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Posted to by "Aswath Srinivasan (TMS)" <> on 2016/09/13 18:55:44 UTC

facet.piovt on a join query, joining two different collections


We are trying to do a pivot on the facet on two fields which exists on two different collections. We are joining the two collections using a common filed. Below is the query I'm having right now and it doesn't seem to work. Any help would be much appreciated.

http://loalhost:8983/solr/abc/select?q={!join from=id to=id fromIndex=xyz}*&wt=json&indent=true&start=0&rows=1&facet=true&facet.pivot= name,count&shards=localhost:8983/solr/abc,localhost:8983/solr/xyz

1.   id field exists in both collections - abc & xyz

2.   name field exist in xyz collection

3.   count field exist in abc collection

Thank you,
Aswath NS