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Posted to by Michael McLagan <Mi...@Linux.ORG> on 1998/07/12 13:43:37 UTC

mod_auth-any/2598: mod_auth_dbm requires mod_auth -- not documented?

>Number:         2598
>Category:       mod_auth-any
>Synopsis:       mod_auth_dbm requires mod_auth -- not documented?
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    apache
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   apache
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jul 12 04:50:00 PDT 1998
>Originator:     Michael.McLagan@Linux.ORG
>Release:        1.3
Linux 2.0.34, GDBM 1.7.3, PERL 5.004, RedHat 5.0


AuthType Basic
AuthName "Site admin"
AuthDBMUserFile sitepasswd
AuthDBMGroupFile sitepasswd

order deny,allow
allow from all
require valid-user


and loading only mod_auth_dbm, the browser shows "Internal Server Error"
while error log shows :

[crit] configuration error: couldn't check access.  No groups file?: /admin/

Even after deciphering the dbmmanage problem (submitted earlier) didn't
solve this.  Creating a special group file based on the format requested in
the docs didn't resolve this.

The only way I was able to access this area was to modify the config to include
mod_auth, and USR1 the server.

This allowed me to use the same old passwd file, despite it not having group
info in it.
You should be able to repeat it by creating a server conf with just mod_auth_dbm
included, and us the above listed .htaccess file.  It should fail as indicated.
A) Document it


B) Fix the reason it fails.
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