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Posted to by on 2007/09/25 21:01:18 UTC

svn commit: r579351 [2/2] - in /lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins: engines/ engines/generators/ engines/generators/plugin_migration/ engines/generators/plugin_migration/templates/ engines/lib/ engines/lib/engines/ engines/lib/engines/r...

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/public_asset_helpers.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/public_asset_helpers.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/public_asset_helpers.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# The engines plugin makes it trivial to share public assets using plugins. 
+# To do this, include an <tt>assets</tt> directory within your plugin, and put
+# your javascripts, stylesheets and images in subdirectories of that folder:
+#   my_plugin
+#     |- init.rb
+#     |- lib/
+#     |- assets/
+#          |- javascripts/
+#          |    |- my_functions.js
+#          |
+#          |- stylesheets/
+#          |    |- my_styles.css
+#          |
+#          |- images/
+#               |- my_face.jpg
+# Files within the <tt>asset</tt> structure are automatically mirrored into
+# a publicly-accessible folder each time your application starts (see
+# Plugin#mirror_public_assets).
+# == Using plugin assets in views
+# It's also simple to use Rails' helpers in your views to use plugin assets.
+# The default helper methods have been enhanced by the engines plugin to accept
+# a <tt>:plugin</tt> option, indicating the plugin containing the desired asset.
+# For example, it's easy to use plugin assets in your layouts:
+#   <%= stylesheet_link_tag "my_styles", :plugin => "my_plugin", :media => "screen" %>
+#   <%= javascript_include_tag "my_functions", :plugin => "my_plugin" %>
+# ... and similarly in views and partials, it's easy to use plugin images:
+#   <%= image_tag "my_face", :plugin => "my_plugin" %>
+#   <!-- or -->
+#   <%= image_path "my_face", :plugin => "my_plugin" %>
+# Where the default helpers allow the specification of more than one file (i.e. the
+# javascript and stylesheet helpers), you can do similarly for multiple assets from 
+# within a single plugin.
+# ---
+# This module enhances four of the methods from ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper:
+#  * stylesheet_link_tag
+#  * javascript_include_tag
+#  * image_path
+#  * image_tag
+# Each one of these methods now accepts the key/value pair <tt>:plugin => "plugin_name"</tt>,
+# which can be used to specify the originating plugin for any assets.
+module Engines::RailsExtensions::PublicAssetHelpers
+  def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
+    base.class_eval do
+      [:stylesheet_link_tag, :javascript_include_tag, :image_path, :image_tag].each do |m|
+        alias_method_chain m, :engine_additions
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Adds plugin functionality to Rails' default stylesheet_link_tag method.
+  def stylesheet_link_tag_with_engine_additions(*sources)
+    stylesheet_link_tag_without_engine_additions(*Engines::RailsExtensions::PublicAssetHelpers.pluginify_sources("stylesheets", *sources))
+  end
+  # Adds plugin functionality to Rails' default javascript_include_tag method.  
+  def javascript_include_tag_with_engine_additions(*sources)
+    javascript_include_tag_without_engine_additions(*Engines::RailsExtensions::PublicAssetHelpers.pluginify_sources("javascripts", *sources))
+  end
+  #--
+  # Our modified image_path now takes a 'plugin' option, though it doesn't require it
+  #++
+  # Adds plugin functionality to Rails' default image_path method.
+  def image_path_with_engine_additions(source, options={})
+    options.stringify_keys!
+    source = Engines::RailsExtensions::PublicAssetHelpers.plugin_asset_path(options["plugin"], "images", source) if options["plugin"]
+    image_path_without_engine_additions(source)
+  end
+  # Adds plugin functionality to Rails' default image_tag method.
+  def image_tag_with_engine_additions(source, options={})
+    options.stringify_keys!
+    if options["plugin"]
+      source = Engines::RailsExtensions::PublicAssetHelpers.plugin_asset_path(options["plugin"], "images", source)
+      options.delete("plugin")
+    end
+    image_tag_without_engine_additions(source, options)
+  end
+  #--
+  # The following are methods on this module directly because of the weird-freaky way
+  # Rails creates the helper instance that views actually get
+  #++
+  # Convert sources to the paths for the given plugin, if any plugin option is given
+  def self.pluginify_sources(type, *sources)
+    options = sources.last.is_a?(Hash) ? sources.pop.stringify_keys : { }
+! { |s| plugin_asset_path(options["plugin"], type, s) } if options["plugin"]
+    options.delete("plugin") # we don't want it appearing in the HTML
+    sources << options # re-add options      
+  end  
+  # Returns the publicly-addressable relative URI for the given asset, type and plugin
+  def self.plugin_asset_path(plugin_name, type, asset)
+    raise "No plugin called '#{plugin_name}' - please use the full name of a loaded plugin." if Rails.plugins[plugin_name].nil?
+    "/#{Rails.plugins[plugin_name].public_asset_directory}/#{type}/#{asset}"
+  end
+::ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::PublicAssetHelpers)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/rails.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/rails.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/rails.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# In order to give a richer infrastructure for dealing with plugins, the engines
+# plugin adds two new attributes to the Rails module:
+# [+plugins+]       A PluginList instance which holds the currently loaded plugins
+# [+configuration+] The current Rails::Configuration instance, so that we can
+#                   query any parameters that might be set *after* Rails has
+#                   loaded, as well as during plugin initialization
+# Here we just re-open the Rails module and add our custom accessors; it
+# may be cleaner to seperate them into a module, but in this case that seems
+# like overkill.
+module Rails
+  # The set of all loaded plugins
+  mattr_accessor :plugins
+  # The Rails::Initializer::Configuration object
+  mattr_accessor :configuration

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/rails_initializer.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/rails_initializer.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/rails_initializer.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Enhances the Rails::Initializer class to be a bit smarter about
+# plugins. See Engines::RailsExtensions::RailsInitializer for more
+# details.
+require "engines/rails_extensions/rails"
+require 'engines/plugin_list'
+# The engines plugin changes the way that Rails actually loads other plugins.
+# It creates instances of the Plugin class to represent each plugin, stored
+# in the <tt>Rails.plugins</tt> PluginList.
+# ---
+# Three methods from the original Rails::Initializer module are overridden
+# by Engines::RailsExtensions::RailsInitializer:
+# [+load_plugin+] which now creates Plugin instances and calls Plugin#load
+# [+after_initialize+] which now performs Engines.after_initialize in addition
+#                      to the given config block
+# [<tt>plugin_enabled?</tt>]  which now respects the result of 
+#                             Engines.load_all_plugins?
+module Engines::RailsExtensions::RailsInitializer
+  def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
+    base.class_eval do
+      alias_method_chain :load_plugin, :engine_additions
+      alias_method_chain :after_initialize, :engine_additions
+      alias_method_chain :plugin_enabled?, :engine_additions    
+    end
+  end
+  # Loads all plugins in configuration.plugin_paths, regardless of the contents
+  # of configuration.plugins
+  def load_all_plugins
+    # a nil value implies we don't care about plugins; load 'em all in a reliable order
+    find_plugins(configuration.plugin_paths).sort.each { |path| load_plugin path }
+  end
+  # Loads a plugin, performing the extra load path/public file magic of
+  # engines by calling Plugin#load.
+  def load_plugin_with_engine_additions(directory)
+    name = plugin_name(directory)
+    return false if loaded_plugins.include?(name)
+    logger.debug "loading plugin from #{directory} with engine additions"
+    # add the Plugin object
+    plugin =, directory)
+    Rails.plugins << plugin
+    # do the other stuff that load_plugin used to do. This includes
+    # allowing the plugin's init.rb to set configuration options on
+    # it's instance, which can then be used in it's initialization
+    load_plugin_without_engine_additions(directory)
+    # perform additional loading tasks like mirroring public assets
+    # and adding app directories to the appropriate load paths
+    plugin.load
+    true
+  end
+  # Allow the engines plugin to do whatever it needs to do after Rails has
+  # loaded, and then call the actual after_initialize block. Currently, this
+  # is call Engines.after_initialize.
+  def after_initialize_with_engine_additions
+    Engines.after_initialize
+    after_initialize_without_engine_additions
+  end
+  protected
+    # Returns true if the plugin at the given path should be loaded; false
+    # otherwise. If Engines.load_all_plugins? is true, this method will return
+    # true regardless of the path given.
+    def plugin_enabled_with_engine_additions?(path)
+      Engines.load_all_plugins? || plugin_enabled_without_engine_additions?(path)
+    end
+    # Returns the name of the plugin at the given path.
+    def plugin_name(path)
+      File.basename(path)
+    end    
+::Rails::Initializer.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::RailsInitializer)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/routing.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/routing.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/routing.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Effective use of Rails' routes can help create a tidy and elegant set of URLs,
+# and is a significant part of creating an external API for your web application.
+# When developing plugins which contain controllers, it seems obvious that including
+# the corresponding routes would be extremely useful. This is particularly true
+# when exposing RESTful resources using the new REST-ian features of Rails 1.2.
+# == Including routes in your plugin
+# The engines plugin makes it possible to include a set of routes within your plugin
+# very simply, as it turns out. In your plugin, you simply include a <tt>routes.rb</tt> 
+# file like the one below at the root of your plugin:
+#   connect "/login", :controller => "my_plugin/account", :action => "login"
+#   # add a named route
+#   logout "/logout", :controller => "my_plugin/account", :action => "logout"
+#   # some restful stuff
+#   resources :things do |t|
+#     t.resources :other_things
+#   end
+# Everywhere in a normal <tt>RAILS_ROOT/config/routes.rb</tt> file 
+# where you might have <tt>map.connect</tt>, you just use <tt>connect</tt> in your 
+# plugin's <tt>routes.rb</tt>.
+# === Hooking it up in your application
+# While it would be possible to have each plugin's routes automagically included into
+# the application's route set, to do so would actually be a stunningly bad idea. Route
+# priority is the key issue here. You, the application developer, needs to be in complete
+# control when it comes to specifying the priority of routes in your application, since 
+# the ordering of your routes directly affects how Rails will interpret incoming requests.
+# To add plugin routes into your application's <tt>routes.rb</tt> file, you need to explicitly 
+# map them in using the Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing#from_plugin method:
+#   ApplicationController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
+#     map.connect "/app_stuff", :controller => "application_thing" # etc...
+#     # This line includes the routes from the given plugin at this point, giving you
+#     # control over the priority of your application routes 
+#     map.from_plugin :your_plugin
+#     map.connect ":controller/:action/:id"
+#   end
+# By including routes in plugins which have controllers, you can now share in a simple way 
+# a compact and elegant URL scheme which corresponds to those controllers.
+# ---
+# The Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing module defines extensions to Rails' 
+# routing (ActionController::Routing) mechanism such that routes can be loaded 
+# from a given plugin.
+# The key method is Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing#from_plugin, which can be called 
+# within your application's <tt>config/routes.rb</tt> file to load plugin routes at that point.
+module Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing
+  # Loads the set of routes from within a plugin and evaluates them at this
+  # point within an application's main <tt>routes.rb</tt> file.
+  #
+  # Plugin routes are loaded from <tt><plugin_root>/routes.rb</tt>.
+  def from_plugin(name)
+    # At the point in which routing is loaded, we cannot guarantee that all
+    # plugins are in Rails.plugins, so instead we need to use find_plugin_path
+    path = Engines.find_plugin_path(name)
+    routes_path = File.join(path, name.to_s, "routes.rb")
+    logger.debug "loading routes from #{routes_path}"
+    eval(, binding, routes_path) if File.file?(routes_path)
+  end
+::ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Routing)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/templates.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/templates.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/rails_extensions/templates.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# As well as providing code overloading for controllers and helpers 
+# (see Engines::RailsExtensions::Dependencies), the engines plugin also allows
+# developers to selectively override views and partials within their application.
+# == An example
+# This is achieved in much the same way as controller overriding. Our plugin contains
+# a view to be rendered at the URL <tt>/test/hello</tt>, in 
+# <tt>our_plugin/app/views/test/hello.rhtml</tt>:
+#    <div class="greeting">Hi, <%= %>, what's up?</div>
+# If in a particular application we're not happy with this message, we can override
+# it by replacing the partial in our own application - 
+# <tt>RAILS_ROOT/app/views/test/hello.rhtml</tt>:
+#     <div class="greeting custom_class">Wassup <%= %>. 
+#                                        Waaaaassaaaaaaaaup</div>
+# This view will then be rendered in favour of that in the plugin.
+module Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates
+  # Override the finding of partials and views. This is achieved by wrapping
+  # the (private) method #full_template_path_with_engine_additions, that checks
+  # for the given template within plugins as well as the application.
+  module ActionView
+    def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
+      base.class_eval { alias_method_chain :full_template_path, :engine_additions }
+    end
+    private
+      def full_template_path_with_engine_additions(template_path, extension)
+        path_in_app_directory = full_template_path_from_application(template_path, extension)
+        # First check for this template in the application. If it exists, the user has
+        # overridden anything from the plugin, so use it (unless we're testing plugins;
+        # see full_template_path_from_application())
+        return path_in_app_directory if path_in_app_directory && File.exist?(path_in_app_directory)
+        # Otherwise, check in the plugins to see if the template can be found there.
+        # Load this in order so that more recently started plugins will take priority.
+        Rails.plugins.by_precedence do |plugin|
+          plugin_specific_path = File.join(plugin.root, 'app', 'views',  
+                                         template_path.to_s + '.' + extension.to_s)
+          return plugin_specific_path if File.exist?(plugin_specific_path)
+        end
+        # If it cannot be found anywhere, return the default path.
+        return full_template_path_without_engine_additions(template_path, extension)
+      end 
+      # Return a path to this template within our default app/views directory.
+      # In some circumstances, we may wish to prevent users from overloading views,
+      # such as when we are testing plugins with views. In this case, return "".
+      def full_template_path_from_application(template_path, extension)
+        if Engines.disable_application_view_loading
+          nil
+        else
+          full_template_path_without_engine_additions(template_path, extension)
+        end    
+      end
+  end
+  # The Layout module overrides a single (private) method in ActionController::Layout::ClassMethods,
+  # called #layout_list. This method now returns an array of layouts, including those in plugins.
+  module Layout
+    def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
+      base.class_eval { alias_method_chain :layout_list, :engine_additions }
+    end
+    private
+      # Return the list of layouts, including any in the <tt>app/views/layouts</tt>
+      # directories of loaded plugins.
+      def layout_list_with_engine_additions
+        plugin_layouts = do |p| 
+          File.join(p.root, "app", "views", "layouts")
+        end
+        layout_list_without_engine_additions + Dir["{#{plugin_layouts.join(",")}}/**/*"]
+      end
+  end
+  # The way ActionMailer is coded in terms of finding templates is very restrictive, to the point
+  # where all templates for rendering must exist under the single base path. This is difficult to
+  # work around without re-coding significant parts of the action mailer code.
+  #
+  # ---
+  #
+  # The MailTemplates module overrides two (private) methods from ActionMailer to enable mail 
+  # templates within plugins:
+  #
+  # [+template_path+]  which now produces the contents of #template_paths
+  # [+render+]         which now find the first matching template and creates an ActionVew::Base
+  #                    instance with the correct @base_path for that template
+  module MailTemplates
+    def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
+      base.class_eval do
+        alias_method_chain :template_path, :engine_additions
+        alias_method_chain :render, :engine_additions
+      end
+    end
+    private    
+      # Returns all possible template paths for the current mailer, including those
+      # within the loaded plugins.
+      def template_paths
+        paths = { |p| "#{p.root}/app/views/#{mailer_name}" }
+        paths.unshift(template_path_without_engine_additions) unless Engines.disable_application_view_loading
+        paths
+      end
+      # Return something that Dir[] can glob against. This method is called in 
+      # ActionMailer::Base#create! and used as part of an argument to Dir. We can
+      # take advantage of this by using some of the features of Dir.glob to search
+      # multiple paths for matching files.
+      def template_path_with_engine_additions
+        "{#{template_paths.join(",")}}"
+      end
+      # We've broken this up so that we can dynamically alter the base_path that ActionView
+      # is rendering from so that templates can be located from plugins.
+      def render_with_engine_additions(opts)
+        template_path_for_method = Dir["#{template_path}/#{opts[:file]}*"].first
+        body = opts.delete(:body)
+        i = initialize_template_class(body)
+        i.base_path = File.dirname(template_path_for_method)
+        i.render(opts)
+      end
+  end
+::ActionView::Base.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates::ActionView)
+::ActionController::Layout::ClassMethods.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates::Layout)
+if Object.const_defined?(:ActionMailer) # We don't need to do this if ActionMailer hasn't been loaded.
+  ::ActionMailer::Base.send(:include, Engines::RailsExtensions::Templates::MailTemplates)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/testing.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/testing.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/lib/engines/testing.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Contains the enhancements to assist in testing plugins. See Engines::Testing
+# for more details.
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'fileutils'
+# In most cases, Rails' own plugin testing mechanisms are sufficient. However, there
+# are cases where plugins can be given a helping hand in the testing arena. This module 
+# contains some methods to assist when testing plugins that contain fixtures.
+# == Fixtures and plugins
+# Since Rails' own fixtures method is fairly strict about where files can be loaded from,
+# the simplest approach when running plugin tests with fixtures is to simply copy all
+# fixtures into a single temporary location and inform the standard Rails mechanism to
+# use this directory, rather than RAILS_ROOT/test/fixtures.
+# The Engines::Testing#setup_plugin_fixtures method does this, copying all plugin fixtures
+# into the temporary location before and tests are performed. This behaviour is invoked
+# the the rake tasks provided by the Engines plugin, in the "test:plugins" namespace. If
+# necessary, you can invoke the task manually.
+# If you wish to take advantage of this, add a call to the Engines::Testing.set_fixture_path
+# method somewhere before your tests (in a test_helper file, or above the TestCase itself).
+# = Testing plugins
+# Normally testing a plugin will require that Rails is loaded, unless you are including
+# a skeleton Rails environment or set of mocks within your plugin tests. If you require
+# the Rails environment to be started, you must ensure that this actually happens; while
+# it's not obvious, your tests do not automatically run with Rails loaded.
+# The simplest way to setup plugin tests is to include a test helper with the following
+# contents:
+#   # Load the normal Rails helper. This ensures the environment is loaded
+#   require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../test/test_helper')
+#   # Ensure that we are using the temporary fixture path
+#   Engines::Testing.set_fixture_path
+# Then run tests using the provided tasks (<tt>test:plugins</tt>, or the tasks that the engines
+# plugin provides - <tt>test:plugins:units</tt>, etc.).
+# Alternatively, you can explicitly load the environment by adpating the contents of the
+# default <tt>test_helper</tt>:
+#   ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
+#   # Note that we are requiring config/environment from the root of the enclosing application.
+#   require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../../config/environment")
+#   require 'test_help'
+module Engines::Testing
+  mattr_accessor :temporary_fixtures_directory
+  self.temporary_fixtures_directory = FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "rails_fixtures"))
+  # Copies fixtures from plugins and the application into a temporary directory 
+  # (Engines::Testing.temporary_fixtures_directory). 
+  # 
+  # If a set of plugins is not given, fixtures are copied from all plugins in order 
+  # of precedence, meaning that plugins can 'overwrite' the fixtures of others if they are 
+  # loaded later; the application's fixtures are copied last, allowing any custom fixtures
+  # to override those in the plugins. If no argument is given, plugins are loaded via
+  # PluginList#by_precedence.
+  #
+  # This method is called by the engines-supplied plugin testing rake tasks
+  def self.setup_plugin_fixtures(plugins=Rails.plugins.by_precedence)
+    # Copy all plugin fixtures, and then the application fixtures, into this directory
+    plugins.each do |plugin| 
+      plugin_fixtures_directory =  File.join(plugin.root, "test", "fixtures")
+      if
+        Engines.mirror_files_from(plugin_fixtures_directory, self.temporary_fixtures_directory)
+      end
+    end
+    Engines.mirror_files_from(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "test", "fixtures"),
+                              self.temporary_fixtures_directory)
+  end
+  # Sets the fixture path used by Test::Unit::TestCase to the temporary
+  # directory which contains all plugin fixtures.
+  def self.set_fixture_path
+    Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path = self.temporary_fixtures_directory
+    $LOAD_PATH.unshift self.temporary_fixtures_directory
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/tasks/engines.rake
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/tasks/engines.rake (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/engines/tasks/engines.rake Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# This code lets us redefine existing Rake tasks, which is extremely
+# handy for modifying existing Rails rake tasks.
+# Credit for this snippet of code goes to Jeremy Kemper
+unless Rake::TaskManager.methods.include?(:redefine_task)
+  module Rake
+    module TaskManager
+      def redefine_task(task_class, args, &block)
+        task_name, deps = resolve_args(args)
+        task_name = task_class.scope_name(@scope, task_name)
+        deps = [deps] unless deps.respond_to?(:to_ary)
+        deps = deps.collect {|d| d.to_s }
+        task = @tasks[task_name.to_s] =, self)
+        task.application = self
+        task.add_comment(@last_comment)
+        @last_comment = nil
+        task.enhance(deps, &block)
+        task
+      end
+    end
+    class Task
+      class << self
+        def redefine_task(args, &block)
+          Rake.application.redefine_task(self, args, &block)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+namespace :db do  
+  namespace :fixtures do
+    namespace :plugins do
+      desc "Load plugin fixtures into the current environment's database."
+      task :load => :environment do
+        require 'active_record/fixtures'
+        ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(RAILS_ENV.to_sym)
+        Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'vendor', 'plugins', ENV['PLUGIN'] || '**', 
+                 'test', 'fixtures', '*.yml')).each do |fixture_file|
+          Fixtures.create_fixtures(File.dirname(fixture_file), File.basename(fixture_file, '.*'))
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+# this is just a modification of the original task in railties/lib/tasks/documentation.rake, 
+# because the default task doesn't support subdirectories like <plugin>/app or
+# <plugin>/component. These tasks now include every file under a plugin's code paths (see
+# Plugin#code_paths).
+namespace :doc do
+  plugins = FileList['vendor/plugins/**'].collect { |plugin| File.basename(plugin) }
+  namespace :plugins do
+    # Define doc tasks for each plugin
+    plugins.each do |plugin|
+      desc "Create plugin documentation for '#{plugin}'"
+      Rake::Task.redefine_task(plugin => :environment) do
+        plugin_base   = RAILS_ROOT + "/vendor/plugins/#{plugin}"
+        options       = []
+        files         =
+        options << "-o doc/plugins/#{plugin}"
+        options << "--title '#{plugin.titlecase} Plugin Documentation'"
+        options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source'
+        options << '-T html'
+        # Include every file in the plugin's code_paths (see Plugin#code_paths)
+        if Rails.plugins[plugin]
+          files.include("#{plugin_base}/{#{Rails.plugins[plugin].code_paths.join(",")}}/**/*.rb")
+        end
+        if File.exists?("#{plugin_base}/README")
+          files.include("#{plugin_base}/README")    
+          options << "--main '#{plugin_base}/README'"
+        end
+        files.include("#{plugin_base}/CHANGELOG") if File.exists?("#{plugin_base}/CHANGELOG")
+        if files.empty?
+          puts "No source files found in #{plugin_base}. No documentation will be generated."
+        else
+          options << files.to_s
+          sh %(rdoc #{options * ' '})
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+namespace :test do
+  task :warn_about_multiple_plugin_testing_with_engines do
+    puts %{-~============== A Moste Polite Warninge ===========================~-
+You may experience issues testing multiple plugins at once when using
+the code-mixing features that the engines plugin provides. If you do
+experience any problems, please test plugins individually, i.e.
+  $ rake test:plugins PLUGIN=my_plugin
+or use the per-type plugin test tasks:
+  $ rake test:plugins:units
+  $ rake test:plugins:functionals
+  $ rake test:plugins:integration
+  $ rake test:plugins:all
+Report any issues on Thanks!
+-~===============( ... as you were ... )============================~-}
+  end
+  namespace :plugins do
+    desc "Run the plugin tests in vendor/plugins/**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name)"
+    task :all => [:warn_about_multiple_plugin_testing_with_engines, 
+                  :units, :functionals, :integration]
+    desc "Run all plugin unit tests"
+ => :setup_plugin_fixtures) do |t|
+      t.pattern = "vendor/plugins/#{ENV['PLUGIN'] || "**"}/test/unit/**/*_test.rb"
+      t.verbose = true
+    end
+    desc "Run all plugin functional tests"
+ => :setup_plugin_fixtures) do |t|
+      t.pattern = "vendor/plugins/#{ENV['PLUGIN'] || "**"}/test/functional/**/*_test.rb"
+      t.verbose = true
+    end
+    desc "Integration test engines"
+ => :setup_plugin_fixtures) do |t|
+      t.pattern = "vendor/plugins/#{ENV['PLUGIN'] || "**"}/test/integration/**/*_test.rb"
+      t.verbose = true
+    end
+    desc "Mirrors plugin fixtures into a single location to help plugin tests"
+    task :setup_plugin_fixtures => :environment do
+      Engines::Testing.setup_plugin_fixtures
+    end
+    # Patch the default plugin testing task to have setup_plugin_fixtures as a prerequisite
+    Rake::Task["test:plugins"].prerequisites << "test:plugins:setup_plugin_fixtures"
+  end  
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/browse_controller.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/browse_controller.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/browse_controller.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class BrowseController < ApplicationController
+  flare

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/document_controller.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/document_controller.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/document_controller.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class DocumentController < ApplicationController
+  # Currently not used, as partials are used for rendering documents in search results
+  # TODO: how best to allow pluggable document rendering?

Propchange: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/document_controller.rb
    svn:executable = *

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/simile_controller.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/simile_controller.rb (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/simile_controller.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+class SimileController < ApplicationController
+  before_filter :flare_before
+  def exhibit
+    @data =, 10)
+    # Exhibit seems to require a label attribute to be happy
+    @data.each {|d| d['label'] = d['title_text']}
+    respond_to do |format| 
+      format.html # renders exhibit.rhtml 
+      format.json { render :json => {'items' => @data}.to_json } # Exhibit seems to require data to be in a 'items' Hash
+    end                                         
+  end
+  def timeline
+    @data =, 10)
+    respond_to do |format| 
+      format.html # renders timeline.rhtml 
+      format.xml # renders timeline.rxml
+    end                                         
+  end
+  #TODO: this is duplicated from flare's 
+  private
+    def flare_before
+      # TODO: allow source of context to be configurable.
+      session[:flare_context] ||=
+      @flare = session[:flare_context]
+    end

Propchange: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/controllers/simile_controller.rb
    svn:executable = *

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/browse/index.rhtml
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/browse/index.rhtml (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/browse/index.rhtml Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<div id="sidebar"><div class="boxContent">
+	<div class="searchbar">
+  <% form_tag(:action=>'add_query') do %>
+    <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :search, :query %>
+    <%=submit_tag "search"%>
+  <% end %>
+	</div>
+<!-- <h2>browse facets</h2> -->
+<% if @flare.facet_queries.size > 0%>
+  saved searches
+<% @flare.facet_queries.each do |name,value|
+     count =['facet_counts']['facet_queries'][value[:real_query]]
+  <%= image_tag "pie_#{(count * 100.0 / @response.total_hits).ceil rescue 0}.png"%>
+  <%= link_to "#{name} (#{count})", {:action => 'add_saved_search', :name=>name}, {:title => value.inspect}%>
+  <%= link_to "*", {:action => 'show_saved', :name => name}, {:target => '_blank'}%>
+  <%=link_to image_tag("x-close.gif"), :action => :remove_saved_search, :name => name %>
+<% end %>
+<% end %>
+<% @flare.facet_fields.each do |field|%>
+  <h4> 
+<%= facet_label(field)%> <%=link_to "[browse]", :action => 'facet', :field => field%> 
+<!-- <%=link_to field, :action => 'facet', :field => field%> -->
+  <ul>
+  <% @response.field_facets(field).each do |f| %>
+    <li>
+      <%= image_tag "pie_#{(f.value * 100.0 / @response.total_hits).ceil}.png"%>
+      <%= link_to "#{} (#{f.value})", :action => 'add_filter', :field=>field, :value=>>
+    </li>
+  <% end %>
+  </ul>
+<% end %>
+<span class="exhibit"><%=link_to image_tag("simile-exhibit.png"), :controller => :simile, :action => :exhibit %></span>
+<div id="variables">
+	<div class="clear">
+		<%=link_to '[clear constraints]', :action => 'clear'%>
+	</div>
+  <span class="varheader">Saved searches:</span>
+  	<div id="queries">
+      <% @flare.applied_facet_queries.each_with_index do |q, i| %>
+            <%=link_to q[:negative] ? "-" : "+", :action => :invert_saved_constraint, :index => i%>
+            <%=q[:name]%>
+            <%=link_to image_tag("x-close.gif"), :action => :remove_saved_constraint, :index => i %><br/>
+      <% end %>
+    </div>
+<span class="varheader">Queries:</span>
+	<div id="queries">
+<% @flare.queries.each_with_index do |q,i| %>
+<%=link_to q[:negative] ? "-" : '+', :action => :invert_query, :index => i%>
+<span id="query_<%=i%>"><%=q[:query]%></span>
+<%= in_place_editor "query_#{i}", :url=> url_for(:action=>"update_query", :index=>i, :script=>true) %>
+<%=link_to image_tag("x-close.gif"), :action => :remove_query, :index => i %><br/>
+<% end %>
+	</div>
+<span class="varheader">Filters:</span>
+	<div id="filters">
+<% @flare.filters.each_with_index do |filter, i| %>
+      <%=link_to filter[:negative] ? "-" : "+", :action => :invert_filter, :index => i%>
+      <%=filter[:field]%>:<%=filter[:value]%>
+      <%=link_to image_tag("x-close.gif"), :action => :remove_filter, :index => i %><br/>
+<% end %>
+	</div>
+<div class="clear">
+	<%=link_to '[clear constraints]', :action => 'clear'%>
+<% form_tag({:action=>'save'},{:id => 'savesearch', :style => "display:none;"}) do %>
+  <%= text_field_tag :name, "", {:size => 10, :id => "savesearch_name"} %>
+  <%= link_to_function "save", "document.forms['savesearch'].submit();" -%>
+  <%= link_to_function "cancel", "Element.toggle('savesearch'); Element.toggle('savesearch_link')" -%>
+<% end %>
+<%= link_to_function "[save these constraints]", "Element.toggle('savesearch'); Element.toggle('savesearch_link'); $('savesearch_name').focus()", {:id => "savesearch_link"} -%>
+<% if @flare.empty_constraints? %>
+  search or facet to see results
+<% else %>
+<div class="resultsheader">Results <strong><%=[@start + 1,@response.total_hits].min%>-<%=[@response.total_hits,@results_per_page + @start].min%></strong> of <strong><%=@response.total_hits%></strong></div>
+<div id="results"><table cellpadding="10">
+  <% @response.each do |doc| %>
+    <%= render :partial => "document/document_#{SOLR_ENV}", :locals => {:doc => doc, :response => @response}%>  
+  <% end %>
+<div class="resultsheader"><%=link_to_if != 1,  "<<", :page => - 1%> Results <strong><%=[@start + 1,@response.total_hits].min%>-<%=[@response.total_hits,@results_per_page + @start].min%></strong> of <strong><%=@response.total_hits%></strong><%=link_to_if < (@response.total_hits.to_f / @results_per_page).ceil, ">>", :page => + 1%></div>
+<% end %>
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/browse/index.rhtml
    svn:executable = *

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/document/_document_development.rhtml
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/document/_document_development.rhtml (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/document/_document_development.rhtml Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<tr valign="top">
+  <td>
+    <table class="entry">
+      <tr>
+        <td class="title" colspan="2"><%=doc['title_text']%></td>
+      </tr>
+      <% doc.each do |k,v|; highlighting = response.highlighted(doc['id'], k) %>
+      <tr><td class="field"><%=k%>:</td><td><%= highlighting ? "...#{highlighting}..." : (v.respond_to?('join') ? v.join(',') : v.to_s)%></td></tr>
+      <% end %>
+    </table>
+  </td>

Propchange: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/document/_document_development.rhtml
    svn:executable = *

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/exhibit.rhtml
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/exhibit.rhtml (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/exhibit.rhtml Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+    <head>
+        <title>SIMILE Exhibit view</title>
+        <link href="exhibit.json" type="application/json" rel="exhibit/data" />
+        <script src=""
+            type="text/javascript"></script>
+    </head> 
+    <body>
+    <h1>SIMILE Exhibit view</h1>
+    <table width="100%">
+        <tr valign="top">
+            <td>
+                <div id="exhibit-control-panel"></div>
+                <div id="exhibit-view-panel"></div>
+            </td>
+            <td width="25%">
+                <div id="exhibit-browse-panel" ex:facets="<%= @flare.facet_fields.collect {|f| ".#{f}"}.join(',') -%>"></div>
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+    </table>
+    </body>
+    </html>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rhtml
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rhtml (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rhtml Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+  <head>
+    ...
+    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+    var tl;
+    function onLoad() {
+      var eventSource = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();
+      var bandInfos = [
+        Timeline.createBandInfo({
+            eventSource:    eventSource,
+            date:           "Jun 28 2006 00:00:00 GMT",
+            width:          "70%", 
+            intervalUnit:   Timeline.DateTime.DECADE, 
+            intervalPixels: 200
+        }),
+        Timeline.createBandInfo({
+            eventSource:    eventSource,
+            date:           "Jun 28 2006 00:00:00 GMT",
+            width:          "30%", 
+            intervalUnit:   Timeline.DateTime.YEAR, 
+            intervalPixels: 200
+        })
+      ];
+      bandInfos[0].syncWith = 1;
+      bandInfos[0].highlight = true;
+      tl = Timeline.create(document.getElementById("my-timeline"), bandInfos);
+      Timeline.loadXML("timeline.xml", function(xml, url) { eventSource.loadXML(xml, url); });
+    }
+    var resizeTimerID = null;
+    function onResize() {
+        if (resizeTimerID == null) {
+            resizeTimerID = window.setTimeout(function() {
+                resizeTimerID = null;
+                tl.layout();
+            }, 500);
+        }
+    }
+    </script>
+  </head>
+  <body onload="onLoad();" onresize="onResize();">
+    <div id="my-timeline" style="height: 300px; border: 1px solid #aaa"></div>
+  </body>

Propchange: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rhtml
    svn:executable = *

Added: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rxml
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rxml (added)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rxml Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ do 
+  @data.each do |doc| 
+    xml.event(doc['title_text'],
+      :start => doc[SOLR_CONFIG[:timeline_dates].to_s],
+      :end => doc[SOLR_CONFIG[:timeline_dates].to_s],
+      :title => doc['title_text'],
+      :image => SOLR_CONFIG[:image_proc] ? SOLR_CONFIG[:image_proc].call(doc) : nil)
+  end
+# Amazon images:
+# <data>
+#     <event 
+#         start="May 28 2006 09:00:00 GMT"
+#         end="Jun 15 2006 09:00:00 GMT"
+#         isDuration="true"
+#         title="Writing Timeline documentation"
+#         image=""
+#         >
+#         A few days to write some documentation for &lt;a href=""&gt;Timeline&lt;/a&gt;.
+#         </event>
+#     <event 
+#         start="Jun 16 2006 00:00:00 GMT"
+#         end="Jun 26 2006 00:00:00 GMT"
+#         title="Friend's wedding"
+#         >
+#         I'm not sure precisely when my friend's wedding is.
+#         </event>
+#     <event 
+#         start="Aug 02 2006 00:00:00 GMT"
+#         title="Trip to Beijing"
+#         link=""
+#         >
+#         Woohoo!
+#         </event>
+# </data>
\ No newline at end of file

Propchange: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/app/views/simile/timeline.rxml
    svn:executable = *

Modified: lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/lib/flare/context.rb
--- lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/lib/flare/context.rb (original)
+++ lucene/solr/trunk/client/ruby/flare/vendor/plugins/flare/lib/flare/context.rb Tue Sep 25 12:01:11 2007
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
   def search(start=0, max=25)
+    # TODO: Allow the search method to facilitate acts_as_solr somehow too
     facet_queries = @facet_queries.collect do |k,v|
       clauses = filter_queries(v[:filters])
       clauses << build_boolean_query(v[:queries])