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[11/50] couchdb commit: updated refs/heads/1.x.x to 921006f

Port 090-task-status.t etap test suite to eunit

Split huge test case into multiple ones. Fix issue with get_task_prop
when Acc may be reset if searched task isn't last in the list.


Branch: refs/heads/1.x.x
Commit: 4a0ce96dfff3a4c7636437c1f1171c502e787622
Parents: ed10866
Author: Alexander Shorin <>
Authored: Mon May 26 20:23:41 2014 +0400
Committer: Alexander Shorin <>
Committed: Wed Dec 2 03:49:04 2015 +0300

 test/couchdb/                 |   1 +
 test/couchdb/couch_task_status_tests.erl | 225 +++++++++++++++++++++
 test/etap/090-task-status.t              | 279 --------------------------
 test/etap/                    |   1 -
 4 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test/couchdb/ b/test/couchdb/
index ea4e32c..36c5d67 100644
--- a/test/couchdb/
+++ b/test/couchdb/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ eunit_files = \
     couch_file_tests.erl \
     couch_key_tree_tests.erl \
     couch_stream_tests.erl \
+    couch_task_status_tests.erl \
     couch_util_tests.erl \
     couch_uuids_tests.erl \
     couch_work_queue_tests.erl \
diff --git a/test/couchdb/couch_task_status_tests.erl b/test/couchdb/couch_task_status_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f71ad2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/couchdb/couch_task_status_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+% the License at
+% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+% the License.
+-define(TIMEOUT, 1000).
+setup() ->
+    {ok, TaskStatusPid} = couch_task_status:start_link(),
+    TaskUpdaterPid = spawn(fun() -> loop() end),
+    {TaskStatusPid, TaskUpdaterPid}.
+teardown({TaskStatusPid, _}) ->
+    erlang:monitor(process, TaskStatusPid),
+    couch_task_status:stop(),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', _, _, TaskStatusPid, _} ->
+            ok
+    after ?TIMEOUT ->
+        throw(timeout_error)
+    end.
+couch_task_status_test_() ->
+    {
+        "CouchDB task status updates",
+        {
+            foreach,
+            fun setup/0, fun teardown/1,
+            [
+                fun should_register_task/1,
+                fun should_set_task_startup_time/1,
+                fun should_have_update_time_as_startup_before_any_progress/1,
+                fun should_set_task_type/1,
+                fun should_not_register_multiple_tasks_for_same_pid/1,
+                fun should_set_task_progress/1,
+                fun should_update_task_progress/1,
+                fun should_update_time_changes_on_task_progress/1,
+                fun should_control_update_frequency/1,
+                fun should_reset_control_update_frequency/1,
+                fun should_track_multiple_tasks/1,
+                fun should_finish_task/1
+            ]
+        }
+    }.
+should_register_task({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    ?_assertEqual(1, length(couch_task_status:all())).
+should_set_task_startup_time({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    ?_assert(is_integer(get_task_prop(Pid, started_on))).
+should_have_update_time_as_startup_before_any_progress({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    StartTime = get_task_prop(Pid, started_on),
+    ?_assertEqual(StartTime, get_task_prop(Pid, updated_on)).
+should_set_task_type({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    ?_assertEqual(replication, get_task_prop(Pid, type)).
+should_not_register_multiple_tasks_for_same_pid({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    ?_assertEqual({add_task_error, already_registered},
+                  call(Pid, add, [{type, compaction}, {progress, 0}])).
+should_set_task_progress({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    ?_assertEqual(0, get_task_prop(Pid, progress)).
+should_update_task_progress({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    call(Pid, update, [{progress, 25}]),
+    ?_assertEqual(25, get_task_prop(Pid, progress)).
+should_update_time_changes_on_task_progress({_, Pid}) ->
+    ?_assert(
+        begin
+            ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+            ok = timer:sleep(1000),  % sleep awhile to customize update time
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 25}]),
+            get_task_prop(Pid, updated_on) > get_task_prop(Pid, started_on)
+        end).
+should_control_update_frequency({_, Pid}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(66,
+        begin
+            ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 50}]),
+            call(Pid, update_frequency, 500),
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 66}]),
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 77}]),
+            get_task_prop(Pid, progress)
+        end).
+should_reset_control_update_frequency({_, Pid}) ->
+    ?_assertEqual(87,
+        begin
+            ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 50}]),
+            call(Pid, update_frequency, 500),
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 66}]),
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 77}]),
+            call(Pid, update_frequency, 0),
+            call(Pid, update, [{progress, 87}]),
+            get_task_prop(Pid, progress)
+        end).
+should_track_multiple_tasks(_) ->
+    ?_assert(run_multiple_tasks()).
+should_finish_task({_, Pid}) ->
+    ok = call(Pid, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    ?assertEqual(1, length(couch_task_status:all())),
+    ok = call(Pid, done),
+    ?_assertEqual(0, length(couch_task_status:all())).
+run_multiple_tasks() ->
+    Pid1 = spawn(fun() -> loop() end),
+    Pid2 = spawn(fun() -> loop() end),
+    Pid3 = spawn(fun() -> loop() end),
+    call(Pid1, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
+    call(Pid2, add, [{type, compaction}, {progress, 0}]),
+    call(Pid3, add, [{type, indexer}, {progress, 0}]),
+    ?assertEqual(3, length(couch_task_status:all())),
+    ?assertEqual(replication, get_task_prop(Pid1, type)),
+    ?assertEqual(compaction, get_task_prop(Pid2, type)),
+    ?assertEqual(indexer, get_task_prop(Pid3, type)),
+    call(Pid2, update, [{progress, 33}]),
+    call(Pid3, update, [{progress, 42}]),
+    call(Pid1, update, [{progress, 11}]),
+    ?assertEqual(42, get_task_prop(Pid3, progress)),
+    call(Pid1, update, [{progress, 72}]),
+    ?assertEqual(72, get_task_prop(Pid1, progress)),
+    ?assertEqual(33, get_task_prop(Pid2, progress)),
+    call(Pid1, done),
+    ?assertEqual(2, length(couch_task_status:all())),
+    call(Pid3, done),
+    ?assertEqual(1, length(couch_task_status:all())),
+    call(Pid2, done),
+    ?assertEqual(0, length(couch_task_status:all())),
+    true.
+loop() ->
+    receive
+        {add, Props, From} ->
+            Resp = couch_task_status:add_task(Props),
+            From ! {ok, self(), Resp},
+            loop();
+        {update, Props, From} ->
+            Resp = couch_task_status:update(Props),
+            From ! {ok, self(), Resp},
+            loop();
+        {update_frequency, Msecs, From} ->
+            Resp = couch_task_status:set_update_frequency(Msecs),
+            From ! {ok, self(), Resp},
+            loop();
+        {done, From} ->
+            From ! {ok, self(), ok}
+    end.
+call(Pid, Command) ->
+    Pid ! {Command, self()},
+    wait(Pid).
+call(Pid, Command, Arg) ->
+    Pid ! {Command, Arg, self()},
+    wait(Pid).
+wait(Pid) ->
+    receive
+        {ok, Pid, Msg} ->
+            Msg
+    after ?TIMEOUT ->
+        throw(timeout_error)
+    end.
+get_task_prop(Pid, Prop) ->
+    From = list_to_binary(pid_to_list(Pid)),
+    Element = lists:foldl(
+        fun(PropList, Acc) ->
+            case couch_util:get_value(pid, PropList) of
+                From ->
+                    [PropList | Acc];
+                _ ->
+                    Acc
+            end
+        end,
+        [], couch_task_status:all()
+    ),
+    case couch_util:get_value(Prop, hd(Element), nil) of
+        nil ->
+            erlang:error({assertion_failed,
+                         [{module, ?MODULE},
+                          {line, ?LINE},
+                          {reason, "Could not get property '"
+                                   ++ couch_util:to_list(Prop)
+                                   ++ "' for task "
+                                   ++ pid_to_list(Pid)}]});
+        Value ->
+            Value
+    end.
diff --git a/test/etap/090-task-status.t b/test/etap/090-task-status.t
deleted file mode 100755
index 23115bd..0000000
--- a/test/etap/090-task-status.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
-% use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-% the License at
-% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-% WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-% License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-% the License.
-main(_) ->
-    test_util:init_code_path(),
-    etap:plan(28),
-    case (catch test()) of
-        ok ->
-            etap:end_tests();
-        Other ->
-            etap:diag(io_lib:format("Test died abnormally: ~p", [Other])),
-            etap:bail(Other)
-    end,
-    ok.
-get_task_prop(Pid, Prop) ->
-    From = list_to_binary(pid_to_list(Pid)),
-    Element = lists:foldl(
-        fun(PropList,Acc) ->
-            case couch_util:get_value(pid,PropList) of
-                From ->
-                    [PropList | Acc];
-                _ ->
-                    []
-            end
-        end,
-        [], couch_task_status:all()
-    ),
-    case couch_util:get_value(Prop, hd(Element), nil) of
-    nil ->
-        etap:bail("Could not get property '" ++ couch_util:to_list(Prop) ++
-            "' for task " ++ pid_to_list(Pid));
-    Value ->
-        Value
-    end.
-loop() ->
-    receive
-    {add, Props, From} ->
-        Resp = couch_task_status:add_task(Props),
-        From ! {ok, self(), Resp},
-        loop();
-    {update, Props, From} ->
-        Resp = couch_task_status:update(Props),
-        From ! {ok, self(), Resp},
-        loop();
-    {update_frequency, Msecs, From} ->
-        Resp = couch_task_status:set_update_frequency(Msecs),
-        From ! {ok, self(), Resp},
-        loop();
-    {done, From} ->
-        From ! {ok, self(), ok}
-    end.
-call(Pid, Command) ->
-    Pid ! {Command, self()},
-    wait(Pid).
-call(Pid, Command, Arg) ->
-    Pid ! {Command, Arg, self()},
-    wait(Pid).
-wait(Pid) ->
-    receive
-        {ok, Pid, Msg} -> Msg
-    after 1000 ->
-        throw(timeout_error)
-    end.
-test() ->
-    {ok, TaskStatusPid} = couch_task_status:start_link(),
-    TaskUpdater = fun() -> loop() end,
-    % create three updaters
-    Pid1 = spawn(TaskUpdater),
-    Pid2 = spawn(TaskUpdater),
-    Pid3 = spawn(TaskUpdater),
-    ok = call(Pid1, add, [{type, replication}, {progress, 0}]),
-    etap:is(
-        length(couch_task_status:all()),
-        1,
-        "Started a task"
-    ),
-    Task1StartTime = get_task_prop(Pid1, started_on),
-    etap:is(
-        is_integer(Task1StartTime),
-        true,
-        "Task start time is defined."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid1, updated_on),
-        Task1StartTime,
-        "Task's start time is the same as the update time before an update."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        call(Pid1, add, [{type, compaction}, {progress, 0}]),
-        {add_task_error, already_registered},
-        "Unable to register multiple tasks for a single Pid."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid1, type),
-        replication,
-        "Task type is 'replication'."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid1, progress),
-        0,
-        "Task progress is 0."
-    ),
-    ok = timer:sleep(1000),
-    call(Pid1, update, [{progress, 25}]),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid1, progress),
-        25,
-        "Task progress is 25."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid1, updated_on) > Task1StartTime,
-        true,
-        "Task's last update time has increased after an update."
-    ),
-    call(Pid2, add, [{type, compaction}, {progress, 0}]),
-    etap:is(
-        length(couch_task_status:all()),
-        2,
-        "Started a second task."
-    ),
-    Task2StartTime = get_task_prop(Pid2, started_on),
-    etap:is(
-        is_integer(Task2StartTime),
-        true,
-        "Second task's start time is defined."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid2, updated_on),
-        Task2StartTime,
-        "Second task's start time is the same as the update time before an update."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid2, type),
-        compaction,
-        "Second task's type is 'compaction'."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid2, progress),
-        0,
-        "Second task's progress is 0."
-    ),
-    ok = timer:sleep(1000),
-    call(Pid2, update, [{progress, 33}]),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid2, progress),
-        33,
-        "Second task's progress updated to 33."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid2, updated_on) > Task2StartTime,
-        true,
-        "Second task's last update time has increased after an update."
-    ),
-    call(Pid3, add, [{type, indexer}, {progress, 0}]),
-    etap:is(
-        length(couch_task_status:all()),
-        3,
-        "Registered a third task."
-    ),
-    Task3StartTime = get_task_prop(Pid3, started_on),
-    etap:is(
-        is_integer(Task3StartTime),
-        true,
-        "Third task's start time is defined."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, updated_on),
-        Task3StartTime,
-        "Third task's start time is the same as the update time before an update."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, type),
-        indexer,
-        "Third task's type is 'indexer'."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, progress),
-        0,
-        "Third task's progress is 0."
-    ),
-    ok = timer:sleep(1000),
-    call(Pid3, update, [{progress, 50}]),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, progress),
-        50,
-        "Third task's progress updated to 50."
-    ),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, updated_on) > Task3StartTime,
-        true,
-        "Third task's last update time has increased after an update."
-    ),
-    call(Pid3, update_frequency, 500),
-    call(Pid3, update, [{progress, 66}]),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, progress),
-        66,
-        "Third task's progress updated to 66."
-    ),
-    call(Pid3, update, [{progress, 67}]),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, progress),
-        66,
-        "Task update dropped because of frequency limit."
-    ),
-    call(Pid3, update_frequency, 0),
-    call(Pid3, update, [{progress, 77}]),
-    etap:is(
-        get_task_prop(Pid3, progress),
-        77,
-        "Task updated after reseting frequency limit."
-    ),
-    call(Pid1, done),
-    etap:is(
-        length(couch_task_status:all()),
-        2,
-        "First task finished."
-    ),
-    call(Pid2, done),
-    etap:is(
-        length(couch_task_status:all()),
-        1,
-        "Second task finished."
-    ),
-    call(Pid3, done),
-    etap:is(
-        length(couch_task_status:all()),
-        0,
-        "Third task finished."
-    ),
-    erlang:monitor(process, TaskStatusPid),
-    couch_task_status:stop(),
-    receive
-        {'DOWN', _, _, TaskStatusPid, _} ->
-            ok
-    after
-        1000 ->
-            throw(timeout_error)
-    end,
-    ok.
diff --git a/test/etap/ b/test/etap/
index 091dae9..4657656 100644
--- a/test/etap/
+++ b/test/etap/
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ fixture_files = \
 tap_files = \
-    090-task-status.t \
     100-ref-counter.t \
     120-stats-collect.t \
     121-stats-aggregates.cfg \