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[GitHub] stale[bot] closed pull request #2932: [AIRFLOW-1974] Improve Databricks Hook/Operator

stale[bot] closed pull request #2932: [AIRFLOW-1974] Improve Databricks Hook/Operator

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/airflow/contrib/hooks/ b/airflow/contrib/hooks/
index 54f00e0090..77a97a53d2 100644
--- a/airflow/contrib/hooks/
+++ b/airflow/contrib/hooks/
@@ -19,43 +19,69 @@
 import requests
+from collections import namedtuple
+from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, Timeout
+from requests.auth import AuthBase
 from airflow import __version__
 from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
 from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook
-from requests import exceptions as requests_exceptions
-from requests.auth import AuthBase
-from airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin import LoggingMixin
-    from urllib import parse as urlparse
+    from urllib.parse import urlparse
 except ImportError:
-    import urlparse
+    from urlparse import urlparse
-SUBMIT_RUN_ENDPOINT = ('POST', 'api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit')
-GET_RUN_ENDPOINT = ('GET', 'api/2.0/jobs/runs/get')
-CANCEL_RUN_ENDPOINT = ('POST', 'api/2.0/jobs/runs/cancel')
 USER_AGENT_HEADER = {'user-agent': 'airflow-{v}'.format(v=__version__)}
+Endpoint = namedtuple('Endpoint', ['http_method', 'path', 'method'])
-class DatabricksHook(BaseHook, LoggingMixin):
+class DatabricksHook(BaseHook):
     Interact with Databricks.
-    def __init__(
-            self,
-            databricks_conn_id='databricks_default',
-            timeout_seconds=180,
-            retry_limit=3):
+    API = {
+        # API V2.0
+        #   JOBS API
+        # '2.0/jobs/create': Endpoint('POST', '2.0/jobs/create', ''),
+        # '2.0/jobs/list': Endpoint('GET', '2.0/jobs/list', ''),
+        # '2.0/jobs/delete': Endpoint('POST', '2.0/jobs/delete', ''),
+        # '2.0/jobs/get': Endpoint('GET', '2.0/jobs/get', ''),
+        # '2.0/jobs/reset': Endpoint('POST', '2.0/jobs/reset', ''),
+        '2.0/jobs/run-now': Endpoint('POST', '2.0/jobs/run-now', ''),
+        '2.0/jobs/runs/submit': Endpoint('POST', '2.0/jobs/runs/submit',
+                                         'jobs_runs_submit'),
+        # '2.0/jobs/runs/list': Endpoint('GET', '2.0/jobs/runs/list', ''),
+        '2.0/jobs/runs/get': Endpoint('GET', '2.0/jobs/runs/get',
+                                      'jobs_runs_get'),
+        # '2.0/jobs/runs/export': Endpoint('GET', '2.0/jobs/runs/export', ''),
+        '2.0/jobs/runs/cancel': Endpoint('POST', '2.0/jobs/runs/cancel',
+                                         'jobs_runs_cancel')
+        # '2.0/jobs/runs/get-output': Endpoint('GET',
+        #                                      '2.0/jobs/runs/get-output', '')
+    }
+    # TODO:
+    # TODO:
+    # TODO:
+    # TODO:
+    # TODO:
+    # TODO:
+    # TODO:
+    def __init__(self, databricks_conn_id='databricks_default',
+                 timeout_seconds=180, retry_limit=3):
-        :param databricks_conn_id: The name of the databricks connection to use.
+        :param databricks_conn_id: The name of the databricks connection to
+            use.
         :type databricks_conn_id: string
-        :param timeout_seconds: The amount of time in seconds the requests library
-            will wait before timing-out.
+        :param timeout_seconds: The amount of time in seconds the requests
+            library will wait before timing-out.
         :type timeout_seconds: int
-        :param retry_limit: The number of times to retry the connection in case of
-            service outages.
+        :param retry_limit: The number of times to retry the connection in
+            case of service outages.
         :type retry_limit: int
         self.databricks_conn_id = databricks_conn_id
@@ -67,34 +93,32 @@ def __init__(
     def _parse_host(host):
-        """
+        """Verify connection host setting provided by the user.
         The purpose of this function is to be robust to improper connections
         settings provided by users, specifically in the host field.
+        For example -- when users supply ```` as
+        the host, we must strip out the protocol to get the host.
-        For example -- when users supply ```` as the
-        host, we must strip out the protocol to get the host.
+        >>> host = ''
         >>> h = DatabricksHook()
-        >>> assert h._parse_host('') == \
-            ''
+        >>> assert h._parse_host(host) == ''
-        In the case where users supply the correct ```` as the
+        In the case where users supply the correct ````
         host, this function is a no-op.
-        >>> assert h._parse_host('') == ''
-        """
-        urlparse_host = urlparse.urlparse(host).hostname
-        if urlparse_host:
-            # In this case, host =
-            return urlparse_host
-        else:
-            # In this case, host =
-            return host
-    def _do_api_call(self, endpoint_info, json):
+        >>> host = ''
+        >>> assert h._parse_host(host) == ''
-        Utility function to perform an API call with retries
-        :param endpoint_info: Tuple of method and endpoint
-        :type endpoint_info: (string, string)
+        return urlparse(host).hostname or host
+    def _do_api_call(self, endpoint, json):
+        """Perform an API call with retries.
+        :param endpoint_info: Instance of Endpoint with http_method and path.
+        :type endpoint_info: Endpoint
         :param json: Parameters for this API call.
         :type json: dict
         :return: If the api call returns a OK status code,
@@ -102,24 +126,28 @@ def _do_api_call(self, endpoint_info, json):
             we throw an AirflowException.
         :rtype: dict
-        method, endpoint = endpoint_info
-        url = 'https://{host}/{endpoint}'.format(
+        if isinstance(endpoint, str):
+            endpoint = self.API[endpoint]
+        url = 'https://{host}/api/{endpoint}'.format(
-            endpoint=endpoint)
+            endpoint=endpoint.path)
+'Calling endpoint (%s) with url: %s', endpoint, url)
         if 'token' in self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson:
   'Using token auth.')
             auth = _TokenAuth(self.databricks_conn.extra_dejson['token'])
   'Using basic auth.')
             auth = (self.databricks_conn.login, self.databricks_conn.password)
-        if method == 'GET':
+        if endpoint.http_method == 'GET':
             request_func = requests.get
-        elif method == 'POST':
+        elif endpoint.http_method == 'POST':
             request_func =
-            raise AirflowException('Unexpected HTTP Method: ' + method)
+            raise AirflowException('Unexpected HTTP Method: {}'.format(
+                endpoint.http_method
+            ))
-        for attempt_num in range(1, self.retry_limit + 1):
+        for attempt in range(1, self.retry_limit + 1):
                 response = request_func(
@@ -132,79 +160,119 @@ def _do_api_call(self, endpoint_info, json):
                     # In this case, the user probably made a mistake.
                     # Don't retry.
-                    raise AirflowException('Response: {0}, Status Code: {1}'.format(
-                        response.content, response.status_code))
-            except (requests_exceptions.ConnectionError,
-                    requests_exceptions.Timeout) as e:
-                self.log.error(
-                    'Attempt %s API Request to Databricks failed with reason: %s',
-                    attempt_num, e
-                )
-        raise AirflowException(('API requests to Databricks failed {} times. ' +
-                               'Giving up.').format(self.retry_limit))
-    def submit_run(self, json):
-        """
-        Utility function to call the ``api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit`` endpoint.
+                    msg = 'Response: {}, Status Code: {}'
+                    raise AirflowException(msg.format(response.content,
+                                                      response.status_code))
+            except (ConnectionError, Timeout) as exception:
+                msg = 'Attempt {} API Request to Databricks failed with'
+                msg += 'reason: {}'
+                self.log.error(msg.format(attempt, exception))
+        msg = 'API requests to Databricks failed {} times. Giving up.'
+        raise AirflowException(msg.format(self.retry_limit))
-        :param json: The data used in the body of the request to the ``submit`` endpoint.
+    def get_api_method(self, endpoint):
+        """Retrieve the method that handle one endpoint."""
+        try:
+            return getattr(self, self.API[endpoint].method)
+        except AttributeError:
+            AirflowException('Endpoint handler %s not yet implemented.',
+                             endpoint)
+    def jobs_runs_submit(self, json):
+        """Call the ``api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit`` endpoint.
+        :param json: The data used in the body of the request to the
+            ``submit`` endpoint.
         :type json: dict
-        :return: the run_id as a string
-        :rtype: string
+        :return: A dict with the run_id as a string
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        return self._do_api_call(self.API['2.0/jobs/runs/submit'], json)
+    def jobs_runs_get(self, run_id):
+        """Call the ``2.0/jobs/runs/get`` endpoint.
+        Retrieves the metadata of a run.
+        :param run_id: The id of a run you wish to get the data about.
+        :type run_id: int or string
+        :return: a dict with the metadata from a run (endpoint json response)
-        response = self._do_api_call(SUBMIT_RUN_ENDPOINT, json)
-        return response['run_id']
+        return self._do_api_call(self.API['2.0/jobs/runs/get'],
+                                 {'run_id': run_id})
+    def jobs_runs_cancel(self, run_id):
+        """Call the ``2.0/jobs/runs/cancel`` endpoint.
+        Send a CANCEL command to a specific run.
+        This method does not verify if the run was actually cancelled.
+        :param  run_id: The id of the RUN.
+        :type run_id: int
+        """
+        self._do_api_call(self.API['2.0/jobs/runs/cancel'],
+                          {'run_id': run_id})
     def get_run_page_url(self, run_id):
-        json = {'run_id': run_id}
-        response = self._do_api_call(GET_RUN_ENDPOINT, json)
-        return response['run_page_url']
+        """Get the webpage url to follow the run status.
+        :param run_id: The id of the RUN.
+        :type run_id: int
+        :return: A URL, such as:
+            https://<user>
+        :rtype: string
+        """
+        return self.jobs_runs_get(run_id).get('run_page_url')
     def get_run_state(self, run_id):
-        json = {'run_id': run_id}
-        response = self._do_api_call(GET_RUN_ENDPOINT, json)
-        state = response['state']
-        life_cycle_state = state['life_cycle_state']
+        """Get the state of a RUN.
+        :param  run_id: The id of the RUN.
+        :type run_id: int
+        :return: A RunState object with the run state information.
+        :rtype: RunState
+        """
+        response = self.jobs_runs_get(run_id)
+        state = response.get('state')
+        life_cycle_state = state.get('life_cycle_state')
         # result_state may not be in the state if not terminal
         result_state = state.get('result_state', None)
-        state_message = state['state_message']
+        state_message = state.get('state_message')
         return RunState(life_cycle_state, result_state, state_message)
-    def cancel_run(self, run_id):
-        json = {'run_id': run_id}
-        self._do_api_call(CANCEL_RUN_ENDPOINT, json)
-    'PENDING',
-    'RUNNING',
-    'SKIPPED',
 class RunState:
     Utility class for the run state concept of Databricks runs.
+    STATES = [
+        'PENDING',
+        'RUNNING',
+        'TERMINATING',
+        'TERMINATED',
+        'SKIPPED',
+    ]
     def __init__(self, life_cycle_state, result_state, state_message):
         self.life_cycle_state = life_cycle_state
         self.result_state = result_state
         self.state_message = state_message
-    @property
     def is_terminal(self):
-        if self.life_cycle_state not in RUN_LIFE_CYCLE_STATES:
-            raise AirflowException(
-                ('Unexpected life cycle state: {}: If the state has '
-                 'been introduced recently, please check the Databricks user '
-                 'guide for troubleshooting information').format(
-                    self.life_cycle_state))
-        return self.life_cycle_state in ('TERMINATED', 'SKIPPED', 'INTERNAL_ERROR')
-    @property
+        """Check wether the terminal is a terminal state."""
+        if self.life_cycle_state not in RunState.STATES:
+            msg = 'Unexpected life cycle state: {}: If the state has been '
+            msg += 'introduced recently, please check the Databricks user '
+            msg += 'guide for troubleshooting information'
+            raise AirflowException(msg.format(self.life_cycle_state))
+        return self.life_cycle_state in RunState.TERMINAL_STATES
     def is_successful(self):
         return self.result_state == 'SUCCESS'
@@ -218,9 +286,9 @@ def __repr__(self):
 class _TokenAuth(AuthBase):
-    """
-    Helper class for requests Auth field. AuthBase requires you to implement the __call__
-    magic function.
+    """Helper class for requests Auth field.
+    AuthBase requires you to implement the __call__ magic function.
     def __init__(self, token):
         self.token = token
diff --git a/airflow/contrib/operators/ b/airflow/contrib/operators/
index 7b8d522dba..1be69801aa 100644
--- a/airflow/contrib/operators/
+++ b/airflow/contrib/operators/
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
 # under the License.
-import six
 import time
-from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
+import six
 from airflow.contrib.hooks.databricks_hook import DatabricksHook
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
 from airflow.models import BaseOperator
@@ -30,8 +31,165 @@
 XCOM_RUN_PAGE_URL_KEY = 'run_page_url'
-class DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(BaseOperator):
-    """
+class DatabricksOperator(BaseOperator):
+    """Talks to Databricks (Spark) via REST API."""
+    # Used in airflow.models.BaseOperator
+    template_fields = ('json',)
+    # Databricks brand color (blue) under white text
+    ui_color = '#1CB1C2'
+    ui_fgcolor = '#fff'
+    def __init__(self, endpoint, json=None, run_name=None,
+                 timeout_seconds=None, databricks_conn_id='databricks_default',
+                 polling_period_seconds=30, databricks_retry_limit=3,
+                 wait_run_end=True, do_xcom_push=False, **kwargs):
+        """Create a new ``DatabricksOperator``.
+        :param endpoint: A string representing the endpoint you wish to
+            interact with. One of the options from DatabricksHook.API.
+            Ex: '2.0/jobs/runs/get'
+        :type action: string
+        :param json: A JSON object containing the API parameters to be passed
+            directly to the requested endpoint relative to the given
+            ``action``. The ``timeout_seconds`` and ``run_name`` named
+            arguments will be merged onto this json dictionary if they are
+            provided. If specified, the named parameters will always take
+            precedence and override the top level json keys. This field will be
+            templated.
+            .. seealso::
+                For more information about templating see
+                :ref:`jinja-templating`.
+        :type json: dict
+        :param run_name: The run name used for this task.
+            By default this will be set to the Airflow ``task_id``. This
+            ``task_id`` is a required parameter of the superclass
+            ``BaseOperator``.
+            This field will be templated.
+        :type run_name: string
+        :param timeout_seconds: The timeout for this run. By default a value of
+            0 is used which means to have no timeout.
+            This field will be templated.
+        :type timeout_seconds: int
+        :param databricks_conn_id: The name of the Airflow connection to use.
+            By default and in the common case this will be
+            ``databricks_default``.
+        :type databricks_conn_id: string
+        :param polling_period_seconds: Controls the rate which we poll for the
+            result of this run. By default the operator will poll every 30
+            seconds.
+        :type polling_period_seconds: int
+        :param databricks_retry_limit: Amount of times retry if the Databricks
+            backend is unreachable. Its value must be greater than or equal to
+            1.
+        :type databricks_retry_limit: int
+        :param wait_run_end: If we should get the 'run_id' from the initial
+            ``action`` and wait until it reaches a terminal state.
+        :param do_xcom_push: Whether we should push run_id and run_page_url to
+            xcom.
+        :type do_xcom_push: boolean
+        """
+        super(DatabricksOperator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+        self.json = json or {}
+        self.databricks_conn_id = databricks_conn_id
+        self.polling_period_seconds = polling_period_seconds
+        self.databricks_retry_limit = databricks_retry_limit
+        self.wait_run_end = wait_run_end
+        self.hook = self._get_hook()
+        self.action = self.hook.get_api_method(endpoint)
+        self.do_xcom_push = do_xcom_push
+        if timeout_seconds is not None:
+            self.json['timeout_seconds'] = timeout_seconds
+        if 'run_name' not in self.json:
+            self.json['run_name'] = run_name or kwargs.get('task_id', None)
+        self.json = self._deep_string_coerce(self.json)
+        self.run_id = None
+        self._run_page_url = None
+    def _deep_string_coerce(self, content, json_path='json'):
+        """Coerce content or all values of content if it is a dict to a string.
+        The function will throw if content contains non-string or non-numeric
+        types.
+        The reason why we have this function is because the ``self.json`` field
+        must be a dict with only string values. This is because
+        ``render_template`` will fail for numerical values.
+        """
+        coerced = self._deep_string_coerce
+        if isinstance(content, six.string_types):
+            return content
+        elif isinstance(content, six.integer_types + (float,)):
+            # Databricks can tolerate either numeric or string types in the API
+            # backend.
+            return str(content)
+        elif isinstance(content, (list, tuple)):
+            return [coerced(e, '{0}[{1}]'.format(json_path, i))
+                    for i, e in enumerate(content)]
+        elif isinstance(content, dict):
+            return {k: coerced(v, '{0}[{1}]'.format(json_path, k))
+                    for k, v in list(content.items())}
+        msg = 'Type {} used for parameter {} is not a number or a string'
+        raise AirflowException(msg.format(type(content), json_path))
+    def _get_hook(self):
+        return DatabricksHook(self.databricks_conn_id,
+                              retry_limit=self.databricks_retry_limit)
+    def _log_run_page_url(self):
+        msg = 'View run status, Spark UI, and logs at %s'
+, self._run_page_url)
+    def _run_until_terminal_state(self):
+        """Keep running until the run reaches a terminal state."""
+        while True:
+            run_state = self.hook.get_run_state(self.run_id)
+            if run_state.is_terminal():
+                if run_state.is_successful():
+          '%s completed successfully.', self.task_id)
+                    self._log_run_page_url()
+                    return
+                msg = '{t} failed with terminal state: {s}'
+                raise AirflowException(msg.format(t=self.task_id, s=run_state))
+  '%s in run state: %s', self.task_id, run_state)
+            self._log_run_page_url()
+  'Sleeping for %s seconds.',
+                          self.polling_period_seconds)
+            time.sleep(self.polling_period_seconds)
+    def execute(self, context):
+        response = self.action(self.json)
+        if 'run_id' in response:
+            self.run_id = response.get('run_id')
+            if self.do_xcom_push:
+                context['ti'].xcom_push(key=XCOM_RUN_ID_KEY, value=self.run_id)
+            self._run_page_url = self.hook.get_run_page_url(self.run_id)
+            if self.do_xcom_push:
+                context['ti'].xcom_push(key=XCOM_RUN_PAGE_URL_KEY,
+                                        value=self._run_page_url)
+  'Run submitted with run_id: %s', self.run_id)
+  'View run status, Spark UI, and logs at %s',
+                          self._run_page_url)
+            if self.wait_run_end:
+                self._run_until_terminal_state()
+    def on_kill(self):
+        self.hook.cancel_run(self.run_id)
+        msg = 'Task: {t} with run_id: {r} was requested to be cancelled.'
+, t=self.task_id, r=self.run_id)
+class DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(DatabricksOperator):
+    """Post to the job run Databricks endpoint.
     Submits an Spark job run to Databricks using the
@@ -52,7 +210,8 @@ class DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(BaseOperator):
             'notebook_path': '/Users/',
-        notebook_run = DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(task_id='notebook_run', json=json)
+        notebook_run = DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(task_id='notebook_run',
+                                                   json=json)
     Another way to accomplish the same thing is to use the named parameters
     of the ``DatabricksSubmitRunOperator`` directly. Note that there is exactly
@@ -70,11 +229,13 @@ class DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(BaseOperator):
-    In the case where both the json parameter **AND** the named parameters
-    are provided, they will be merged together. If there are conflicts during the merge,
-    the named parameters will take precedence and override the top level ``json`` keys.
+    In the case where both the json parameter **AND** the named parameters are
+    provided, they will be merged together. If there are conflicts during the
+    merge, the named parameters will take precedence and override the top level
+    ``json`` keys.
-    Currently the named parameters that ``DatabricksSubmitRunOperator`` supports are
+    Currently the named parameters that ``DatabricksSubmitRunOperator``
+    supports are:
         - ``spark_jar_task``
         - ``notebook_task``
         - ``new_cluster``
@@ -84,41 +245,42 @@ class DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(BaseOperator):
         - ``timeout_seconds``
     :param json: A JSON object containing API parameters which will be passed
-        directly to the ``api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit`` endpoint. The other named parameters
-        (i.e. ``spark_jar_task``, ``notebook_task``..) to this operator will
-        be merged with this json dictionary if they are provided.
-        If there are conflicts during the merge, the named parameters will
-        take precedence and override the top level json keys. (templated)
+        directly to the ``api/2.0/jobs/runs/submit`` endpoint. The other named
+        parameters (i.e. ``spark_jar_task``, ``notebook_task``..) to this
+        operator will be merged with this json dictionary if they are provided.
+        If there are conflicts during the merge, the named parameters will take
+        precedence and override the top level json keys. This field will be
+        templated.
         .. seealso::
             For more information about templating see :ref:`jinja-templating`.
     :type json: dict
-    :param spark_jar_task: The main class and parameters for the JAR task. Note that
-        the actual JAR is specified in the ``libraries``.
+    :param spark_jar_task: The main class and parameters for the JAR task. Note
+        that the actual JAR is specified in the ``libraries``.
         *EITHER* ``spark_jar_task`` *OR* ``notebook_task`` should be specified.
         This field will be templated.
         .. seealso::
     :type spark_jar_task: dict
-    :param notebook_task: The notebook path and parameters for the notebook task.
-        *EITHER* ``spark_jar_task`` *OR* ``notebook_task`` should be specified.
-        This field will be templated.
+    :param notebook_task: The notebook path and parameters for the notebook
+        task. *EITHER* ``spark_jar_task`` *OR* ``notebook_task`` should be
+        specified. This field will be templated.
         .. seealso::
     :type notebook_task: dict
     :param new_cluster: Specs for a new cluster on which this task will be run.
-        *EITHER* ``new_cluster`` *OR* ``existing_cluster_id`` should be specified.
-        This field will be templated.
+        *EITHER* ``new_cluster`` *OR* ``existing_cluster_id`` should be
+        specified. This field will be templated.
         .. seealso::
     :type new_cluster: dict
-    :param existing_cluster_id: ID for existing cluster on which to run this task.
-        *EITHER* ``new_cluster`` *OR* ``existing_cluster_id`` should be specified.
-        This field will be templated.
+    :param existing_cluster_id: ID for existing cluster on which to run this
+        task. *EITHER* ``new_cluster`` *OR* ``existing_cluster_id`` should be
+        specified. This field will be templated.
     :type existing_cluster_id: string
     :param libraries: Libraries which this run will use.
         This field will be templated.
@@ -127,145 +289,29 @@ class DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(BaseOperator):
     :type libraries: list of dicts
     :param run_name: The run name used for this task.
-        By default this will be set to the Airflow ``task_id``. This ``task_id`` is a
-        required parameter of the superclass ``BaseOperator``.
+        By default this will be set to the Airflow ``task_id``. This
+        ``task_id`` is a required parameter of the superclass ``BaseOperator``.
         This field will be templated.
     :type run_name: string
-    :param timeout_seconds: The timeout for this run. By default a value of 0 is used
-        which means to have no timeout.
-        This field will be templated.
-    :type timeout_seconds: int32
-    :param databricks_conn_id: The name of the Airflow connection to use.
-        By default and in the common case this will be ``databricks_default``. To use
-        token based authentication, provide the key ``token`` in the extra field for the
-        connection.
-    :type databricks_conn_id: string
-    :param polling_period_seconds: Controls the rate which we poll for the result of
-        this run. By default the operator will poll every 30 seconds.
-    :type polling_period_seconds: int
-    :param databricks_retry_limit: Amount of times retry if the Databricks backend is
-        unreachable. Its value must be greater than or equal to 1.
-    :type databricks_retry_limit: int
-    :param do_xcom_push: Whether we should push run_id and run_page_url to xcom.
-    :type do_xcom_push: boolean
-    # Used in airflow.models.BaseOperator
-    template_fields = ('json',)
-    # Databricks brand color (blue) under white text
-    ui_color = '#1CB1C2'
-    ui_fgcolor = '#fff'
-    def __init__(
-            self,
-            json=None,
-            spark_jar_task=None,
-            notebook_task=None,
-            new_cluster=None,
-            existing_cluster_id=None,
-            libraries=None,
-            run_name=None,
-            timeout_seconds=None,
-            databricks_conn_id='databricks_default',
-            polling_period_seconds=30,
-            databricks_retry_limit=3,
-            do_xcom_push=False,
-            **kwargs):
-        """
-        Creates a new ``DatabricksSubmitRunOperator``.
-        """
-        super(DatabricksSubmitRunOperator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-        self.json = json or {}
-        self.databricks_conn_id = databricks_conn_id
-        self.polling_period_seconds = polling_period_seconds
-        self.databricks_retry_limit = databricks_retry_limit
+    def __init__(self, json=None, spark_jar_task=None, notebook_task=None,
+                 new_cluster=None, existing_cluster_id=None, libraries=None,
+                 **kwargs):
+        """Create a new ``DatabricksSubmitRunOperator``."""
+        json = json or {}
         if spark_jar_task is not None:
-            self.json['spark_jar_task'] = spark_jar_task
+            json['spark_jar_task'] = spark_jar_task
         if notebook_task is not None:
-            self.json['notebook_task'] = notebook_task
+            json['notebook_task'] = notebook_task
         if new_cluster is not None:
-            self.json['new_cluster'] = new_cluster
+            json['new_cluster'] = new_cluster
         if existing_cluster_id is not None:
-            self.json['existing_cluster_id'] = existing_cluster_id
+            json['existing_cluster_id'] = existing_cluster_id
         if libraries is not None:
-            self.json['libraries'] = libraries
-        if run_name is not None:
-            self.json['run_name'] = run_name
-        if timeout_seconds is not None:
-            self.json['timeout_seconds'] = timeout_seconds
-        if 'run_name' not in self.json:
-            self.json['run_name'] = run_name or kwargs['task_id']
+            json['libraries'] = libraries
-        self.json = self._deep_string_coerce(self.json)
-        # This variable will be used in case our task gets killed.
-        self.run_id = None
-        self.do_xcom_push = do_xcom_push
-    def _deep_string_coerce(self, content, json_path='json'):
-        """
-        Coerces content or all values of content if it is a dict to a string. The
-        function will throw if content contains non-string or non-numeric types.
-        The reason why we have this function is because the ``self.json`` field must be a
-         dict with only string values. This is because ``render_template`` will fail
-        for numerical values.
-        """
-        c = self._deep_string_coerce
-        if isinstance(content, six.string_types):
-            return content
-        elif isinstance(content, six.integer_types + (float,)):
-            # Databricks can tolerate either numeric or string types in the API backend.
-            return str(content)
-        elif isinstance(content, (list, tuple)):
-            return [c(e, '{0}[{1}]'.format(json_path, i)) for i, e in enumerate(content)]
-        elif isinstance(content, dict):
-            return {k: c(v, '{0}[{1}]'.format(json_path, k))
-                    for k, v in list(content.items())}
-        else:
-            param_type = type(content)
-            msg = 'Type {0} used for parameter {1} is not a number or a string'\
-                .format(param_type, json_path)
-            raise AirflowException(msg)
-    def _log_run_page_url(self, url):
-'View run status, Spark UI, and logs at %s', url)
-    def get_hook(self):
-        return DatabricksHook(
-            self.databricks_conn_id,
-            retry_limit=self.databricks_retry_limit)
-    def execute(self, context):
-        hook = self.get_hook()
-        self.run_id = hook.submit_run(self.json)
-        if self.do_xcom_push:
-            context['ti'].xcom_push(key=XCOM_RUN_ID_KEY, value=self.run_id)
-'Run submitted with run_id: %s', self.run_id)
-        run_page_url = hook.get_run_page_url(self.run_id)
-        if self.do_xcom_push:
-            context['ti'].xcom_push(key=XCOM_RUN_PAGE_URL_KEY, value=run_page_url)
-        self._log_run_page_url(run_page_url)
-        while True:
-            run_state = hook.get_run_state(self.run_id)
-            if run_state.is_terminal:
-                if run_state.is_successful:
-          '%s completed successfully.', self.task_id)
-                    self._log_run_page_url(run_page_url)
-                    return
-                else:
-                    error_message = '{t} failed with terminal state: {s}'.format(
-                        t=self.task_id,
-                        s=run_state)
-                    raise AirflowException(error_message)
-            else:
-      '%s in run state: %s', self.task_id, run_state)
-                self._log_run_page_url(run_page_url)
-      'Sleeping for %s seconds.', self.polling_period_seconds)
-                time.sleep(self.polling_period_seconds)
-    def on_kill(self):
-        hook = self.get_hook()
-        hook.cancel_run(self.run_id)
-            'Task: %s with run_id: %s was requested to be cancelled.',
-            self.task_id, self.run_id
-        )
+        super(DatabricksSubmitRunOperator, self).__init__(
+            endpoint='2.0/jobs/runs/submit',
+            json=json,
+            **kwargs)
diff --git a/tests/contrib/hooks/ b/tests/contrib/hooks/
index aca8dd9600..ba6a419a0a 100644
--- a/tests/contrib/hooks/
+++ b/tests/contrib/hooks/
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
 import unittest
 from airflow import __version__
-from airflow.contrib.hooks.databricks_hook import DatabricksHook, RunState, SUBMIT_RUN_ENDPOINT, _TokenAuth
+from airflow.contrib.hooks.databricks_hook import DatabricksHook, RunState
 from airflow.exceptions import AirflowException
 from airflow.models import Connection
 from airflow.utils import db
-from requests import exceptions as requests_exceptions
+from requests.exceptions import (ConnectionError, Timeout)
     from unittest import mock
@@ -79,12 +79,14 @@ def get_run_endpoint(host):
     return 'https://{}/api/2.0/jobs/runs/get'.format(host)
 def cancel_run_endpoint(host):
     Utility function to generate the get run endpoint given the host.
     return 'https://{}/api/2.0/jobs/runs/cancel'.format(host)
 class DatabricksHookTest(unittest.TestCase):
     Tests for DatabricksHook.
@@ -111,19 +113,20 @@ def test_parse_host_with_scheme(self):
     def test_init_bad_retry_limit(self):
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            DatabricksHook(retry_limit = 0)
+            DatabricksHook(retry_limit=0)
     def test_do_api_call_with_error_retry(self, mock_requests):
-        for exception in [requests_exceptions.ConnectionError, requests_exceptions.Timeout]:
+        for exception in [ConnectionError, Timeout]:
             with mock.patch.object(self.hook.log, 'error') as mock_errors:
        = exception()
                 with self.assertRaises(AirflowException):
-                    self.hook._do_api_call(SUBMIT_RUN_ENDPOINT, {})
+                    self.hook._do_api_call('2.0/jobs/runs/submit', {})
-                self.assertEquals(len(mock_errors.mock_calls), self.hook.retry_limit)
+                self.assertEquals(len(mock_errors.mock_calls),
+                                  self.hook.retry_limit)
     def test_do_api_call_with_bad_status_code(self, mock_requests):
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ def test_do_api_call_with_bad_status_code(self, mock_requests):
         status_code_mock = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=500)
         type( = status_code_mock
         with self.assertRaises(AirflowException):
-            self.hook._do_api_call(SUBMIT_RUN_ENDPOINT, {})
+            self.hook._do_api_call('2.0/jobs/runs/submit', {})
     def test_submit_run(self, mock_requests):
@@ -140,10 +143,10 @@ def test_submit_run(self, mock_requests):
         status_code_mock = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=200)
         type( = status_code_mock
         json = {
-          'notebook_task': NOTEBOOK_TASK,
-          'new_cluster': NEW_CLUSTER
+            'notebook_task': NOTEBOOK_TASK,
+            'new_cluster': NEW_CLUSTER
-        run_id = self.hook.submit_run(json)
+        run_id = self.hook.jobs_runs_submit(json).get('run_id')
         self.assertEquals(run_id, '1')
@@ -200,7 +203,7 @@ def test_cancel_run(self, mock_requests):
         status_code_mock = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=200)
         type( = status_code_mock
-        self.hook.cancel_run(RUN_ID)
+        self.hook.jobs_runs_cancel(RUN_ID)
@@ -231,10 +234,10 @@ def test_submit_run(self, mock_requests):
         status_code_mock = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=200)
         type( = status_code_mock
         json = {
-          'notebook_task': NOTEBOOK_TASK,
-          'new_cluster': NEW_CLUSTER
+            'notebook_task': NOTEBOOK_TASK,
+            'new_cluster': NEW_CLUSTER
-        run_id = self.hook.submit_run(json)
+        run_id = self.hook.jobs_runs_submit(json).get('run_id')
         self.assertEquals(run_id, '1')
         args =
diff --git a/tests/contrib/operators/ b/tests/contrib/operators/
index f77da2ec18..9bc2af6db5 100644
--- a/tests/contrib/operators/
+++ b/tests/contrib/operators/
@@ -173,14 +173,16 @@ def test_exec_success(self, db_mock_class):
         Test the execute function in case where the run is successful.
+        db_mock = db_mock_class.return_value
+        db_mock.jobs_runs_submit.return_value = {'run_id': 1}
+        db_mock.get_api_method.return_value = db_mock.jobs_runs_submit
+        db_mock.get_run_state.return_value = RunState('TERMINATED', 'SUCCESS', '')
         run = {
           'new_cluster': NEW_CLUSTER,
           'notebook_task': NOTEBOOK_TASK,
         op = DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(task_id=TASK_ID, json=run)
-        db_mock = db_mock_class.return_value
-        db_mock.submit_run.return_value = 1
-        db_mock.get_run_state.return_value = RunState('TERMINATED', 'SUCCESS', '')
@@ -190,9 +192,9 @@ def test_exec_success(self, db_mock_class):
           'run_name': TASK_ID
-                DEFAULT_CONN_ID,
-                retry_limit=op.databricks_retry_limit)
-        db_mock.submit_run.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+            DEFAULT_CONN_ID,
+            retry_limit=op.databricks_retry_limit)
+        db_mock.jobs_runs_submit.assert_called_once_with(expected)
         self.assertEquals(RUN_ID, op.run_id)
@@ -202,14 +204,16 @@ def test_exec_failure(self, db_mock_class):
         Test the execute function in case where the run failed.
+        db_mock = db_mock_class.return_value
+        db_mock.jobs_runs_submit.return_value = {'run_id': 1}
+        db_mock.get_api_method.return_value = db_mock.jobs_runs_submit
+        db_mock.get_run_state.return_value = RunState('TERMINATED', 'FAILED', '')
         run = {
           'new_cluster': NEW_CLUSTER,
           'notebook_task': NOTEBOOK_TASK,
         op = DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(task_id=TASK_ID, json=run)
-        db_mock = db_mock_class.return_value
-        db_mock.submit_run.return_value = 1
-        db_mock.get_run_state.return_value = RunState('TERMINATED', 'FAILED', '')
         with self.assertRaises(AirflowException):
@@ -219,10 +223,12 @@ def test_exec_failure(self, db_mock_class):
           'notebook_task': NOTEBOOK_TASK,
           'run_name': TASK_ID,
+        endpoint = '2.0/jobs/runs/submit'
-        db_mock.submit_run.assert_called_once_with(expected)
+        db_mock.get_api_method.assert_called_once_with(endpoint)
+        db_mock.jobs_runs_submit.assert_called_once_with(expected)
         self.assertEquals(RUN_ID, op.run_id)


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