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Posted to by on 2010/02/01 07:29:08 UTC

svn commit: r905186 [3/5] - in /webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9: ./ axis2c/ axis2c/axiom/ axis2c/axis2_engine/ axis2c/axis2_http_receiver/ axis2c/axis2_http_sender/ axis2c/axis2_http_server/ axis2c/axis2_mod_addr/ axis2c/axis2_mod_log/ axis2c/axis2_...

Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking/echo_blocking.vcproj
--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking/echo_blocking.vcproj (added)
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Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking_addr/echo_blocking_addr.vcproj
--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking_addr/echo_blocking_addr.vcproj (added)
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Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking_auth/echo_blocking_auth.vcproj
--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking_auth/echo_blocking_auth.vcproj (added)
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Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking_dual/echo_blocking_dual.vcproj
--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking_dual/echo_blocking_dual.vcproj (added)
+++ webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_blocking_dual/echo_blocking_dual.vcproj Mon Feb  1 06:29:05 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
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--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/clients/echo_non_blocking_dual/echo_non_blocking_dual.vcproj (added)
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+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
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Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/guththila/guththila.vcproj
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Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2/mod_axis2.sln
--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2/mod_axis2.sln (added)
+++ webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2/mod_axis2.sln Mon Feb  1 06:29:05 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
+# Visual Studio 2005
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+		Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
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+		{9CA2AEC7-8781-4B5E-B2A2-C143ABF5E818}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
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+		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+	EndGlobalSection

Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2/mod_axis2.vcproj
--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2/mod_axis2.vcproj (added)
+++ webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2/mod_axis2.vcproj Mon Feb  1 06:29:05 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
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Added: webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2_IIS/mod_axis2_IIS.sln
--- webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2_IIS/mod_axis2_IIS.sln (added)
+++ webservices/axis2/trunk/c/ides/vc9/axis2c/mod_axis2_IIS/mod_axis2_IIS.sln Mon Feb  1 06:29:05 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
+# Visual Studio 2005
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