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Posted to by Slawomir Jaranowski <> on 2022/03/11 14:18:46 UTC

[ANN] Apache Maven Dependency Plugin 3.3.0 Released

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Dependency Plugin, version 3.3.0

This plugin provides utility goals to work with dependencies like copying,
unpacking, analyzing, resolving and many more.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes - Maven Dependency Plugin - Version 3.3.0

** Bug
    * [MDEP-679] - mvn dependency:analyze detected wrong transitive
    * [MDEP-742] - dependency plugin does not work with JDK 16
    * [MDEP-752] - skip dependency analyze in ear packaging
    * [MDEP-753] - Non-test dependency reported as Non-test scoped test
only dependency
    * [MDEP-759] - 'Dependency not found' with 3.2.0 and Java-17 while
    * [MDEP-761] - Tree plugin does not terminate with 3.2.0
    * [MDEP-769] - Minor improvement - continue
    * [MDEP-774] - analyze-only failed: PermittedSubclasses requires ASM9
    * [MDEP-781] - Broken Link to "Introduction to Dependency Mechanism
    * [MDEP-783] - TreeMojo docs say scope doesn't work due to MSHARED-4
    * [MDEP-786] - Sealed classes not supported

** New Feature
    * [MDEP-787] - Allow ignoring non-test-scoped dependencies

** Improvement
    * [MDEP-763] - Minor improvements
    * [MDEP-768] - GitHub Action build improvement
    * [MDEP-779] - dependency:analyze should list the classes that cause a
used undeclared dependency
    * [MDEP-789] - Improve documentation of analyze - Non-test scoped

** Task
    * [MDEP-760] - Java 1.8 as minimum

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MDEP-766] - Upgrade maven-invoker-plugin to version 3.2.2
    * [MDEP-784] - Upgrade maven-dependency-analyzer to 1.12.0
    * [MDEP-788] - Upgrade maven-reporting-impl to version 3.1.0
    * [MDEP-795] - Update Jetty to 9.4.45.v20220203
    * [MDEP-796] - Upgrade Maven Parent to 35
    * [MDEP-797] - Update transitive dependency commons-beanutils to 1.9.4
    * [MDEP-798] - Upgrade maven-dependency-tree from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0


-The Apache Maven team