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Posted to by Tom Boulos <> on 2002/01/04 21:37:49 UTC

wsdl generation problems.

I have a couple of issues on the wsdl generated stubs:

1.  I am using wsdl generated stubs on the client end, with http basic
authorization on the server.
It appears that the generated ...SoapBindingStub has a hashtable for
properties, but it is never set into the call properties
when a call is made.  When I do it by hand in the code, setting
MessageContext.USERID and MessageContext.PASSWORD
in the call properties, the authorization header is generated fine, but if I
use the _setProperty method on the generated stub class,
it is not passed through.  (As a sidenote, is it anticipated that I must
always cast the interface to the implementation class in order
to pass authentication data into the call?)
2. When I bind message parts to soap headers in the wsdl file, the generated
code continues to look for (in the case of output) or
place (in the case of input) those parts in the soap body.

What is the plan in fixing these issues?

Thank you,

Tom Boulos
Grand Central Communications