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Posted to by on 2005/08/12 17:23:08 UTC

svn commit: r232310 [70/92] - in /beehive/trunk/controls/test: common/ infra/gtlf/ infra/gtlf/xsl/ infra/mantis/ infra/tch/ infra/tch/messages/ infra/tch/runtime/ infra/tch/schema/ perf/ perf/bin/ perf/cases/ perf/ctlsrc/org/apache/beehive/controls/per...

Modified: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/
--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,518 +1,518 @@
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- */
-public class WebServerExecTask extends AbstractExecutionTask
-  private TestLogicTask wsTestLogicTask = null;
-  private static final Collection ALL_METHODS = null;
-  // yes, on purpose this is null
-  private String testClassName = null;
-  private String methodNamesAttribute = null;
-  private boolean verbose = AntProperties.isWsTestVerbose();
-  //list of web servers
-  private ArrayList wsList = new ArrayList();
-  // attribute setters
-  public void setTestClass(String in)
-  {
-    testClassName = handleValue(in);
-  }
-  public void setMethodNames(String in)
-  {
-    methodNamesAttribute = handleValue(in);
-  }
-  /*  !!! replaced with test-parameter
-    public void setWebServers(String in)
-    {
-      webServers = handleValue(in);
-    }
-    public void setWebServersToExclude(String in)
-    {
-      webServersToExclude = handleValue(in);
-    }
-  */
-  /**
-   * The default web server list is retrieved from the webServerSettings.xml file
-   * as the list of all enabled web servers.  A test can provide a specific list
-   * of web servers with the 'webservers' attribute:  however only the enabled web
-   * servers within that list will execute.  A test can also specify a list of web
-   * servers to exclude with the 'webServersToExclude' parameter.
-   *
-   * Note: accept 'webserver' invalid values 'nows' (no web server) for a test without
-   * a web server or load balancer.  Such a test should probably not be written as
-   * a wstest.
-   */
-  public ArrayList getWebServerList()
-  {
-    //1. get the list of enabled web servers
-    ArrayList webServerList = null;
-    try
-    {
-      webServerList = WSTestSettingsXMLReader.getInstance().getWebServerList();
-      //		if (verbose)
-      //			debugListDump(webServerList, "initList");
-    }
-    catch (Exception e)
-    {
-      System.out.println("exception thrown accessing WSTestSettings.xml");
-      System.out.println(e.getMessage());
-      e.printStackTrace();
-      webServerList = new ArrayList();
-    }
-    if (webServerList.size() == 0)
-      return webServerList; //no tests to run
-    InternalParameters inparams = getInternalParameters();
-    Properties props = inparams.getProperties();
-    //Reduce the list of enabled web servers to those specified
-    //in webservers (else use all enabled web servers).
-    String webServers = props.getProperty("webservers");
-    //2. check for specific web servers list for this test
-    if (webServers != null)
-    {
-      ArrayList list = tokenizeList(webServers, ",");
-      //		if (verbose)      		
-      //			debugListDump(list, "specific ws list");
-      //remove from webServerList any entry not in list
-      ArrayList newWebServerList = new ArrayList();
-      for (int i = 0; i < webServerList.size(); i++)
-      {
-        String wsName = (String)webServerList.get(i);
-        if (list.contains(wsName))
-          newWebServerList.add(wsName);
-      }
-      webServerList = newWebServerList;
-    }
-    if (webServerList.size() == 0) //no tests to run
-      return webServerList;
-    //Any web server in the webserverstoexclude list is removed from
-    //the list of enabled web servers.
-    String webServersToExclude = props.getProperty("webserverstoexclude");
-    if (webServersToExclude != null)
-    {
-      ArrayList list = tokenizeList(webServersToExclude, ",");
-      //		if (verbose)
-      //			debugListDump(list, "exclude ws list");
-      //remove from webServerList any entry in list
-      ArrayList newWebServerList = new ArrayList();
-      for (int i = 0; i < webServerList.size(); i++)
-      {
-        String wsName = (String)webServerList.get(i);
-        if (!list.contains(wsName))
-          newWebServerList.add(wsName);
-      }
-      webServerList = newWebServerList;
-    }
-    if (webServerList.size() == 0) //no tests to run
-      return webServerList;
-    //When a test file is included with a currentwebservers argument,
-    //the webservers list is reduced to the values in common.
-    String currentWebServers = props.getProperty("currentwebservers");
-    if (currentWebServers != null)
-    {
-      ArrayList list = tokenizeList(currentWebServers, ",");
-      //		if (verbose)
-      //			debugListDump(list, "current ws list");
-      //reduce list to currentWebServers and webServerList common values
-      ArrayList newWebServerList = new ArrayList();
-      for (int i = 0; i < webServerList.size(); i++)
-      {
-        String wsName = (String)webServerList.get(i);
-        if (list.contains(wsName))
-          newWebServerList.add(wsName);
-      }
-      webServerList = newWebServerList;
-    }
-    //      if (webServerList.size()==0) //no tests to run
-    //      	return webServerList;
-    //	  if (verbose)
-    //		debugListDump(webServerList, "finalList");
-    return webServerList;
-  }
-  //  private void debugListDump(ArrayList list, String name) {
-  // 	System.out.println("List"+ name +".size() is " + list.size());  
-  // 	for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)
-  //      System.out.println("List" + name +"("+i+")= " + list.get(i));  
-  //  }
-  private ArrayList tokenizeList(String param, String token)
-  {
-    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
-    if (param == null)
-      return list;
-    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(param, token);
-    while (st.hasMoreTokens())
-    {
-      String next = (String)st.nextElement();
-      next = next.trim();
-      if (next.length() > 0)
-        list.add(next);
-    }
-    return list;
-  }
-  //called at start of process
-  public void validate() throws ExecutionTaskValidationException
-  {
-    //	if (getSubtestsConfiguredToRun()!=null) //tests specified on the command line
-    //	    parseReRunList();
-    wsList = getWebServerList();
-    //do not cancel test run just because one of the tests do not apply
-    //if (wsList.isEmpty())
-    //  throw new ExecutionTaskValidationException("no web servers enabled");    
-    try
-    {
-      TestNode n = getLocalTestNode();
-    }
-    catch (Throwable th) // really want to catch *everything* here
-    {
-      throw new ExecutionTaskValidationException(
-        th,
-        "WebServerTask had a problem initializing");
-    }
-  }
-  //called after validate
-  //determines the number of tests to run
-  private Collection getTestMethodNamesAsCollection()
-  {
-    Collection c = new ArrayList();
-    if (methodNamesAttribute != null)
-    {
-      TchUtils.parseStringToStrings(
-        methodNamesAttribute,
-        PropertyNames.DELIMITER,
-        c);
-    }
-    else //methodNamesAttribute==null => all methods
-      {
-      try
-      {
-        c = getLocalTestNode(ALL_METHODS).getTestMethods();
-      }
-      catch (InvalidTestClassException ex)
-      {
-        return new ArrayList();
-        //will not happen here:  this exception is thrown during validation
-      }
-    }
-    return c;
-  }
-  private TestNode getLocalTestNode()
-  {
-    if (methodNamesAttribute != null)
-      return getLocalTestNode(getTestMethodNamesAsCollection());
-    else
-      return getLocalTestNode(ALL_METHODS);
-  }
-  private TestNode getLocalTestNode(Collection methods)
-  {
-    TestNode n = new AtomicTestContext(testClassName, getParameters(), methods);
-    n.setResultHandler(
-      new TestClassInfoResultHandler(getResultHandler(), testClassName));
-    return n;
-  }
-  // if particular method names are set in xml, we'll only run those
-  // else we'll run all
-  public Collection getAllSubtestNames()
-  {
-    Collection cTestNames = getTestMethodNamesAsCollection();
-    if (cTestNames == null || cTestNames.size() == 0)
-      return new ArrayList(); //no tests to run
-    if (wsList.isEmpty())
-      return new ArrayList(); //no tests to run
-    //build collection as (method name list)x(web server list)
-    Collection cWithSuffix = new ArrayList();
-    for (Iterator iter = cTestNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
-    {
-      String mName = (String);
-      for (int j = 0; j < wsList.size(); j++)
-      {
-        cWithSuffix.add(mName + "-" + (String)wsList.get(j));
-      }
-    }
-    return cWithSuffix;
-  }
-  /*  unknown API:  do not know how to access the parameters required.
-      also do not know if available in parallel runs.
-      parsing "replicated-failover.wApacheSingleServerDeathTest-rep.testPrimaryServerDeath-apache20"
-    private void parseReRunList() {
-  		String methodWithWS = getTestTask().getName();
-  System.out.println("methodWithWS " + methodWithWS);		
-  		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(methodWithWS, "-");
-  		String next=null;
-  		while (st.hasMoreTokens())
-  			next=st.nextToken();
-  		webServers=next;
-  System.out.println("methodNamesAttribute " + methodNamesAttribute);		
-  System.out.println("webServers " + webServers);		
-    }
-  */
-  public TestLogicTask getTestLogicTask()
-  {
-    //  if (getSubtestsConfiguredToRun()!=null)  //tests specified on the command line    
-    //    parseReRunList();
-    TestLogicTask wsTestLogicTask =
-      new WebServerTestLogicTask(
-        getWebServerList(),
-        getTestMethodNamesAsCollection(),
-        getResultHandler());
-    return wsTestLogicTask;
-  }
-  public class WebServerTestLogicTask
-    extends AbstractTestLogicTask
-    implements ProcessEngineContainer
-  {
-    private boolean timedOut = false;
-    private ArrayList _wsList = null;
-    private Collection _methodNames = null;
-    public WebServerTestLogicTask(
-      ArrayList wsList,
-      Collection methodNames,
-      ResultHandler inResultHandler)
-    {
-      super("WebServerTestLogicTask", inResultHandler);
-      _wsList = wsList;
-      _methodNames = methodNames;
-    }
-    public TaskContext run(TaskContext in)
-    {
-      //    	if (verbose) {
-      //     		ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(), "running ...");  
-      //     		ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(), "_wsList.size() is " + _wsList.size());  
-      //     	}
-      ArrayList aTestMethod = new ArrayList();
-      ArrayList testThreadList = new ArrayList();
-      for (int i = 0; i < _wsList.size(); i++)
-      {
-        String webServerName = (String)_wsList.get(i);
-        //    if (verbose)
-        //  		ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"webServerName is " + webServerName);  
-        for (Iterator iter = _methodNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
-        {
-          if (timedOut)
-            return null;
-          String methodToRun = (String);
-          //			if (verbose)
-          //				ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"running " + methodToRun);  
-          aTestMethod.clear();
-          aTestMethod.add(methodToRun);
-          //settings added to internal parameters are:
-          // webServerName
-          // testName
-          // methodToRun
-          // host  (default)
-          // all WSTestSettings.xml webserver entries (port no. ...etc.)
-          // verbose
-          BasicInternalParameters myParams = new BasicInternalParameters();
-          //copy in current params
-          InternalParameters inparams = getInternalParameters();
-          Properties currentProps = inparams.getProperties();
-          for (Enumeration e = currentProps.propertyNames();
-            e.hasMoreElements();
-            )
-          {
-            String key = (String)e.nextElement();
-            if (key != null && currentProps.getProperty(key) != null)
-              myParams.setParam(key, currentProps.getProperty(key));
-          }
-          //add web server name to parameters		  
-          if (webServerName == null)
-            webServerName = "nows";
-          myParams.setParam("webServerName", webServerName);
-          //set test name
-          myParams.setParam(
-            "testName",
-            getTestTask().getName() + "-" + methodToRun + "-" + webServerName);
-          if (methodToRun != null)
-            myParams.setParam("methodToRun", methodToRun);
-          //get current properties & add default properties only if
-          //not already set (with entry in text xml)
-          Properties props = myParams.getProperties();
-          if (props.getProperty("host") == null
-            && AntProperties.getWsTestHost() != null)
-            myParams.setParam("host", AntProperties.getWsTestHost());
-          if (props.getProperty("builddir") == null
-            && AntProperties.getWsTestBuildDir() != null)
-            myParams.setParam("builddir", AntProperties.getWsTestBuildDir());
-          if (props.getProperty("installdir") == null
-            && AntProperties.getWsTestInstallDir() != null)
-            myParams.setParam(
-              "installdir",
-              AntProperties.getWsTestInstallDir());
-          //add settings from WSTestSettings.xml except 
-          try
-          {
-            //add web server settings
-            HashMap map =
-              WSTestSettingsXMLReader.getInstance().getWebServerSettings(
-                webServerName);
-            if (map != null)
-            {
-              Iterator keyIter = map.keySet().iterator();
-              while (keyIter.hasNext())
-              {
-                String key = (String);
-                if (key != null && map.get(key) != null)
-                  myParams.setParam(key, (String)map.get(key));
-                //port settings & any additional web server specific settings
-              }
-            }
-            //add defaults if the value is not already set by the test
-            HashMap dmap = WSTestSettingsXMLReader.getInstance().getDefaults();
-            Iterator dkeyIter = dmap.keySet().iterator();
-            while (dkeyIter.hasNext())
-            {
-              String key = (String);
-              if (key != null && dmap.get(key) != null)
-              {
-                if (myParams.lookup(key) == null) //if the property is not set
-                  myParams.setParam(key, (String)dmap.get(key));
-                //then set to default
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          catch (Exception e)
-          {
-            ResultHelper.submitDebug(
-              getResultHandler(),
-              "exception thrown accessing WSTestSettings.xml");
-            ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(), e.getMessage());
-            e.printStackTrace();
-          }
-          //debug on  setting overrides test settings
-          if (AntProperties.isWsTestVerbose())
-            myParams.setParam("verbose", "true");
-          WSTestContext test =
-            new WSTestContext(testClassName, myParams, aTestMethod);
-          test.setResultHandler(
-            new WebServerResultHandler(
-              getResultHandler(),
-              testClassName,
-              webServerName));
-          test.setProcessEngine(WebServerExecTask.this.getProcessEngine());
-          Thread testThread = new Thread(test);
-          testThread.start();
-          testThreadList.add(testThread);
-          //			if (verbose)
-          //				ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"launched " + methodToRun);  
-        }
-      }
-      //wait for each test to complete (required?)
-      for (int i = 0; i < testThreadList.size(); i++)
-      {
-        Thread testThread = (Thread)testThreadList.get(i);
-        try
-        {
-          testThread.join(); //wait for test to complete
-        }
-        catch (Exception e)
-        {
-          ResultHelper.submitDebug(
-            getResultHandler(),
-            "join exception thrown " + e.getMessage());
-        }
-        //			if (verbose)
-        //				ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"completed " + testThread);  
-        testThread = null;
-      }
-      return null;
-    }
-    public void notifyTimeout()
-    {
-      timedOut = true;
-    }
-    public boolean isCanLogStdout()
-    {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+ */
+public class WebServerExecTask extends AbstractExecutionTask
+  private TestLogicTask wsTestLogicTask = null;
+  private static final Collection ALL_METHODS = null;
+  // yes, on purpose this is null
+  private String testClassName = null;
+  private String methodNamesAttribute = null;
+  private boolean verbose = AntProperties.isWsTestVerbose();
+  //list of web servers
+  private ArrayList wsList = new ArrayList();
+  // attribute setters
+  public void setTestClass(String in)
+  {
+    testClassName = handleValue(in);
+  }
+  public void setMethodNames(String in)
+  {
+    methodNamesAttribute = handleValue(in);
+  }
+  /*  !!! replaced with test-parameter
+    public void setWebServers(String in)
+    {
+      webServers = handleValue(in);
+    }
+    public void setWebServersToExclude(String in)
+    {
+      webServersToExclude = handleValue(in);
+    }
+  */
+  /**
+   * The default web server list is retrieved from the webServerSettings.xml file
+   * as the list of all enabled web servers.  A test can provide a specific list
+   * of web servers with the 'webservers' attribute:  however only the enabled web
+   * servers within that list will execute.  A test can also specify a list of web
+   * servers to exclude with the 'webServersToExclude' parameter.
+   *
+   * Note: accept 'webserver' invalid values 'nows' (no web server) for a test without
+   * a web server or load balancer.  Such a test should probably not be written as
+   * a wstest.
+   */
+  public ArrayList getWebServerList()
+  {
+    //1. get the list of enabled web servers
+    ArrayList webServerList = null;
+    try
+    {
+      webServerList = WSTestSettingsXMLReader.getInstance().getWebServerList();
+      //		if (verbose)
+      //			debugListDump(webServerList, "initList");
+    }
+    catch (Exception e)
+    {
+      System.out.println("exception thrown accessing WSTestSettings.xml");
+      System.out.println(e.getMessage());
+      e.printStackTrace();
+      webServerList = new ArrayList();
+    }
+    if (webServerList.size() == 0)
+      return webServerList; //no tests to run
+    InternalParameters inparams = getInternalParameters();
+    Properties props = inparams.getProperties();
+    //Reduce the list of enabled web servers to those specified
+    //in webservers (else use all enabled web servers).
+    String webServers = props.getProperty("webservers");
+    //2. check for specific web servers list for this test
+    if (webServers != null)
+    {
+      ArrayList list = tokenizeList(webServers, ",");
+      //		if (verbose)      		
+      //			debugListDump(list, "specific ws list");
+      //remove from webServerList any entry not in list
+      ArrayList newWebServerList = new ArrayList();
+      for (int i = 0; i < webServerList.size(); i++)
+      {
+        String wsName = (String)webServerList.get(i);
+        if (list.contains(wsName))
+          newWebServerList.add(wsName);
+      }
+      webServerList = newWebServerList;
+    }
+    if (webServerList.size() == 0) //no tests to run
+      return webServerList;
+    //Any web server in the webserverstoexclude list is removed from
+    //the list of enabled web servers.
+    String webServersToExclude = props.getProperty("webserverstoexclude");
+    if (webServersToExclude != null)
+    {
+      ArrayList list = tokenizeList(webServersToExclude, ",");
+      //		if (verbose)
+      //			debugListDump(list, "exclude ws list");
+      //remove from webServerList any entry in list
+      ArrayList newWebServerList = new ArrayList();
+      for (int i = 0; i < webServerList.size(); i++)
+      {
+        String wsName = (String)webServerList.get(i);
+        if (!list.contains(wsName))
+          newWebServerList.add(wsName);
+      }
+      webServerList = newWebServerList;
+    }
+    if (webServerList.size() == 0) //no tests to run
+      return webServerList;
+    //When a test file is included with a currentwebservers argument,
+    //the webservers list is reduced to the values in common.
+    String currentWebServers = props.getProperty("currentwebservers");
+    if (currentWebServers != null)
+    {
+      ArrayList list = tokenizeList(currentWebServers, ",");
+      //		if (verbose)
+      //			debugListDump(list, "current ws list");
+      //reduce list to currentWebServers and webServerList common values
+      ArrayList newWebServerList = new ArrayList();
+      for (int i = 0; i < webServerList.size(); i++)
+      {
+        String wsName = (String)webServerList.get(i);
+        if (list.contains(wsName))
+          newWebServerList.add(wsName);
+      }
+      webServerList = newWebServerList;
+    }
+    //      if (webServerList.size()==0) //no tests to run
+    //      	return webServerList;
+    //	  if (verbose)
+    //		debugListDump(webServerList, "finalList");
+    return webServerList;
+  }
+  //  private void debugListDump(ArrayList list, String name) {
+  // 	System.out.println("List"+ name +".size() is " + list.size());  
+  // 	for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)
+  //      System.out.println("List" + name +"("+i+")= " + list.get(i));  
+  //  }
+  private ArrayList tokenizeList(String param, String token)
+  {
+    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+    if (param == null)
+      return list;
+    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(param, token);
+    while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+    {
+      String next = (String)st.nextElement();
+      next = next.trim();
+      if (next.length() > 0)
+        list.add(next);
+    }
+    return list;
+  }
+  //called at start of process
+  public void validate() throws ExecutionTaskValidationException
+  {
+    //	if (getSubtestsConfiguredToRun()!=null) //tests specified on the command line
+    //	    parseReRunList();
+    wsList = getWebServerList();
+    //do not cancel test run just because one of the tests do not apply
+    //if (wsList.isEmpty())
+    //  throw new ExecutionTaskValidationException("no web servers enabled");    
+    try
+    {
+      TestNode n = getLocalTestNode();
+    }
+    catch (Throwable th) // really want to catch *everything* here
+    {
+      throw new ExecutionTaskValidationException(
+        th,
+        "WebServerTask had a problem initializing");
+    }
+  }
+  //called after validate
+  //determines the number of tests to run
+  private Collection getTestMethodNamesAsCollection()
+  {
+    Collection c = new ArrayList();
+    if (methodNamesAttribute != null)
+    {
+      TchUtils.parseStringToStrings(
+        methodNamesAttribute,
+        PropertyNames.DELIMITER,
+        c);
+    }
+    else //methodNamesAttribute==null => all methods
+      {
+      try
+      {
+        c = getLocalTestNode(ALL_METHODS).getTestMethods();
+      }
+      catch (InvalidTestClassException ex)
+      {
+        return new ArrayList();
+        //will not happen here:  this exception is thrown during validation
+      }
+    }
+    return c;
+  }
+  private TestNode getLocalTestNode()
+  {
+    if (methodNamesAttribute != null)
+      return getLocalTestNode(getTestMethodNamesAsCollection());
+    else
+      return getLocalTestNode(ALL_METHODS);
+  }
+  private TestNode getLocalTestNode(Collection methods)
+  {
+    TestNode n = new AtomicTestContext(testClassName, getParameters(), methods);
+    n.setResultHandler(
+      new TestClassInfoResultHandler(getResultHandler(), testClassName));
+    return n;
+  }
+  // if particular method names are set in xml, we'll only run those
+  // else we'll run all
+  public Collection getAllSubtestNames()
+  {
+    Collection cTestNames = getTestMethodNamesAsCollection();
+    if (cTestNames == null || cTestNames.size() == 0)
+      return new ArrayList(); //no tests to run
+    if (wsList.isEmpty())
+      return new ArrayList(); //no tests to run
+    //build collection as (method name list)x(web server list)
+    Collection cWithSuffix = new ArrayList();
+    for (Iterator iter = cTestNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
+    {
+      String mName = (String);
+      for (int j = 0; j < wsList.size(); j++)
+      {
+        cWithSuffix.add(mName + "-" + (String)wsList.get(j));
+      }
+    }
+    return cWithSuffix;
+  }
+  /*  unknown API:  do not know how to access the parameters required.
+      also do not know if available in parallel runs.
+      parsing "replicated-failover.wApacheSingleServerDeathTest-rep.testPrimaryServerDeath-apache20"
+    private void parseReRunList() {
+  		String methodWithWS = getTestTask().getName();
+  System.out.println("methodWithWS " + methodWithWS);		
+  		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(methodWithWS, "-");
+  		String next=null;
+  		while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+  			next=st.nextToken();
+  		webServers=next;
+  System.out.println("methodNamesAttribute " + methodNamesAttribute);		
+  System.out.println("webServers " + webServers);		
+    }
+  */
+  public TestLogicTask getTestLogicTask()
+  {
+    //  if (getSubtestsConfiguredToRun()!=null)  //tests specified on the command line    
+    //    parseReRunList();
+    TestLogicTask wsTestLogicTask =
+      new WebServerTestLogicTask(
+        getWebServerList(),
+        getTestMethodNamesAsCollection(),
+        getResultHandler());
+    return wsTestLogicTask;
+  }
+  public class WebServerTestLogicTask
+    extends AbstractTestLogicTask
+    implements ProcessEngineContainer
+  {
+    private boolean timedOut = false;
+    private ArrayList _wsList = null;
+    private Collection _methodNames = null;
+    public WebServerTestLogicTask(
+      ArrayList wsList,
+      Collection methodNames,
+      ResultHandler inResultHandler)
+    {
+      super("WebServerTestLogicTask", inResultHandler);
+      _wsList = wsList;
+      _methodNames = methodNames;
+    }
+    public TaskContext run(TaskContext in)
+    {
+      //    	if (verbose) {
+      //     		ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(), "running ...");  
+      //     		ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(), "_wsList.size() is " + _wsList.size());  
+      //     	}
+      ArrayList aTestMethod = new ArrayList();
+      ArrayList testThreadList = new ArrayList();
+      for (int i = 0; i < _wsList.size(); i++)
+      {
+        String webServerName = (String)_wsList.get(i);
+        //    if (verbose)
+        //  		ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"webServerName is " + webServerName);  
+        for (Iterator iter = _methodNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
+        {
+          if (timedOut)
+            return null;
+          String methodToRun = (String);
+          //			if (verbose)
+          //				ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"running " + methodToRun);  
+          aTestMethod.clear();
+          aTestMethod.add(methodToRun);
+          //settings added to internal parameters are:
+          // webServerName
+          // testName
+          // methodToRun
+          // host  (default)
+          // all WSTestSettings.xml webserver entries (port no. ...etc.)
+          // verbose
+          BasicInternalParameters myParams = new BasicInternalParameters();
+          //copy in current params
+          InternalParameters inparams = getInternalParameters();
+          Properties currentProps = inparams.getProperties();
+          for (Enumeration e = currentProps.propertyNames();
+            e.hasMoreElements();
+            )
+          {
+            String key = (String)e.nextElement();
+            if (key != null && currentProps.getProperty(key) != null)
+              myParams.setParam(key, currentProps.getProperty(key));
+          }
+          //add web server name to parameters		  
+          if (webServerName == null)
+            webServerName = "nows";
+          myParams.setParam("webServerName", webServerName);
+          //set test name
+          myParams.setParam(
+            "testName",
+            getTestTask().getName() + "-" + methodToRun + "-" + webServerName);
+          if (methodToRun != null)
+            myParams.setParam("methodToRun", methodToRun);
+          //get current properties & add default properties only if
+          //not already set (with entry in text xml)
+          Properties props = myParams.getProperties();
+          if (props.getProperty("host") == null
+            && AntProperties.getWsTestHost() != null)
+            myParams.setParam("host", AntProperties.getWsTestHost());
+          if (props.getProperty("builddir") == null
+            && AntProperties.getWsTestBuildDir() != null)
+            myParams.setParam("builddir", AntProperties.getWsTestBuildDir());
+          if (props.getProperty("installdir") == null
+            && AntProperties.getWsTestInstallDir() != null)
+            myParams.setParam(
+              "installdir",
+              AntProperties.getWsTestInstallDir());
+          //add settings from WSTestSettings.xml except 
+          try
+          {
+            //add web server settings
+            HashMap map =
+              WSTestSettingsXMLReader.getInstance().getWebServerSettings(
+                webServerName);
+            if (map != null)
+            {
+              Iterator keyIter = map.keySet().iterator();
+              while (keyIter.hasNext())
+              {
+                String key = (String);
+                if (key != null && map.get(key) != null)
+                  myParams.setParam(key, (String)map.get(key));
+                //port settings & any additional web server specific settings
+              }
+            }
+            //add defaults if the value is not already set by the test
+            HashMap dmap = WSTestSettingsXMLReader.getInstance().getDefaults();
+            Iterator dkeyIter = dmap.keySet().iterator();
+            while (dkeyIter.hasNext())
+            {
+              String key = (String);
+              if (key != null && dmap.get(key) != null)
+              {
+                if (myParams.lookup(key) == null) //if the property is not set
+                  myParams.setParam(key, (String)dmap.get(key));
+                //then set to default
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          catch (Exception e)
+          {
+            ResultHelper.submitDebug(
+              getResultHandler(),
+              "exception thrown accessing WSTestSettings.xml");
+            ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(), e.getMessage());
+            e.printStackTrace();
+          }
+          //debug on  setting overrides test settings
+          if (AntProperties.isWsTestVerbose())
+            myParams.setParam("verbose", "true");
+          WSTestContext test =
+            new WSTestContext(testClassName, myParams, aTestMethod);
+          test.setResultHandler(
+            new WebServerResultHandler(
+              getResultHandler(),
+              testClassName,
+              webServerName));
+          test.setProcessEngine(WebServerExecTask.this.getProcessEngine());
+          Thread testThread = new Thread(test);
+          testThread.start();
+          testThreadList.add(testThread);
+          //			if (verbose)
+          //				ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"launched " + methodToRun);  
+        }
+      }
+      //wait for each test to complete (required?)
+      for (int i = 0; i < testThreadList.size(); i++)
+      {
+        Thread testThread = (Thread)testThreadList.get(i);
+        try
+        {
+          testThread.join(); //wait for test to complete
+        }
+        catch (Exception e)
+        {
+          ResultHelper.submitDebug(
+            getResultHandler(),
+            "join exception thrown " + e.getMessage());
+        }
+        //			if (verbose)
+        //				ResultHelper.submitDebug(getResultHandler(),"completed " + testThread);  
+        testThread = null;
+      }
+      return null;
+    }
+    public void notifyTimeout()
+    {
+      timedOut = true;
+    }
+    public boolean isCanLogStdout()
+    {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }

Propchange: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/
--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
-public class WebServerResultHandler
-  implements ResultHandler
-  private String fullyQualifiedTestClassName = null;
-  private String webServerName = null;
-  private ResultHandler resultHandler = null;
-  public WebServerResultHandler(ResultHandler inResultHandler,
-                               String inFullyQualifiedTestClassName, 
-                               String inWebServerName)
-  {
-    resultHandler = inResultHandler;
-    fullyQualifiedTestClassName = inFullyQualifiedTestClassName;
-    if (inWebServerName!=null)
-      webServerName = "-"+inWebServerName;
-    else 
-      webServerName = "-nows";
-  }
-  public void submitResult(TestResultBean tr) 
-  {
-    tr.setCustomPath(fullyQualifiedTestClassName);
-    submitResult(tr, tr.getName());
-  }
-  public void submitResult(TestResultBean tr, String resultName)
-  {
-    tr.setCustomPath(fullyQualifiedTestClassName);
-    if (resultName!=null)
-      resultName=resultName+webServerName;
-    tr.setSubtestName(resultName);
-    resultHandler.submitResult(tr, resultName);
-  }
+public class WebServerResultHandler
+  implements ResultHandler
+  private String fullyQualifiedTestClassName = null;
+  private String webServerName = null;
+  private ResultHandler resultHandler = null;
+  public WebServerResultHandler(ResultHandler inResultHandler,
+                               String inFullyQualifiedTestClassName, 
+                               String inWebServerName)
+  {
+    resultHandler = inResultHandler;
+    fullyQualifiedTestClassName = inFullyQualifiedTestClassName;
+    if (inWebServerName!=null)
+      webServerName = "-"+inWebServerName;
+    else 
+      webServerName = "-nows";
+  }
+  public void submitResult(TestResultBean tr) 
+  {
+    tr.setCustomPath(fullyQualifiedTestClassName);
+    submitResult(tr, tr.getName());
+  }
+  public void submitResult(TestResultBean tr, String resultName)
+  {
+    tr.setCustomPath(fullyQualifiedTestClassName);
+    if (resultName!=null)
+      resultName=resultName+webServerName;
+    tr.setSubtestName(resultName);
+    resultHandler.submitResult(tr, resultName);
+  }

Propchange: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/exectask/wstest/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/
--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-import java.util.Map;
-public class ExecProcessConfiguration
-  implements ProcessConfiguration, CloneOverrideable
-  private MinimalConfigurationInfo info = null;
-  public ExecProcessConfiguration(MinimalConfigurationInfo inInfo)
-  {
-    info = inInfo;
-  }
-  public MinimalConfigurationInfo getContainedMinimalConfigurationInfo()
-  {
-    return info;
-  }
-  public Object cloneWithOverride(ProcessOverride processOverride)
-  {
-    // right now just return a clone since there's nothing here to override
-    // this is currently just a shallow clone since we currently won't be
-    // calling this anyway
-    return this;
-  }
-  public Object cloneWithOverride(
-    ProcessOverride processOverride,
-    Map overrideHandlerMap)
-  {
-    // right now just return a clone since there's nothing here to override
-    // this is currently just a shallow clone since we currently won't be
-    // calling this anyway
-    return this;
-  }
+import java.util.Map;
+public class ExecProcessConfiguration
+  implements ProcessConfiguration, CloneOverrideable
+  private MinimalConfigurationInfo info = null;
+  public ExecProcessConfiguration(MinimalConfigurationInfo inInfo)
+  {
+    info = inInfo;
+  }
+  public MinimalConfigurationInfo getContainedMinimalConfigurationInfo()
+  {
+    return info;
+  }
+  public Object cloneWithOverride(ProcessOverride processOverride)
+  {
+    // right now just return a clone since there's nothing here to override
+    // this is currently just a shallow clone since we currently won't be
+    // calling this anyway
+    return this;
+  }
+  public Object cloneWithOverride(
+    ProcessOverride processOverride,
+    Map overrideHandlerMap)
+  {
+    // right now just return a clone since there's nothing here to override
+    // this is currently just a shallow clone since we currently won't be
+    // calling this anyway
+    return this;
+  }

Propchange: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/
--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-import java.util.Collection;
-public class ExecProcessConfigurationManager
-  implements ProcessConfigurationManager
-  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in)
-  {
-    return new ExecProcessConfiguration(in);
-  }
-  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in, 
-                                        Collection units)
-  {
-    return new ExecProcessConfiguration(in);
-  }
+import java.util.Collection;
+public class ExecProcessConfigurationManager
+  implements ProcessConfigurationManager
+  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in)
+  {
+    return new ExecProcessConfiguration(in);
+  }
+  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in, 
+                                        Collection units)
+  {
+    return new ExecProcessConfiguration(in);
+  }

Propchange: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/
--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-public interface ExecProcessHandler
-  extends OutputProducerProcessHandler, ProcessHandler
-  /**
-   * Blocks until the exec'd process has terminated.
-   */
-  public void waitForProcessExit();
-  /**
-   * Returns this process' command line.
-   * @return The command line used to start this process, as a String.
-   */
-  public String getCmd();
-  /**
-   * Returns the process exit value of the server. If the server has not exited yet, will
-   * return null.
-   */
-  public Integer getExitValue();
-  /**
-   * Returns the directory this process will start/started in.
-   * @return The directory this process lives in, as a String.
-   */
-  public String getHome();
-  /**
-   * Checks if process has exited.
-   * @return true if process exited, else false.
-   */
-  public boolean processTerminated();
-  /**
-   * Returns absolute path to file that this exec process' stdout is drained to.
-   * @return String, absolute path to stdout drain file.
-   */
-  public String getStdoutDrainFileName();
-  /**
-   * Returns absolute path to file that this exec process' stderr is drained to.
-   * @return String, absolute path to stderr drain file.
-   */
-  public String getStderrDrainFileName();
-  /**
-   * Returns true/false depending on attempt made to startup the server.
-   * @return boolean, If an attempt has been made to startup the server.
-   */
-  public boolean isRunning();
+public interface ExecProcessHandler
+  extends OutputProducerProcessHandler, ProcessHandler
+  /**
+   * Blocks until the exec'd process has terminated.
+   */
+  public void waitForProcessExit();
+  /**
+   * Returns this process' command line.
+   * @return The command line used to start this process, as a String.
+   */
+  public String getCmd();
+  /**
+   * Returns the process exit value of the server. If the server has not exited yet, will
+   * return null.
+   */
+  public Integer getExitValue();
+  /**
+   * Returns the directory this process will start/started in.
+   * @return The directory this process lives in, as a String.
+   */
+  public String getHome();
+  /**
+   * Checks if process has exited.
+   * @return true if process exited, else false.
+   */
+  public boolean processTerminated();
+  /**
+   * Returns absolute path to file that this exec process' stdout is drained to.
+   * @return String, absolute path to stdout drain file.
+   */
+  public String getStdoutDrainFileName();
+  /**
+   * Returns absolute path to file that this exec process' stderr is drained to.
+   * @return String, absolute path to stderr drain file.
+   */
+  public String getStderrDrainFileName();
+  /**
+   * Returns true/false depending on attempt made to startup the server.
+   * @return boolean, If an attempt has been made to startup the server.
+   */
+  public boolean isRunning();

Propchange: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/
    svn:eol-style = native

Modified: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/
--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,150 +1,150 @@
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class ExecProcessManager extends AbstractProcessManagerWithListener
-  private boolean mergeOutputStreams = false;
-  private boolean processLogBaseDirIsSet = false;
-  private boolean writeCmdToFile = false;
-  private File processLogBaseDir = null;
-  public ExecProcessManager()
-  {
-    populateProperties();
-  }
-  public void startup(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    inProcess.setIsRunning(true);
-    execCmdline(inProcess, getConfiguration(inProcess).getCmd());
-  }
-  public void shutdown(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    destroyProcess(inProcess);
-    inProcess.setIsRunning(false);
-  }
-  public String getCmd(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    return getCmd(inProcess, getConfiguration(inProcess).getCmd());
-  }
-  protected String getCmd(Process inProcess, String cmd)
-  {
-    ExecTask execTask = getExecTask(inProcess, cmd);
-    return execTask.getProcessSummary().getCommand();
-  }
-  public final boolean processTerminated(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    return processHasExited(inProcess);
-  }
-  public final Integer getProcessReturnCode(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    try
-    {
-      return getProcessSummary(inProcess).getExitValue();
-    }
-    catch (UnknownExecTaskException ex)
-    {
-      throw new ProcessManagementRuntimeException(ex);
-    }
-  }
-  protected final void execCmdline(Process inProcess, String cmdline)
-  {
-    ExecTask execTask = getExecTask(inProcess, cmdline);
-    try
-    {
-      runExecTask(inProcess, execTask);
-    }
-    catch (TaskException ex)
-    {
-      throw new ProcessManagementRuntimeException(ex);
-    }
-  }
-  // should this happen at init time for every kind of process manager?
-  public final void writeCmdlineFile(Process process, String cmd)
-  {
-    if (!writeCmdToFile)
-      return;
-    ExecTask execTask = getExecTask(process, cmd);
-    execTask.writeCmdFile();
-    System.out.println(
-      "Writing command line that would be used to start '"
-        + process.getName()
-        + "' to file "
-        + execTask.getProcessSummary().getCmdFileName());
-  }
-  protected final File getCmdlineFile(Process process)
-  {
-    return new File(
-      getExecTask(process, "").getProcessSummary().getCmdFileName());
-  }
-  private void populateProperties()
-  {
-    writeCmdToFile = AntProperties.writeCmdFiles();
-    mergeOutputStreams = AntProperties.mergeProcessOutputStreams();
-    processLogBaseDirIsSet = AntProperties.isProcessLogBasedirSet();
-    if (processLogBaseDirIsSet)
-      processLogBaseDir = AntProperties.getProcessLogBasedir();
-  }
-  private synchronized ExecTask getExecTask(Process process, String cmdline)
-  {
-    //ExecTask task = (ExecTask)execTasks.get(process.getName());
-    // there might be issues with calling run more than once on 
-    // the same ExecTask instance. 
-    // Until a functest2 run (or equivalent, that starts/stops the same servers)
-    // has been tested, disable the caching.
-    ExecTask task =
-      new ExecTask(
-        process.getName() + process.getCmdFileModifier(),
-        cmdline,
-        process.getHome(),
-        process.startInOwnWindow());
-    task.setDrainStreamsToSameFile(mergeOutputStreams);
-    task.setWriteCmdToFile(writeCmdToFile);
-    if (processLogBaseDirIsSet)
-      task.setDrainFileHome(processLogBaseDir);
-    return task;
-  }
-  private ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo getConfiguration(Process in)
-  {
-    return (ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo)
-      ((ExecProcessConfiguration)in.getProcessConfiguration())
-      .getContainedMinimalConfigurationInfo();
-  }
-  /**
-   * @param p
-   */
-  public void writeOutCommandLine(Process p)
-  {
-    return;
-  }
-  public boolean isRunning(Process p)
-  {
-    return p.getIsRunning();
-  }
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+public class ExecProcessManager extends AbstractProcessManagerWithListener
+  private boolean mergeOutputStreams = false;
+  private boolean processLogBaseDirIsSet = false;
+  private boolean writeCmdToFile = false;
+  private File processLogBaseDir = null;
+  public ExecProcessManager()
+  {
+    populateProperties();
+  }
+  public void startup(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    inProcess.setIsRunning(true);
+    execCmdline(inProcess, getConfiguration(inProcess).getCmd());
+  }
+  public void shutdown(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    destroyProcess(inProcess);
+    inProcess.setIsRunning(false);
+  }
+  public String getCmd(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    return getCmd(inProcess, getConfiguration(inProcess).getCmd());
+  }
+  protected String getCmd(Process inProcess, String cmd)
+  {
+    ExecTask execTask = getExecTask(inProcess, cmd);
+    return execTask.getProcessSummary().getCommand();
+  }
+  public final boolean processTerminated(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    return processHasExited(inProcess);
+  }
+  public final Integer getProcessReturnCode(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    try
+    {
+      return getProcessSummary(inProcess).getExitValue();
+    }
+    catch (UnknownExecTaskException ex)
+    {
+      throw new ProcessManagementRuntimeException(ex);
+    }
+  }
+  protected final void execCmdline(Process inProcess, String cmdline)
+  {
+    ExecTask execTask = getExecTask(inProcess, cmdline);
+    try
+    {
+      runExecTask(inProcess, execTask);
+    }
+    catch (TaskException ex)
+    {
+      throw new ProcessManagementRuntimeException(ex);
+    }
+  }
+  // should this happen at init time for every kind of process manager?
+  public final void writeCmdlineFile(Process process, String cmd)
+  {
+    if (!writeCmdToFile)
+      return;
+    ExecTask execTask = getExecTask(process, cmd);
+    execTask.writeCmdFile();
+    System.out.println(
+      "Writing command line that would be used to start '"
+        + process.getName()
+        + "' to file "
+        + execTask.getProcessSummary().getCmdFileName());
+  }
+  protected final File getCmdlineFile(Process process)
+  {
+    return new File(
+      getExecTask(process, "").getProcessSummary().getCmdFileName());
+  }
+  private void populateProperties()
+  {
+    writeCmdToFile = AntProperties.writeCmdFiles();
+    mergeOutputStreams = AntProperties.mergeProcessOutputStreams();
+    processLogBaseDirIsSet = AntProperties.isProcessLogBasedirSet();
+    if (processLogBaseDirIsSet)
+      processLogBaseDir = AntProperties.getProcessLogBasedir();
+  }
+  private synchronized ExecTask getExecTask(Process process, String cmdline)
+  {
+    //ExecTask task = (ExecTask)execTasks.get(process.getName());
+    // there might be issues with calling run more than once on 
+    // the same ExecTask instance. 
+    // Until a functest2 run (or equivalent, that starts/stops the same servers)
+    // has been tested, disable the caching.
+    ExecTask task =
+      new ExecTask(
+        process.getName() + process.getCmdFileModifier(),
+        cmdline,
+        process.getHome(),
+        process.startInOwnWindow());
+    task.setDrainStreamsToSameFile(mergeOutputStreams);
+    task.setWriteCmdToFile(writeCmdToFile);
+    if (processLogBaseDirIsSet)
+      task.setDrainFileHome(processLogBaseDir);
+    return task;
+  }
+  private ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo getConfiguration(Process in)
+  {
+    return (ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo)
+      ((ExecProcessConfiguration)in.getProcessConfiguration())
+      .getContainedMinimalConfigurationInfo();
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param p
+   */
+  public void writeOutCommandLine(Process p)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  public boolean isRunning(Process p)
+  {
+    return p.getIsRunning();
+  }

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--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
-import java.util.Map;
- * Dumb container for information we need 
- */
-public class ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo
-  implements MinimalConfigurationInfo
-  private String cmd = null;
-  public ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo(String inCmd)
-  {
-    cmd = inCmd;
-  }
-  public String getCmd()
-  {
-    return cmd;
-  }
-  public String toString()
-  {
-    return getCmd();
-  }
-  public Object cloneWithOverride(ProcessOverride processOverride)
-  {
-    throw new BuildException("cloneWithOverride unsupported in ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo");
-  }
-  public Object cloneWithOverride(
-    ProcessOverride processOverride,
-    Map overrideHandlerMap)
-  {
-    throw new BuildException("cloneWithOverride unsupported in ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo");
-  }
+import java.util.Map;
+ * Dumb container for information we need 
+ */
+public class ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo
+  implements MinimalConfigurationInfo
+  private String cmd = null;
+  public ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo(String inCmd)
+  {
+    cmd = inCmd;
+  }
+  public String getCmd()
+  {
+    return cmd;
+  }
+  public String toString()
+  {
+    return getCmd();
+  }
+  public Object cloneWithOverride(ProcessOverride processOverride)
+  {
+    throw new BuildException("cloneWithOverride unsupported in ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo");
+  }
+  public Object cloneWithOverride(
+    ProcessOverride processOverride,
+    Map overrideHandlerMap)
+  {
+    throw new BuildException("cloneWithOverride unsupported in ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo");
+  }

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--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-import org.w3c.dom.Document;
-import org.w3c.dom.Element;
-import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
-public class ExecProcessXMLHandler
-  implements XMLHandler
-  private static final String COMMAND_NAME = "cmd";
-  public UnitConfigurationInfo getUnitConfigurationInfo(Document doc, Location inLocation, CallingChain inChain)
-  {
-    return null;
-  }
-  public MinimalConfigurationInfo getMinimalConfigurationInfo(Document doc)
-  {
-    // assuming validated xml
-    Node command = doc.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName(COMMAND_NAME).item(0);
-    String cmd = command.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
-    return new ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo(cmd.trim());
-  }
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
+import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
+public class ExecProcessXMLHandler
+  implements XMLHandler
+  private static final String COMMAND_NAME = "cmd";
+  public UnitConfigurationInfo getUnitConfigurationInfo(Document doc, Location inLocation, CallingChain inChain)
+  {
+    return null;
+  }
+  public MinimalConfigurationInfo getMinimalConfigurationInfo(Document doc)
+  {
+    // assuming validated xml
+    Node command = doc.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName(COMMAND_NAME).item(0);
+    String cmd = command.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
+    return new ExecProcessMinimalConfigurationInfo(cmd.trim());
+  }

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--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/exec/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-public class TestExecProcessStuff
-  public static void main(String args[])
-  {
-    if (GeneralUtil.isSet(args, "-sleep"))
-      sleep(Integer.parseInt(GeneralUtil.getValueFor(args, "-sleep")));
-    else
-      printStuffToStdoutAndStderr();
-  }
-  private static void sleep(int millis)
-  {
-    System.out.println("Going to sleep for " + millis + " millis");
-    try
-    {
-      Thread.sleep(millis);
-    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
-    System.out.println("Done sleeping for " + millis + " millis");
-  }
-  private static void printStuffToStdoutAndStderr()
-  {
-    stdout("1");
-    stderr("2");
-    stdout("3");
-    stderr("4");
-    stdout("5");
-    stderr("6");
-    stdout("7");
-    stderr("8");
-    stdout("9");
-    stderr("10");
-    stdout("11");
-    stderr("12");
-  }
-  private static void stdout(String s)
-  {
-    System.out.println("[stdout] " + s);
-  }
-  private static void stderr(String s)
-  {
-    System.err.println("[stderr] " + s);
-  }
+public class TestExecProcessStuff
+  public static void main(String args[])
+  {
+    if (GeneralUtil.isSet(args, "-sleep"))
+      sleep(Integer.parseInt(GeneralUtil.getValueFor(args, "-sleep")));
+    else
+      printStuffToStdoutAndStderr();
+  }
+  private static void sleep(int millis)
+  {
+    System.out.println("Going to sleep for " + millis + " millis");
+    try
+    {
+      Thread.sleep(millis);
+    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
+    System.out.println("Done sleeping for " + millis + " millis");
+  }
+  private static void printStuffToStdoutAndStderr()
+  {
+    stdout("1");
+    stderr("2");
+    stdout("3");
+    stderr("4");
+    stdout("5");
+    stderr("6");
+    stdout("7");
+    stderr("8");
+    stdout("9");
+    stderr("10");
+    stdout("11");
+    stderr("12");
+  }
+  private static void stdout(String s)
+  {
+    System.out.println("[stdout] " + s);
+  }
+  private static void stderr(String s)
+  {
+    System.err.println("[stderr] " + s);
+  }

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Modified: beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/
--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-public abstract class AbstractListenerProcessManager
-  extends AbstractProcessManager
-  public void cleanup(Process process)
-  {
-    super.cleanup(process);
-    shutdown(process);
-  }
-  public String getJavaopts(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    return getConfiguration(inProcess).getJavaopts();
-  }
-  protected RemoteListenerMinimalConfigurationInfo getConfiguration(Process in)
-  {
-    return (RemoteListenerMinimalConfigurationInfo)in
-      .getConfiguredProcess()
-      .getMinimalConfigurationInfo();
-  }
-  /** @deprecated Use getStartupTimeout( instead. */
-  protected Time getStartupTimeout()
-  {
-    // FIXME, should be made configurable in process-config
-    return new Time(10, Time.SECONDS);
-  }
-  protected Time getStartupTimeout(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    return getConfiguration(inProcess).getStartupTimeout();
-  }
+public abstract class AbstractListenerProcessManager
+  extends AbstractProcessManager
+  public void cleanup(Process process)
+  {
+    super.cleanup(process);
+    shutdown(process);
+  }
+  public String getJavaopts(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    return getConfiguration(inProcess).getJavaopts();
+  }
+  protected RemoteListenerMinimalConfigurationInfo getConfiguration(Process in)
+  {
+    return (RemoteListenerMinimalConfigurationInfo)in
+      .getConfiguredProcess()
+      .getMinimalConfigurationInfo();
+  }
+  /** @deprecated Use getStartupTimeout( instead. */
+  protected Time getStartupTimeout()
+  {
+    // FIXME, should be made configurable in process-config
+    return new Time(10, Time.SECONDS);
+  }
+  protected Time getStartupTimeout(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    return getConfiguration(inProcess).getStartupTimeout();
+  }

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--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-import java.rmi.RemoteException;
-public class LocalListenerProcessManager
-  extends AbstractListenerProcessManager
-  private RemoteExecTaskRunner remoteExecTaskRunner = null;
-  // we keep a single RemoteExecTaskRunner which will exec all processes
-  // that
-  //   i) do not have an environment defined in process-config
-  //  ii) run on some host as tch
-  private boolean alreadyShutdown = false; 
-  public void startup(Process inProcess)
-  {}
-  public void shutdown(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    // since we're running locally, we'll shutdown whenever the local
-    // VM shuts down. Do this only once.
-    if (!alreadyShutdown)
-      try
-      { 
-        remoteExecTaskRunner.destroyAllProcesses();
-        alreadyShutdown = true;
-      }
-      catch (RemoteException ex)
-      {
-        throw new ProcessManagementRuntimeException(ex);
-      }
-  }
-  public boolean isAlive(Process inProcess)
-  {
-  	// The VM we're running in must be alive, so yes
-  	return true;
-  }
-  public synchronized RemoteExecTaskRunner lookup(Process inProcess)
-    throws RemoteException
-  {
-    if (remoteExecTaskRunner == null)
-    {
-      System.out.println("Creating local tch agent");
-      remoteExecTaskRunner = new RemoteExecTaskRunnerImpl();
-    }
-    return remoteExecTaskRunner;
-  }
-  public int getPort(Process inProcess)
-  {
-    //FIXME this should move out of the super class so we don't
-    // have to implement it here
-    throw new RuntimeException("Should never get called");
-  }  
+import java.rmi.RemoteException;
+public class LocalListenerProcessManager
+  extends AbstractListenerProcessManager
+  private RemoteExecTaskRunner remoteExecTaskRunner = null;
+  // we keep a single RemoteExecTaskRunner which will exec all processes
+  // that
+  //   i) do not have an environment defined in process-config
+  //  ii) run on some host as tch
+  private boolean alreadyShutdown = false; 
+  public void startup(Process inProcess)
+  {}
+  public void shutdown(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    // since we're running locally, we'll shutdown whenever the local
+    // VM shuts down. Do this only once.
+    if (!alreadyShutdown)
+      try
+      { 
+        remoteExecTaskRunner.destroyAllProcesses();
+        alreadyShutdown = true;
+      }
+      catch (RemoteException ex)
+      {
+        throw new ProcessManagementRuntimeException(ex);
+      }
+  }
+  public boolean isAlive(Process inProcess)
+  {
+  	// The VM we're running in must be alive, so yes
+  	return true;
+  }
+  public synchronized RemoteExecTaskRunner lookup(Process inProcess)
+    throws RemoteException
+  {
+    if (remoteExecTaskRunner == null)
+    {
+      System.out.println("Creating local tch agent");
+      remoteExecTaskRunner = new RemoteExecTaskRunnerImpl();
+    }
+    return remoteExecTaskRunner;
+  }
+  public int getPort(Process inProcess)
+  {
+    //FIXME this should move out of the super class so we don't
+    // have to implement it here
+    throw new RuntimeException("Should never get called");
+  }  

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--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
-import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
-public class RemoteListener
-  public static final String 
-    PORT_PARAM = "-port",
-    BINDNAME_PARAM = "-bindname";
-  public static void main(String[] inArgs) 
-    throws Exception 
-  {
-    String portString  = 
-      GeneralUtil.getValueFor(inArgs, 
-                              PORT_PARAM,
-                              "" + TchConstants.DEFAULT_RMI_REG_PORT);
-    String bindname = 
-      GeneralUtil.getValueFor(inArgs, 
-                              BINDNAME_PARAM,
-                              TchConstants.DEFAULT_REMOTE_LISTENER_BINDNAME);
-    System.out.println("");
-    TchUtils.log("Starting remote listener...");
-    try {
-      Registry reg = 
-        LocateRegistry.createRegistry(Integer.parseInt(portString.trim()));
-      reg.rebind(bindname, new RemoteExecTaskRunnerImpl(false));
-    } catch (java.rmi.server.ExportException ex)
-    {
-        ex.printStackTrace();
-      TchUtils.log("Caught: " + ex.toString());
-      TchUtils.log("Assuming remote listener is already up");
-    }
-    String hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
-    String url = "rmi://" + hostname + ":" + portString + "/" + bindname;
-    TchUtils.log("Bound remote listener, to lookup, use url: ");
-    TchUtils.log(url + "\n");
-  }
+import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
+import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
+public class RemoteListener
+  public static final String 
+    PORT_PARAM = "-port",
+    BINDNAME_PARAM = "-bindname";
+  public static void main(String[] inArgs) 
+    throws Exception 
+  {
+    String portString  = 
+      GeneralUtil.getValueFor(inArgs, 
+                              PORT_PARAM,
+                              "" + TchConstants.DEFAULT_RMI_REG_PORT);
+    String bindname = 
+      GeneralUtil.getValueFor(inArgs, 
+                              BINDNAME_PARAM,
+                              TchConstants.DEFAULT_REMOTE_LISTENER_BINDNAME);
+    System.out.println("");
+    TchUtils.log("Starting remote listener...");
+    try {
+      Registry reg = 
+        LocateRegistry.createRegistry(Integer.parseInt(portString.trim()));
+      reg.rebind(bindname, new RemoteExecTaskRunnerImpl(false));
+    } catch (java.rmi.server.ExportException ex)
+    {
+        ex.printStackTrace();
+      TchUtils.log("Caught: " + ex.toString());
+      TchUtils.log("Assuming remote listener is already up");
+    }
+    String hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName();
+    String url = "rmi://" + hostname + ":" + portString + "/" + bindname;
+    TchUtils.log("Bound remote listener, to lookup, use url: ");
+    TchUtils.log(url + "\n");
+  }

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--- beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ (original)
+++ beehive/trunk/controls/test/tools/tch/src/java/org/apache/beehive/test/tools/tch/extension/process/listener/ Fri Aug 12 08:12:28 2005
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-public class RemoteListenerConfigurationManager
-  implements ProcessConfigurationManager
-  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in)
-  {
-    return null;
-  }
-  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in, 
-                                        java.util.Collection units)
-  {
-    //FIXME
-    return configure(in);
-  }
+public class RemoteListenerConfigurationManager
+  implements ProcessConfigurationManager
+  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in)
+  {
+    return null;
+  }
+  public ProcessConfiguration configure(MinimalConfigurationInfo in, 
+                                        java.util.Collection units)
+  {
+    //FIXME
+    return configure(in);
+  }

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