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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2022/09/13 03:41:30 UTC

[GitHub] [airflow] amoGLingle commented on issue #24909: Airflow Scheduler Deadlock - Transaction not rolled back on Exception?

amoGLingle commented on issue #24909:

   ah sry for the delay!
   DB is RDS mysql 8.0.23
   executor = CeleryExecutor
   celery module vers 4.4.2
   Full module list, just in case:
   centos]# pip list
   Package                                  Version
   ---------------------------------------- ---------
   alembic                                  1.6.2
   amqp                                     2.6.1
   anyio                                    3.2.1
   apache-airflow                           2.1.0
   apache-airflow-providers-apache-druid    2.0.0
   apache-airflow-providers-apache-livy     2.0.0
   apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes 2.0.0
   apache-airflow-providers-ftp             1.1.0
   apache-airflow-providers-http            2.0.0
   apache-airflow-providers-imap            1.0.1
   apache-airflow-providers-mysql           2.0.0
   apache-airflow-providers-postgres        2.0.0
   apache-airflow-providers-snowflake       2.1.0
   apache-airflow-providers-sqlite          1.0.2
   apispec                                  3.3.2
   argcomplete                              1.12.3
   asn1crypto                               1.4.0
   async-generator                          1.10
   attrs                                    20.3.0
   Authlib                                  0.15.5
   azure-common                             1.1.27
   azure-core                               1.17.0
   azure-storage-blob                       12.8.1
   Babel                                    2.9.1
   bcrypt                                   3.2.0
   blinker                                  1.4
   boto3                                    1.17.102
   botocore                                 1.20.102
   cached-property                          1.5.2
   cachetools                               4.2.2
   cattrs                                   1.0.0
   celery                                   4.4.2
   certifi                                  2020.12.5
   cffi                                     1.14.5
   chardet                                  4.0.0
   click                                    7.1.2
   clickclick                               20.10.2
   colorama                                 0.4.4
   colorlog                                 5.0.1
   commonmark                               0.9.1
   contextvars                              2.4
   croniter                                 1.0.13
   cryptography                             3.4.7
   dataclasses                              0.7
   defusedxml                               0.7.1
   dnspython                                1.16.0
   docutils                                 0.17.1
   email-validator                          1.1.2
   fab-oidc                                 0.0.9
   Flask                                    1.1.2
   Flask-Admin                              1.5.8
   Flask-AppBuilder                         3.3.0
   Flask-Babel                              1.0.0
   Flask-Bcrypt                             0.7.1
   Flask-Caching                            1.10.1
   Flask-JWT-Extended                       3.25.1
   Flask-Login                              0.4.1
   Flask-Mail                               0.9.1
   flask-oidc                               1.4.0
   Flask-OpenID                             1.2.5
   Flask-SQLAlchemy                         2.5.1
   Flask-WTF                                0.14.3
   google-auth                              1.32.0
   graphviz                                 0.16
   gunicorn                                 20.1.0
   h11                                      0.12.0
   httpcore                                 0.13.6
   httplib2                                 0.20.2
   httpx                                    0.18.2
   idna                                     2.10
   immutables                               0.15
   importlib-metadata                       1.7.0
   importlib-resources                      1.5.0
   inflection                               0.5.1
   influxdb                                 5.3.1
   iso8601                                  0.1.14
   isodate                                  0.6.0
   itsdangerous                             1.1.0
   Jinja2                                   2.11.3
   jmespath                                 0.10.0
   jsonschema                               3.2.0
   kombu                                    4.6.11
   kubernetes                               11.0.0
   lazy-object-proxy                        1.4.3
   ldap3                                    2.9
   lockfile                                 0.12.2
   Mako                                     1.1.4
   Markdown                                 3.3.4
   MarkupSafe                               1.1.1
   marshmallow                              3.12.1
   marshmallow-enum                         1.5.1
   marshmallow-oneofschema                  2.1.0
   marshmallow-sqlalchemy                   0.23.1
   msgpack                                  1.0.2
   msrest                                   0.6.21
   mysql-connector-python                   8.0.22
   mysqlclient                              2.0.3
   numpy                                    1.19.5
   oauth2client                             4.1.3
   oauthlib                                 3.1.1
   openapi-schema-validator                 0.1.5
   openapi-spec-validator                   0.3.0
   oscrypto                                 1.2.1
   pandas                                   1.1.5
   pendulum                                 2.1.2
   pep562                                   1.0
   pip                                      21.1.2
   polling2                                 0.4.7
   prison                                   0.1.3
   protobuf                                 3.17.3
   psutil                                   5.8.0
   psycopg2-binary                          2.9.1
   pyasn1                                   0.4.8
   pyasn1-modules                           0.2.8
   pycparser                                2.20
   pycryptodomex                            3.10.1
   pydruid                                  0.6.2
   Pygments                                 2.9.0
   PyJWT                                    1.7.1
   pyOpenSSL                                20.0.1
   pyparsing                                3.0.6
   pyrsistent                               0.17.3
   python-daemon                            2.3.0
   python-dateutil                          2.8.1
   python-editor                            1.0.4
   python-ldap                              3.3.1
   python-nvd3                              0.15.0
   python-slugify                           4.0.1
   python3-openid                           3.2.0
   pytz                                     2021.1
   pytzdata                                 2020.1
   PyYAML                                   5.4.1
   requests                                 2.25.1
   requests-oauthlib                        1.3.0
   rfc3986                                  1.5.0
   rich                                     9.2.0
   rsa                                      4.7.2
   s3transfer                               0.4.2
   semantic-version                         2.8.5
   setproctitle                             1.2.2
   setuptools                               57.0.0
   setuptools-rust                          0.12.1
   six                                      1.16.0
   sniffio                                  1.2.0
   snowflake-connector-python               2.5.1
   snowflake-sqlalchemy                     1.2.5
   SQLAlchemy                               1.3.24
   SQLAlchemy-JSONField                     1.0.0
   SQLAlchemy-Utils                         0.37.2
   swagger-ui-bundle                        0.0.8
   tabulate                                 0.8.9
   tenacity                                 6.2.0
   termcolor                                1.1.0
   text-unidecode                           1.3
   toml                                     0.10.2
   unicodecsv                               0.14.1
   urllib3                                  1.26.6
   vine                                     1.3.0
   virtualenv                               15.1.0
   websocket-client                         1.1.0
   Werkzeug                                 1.0.1
   wheel                                    0.36.2
   WTForms                                  2.3.3
   zipp                                     3.4.1

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