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Posted to by Michael Osipov <> on 2017/01/30 20:23:18 UTC

[ANN] Apache Maven Wagon 2.12 released

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the 
ApacheMaven Wagon, version 2.12.

Release Notes - Maven Wagon - version 2.12

** Bug
     * [WAGON-408] - ITs for #testSecuredGet() fail with Windows
     * [WAGON-426] - Fingerprints loss in known_hosts
     * [WAGON-439] - Jsch issue in java 1.7 and Kerberos-enabled ssh servers
     * [WAGON-449] - CLIENT not changed after setting 
     * [WAGON-469] - wagon-http does not enable Expect-Continue by default
     * [WAGON-475] - TransferEvent GET used instead of PUT and vice versa
     * [WAGON-476] - HTTP Provider follows redirects on PUT and may 
change request method
     * [WAGON-479] - Preemptive auth with HTTP Provider may fail because 
BasicScheme is added as completed=true to the AuthCache
     * [WAGON-480] - Non-threadsafe HttpClientContext is shared between 
threaded use of HttpClientWagon
     * [WAGON-481] - Sensitive (auth) information is not cleared when 
HttpClientWagon is disconnected
     * [WAGON-485] - ScpWagon parses file size to int causing overflow 
for large files

** Improvement
     * [WAGON-455] - Upgrade of 'plexus-utils' to version 3.0.23.
     * [WAGON-458] - Implementation for FTPS
     * [WAGON-460] - Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.24
     * [WAGON-464] - Upgrade jsch dependency to 0.1.51 or newer to 
support ECDSA host key typess
     * [WAGON-465] - wagon-ssh: add API option to check for remote exit 
     * [WAGON-466] - wagon-ssh: Better error message when ssh account is 
     * [WAGON-467] - wagon-ssh: options to configure hostKeyChecking and 
     * [WAGON-472] - Upgrade Commons IO to 2.5
     * [WAGON-484] - Update WebDAV Provider naming

** Task
     * [WAGON-389] - Incorrect versions on gh-pages
     * [WAGON-447] - Remove Commons Lang 2 for a few cases
     * [WAGON-457] - Wagon tests fail on Windows because Subversion 
crashes on a test repo
     * [WAGON-470] - Update TLS certificates for HTTPS tests
     * [WAGON-471] - Clean up dependency mess (reported by 
     * [WAGON-473] - Don't abuse IllegalArgumentException to intercept 
null input
     * [WAGON-474] - Upgrade and revise all tests for Jetty 8
     * [WAGON-483] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.22


-The Apache Maven team

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