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Posted to by asd asd <> on 2003/04/21 17:31:04 UTC

Nested Define

Could somebody give me an example of how to use nested:define to declare a scripting variable that can be used with a radio button component?

I've looked at:

which allows me to do it with a hidden field instead of a radio button but I can't seem to get this to work.

I want to define a scripting variable like this:

<nested:define id="scriptingvariable" 
               property="nestedpropertyid" />	

This will allow me to store the question id as a scripting variable so that I can refer to it in my radio button component as:

<html:radio property="chosenId" value=" <%=scriptingvariable %>"/>								
But I seem to get jsp compile errors all the time.  Can anybody please help, it seems as if I've tried everything..


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