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Posted to by Mich Talebzadeh <> on 2023/01/23 22:32:37 UTC

Update to Spark Kubernetes docs for secrets


in the link below

Running Spark on Kubernetes - Spark 3.3.1 Documentation (

some of the stuff seems to be out of date. For example, secrets management
in Kubernetes cluster is discouraged through the secrets file in all
vendors that I know of. It is now superseded through workload identity. For
example see "Access secrets stored outside GKE clusters using Workload
 Workload Identity replaces the need to use Metadata concealment. The
sensitive metadata protected by metadata concealment is also protected by
Workload Identity.

I think Spark documentation should be updated to refer to the use of
Workload Identity.

For example with secrets file we store the following info:


  "type": "service_account",

  "project_id": "your project"

  "private_key_id": "abc",

  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----.....................",

  "client_email": "dockerscanner@<your project>",

  "client_id": "123",

  "auth_uri": "",

  "token_uri": "",

  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "

  "client_x509_cert_url": "<your"


Stored on K8s cluster that all nodes have access to.

# Download the service account JSON key and store it in a Kubernetes
secret. Your Spark drivers and executors use this secret to authenticate
with BigQuery:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create spark-sa.json --iam-account
kubectl create secret generic spark-sa --from-file=spark-sa.json -n spark
cp -f ./spark-sa.json /mnt/secrets

Spark doc refers to:

--conf spark.kubernetes.driver.secrets.spark-secret=/etc/secrets
--conf spark.kubernetes.executor.secrets.spark-secret=/etc/secrets

which is no longer practiced in Cloud.


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