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Posted to by C Santosh Kumar <> on 2001/11/21 08:21:52 UTC

message routing

I thought I have a good understanding of how apache-soap
handles document-style soap messages, but it seems I am
wrong. thanks to soapclient's Yunhao.

The question is how does a soap implementation route
the message to the actual service implementation. 
For rpc style soap messages, there is a wrapper element
which apache-soap uses to route the incoming message.
(the operation name and the namespace).

What about document-style soap messages ? There is no 
wrapper giving the routing information. Soap spec doesnt
seem to say anything about this. Why did apache-soap
decide on routing based on the soap body's first element?
Is it to keep the things similar for rpc and document style?
If yes, why is it not in the spec. Do other soap implementations
also handle this in the same way as apache-soap does ?

My main concern is this: My service implementation expects
an xml message and I have its schema in a wsdl. Now if this
message is to appear as it is under the soap body, it doesnt
have the routing info. And if I put the routing info in my
message, my service implementation cribs.

whats your say ?
