java [avro]

Posted by "martin-g (via GitHub)" <>.
martin-g merged PR #2686:

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.

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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at: