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Posted to by Peter Donald <> on 2001/12/05 22:53:17 UTC

Re: [Bug 4981] - "javac" Ant task "exclude" tag fails intermittently

On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 08:50, Eddie Ruvinsky wrote:
> As displayed below, the FileSet knows to exclude:
> 	org/apache/catalina/net/
> ...unless compile.jsse has been defined (which it has NOT).  The strange
> behavior appears when that file is not listed in the "Files to be compiled:"
> section below, but obviously javac attempts to compile it as it experiences
> compilation errors below.

Which is the tell tale sign that it is not an Ant problem.

> How is this a Tomcat build problem?  It appears to be more related to Ant.

Some file that exists in tomcat is referencing SSLServerSocketFactory 
somehow. This causes the compiler (javac/jikes/whatever) to include it in 
compilation even though ant has not told it to do so.

So if the their build file had been written correctly they would also exclude 
this other file because it also depends on SSL being present. This has not 
occured which is why you need to go through two compile cycles to get it to 



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