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Posted to by Regis Thomas <> on 2023/05/01 15:10:46 UTC

RE: [VOTE] Apache Daffodil VS Code Extension 1.3.0-rc1

In my testing intellisense worked whether I used any prefix or no prefix.

The logic the intellisense code uses to determine what prefix to use looks for a prefix in the schema tag.  If there is a prefix in the schema tag, the logic uses that prefix for all the non-dfdl elements.  If there is no prefix on the schema element, or there is no schema element, the logic doesn't use a prefix. 

These are the two test I performed:
Test 1:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns:xs=""
    <element name="foo" type="xs:string" dfdl:length="25">

Test 2:
    <element name="foo" dfdl:lengthKind="fixed" dfdl:length="25">

Note: In the first test I used intellisense to autocomplete all the lines. In the second test I deleted all the lines except the sequence open and close tags then used intellisense to insert the element tag and the attributes.

Can you provide an example of your test where intellisense did not work?

Regis Thomas

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lawrence <> 
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2023 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Apache Daffodil VS Code Extension 1.3.0-rc1

-1 (binding)

Checks I marked as MINOR and I'm fine with them being fixed prior to the release or in the next release. However, considering Mike B's -1, I've marked the LICENSE/NOTICE issues as FAILED and suggest they be fixed along with fixes to resolve the issue Mike Found.

I checked:

[OK] hashes and signatures of source and helper binaries are correct [OK] signature of git tag is correct [OK] source release matches git tag [OK] source compiles using yarn package [OK] tests pass using yarn test [OK] RAT check passes [OK] no unexpected binaries in source [OK] vsix installs without error [OK] Page for release candidate published on website

[MINOR] intellisense autocompletion
- Autocompletion does not work for schemas that do not use the
   xs: prefix. I think this is a known issue, but tripped me up.
   Hopefully there is a plan to fix this in the future as more and more
   schemas are written without xs: prefix
- Missing xs:group completion as a child of xs:sequence
- Autocompletion as a child of xs:schema suggests things that aren't
   allowed (e.g. group ref, choice, element ref)
- Do not get dfdl:defineFormat,dfdl:defineEscapeSchema after
   dfdl:format tag

[MINOR] compiled source matches convenience binary exactly (except for
         timestamps in daffodil-debugger zip/jar)
- The Appinfo.class file in daffodil-debugger jar is different from
   the same file in a custom built .vsix file. It's not clear to me
   what is different but this makes reproducible builds difficult to
   verify and is a bit concerning. I don't know why this file would be
   different. I'm guessing this is a JAXB thing and is autogenerated
   and has some variability to it?

[MINOR] No open CVE's found using sbt-dependency-check plugin and yarn
         audit (except for false positives)
- CVE's related to Apache Ant, is this a false positive? I don't know
   why we would be using Ant but dependencyCheck thinks we do

[MINOR] no closed issues without a milestone
- There are a handful of issues that have been closed but have not
   been assigned a milestone. Were they closed as part of 1.3.0? Can
   they be added to this milestone so there's a record of what release
   fixed the issue?

[FAILED] src and binaries include correct LICENSE/NOTICE
- build/extension.webpack.config.js is MIT licenses but is not in the
   main LICENSE file. It is in build/package/LICENSE file, but I think
   that is incorrect since this file does not end up in the vsix file?

- The following yarn dependencies are listed as production dependencies but
   are not listed in the build/package/LICENSE file. They are category
   A so are okay but need to be listed:

    - ieee754@1.2.1
    - split2@4.2.0
    - abort-controller@3.0.0
    - atomic-sleep@1.0.0
    - base64-js@1.5.1
    - buffer@6.0.3
    - event-target-shim@5.0.1
    - events@3.3.0
    - fast-redact@3.1.2
    - is-fullwidth-code-point@3.0.0
    - on-exit-leak-free@2.1.0
    - pino-abstract-transport@1.0.0
    - pino-std-serializers@6.2.0
    - pino@8.11.0
    - process-warning@2.2.0
    - process@0.11.10
    - quick-format-unescaped@4.0.4
    - readable-stream@4.3.0
    - real-require@0.2.0
    - safe-stable-stringify@2.4.3
    - sonic-boom@3.3.0
    - thread-stream@2.3.0

- The following dependencies are listed in build/package/LICENSE or
   biuld/package/NONOTICE but are not actual production dependencies
   and should not be listed:

   - @cspotcode/source-map-support
   - @jridgewell/resolve-uri
   - @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec
   - @jridgewell/trace-mapping
   - @tsconfig/node10
   - @tsconfig/node12
   - @tsconfig/node14
   - @tsconfig/node16
   - acorn
   - acorn-walks
   - arg
   - create-require
   - diff
   - fsevents
   - is-fullwidth-code-point
   - make-error
   - ts-node
   - v8-compile-cache-lib
   - yn

- The build/production/LICENSE file lists omega-edit-grpc-server-*.zip
   but that ZIP is no longer in the vsix file, the zip is packages

- The build/package/ licenes files mention akka, though that has been
   replaced with pekko

- The following omega-edit or daffodil debugger jar dependencies are
   not mentioned in the build/package/* files

   Daffodil Debugger:
   - com.sun.istack.istack-commons-runtime-2.21.jar
   - com.sun.istack.istack-commons-tools-2.21.jar
   - com.sun.xml.bind.external.rngom-2.2.11.jar
   - com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-impl-2.2.11.jar
   - com.sun.xml.dtd-parser.dtd-parser-1.1.jar
   - com.sun.xsom.xsom-20140925.jar
   - javax.activation.activation-1.1.1.jar
   - javax.xml.bind.jaxb-api-2.2.12-b140109.1041.jar
   - org.apache.ant.ant-1.7.0.jar
   - org.apache.ant.ant-launcher-1.7.0.jar
   - org.glassfish.jaxb.codemodel-2.2.11.jar
   - org.glassfish.jaxb.jaxb-core-2.2.11.jar
   - org.glassfish.jaxb.jaxb-xjc-2.2.11.jar
   - org.glassfish.jaxb.txw2-2.2.11.jar
   - relaxngDatatype.relaxngDatatype-20020414.jar

   Omega Edit
   - ch.qos.logback.logback-classic-1.3.5.jar
   - ch.qos.logback.logback-core-1.3.5.jar
   - org.checkerframework.checker-qual-3.12.0.jar
   - org.parboiled.parboiled_2.13-2.4.1.jar

On 2023-04-25 02:00 PM, Shane Dell wrote:
> Hello all,I'd like to call a vote to release Apache Daffodil VS Code 1.3.0-rc1.
> All distribution packages, including signatures, digests, etc. can be 
> found at:
> -rc3%2F&
> 1ac08db48226146%7C379c214c5c944e86a6062d047675f02a%7C0%7C0%7C638183084
> 742657772%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIi
> LCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=9xdAAXaGmPwVu8oBz
> dx3BmA7Ug1%2Fb2NTHL96N7SEA%2Fw%3D&reserved=0
> This release has been signed with PGP key 
> 86DDE7B41291E380237934F007570D3ADC76D51B, corresponding to 
>, which is included in the KEYS file here:
> 7675f02a%7C0%7C0%7C638183084742657772%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoi
> MC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7
> C%7C&sdata=XbmQKLrhqTW5RDSc2z%2BTXJK%2BHxEW1v3kKq7JTfzE448%3D&reserved
> =0
> The release candidate has been tagged in git with 1.3.0-rc1.
> For reference, here is a list of all closed GitHub issues tagged with 1.3.0:
> 6%7C379c214c5c944e86a6062d047675f02a%7C0%7C0%7C638183084742657772%7CUn
> known%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haW
> wiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=TUpYxTGOPXw1nryCDjzuytdV9egpkPA
> MQUUt6N6dgMk%3D&reserved=0
> Please review and vote. The vote will be open for at least 72 hours 
> (Friday, 28 April 2023, 2:00pm EST).
> [ ] +1 approve
> [ ] +0 no opinion
> [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
> Please note one of the large features that was focused on in 1.3.0 was 
> improving the data editor. To open the data editor you will need to 
> open the command palette using:
> - Ctrl + Shift + P (windows/linux)
> - Command + Shift + P (mac)
> Then typing "data.edit", make sure "Daffodil Debug: Data Editor" is 
> selected and then hitting enter. By default the data editor will run 
> on port 9000 of your machine. However, if you want to use a different 
> port you can add
> "dataEditor.omegaEditPort": 9001 to your vscode/launch.json configuration.
> Then once you run the command again the data editor should now use port 9001.
> Thank you,
> - Shane Dell