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Posted to by on 2012/01/16 16:10:05 UTC

[lucy-commits] svn commit: r1232020 [2/3] - in /incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib: Lucy/ Lucy/Build/ Lucy/Build/Binding/ Lucy/Build/Binding/Index/ Lucy/Build/Binding/Search/ Lucy/Build/Binding/Test/ LucyX/ LucyX/Build/ LucyX/Build/Binding/

Added: incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/
--- incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ (added)
+++ incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ Mon Jan 16 15:10:03 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Lucy::Build::Binding::Object;
+sub bind_all {
+     my $class = shift;
+     $class->bind_bitvector;
+     $class->bind_bytebuf;
+     $class->bind_charbuf;
+     $class->bind_err;
+     $class->bind_hash;
+     $class->bind_host;
+     $class->bind_i32array;
+     $class->bind_lockfreeregistry;
+     $class->bind_num;
+     $class->bind_obj;
+     $class->bind_varray;
+     $class->bind_vtable;
+sub bind_bitvector {
+     my $synopsis    = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $bit_vec = Lucy::Object::BitVector->new( capacity => 8 );
+    my $other   = Lucy::Object::BitVector->new( capacity => 8 );
+    $bit_vec->set($_) for ( 0, 2, 4, 6 );
+    $other->set($_)   for ( 1, 3, 5, 7 );
+    $bit_vec->or($other);
+    print "$_\n" for @{ $bit_vec->to_array };    # prints 0 through 7.
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $bit_vec = Lucy::Object::BitVector->new( 
+        capacity => $doc_max + 1,   # default 0,
+    );
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::BitVector",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw( Get
+            Set
+            Clear
+            Clear_All
+            And
+            Or
+            And_Not
+            Xor
+            Flip
+            Flip_Block
+            Next_Hit
+            To_Array
+            Grow
+            Count
+            Get_Capacity
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [
+            qw( get
+                set
+                clear
+                clear_all
+                and
+                or
+                and_not
+                xor
+                flip
+                flip_block
+                next_hit
+                to_array
+                grow
+                count
+                )
+        ],
+    }
+sub bind_bytebuf {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy     PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::ByteBuf
+new(either_sv, sv)
+    SV *either_sv;
+    SV *sv;
+    STRLEN size;
+    char *ptr = SvPV(sv, size);
+    lucy_ByteBuf *self = (lucy_ByteBuf*)XSBind_new_blank_obj(either_sv);
+    lucy_BB_init(self, size);
+    Lucy_BB_Mimic_Bytes(self, ptr, size);
+_deserialize(self, instream)
+    lucy_ByteBuf *self;
+    lucy_InStream *instream;
+    lucy_ByteBuf *thawed = Lucy_BB_Deserialize(self, instream);
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_BB_To_Host(thawed);
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::ByteBuf",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Get_Size
+            Get_Capacity
+            Cat
+            )
+    ],
+sub bind_charbuf {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy     PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::CharBuf
+new(either_sv, sv)
+    SV *either_sv;
+    SV *sv;
+    STRLEN size;
+    char *ptr = SvPVutf8(sv, size);
+    lucy_CharBuf *self = (lucy_CharBuf*)XSBind_new_blank_obj(either_sv);
+    lucy_CB_init(self, size);
+    Lucy_CB_Cat_Trusted_Str(self, ptr, size);
+    lucy_CharBuf *self;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV_NOINC(lucy_CB_clone(self));
+_deserialize(self, instream)
+    lucy_CharBuf *self;
+    lucy_InStream *instream;
+    lucy_CharBuf *thawed = Lucy_CB_Deserialize(self, instream);
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_CB_To_Host(thawed);
+    lucy_CharBuf *self;
+    RETVAL = XSBind_cb_to_sv(self);
+MODULE = Lucy     PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::ViewCharBuf
+_new(unused, sv)
+    SV *unused;
+    SV *sv;
+    STRLEN size;
+    char *ptr = SvPVutf8(sv, size);
+    lucy_ViewCharBuf *self
+        = lucy_ViewCB_new_from_trusted_utf8(ptr, size);
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(unused);
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::CharBuf",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+sub bind_err {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    use Scalar::Util qw( blessed );
+    my $bg_merger;
+    while (1) {
+        $bg_merger = eval {
+            Lucy::Index::BackgroundMerger->new( index => $index );
+        };
+        last if $bg_merger;
+        if ( blessed($@) and $@->isa("Lucy::Store::LockErr") ) {
+            warn "Retrying...\n";
+        }
+        else {
+            # Re-throw.
+            die "Failed to open BackgroundMerger: $@";
+        }
+    }
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Object::Err",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Cat_Mess Get_Mess )],
+    make_pod          => { synopsis => $synopsis },
+    bind_constructors => ["_new"],
+sub bind_hash {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE =  Lucy    PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::Hash
+_deserialize(self, instream)
+    lucy_Hash *self;
+    lucy_InStream *instream;
+    lucy_Hash *thawed = Lucy_Hash_Deserialize(self, instream);
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_Hash_To_Host(thawed);
+_fetch(self, key)
+    lucy_Hash *self;
+    const lucy_CharBuf *key;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV(lucy_Hash_fetch(self, (lucy_Obj*)key));
+store(self, key, value);
+    lucy_Hash          *self;
+    const lucy_CharBuf *key;
+    lucy_Obj           *value;
+    if (value) { CFISH_INCREF(value); }
+    lucy_Hash_store(self, (lucy_Obj*)key, value);
+    lucy_Hash *self;
+    lucy_Obj *key;
+    lucy_Obj *val;
+    if (Lucy_Hash_Next(self, &key, &val)) {
+        SV *key_sv = (SV*)Lucy_Obj_To_Host(key);
+        SV *val_sv = (SV*)Lucy_Obj_To_Host(val);
+        XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(key_sv));
+        XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(val_sv));
+        XSRETURN(2);
+    }
+    else {
+    }
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::Hash",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Fetch
+            Delete
+            Keys
+            Values
+            Find_Key
+            Clear
+            Iterate
+            Get_Size
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_host {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy     PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::Host
+=for comment
+These are all for testing purposes only.
+    RETVAL = items;
+    lucy_ByteBuf *test_obj = lucy_BB_new_bytes("blah", 4);
+    SV *pack_var = get_sv("Lucy::Object::Host::testobj", 1);
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_BB_To_Host(test_obj);
+    SvSetSV_nosteal(pack_var, RETVAL);
+    CFISH_DECREF(test_obj);
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(items);
+    lucy_Obj *obj;
+    lucy_ZombieCharBuf *blank = CFISH_ZCB_BLANK();
+    lucy_Host_callback(obj, "_test", 2,
+                       CFISH_ARG_OBJ("nothing", (lucy_CharBuf*)blank),
+                       CFISH_ARG_I32("foo", 3));
+    lucy_Obj *obj;
+    lucy_ZombieCharBuf *blank = CFISH_ZCB_BLANK();
+        = lucy_Host_callback_i64(obj, "_test", 2,
+                                 CFISH_ARG_OBJ("nothing", (lucy_CharBuf*)blank),
+                                 CFISH_ARG_I32("foo", 3));
+    lucy_Obj *obj;
+    lucy_ZombieCharBuf *blank = CFISH_ZCB_BLANK();
+        = lucy_Host_callback_f64(obj, "_test", 2,
+                                 CFISH_ARG_OBJ("nothing", (lucy_CharBuf*)blank),
+                                 CFISH_ARG_I32("foo", 3));
+    lucy_Obj *obj;
+    lucy_Obj *other = lucy_Host_callback_obj(obj, "_test_obj", 0);
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_Obj_To_Host(other);
+    CFISH_DECREF(other);
+    parcel     => "Lucy",
+    class_name => "Lucy::Object::Host",
+    xs_code    => $xs_code,
+sub bind_i32array {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::I32Array
+new(either_sv, ...)
+    SV *either_sv;
+    SV *ints_sv = NULL;
+    lucy_I32Array *self = NULL;
+    chy_bool_t args_ok
+        = XSBind_allot_params(&(ST(0)), 1, items,
+                              "Lucy::Object::I32Array::new_PARAMS",
+                              ALLOT_SV(&ints_sv, "ints", 4, true),
+                              NULL);
+    if (!args_ok) {
+        CFISH_RETHROW(CFISH_INCREF(cfish_Err_get_error()));
+    }
+    AV *ints_av = NULL;
+    if (SvROK(ints_sv)) {
+        ints_av = (AV*)SvRV(ints_sv);
+    }
+    if (ints_av && SvTYPE(ints_av) == SVt_PVAV) {
+        int32_t size  = av_len(ints_av) + 1;
+        int32_t *ints = (int32_t*)LUCY_MALLOCATE(size * sizeof(int32_t));
+        int32_t i;
+        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            SV **const sv_ptr = av_fetch(ints_av, i, 0);
+            ints[i] = (sv_ptr && XSBind_sv_defined(*sv_ptr))
+                      ? SvIV(*sv_ptr)
+                      : 0;
+        }
+        self = (lucy_I32Array*)XSBind_new_blank_obj(either_sv);
+        lucy_I32Arr_init(self, ints, size);
+    }
+    else {
+        THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Required param 'ints' isn't an arrayref");
+    }
+    lucy_I32Array *self;
+    AV *out_av = newAV();
+    uint32_t i;
+    uint32_t size = Lucy_I32Arr_Get_Size(self);
+    av_extend(out_av, size);
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+        int32_t result = Lucy_I32Arr_Get(self, i);
+        SV* result_sv = result == -1 ? newSV(0) : newSViv(result);
+        av_push(out_av, result_sv);
+    }
+    RETVAL = newRV_noinc((SV*)out_av);
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::I32Array",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [qw( Get Get_Size )],
+sub bind_lockfreeregistry {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Object::LockFreeRegistry",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Register Fetch )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_num {
+     my $float32_xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::Float32
+new(either_sv, value)
+    SV    *either_sv;
+    float  value;
+    lucy_Float32 *self = (lucy_Float32*)XSBind_new_blank_obj(either_sv);
+    lucy_Float32_init(self, value);
+my $float64_xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::Float64
+new(either_sv, value)
+    SV     *either_sv;
+    double  value;
+    lucy_Float64 *self = (lucy_Float64*)XSBind_new_blank_obj(either_sv);
+    lucy_Float64_init(self, value);
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::Float32",
+    xs_code      => $float32_xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [qw( Set_Value Get_Value )],
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::Float64",
+    xs_code      => $float64_xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [qw( Set_Value Get_Value )],
+sub bind_obj {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy     PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::Obj
+is_a(self, class_name)
+    lucy_Obj *self;
+    const lucy_CharBuf *class_name;
+    lucy_VTable *target = lucy_VTable_fetch_vtable(class_name);
+    RETVAL = Lucy_Obj_Is_A(self, target);
+STORABLE_freeze(self, ...)
+    lucy_Obj *self;
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(self);
+    if (items < 2 || !SvTRUE(ST(1))) {
+        SV *retval;
+        lucy_ByteBuf *serialized_bb;
+        lucy_RAMFileHandle *file_handle
+            = lucy_RAMFH_open(NULL, LUCY_FH_WRITE_ONLY | LUCY_FH_CREATE, NULL);
+        lucy_OutStream *target = lucy_OutStream_open((lucy_Obj*)file_handle);
+        Lucy_Obj_Serialize(self, target);
+        Lucy_OutStream_Close(target);
+        serialized_bb
+            = Lucy_RAMFile_Get_Contents(Lucy_RAMFH_Get_File(file_handle));
+        retval = XSBind_bb_to_sv(serialized_bb);
+        CFISH_DECREF(file_handle);
+        CFISH_DECREF(target);
+        if (SvCUR(retval) == 0) { // Thwart Storable bug
+            THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Calling serialize produced an empty string");
+        }
+        ST(0) = sv_2mortal(retval);
+        XSRETURN(1);
+    }
+=begin comment
+Calls deserialize(), and copies the object pointer.  Since deserialize is an
+abstract method, it will confess() unless implemented.
+=end comment
+STORABLE_thaw(blank_obj, cloning, serialized_sv)
+    SV *blank_obj;
+    SV *cloning;
+    SV *serialized_sv;
+    char *class_name = HvNAME(SvSTASH(SvRV(blank_obj)));
+    lucy_ZombieCharBuf *klass
+        = CFISH_ZCB_WRAP_STR(class_name, strlen(class_name));
+    lucy_VTable *vtable
+        = (lucy_VTable*)lucy_VTable_singleton((lucy_CharBuf*)klass, NULL);
+    STRLEN len;
+    char *ptr = SvPV(serialized_sv, len);
+    lucy_ViewByteBuf *contents = lucy_ViewBB_new(ptr, len);
+    lucy_RAMFile *ram_file = lucy_RAMFile_new((lucy_ByteBuf*)contents, true);
+    lucy_RAMFileHandle *file_handle
+        = lucy_RAMFH_open(NULL, LUCY_FH_READ_ONLY, ram_file);
+    lucy_InStream *instream = lucy_InStream_open((lucy_Obj*)file_handle);
+    lucy_Obj *self = Lucy_VTable_Foster_Obj(vtable, blank_obj);
+    lucy_Obj *deserialized = Lucy_Obj_Deserialize(self, instream);
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(cloning);
+    CFISH_DECREF(contents);
+    CFISH_DECREF(ram_file);
+    CFISH_DECREF(file_handle);
+    CFISH_DECREF(instream);
+    // Catch bad deserialize() override.
+    if (deserialized != self) {
+        THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Error when deserializing obj of class %o", klass);
+    }
+my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    package MyObj;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Object::Obj );
+    # Inside-out member var.
+    my %foo;
+    sub new {
+        my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
+        my $foo = delete $args{foo};
+        my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);
+        $foo{$$self} = $foo;
+        return $self;
+    }
+    sub get_foo {
+        my $self = shift;
+        return $foo{$$self};
+    }
+    sub DESTROY {
+        my $self = shift;
+        delete $foo{$$self};
+        $self->SUPER::DESTROY;
+    }
+my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION';
+All objects in the Lucy:: hierarchy descend from
+Lucy::Object::Obj.  All classes are implemented as blessed scalar
+references, with the scalar storing a pointer to a C struct.
+==head2 Subclassing
+The recommended way to subclass Lucy::Object::Obj and its descendants is
+to use the inside-out design pattern.  (See L<Class::InsideOut> for an
+introduction to inside-out techniques.)
+Since the blessed scalar stores a C pointer value which is unique per-object,
+C<$$self> can be used as an inside-out ID.
+    # Accessor for 'foo' member variable.
+    sub get_foo {
+        my $self = shift;
+        return $foo{$$self};
+    }
+==item *
+Inside-out aficionados will have noted that the "cached scalar id" stratagem
+recommended above isn't compatible with ithreads -- but Lucy doesn't
+support ithreads anyway, so it doesn't matter.
+==item *
+Overridden methods must not return undef unless the API specifies that
+returning undef is permissible.  (Failure to adhere to this rule currently
+results in a segfault rather than an exception.)
+==head2 new()
+Abstract constructor -- must be invoked via a subclass.  Attempting to
+instantiate objects of class "Lucy::Object::Obj" directly causes an
+Takes no arguments; if any are supplied, an error will be reported.
+==head2 DESTROY
+All Lucy classes implement a DESTROY method; if you override it in a
+subclass, you must call C<< $self->SUPER::DESTROY >> to avoid leaking memory.
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::Obj",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Get_RefCount
+            Inc_RefCount
+            Dec_RefCount
+            Get_VTable
+            To_String
+            To_I64
+            To_F64
+            Dump
+            _load|Load
+            Clone
+            Mimic
+            Equals
+            Hash_Sum
+            Serialize
+            Deserialize
+            Destroy
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        description => $description,
+        methods     => [
+            qw(
+                to_string
+                to_i64
+                to_f64
+                equals
+                dump
+                load
+                )
+        ],
+    }
+sub bind_varray {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::VArray
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV_NOINC(Lucy_VA_Shallow_Copy(self));
+_deserialize(self, instream)
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    lucy_InStream *instream;
+    lucy_VArray *thawed = Lucy_VA_Deserialize(self, instream);
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_VA_To_Host(thawed);
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV_NOINC(Lucy_VA_Clone(self));
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV_NOINC(Lucy_VA_Shift(self));
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV_NOINC(Lucy_VA_Pop(self));
+delete(self, tick)
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    uint32_t    tick;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV_NOINC(Lucy_VA_Delete(self, tick));
+store(self, tick, value);
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    uint32_t     tick;
+    lucy_Obj    *value;
+    if (value) { CFISH_INCREF(value); }
+    lucy_VA_store(self, tick, value);
+fetch(self, tick)
+    lucy_VArray *self;
+    uint32_t     tick;
+    RETVAL = CFISH_OBJ_TO_SV(Lucy_VA_Fetch(self, tick));
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::VArray",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Push
+            Push_VArray
+            Unshift
+            Excise
+            Resize
+            Get_Size
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_vtable {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Object::VTable
+    if (lucy_VTable_registry == NULL) {
+        lucy_VTable_init_registry();
+    }
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_Obj_To_Host((lucy_Obj*)lucy_VTable_registry);
+singleton(unused_sv, ...)
+    SV *unused_sv;
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(unused_sv);
+    lucy_CharBuf *class_name = NULL;
+    lucy_VTable  *parent     = NULL;
+    chy_bool_t args_ok
+        = XSBind_allot_params(&(ST(0)), 1, items,
+                              "Lucy::Object::VTable::singleton_PARAMS",
+                              ALLOT_OBJ(&class_name, "class_name", 10, true,
+                                        LUCY_CHARBUF, alloca(cfish_ZCB_size())),
+                              ALLOT_OBJ(&parent, "parent", 6, false,
+                                        LUCY_VTABLE, NULL),
+                              NULL);
+    if (!args_ok) {
+        CFISH_RETHROW(CFISH_INCREF(cfish_Err_get_error()));
+    }
+    lucy_VTable *singleton = lucy_VTable_singleton(class_name, parent);
+    RETVAL = (SV*)Lucy_VTable_To_Host(singleton);
+    lucy_VTable *self;
+    lucy_Obj *blank = Lucy_VTable_Make_Obj(self);
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Object::VTable",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [qw( Get_Name Get_Parent )],

Added: incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/
--- incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ (added)
+++ incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ Mon Jan 16 15:10:03 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Lucy::Build::Binding::Plan;
+sub bind_all {
+     my $class = shift;
+     $class->bind_architecture;
+     $class->bind_blobtype;
+     $class->bind_fieldtype;
+     $class->bind_float32type;
+     $class->bind_float64type;
+     $class->bind_fulltexttype;
+     $class->bind_int32type;
+     $class->bind_int64type;
+     $class->bind_schema;
+     $class->bind_stringtype;
+sub bind_architecture {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    package MyArchitecture;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Plan::Architecture );
+    use LucyX::Index::ZlibDocWriter;
+    use LucyX::Index::ZlibDocReader;
+    sub register_doc_writer {
+        my ( $self, $seg_writer ) = @_; 
+        my $doc_writer = LucyX::Index::ZlibDocWriter->new(
+            snapshot   => $seg_writer->get_snapshot,
+            segment    => $seg_writer->get_segment,
+            polyreader => $seg_writer->get_polyreader,
+        );  
+        $seg_writer->register(
+            api       => "Lucy::Index::DocReader",
+            component => $doc_writer,
+        );  
+        $seg_writer->add_writer($doc_writer);
+    }
+    sub register_doc_reader {
+        my ( $self, $seg_reader ) = @_; 
+        my $doc_reader = LucyX::Index::ZlibDocReader->new(
+            schema   => $seg_reader->get_schema,
+            folder   => $seg_reader->get_folder,
+            segments => $seg_reader->get_segments,
+            seg_tick => $seg_reader->get_seg_tick,
+            snapshot => $seg_reader->get_snapshot,
+        );  
+        $seg_reader->register(
+            api       => 'Lucy::Index::DocReader',
+            component => $doc_reader,
+        );  
+    }
+    package MySchema;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Plan::Schema );
+    sub architecture { 
+        shift;
+        return MyArchitecture->new(@_); 
+    }
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $arch = Lucy::Plan::Architecture->new;
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Plan::Architecture",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Index_Interval
+            Skip_Interval
+            Init_Seg_Reader
+            Register_Doc_Writer
+            Register_Doc_Reader
+            Register_Deletions_Writer
+            Register_Deletions_Reader
+            Register_Lexicon_Reader
+            Register_Posting_List_Writer
+            Register_Posting_List_Reader
+            Register_Sort_Writer
+            Register_Sort_Reader
+            Register_Highlight_Writer
+            Register_Highlight_Reader
+            Make_Similarity
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis => $synopsis,
+        methods  => [
+            qw(
+                register_doc_writer
+                register_doc_reader
+                )
+        ],
+        constructors => [ { sample => $constructor } ],
+    }
+sub bind_blobtype {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $string_type = Lucy::Plan::StringType->new;
+    my $blob_type   = Lucy::Plan::BlobType->new( stored => 1 );
+    my $schema      = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'id',   type => $string_type );
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'jpeg', type => $blob_type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $blob_type = Lucy::Plan::BlobType->new(
+        stored => 1,  # default: false
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Plan::BlobType",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    },
+sub bind_fieldtype {
+     my $synopis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my @sortable;
+    for my $field ( @{ $schema->all_fields } ) {
+        my $type = $schema->fetch_type($field);
+        next unless $type->sortable;
+        push @sortable, $field;
+    }
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Plan::FieldType",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Get_Boost
+            Indexed
+            Stored
+            Sortable
+            Binary
+            Compare_Values
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new|init2"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis => $synopis,
+        methods  => [
+            qw(
+                get_boost
+                indexed
+                stored
+                sortable
+                binary
+                )
+        ],
+    }
+sub bind_float32type {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $schema       = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    my $float32_type = Lucy::Plan::FloatType->new;
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'intensity', type => $float32_type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $float32_type = Lucy::Plan::Float32Type->new(
+        indexed  => 0,    # default true
+        stored   => 0,    # default true
+        sortable => 1,    # default false
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Plan::Float32Type",
+    bind_constructors => ["new|init2"],
+    #make_pod          => {
+    #    synopsis    => $synopsis,
+    #    constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    #},
+sub bind_float64type {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $schema       = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    my $float64_type = Lucy::Plan::FloatType->new;
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'intensity', type => $float64_type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $float64_type = Lucy::Plan::Float64Type->new(
+        indexed  => 0     # default true
+        stored   => 0,    # default true
+        sortable => 1,    # default false
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Plan::Float64Type",
+    bind_constructors => ["new|init2"],
+    #make_pod          => {
+    #    synopsis    => $synopsis,
+    #    constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    #},
+sub bind_fulltexttype {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $polyanalyzer = Lucy::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new(
+        language => 'en',
+    );
+    my $type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType->new(
+        analyzer => $polyanalyzer,
+    );
+    my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'title',   type => $type );
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'content', type => $type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType->new(
+        analyzer      => $analyzer,    # required
+        boost         => 2.0,          # default: 1.0
+        indexed       => 1,            # default: true
+        stored        => 1,            # default: true
+        sortable      => 1,            # default: false
+        highlightable => 1,            # default: false
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Plan::FullTextType",
+    bind_constructors => ["new|init2"],
+    bind_methods      => [
+        qw(
+            Set_Highlightable
+            Highlightable
+            )
+    ],
+    make_pod => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [
+            qw(
+                set_highlightable
+                highlightable
+                )
+        ],
+    },
+sub bind_int32type {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $schema     = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    my $int32_type = Lucy::Plan::Int32Type->new;
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'count', type => $int32_type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $int32_type = Lucy::Plan::Int32Type->new(
+        indexed  => 0,    # default true
+        stored   => 0,    # default true
+        sortable => 1,    # default false
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Plan::Int32Type",
+    bind_constructors => ["new|init2"],
+    #make_pod          => {
+    #    synopsis    => $synopsis,
+    #    constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    #},
+sub bind_int64type {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $schema     = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    my $int64_type = Lucy::Plan::Int64Type->new;
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'count', type => $int64_type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $int64_type = Lucy::Plan::Int64Type->new(
+        indexed  => 0,    # default true
+        stored   => 0,    # default true
+        sortable => 1,    # default false
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Plan::Int64Type",
+    bind_constructors => ["new|init2"],
+    #make_pod          => {
+    #    synopsis    => $synopsis,
+    #    constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    #},
+sub bind_schema {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    use Lucy::Plan::Schema;
+    use Lucy::Plan::FullTextType;
+    use Lucy::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer;
+    my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    my $polyanalyzer = Lucy::Analysis::PolyAnalyzer->new( 
+        language => 'en',
+    );
+    my $type = Lucy::Plan::FullTextType->new(
+        analyzer => $polyanalyzer,
+    );
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'title',   type => $type );
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'content', type => $type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Plan::Schema",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Architecture
+            Get_Architecture
+            Get_Similarity
+            Fetch_Type
+            Fetch_Analyzer
+            Fetch_Sim
+            Num_Fields
+            All_Fields
+            Spec_Field
+            Write
+            Eat
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => [qw( new )],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods => [
+            qw(
+                spec_field
+                num_fields
+                all_fields
+                fetch_type
+                fetch_sim
+                architecture
+                get_architecture
+                get_similarity
+                )
+        ],
+        synopsis     => $synopsis,
+        constructors => [ { sample => $constructor } ],
+    },
+sub bind_stringtype {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $type   = Lucy::Plan::StringType->new;
+    my $schema = Lucy::Plan::Schema->new;
+    $schema->spec_field( name => 'category', type => $type );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $type = Lucy::Plan::StringType->new(
+        boost    => 0.1,    # default: 1.0
+        indexed  => 1,      # default: true
+        stored   => 1,      # default: true
+        sortable => 1,      # default: false
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Plan::StringType",
+    bind_constructors => ["new|init2"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    },

Added: incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/
--- incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ (added)
+++ incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ Mon Jan 16 15:10:03 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,985 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Lucy::Build::Binding::Search;
+sub bind_all {
+     my $class = shift;
+     $class->bind_andmatcher;
+     $class->bind_andquery;
+     $class->bind_bitvecmatcher;
+     $class->bind_collector;
+     $class->bind_compiler;
+     $class->bind_hitqueue;
+     $class->bind_hits;
+     $class->bind_indexsearcher;
+     $class->bind_leafquery;
+     $class->bind_matchallquery;
+     $class->bind_matchdoc;
+     $class->bind_matcher;
+     $class->bind_notmatcher;
+     $class->bind_notquery;
+     $class->bind_nomatchquery;
+     $class->bind_orquery;
+     $class->bind_orscorer;
+     $class->bind_phrasequery;
+     $class->bind_polyquery;
+     $class->bind_polysearcher;
+     $class->bind_query;
+     $class->bind_queryparser;
+     $class->bind_rangequery;
+     $class->bind_requiredoptionalmatcher;
+     $class->bind_requiredoptionalquery;
+     $class->bind_searcher;
+     $class->bind_sortrule;
+     $class->bind_sortspec;
+     $class->bind_span;
+     $class->bind_termquery;
+     $class->bind_topdocs;
+sub bind_andmatcher {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::ANDMatcher",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_andquery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $foo_and_bar_query = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery->new(
+        children => [ $foo_query, $bar_query ],
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $foo_and_bar_query );
+    ...
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $foo_and_bar_query = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery->new(
+        children => [ $foo_query, $bar_query ],
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::ANDQuery",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods     => [qw( add_child )],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    },
+sub bind_bitvecmatcher {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::BitVecMatcher",
+    bind_constructors => [qw( new )],
+sub bind_collector {
+     my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    package MyCollector;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Search::Collector );
+    our %foo;
+    sub new {
+        my $self = shift->SUPER::new;
+        my %args = @_;
+        $foo{$$self} = $args{foo};
+        return $self;
+    }
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::Collector",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Collect
+            Set_Reader
+            Set_Base
+            Set_Matcher
+            Need_Score
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => "    # Abstract base class.\n",
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [qw( collect )],
+    },
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::Collector::OffsetCollector",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_compiler {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    # (Compiler is an abstract base class.)
+    package MyCompiler;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Search::Compiler );
+    sub make_matcher {
+        my $self = shift;
+        return MyMatcher->new( @_, compiler => $self );
+    }
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR_CODE_SAMPLE';
+    my $compiler = MyCompiler->SUPER::new(
+        parent     => $my_query,
+        searcher   => $searcher,
+        similarity => $sim,        # default: undef
+        boost      => undef,       # default: see below
+    );
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::Compiler",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Make_Matcher
+            Get_Parent
+            Get_Similarity
+            Get_Weight
+            Sum_Of_Squared_Weights
+            Apply_Norm_Factor
+            Normalize
+            Highlight_Spans
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["do_new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods => [
+            qw(
+                make_matcher
+                get_weight
+                sum_of_squared_weights
+                apply_norm_factor
+                normalize
+                get_parent
+                get_similarity
+                highlight_spans
+                )
+        ],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    }
+sub bind_hitqueue {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::HitQueue",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_hits {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits(
+        query      => $query,
+        offset     => 0,
+        num_wanted => 10,
+    );
+    while ( my $hit = $hits->next ) {
+        print "<p>$hit->{title} <em>" . $hit->get_score . "</em></p>\n";
+    }
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::Hits",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Total_Hits
+            Next
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis => $synopsis,
+        methods  => [qw( next total_hits )],
+    }
+sub bind_indexsearcher {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( 
+        index => '/path/to/index' 
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits(
+        query      => 'foo bar',
+        offset     => 0,
+        num_wanted => 100,
+    );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( 
+        index => '/path/to/index' 
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Reader )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [
+            qw( hits
+                collect
+                doc_max
+                doc_freq
+                fetch_doc
+                get_schema
+                get_reader )
+        ],
+    },
+sub bind_leafquery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    package MyQueryParser;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Search::QueryParser );
+    sub expand_leaf {
+        my ( $self, $leaf_query ) = @_;
+        if ( $leaf_query->get_text =~ /.\*\s*$/ ) {
+            return PrefixQuery->new(
+                query_string => $leaf_query->get_text,
+                field        => $leaf_query->get_field,
+            );
+        }
+        else {
+            return $self->SUPER::expand_leaf($leaf_query);
+        }
+    }
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $leaf_query = Lucy::Search::LeafQuery->new(
+        text  => '"three blind mice"',    # required
+        field => 'content',               # default: undef
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::LeafQuery",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Field Get_Text )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods     => [qw( get_field get_text )],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    }
+sub bind_matchallquery {
+     my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $match_all_query = Lucy::Search::MatchAllQuery->new;
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::MatchAllQuery",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => { constructor => { sample => $constructor }, }
+sub bind_matchdoc {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::MatchDoc",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Get_Doc_ID
+            Set_Doc_ID
+            Get_Score
+            Set_Score
+            Get_Values
+            Set_Values
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_matcher {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    # abstract base class
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR_CODE_SAMPLE';
+    my $matcher = MyMatcher->SUPER::new;
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::Matcher",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Next Advance Get_Doc_ID Score Collect )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [qw( next advance get_doc_id score )],
+    }
+sub bind_notmatcher {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::NOTMatcher",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_notquery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $not_bar_query = Lucy::Search::NOTQuery->new( 
+        negated_query => $bar_query,
+    );
+    my $foo_and_not_bar_query = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery->new(
+        children => [ $foo_query, $not_bar_query ].
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $foo_and_not_bar_query );
+    ...
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $not_query = Lucy::Search::NOTQuery->new( 
+        negated_query => $query,
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::NOTQuery",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Negated_Query Set_Negated_Query )],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods     => [qw( get_negated_query set_negated_query )],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    }
+sub bind_nomatchquery {
+     my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $no_match_query = Lucy::Search::NoMatchQuery->new;
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::NoMatchQuery",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => { constructor => { sample => $constructor }, }
+sub bind_orquery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $foo_or_bar_query = Lucy::Search::ORQuery->new(
+        children => [ $foo_query, $bar_query ],
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $foo_or_bar_query );
+    ...
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $foo_or_bar_query = Lucy::Search::ORQuery->new(
+        children => [ $foo_query, $bar_query ],
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::ORQuery",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods     => [qw( add_child )],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor, }
+    },
+sub bind_orscorer {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::ORScorer",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_phrasequery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $phrase_query = Lucy::Search::PhraseQuery->new( 
+        field => 'content',
+        terms => [qw( the who )],
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $phrase_query );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::PhraseQuery",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Field Get_Terms )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        constructor => { sample => '' },
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        methods     => [qw( get_field get_terms )],
+    },
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::PhraseCompiler",
+    bind_constructors => ["do_new"],
+sub bind_polyquery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    sub walk {
+        my $query = shift;
+        if ( $query->isa("Lucy::Search::PolyQuery") ) {
+            if    ( $query->isa("Lucy::Search::ORQuery") )  { ... }
+            elsif ( $query->isa("Lucy::Search::ANDQuery") ) { ... }
+            elsif ( $query->isa("Lucy::Search::RequiredOptionalQuery") ) {
+                ...
+            }
+            elsif ( $query->isa("Lucy::Search::NOTQuery") ) { ... }
+        }
+        else { ... }
+    }
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::PolyQuery",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Add_Child Set_Children Get_Children )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => { synopsis => $synopsis, },
+sub bind_polysearcher {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $schema = MySchema->new;
+    for my $index (@index_paths) {
+        push @searchers, Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( index => $index );
+    }
+    my $poly_searcher = Lucy::Search::PolySearcher->new(
+        schema    => $schema,
+        searchers => \@searchers,
+    );
+    my $hits = $poly_searcher->hits( query => $query );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $poly_searcher = Lucy::Search::PolySearcher->new(
+        schema    => $schema,
+        searchers => \@searchers,
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::PolySearcher",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [
+            qw( hits
+                doc_max
+                doc_freq
+                fetch_doc
+                get_schema
+                )
+        ],
+    }
+sub bind_query {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    # Query is an abstract base class.
+    package MyQuery;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Search::Query );
+    sub make_compiler {
+        my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
+        my $subordinate = delete $args{subordinate};
+        my $compiler = MyCompiler->new( %args, parent => $self );
+        $compiler->normalize unless $subordinate;
+        return $compiler;
+    }
+    package MyCompiler;
+    use base ( Lucy::Search::Compiler );
+    ...
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR_CODE_SAMPLE';
+    my $query = MyQuery->SUPER::new(
+        boost => 2.5,
+    );
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::Query",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw( Set_Boost
+            Get_Boost
+            _make_compiler|Make_Compiler )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [qw( make_compiler set_boost get_boost )],
+    },
+sub bind_queryparser {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $query_parser = Lucy::Search::QueryParser->new(
+        schema => $searcher->get_schema,
+        fields => ['body'],
+    );
+    my $query = $query_parser->parse( $query_string );
+    my $hits  = $searcher->hits( query => $query );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $query_parser = Lucy::Search::QueryParser->new(
+        schema         => $searcher->get_schema,    # required
+        analyzer       => $analyzer,                # overrides schema
+        fields         => ['bodytext'],             # default: indexed fields
+        default_boolop => 'AND',                    # default: 'OR'
+    );
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::QueryParser",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Parse
+            Tree
+            Expand
+            Expand_Leaf
+            Prune
+            Heed_Colons
+            Set_Heed_Colons
+            Get_Analyzer
+            Get_Schema
+            Get_Fields
+            Make_Term_Query
+            Make_Phrase_Query
+            Make_AND_Query
+            Make_OR_Query
+            Make_NOT_Query
+            Make_Req_Opt_Query
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods => [
+            qw( parse
+                tree
+                expand
+                expand_leaf
+                prune
+                set_heed_colons
+                make_term_query
+                make_phrase_query
+                make_and_query
+                make_or_query
+                make_not_query
+                make_req_opt_query
+                )
+        ],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    }
+sub bind_rangequery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    # Match all articles by "Foo" published since the year 2000.
+    my $range_query = Lucy::Search::RangeQuery->new(
+        field         => 'publication_date',
+        lower_term    => '2000-01-01',
+        include_lower => 1,
+    );
+    my $author_query = Lucy::Search::TermQuery->new(
+        field => 'author_last_name',
+        text  => 'Foo',
+    );
+    my $and_query = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery->new(
+        children => [ $range_query, $author_query ],
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $and_query );
+    ...
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $range_query = Lucy::Search::RangeQuery->new(
+        field         => 'product_number', # required
+        lower_term    => '003',            # see below
+        upper_term    => '060',            # see below
+        include_lower => 0,                # default true
+        include_upper => 0,                # default true
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::RangeQuery",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    },
+sub bind_requiredoptionalmatcher {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::RequiredOptionalMatcher",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_requiredoptionalquery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $foo_and_maybe_bar = Lucy::Search::RequiredOptionalQuery->new(
+        required_query => $foo_query,
+        optional_query => $bar_query,
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $foo_and_maybe_bar );
+    ...
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $reqopt_query = Lucy::Search::RequiredOptionalQuery->new(
+        required_query => $foo_query,    # required
+        optional_query => $bar_query,    # required
+    );
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::RequiredOptionalQuery",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw( Get_Required_Query Set_Required_Query
+            Get_Optional_Query Set_Optional_Query )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods => [
+            qw( get_required_query set_required_query
+                get_optional_query set_optional_query )
+        ],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    },
+sub bind_searcher {
+     my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    package MySearcher;
+    use base qw( Lucy::Search::Searcher );
+    sub new {
+        my $self = shift->SUPER::new;
+        ...
+        return $self;
+    }
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::Searcher",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw( Doc_Max
+            Doc_Freq
+            Glean_Query
+            Hits
+            Collect
+            Top_Docs
+            Fetch_Doc
+            Fetch_Doc_Vec
+            Get_Schema
+            Close )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => "    # Abstract base class.\n",
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [
+            qw(
+                hits
+                collect
+                glean_query
+                doc_max
+                doc_freq
+                fetch_doc
+                get_schema
+                )
+        ],
+    },
+sub bind_sortrule {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Search::SortRule
+    RETVAL = lucy_SortRule_FIELD;
+    RETVAL = lucy_SortRule_SCORE;
+    RETVAL = lucy_SortRule_DOC_ID;
+my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $sort_spec = Lucy::Search::SortSpec->new(
+        rules => [
+            Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( field => 'date' ),
+            Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( type  => 'doc_id' ),
+        ],
+    );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $by_title   = Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( field => 'title' );
+    my $by_score   = Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( type  => 'score' );
+    my $by_doc_id  = Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( type  => 'doc_id' );
+    my $reverse_date = Lucy::Search::SortRule->new(
+        field   => 'date',
+        reverse => 1,
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::SortRule",
+    xs_code           => $xs_code,
+    bind_constructors => ["_new"],
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Field Get_Reverse )],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [qw( get_field get_reverse )],
+    },
+sub bind_sortspec {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $sort_spec = Lucy::Search::SortSpec->new(
+        rules => [
+            Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( field => 'date' ),
+            Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( type  => 'doc_id' ),
+        ],
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits(
+        query     => $query,
+        sort_spec => $sort_spec,
+    );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $sort_spec = Lucy::Search::SortSpec->new( rules => \@rules );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::SortSpec",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Rules )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    },
+sub bind_span {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $combined_length = $upper_span->get_length
+        + ( $upper_span->get_offset - $lower_span->get_offset );
+    my $combined_span = Lucy::Search::Span->new(
+        offset => $lower_span->get_offset,
+        length => $combined_length,
+    );
+    ...
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $span = Lucy::Search::Span->new(
+        offset => 75,     # required
+        length => 7,      # required
+        weight => 1.0,    # default 0.0
+    );
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::Span",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw( Set_Offset
+            Get_Offset
+            Set_Length
+            Get_Length
+            Set_Weight
+            Get_Weight )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [
+            qw( set_offset
+                get_offset
+                set_length
+                get_length
+                set_weight
+                get_weight )
+        ],
+    }
+sub bind_termquery {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $term_query = Lucy::Search::TermQuery->new(
+        field => 'content',
+        term  => 'foo', 
+    );
+    my $hits = $searcher->hits( query => $term_query );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $term_query = Lucy::Search::TermQuery->new(
+        field => 'content',    # required
+        term  => 'foo',        # required
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::TermQuery",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Field Get_Term )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [qw( get_field get_term )],
+    },
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::TermCompiler",
+    bind_constructors => ["do_new"],
+sub bind_topdocs {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Search::TopDocs",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Get_Match_Docs
+            Get_Total_Hits
+            Set_Total_Hits
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],

Added: incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/Search/
--- incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/Search/ (added)
+++ incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/Search/ Mon Jan 16 15:10:03 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Lucy::Build::Binding::Search::Collector;
+sub bind_all {
+     my $class = shift;
+     $class->bind_bitcollector;
+     $class->bind_sortcollector;
+sub bind_bitcollector {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $bit_vec = Lucy::Object::BitVector->new(
+        capacity => $searcher->doc_max + 1,
+    );
+    my $bit_collector = Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector->new(
+        bit_vector => $bit_vec, 
+    );
+    $searcher->collect(
+        collector => $bit_collector,
+        query     => $query,
+    );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $bit_collector = Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector->new(
+        bit_vector => $bit_vec,    # required
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::Collector::BitCollector",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [qw( collect )],
+    },
+sub bind_sortcollector {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Search::Collector::SortCollector",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Pop_Match_Docs Get_Total_Hits )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],

Added: incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/
--- incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ (added)
+++ incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ Mon Jan 16 15:10:03 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Lucy::Build::Binding::Store;
+sub bind_all {
+     my $class = shift;
+     $class->bind_fsfilehandle;
+     $class->bind_fsfolder;
+     $class->bind_filehandle;
+     $class->bind_folder;
+     $class->bind_instream;
+     $class->bind_lock;
+     $class->bind_lockerr;
+     $class->bind_lockfactory;
+     $class->bind_outstream;
+     $class->bind_ramfile;
+     $class->bind_ramfilehandle;
+     $class->bind_ramfolder;
+sub bind_fsfilehandle {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::FSFileHandle",
+    bind_constructors => ['_open|do_open'],
+sub bind_fsfolder {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $folder = Lucy::Store::FSFolder->new(
+        path   => '/path/to/folder',
+    );
+my $constructor = $synopsis;
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::FSFolder",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    },
+sub bind_filehandle {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy     PACKAGE = Lucy::Store::FileHandle
+=for comment
+For testing purposes only.  Track number of FileHandle objects in existence.
+    RETVAL = lucy_FH_object_count;
+=for comment
+For testing purposes only.  Used to help produce buffer alignment tests.
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::FileHandle",
+    xs_code           => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Length Close )],
+    bind_constructors => ['_open|do_open'],
+sub bind_folder {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Store::Folder",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Open_Out
+            Open_In
+            MkDir
+            List_R
+            Exists
+            Rename
+            Hard_Link
+            Delete
+            Slurp_File
+            Close
+            Get_Path
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => { synopsis => "    # Abstract base class.\n", },
+sub bind_instream {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy    PACKAGE = Lucy::Store::InStream
+read(self, buffer_sv, len, ...)
+    lucy_InStream *self;
+    SV *buffer_sv;
+    size_t len;
+    UV offset = items == 4 ? SvUV(ST(3)) : 0;
+    char *ptr;
+    size_t total_len = offset + len;
+    SvUPGRADE(buffer_sv, SVt_PV);
+    if (!SvPOK(buffer_sv)) { SvCUR_set(buffer_sv, 0); }
+    ptr = SvGROW(buffer_sv, total_len + 1);
+    Lucy_InStream_Read_Bytes(self, ptr + offset, len);
+    SvPOK_on(buffer_sv);
+    if (SvCUR(buffer_sv) < total_len) {
+        SvCUR_set(buffer_sv, total_len);
+        *(SvEND(buffer_sv)) = '\0';
+    }
+    lucy_InStream *self;
+    char *ptr;
+    size_t len = Lucy_InStream_Read_C32(self);
+    RETVAL = newSV(len + 1);
+    SvCUR_set(RETVAL, len);
+    SvPOK_on(RETVAL);
+    SvUTF8_on(RETVAL); // Trust source.  Reconsider if API goes public.
+    *SvEND(RETVAL) = '\0';
+    ptr = SvPVX(RETVAL);
+    Lucy_InStream_Read_Bytes(self, ptr, len);
+read_raw_c64(self, buffer_sv)
+    lucy_InStream *self;
+    SV *buffer_sv;
+    char *ptr;
+    SvUPGRADE(buffer_sv, SVt_PV);
+    ptr = SvGROW(buffer_sv, 10 + 1);
+    RETVAL = Lucy_InStream_Read_Raw_C64(self, ptr);
+    SvPOK_on(buffer_sv);
+    SvCUR_set(buffer_sv, RETVAL);
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Store::InStream",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Seek
+            Tell
+            Length
+            Reopen
+            Close
+            Read_I8
+            Read_I32
+            Read_I64
+            Read_U8
+            Read_U32
+            Read_U64
+            Read_C32
+            Read_C64
+            Read_F32
+            Read_F64
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ['open|do_open'],
+sub bind_lock {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $lock = $lock_factory->make_lock(
+        name    => 'write',
+        timeout => 5000,
+    );
+    $lock->obtain or die "can't get lock for " . $lock->get_name;
+    do_stuff();
+    $lock->release;
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $lock = Lucy::Store::Lock->new(
+        name     => 'commit',     # required
+        folder   => $folder,      # required
+        host     => $hostname,    # required
+        timeout  => 5000,         # default: 0
+        interval => 1000,         # default: 100
+    );
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Store::Lock",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Obtain
+            Request
+            Is_Locked
+            Release
+            Clear_Stale
+            Get_Name
+            Get_Lock_Path
+            Get_Host
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+        methods     => [
+            qw(
+                obtain
+                request
+                release
+                is_locked
+                clear_stale
+                )
+        ],
+    },
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::LockFileLock",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::SharedLock",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_lockerr {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    while (1) {
+        my $bg_merger = eval {
+            Lucy::Index::BackgroundMerger->new( index => $index );
+        };
+        if ( blessed($@) and $@->isa("Lucy::Store::LockErr") ) {
+            warn "Retrying...\n";
+        }
+        elsif (!$bg_merger) {
+            # Re-throw.
+            die "Failed to open BackgroundMerger: $@";
+        }
+        ...
+    }
+    parcel     => "Lucy",
+    class_name => "Lucy::Store::LockErr",
+    make_pod   => { synopsis => $synopsis }
+sub bind_lockfactory {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    use Sys::Hostname qw( hostname );
+    my $hostname = hostname() or die "Can't get unique hostname";
+    my $folder = Lucy::Store::FSFolder->new( 
+        path => '/path/to/index', 
+    );
+    my $lock_factory = Lucy::Store::LockFactory->new(
+        folder => $folder,
+        host   => $hostname,
+    );
+    my $write_lock = $lock_factory->make_lock(
+        name     => 'write',
+        timeout  => 5000,
+        interval => 100,
+    );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $lock_factory = Lucy::Store::LockFactory->new(
+        folder => $folder,      # required
+        host   => $hostname,    # required
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::LockFactory",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Make_Lock Make_Shared_Lock )],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        methods     => [qw( make_lock make_shared_lock)],
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    }
+sub bind_outstream {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy     PACKAGE = Lucy::Store::OutStream
+print(self, ...)
+    lucy_OutStream *self;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 1; i < items; i++) {
+        STRLEN len;
+        char *ptr = SvPV(ST(i), len);
+        Lucy_OutStream_Write_Bytes(self, ptr, len);
+    }
+write_string(self, aSV)
+    lucy_OutStream *self;
+    SV *aSV;
+    STRLEN len = 0;
+    char *ptr = SvPVutf8(aSV, len);
+    Lucy_OutStream_Write_C32(self, len);
+    Lucy_OutStream_Write_Bytes(self, ptr, len);
+my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';    # Don't use this yet.
+    my $outstream = $folder->open_out($filename) or die $@;
+    $outstream->write_u64($file_position);
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Store::OutStream",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Tell
+            Length
+            Flush
+            Close
+            Absorb
+            Write_I8
+            Write_I32
+            Write_I64
+            Write_U8
+            Write_U32
+            Write_U64
+            Write_C32
+            Write_C64
+            Write_F32
+            Write_F64
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ['open|do_open'],
+sub bind_ramfile {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::RAMFile",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_Contents )],
+    bind_constructors => ['new'],
+sub bind_ramfilehandle {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::RAMFileHandle",
+    bind_methods      => [qw( Get_File )],
+    bind_constructors => ['_open|do_open'],
+sub bind_ramfolder {
+     my $synopsis = <<'END_SYNOPSIS';
+    my $folder = Lucy::Store::RAMFolder->new;
+    # or sometimes...
+    my $folder = Lucy::Store::RAMFolder->new(
+        path => $relative_path,
+    );
+my $constructor = <<'END_CONSTRUCTOR';
+    my $folder = Lucy::Store::RAMFolder->new(
+        path => $relative_path,   # default: empty string
+    );
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Store::RAMFolder",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    make_pod          => {
+        synopsis    => $synopsis,
+        constructor => { sample => $constructor },
+    }

Added: incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/Test/
--- incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/Test/ (added)
+++ incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/Test/ Mon Jan 16 15:10:03 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Lucy::Build::Binding::Test::Util;
+sub bind_all {
+     my $class = shift;
+     $class->bind_bbsortex;
+sub bind_bbsortex {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy    PACKAGE = Lucy::Test::Util::BBSortEx
+    lucy_BBSortEx *self;
+    void *address = Lucy_BBSortEx_Fetch(self);
+    if (address) {
+        RETVAL = XSBind_cfish_to_perl(*(lucy_Obj**)address);
+        CFISH_DECREF(*(lucy_Obj**)address);
+    }
+    else {
+        RETVAL = newSV(0);
+    }
+    lucy_BBSortEx *self;
+    void *address = Lucy_BBSortEx_Peek(self);
+    if (address) {
+        RETVAL = XSBind_cfish_to_perl(*(lucy_Obj**)address);
+    }
+    else {
+        RETVAL = newSV(0);
+    }
+feed(self, bb)
+    lucy_BBSortEx *self;
+    lucy_ByteBuf *bb;
+    CFISH_INCREF(bb);
+    Lucy_BBSortEx_Feed(self, &bb);
+    parcel            => "Lucy",
+    class_name        => "Lucy::Test::Util::BBSortEx",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+    xs_code           => $xs_code,

Added: incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/
--- incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ (added)
+++ incubator/lucy/trunk/perl/buildlib/Lucy/Build/Binding/ Mon Jan 16 15:10:03 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Lucy::Build::Binding::Util;
+sub bind_all {
+     my $class = shift;
+     $class->bind_debug;
+     $class->bind_indexfilenames;
+     $class->bind_memorypool;
+     $class->bind_priorityqueue;
+     $class->bind_sortexternal;
+     $class->bind_stepper;
+     $class->bind_stringhelper;
+sub bind_debug {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Util::Debug
+#include "Lucy/Util/Debug.h"
+    char *message;
+    LUCY_DEBUG_PRINT("%s", message);
+    char *message;
+    LUCY_DEBUG("%s", message);
+=for comment
+Keep track of any Lucy objects that have been assigned to global Perl
+variables.  This is useful when accounting how many objects should have been
+destroyed and diagnosing memory leaks.
+    CHY_UNUSED_VAR(items);
+    LUCY_IFDEF_DEBUG(lucy_Debug_num_globals++;);
+    char *str;
+    lucy_Debug_set_env_cache(str);
+    int maybe;
+    LUCY_ASSERT(maybe, "XS ASSERT binding test");
+    RETVAL = lucy_Debug_num_allocated;
+    RETVAL = lucy_Debug_num_freed;
+    RETVAL = lucy_Debug_num_globals;
+    parcel     => "Lucy",
+    class_name => "Lucy::Util::Debug",
+    xs_code    => $xs_code,
+sub bind_indexfilenames {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Util::IndexFileNames
+    const lucy_CharBuf *name;
+    RETVAL = lucy_IxFileNames_extract_gen(name);
+    lucy_Folder *folder;
+    lucy_CharBuf *latest = lucy_IxFileNames_latest_snapshot(folder);
+    RETVAL = XSBind_cb_to_sv(latest);
+    CFISH_DECREF(latest);
+    parcel     => "Lucy",
+    class_name => "Lucy::Util::IndexFileNames",
+    xs_code    => $xs_code,
+sub bind_memorypool {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Util::MemoryPool",
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_priorityqueue {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Util::PriorityQueue",
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Less_Than
+            Insert
+            Pop
+            Pop_All
+            Peek
+            Get_Size
+            )
+    ],
+    bind_constructors => ["new"],
+sub bind_sortexternal {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy    PACKAGE = Lucy::Util::SortExternal
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Util::SortExternal",
+    xs_code      => $xs_code,
+    bind_methods => [
+        qw(
+            Flush
+            Flip
+            Add_Run
+            Refill
+            Sort_Cache
+            Cache_Count
+            Clear_Cache
+            Set_Mem_Thresh
+            )
+    ],
+sub bind_stepper {
+     Clownfish::CFC::Binding::Perl::Class->register(
+    parcel       => "Lucy",
+    class_name   => "Lucy::Util::Stepper",
+    bind_methods => [qw( Read_Record )],
+sub bind_stringhelper {
+     my $xs_code = <<'END_XS_CODE';
+MODULE = Lucy   PACKAGE = Lucy::Util::StringHelper
+=for comment 
+Turn an SV's UTF8 flag on.  Equivalent to Encode::_utf8_on, but we don't have
+to load Encode.
+    SV *sv;
+    SvUTF8_on(sv);
+=for comment
+Turn an SV's UTF8 flag off.
+    SV *sv;
+    SvUTF8_off(sv);
+    uint64_t num;
+    char base36[lucy_StrHelp_MAX_BASE36_BYTES];
+    size_t size = lucy_StrHelp_to_base36(num, &base36);
+    RETVAL = newSVpvn(base36, size);
+    char *str;
+    RETVAL = strtol(str, NULL, 36);
+=for comment
+Upgrade a SV to UTF8, converting Latin1 if necessary. Equivalent to
+    SV *sv;
+    sv_utf8_upgrade(sv);
+    SV *sv;
+    STRLEN len;
+    char *ptr = SvPV(sv, len);
+    RETVAL = lucy_StrHelp_utf8_valid(ptr, len);
+=for comment
+Concatenate one scalar onto the end of the other, ignoring UTF-8 status of the
+second scalar.  This is necessary because $not_utf8 . $utf8 results in a
+scalar which has been infected by the UTF-8 flag of the second argument.
+cat_bytes(sv, catted)
+    SV *sv;
+    SV *catted;
+    STRLEN len;
+    char *ptr = SvPV(catted, len);
+    if (SvUTF8(sv)) { CFISH_THROW(LUCY_ERR, "Can't cat_bytes onto a UTF-8 SV"); }
+    sv_catpvn(sv, ptr, len);
+    parcel     => "Lucy",
+    class_name => "Lucy::Util::StringHelper",
+    xs_code    => $xs_code,