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Posted to by Cory Johns <> on 2013/09/12 17:14:37 UTC

[allura:tickets] Re: #6529 Login overlay

I totally forgot to `git add` a couple of new files, so that's why it's broken.  I force-pushed those changes if you want to take a look, but...

I also wasn't super happy with putting the logic in `require*` but wasn't sure of a better approach.  I went with putting it in there because the view code is in `master.html`, so I figured it was already "system level," but I'm not happy with it.  Also, the reason for the extra `require_access` check in `process` is because we don't want to show the overlay for the action methods, which is another side-effect of the logic being in the wrong place.

I'm thinking now what would be better would be to make this a decorator that catches and overrides the `HTTPUnauthorized` / login redirect for only the decorated view.  I'll look in to making that change as well as adding tests.


** [tickets:#6529] Login overlay**

**Status:** in-progress
**Labels:** import auth 
**Created:** Wed Aug 07, 2013 08:36 PM UTC by Cory Johns
**Last Updated:** Wed Sep 11, 2013 05:24 PM UTC
**Owner:** Cory Johns

Create a decorator or `require_access` alternative that allows the page to render but causes a login overlay dialog to be displayed over the page, similar to [this mockup](

The overlay should load an iframe from the URL specified in `auth.login_fragment_url` with the appropriate `return_to` info provided, which should submit to `_top` to reload the source page.

Also, the overlay should be a little lighter than the mockup and the box should be movable so that the underlying page can be inspected (although not interacted with) as the purpose behind this is to showcase what can be done when logged in.

A default fragment implementation should be provided based on the default login view in `allura.controllers.auth.AuthController`.  A SFX fragment implementation will need to be created, as well, for SF.


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