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Posted to by venkata subbarayudu <> on 2016/09/02 15:42:41 UTC

hdfs -get (Permission denied) Error

Dear HDFS User,
       we are trying to execute a hdfs get from a remote cluster and as a
remote user, and we get (Permission denied) sometimes, and the same command
goes fine other times, any insights to debug the problem is appreciated

command used:

hdlocal:> export HADOOP_USER_NAME=remoteuser ; hdfs dfs -jt rmhost:8050 -fs
hdfs://rmhost:8020 -get /user/remoteuser/hdfsDir /path/to/target


get: /path/to/target/_SUCCESS._COPYING_ (Permission denied)
get: /path/to/target/part-00000._COPYING_ (Permission denied)
get: /path/to/target/part-00001._COPYING_ (Permission denied)
get: /path/to/target/part-00002._COPYING_ (Permission denied)  .........

*Venkata Subbarayudu Amanchi.*