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Posted to by "Gang(Gary) Wang" <> on 2020/09/26 06:52:29 UTC

Mnemonic Community Plan Draft

 *Hi Mnemonic Contributors and Committee*

Thanks for being a part of the community. We are so thrilled that you are
caring for our community, we have prepared the following plan draft about
our community growth for your review. Please don’t hesitate to hit reply
with any questions.

*Project goal:*

To deliver a pre-product durable object model library that is working along
with abstract software layers of hybrid memory and high performance
storage, e.g. PMem, FS, KV Store at the end of next year (2021).

*Project core values:*

   - Unified durable object model
   - Reduced burden of SerDe process

*Project objectives*

   - 1) A stable and efficient CI system
   - 2) An improved documentation and website
   - Highlight core values
      - Usage guide
      - Performance benchmark
   - 3) Verified code quality and testing
      - Unified interfaces
      - Quality test cases
      - Building system / CI
      - Release process
      - 4) Adding Redis as one of back-ends of durable object
   - 5) Integrated with Bytebuddy
   - 6) Supporting JDK14
   - Leveraging an incubating feature of non-volatile mapped byte buffers

*Project Milestones*

   - 1) Dec. 2020, CI documentation and website (v0.14.0)
   - 2) May. 2020, Improved code quality (v0.15.0)
   - 3) Jul. 2021, Redis backend and quality (v0.16.0)
   - 4) Dec. 2021, Bytebuddy and JDK14 (v0.17.0)

*Project Communication*

   - 1) Weekly regular meeting
      - community activity
      - bug fixes and features
      - feedback and improvement
      - 2) Event based release meeting
      - scope and objectives
      - version release
      - release process
      - 3) Maillist, Jira, PR based discussion
   - technical topics
      - PR reviews, feedback
      - 4) Management meeting on demand
   - planning, road-map, growth
      - goals alignment
      - mentoring, training, events
      - process improvement
      - financial/budget advice

Best regards
Gary on behalf of Mnemonic community