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Posted to by "Scott Wilson (Jira)" <> on 2020/04/23 17:35:00 UTC

[jira] [Updated] (ARROW-8199) [C++] Guidance for creating multi-column sort on Table example?

     [ ]

Scott Wilson updated ARROW-8199:
    Attachment: ArrowCsv.cpp

Hi Wes,

I hope you and yours are staying healthy in this strange new world!

I've taken a stab at creating a DataFrame like cover for arrow::Table. My
first milestone was to see if I could come up with a df.eval() like
representation for single-line transforms -- see the EVAL2 macro. Attached
is my code, I'm not quite sure where, if anywhere, I should post it to get
your thoughts so I'm sending this email. (I posted an earlier version on
Jira Arrow-602.) Mainly I'd like to know if this looks like the direction
you're thinking for arrow::DataFrame?

Thanks, Scott

**** Code, also included as attachment

#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include <xutility>

#include <arrow/api.h>
#include <arrow/filesystem/localfs.h>
#include <arrow/csv/api.h>
#include <arrow/result.h>
#include <arrow/builder.h>

#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace arrow;

// SBW 2020.04.15 For ArrayCoverRaw::iterator, we can simply use the the
pointer interface.
// Wes suggests returning std::optional<T>, but sizeof(double) <
sizeof(std::optional<double>) and
// is not a drop-in replacement for T, i.e. optional<T> can't be used in
expression, need optional<T>.value().

// STL container-like cover for arrow::Array.
// Only works for Array types that support raw_values().
template<typename ArrType>
class ArrayCoverRaw
using T = typename ArrType::value_type;
using pointer = T*;
using const_pointer = const T*;
using reference = T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
// Match size_type to Array offsets rather than using size_t and ptrdiff_t.
using size_type = int64_t;
using difference_type = int64_t;
using iterator = pointer;
using const_iterator = const_pointer;
using reverse_iterator = pointer;
using const_reverse_iterator = const_pointer;

ArrayCoverRaw(std::shared_ptr<ArrType>& array) : _array(array) {}

size_type size() const { return _array->length(); }

// Should non-const versions fail if Array is immutable?
iterator begin() { return const_cast<pointer>(_array->raw_values()); }
iterator end() { return
const_cast<pointer>(_array->raw_values()+_array->length()); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return
const_cast<pointer>(_array->raw_values()+_array->length()-1); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return
const_cast<pointer>(_array->raw_values()-1); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return _array->raw_values(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return _array->raw_values()+_array->length();
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return
_array->raw_values()+_array->length()-1; }
const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return _array->raw_values()-1; }

// We could return std::optional<T> to encapsulate IsNull() info, but this
would seem to break the expected semantics.
reference operator[](const difference_type off) {
assert(_array->data()->is_mutable()); return _array->raw_values()+off; }
const_reference operator[](const difference_type off) const { return
_array->raw_values()+off; }
// ISSUE: is there an interface for setting IsNull() if array is mutable.
bool IsNull(difference_type off) const { return _array->IsNull(off); }

std::shared_ptr<ArrType> _array;

// TODO: Add ArrayCoverString and iterators, perhaps others.

// Use template on RefType so we can create iterator and const_iterator by
changing Value.
// Use class specializations to support Arrays that don't have raw_values().
template <typename CType, typename RefType>
class ChunkedArrayIterator
: public boost::iterator_facade<ChunkedArrayIterator<CType, RefType>,
RefType, boost::random_access_traversal_tag>
using difference_type = int64_t;
using T = CType;
using ArrayType = typename CTypeTraits<CType>::ArrayType;
using pointer = T*;

explicit ChunkedArrayIterator(std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> ch_arr =
0, difference_type pos = 0)
: _ch_arr(ch_arr)

bool IsNull() const
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
return arr->IsNull(_current-_first);

friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

    bool equal(ChunkedArrayIterator<CType, RefType> const& other) const
        return this->_position == other._position;

    void increment()
// Need to move to next chunk?
if ((_current == _last) && ((_chunk_index+1) < _ch_arr->num_chunks()))
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
auto typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_first = const_cast<pointer>(typed_arr->raw_values());
_last = _first + arr->length() - 1;
_current = _first;

void decrement()
// Need to move to previous chunk?
if ((_current == _first) && (_chunk_index > 0))
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
auto typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_first = const_cast<pointer>(typed_arr->raw_values());
_last = _first + arr->length() - 1;
_current = _last;

    RefType& dereference() const { return *_current; }

void advance(difference_type n)
_position += n;
while (n > 0)
difference_type max_delta = _last - _current;
if ((max_delta >= n) || ((_chunk_index+1) == _ch_arr->num_chunks()))
_current += n;
// Move to next chunk.
n -= max_delta;
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
auto typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_first = const_cast<pointer>(typed_arr->raw_values());
_last = _first + arr->length() - 1;
_current = _first;
while (n < 0)
difference_type max_delta = _first - _current;
if ((max_delta <= n) || (_chunk_index == 0))
_current += n;
// Move to previous chunk.
n -= max_delta;
assert(_chunk_index >= 0);
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
auto typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_first = const_cast<pointer>(typed_arr->raw_values());
_last = _first + arr->length() - 1;
_current = _last;

difference_type distance_to(ChunkedArrayIterator<CType, RefType> const&
return other._position - this->_position;

// Helper
void set_position(difference_type pos)
_position = pos;
const int nchunks = _ch_arr->num_chunks();
int64_t offset = 0;
for (_chunk_index = 0; _chunk_index < nchunks; _chunk_index++)
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
int64_t arr_rows = arr->length();
if (((offset+arr_rows) > pos) || ((_chunk_index+1)==nchunks))
auto typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_first = const_cast<T*>(typed_arr->raw_values());
_last = _first + arr_rows - 1;
_current = _first + (pos-offset);
offset += arr_rows;

std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> _ch_arr;
// Which Array we're looking at.
int _chunk_index = 0;
// Pointers into current Array. Use first/last rather than begin/end for
symmetry of moving forward/backward.
pointer _first = 0;
pointer _current = 0;
pointer _last = 0;
// Cache position across all chunks for support of random access.
difference_type _position = 0;

// This implementation is a subclass for Arrays that use GetView(i),
GetString(i), etc.
// Concrete subclass only needs to implement dereference(i).
template <typename CType>
class ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl
using difference_type = int64_t;
using ArrayType = typename CTypeTraits<CType>::ArrayType;

explicit ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl(std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray>
ch_arr = 0, difference_type pos = 0)
: _ch_arr(ch_arr)

bool IsNull() const
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
return arr->IsNull(_current);

friend class boost::iterator_core_access;

    bool equal(ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl<CType> const& other) const
        return this->_position == other._position;

    void increment()
// Need to move to next chunk?
if ((_current == _last) && ((_chunk_index+1) < _ch_arr->num_chunks()))
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
_typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_last = arr->length() - 1;
_current = 0;

void decrement()
// Need to move to previous chunk?
if ((_current == _first) && (_chunk_index > 0))
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
_typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_last = arr->length() - 1;
_current = _last;

    // RefType& dereference() const { return *_current; }

void advance(difference_type n)
_position += n;
while (n > 0)
difference_type max_delta = _last - _current;
if ((max_delta >= n) || ((_chunk_index+1) == _ch_arr->num_chunks()))
_current += n;
// Move to next chunk.
n -= max_delta;
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
_typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_last = arr->length() - 1;
_current = 0;
while (n < 0)
difference_type max_delta = 0 - _current;
if ((max_delta <= n) || (_chunk_index == 0))
_current += n;
// Move to previous chunk.
n -= max_delta;
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
_typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_last = arr->length() - 1;
_current = _last;

difference_type distance_to(ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl<CType> const&
return other._position - this->_position;

// Helper
void set_position(difference_type pos)
_position = pos;
const int nchunks = _ch_arr->num_chunks();
int64_t offset = 0;
for (_chunk_index = 0; _chunk_index < nchunks; _chunk_index++)
auto arr = _ch_arr->chunk(_chunk_index);
int64_t arr_rows = arr->length();
if (((offset+arr_rows) > pos) || ((_chunk_index+1)==nchunks))
_typed_arr = std::static_pointer_cast<ArrayType>(arr);
_last = arr_rows - 1;
_current = (pos-offset);
offset += arr_rows;

std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> _ch_arr;
// Which Array we're looking at.
int _chunk_index = 0;
// Current Array. Use first/last rather than begin/end for symmetry of
moving forward/backward.
std::shared_ptr<ArrayType> _typed_arr;
difference_type _current = 0;
difference_type _last = 0;
// Cache position across all chunks for support of random access.
difference_type _position = 0;

// SBW 2020.04.23 for EVAL2() macro, even though code not called, need lhs
iterator for unused code branch to compile.
using ConstRefString = std::string;
class ChunkedArrayIterator<std::string, ConstRefString> :
public ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl<std::string>,
public boost::iterator_facade<ChunkedArrayIterator<std::string,
ConstRefString>, ConstRefString, boost::random_access_traversal_tag>
using difference_type = int64_t;
using RefType = ConstRefString;

explicit ChunkedArrayIterator(std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> ch_arr =
0, difference_type pos = 0)
: ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl(ch_arr, pos)

// Cache value to avoid returning pointer to temp.
    RefType& dereference() const { _cached =
_typed_arr->GetString(_current); return _cached; }

mutable std::string _cached;
using ChunkedArrayIteratorString = ChunkedArrayIterator<std::string,

class ChunkedArrayIterator<bool, const bool> :
public ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl<bool>,
public boost::iterator_facade<ChunkedArrayIterator<bool, const bool>, const
bool, boost::random_access_traversal_tag>
using difference_type = int64_t;
using RefType = const bool;

explicit ChunkedArrayIterator(std::shared_ptr<arrow::ChunkedArray> ch_arr =
0, difference_type pos = 0)
: ChunkedArrayIteratorIndexImpl(ch_arr, pos)

// Cache value to avoid returning pointer to temp.
    RefType& dereference() const { _cached = _typed_arr->GetView(_current);
return _cached; }

mutable bool _cached;
using ChunkedArrayIteratorBoolean = ChunkedArrayIterator<bool, const bool>;

// STL container-like cover for arrow::ChunkedArray.
// Only works for ChunkedArrays composed of Array types that support
template<typename CType>
class ChunkedArrayCover
// Match size_type to Array offsets rather than using size_t and ptrdiff_t.
using size_type = int64_t;
using difference_type = int64_t;
using iterator = typename ChunkedArrayIterator<CType, CType>;
using const_iterator = typename ChunkedArrayIterator<CType, const CType>;
using reverse_iterator = iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = const_iterator;

ChunkedArrayCover(std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>& array) : _array(array) {}

size_type size() const { return _array->length(); }

// Should non-const versions fail if Array is immutable?
iterator begin() { return iterator(_array); }
iterator end() { return iterator(_array, size()); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return iterator(_array, size()-1); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return iterator(_array, -1); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(_array); }
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(_array, size()); }
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return const_iterator(_array,
size()-1); }
const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return const_iterator(_array, -1); }

std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> _array;

#if 0 // SBW 2020.04.23 No longer needed no that we're using ContRefString
= std::string.
class ChunkedArrayCover<std::string>
using CType = std::string;
using size_type = int64_t;
using difference_type = int64_t;
// ISSUE: no specialization for ChunkedArrayIterator<std::string,
// Not sure how to handle setting of std::string values since StringArray
doesn't provide LHS access.
using iterator = typename ChunkedArrayIterator<CType, const CType>;
using const_iterator = typename ChunkedArrayIterator<CType, const CType>;
using reverse_iterator = iterator;
using const_reverse_iterator = const_iterator;

ChunkedArrayCover(std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>& array) : _array(array) {}

size_type size() const { return _array->length(); }

// Should non-const versions fail if Array is immutable?
iterator begin() { return iterator(_array); }
iterator end() { return iterator(_array, size()); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return iterator(_array, size()-1); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return iterator(_array, -1); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return const_iterator(_array); }
const_iterator cend() const { return const_iterator(_array, size()); }
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { return const_iterator(_array,
size()-1); }
const_reverse_iterator crend() const { return const_iterator(_array, -1); }

std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> _array;

struct TestFrame
TestFrame(std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> table = nullptr) : _table(table)

auto find_column(const char* name) { return _table->GetColumnByName(name); }

template<typename CType> typename ChunkedArrayCover<CType>::iterator
begin(const char* name)
auto col = _table->GetColumnByName(name);
assert(col != nullptr);
ChunkedArrayCover<CType> cover(col);
return cover.begin();
template<typename CType> typename ChunkedArrayCover<CType>::iterator
end(const char* name)
auto col = _table->GetColumnByName(name);
assert(col != nullptr);
ChunkedArrayCover<CType> cover(col);
return cover.end();
// Append to end if Index==-1.
template<typename CType> bool add_column(const char* name, int Index = -1)
vector<CType> values(_table->num_rows());
return add_column(name, values, Index);
template<typename CType> bool add_column(const char* name, const
vector<CType>& values, int Index = -1)
using Builder = typename CTypeTraits<CType>::BuilderType;
assert(values.size() == _table->num_rows());
Builder builder;
shared_ptr<arrow::Array> array;
arrow::Status st = builder.Finish(&array);
auto ch_arr = std::make_shared<ChunkedArray>(array);
auto field = arrow::field(name, builder.type());
// Watch for existing name and delete if necessary.
int icol = _table->schema()->GetFieldIndex(name);
if (icol >= 0)
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> out;
_table->RemoveColumn(icol, &out);
_table = out;
std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> out;
if (Index < 0)
Index = _table->num_columns();
st = _table->AddColumn(Index, field, ch_arr, &out);
if (st.ok())
_table = out;
return true;
return false;

std::shared_ptr<arrow::Table> _table;

// Generalizing std::transform() to take any number of input iterators.
#include "F:\Dev\transform-master\transform.h"

// Use BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I twice, once to build list of input
iterators, once to build arg list for lambda.
// Use BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM to pull values out of tuple.

#define DF_INPUT_ITER(r, data, i, elem) \
data.begin<BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0,
, \
BOOST_PP_IF(i, , data.end<BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0,

#define LAMBDA_INPUT(r, data, i, elem) \
auto BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 1, elem)

// Variable args are input 2-tuples (type, name).
// Initially used BOOST_PP_VARIADIC_TO_SEQ(__VA_ARGS__), but I think this
is clearer to add inputs as pp_sequence.
// Function signature: transform(in1.begin(), in1.end(), in2.begin() ...
inN.begin(), dest.begin(), lambda).
#define EVAL2(df, dest_tuple, func_body, input_seq) \
{ \
using dest_type = BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, dest_tuple); \
const char* dest_name = BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 1,
dest_tuple)); \
if (is_number_type<CTypeTraits<dest_type>::ArrowType>::value) \
{ \
if (df.find_column(dest_name) == nullptr) \
df.add_column<dest_type>(dest_name); \
my::transform( \
df.begin<dest_type>(dest_name) , \
[] (BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(LAMBDA_INPUT, df, input_seq)) func_body ); \
} \
else \
{ \
using Builder = typename CTypeTraits<dest_type>::BuilderType; \
vector<dest_type> dest(df._table->num_rows()); \
my::transform( \
dest.begin() , \
[] (BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(LAMBDA_INPUT, df, input_seq)) func_body ); \
df.add_column<dest_type>(dest_name, dest); \
} \

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
auto fs = make_shared<fs::LocalFileSystem>();
auto r_input = fs->OpenInputStream("c:/temp/_DatasetP14Seizures.csv");

auto pool = default_memory_pool();
auto read_options = arrow::csv::ReadOptions::Defaults();
auto parse_options = arrow::csv::ParseOptions::Defaults();
auto convert_options = arrow::csv::ConvertOptions::Defaults();

auto r_table_reader = csv::TableReader::Make(pool, r_input.ValueOrDie(),
read_options, parse_options, convert_options);
auto r_read = r_table_reader.ValueOrDie()->Read();
auto p_table = r_read.ValueOrDie();

PrettyPrintOptions options{0};
arrow::PrettyPrint(*p_table, options, &std::cout);

// Test covers and iterators.
const Table& tlb = *p_table;
const int64_t rows = tlb.num_rows();
const int cols = tlb.num_columns();
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
auto f = tlb.field(c);
const string& name = f->name();
int type_id = f->type()->id();
auto ch_arr = tlb.column(c);
auto values_buffer = ch_arr->chunk(0)->data()->buffers[1];
cout << "is_mutable: " << values_buffer->is_mutable() << endl;
switch (type_id)
case Type::DOUBLE:
#if 0
using iterator = ChunkedArrayIteratorRaw<arrow::DoubleArray, double>;
iterator it(ch_arr, 2);
cout << it.IsNull() << endl;
boost::iterator_range<iterator> range(it-2, it+8);
for (double val : range)
cout << val << endl;
using cover = ChunkedArrayCover<double>;
using iterator = typename cover::iterator;
using range = typename boost::iterator_range<iterator>;
cover cvr(ch_arr);
auto begin = cvr.begin();
auto end = cvr.end();
auto rbegin = cvr.rbegin();
auto rend = cvr.rend();
auto it = begin;
it += 2;
cout << "value_isnull: " << it.IsNull() << endl;
range rng(it-2, it+8);
for (double val : rng)
cout << val << endl;
case Type::STRING:
using iterator = ChunkedArrayIteratorString;
iterator it(ch_arr, 2);
cout << "value_isnull: " << it.IsNull() << endl;
boost::iterator_range<iterator> range(it-2, it+8);
for (const std::string val : range)
cout << val << endl;
case Type::BOOL:
using iterator = ChunkedArrayIteratorBoolean;
iterator it(ch_arr, 2);
cout << "value_isnull: " << it.IsNull() << endl;
boost::iterator_range<iterator> range(it-2, it+8);
for (bool val : range)
cout << val << endl;


// 1 cout << is_number_type<CTypeTraits<double>::ArrowType>::value << endl;
// 1 cout << is_number_type<CTypeTraits<int>::ArrowType>::value << endl;
// 0 cout << is_number_type<CTypeTraits<bool>::ArrowType>::value << endl;
// 0 cout << is_number_type<CTypeTraits<std::string>::ArrowType>::value <<

// Testing code, to check templates.
if (false)
TestFrame df;
auto beg = df.begin<double>("foo");
EVAL2(df, (double, dest), { return foo*foo; }, ((double, foo)));
EVAL2(df, (double, dest), { return foo*foo; }, ((double,
foo))((std::string, name)));

if (true)
TestFrame df(p_table);
auto beg = df.begin<double>("Duration");
EVAL2(df, (double, LogDur), { return log10(Duration); }, ((double,
EVAL2(df, (std::string, Length), { return (LogDur>3) ? "long" : "short"; },
((double, LogDur)));
arrow::PrettyPrint(*df._table, options, &std::cout);

return 1;

Scott B. Wilson
Chairman and Chief Scientist
Persyst Development Corporation
420 Stevens Avenue, Suite 210
Solana Beach, CA 92075

> [C++] Guidance for creating multi-column sort on Table example?
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ARROW-8199
>                 URL:
>             Project: Apache Arrow
>          Issue Type: Wish
>          Components: C++
>    Affects Versions: 0.16.0
>            Reporter: Scott Wilson
>            Priority: Minor
>              Labels: c++, newbie
>         Attachments: ArrowCsv.cpp
> I'm just coming up to speed with Arrow and am noticing a dearth of examples ... maybe I can help here.
> I'd like to implement multi-column sorting for Tables and just want to ensure that I'm not duplicating existing work or proposing a bad design.
> My thought was to create a Table-specific version of SortToIndices() where you can specify the columns and sort order.
> Then I'd create Array "views" that use the Indices to remap from the original Array values to the values in sorted order. (Original data is not sorted, but could be as a second step.) I noticed some of the array list variants keep offsets, but didn't see anything that supports remapping per a list of indices, but this may just be my oversight?
> Thanks in advance, Scott

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