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[1/2] incubator-atlas git commit: ATLAS-91 Add solr configuration and documentation (suma.shivaprasad via shwethags)

Repository: incubator-atlas
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 147242e17 -> 48343db99
diff --git a/src/conf/solr/schema.xml b/src/conf/solr/schema.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d445b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf/solr/schema.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ This is the Solr schema file. This file should be named "schema.xml" and
+ should be in the conf directory under the solr home
+ (i.e. ./solr/conf/schema.xml by default) 
+ or located where the classloader for the Solr webapp can find it.
+ This example schema is the recommended starting point for users.
+ It should be kept correct and concise, usable out-of-the-box.
+ For more information, on how to customize this file, please see
+<schema name="titan-schema" version="1.5">
+  <!-- attribute "name" is the name of this schema and is only used for display purposes.
+       version="x.y" is Solr's version number for the schema syntax and 
+       semantics.  It should not normally be changed by applications.
+       1.0: multiValued attribute did not exist, all fields are multiValued 
+            by nature
+       1.1: multiValued attribute introduced, false by default 
+       1.2: omitTermFreqAndPositions attribute introduced, true by default 
+            except for text fields.
+       1.3: removed optional field compress feature
+       1.4: autoGeneratePhraseQueries attribute introduced to drive QueryParser
+            behavior when a single string produces multiple tokens.  Defaults 
+            to off for version >= 1.4
+       1.5: omitNorms defaults to true for primitive field types 
+            (int, float, boolean, string...)
+     -->
+   <!-- Valid attributes for fields:
+     name: mandatory - the name for the field
+     type: mandatory - the name of a field type from the 
+       <types> fieldType section
+     indexed: true if this field should be indexed (searchable or sortable)
+     stored: true if this field should be retrievable
+     docValues: true if this field should have doc values. Doc values are
+       useful for faceting, grouping, sorting and function queries. Although not
+       required, doc values will make the index faster to load, more
+       NRT-friendly and more memory-efficient. They however come with some
+       limitations: they are currently only supported by StrField, UUIDField
+       and all Trie*Fields, and depending on the field type, they might
+       require the field to be single-valued, be required or have a default
+       value (check the documentation of the field type you're interested in
+       for more information)
+     multiValued: true if this field may contain multiple values per document
+     omitNorms: (expert) set to true to omit the norms associated with
+       this field (this disables length normalization and index-time
+       boosting for the field, and saves some memory).  Only full-text
+       fields or fields that need an index-time boost need norms.
+       Norms are omitted for primitive (non-analyzed) types by default.
+     termVectors: [false] set to true to store the term vector for a
+       given field.
+       When using MoreLikeThis, fields used for similarity should be
+       stored for best performance.
+     termPositions: Store position information with the term vector.  
+       This will increase storage costs.
+     termOffsets: Store offset information with the term vector. This 
+       will increase storage costs.
+     required: The field is required.  It will throw an error if the
+       value does not exist
+     default: a value that should be used if no value is specified
+       when adding a document.
+   -->
+   <!-- field names should consist of alphanumeric or underscore characters only and
+      not start with a digit.  This is not currently strictly enforced,
+      but other field names will not have first class support from all components
+      and back compatibility is not guaranteed.  Names with both leading and
+      trailing underscores (e.g. _version_) are reserved.
+   -->
+   <!-- If you remove this field, you must _also_ disable the update log in solrconfig.xml
+      or Solr won't start. _version_ and update log are required for SolrCloud
+   --> 
+   <field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
+   <!-- points to the root document of a block of nested documents. Required for nested
+      document support, may be removed otherwise
+   -->
+   <field name="_root_" type="string" indexed="true" stored="false"/>
+   <!-- Only remove the "id" field if you have a very good reason to. While not strictly
+     required, it is highly recommended. A <uniqueKey> is present in almost all Solr 
+     installations. See the <uniqueKey> declaration below where <uniqueKey> is set to "id".
+   -->   
+   <field name="id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false" /> 
+   <!-- Dynamic field definitions allow using convention over configuration
+       for fields via the specification of patterns to match field names. 
+       EXAMPLE:  name="*_i" will match any field ending in _i (like myid_i, z_i)
+       RESTRICTION: the glob-like pattern in the name attribute must have
+       a "*" only at the start or the end.  -->
+   <dynamicField name="*_i"  type="int"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_is" type="int"    indexed="true"  stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_s"  type="string"  indexed="true"  stored="true" />
+   <dynamicField name="*_ss" type="string"  indexed="true"  stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_l"  type="long"   indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_ls" type="long"   indexed="true"  stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_t"  type="text_general"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_txt" type="text_general"   indexed="true"  stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_en"  type="text_en"    indexed="true"  stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_b"  type="boolean" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_bs" type="boolean" indexed="true" stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_f"  type="float"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_fs" type="float"  indexed="true"  stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_d"  type="double" indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_ds" type="double" indexed="true"  stored="true"  multiValued="true"/>
+   <!-- Type used to index the lat and lon components for the "location" FieldType -->
+   <dynamicField name="*_coordinate"  type="tdouble" indexed="true"  stored="false" />
+   <dynamicField name="*_dt"  type="date"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_dts" type="date"    indexed="true"  stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_p"  type="location" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
+   <!-- some trie-coded dynamic fields for faster range queries -->
+   <dynamicField name="*_ti" type="tint"    indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_tl" type="tlong"   indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_tf" type="tfloat"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_td" type="tdouble" indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_tdt" type="tdate"  indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="*_c"   type="currency" indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="ignored_*" type="ignored" multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="attr_*" type="text_general" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
+   <dynamicField name="random_*" type="random" />
+   <!-- uncomment the following to ignore any fields that don't already match an existing 
+        field name or dynamic field, rather than reporting them as an error. 
+        alternately, change the type="ignored" to some other type e.g. "text" if you want 
+        unknown fields indexed and/or stored by default --> 
+   <!--dynamicField name="*" type="ignored" multiValued="true" /-->
+ <!-- Field to use to determine and enforce document uniqueness. 
+      Unless this field is marked with required="false", it will be a required field
+   -->
+ <uniqueKey>id</uniqueKey>
+  <!-- copyField commands copy one field to another at the time a document
+        is added to the index.  It's used either to index the same field differently,
+        or to add multiple fields to the same field for easier/faster searching.  -->
+  <!--
+   <copyField source="title" dest="text"/>
+   <copyField source="body" dest="text"/>
+  -->
+    <!-- field type definitions. The "name" attribute is
+       just a label to be used by field definitions.  The "class"
+       attribute and any other attributes determine the real
+       behavior of the fieldType.
+         Class names starting with "solr" refer to java classes in a
+       standard package such as org.apache.solr.analysis
+    -->
+    <!-- The StrField type is not analyzed, but indexed/stored verbatim.
+       It supports doc values but in that case the field needs to be
+       single-valued and either required or have a default value.
+      -->
+    <fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField" sortMissingLast="true" />
+    <!-- boolean type: "true" or "false" -->
+    <fieldType name="boolean" class="solr.BoolField" sortMissingLast="true"/>
+    <!-- sortMissingLast and sortMissingFirst attributes are optional attributes are
+         currently supported on types that are sorted internally as strings
+         and on numeric types.
+	     This includes "string","boolean", and, as of 3.5 (and 4.x),
+	     int, float, long, date, double, including the "Trie" variants.
+       - If sortMissingLast="true", then a sort on this field will cause documents
+         without the field to come after documents with the field,
+         regardless of the requested sort order (asc or desc).
+       - If sortMissingFirst="true", then a sort on this field will cause documents
+         without the field to come before documents with the field,
+         regardless of the requested sort order.
+       - If sortMissingLast="false" and sortMissingFirst="false" (the default),
+         then default lucene sorting will be used which places docs without the
+         field first in an ascending sort and last in a descending sort.
+    -->    
+    <!--
+      Default numeric field types. For faster range queries, consider the tint/tfloat/tlong/tdouble types.
+      These fields support doc values, but they require the field to be
+      single-valued and either be required or have a default value.
+    -->
+    <fieldType name="int" class="solr.TrieIntField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <fieldType name="float" class="solr.TrieFloatField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <fieldType name="long" class="solr.TrieLongField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <fieldType name="double" class="solr.TrieDoubleField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <!--
+     Numeric field types that index each value at various levels of precision
+     to accelerate range queries when the number of values between the range
+     endpoints is large. See the javadoc for NumericRangeQuery for internal
+     implementation details.
+     Smaller precisionStep values (specified in bits) will lead to more tokens
+     indexed per value, slightly larger index size, and faster range queries.
+     A precisionStep of 0 disables indexing at different precision levels.
+    -->
+    <fieldType name="tint" class="solr.TrieIntField" precisionStep="8" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <fieldType name="tfloat" class="solr.TrieFloatField" precisionStep="8" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <fieldType name="tlong" class="solr.TrieLongField" precisionStep="8" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <fieldType name="tdouble" class="solr.TrieDoubleField" precisionStep="8" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <!-- The format for this date field is of the form 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z, and
+         is a more restricted form of the canonical representation of dateTime
+         The trailing "Z" designates UTC time and is mandatory.
+         Optional fractional seconds are allowed: 1995-12-31T23:59:59.999Z
+         All other components are mandatory.
+         Expressions can also be used to denote calculations that should be
+         performed relative to "NOW" to determine the value, ie...
+               NOW/HOUR
+                  ... Round to the start of the current hour
+               NOW-1DAY
+                  ... Exactly 1 day prior to now
+               NOW/DAY+6MONTHS+3DAYS
+                  ... 6 months and 3 days in the future from the start of
+                      the current day
+         Consult the TrieDateField javadocs for more information.
+         Note: For faster range queries, consider the tdate type
+      -->
+    <fieldType name="date" class="solr.TrieDateField" precisionStep="0" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <!-- A Trie based date field for faster date range queries and date faceting. -->
+    <fieldType name="tdate" class="solr.TrieDateField" precisionStep="6" positionIncrementGap="0"/>
+    <!--Binary data type. The data should be sent/retrieved in as Base64 encoded Strings -->
+    <fieldType name="binary" class="solr.BinaryField"/>
+    <!-- The "RandomSortField" is not used to store or search any
+         data.  You can declare fields of this type it in your schema
+         to generate pseudo-random orderings of your docs for sorting 
+         or function purposes.  The ordering is generated based on the field
+         name and the version of the index. As long as the index version
+         remains unchanged, and the same field name is reused,
+         the ordering of the docs will be consistent.  
+         If you want different psuedo-random orderings of documents,
+         for the same version of the index, use a dynamicField and
+         change the field name in the request.
+     -->
+    <fieldType name="random" class="solr.RandomSortField" indexed="true" />
+    <!-- solr.TextField allows the specification of custom text analyzers
+         specified as a tokenizer and a list of token filters. Different
+         analyzers may be specified for indexing and querying.
+         The optional positionIncrementGap puts space between multiple fields of
+         this type on the same document, with the purpose of preventing false phrase
+         matching across fields.
+         For more info on customizing your analyzer chain, please see
+     -->
+    <!-- One can also specify an existing Analyzer class that has a
+         default constructor via the class attribute on the analyzer element.
+         Example:
+    <fieldType name="text_greek" class="solr.TextField">
+      <analyzer class="org.apache.lucene.analysis.el.GreekAnalyzer"/>
+    </fieldType>
+    -->
+    <!-- A text field that only splits on whitespace for exact matching of words -->
+    <fieldType name="text_ws" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
+      <analyzer>
+        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- A general text field that has reasonable, generic
+         cross-language defaults: it tokenizes with StandardTokenizer,
+	 removes stop words from case-insensitive "stopwords.txt"
+	 (empty by default), and down cases.  At query time only, it
+	 also applies synonyms. -->
+    <fieldType name="text_general" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
+      <analyzer type="index">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
+        <!-- in this example, we will only use synonyms at query time
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
+        -->
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+      <analyzer type="query">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- A text field with defaults appropriate for English: it
+         tokenizes with StandardTokenizer, removes English stop words
+         (lang/stopwords_en.txt), down cases, protects words from protwords.txt, and
+         finally applies Porter's stemming.  The query time analyzer
+         also applies synonyms from synonyms.txt. -->
+    <fieldType name="text_en" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
+      <analyzer type="index">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <!-- in this example, we will only use synonyms at query time
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
+        -->
+        <!-- Case insensitive stop word removal.
+        -->
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
+                ignoreCase="true"
+                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
+                />
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+	<filter class="solr.EnglishPossessiveFilterFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
+	<!-- Optionally you may want to use this less aggressive stemmer instead of PorterStemFilterFactory:
+        <filter class="solr.EnglishMinimalStemFilterFactory"/>
+	-->
+        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+      <analyzer type="query">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
+                ignoreCase="true"
+                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
+                />
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+	<filter class="solr.EnglishPossessiveFilterFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
+	<!-- Optionally you may want to use this less aggressive stemmer instead of PorterStemFilterFactory:
+        <filter class="solr.EnglishMinimalStemFilterFactory"/>
+	-->
+        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- A text field with defaults appropriate for English, plus
+	 aggressive word-splitting and autophrase features enabled.
+	 This field is just like text_en, except it adds
+	 WordDelimiterFilter to enable splitting and matching of
+	 words on case-change, alpha numeric boundaries, and
+	 non-alphanumeric chars.  This means certain compound word
+	 cases will work, for example query "wi fi" will match
+	 document "WiFi" or "wi-fi".
+        -->
+    <fieldType name="text_en_splitting" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true">
+      <analyzer type="index">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <!-- in this example, we will only use synonyms at query time
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
+        -->
+        <!-- Case insensitive stop word removal.
+        -->
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
+                ignoreCase="true"
+                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
+                />
+        <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="0" splitOnCaseChange="1"/>
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
+        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+      <analyzer type="query">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
+                ignoreCase="true"
+                words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"
+                />
+        <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="1" generateNumberParts="1" catenateWords="0" catenateNumbers="0" catenateAll="0" splitOnCaseChange="1"/>
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
+        <filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- Less flexible matching, but less false matches.  Probably not ideal for product names,
+         but may be good for SKUs.  Can insert dashes in the wrong place and still match. -->
+    <fieldType name="text_en_splitting_tight" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100" autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true">
+      <analyzer>
+        <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="false"/>
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="lang/stopwords_en.txt"/>
+        <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory" generateWordParts="0" generateNumberParts="0" catenateWords="1" catenateNumbers="1" catenateAll="0"/>
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory" protected="protwords.txt"/>
+        <filter class="solr.EnglishMinimalStemFilterFactory"/>
+        <!-- this filter can remove any duplicate tokens that appear at the same position - sometimes
+             possible with WordDelimiterFilter in conjuncton with stemming. -->
+        <filter class="solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- Just like text_general except it reverses the characters of
+	 each token, to enable more efficient leading wildcard queries. -->
+    <fieldType name="text_general_rev" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
+      <analyzer type="index">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.ReversedWildcardFilterFactory" withOriginal="true"
+           maxPosAsterisk="3" maxPosQuestion="2" maxFractionAsterisk="0.33"/>
+      </analyzer>
+      <analyzer type="query">
+        <tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
+        <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt" />
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- This is an example of using the KeywordTokenizer along
+         With various TokenFilterFactories to produce a sortable field
+         that does not include some properties of the source text
+      -->
+    <fieldType name="alphaOnlySort" class="solr.TextField" sortMissingLast="true" omitNorms="true">
+      <analyzer>
+        <!-- KeywordTokenizer does no actual tokenizing, so the entire
+             input string is preserved as a single token
+          -->
+        <tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <!-- The LowerCase TokenFilter does what you expect, which can be
+             when you want your sorting to be case insensitive
+          -->
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
+        <!-- The TrimFilter removes any leading or trailing whitespace -->
+        <filter class="solr.TrimFilterFactory" />
+        <!-- The PatternReplaceFilter gives you the flexibility to use
+             Java Regular expression to replace any sequence of characters
+             matching a pattern with an arbitrary replacement string, 
+             which may include back references to portions of the original
+             string matched by the pattern.
+             See the Java Regular Expression documentation for more
+             information on pattern and replacement string syntax.
+          -->
+        <filter class="solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory"
+                pattern="([^a-z])" replacement="" replace="all"
+        />
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- lowercases the entire field value, keeping it as a single token.  -->
+    <fieldType name="lowercase" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100">
+      <analyzer>
+        <tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
+        <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" />
+      </analyzer>
+    </fieldType>
+    <!-- since fields of this type are by default not stored or indexed,
+         any data added to them will be ignored outright.  --> 
+    <fieldType name="ignored" stored="false" indexed="false" multiValued="true" class="solr.StrField" />
+    <!-- This point type indexes the coordinates as separate fields (subFields)
+      If subFieldType is defined, it references a type, and a dynamic field
+      definition is created matching *___<typename>.  Alternately, if 
+      subFieldSuffix is defined, that is used to create the subFields.
+      Example: if subFieldType="double", then the coordinates would be
+        indexed in fields myloc_0___double,myloc_1___double.
+      Example: if subFieldSuffix="_d" then the coordinates would be indexed
+        in fields myloc_0_d,myloc_1_d
+      The subFields are an implementation detail of the fieldType, and end
+      users normally should not need to know about them.
+     -->
+    <fieldType name="point" class="solr.PointType" dimension="2" subFieldSuffix="_d"/>
+    <!-- A specialized field for geospatial search. If indexed, this fieldType must not be multivalued. -->
+    <fieldType name="location" class="solr.LatLonType" subFieldSuffix="_coordinate"/>
+    <!-- Spatial rectangle (bounding box) field. It supports most spatial predicates, and has
+     special relevancy modes: score=overlapRatio|area|area2D (local-param to the query).  DocValues is recommended for
+     relevancy. -->
+    <fieldType name="bbox" class="solr.BBoxField"
+               geo="true" distanceUnits="kilometers" numberType="_bbox_coord" />
+    <fieldType name="_bbox_coord" class="solr.TrieDoubleField" precisionStep="8" docValues="true" stored="false"/>
+   <!-- Money/currency field type. See
+        Parameters:
+          defaultCurrency: Specifies the default currency if none specified. Defaults to "USD"
+          precisionStep:   Specifies the precisionStep for the TrieLong field used for the amount
+          providerClass:   Lets you plug in other exchange provider backend:
+                           solr.FileExchangeRateProvider is the default and takes one parameter:
+                             currencyConfig: name of an xml file holding exchange rates
+                           solr.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider uses rates from
+                             ratesFileLocation: URL or path to rates JSON file (default latest.json on the web)
+                             refreshInterval: Number of minutes between each rates fetch (default: 1440, min: 60)
+   -->
+    <fieldType name="currency" class="solr.CurrencyField" precisionStep="8" defaultCurrency="USD" currencyConfig="currency.xml" />
+    <!--Titan specific-->
+    <fieldType name="uuid"
+               class="solr.UUIDField"
+               indexed="true" />
+    <dynamicField name="*_uuid" type="uuid"     indexed="true"  stored="true"/>
+    <!-- TTL -->
+    <field name="ttl"  type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" />
+    <field name="expire_at" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" />
+    <field name="timestamp" type="date" indexed="true" stored="true" />
diff --git a/src/conf/solr/solrconfig.xml b/src/conf/solr/solrconfig.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce2e20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf/solr/solrconfig.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+     For more details about configurations options that may appear in
+     this file, see 
+  <!-- In all configuration below, a prefix of "solr." for class names
+       is an alias that causes solr to search appropriate packages,
+       including org.apache.solr.(search|update|request|core|analysis)
+       You may also specify a fully qualified Java classname if you
+       have your own custom plugins.
+    -->
+  <!-- Controls what version of Lucene various components of Solr
+       adhere to.  Generally, you want to use the latest version to
+       get all bug fixes and improvements. It is highly recommended
+       that you fully re-index after changing this setting as it can
+       affect both how text is indexed and queried.
+  -->
+  <luceneMatchVersion>5.0.0</luceneMatchVersion>
+  <!-- Data Directory
+       Used to specify an alternate directory to hold all index data
+       other than the default ./data under the Solr home.  If
+       replication is in use, this should match the replication
+       configuration.
+    -->
+  <dataDir>${}</dataDir>
+  <!-- The DirectoryFactory to use for indexes.
+       solr.StandardDirectoryFactory is filesystem
+       based and tries to pick the best implementation for the current
+       JVM and platform.  solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory, the default,
+       wraps solr.StandardDirectoryFactory and caches small files in memory
+       for better NRT performance.
+       One can force a particular implementation via solr.MMapDirectoryFactory,
+       solr.NIOFSDirectoryFactory, or solr.SimpleFSDirectoryFactory.
+       solr.RAMDirectoryFactory is memory based, not
+       persistent, and doesn't work with replication.
+    -->
+  <directoryFactory name="DirectoryFactory" 
+                    class="${solr.directoryFactory:solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory}">
+      <!-- These will be used if you are using the solr.HdfsDirectoryFactory,
+         otherwise they will be ignored. If you don't plan on using hdfs,
+         you can safely remove this section. -->
+      <!-- The root directory that collection data should be written to. -->
+      <str name="solr.hdfs.home">${solr.hdfs.home:}</str>
+      <!-- The hadoop configuration files to use for the hdfs client. -->
+      <str name="solr.hdfs.confdir">${solr.hdfs.confdir:}</str>
+      <!-- Enable/Disable the hdfs cache. -->
+      <str name="solr.hdfs.blockcache.enabled">${solr.hdfs.blockcache.enabled:true}</str>
+      <!-- Enable/Disable using one global cache for all SolrCores.
+           The settings used will be from the first HdfsDirectoryFactory created. -->
+      <str name="">${}</str>
+  </directoryFactory> 
+  <!-- The CodecFactory for defining the format of the inverted index.
+       The default implementation is SchemaCodecFactory, which is the official Lucene
+       index format, but hooks into the schema to provide per-field customization of
+       the postings lists and per-document values in the fieldType element
+       (postingsFormat/docValuesFormat). Note that most of the alternative implementations
+       are experimental, so if you choose to customize the index format, it's a good
+       idea to convert back to the official format e.g. via IndexWriter.addIndexes(IndexReader)
+       before upgrading to a newer version to avoid unnecessary reindexing.
+  -->
+  <codecFactory class="solr.SchemaCodecFactory"/>
+  <!-- To enable dynamic schema REST APIs, use the following for <schemaFactory>:
+       <schemaFactory class="ManagedIndexSchemaFactory">
+         <bool name="mutable">true</bool>
+         <str name="managedSchemaResourceName">managed-schema</str>
+       </schemaFactory>
+       When ManagedIndexSchemaFactory is specified, Solr will load the schema from
+       he resource named in 'managedSchemaResourceName', rather than from schema.xml.
+       Note that the managed schema resource CANNOT be named schema.xml.  If the managed
+       schema does not exist, Solr will create it after reading schema.xml, then rename
+       'schema.xml' to 'schema.xml.bak'.
+       Do NOT hand edit the managed schema - external modifications will be ignored and
+       overwritten as a result of schema modification REST API calls.
+       When ManagedIndexSchemaFactory is specified with mutable = true, schema
+       modification REST API calls will be allowed; otherwise, error responses will be
+       sent back for these requests.
+  -->
+  <schemaFactory class="ClassicIndexSchemaFactory"/>
+  <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+       Index Config - These settings control low-level behavior of indexing
+       Most example settings here show the default value, but are commented
+       out, to more easily see where customizations have been made.
+       Note: This replaces <indexDefaults> and <mainIndex> from older versions
+       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
+  <indexConfig>
+    <!-- LockFactory 
+         This option specifies which Lucene LockFactory implementation
+         to use.
+         single = SingleInstanceLockFactory - suggested for a
+                  read-only index or when there is no possibility of
+                  another process trying to modify the index.
+         native = NativeFSLockFactory - uses OS native file locking.
+                  Do not use when multiple solr webapps in the same
+                  JVM are attempting to share a single index.
+         simple = SimpleFSLockFactory  - uses a plain file for locking
+         Defaults: 'native' is default for Solr3.6 and later, otherwise
+                   'simple' is the default
+         More details on the nuances of each LockFactory...
+    -->
+    <lockType>${solr.lock.type:native}</lockType>
+    <!-- Lucene Infostream
+         To aid in advanced debugging, Lucene provides an "InfoStream"
+         of detailed information when indexing.
+         Setting the value to true will instruct the underlying Lucene
+         IndexWriter to write its info stream to solr's log. By default,
+         this is enabled here, and controlled through
+      -->
+     <infoStream>true</infoStream>
+  </indexConfig>
+  <!-- JMX
+       This example enables JMX if and only if an existing MBeanServer
+       is found, use this if you want to configure JMX through JVM
+       parameters. Remove this to disable exposing Solr configuration
+       and statistics to JMX.
+       For more details see
+    -->
+  <jmx />
+  <!-- If you want to connect to a particular server, specify the
+       agentId 
+    -->
+  <!-- <jmx agentId="myAgent" /> -->
+  <!-- If you want to start a new MBeanServer, specify the serviceUrl -->
+  <!-- <jmx serviceUrl="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:9999/solr"/>
+    -->
+  <!-- The default high-performance update handler -->
+  <updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2">
+    <!-- Enables a transaction log, used for real-time get, durability, and
+         and solr cloud replica recovery.  The log can grow as big as
+         uncommitted changes to the index, so use of a hard autoCommit
+         is recommended (see below).
+         "dir" - the target directory for transaction logs, defaults to the
+                solr data directory.  --> 
+    <updateLog>
+      <str name="dir">${solr.ulog.dir:}</str>
+    </updateLog>
+    <!-- AutoCommit
+         Perform a hard commit automatically under certain conditions.
+         Instead of enabling autoCommit, consider using "commitWithin"
+         when adding documents. 
+         maxDocs - Maximum number of documents to add since the last
+                   commit before automatically triggering a new commit.
+         maxTime - Maximum amount of time in ms that is allowed to pass
+                   since a document was added before automatically
+                   triggering a new commit. 
+         openSearcher - if false, the commit causes recent index changes
+           to be flushed to stable storage, but does not cause a new
+           searcher to be opened to make those changes visible.
+         If the updateLog is enabled, then it's highly recommended to
+         have some sort of hard autoCommit to limit the log size.
+      -->
+     <autoCommit> 
+       <maxTime>${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:15000}</maxTime> 
+       <openSearcher>false</openSearcher> 
+     </autoCommit>
+    <!-- softAutoCommit is like autoCommit except it causes a
+         'soft' commit which only ensures that changes are visible
+         but does not ensure that data is synced to disk.  This is
+         faster and more near-realtime friendly than a hard commit.
+      -->
+     <autoSoftCommit> 
+       <maxTime>${solr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime:-1}</maxTime> 
+     </autoSoftCommit>
+  </updateHandler>
+  <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+       Query section - these settings control query time things like caches
+       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
+  <query>
+    <!-- Max Boolean Clauses
+         Maximum number of clauses in each BooleanQuery,  an exception
+         is thrown if exceeded.
+         ** WARNING **
+         This option actually modifies a global Lucene property that
+         will affect all SolrCores.  If multiple solrconfig.xml files
+         disagree on this property, the value at any given moment will
+         be based on the last SolrCore to be initialized.
+      -->
+    <maxBooleanClauses>1024</maxBooleanClauses>
+    <!-- Solr Internal Query Caches
+         There are two implementations of cache available for Solr,
+         LRUCache, based on a synchronized LinkedHashMap, and
+         FastLRUCache, based on a ConcurrentHashMap.  
+         FastLRUCache has faster gets and slower puts in single
+         threaded operation and thus is generally faster than LRUCache
+         when the hit ratio of the cache is high (> 75%), and may be
+         faster under other scenarios on multi-cpu systems.
+    -->
+    <!-- Filter Cache
+         Cache used by SolrIndexSearcher for filters (DocSets),
+         unordered sets of *all* documents that match a query.  When a
+         new searcher is opened, its caches may be prepopulated or
+         "autowarmed" using data from caches in the old searcher.
+         autowarmCount is the number of items to prepopulate.  For
+         LRUCache, the autowarmed items will be the most recently
+         accessed items.
+         Parameters:
+           class - the SolrCache implementation LRUCache or
+               (LRUCache or FastLRUCache)
+           size - the maximum number of entries in the cache
+           initialSize - the initial capacity (number of entries) of
+               the cache.  (see java.util.HashMap)
+           autowarmCount - the number of entries to prepopulate from
+               and old cache.  
+      -->
+    <filterCache class="solr.FastLRUCache"
+                 size="512"
+                 initialSize="512"
+                 autowarmCount="0"/>
+    <!-- Query Result Cache
+         Caches results of searches - ordered lists of document ids
+         (DocList) based on a query, a sort, and the range of documents requested.  
+      -->
+    <queryResultCache class="solr.LRUCache"
+                     size="512"
+                     initialSize="512"
+                     autowarmCount="0"/>
+    <!-- Document Cache
+         Caches Lucene Document objects (the stored fields for each
+         document).  Since Lucene internal document ids are transient,
+         this cache will not be autowarmed.  
+      -->
+    <documentCache class="solr.LRUCache"
+                   size="512"
+                   initialSize="512"
+                   autowarmCount="0"/>
+    <!-- custom cache currently used by block join --> 
+    <cache name="perSegFilter"
+      class=""
+      size="10"
+      initialSize="0"
+      autowarmCount="10"
+      regenerator="solr.NoOpRegenerator" />
+    <!-- Lazy Field Loading
+         If true, stored fields that are not requested will be loaded
+         lazily.  This can result in a significant speed improvement
+         if the usual case is to not load all stored fields,
+         especially if the skipped fields are large compressed text
+         fields.
+    -->
+    <enableLazyFieldLoading>true</enableLazyFieldLoading>
+   <!-- Result Window Size
+        An optimization for use with the queryResultCache.  When a search
+        is requested, a superset of the requested number of document ids
+        are collected.  For example, if a search for a particular query
+        requests matching documents 10 through 19, and queryWindowSize is 50,
+        then documents 0 through 49 will be collected and cached.  Any further
+        requests in that range can be satisfied via the cache.  
+     -->
+   <queryResultWindowSize>20</queryResultWindowSize>
+   <!-- Maximum number of documents to cache for any entry in the
+        queryResultCache. 
+     -->
+   <queryResultMaxDocsCached>200</queryResultMaxDocsCached>
+    <!-- Use Cold Searcher
+         If a search request comes in and there is no current
+         registered searcher, then immediately register the still
+         warming searcher and use it.  If "false" then all requests
+         will block until the first searcher is done warming.
+      -->
+    <useColdSearcher>false</useColdSearcher>
+    <!-- Max Warming Searchers
+         Maximum number of searchers that may be warming in the
+         background concurrently.  An error is returned if this limit
+         is exceeded.
+         Recommend values of 1-2 for read-only slaves, higher for
+         masters w/o cache warming.
+      -->
+    <maxWarmingSearchers>2</maxWarmingSearchers>
+  </query>
+  <!-- Request Dispatcher
+       This section contains instructions for how the SolrDispatchFilter
+       should behave when processing requests for this SolrCore.
+       handleSelect is a legacy option that affects the behavior of requests
+       such as /select?qt=XXX
+       handleSelect="true" will cause the SolrDispatchFilter to process
+       the request and dispatch the query to a handler specified by the 
+       "qt" param, assuming "/select" isn't already registered.
+       handleSelect="false" will cause the SolrDispatchFilter to
+       ignore "/select" requests, resulting in a 404 unless a handler
+       is explicitly registered with the name "/select"
+       handleSelect="true" is not recommended for new users, but is the default
+       for backwards compatibility
+    -->
+  <requestDispatcher handleSelect="false" >
+    <!-- Request Parsing
+         These settings indicate how Solr Requests may be parsed, and
+         what restrictions may be placed on the ContentStreams from
+         those requests
+         enableRemoteStreaming - enables use of the stream.file
+         and stream.url parameters for specifying remote streams.
+         multipartUploadLimitInKB - specifies the max size (in KiB) of
+         Multipart File Uploads that Solr will allow in a Request.
+         formdataUploadLimitInKB - specifies the max size (in KiB) of
+         form data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) sent via
+         POST. You can use POST to pass request parameters not
+         fitting into the URL.
+         addHttpRequestToContext - if set to true, it will instruct
+         the requestParsers to include the original HttpServletRequest
+         object in the context map of the SolrQueryRequest under the 
+         key "httpRequest". It will not be used by any of the existing
+         Solr components, but may be useful when developing custom 
+         plugins.
+         *** WARNING ***
+         The settings below authorize Solr to fetch remote files, You
+         should make sure your system has some authentication before
+         using enableRemoteStreaming="true"
+      --> 
+    <requestParsers enableRemoteStreaming="true" 
+                    multipartUploadLimitInKB="2048000"
+                    formdataUploadLimitInKB="2048"
+                    addHttpRequestToContext="false"/>
+    <!-- HTTP Caching
+         Set HTTP caching related parameters (for proxy caches and clients).
+         The options below instruct Solr not to output any HTTP Caching
+         related headers
+      -->
+    <httpCaching never304="true" />
+  </requestDispatcher>
+  <!-- Request Handlers 
+       Incoming queries will be dispatched to a specific handler by name
+       based on the path specified in the request.
+       Legacy behavior: If the request path uses "/select" but no Request
+       Handler has that name, and if handleSelect="true" has been specified in
+       the requestDispatcher, then the Request Handler is dispatched based on
+       the qt parameter.  Handlers without a leading '/' are accessed this way
+       like so: http://host/app/[core/]select?qt=name  If no qt is
+       given, then the requestHandler that declares default="true" will be
+       used or the one named "standard".
+       If a Request Handler is declared with startup="lazy", then it will
+       not be initialized until the first request that uses it.
+    -->
+  <!-- SearchHandler
+       For processing Search Queries, the primary Request Handler
+       provided with Solr is "SearchHandler" It delegates to a sequent
+       of SearchComponents (see below) and supports distributed
+       queries across multiple shards
+    -->
+  <requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">
+    <!-- default values for query parameters can be specified, these
+         will be overridden by parameters in the request
+      -->
+     <lst name="defaults">
+       <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
+       <int name="rows">10</int>
+     </lst>
+    </requestHandler>
+  <!-- A request handler that returns indented JSON by default -->
+  <requestHandler name="/query" class="solr.SearchHandler">
+     <lst name="defaults">
+       <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
+       <str name="wt">json</str>
+       <str name="indent">true</str>
+       <str name="df">text</str>
+     </lst>
+  </requestHandler>
+  <!--
+    The export request handler is used to export full sorted result sets.
+    Do not change these defaults.
+  -->
+  <requestHandler name="/export" class="solr.SearchHandler">
+    <lst name="invariants">
+      <str name="rq">{!xport}</str>
+      <str name="wt">xsort</str>
+      <str name="distrib">false</str>
+    </lst>
+    <arr name="components">
+      <str>query</str>
+    </arr>
+  </requestHandler>
+  <initParams path="/update/**,/query,/select,/tvrh,/elevate,/spell">
+    <lst name="defaults">
+      <str name="df">text</str>
+    </lst>
+  </initParams>
+  <!-- Field Analysis Request Handler
+       RequestHandler that provides much the same functionality as
+       analysis.jsp. Provides the ability to specify multiple field
+       types and field names in the same request and outputs
+       index-time and query-time analysis for each of them.
+       Request parameters are:
+       analysis.fieldname - field name whose analyzers are to be used
+       analysis.fieldtype - field type whose analyzers are to be used
+       analysis.fieldvalue - text for index-time analysis
+       q (or analysis.q) - text for query time analysis
+       analysis.showmatch (true|false) - When set to true and when
+           query analysis is performed, the produced tokens of the
+           field value analysis will be marked as "matched" for every
+           token that is produces by the query analysis
+   -->
+  <requestHandler name="/analysis/field" 
+                  startup="lazy"
+                  class="solr.FieldAnalysisRequestHandler" />
+  <!-- Document Analysis Handler
+       An analysis handler that provides a breakdown of the analysis
+       process of provided documents. This handler expects a (single)
+       content stream with the following format:
+       <docs>
+         <doc>
+           <field name="id">1</field>
+           <field name="name">The Name</field>
+           <field name="text">The Text Value</field>
+         </doc>
+         <doc>...</doc>
+         <doc>...</doc>
+         ...
+       </docs>
+    Note: Each document must contain a field which serves as the
+    unique key. This key is used in the returned response to associate
+    an analysis breakdown to the analyzed document.
+    Like the FieldAnalysisRequestHandler, this handler also supports
+    query analysis by sending either an "analysis.query" or "q"
+    request parameter that holds the query text to be analyzed. It
+    also supports the "analysis.showmatch" parameter which when set to
+    true, all field tokens that match the query tokens will be marked
+    as a "match". 
+  -->
+  <requestHandler name="/analysis/document" 
+                  class="solr.DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler" 
+                  startup="lazy" />
+  <!-- Echo the request contents back to the client -->
+  <requestHandler name="/debug/dump" class="solr.DumpRequestHandler" >
+    <lst name="defaults">
+     <str name="echoParams">explicit</str> 
+     <str name="echoHandler">true</str>
+    </lst>
+  </requestHandler>
+  <!-- Search Components
+       Search components are registered to SolrCore and used by 
+       instances of SearchHandler (which can access them by name)
+       By default, the following components are available:
+       <searchComponent name="query"     class="solr.QueryComponent" />
+       <searchComponent name="facet"     class="solr.FacetComponent" />
+       <searchComponent name="mlt"       class="solr.MoreLikeThisComponent" />
+       <searchComponent name="highlight" class="solr.HighlightComponent" />
+       <searchComponent name="stats"     class="solr.StatsComponent" />
+       <searchComponent name="debug"     class="solr.DebugComponent" />
+     -->
+  <!-- Terms Component
+       A component to return terms and document frequency of those
+       terms
+    -->
+  <searchComponent name="terms" class="solr.TermsComponent"/>
+  <!-- A request handler for demonstrating the terms component -->
+  <requestHandler name="/terms" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup="lazy">
+     <lst name="defaults">
+      <bool name="terms">true</bool>
+      <bool name="distrib">false</bool>
+    </lst>     
+    <arr name="components">
+      <str>terms</str>
+    </arr>
+  </requestHandler>
+  <!-- Legacy config for the admin interface -->
+  <admin>
+    <defaultQuery>*:*</defaultQuery>
+  </admin>
+    <!--Titan specific-->
+    <updateRequestProcessorChain default="true">
+        <processor class="solr.TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory">
+            <str name="fieldName">timestamp</str>
+        </processor>
+        <processor class="solr.processor.DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory">
+            <int name="autoDeletePeriodSeconds">5</int>
+            <str name="ttlFieldName">ttl</str>
+            <str name="expirationFieldName">expire_at</str>
+        </processor>
+        <processor class="solr.FirstFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory">
+            <str name="fieldName">expire_at_dt</str>
+        </processor>
+        <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory"/>
+        <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory"/>
+    </updateRequestProcessorChain>
diff --git a/src/conf/solr/stopwords.txt b/src/conf/solr/stopwords.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae1e83e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf/solr/stopwords.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/src/conf/solr/synonyms.txt b/src/conf/solr/synonyms.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f72128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf/solr/synonyms.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+#some test synonym mappings unlikely to appear in real input text
+aaafoo => aaabar
+bbbfoo => bbbfoo bbbbar
+cccfoo => cccbar cccbaz
+# Some synonym groups specific to this example
+Television, Televisions, TV, TVs
+#notice we use "gib" instead of "GiB" so any WordDelimiterFilter coming
+#after us won't split it into two words.
+# Synonym mappings can be used for spelling correction too
+pixima => pixma

[2/2] incubator-atlas git commit: ATLAS-91 Add solr configuration and documentation (suma.shivaprasad via shwethags)

Posted by
ATLAS-91 Add solr configuration and documentation (suma.shivaprasad via shwethags)


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 48343db999b495458409644c8b9d2fd0bd9fa99d
Parents: 147242e
Author: Shwetha GS <>
Authored: Wed Aug 12 11:15:02 2015 +0530
Committer: Shwetha GS <>
Committed: Wed Aug 12 11:15:02 2015 +0530

 client/pom.xml                                  |   6 +
 docs/src/site/twiki/InstallationSteps.twiki     |  40 +
 pom.xml                                         |  71 +-
 release-log.txt                                 |   1 +
 repository/pom.xml                              |  10 +
 .../titan/diskstorage/solr/      | 962 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../repository/graph/    |  36 +
 src/conf/solr/currency.xml                      |  67 ++
 src/conf/solr/lang/stopwords_en.txt             |  54 ++
 src/conf/solr/protwords.txt                     |  21 +
 src/conf/solr/schema.xml                        | 534 ++++++++++
 src/conf/solr/solrconfig.xml                    | 625 ++++++++++++
 src/conf/solr/stopwords.txt                     |  14 +
 src/conf/solr/synonyms.txt                      |  29 +
 14 files changed, 2466 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/client/pom.xml b/client/pom.xml
index d393b3a..2e27930 100755
--- a/client/pom.xml
+++ b/client/pom.xml
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@
+        <!-- supports simple auth handler -->
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
+            <artifactId>httpclient</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
diff --git a/docs/src/site/twiki/InstallationSteps.twiki b/docs/src/site/twiki/InstallationSteps.twiki
index 0391c2d..e056d17 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/twiki/InstallationSteps.twiki
+++ b/docs/src/site/twiki/InstallationSteps.twiki
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@ Tar is structured as follows
    |- log4j.xml
+   |- solr
+      |- currency.xml
+      |- lang
+         |- stopwords_en.txt
+      |- protowords.txt
+      |- schema.xml
+      |- solrconfig.xml
+      |- stopwords.txt
+      |- synonyms.txt
 |- docs
 |- server
    |- webapp
@@ -112,6 +121,37 @@ and change it to look as below
 export METADATA_SERVER_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true"
+* Configuring SOLR as the Indexing Backend for the Graph Repository
+By default, Atlas uses Titan as the graph repository and is the only graph repository implementation available currently.
+For configuring Titan to work with Solr, please follow the instructions below
+* Install solr if not already running. Versions of SOLR supported are 4.8.1 or 5.2.1.
+* Start solr in cloud mode.
+  SolrCloud mode uses a ZooKeeper Service as a highly available, central location for cluster management.
+  For a small cluster, running with an existing ZooKeeper quorum should be fine. For larger clusters, you would want to run separate multiple ZooKeeper quorum with atleast 3 servers.
+  Note: Atlas currently supports solr in "cloud" mode only. "http" mode is not supported. For more information, refer solr documentation -
+* Run the following commands from SOLR_HOME directory to create collections in Solr corresponding to the indexes that Atlas uses
+  bin/solr create -c vertex_index -d ATLAS_HOME/conf/solr -shards #numShards -replicationFactor #replicationFactor
+  bin/solr create -c edge_index -d ATLAS_HOME/conf/solr -shards #numShards -replicationFactor #replicationFactor
+  bin/solr create -c fulltext_index -d ATLAS_HOME/conf/solr -shards #numShards -replicationFactor #replicationFactor
+  Note: If numShards and replicationFactor are not specified, they default to 1 which suffices if you are trying out solr with ATLAS on a single node instance.
+  Otherwise specify numShards according to the number of hosts that are in the Solr cluster and the maxShardsPerNode configuration.
+  The number of shards cannot exceed the total number of Solr nodes in your SolrCloud cluster
+* Change ATLAS configuration to point to the Solr instance setup. Please make sure the following configurations are set to the below values in ATLAS_HOME//conf/
+<'solr' for solr 4.8.1>/<'solr5' for solr 5.2.1>
+<the ZK quorum setup for solr as comma separated value> eg:,
+* Restart Atlas
+For more information on Titan solr configuration , please refer
 *Starting Atlas Server*
 bin/ [-port <port>]
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index facd539..3d729b5 100755
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@
+        <solr.version>5.1.0</solr.version>
         <!-- scala versions -->
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@
-                <titan.index.backend>solr</titan.index.backend>
-                <solr.zk.address>localhost:9983</solr.zk.address>
+                <titan.index.backend>solr5</titan.index.backend>
+                <solr.zk.address>localhost:2181</solr.zk.address>
@@ -578,6 +578,10 @@
+                    <exclusion>
+                        <groupId>commons-httpclient</groupId>
+                        <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+                    </exclusion>
@@ -903,11 +907,49 @@
+                    <exclusion>
+                        <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+                        <groupId>org.apache.solr</groupId>
+                    </exclusion>
+                <groupId>org.apache.solr</groupId>
+                <artifactId>solr-core</artifactId>
+                <version>${solr.version}</version>
+                <exclusions>
+                    <exclusion>
+                        <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+                        <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId>
+                    </exclusion>
+                    <exclusion>
+                        <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+                        <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty.orbit</groupId>
+                    </exclusion>
+                    <exclusion>
+                        <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+                        <groupId>org.restlet.jee</groupId>
+                    </exclusion>
+                    <exclusion>
+                        <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+                        <groupId>org.ow2.asm</groupId>
+                    </exclusion>
+                    <exclusion>
+                        <artifactId>*</artifactId>
+                        <groupId>org.apache.lucene</groupId>
+                    </exclusion>
+                </exclusions>
+            </dependency>
+            <dependency>
+                <groupId>org.apache.solr</groupId>
+                <artifactId>solr-solrj</artifactId>
+                <version>${solr.version}</version>
+            </dependency>
+            <dependency>
@@ -1084,7 +1126,19 @@
-                <version>4.2.5</version>
+                <version>4.4.1</version>
+            </dependency>
+            <dependency>
+                <groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
+                <artifactId>httpcore</artifactId>
+                <version>4.4.1</version>
+            </dependency>
+            <dependency>
+                <groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
+                <artifactId>httpmime</artifactId>
+                <version>4.4.1</version>
             <!--Test dependencies-->
@@ -1376,6 +1430,14 @@
+                <executions>
+                    <execution>
+                        <phase>package</phase>
+                        <goals>
+                            <goal>single</goal>
+                        </goals>
+                    </execution>
+                </executions>
@@ -1502,6 +1564,7 @@
+                        <exclude>**/target*/**</exclude>
diff --git a/release-log.txt b/release-log.txt
index 5d83baa..5de705f 100644
--- a/release-log.txt
+++ b/release-log.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ ATLAS-54 Rename configs in hive hook (shwethags)
 ATLAS-3 Mixed Index creation fails with Date types (suma.shivaprasad via shwethags)
+ATLAS-91 Add solr configuration and documentation (suma.shivaprasad via shwethags)
 ATLAS-95 reports illegal java parameters (shwethags)
 ATLAS-74 Create notification framework (shwethags)
 ATLAS-93 reports FileNotFoundException (shwethags)
diff --git a/repository/pom.xml b/repository/pom.xml
index a2f8e08..8e4d0f3 100755
--- a/repository/pom.xml
+++ b/repository/pom.xml
@@ -95,6 +95,16 @@
+            <groupId>org.apache.solr</groupId>
+            <artifactId>solr-core</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.solr</groupId>
+            <artifactId>solr-solrj</artifactId>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
diff --git a/repository/src/main/java/com/thinkaurelius/titan/diskstorage/solr/ b/repository/src/main/java/com/thinkaurelius/titan/diskstorage/solr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e484c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repository/src/main/java/com/thinkaurelius/titan/diskstorage/solr/
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * <p/>
+ *
+ * <p/>
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.solr;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.Order;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanElement;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geo;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Geoshape;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Text;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.schema.Mapping;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BackendException;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BaseTransaction;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BaseTransactionConfig;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BaseTransactionConfigurable;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.TemporaryBackendException;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.configuration.ConfigNamespace;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.configuration.ConfigOption;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.configuration.Configuration;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.indexing.IndexEntry;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.indexing.IndexFeatures;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.indexing.IndexMutation;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.indexing.IndexProvider;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.indexing.IndexQuery;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.indexing.KeyInformation;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.indexing.RawQuery;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.solr.transform.GeoToWktConverter;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.util.DefaultTransaction;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.PreInitializeConfigOptions;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.serialize.AttributeUtil;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.serialize.attribute.AbstractDecimal;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.TitanPredicate;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.And;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Condition;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Not;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.Or;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.query.condition.PredicateCondition;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.types.ParameterType;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpClientUtil;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.LBHttpSolrClient;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.CollectionAdminRequest;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.CollectionAdminResponse;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
+import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.ClientUtils;
+import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
+import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
+import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
+import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.text.DateFormat;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TimeZone;
+import java.util.UUID;
+import static com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration.INDEX_MAX_RESULT_SET_SIZE;
+import static com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration.INDEX_NS;
+ * NOTE: Copied from titan for supporting sol5. Do not change
+ */
+public class Solr5Index implements IndexProvider {
+    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Solr5Index.class);
+    private static final String DEFAULT_ID_FIELD = "id";
+    private enum Mode {
+        HTTP, CLOUD;
+        public static Mode parse(String mode) {
+            for (Mode m : Mode.values()) {
+                if (m.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) return m;
+            }
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized mode: "+mode);
+        }
+    }
+    public static final ConfigNamespace SOLR_NS =
+            new ConfigNamespace(INDEX_NS, "solr", "Solr index configuration");
+    public static final ConfigOption<String> SOLR_MODE = new ConfigOption<String>(SOLR_NS,"mode",
+            "The operation mode for Solr which is either via HTTP (`http`) or using SolrCloud (`cloud`)",
+            ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, "cloud");
+    public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> DYNAMIC_FIELDS = new ConfigOption<Boolean>(SOLR_NS,"dyn-fields",
+            "Whether to use dynamic fields (which appends the data type to the field name). If dynamic fields is disabled" +
+                    "the user must map field names and define them explicitly in the schema.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, true);
+    public static final ConfigOption<String[]> KEY_FIELD_NAMES = new ConfigOption<String[]>(SOLR_NS,"key-field-names",
+            "Field name that uniquely identifies each document in Solr. Must be specified as a list of `collection=field`.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL, String[].class);
+    public static final ConfigOption<String> TTL_FIELD = new ConfigOption<String>(SOLR_NS,"ttl_field",
+            "Name of the TTL field for Solr collections.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, "ttl");
+    /** SolrCloud Configuration */
+    public static final ConfigOption<String> ZOOKEEPER_URL = new ConfigOption<String>(SOLR_NS,"zookeeper-url",
+            "URL of the Zookeeper instance coordinating the SolrCloud cluster",
+            ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "localhost:2181");
+    public static final ConfigOption<Integer> NUM_SHARDS = new ConfigOption<Integer>(SOLR_NS,"num-shards",
+            "Number of shards for a collection. This applies when creating a new collection which is only supported under the SolrCloud operation mode.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, 1);
+    public static final ConfigOption<Integer> MAX_SHARDS_PER_NODE = new ConfigOption<Integer>(SOLR_NS,"max-shards-per-node",
+            "Maximum number of shards per node. This applies when creating a new collection which is only supported under the SolrCloud operation mode.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, 1);
+    public static final ConfigOption<Integer> REPLICATION_FACTOR = new ConfigOption<Integer>(SOLR_NS,"replication-factor",
+            "Replication factor for a collection. This applies when creating a new collection which is only supported under the SolrCloud operation mode.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL_OFFLINE, 1);
+    /** HTTP Configuration */
+    public static final ConfigOption<String[]> HTTP_URLS = new ConfigOption<String[]>(SOLR_NS,"http-urls",
+            "List of URLs to use to connect to Solr Servers (LBHttpSolrClient is used), don't add core or collection name to the URL.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, new String[] { "http://localhost:8983/solr" });
+    public static final ConfigOption<Integer> HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = new ConfigOption<Integer>(SOLR_NS,"http-connection-timeout",
+            "Solr HTTP connection timeout.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 5000);
+    public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> HTTP_ALLOW_COMPRESSION = new ConfigOption<Boolean>(SOLR_NS,"http-compression",
+            "Enable/disable compression on the HTTP connections made to Solr.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, false);
+    public static final ConfigOption<Integer> HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST = new ConfigOption<Integer>(SOLR_NS,"http-max-per-host",
+            "Maximum number of HTTP connections per Solr host.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 20);
+    public static final ConfigOption<Integer> HTTP_GLOBAL_MAX_CONNECTIONS = new ConfigOption<Integer>(SOLR_NS,"http-max",
+            "Maximum number of HTTP connections in total to all Solr servers.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 100);
+    public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> WAIT_SEARCHER = new ConfigOption<Boolean>(SOLR_NS, "wait-searcher",
+            "When mutating - wait for the index to reflect new mutations before returning. This can have a negative impact on performance.",
+            ConfigOption.Type.LOCAL, false);
+    private static final IndexFeatures SOLR_FEATURES = new IndexFeatures.Builder().supportsDocumentTTL()
+            .setDefaultStringMapping(Mapping.TEXT).supportedStringMappings(Mapping.TEXT, Mapping.STRING).build();
+    private final SolrClient solrClient;
+    private final Configuration configuration;
+    private final Mode mode;
+    private final boolean dynFields;
+    private final Map<String, String> keyFieldIds;
+    private final String ttlField;
+    private final int maxResults;
+    private final boolean waitSearcher;
+    public Solr5Index(final Configuration config) throws BackendException {
+        Preconditions.checkArgument(config!=null);
+        configuration = config;
+        mode = Mode.parse(config.get(SOLR_MODE));
+        dynFields = config.get(DYNAMIC_FIELDS);
+        keyFieldIds = parseKeyFieldsForCollections(config);
+        maxResults = config.get(INDEX_MAX_RESULT_SET_SIZE);
+        ttlField = config.get(TTL_FIELD);
+        waitSearcher = config.get(WAIT_SEARCHER);
+        if (mode==Mode.CLOUD) {
+            String zookeeperUrl = config.get(Solr5Index.ZOOKEEPER_URL);
+            CloudSolrClient cloudServer = new CloudSolrClient(zookeeperUrl, true);
+            cloudServer.connect();
+            solrClient = cloudServer;
+        } else if (mode==Mode.HTTP) {
+            HttpClient clientParams = HttpClientUtil.createClient(new ModifiableSolrParams() {{
+                add(HttpClientUtil.PROP_ALLOW_COMPRESSION, config.get(HTTP_ALLOW_COMPRESSION).toString());
+                add(HttpClientUtil.PROP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, config.get(HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT).toString());
+                add(HttpClientUtil.PROP_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST, config.get(HTTP_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST).toString());
+                add(HttpClientUtil.PROP_MAX_CONNECTIONS, config.get(HTTP_GLOBAL_MAX_CONNECTIONS).toString());
+            }});
+            solrClient = new LBHttpSolrClient(clientParams, config.get(HTTP_URLS));
+        } else {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Solr operation mode: " + mode);
+        }
+    }
+    private Map<String, String> parseKeyFieldsForCollections(Configuration config) throws BackendException {
+        Map<String, String> keyFieldNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
+        String[] collectionFieldStatements = config.has(KEY_FIELD_NAMES)?config.get(KEY_FIELD_NAMES):new String[0];
+        for (String collectionFieldStatement : collectionFieldStatements) {
+            String[] parts = collectionFieldStatement.trim().split("=");
+            if (parts.length != 2) {
+                throw new PermanentBackendException("Unable to parse the collection name / key field name pair. It should be of the format collection=field");
+            }
+            String collectionName = parts[0];
+            String keyFieldName = parts[1];
+            keyFieldNames.put(collectionName, keyFieldName);
+        }
+        return keyFieldNames;
+    }
+    private String getKeyFieldId(String collection) {
+        String field = keyFieldIds.get(collection);
+        if (field==null) field = DEFAULT_ID_FIELD;
+        return field;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Unlike the ElasticSearch Index, which is schema free, Solr requires a schema to
+     * support searching. This means that you will need to modify the solr schema with the
+     * appropriate field definitions in order to work properly.  If you have a running instance
+     * of Solr and you modify its schema with new fields, don't forget to re-index!
+     * @param store Index store
+     * @param key New key to register
+     * @param information Datatype to register for the key
+     * @param tx enclosing transaction
+     * @throws com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BackendException
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void register(String store, String key, KeyInformation information, BaseTransaction tx) throws BackendException {
+        if (mode==Mode.CLOUD) {
+            CloudSolrClient client = (CloudSolrClient) solrClient;
+            try {
+                createCollectionIfNotExists(client, configuration, store);
+            } catch (IOException e) {
+                throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+            } catch (SolrServerException e) {
+                throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+                throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+            } catch (KeeperException e) {
+                throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+            }
+        }
+        //Since all data types must be defined in the schema.xml, pre-registering a type does not work
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void mutate(Map<String, Map<String, IndexMutation>> mutations, KeyInformation.IndexRetriever informations, BaseTransaction tx) throws BackendException {
+        logger.debug("Mutating SOLR");
+        try {
+            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, IndexMutation>> stores : mutations.entrySet()) {
+                String collectionName = stores.getKey();
+                String keyIdField = getKeyFieldId(collectionName);
+                List<String> deleteIds = new ArrayList<String>();
+                Collection<SolrInputDocument> changes = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
+                for (Map.Entry<String, IndexMutation> entry : stores.getValue().entrySet()) {
+                    String docId = entry.getKey();
+                    IndexMutation mutation = entry.getValue();
+                    Preconditions.checkArgument(!(mutation.isNew() && mutation.isDeleted()));
+                    Preconditions.checkArgument(!mutation.isNew() || !mutation.hasDeletions());
+                    Preconditions.checkArgument(!mutation.isDeleted() || !mutation.hasAdditions());
+                    //Handle any deletions
+                    if (mutation.hasDeletions()) {
+                        if (mutation.isDeleted()) {
+                            logger.trace("Deleting entire document {}", docId);
+                            deleteIds.add(docId);
+                        } else {
+                            HashSet<IndexEntry> fieldDeletions = Sets.newHashSet(mutation.getDeletions());
+                            if (mutation.hasAdditions()) {
+                                for (IndexEntry indexEntry : mutation.getAdditions()) {
+                                    fieldDeletions.remove(indexEntry);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            deleteIndividualFieldsFromIndex(collectionName, keyIdField, docId, fieldDeletions);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (mutation.hasAdditions()) {
+                        int ttl = mutation.determineTTL();
+                        SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
+                        doc.setField(keyIdField, docId);
+                        boolean isNewDoc = mutation.isNew();
+                        if (isNewDoc)
+                            logger.trace("Adding new document {}", docId);
+                        for (IndexEntry e : mutation.getAdditions()) {
+                            final Object fieldValue = convertValue(e.value);
+                            doc.setField(e.field, isNewDoc
+                                    ? fieldValue : new HashMap<String, Object>(1) {{ put("set", fieldValue); }});
+                        }
+                        if (ttl>0) {
+                            Preconditions.checkArgument(isNewDoc,"Solr only supports TTL on new documents [%s]",docId);
+                            doc.setField(ttlField, String.format("+%dSECONDS", ttl));
+                        }
+                        changes.add(doc);
+                    }
+                }
+                commitDeletes(collectionName, deleteIds);
+                commitDocumentChanges(collectionName, changes);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            throw storageException(e);
+        }
+    }
+    private Object convertValue(Object value) throws BackendException {
+        if (value instanceof Geoshape)
+            return GeoToWktConverter.convertToWktString((Geoshape) value);
+        // in order to serialize/deserialize properly Solr will have to have an
+        // access to Titan source which has Decimal type, so for now we simply convert to
+        // double and let Solr do the same thing or fail.
+        if (value instanceof AbstractDecimal)
+            return ((AbstractDecimal) value).doubleValue();
+        if (value instanceof UUID)
+            return value.toString();
+        return value;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void restore(Map<String, Map<String, List<IndexEntry>>> documents, KeyInformation.IndexRetriever informations, BaseTransaction tx) throws BackendException {
+        try {
+            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, List<IndexEntry>>> stores : documents.entrySet()) {
+                final String collectionName = stores.getKey();
+                List<String> deleteIds = new ArrayList<String>();
+                List<SolrInputDocument> newDocuments = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
+                for (Map.Entry<String, List<IndexEntry>> entry : stores.getValue().entrySet()) {
+                    final String docID = entry.getKey();
+                    final List<IndexEntry> content = entry.getValue();
+                    if (content == null || content.isEmpty()) {
+                        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
+                            logger.trace("Deleting document [{}]", docID);
+                        deleteIds.add(docID);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    newDocuments.add(new SolrInputDocument() {{
+                        setField(getKeyFieldId(collectionName), docID);
+                        for (IndexEntry addition : content) {
+                            Object fieldValue = addition.value;
+                            setField(addition.field, convertValue(fieldValue));
+                        }
+                    }});
+                }
+                commitDeletes(collectionName, deleteIds);
+                commitDocumentChanges(collectionName, newDocuments);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            throw new TemporaryBackendException("Could not restore Solr index", e);
+        }
+    }
+    private void deleteIndividualFieldsFromIndex(String collectionName, String keyIdField, String docId, HashSet<IndexEntry> fieldDeletions) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
+        if (fieldDeletions.isEmpty()) return;
+        Map<String, String> fieldDeletes = new HashMap<String, String>(1) {{ put("set", null); }};
+        SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
+        doc.addField(keyIdField, docId);
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+        for (IndexEntry fieldToDelete : fieldDeletions) {
+            doc.addField(fieldToDelete.field, fieldDeletes);
+            sb.append(fieldToDelete).append(",");
+        }
+        if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
+            logger.trace("Deleting individual fields [{}] for document {}", sb.toString(), docId);
+        UpdateRequest singleDocument = newUpdateRequest();
+        singleDocument.add(doc);
+        solrClient.request(singleDocument, collectionName);
+    }
+    private void commitDocumentChanges(String collectionName, Collection<SolrInputDocument> documents) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
+        if (documents.size() == 0) return;
+        try {
+            solrClient.request(newUpdateRequest().add(documents), collectionName);
+        } catch (HttpSolrClient.RemoteSolrException rse) {
+            logger.error("Unable to save documents to Solr as one of the shape objects stored were not compatible with Solr.", rse);
+            logger.error("Details in failed document batch: ");
+            for (SolrInputDocument d : documents) {
+                Collection<String> fieldNames = d.getFieldNames();
+                for (String name : fieldNames) {
+                    logger.error(name + ":" + d.getFieldValue(name).toString());
+                }
+            }
+            throw rse;
+        }
+    }
+    private void commitDeletes(String collectionName, List<String> deleteIds) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
+        if (deleteIds.size() == 0) return;
+        solrClient.request(newUpdateRequest().deleteById(deleteIds), collectionName);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public List<String> query(IndexQuery query, KeyInformation.IndexRetriever informations, BaseTransaction tx) throws BackendException {
+        List<String> result;
+        String collection = query.getStore();
+        String keyIdField = getKeyFieldId(collection);
+        SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery("*:*");
+        String queryFilter = buildQueryFilter(query.getCondition(), informations.get(collection));
+        solrQuery.addFilterQuery(queryFilter);
+        if (!query.getOrder().isEmpty()) {
+            List<IndexQuery.OrderEntry> orders = query.getOrder();
+            for (IndexQuery.OrderEntry order1 : orders) {
+                String item = order1.getKey();
+                SolrQuery.ORDER order = order1.getOrder() == Order.ASC ? SolrQuery.ORDER.asc : SolrQuery.ORDER.desc;
+                solrQuery.addSort(new SolrQuery.SortClause(item, order));
+            }
+        }
+        solrQuery.setStart(0);
+        if (query.hasLimit()) {
+            solrQuery.setRows(query.getLimit());
+        } else {
+            solrQuery.setRows(maxResults);
+        }
+        try {
+            QueryResponse response = solrClient.query(collection, solrQuery);
+            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
+                logger.debug("Executed query [{}] in {} ms", query.getCondition(), response.getElapsedTime());
+            int totalHits = response.getResults().size();
+            if (!query.hasLimit() && totalHits >= maxResults)
+                logger.warn("Query result set truncated to first [{}] elements for query: {}", maxResults, query);
+            result = new ArrayList<String>(totalHits);
+            for (SolrDocument hit : response.getResults()) {
+                result.add(hit.getFieldValue(keyIdField).toString());
+            }
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            logger.error("Query did not complete : ", e);
+            throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+        } catch (SolrServerException e) {
+            logger.error("Unable to query Solr index.", e);
+            throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Iterable<RawQuery.Result<String>> query(RawQuery query, KeyInformation.IndexRetriever informations, BaseTransaction tx) throws BackendException {
+        List<RawQuery.Result<String>> result;
+        String collection = query.getStore();
+        String keyIdField = getKeyFieldId(collection);
+        SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(query.getQuery())
+                .addField(keyIdField)
+                .setIncludeScore(true)
+                .setStart(query.getOffset())
+                .setRows(query.hasLimit() ? query.getLimit() : maxResults);
+        try {
+            QueryResponse response = solrClient.query(collection, solrQuery);
+            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
+                logger.debug("Executed query [{}] in {} ms", query.getQuery(), response.getElapsedTime());
+            int totalHits = response.getResults().size();
+            if (!query.hasLimit() && totalHits >= maxResults) {
+                logger.warn("Query result set truncated to first [{}] elements for query: {}", maxResults, query);
+            }
+            result = new ArrayList<RawQuery.Result<String>>(totalHits);
+            for (SolrDocument hit : response.getResults()) {
+                double score = Double.parseDouble(hit.getFieldValue("score").toString());
+                result.add(new RawQuery.Result<String>(hit.getFieldValue(keyIdField).toString(), score));
+            }
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            logger.error("Query did not complete : ", e);
+            throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+        } catch (SolrServerException e) {
+            logger.error("Unable to query Solr index.", e);
+            throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    private static String escapeValue(Object value) {
+        return ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(value.toString());
+    }
+    public String buildQueryFilter(Condition<TitanElement> condition, KeyInformation.StoreRetriever informations) {
+        if (condition instanceof PredicateCondition) {
+            PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement> atom = (PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement>) condition;
+            Object value = atom.getValue();
+            String key = atom.getKey();
+            TitanPredicate titanPredicate = atom.getPredicate();
+            if (value instanceof Number) {
+                String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
+                Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on numeric types: " + titanPredicate);
+                Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
+                switch (numRel) {
+                    case EQUAL:
+                        return (key + ":" + queryValue);
+                    case NOT_EQUAL:
+                        return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
+                    case LESS_THAN:
+                        //use right curly to mean up to but not including value
+                        return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
+                    case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
+                        return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
+                    case GREATER_THAN:
+                        //use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
+                        return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
+                    case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
+                        return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
+                    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
+                }
+            } else if (value instanceof String) {
+                Mapping map = getStringMapping(informations.get(key));
+                assert map==Mapping.TEXT || map==Mapping.STRING;
+                if (map==Mapping.TEXT && !titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text mapped string values only support CONTAINS queries and not: " + titanPredicate);
+                if (map==Mapping.STRING && titanPredicate.toString().startsWith("CONTAINS"))
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("String mapped string values do not support CONTAINS queries: " + titanPredicate);
+                //Special case
+                if (titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS) {
+                    //e.g. - if terms tomorrow and world were supplied, and fq=text:(tomorrow  world)
+                    //sample data set would return 2 documents: one where text = Tomorrow is the World,
+                    //and the second where text = Hello World. Hence, we are decomposing the query string
+                    //and building an AND query explicitly because we need AND semantics
+                    value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
+                    List<String> terms = Text.tokenize((String) value);
+                    if (terms.isEmpty()) {
+                        return "";
+                    } else if (terms.size() == 1) {
+                        return (key + ":(" + escapeValue(terms.get(0)) + ")");
+                    } else {
+                        And<TitanElement> andTerms = new And<TitanElement>();
+                        for (String term : terms) {
+                            andTerms.add(new PredicateCondition<String, TitanElement>(key, titanPredicate, term));
+                        }
+                        return buildQueryFilter(andTerms, informations);
+                    }
+                }
+                if (titanPredicate == Text.PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX) {
+                    return (key + ":" + escapeValue(value) + "*");
+                } else if (titanPredicate == Text.REGEX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX) {
+                    return (key + ":/" + value + "/");
+                } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
+                    return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
+                } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
+                    return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
+                } else {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for string value: " + titanPredicate);
+                }
+            } else if (value instanceof Geoshape) {
+                Geoshape geo = (Geoshape)value;
+                if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.CIRCLE) {
+                    Geoshape.Point center = geo.getPoint();
+                    return ("{!geofilt sfield=" + key +
+                            " pt=" + center.getLatitude() + "," + center.getLongitude() +
+                            " d=" + geo.getRadius() + "} distErrPct=0"); //distance in kilometers
+                } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.BOX) {
+                    Geoshape.Point southwest = geo.getPoint(0);
+                    Geoshape.Point northeast = geo.getPoint(1);
+                    return (key + ":[" + southwest.getLatitude() + "," + southwest.getLongitude() +
+                            " TO " + northeast.getLatitude() + "," + northeast.getLongitude() + "]");
+                } else if (geo.getType() == Geoshape.Type.POLYGON) {
+                    List<Geoshape.Point> coordinates = getPolygonPoints(geo);
+                    StringBuilder poly = new StringBuilder(key + ":\"IsWithin(POLYGON((");
+                    for (Geoshape.Point coordinate : coordinates) {
+                        poly.append(coordinate.getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinate.getLatitude()).append(", ");
+                    }
+                    //close the polygon with the first coordinate
+                    poly.append(coordinates.get(0).getLongitude()).append(" ").append(coordinates.get(0).getLatitude());
+                    poly.append(")))\" distErrPct=0");
+                    return (poly.toString());
+                }
+            } else if (value instanceof Date) {
+                String queryValue = escapeValue(toIsoDate((Date)value));
+                Preconditions.checkArgument(titanPredicate instanceof Cmp, "Relation not supported on date types: " + titanPredicate);
+                Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
+                switch (numRel) {
+                    case EQUAL:
+                        return (key + ":" + queryValue);
+                    case NOT_EQUAL:
+                        return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
+                    case LESS_THAN:
+                        //use right curly to mean up to but not including value
+                        return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "}");
+                    case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
+                        return (key + ":[* TO " + queryValue + "]");
+                    case GREATER_THAN:
+                        //use left curly to mean greater than but not including value
+                        return (key + ":{" + queryValue + " TO *]");
+                    case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
+                        return (key + ":[" + queryValue + " TO *]");
+                    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected relation: " + numRel);
+                }
+            } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
+                Cmp numRel = (Cmp) titanPredicate;
+                String queryValue = escapeValue(value);
+                switch (numRel) {
+                    case EQUAL:
+                        return (key + ":" + queryValue);
+                    case NOT_EQUAL:
+                        return ("-" + key + ":" + queryValue);
+                    default:
+                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Boolean types only support EQUAL or NOT_EQUAL");
+                }
+            } else if (value instanceof UUID) {
+                if (titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL) {
+                    return (key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
+                } else if (titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL) {
+                    return ("-" + key + ":\"" + escapeValue(value) + "\"");
+                } else {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Relation is not supported for uuid value: " + titanPredicate);
+                }
+            } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value);
+        } else if (condition instanceof Not) {
+            String sub = buildQueryFilter(((Not)condition).getChild(),informations);
+            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sub)) return "-("+sub+")";
+            else return "";
+        } else if (condition instanceof And) {
+            int numChildren = ((And) condition).size();
+            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+            for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
+                String sub = buildQueryFilter(c, informations);
+                if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub))
+                    continue;
+                // we don't have to add "+" which means AND iff
+                // a. it's a NOT query,
+                // b. expression is a single statement in the AND.
+                if (!sub.startsWith("-") && numChildren > 1)
+                    sb.append("+");
+                sb.append(sub).append(" ");
+            }
+            return sb.toString();
+        } else if (condition instanceof Or) {
+            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+            int element=0;
+            for (Condition<TitanElement> c : condition.getChildren()) {
+                String sub = buildQueryFilter(c,informations);
+                if (StringUtils.isBlank(sub)) continue;
+                if (element==0) sb.append("(");
+                else sb.append(" OR ");
+                sb.append(sub);
+                element++;
+            }
+            if (element>0) sb.append(")");
+            return sb.toString();
+        } else {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid condition: " + condition);
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    private String toIsoDate(Date value) {
+        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
+        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
+        df.setTimeZone(tz);
+        return df.format(value);
+    }
+    private List<Geoshape.Point> getPolygonPoints(Geoshape polygon) {
+        List<Geoshape.Point> locations = new ArrayList<Geoshape.Point>();
+        int index = 0;
+        boolean hasCoordinates = true;
+        while (hasCoordinates) {
+            try {
+                locations.add(polygon.getPoint(index));
+            } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ignore) {
+                //just means we asked for a point past the size of the list
+                //of known coordinates
+                hasCoordinates = false;
+            }
+        }
+        return locations;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Solr handles all transactions on the server-side. That means all
+     * commit, optimize, or rollback applies since the last commit/optimize/rollback.
+     * Solr documentation recommends best way to update Solr is in one process to avoid
+     * race conditions.
+     *
+     * @return New Transaction Handle
+     * @throws com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.BackendException
+     */
+    @Override
+    public BaseTransactionConfigurable beginTransaction(BaseTransactionConfig config) throws BackendException {
+        return new DefaultTransaction(config);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void close() throws BackendException {
+        logger.trace("Shutting down connection to Solr", solrClient);
+        try {
+            solrClient.close();
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            throw new TemporaryBackendException(e);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void clearStorage() throws BackendException {
+        try {
+            if (mode!=Mode.CLOUD) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation only supported for SolrCloud");
+            logger.debug("Clearing storage from Solr: {}", solrClient);
+            ZkStateReader zkStateReader = ((CloudSolrClient) solrClient).getZkStateReader();
+            zkStateReader.updateClusterState(true);
+            ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();
+            for (String collection : clusterState.getCollections()) {
+                logger.debug("Clearing collection [{}] in Solr",collection);
+                UpdateRequest deleteAll = newUpdateRequest();
+                deleteAll.deleteByQuery("*:*");
+                solrClient.request(deleteAll, collection);
+            }
+        } catch (SolrServerException e) {
+            logger.error("Unable to clear storage from index due to server error on Solr.", e);
+            throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+        } catch (IOException e) {
+            logger.error("Unable to clear storage from index due to low-level I/O error.", e);
+            throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            logger.error("Unable to clear storage from index due to general error.", e);
+            throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean supports(KeyInformation information, TitanPredicate titanPredicate) {
+        Class<?> dataType = information.getDataType();
+        Mapping mapping = Mapping.getMapping(information);
+        if (mapping!=Mapping.DEFAULT && !AttributeUtil.isString(dataType)) return false;
+        if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(dataType)) {
+            return titanPredicate instanceof Cmp;
+        } else if (dataType == Geoshape.class) {
+            return titanPredicate == Geo.WITHIN;
+        } else if (AttributeUtil.isString(dataType)) {
+            switch(mapping) {
+                case DEFAULT:
+                case TEXT:
+                    return titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_PREFIX || titanPredicate == Text.CONTAINS_REGEX;
+                case STRING:
+                    return titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL || titanPredicate==Cmp.NOT_EQUAL || titanPredicate==Text.REGEX || titanPredicate==Text.PREFIX;
+                //                case TEXTSTRING:
+                //                    return (titanPredicate instanceof Text) || titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL || titanPredicate==Cmp.NOT_EQUAL;
+            }
+        } else if (dataType == Date.class) {
+            if (titanPredicate instanceof Cmp) return true;
+        } else if (dataType == Boolean.class) {
+            return titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL || titanPredicate == Cmp.NOT_EQUAL;
+        } else if (dataType == UUID.class) {
+            return titanPredicate == Cmp.EQUAL || titanPredicate==Cmp.NOT_EQUAL;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean supports(KeyInformation information) {
+        Class<?> dataType = information.getDataType();
+        Mapping mapping = Mapping.getMapping(information);
+        if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(dataType) || dataType == Geoshape.class || dataType == Date.class || dataType == Boolean.class || dataType == UUID.class) {
+            if (mapping==Mapping.DEFAULT) return true;
+        } else if (AttributeUtil.isString(dataType)) {
+            if (mapping==Mapping.DEFAULT || mapping==Mapping.TEXT || mapping==Mapping.STRING) return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String mapKey2Field(String key, KeyInformation keyInfo) {
+        Preconditions.checkArgument(!StringUtils.containsAny(key, new char[]{' '}),"Invalid key name provided: %s",key);
+        if (!dynFields) return key;
+        if (ParameterType.MAPPED_NAME.hasParameter(keyInfo.getParameters())) return key;
+        String postfix;
+        Class datatype = keyInfo.getDataType();
+        if (AttributeUtil.isString(datatype)) {
+            Mapping map = getStringMapping(keyInfo);
+            switch (map) {
+                case TEXT: postfix = "_t"; break;
+                case STRING: postfix = "_s"; break;
+                default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported string mapping: " + map);
+            }
+        } else if (AttributeUtil.isWholeNumber(datatype)) {
+            if (datatype.equals(Long.class)) postfix = "_l";
+            else postfix = "_i";
+        } else if (AttributeUtil.isDecimal(datatype)) {
+            if (datatype.equals(Float.class)) postfix = "_f";
+            else postfix = "_d";
+        } else if (datatype.equals(Geoshape.class)) {
+            postfix = "_g";
+        } else if (datatype.equals(Date.class)) {
+            postfix = "_dt";
+        } else if (datatype.equals(Boolean.class)) {
+            postfix = "_b";
+        } else if (datatype.equals(UUID.class)) {
+            postfix = "_uuid";
+        } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported data type ["+datatype+"] for field: " + key);
+        return key+postfix;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public IndexFeatures getFeatures() {
+        return SOLR_FEATURES;
+    }
+    /*
+    ################# UTILITY METHODS #######################
+     */
+    private static Mapping getStringMapping(KeyInformation information) {
+        assert AttributeUtil.isString(information.getDataType());
+        Mapping map = Mapping.getMapping(information);
+        if (map==Mapping.DEFAULT) map = Mapping.TEXT;
+        return map;
+    }
+    private UpdateRequest newUpdateRequest() {
+        UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest();
+        req.setAction(UpdateRequest.ACTION.COMMIT, true, true);
+        if (waitSearcher) {
+            req.setAction(UpdateRequest.ACTION.COMMIT, true, true);
+        }
+        return req;
+    }
+    private BackendException storageException(Exception solrException) {
+        return new TemporaryBackendException("Unable to complete query on Solr.", solrException);
+    }
+    private static void createCollectionIfNotExists(CloudSolrClient client, Configuration config, String collection)
+            throws IOException, SolrServerException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
+        if (!checkIfCollectionExists(client, collection)) {
+            Integer numShards = config.get(NUM_SHARDS);
+            Integer maxShardsPerNode = config.get(MAX_SHARDS_PER_NODE);
+            Integer replicationFactor = config.get(REPLICATION_FACTOR);
+            CollectionAdminRequest.Create createRequest = new CollectionAdminRequest.Create();
+            createRequest.setConfigName(collection);
+            createRequest.setCollectionName(collection);
+            createRequest.setNumShards(numShards);
+            createRequest.setMaxShardsPerNode(maxShardsPerNode);
+            createRequest.setReplicationFactor(replicationFactor);
+            CollectionAdminResponse createResponse = createRequest.process(client);
+            if (createResponse.isSuccess()) {
+                logger.trace("Collection {} successfully created.", collection);
+            } else {
+                throw new SolrServerException(Joiner.on("\n").join(createResponse.getErrorMessages()));
+            }
+        }
+        waitForRecoveriesToFinish(client, collection);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if the collection has already been created in Solr.
+     */
+    private static boolean checkIfCollectionExists(CloudSolrClient server, String collection) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
+        ZkStateReader zkStateReader = server.getZkStateReader();
+        zkStateReader.updateClusterState(true);
+        ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();
+        return clusterState.getCollectionOrNull(collection) != null;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Wait for all the collection shards to be ready.
+     */
+    private static void waitForRecoveriesToFinish(CloudSolrClient server, String collection) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
+        ZkStateReader zkStateReader = server.getZkStateReader();
+        try {
+            boolean cont = true;
+            while (cont) {
+                boolean sawLiveRecovering = false;
+                zkStateReader.updateClusterState(true);
+                ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();
+                Map<String, Slice> slices = clusterState.getSlicesMap(collection);
+                Preconditions.checkNotNull("Could not find collection:" + collection, slices);
+                for (Map.Entry<String, Slice> entry : slices.entrySet()) {
+                    Map<String, Replica> shards = entry.getValue().getReplicasMap();
+                    for (Map.Entry<String, Replica> shard : shards.entrySet()) {
+                        String state = shard.getValue().getStr(ZkStateReader.STATE_PROP);
+                        if ((state.equals(ZkStateReader.RECOVERING)
+                                || state.equals(ZkStateReader.SYNC) || state
+                                .equals(ZkStateReader.DOWN))
+                                && clusterState.liveNodesContain(shard.getValue().getStr(
+                                ZkStateReader.NODE_NAME_PROP))) {
+                            sawLiveRecovering = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (!sawLiveRecovering) {
+                    cont = false;
+                } else {
+                    Thread.sleep(1000);
+                }
+            }
+        } finally {
+  "Exiting solr wait");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/ b/repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/
index 5e61b9a..6605ae7 100755
--- a/repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/
+++ b/repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@
 package org.apache.atlas.repository.graph;
 import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory;
 import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanGraph;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.StandardIndexProvider;
+import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.solr.Solr5Index;
 import org.apache.atlas.ApplicationProperties;
 import org.apache.atlas.AtlasException;
 import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
@@ -28,6 +31,10 @@ import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 import javax.inject.Singleton;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
  * Default implementation for Graph Provider that doles out Titan Graph.
@@ -48,6 +55,35 @@ public class TitanGraphProvider implements GraphProvider<TitanGraph> {
         return ApplicationProperties.getSubsetConfiguration(configProperties, GRAPH_PREFIX);
+    static {
+        addSolr5Index();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Titan loads index backend name to implementation using StandardIndexProvider.ALL_MANAGER_CLASSES
+     * But StandardIndexProvider.ALL_MANAGER_CLASSES is a private static final ImmutableMap
+     * Only way to inject Solr5Index is to modify this field. So, using hacky reflection to add Sol5Index
+     */
+    private static void addSolr5Index() {
+        try {
+            Field field = StandardIndexProvider.class.getDeclaredField("ALL_MANAGER_CLASSES");
+            field.setAccessible(true);
+            Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
+            modifiersField.setAccessible(true);
+            modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
+            Map<String, String> customMap = new HashMap(StandardIndexProvider.getAllProviderClasses());
+            customMap.put("solr5", Solr5Index.class.getName());
+            ImmutableMap<String, String> immap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(customMap);
+            field.set(null, immap);
+            LOG.debug("Injected solr5 index - {}", Solr5Index.class.getName());
+        } catch(Exception e) {
+            throw new RuntimeException(e);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/conf/solr/currency.xml b/src/conf/solr/currency.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a9c58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf/solr/currency.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<!-- Example exchange rates file for CurrencyField type named "currency" in example schema -->
+<currencyConfig version="1.0">
+  <rates>
+    <!-- Updated from at 2011-09-27 -->
+    <rate from="USD" to="ARS" rate="4.333871" comment="ARGENTINA Peso" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="AUD" rate="1.025768" comment="AUSTRALIA Dollar" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="EUR" rate="0.743676" comment="European Euro" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="BRL" rate="1.881093" comment="BRAZIL Real" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="CAD" rate="1.030815" comment="CANADA Dollar" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="CLP" rate="519.0996" comment="CHILE Peso" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="CNY" rate="6.387310" comment="CHINA Yuan" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="CZK" rate="18.47134" comment="CZECH REP. Koruna" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="DKK" rate="5.515436" comment="DENMARK Krone" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="HKD" rate="7.801922" comment="HONG KONG Dollar" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="HUF" rate="215.6169" comment="HUNGARY Forint" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="ISK" rate="118.1280" comment="ICELAND Krona" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="INR" rate="49.49088" comment="INDIA Rupee" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="XDR" rate="0.641358" comment="INTNL MON. FUND SDR" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="ILS" rate="3.709739" comment="ISRAEL Sheqel" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="JPY" rate="76.32419" comment="JAPAN Yen" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="KRW" rate="1169.173" comment="KOREA (SOUTH) Won" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="KWD" rate="0.275142" comment="KUWAIT Dinar" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="MXN" rate="13.85895" comment="MEXICO Peso" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="NZD" rate="1.285159" comment="NEW ZEALAND Dollar" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="NOK" rate="5.859035" comment="NORWAY Krone" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="PKR" rate="87.57007" comment="PAKISTAN Rupee" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="PEN" rate="2.730683" comment="PERU Sol" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="PHP" rate="43.62039" comment="PHILIPPINES Peso" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="PLN" rate="3.310139" comment="POLAND Zloty" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="RON" rate="3.100932" comment="ROMANIA Leu" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="RUB" rate="32.14663" comment="RUSSIA Ruble" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="SAR" rate="3.750465" comment="SAUDI ARABIA Riyal" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="SGD" rate="1.299352" comment="SINGAPORE Dollar" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="ZAR" rate="8.329761" comment="SOUTH AFRICA Rand" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="SEK" rate="6.883442" comment="SWEDEN Krona" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="CHF" rate="0.906035" comment="SWITZERLAND Franc" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="TWD" rate="30.40283" comment="TAIWAN Dollar" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="THB" rate="30.89487" comment="THAILAND Baht" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="AED" rate="3.672955" comment="U.A.E. Dirham" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="UAH" rate="7.988582" comment="UKRAINE Hryvnia" />
+    <rate from="USD" to="GBP" rate="0.647910" comment="UNITED KINGDOM Pound" />
+    <!-- Cross-rates for some common currencies -->
+    <rate from="EUR" to="GBP" rate="0.869914" />  
+    <rate from="EUR" to="NOK" rate="7.800095" />  
+    <rate from="GBP" to="NOK" rate="8.966508" />  
+  </rates>
diff --git a/src/conf/solr/lang/stopwords_en.txt b/src/conf/solr/lang/stopwords_en.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c164c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf/solr/lang/stopwords_en.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# a couple of test stopwords to test that the words are really being
+# configured from this file:
+# Standard english stop words taken from Lucene's StopAnalyzer
diff --git a/src/conf/solr/protwords.txt b/src/conf/solr/protwords.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dfc0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf/solr/protwords.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Use a protected word file to protect against the stemmer reducing two
+# unrelated words to the same base word.
+# Some non-words that normally won't be encountered,
+# just to test that they won't be stemmed.