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[Solr Wiki] Update of "SolrpyDoc" by HossMan

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The following page has been changed by HossMan:

The comment on the change is:
remove cut/paste content taken from other site, replace with links

- solrpy 0.7
+ [ Solrpy] is a python client for Solr.
- A simple client to the solr search service for python.
+  * Home Page:
+  * Subversion repo:
+  * !PyPi Listing:
+  * Discussion:
- Features
- --------
-  * Supports SOLR 1.2+
-  * Supports http/https and SSL client-side certificates
-  * Uses persistent HTTP connections by default
-  * Properly converts to/from SOLR data types, including datetime objects
-  * Supports both querying and update commands (add, delete).
-  * Supports batching of commands
-  * Requires Python 2.3+
-  * Django-like Paginator for a solr response object
-  * Test cases for the Python Solr client 
- Connections
- -----------
- `SolrConnection` can be passed in the following parameters.
- Only `url` is required,.
-     url -- URI pointing to the SOLR instance. Examples:
-         http://localhost:8080/solr
-         https://solr-server/solr
-         Your python install must be compiled with SSL support for the
-         https:// schemes to work. (Most pre-packaged pythons are.)
-     persistent -- Keep a persistent HTTP connection open.
-         Defaults to true.
-     timeout -- Timeout, in seconds, for the server to response.
-         By default, use the python default timeout (of none?)
-         NOTE: This changes the python-wide timeout.
-     ssl_key, ssl_cert -- If using client-side key files for
-         SSL authentication,  these should be, respectively,
-         your PEM key file and certificate file
- Once created, a connection object has the following public methods:
-     query (q, fields=None, highlight=None,
-            score=True, sort=None, **params)
-             q -- the query string.
-             fields -- optional list of fields to include. It can be either
-                 a string in the format that SOLR expects ('id,f1,f2'), or
-                 a python list/tuple of field names.   Defaults to returning
-                 all fields. ("*")
-             score -- boolean indicating whether "score" should be included
-                 in the field list.  Note that if you explicitly list
-                 "score" in your fields value, then this parameter is
-                 effectively ignored.  Defaults to true.
-             highlight -- indicates whether highlighting should be included.
-                 `highlight` can either be `False`, indicating "No" (the
-                 default),  `True`, incidating to highlight any fields
-                 included in "fields", or a list of field names.
-             sort -- list of fields to sort by.
-             Any parameters available to SOLR 'select' calls can also be
-             passed in as named parameters (e.g., fq='...', rows=20, etc).
-             Many SOLR parameters are in a dotted notation (e.g.,
-             ``).  For such parameters, replace the dots with
-             underscores when calling this method. (e.g.,
-             hl_simple_post='</pre'>)
-             Returns a Response object
-     add(**params)
-             Add a document.  Pass in all document fields as
-             keyword parameters:
-                 add(id='foo', notes='bar')
-             You must "commit" for the addition to be saved.
-             This command honors begin_batch/end_batch.
-     add_many(lst)
-             Add a series of documents at once.  Pass in a list of
-             dictionaries, where each dictionary is a mapping of document
-             fields:
-                 add_many( [ {'id': 'foo1', 'notes': 'foo'},
-                             {'id': 'foo2', 'notes': 'w00t'} ] )
-             You must "commit" for the addition to be saved.
-             This command honors begin_batch/end_batch.
-     delete(id)
-             Delete a document by id.
-             You must "commit" for the deletion to be saved.
-             This command honors begin_batch/end_batch.
-     delete_many(lst)
-             Delete a series of documents.  Pass in a list of ids.
-             You must "commit" for the deletion to be saved.
-             This command honors begin_batch/end_batch.
-     delete_query(query)
-             Delete any documents returned by issuing a query.
-             You must "commit" for the deletion to be saved.
-             This command honors begin_batch/end_batch.
-     commit(wait_flush=True, wait_searcher=True)
-             Issue a commit command.
-             This command honors begin_batch/end_batch.
-     optimize(wait_flush=True, wait_searcher=True)
-             Issue an optimize command.
-             This command honors begin_batch/end_batch.
-     begin_batch()
-             Begin "batch" mode, in which all commands to be sent
-             to the SOLR server are queued up and sent all at once.
-             No update commands will be sent to the backend server
-             until end_batch() is called. Not that "query" commands
-             are not batched.
-             begin_batch/end_batch transactions can be nested.
-             The transaction will not be sent to the backend server
-             until as many end_batch() calls have been made as
-             begin_batch()s.
-             Batching is completely optional. Any update commands
-             issued outside of a begin_batch()/end_batch() pair will
-             be immediately processed.
-     end_batch(commit=False)
-             End a batching pair.  Any pending commands are sent
-             to the backend server.  If "True" is passed in to
-             end_batch, a <commit> is also sent.
-     raw_query(**params)
-             Send a query command (unprocessed by this library) to
-             the SOLR server. The resulting text is returned un-parsed.
-                 raw_query(q='id:1', wt='python', indent='on')
-             Many SOLR parameters are in a dotted notation (e.g.,
-             ``).  For such parameters, replace the dots with
-             underscores when calling this method. (e.g.,
-             hl_simple_post='</pre'>)
-     close()
-             Close the underlying HTTP(S) connection.
- Query Responses
- ---------------
-     Calls to connection.query() return a Response object.
-     Response objects always have the following properties:
-         results -- A list of matching documents. Each document will be a
-             dict of field values.
-         results.start -- An integer indicating the starting # of documents
-         results.numFound -- An integer indicating the total # of matches.
-         results.maxScore -- An integer indicating the maximum score assigned
-                             to a document. Takes into account all of documents
-                             found by the query, not only the current batch.
-         header -- A dict containing any responseHeaders.  Usually:
-             header['params'] -- dictionary of original parameters used to
-                         create this response set.
-             header['QTime'] -- time spent on the query
-             header['status'] -- status code.
-             See SOLR documentation for other/typical return values.
-             This may be settable at the SOLR-level in your config files.
-         next_batch() -- If only a partial set of matches were returned
-             (by default, 10 documents at a time), then calling
-             .next_batch() will return a new Response object containing
-             the next set of matching documents. Returns None if no
-             more matches.
-             This works by re-issuing the same query to the backend server,
-             with a new 'start' value.
-         previous_batch() -- Same as next_batch, but return the previous
-             set of matches.  Returns None if this is the first batch.
-     Response objects also support __len__ and iteration. So, the following
-     shortcuts work:
-         responses = connection.query('q=foo')
-         print len(responses)
-         for document in responses:
-             print document['id'], document['score']
-     If you pass in `highlight` to the SolrConnection.query call,
-     then the response object will also have a "highlighting" property,
-     which will be a dictionary.
- Quick examples on use:
- ----------------------
- Example showing basic connection/transactions
-     >>> from solr import *
-     >>> c = SolrConnection('http://localhost:8983/solr')
-     >>> c.add(id='500', name='python test doc', inStock=True)
-     >>> c.delete('123')
-     >>> c.commit()
- Examples showing the search wrapper
-     >>> response = c.query('test', rows=20)
-     >>> print response.results.start
-      0
-     >>> for match in response:
-     ...     print match['id'],
-       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
-     >>> response = response.next_batch()
-     >>> print response.results.start
-      20
- Add 3 documents and delete 1, but send all of them as a single transaction.
-     >>> c.begin_batch()
-     >>> c.add(id="1")
-     >>> c.add(id="2")
-     >>> c.add(id="3")
-     >>> c.delete(id="0")
-     >>> c.end_batch(True)
- Enter a raw query, without processing the returned HTML contents.
-     >>> print c.raw_query(q='id:[* TO *]', wt='python', rows='10')
- SolrPaginator
- ----------------------
-     Create a Django-like Paginator for a solr response object. Can be handy
-     when you want to hand off a Paginator and/or Page to a template to 
-     display results, and provide links to next page, etc.
-     For example:
-     >>> from solr import SolrConnection, SolrPaginator
-     >>>
-     >>> conn = SolrConnection('http://localhost:8083/solr')
-     >>> response = conn.query('title:huckleberry')
-     >>> paginator = SolrPaginator(response)
-     >>> print paginator.num_pages
-     >>> page = paginator.get_page(5)
-     For more details see the Django Paginator documentation and solrpy 
-     unittests.
- source:
- source: