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cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web/images tomcat.gif

craigmcc    01/07/28 15:54:13

  Added:       webapps/tomcat-docs index.xml project.xml
               webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev build.xml.txt deployment.xml
                        index.xml installation.xml introduction.xml
                        processes.xml project.xml source.xml tomcat.gif
               webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/docs README.txt
               webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web hello.jsp index.html
               webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web/WEB-INF web.xml
               webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web/images tomcat.gif
  Add the following contents to the "tomcat-docs" web app:
  * Application developer's guide (converted from HTML, and updated
    for taking advantage of the capabilities of Ant 1.3)
  * Servlet/JSP Javadocs (copied from jakarta-servletapi-4/dist/docs/api)
  * Catalina and Jasper Javadocs
  This conversion has illustrated some clumsiness in trying to use the
  "site.xsl" stylesheet from jakarta-site2 directly.  Further work is
  needed to make that more gracefully.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
      <title>Documentation Index</title>
  <section name="Introduction">
  <p>This is the top-level entry point of the documentation bundle for the
  <strong>Tomcat 4</strong> Servlet/JSP container.  Tomcat 4 implements the
  <a href="">Servlet 2.3</a> and
  <a href="">JavaServer Pages 1.2</a>
  specifications from Java Software, and includes many additional features that
  make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web applications and
  web services.</p>
  <p>Select one of the links from the navigation menu (to the left) to drill
  down to the more detailed documenation that is available.  Each available
  manual is described in more detail below.</p>
  <section name="Getting Started">
  <p>The following documents will assist you in downloading and installing
  Tomcat 4, and (if you wish to) building a distribution from the source code.
  <li><a href="README.txt"><strong>README.txt</strong></a> - Describes the
      contents and directory structure of a Tomcat 4 binary distribution.</li>
  <li><a href="RUNNING.txt"><strong>RUNNING.txt</strong></a> - Documents the
      steps necessary to download, install, start, and stop a Tomcat 4 server.
  <li><a href="BUILDING.txt"><strong>BUILDING.txt</strong></a> - Details the
      steps necessary to download Tomcat 4 source code (and the other packages
      that it depends on), and build a binary distribution from those sources.
  <section name="Administrators">
  <p>The following documents are aimed at <em>System Administrators</em> who
  are responsible for installing, configuring, and operating a Tomcat 4 server.
  <section name="App Developers">
  <p>The following documents are aimed at <em>Application Developers</em> who
  are constructing web applications or web services that will run on Tomcat.</p>
  <li><a href="appdev/index.html"><strong>Application Developer's Guide</strong></a>
      - An introduction to the concepts of a <em>web application</em> as defined
      in the <a href="">Servlet
      2.3 Specification</a>.  Covers basic organization of your web application
      source tree, the structure of a web application archive, and an
      introduction to the web application deployment descriptor
  <li><a href="servletapi/index.html"><strong>Servlet/JSP Javadocs</strong></a> -
      The Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 API Javadocs.</li>
  <section name="Tomcat Developers">
  <p>The following documents are for Java developers who wish to contribute to
  the development of Tomcat itself, or to better understand its internal
  architecture and operation.</p>
  <li><a href="catalina/docs/api/index.html"><strong>Catalina Javadocs</strong></a>
      - Javadoc API documentation for the <em>Catalina</em> servlet container
      portion of Tomcat 4.</li>
  <li><a href="jasper/docs/api/index.html"><strong>Jasper Javadocs</strong></a>
      - Javadoc API documentation for the <em>Jasper</em> JSP container
      portion of Tomcat 4.</li>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <project name="Tomcat Documentation - Top Level Directory"
      <title>The Tomcat 4 Servlet/JSP Container</title>
      <logo href="">
        The Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container
      <menu name="Getting Started">
          <item name="Docs Home"             href="/index.html"/>
          <item name="READ ME"               href="/README.txt"/>
          <item name="Install and Run"       href="/RUNNING.txt"/>
          <item name="Building from Source"  href="/BUILDING.txt"/>
      <menu name="Administrators">
          <item name="Configuration"         href="/config/index.html"/>
      <menu name="App Developers">
          <item name="App Developer Guide"   href="/appdev/index.html"/>
          <item name="Servlet/JSP Javadocs"  href="/servletapi/index.html"/>
      <menu name="Tomcat Developers">
          <item name="Catalina Javadocs"     href="/catalina/docs/api/index.html"/>
          <item name="Jasper Javadocs"       href="/jasper/docs/api/index.html"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/build.xml.txt
  Index: build.xml.txt
  <!-- A "project" describes a set of targets that may be requested
       when Ant is executed.  The "default" attribute defines the
       target which is executed if no specific target is requested,
       and the "basedir" attribute defines the current working directory
       from which Ant executes the requested task.  This is normally
       set to the current working directory.
  <project name="My Project" default="compile" basedir=".">
  <!-- ===================== Property Definitions =========================== -->
    Each of the following properties are used in the build script.
    Values for these properties are set by the first place they are
    defined, from the following list:
    * Definitions on the "ant" command line (ant -Ddeploy.home=xyz compile)
    * Definitions from a "" file in the top level
      source directory
    * Definitions from a "" file in the developer's
      home directory
    * Default definitions in this build.xml file
    You will note below that property values can be composed based on the
    contents of previously defined properties.  This is a powerful technique
    that helps you minimize the number of changes required when your development
    environment is modified.  Note that property composition is allowed within
    "" files as well as in the "build.xml" script.
  <!-- ==================== File and Directory Names ======================== -->
    These properties generally define file and directory names (or paths) that
    affect where the build process stores its outputs.             Base name of this application, used to
                         construct filenames and directories.
                         Defaults to "myapp".
    app.version          Version identifier for this application.
    build.home           The directory into which the "prepare" and
                         "compile" targets will generate their output.
                         Defaults to "build".
    catalina.home        The directory in which you have installed
                         a binary distribution of Tomcat 4.  This will
                         be used by the "deploy" target.
    deploy.home          The name of the directory into which the
                         deployment hierarchy will be created, and into
                         which the build directory will be copied.
                         Defaults to "${catalina.home}/webapps/${}".
    dist.home            The name of the base directory in which
                         distribution files are created.
                         Defaults to "dist".
    <property name=""      value="myapp"/>
    <property name="app.version"   value="1.0"/>
    <property name="build.home"    value="build"/>
    <property name="catalina.home" value="../../../.."/> <!-- UPDATE THIS! -->
    <property name="deploy.home"   value="${catalina.home}/webapps/${}"/>
    <property name="dist.home"     value="dist"/>
  <!--  ==================== Compilation Control Options ==================== -->
    These properties control option settings on the Javac compiler when it
    is invoked using the <javac> task.
    compile.debug        Should compilation include the debug option?
    compile.deprecation  Should compilation include the deprecation option?
    compile.optimize     Should compilation include the optimize option?
    <property name="compile.debug"       value="true"/>
    <property name="compile.deprecation" value="false"/>
    <property name="compile.optimize"    value="true"/>
  <!-- ==================== External Dependencies =========================== -->
    Use property values to define the locations of external JAR files on which
    your application will depend.  In general, these values will be used for
    two purposes:
    * Inclusion on the classpath that is passed to the Javac compiler
    * Being copied into the "/WEB-INF/lib" directory during execution
      of the "deploy" target.
    For the purposes of this example, the "servlet.jar" property should be set
    to the pathname of the "servlet.jar" file included in your Tomcat 4 release.
    It is included on the compiler classpath (because this is required in order
    to compile a servlet), but is not copied to the deployment directory because
    servlet containers already provide it at runtime.
    This example also includes a dummy "foo.jar" property, used to illustrate
    where you would make customizations for your own external dependencies
    in order to use them for compilation and/or deployment.
  <!-- Dummy external dependency -->
    <property name="foo.jar"
    <property name="servlet.jar"         
  <!-- ==================== Compilation Classpath =========================== -->
    Rather than relying on the CLASSPATH environment variable, Ant includes
    features that makes it easy to dynamically construct the classpath you
    need for each compilation.  The example below constructs the compile
    classpath to include the servlet.jar file, and includes comments on where
    you would insert your own additional JAR files.  Such references should
    be based on external dependency properties, as described above, so that
    you can customize the actual location of the JAR files using
    <path id="compile.classpath">
  <!-- Include for the servlet.jar file -->
      <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
  <!-- Dummy include for our foo.jar file -->
      <pathelement location="${foo.jar}"/>
  <!-- ==================== All Target ====================================== -->
    The "all" target is a shortcut for running the "clean" target followed
    by the "compile" target, to force a complete recompile.
    <target name="all" depends="clean,compile"
     description="Clean build and dist, then compile"/>
  <!-- ==================== Clean Target ==================================== -->
    The "clean" target deletes any previous "build" and "dist" directory,
    so that you can be ensured the application can be built from scratch.
    <target name="clean"
     description="Delete old build and dist directories">
      <delete dir="${build.home}"/>
      <delete dir="${dist.home}"/>
  <!-- ==================== Compile Target ================================== -->
    The "compile" target transforms source files (from your "src" directory)
    into object files in the appropriate location in the build directory.
    This example assumes that you will be including your classes in an
    unpacked directory hierarchy under "/WEB-INF/classes".
    <target name="compile" depends="prepare"
     description="Compile Java sources">
      <!-- Compile Java classes as necessary -->
      <mkdir    dir="${build.home}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
      <javac srcdir="src"
          <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>
      <!-- Copy associated resource files -->
      <copy  todir="${build.home}/library/classes">
      <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.properties"/>
  <!-- ==================== Deploy Target =================================== -->
    The "deploy" target copies the contents of the build directory into a
    location required by our servlet container, and picks up any external
    dependencies along the way.  AFter restarting the servlet container, you
    can now test your web application.
    <target name="deploy" depends="compile"
     description="Deploy application to servlet container">
      <!-- Copy the contents of the build directory -->
      <mkdir     dir="${deploy.home}"/>
      <copy    todir="${deploy.home}">
        <fileset dir="${build.home}"/>
      <!-- Pick up external dependencies as required -->
      <mkdir     dir="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
      <copy   tofile="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/lib/foo.jar"
  <!-- ==================== Dist Target ===================================== -->
    The "dist" target creates a binary distribution of your application
    in a directory structure ready to be archived in a tar.gz or zip file.
    Note that this target depends on two others:
    * "deploy" so that the entire web application (including external
      dependencies) will have been assembled
    * "javadoc" so that the application Javadocs will have been created
    <target name="dist" depends="deploy,javadoc"
     description="Create binary distribution">
      <!-- Copy documentation subdirectory -->
      <copy    todir="${dist.home}/docs">
        <fileset dir="docs"/>
      <!-- Create application JAR file -->
      <jar jarfile="${dist.home}/${}.war"
      <!-- Copy additional files to ${dist.home} as necessary -->
  <!-- ==================== Javadoc Target ================================== -->
    The "javadoc" target creates Javadoc API documentation for the Java
    classes included in your application.  Normally, this is only required
    when preparing a distribution release, but is available as a separate
    target in case the developer wants to create Javadocs independently.
    <target name="javadoc" depends="compile"
     description="Create Javadoc API documentation">
      <mkdir          dir="${dist.home}/docs/api"/>
      <javadoc sourcepath="src"
  <!-- ==================== Prepare Target ================================== -->
    The "prepare" target is used to create the "build" destination directory,
    and copy the static contents of your web application to it.  If you need
    to copy static files from external dependencies, you can customize the
    contents of this task.
    Normally, this task is executed indirectly when needed.
    <target name="prepare">
      <!-- Create build directory and copy static content -->
      <mkdir  dir="${build.home}"/>
      <copy todir="${build.home}">
        <fileset dir="web"/>
      <!-- Copy static files from external dependencies as needed -->
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/deployment.xml
  Index: deployment.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
  <section name="Background">
  <p>Before describing how to organize your source code directories,
  it is useful to examine the runtime organization of a web application.
  Prior to the Servlet API Specification, version 2.2, there was little
  consistency between server platforms.  However, servers that conform
  to the 2.2 (or later) specification are required to accept a
  <em>Web Application Archive</em> in a standard format, which is discussed
  further below.</p>
  <p>A web application is defined as a hierarchy of directories and files
  in a standard layout.  Such a hierarchy can be accessed in its "unpacked"
  form, where each directory and file exists in the filesystem separately,
  or in a "packed" form known as a Web ARchive, or WAR file.  The former format
  is more useful during development, while the latter is used when you
  distribute your application to be installed.</p>
  <p>The top-level directory of your web application hierarchy is also the
  <em>document root</em> of your application.  Here, you will place the HTML
  files and JSP pages that comprise your application's user interface.  When the
  system administrator deploys your application into a particular server, he
  or she assigns a <em>context path</em> to your application (a later section
  of this manual describes deployment on Tomcat).  Thus, if the
  system administrator assigns your application to the context path
  <code>/catalog</code>, then a request URI referring to
  <code>/catalog/index.html</code> will retrieve the <code>index.html</code>
  file from your document root.</p>
  <section name="Standard Directory Layout">
  <p>To facilitate creation of a Web Application Archive file in the required
  format, it is convenient to arrange the "executable" files of your web
  application (that is, the files that Tomcat actually uses when executing
  your app) in the same organization as required by the WAR format itself.
  To do this, you will end up with the following contents in your
  application's "document root" directory:</p>
  <li><strong>*.html, *.jsp, etc.</strong> - The HTML and JSP pages, along
      with other files that must be visible to the client browser (such as
      JavaScript, stylesheet files, and images) for your application.
      In larger applications you may choose to divide these files into
      a subdirectory hierarchy, but for smaller apps, it is generally
      much simpler to maintain only a single directory for these files.
  <li><strong>/WEB-INF/web.xml</strong> - The <em>Web Application Deployment
      Descriptor</em> for your application.  This is an XML file describing
      the servlets and other components that make up your application,
      along with any initialization parameters and container-managed
      security constraints that you want the server to enforce for you.
      This file is discussed in more detail in the following subsection.
  <li><strong>/WEB-INF/classes/</strong> - This directory contains any Java
      class files (and associated resources) required for your application,
      including both servlet and non-servlet classes, that are not combined
      into JAR files.  If your classes are organized into Java packages,
      you must reflect this in the directory hierarchy under
      <code>/WEB-INF/classes/</code>.  For example, a Java class named
      would need to be stored in a file named
  <li><strong>/WEB-INF/lib/</strong> - This directory contains JAR files that
      contain Java class files (and associated resources) required for your
      application, such as third party class libraries or JDBC drivers.</li>
  <p>When you install an application into Tomcat (or any other
  2.2/2.3-compatible server), the classes in the <code>WEB-INF/classes/</code>
  directory, as well as all classes in JAR files found in the
  <code>WEB-INF/lib/</code> directory, are made visible to other classes
  within your particular web application.  Thus, if
  you include all of the required library classes in one of these places (be
  sure to check licenses for redistribution rights for any third party libraries
  you utilize), you will simplify the installation of your web application --
  no adjustment to the system class path (or installation of global library
  files in your server) will be necessary.</p>
  <p>Much of this information was extracted from Chapter 9 of the Servlet
  API Specification, version 2.3, which you should consult for more details.</p>
  <section name="Web Application Deployment Descriptor">
  <p>As mentioned above, the <code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> file contains the
  Web Application Deployment Descriptor for your application.  As the filename
  extension implies, this file is an XML document, and defines everything about
  your application that a server needs to know (except the <em>context path</em>,
  which is assigned by the system administrator when the application is
  <p>The complete syntax and semantics for the deployment descriptor is defined
  in Chapter 13 of the Servlet API Specification, version 2.3.  Over time, it
  is expected that development tools will be provided that create and edit the
  deployment descriptor for you.  In the meantime, to provide a starting point,
  a <a href="web.xml.txt" target="_new">basic web.xml file</a>
  is provided.  This file includes comments that describe the purpose of each
  included element.</p>
  <p><strong>NOTE</strong> - The Servlet Specification includes a Document
  Type Descriptor (DTD) for the web application deployment descriptor, and
  Tomcat 4 enforces the rules defined here when processing your application's
  <code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> file.  In particular, you <strong>must</strong>
  enter your descriptor elements (such as <code>&lt;filter&gt;</code>,
  <code>&lt;servlet&gt;</code>, and <code>&lt;servlet-mapping&gt;</code> in
  the order defined by the DTD (see Section 13.3).</p>
  <section name="Deployment With Tomcat 4">
  <p>In order to be executed, a web application must be deployed on
  a servlet container.  This is true even during development.
  We will describe using Tomcat 4 to provide the execution environment.
  A web application can be deployed in Tomcat by one of three different
  <li><em>Copy unpacked directory hierarchy into a subdirectory in directory
      <code>$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/</code></em>.  Tomcat will assign a
      context path to your application based on the subdirectory name you
      choose.  We will use this technique in the <code>build.xml</code>
      file that we construct, because it is the quickest and easiest approach
      during development.  Be sure to restart Tomcat after installing or
      updating your application.
  <li><em>Copy the web application archive file into directory
      <code>$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/</code></em>.  When Tomcat is started, it will
      automatically expand the web application archive file into its unpacked
      form, and execute the application that way.  This approach would typically
      be used to install an additional application, provided by a third party
      vendor or by your internal development staff, into an existing
      Tomcat installation.  <strong>NOTE</strong> - If you use this approach,
      and wish to update your application later, you must both replace the
      web application archive file <strong>AND</strong> delete the expanded
      directory that Tomcat created, and then restart Tomcat, in order to reflect
      your changes.
  <li><em>Use the Tomcat 4 "Manager" web application to deploy and undeploy
      web applications</em>.  Tomcat 4 includes a web application, deployed
      by default on context path <code>/manager</code>, that allows you to
      deploy and undeploy applications on a running Tomcat server without
      restarting it.  See the administrator documentation (TODO: hyperlink)
      for more information on using the Manager web application.<br/><br/></li>
  <li><em>Add a <code>&lt;Context&gt;</code> entry in the
      <code>$CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml</code> configuration file</em>.
      This approach is described briefly below, and allows you to position
      the document root of your web application at some point other than the
      <code>$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/</code> directory.  You will need to restart
      Tomcat to have changes in this configuration file take effect.  See the
      administrator documentation (TODO: hyperlink) for more information on
      configuring new Contexts in this way.</li>
  <p>Deploying your app on other servlet containers will be specific to each
  container, but all containers compatible with the Servlet API Specification
  (version 2.2 or later) are required to accept a web application archive file.
  Note that other containers are <strong>NOT</strong> required to accept an
  unpacked directory structure (as Tomcat does), but this feature is commonly
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
      <title>Table of Contents</title>
  <section name="Preface">
  <p>This manual includes contributions from many members of the Tomcat Project
  developer community.  The following authors have provided significant content:
  <li>Craig R. McClanahan
      (<a href=""></a>)</li>
  <section name="Table of Contents">
  <p>The information presented is divided into the following sections:</p>
  <li><a href="introduction.html"><strong>Introduction</strong></a> -
      Briefly describes the information covered here, with
      links and references to other sources of information.</li>
  <li><a href="installation.html"><strong>Installation</strong></a> -
      Covers acquiring and installing the required software
      components to use Tomcat for web application development.</li>
  <li><a href="deployment.html"><strong>Deployment Organization</strong></a> -
      Discusses the standard directory layout for a web application
      (defined in the Servlet API Specification), the Web Application
      Deployment Descriptor, and options for integration with Tomcat
      in your development environment.</li>
  <li><a href="source.html"><strong>Source Organization</strong></a> -
      Describes a useful approach to organizing the source code
      directories for your project, and introduces the
      <code>build.xml</code> used by Ant to manage compilation.</li>
  <li><a href="processes.html"><strong>Development Processes</strong></a> -
      Provides brief descriptions of typical development processes
      utilizing the recommended deployment and source organizations.</li>
  <li><a href="sample/" target="_new"><strong>Example Application</strong></a> -
      This directory contains a very simple, but functionally complete,
      "Hello, World" application built according to the principles
      described in this manual.  You can use this application to
      practice using the described techniques.</li>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/installation.xml
  Index: installation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
  <section name="Installation">
  <p>In order to use Tomcat 4 for developing web applications, you must first
  install it (and the software it depends on).  The required steps are outlined
  in the following subsections.</p>
  <subsection name="JDK">
  <p>Tomcat will operate under any <strong>Java Development Kit</strong> (JDK)
  environment that provides a JDK 1.2 (also known as Java2 Standard Edition, or
  J2SE) or later platform.  You will need a Java Development Kit, as opposed to a
  Java Runtime Environment, so that your servlets, other classes, and JSP pages
  can be compiled.  Tomcat 4 has been extensively tested with JDK 1.3.1, which
  is recommended.</p>
  <p>Compatible JDKs for many platforms (or links to where they can be found)
  are available at
  <a href=""></a>.</p>
  <subsection name="Tomcat">
  <p>Binary downloads of the <strong>Tomcat</strong> server are available from
  <a href=""></a>.
  This manual assumes you are using the most recent release
  of Tomcat 4.  Detailed instructions for downloading and installing
  Tomcat 4 are available <a href="../RUNNING.txt">here</a>.</p>
  <p>In the remainder of this manual, example shell scripts assume that you have
  set an environment variable <code>CATALINA_HOME</code> that contains the
  pathname to the directory in which Tomcat 4 has been installed.</p>
  <subsection name="Ant">
  <p>Binary downloads of the <strong>Ant</strong> build tool are available from
  <a href=""></a>.
  This manual assumes you are using Ant 1.3.  The instructions should
  also be compatible with later versions, but this has not been tested.</p>
  <p>Download and install Ant from the distribution directory mentioned above.
  Then, add the <code>bin</code> directory of the Ant distribution to your
  <code>PATH</code> environment variable, following the standard practices for
  your operating system platform.  Once you have done this, you will be able to
  execute the <code>ant</code> shell command directly.</p>
  <subsection name="CVS">
  <p>Besides the required tools described above, you are strongly encouraged
  to download and install a <em>source code control</em> system, such as the
  <strong>Concurrent Version System</strong> (CVS), to maintain historical
  versions of the source files that make up your web application.  Besides
  the server, you will also need appropriate client
  tools to check out source code files, and check in modified versions.</p>
  <p>Detailed instructions for installing and using source code control
  applications is beyond the scope of this manual.  However, CVS server and
  client tools for many platforms (along with documentation) can be downloaded
  from <a href=""></a>.</p>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/introduction.xml
  Index: introduction.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
  <section name="Overview">
  <p>Congratulations!  You've decided to (or been told to) learn how to
  build web applications using servlets and JSP pages, and picked the
  Tomcat server to use for your learning and development.  But now what
  do you do?</p>
  <p>This manual is a primer covering the basic steps of using Tomcat to
  set up a development environment, organize your source code, and then
  build and test your application.  It does not discuss architectures or
  recommended coding practices for web application development,
  or provide in depth instructions on operating the development
  tools that are discussed.  References to sources of additional information
  are included in the following subsections.</p>
  <p>The discussion in this manual is aimed at developers who will be using
  a text editor along with command line tools to develop and debug their
  applications.  As such, the recommendations are fairly generic -- but you
  should easily be able to apply them in either a Windows-based or Unix-based
  development environment.  If you are utilizing an Interactive Development
  Environment (IDE) tool, you will need to adapt the advice given here to
  the details of your particular environment.</p>
  <section name="Links">
  <p>The following links provide access to selected sources of online
  information, documentation, and software that is useful in developing
  web applications with Tomcat.</p>
  <li><a href=""></a> -
      <i>JavaServer Pages (JSP) Specfication, Version 1.2</i>.  Describes
      the programming environment provided by standard implementations
      of the JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology.  In conjunction with
      the Servlet API Specification (see below), this document describes
      what a portable API page is allowed to contain.  Specific
      information on scripting (Chapter 6), tag extensions (Chapter 7),
      and packaging JSP pages (Appendix A) is useful.  The Javadoc
      API Documentation is included in the specification, and with the
      Tomcat download.<br/><br/></li>
  <li><a href=""></a> -
      <i>Servlet API Specification, Version 2.3</i>.  Describes the
      programming environment that must be provided by all servlet
      containers conforming to this specification.  In particular, you
      will need this document to understand the web application
      directory structure and deployment file (Chapter 9), methods of
      mapping request URIs to servlets (Chapter 11), container managed
      security (Chapter 12), and the syntax of the <code>web.xml</code>
      Web Application Deployment Descriptor (Chapter 13).  The Javadoc
      API Documentation is included in the specification, and with the
      Tomcat download.<br/><br/></li>
  <li><a href=""></a> -
      <i>Sun BluePrints (tm) Design Guidelines for J2EE</i>.  Comprehensive
      advice and examples on application design for the Java2 Enterprise
      Edition (J2EE) platform, which includes servlets and JSP pages.  The
      chapters on servlet and JSP design are useful even when your application
      does not require other J2EE platform components.
  <li><b>TODO</b> -- Add more entries here!</li>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/processes.xml
  Index: processes.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
      <title>Development Processes</title>
  <section name="Development Processes">
  <p>Although application development can take many forms, this manual proposes
  a fairly generic process for creating web applications using Tomcat.  The
  following sections highlight the commands and tasks that you, as the developer
  of the code, will perform.  The same basic approach works when you have
  multiple programmers involved, as long as you have an appropriate source code
  control system and internal team rules about who is working on what parts
  of the application at any given time.</p>
  <p>The task descriptions below assume that you will be using CVS for source
  code control, and that you have already configured access to the appropriate
  CVS repository.  Instructions for doing this are beyond the scope of this
  manual.  If you are using a different source code control environment, you
  will need to figure out the corresponding commands for your system.</p>
  <subsection name="Create Project Source Code Directory">
  <p>The first step is to create a new project source directory, and customize
  the <code>build.xml</code> and build script you will be using.  The directory
  structure is described in <a href="source.html">the previous section</a>,
  or you can use the <a href="sample">sample application</a> as a starting
  <p>Create your project source directory, and define it within your CVS
  repository.  This might be done by a series of commands like this, where
  <code>{project}</code> is the name under which your project should be
  stored in the CVS repository, and {username} is your login username:</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  mkdir myapp	&lt;-- Assumed "project source directory"
  cd myapp
  mkdir docs
  mkdir src
  mkdir web
  mkdir web/WEB-INF
  cvs import -m "Initial Project Creation" {project} \
  	{username} start
  <p>Now, to verify that it was created correctly in CVS, we will perform a
  checkout of the new project:</p>
  cd ..
  mv myapp myapp.bu
  cvs checkout {project}
  <p>Next, you will need to create and check in an initial version of the
  <code>build.xml</code> script to be used for development.  For getting
  started quickly and easily, base your <code>build.xml</code> on the
  <a href="build.xml.txt">basic build.xml file</a>, included with this manual,
  or code it from scratch.</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  cd myapp
  emacs build.xml		&lt;-- if you want a real editor :-)
  cvs add build.xml
  cvs commit
  <p>Until you perform the CVS commit, your changes are local to your own
  development directory.  Committing makes those changes visible to other
  developers on your team that are sharing the same CVS repository.</p>
  <p>Now, create the initial version of the web application deployment
  descriptor.  You can base <code>web.xml</code> on the
  <a href="web.xml.txt">basic web.xml file</a>, or code it from scratch.</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  cd myapp/WEB-INF
  emacs web.xml
  cvs add web.xml
  cvs commit
  <subsection name="Customize for Tomcat Location">
  <p>In order for Tomcat to recognize your application, you must deploy it
  as described under <a href="deployment.html">Deployment</a>.  Any of the
  proposed techniques can be used.  For our purposes, we will assume that
  you are using the <em>unpacked directory hierarchy</em> approach, and a
  <code>build.xml</code> script based on the example included with this manual.
  <p>In order to successfully execute the <code>deploy</code> target, you
  must ensure that the <code>catalina.home</code> property receives the
  correct value, which must be the pathname of the directory into which you
  have installed Tomcat 4.  You can make this customization by one of the
  following techniques:</p>
  <li>Change the property definition in the <code>build.xml</code> file so
      that it reflects the Tomcat 4 location.  The modified property setting
      might look like this:
  &lt;property name="catalina.home" value="/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.0"/&gt;
  <li>Set up a <code></code> file in your top-level source
      directory that defines the location oF Tomcat.  For example, the file
      might contain:
  <p>The first technique would be appropriate if all of your developers are
  sharing a common copy of Tomcat 4 for their deployment and testing.  If,
  however, each developer is using their own copy of Tomcat 4, in separate
  directories, the latter technique is preferred (because it lets each
  developer define their own value for the <code>catalina.home</code>
  <p><strong>NOTE</strong> - If you utilize the <code></code>
  approach, be sure that you do <strong>NOT</strong> check in the
  <code></code> file for any of your developers in to the
  source code archives.  For this reason, the <code>.cvsignore</code> file
  you created earlier should include this filename.</p>
  <subsection name="Edit Source Code and Pages">
  <p>The edit/build/test tasks will generally be your most common activities
  during development and maintenance.  The following general principles apply.
  As described in <a href="source.html">Source Organization</a>, newly created
  source files should be located in the appropriate subdirectory, under your
  project source directory.</p>
  <p>Whenever you wish to refresh your development directory to reflect the
  work performed by other developers, you will ask CVS to do it for you:</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  cd myapp
  cvs update -dP
  <p>To create a new file, go to the appropriate directory, create the file,
  and register it with CVS.  When you are satisfied with it's contents (after
  building and testing is successful), commit the new file to the repository.
  For example, to create a new JSP page:</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  cd myapp/web		&lt;-- Ultimate destination is document root
  emacs mypage.jsp
  cvs add mypage.jsp
  ... build and test the application ...
  cvs commit
  <p>Java source code that is defined in packages must be organized in a
  directory hierarchy (under the <strong>src/</strong> subdirectory) that
  matches the package names.  For example, a Java class named
  <code></code> should be stored in file
  Whenever you create a new subdirectory, don't forget to
  register it with CVS.</p>
  <p>To edit an existing source file, you will generally just start editing
  and testing, then commit the changed file when everything works.  Although
  CVS can be configured to required you to "check out" or "lock" a file you
  are going to be modifying, this is generally not used.</p>
  <subsection name="Build the Web Application">
  <p>When you are ready to compile the application, issue the following
  commands (generally, you will want a shell window open that is set to
  the project source directory, so that only the last command is needed):</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  cd myapp		&lt;-- Normally leave a window open here
  <p>The Ant tool will be execute the default "compile" target in your
  <code>build.xml</code> file, which will compile any new or updated Java
  code.  If this is the first time you compile after a "build clean",
  it will cause everything to be recompiled.</p>
  <p>To force the recompilation of your entire application, do this instead:</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  cd myapp
  ant all
  <p>This is a very good habit immediately before checking in changes, to
  make sure that you have not introduced any subtle problems that Javac's
  conditional checking did not catch.</p>
  <subsection name="Test Your Web Application">
  <p>To test your application, you will want to deploy it under Tomcat.  If you
  have customized the <code>catalina.home</code> property as described above,
  this is very easy.  First, deploy the application into Tomcat:</p>
  cd {my home directory}
  cd myapp
  ant deploy
  <p>and then restart Tomcat.  To access your application, point your
  browser at <code>http://localhost:8080/myapp/</code> and begin testing.
  When you discover something that needs to change, fix it in
  the source directory (not in the Tomcat deployment directory), redeploy,
  and restart Tomcat.</p>
  <p>Do not forget to commit your changes to the source code repository when
  you have completed your testing!</p>
  <subsection name="Creating a Release">
  <p>When you are through adding new functionality, and you've tested everything
  (you DO test, don't you :-), it is time to create the distributable version
  of your web application that can be deployed on the production server.  The
  following general steps are required:</p>
  <li>Issue the command <code>ant all</code> from the project source
      directory, to rebuild everything from scratch one last time.
  <li>Use the <code>cvs tag</code> command to create an identifier for
      all of the source files utilized to create this release.  This allows
      you to reliably reconstruct a release (from sources) at a later
  <li>Issue the command <code>ant dist</code> to create a distributable
      web application archive (WAR) file, as well as a JAR file containing
      the corresponding source code.
  <li>Package the contents of the <code>dist</code> directory using the
      <strong>tar</strong> or <strong>zip</strong> utility, according to
      the standard release procedures used by your organization.</li>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <project name="Application Developer's Guide"
      <title>Application Developer's Guide</title>
      <logo href="">
        The Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container
      <menu name="Links">
          <item name="Docs Home"             href="/.."/>
      <menu name="Contents">
          <item name="Contents"              href="/index.html"/>
          <item name="Introduction"          href="/introduction.html"/>
          <item name="Installation"          href="/installation.html"/>
          <item name="Deployment"            href="/deployment.html"/>
          <item name="Source Code"           href="/source.html"/>
          <item name="Processes"             href="/processes.html"/>
          <item name="Example App"           href="/sample/"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/source.xml
  Index: source.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <author email="">Craig R. McClanahan</author>
      <title>Source Organization</title>
  <section name="Directory Structure">
  <p>A key recommendation of this manual is to separate the directory
  hierarchy containing your source code (described in this section) from
  the directory hierarchy containing your deployable application
  (described in the preceding section).  Maintaining this separation has
  the following advantages:</p>
  <li>The contents of the source directories can be more easily administered,
      moved, and backed up if the "executable" version of the application
      is not intermixed.
  <li>Source code control is easier to manage on directories that contain
      only source files.
  <li>The files that make up an installable distribution of your
      application are much easier to select when the deployment
      hierarchy is separate.</li>
  <p>As we will see, the <code>ant</code> development tool makes the creation
  and processing of such directory hierarchies nearly painless.</p>
  <p>The actual directory and file hierarchy used to contain the source code
  of an application can be pretty much anything you like.  However, the
  following organization has proven to be quite generally applicable, and is
  expected by the example <code>build.xml</code> configuration file that
  is discussed below.  All of these components exist under a top level
  <em>project source directory</em> for your application:</p>
  <li><strong>docs/</strong> - Documentation for your application, in whatever
      format your development team is using.<br/><br/></li>
  <li><strong>src/</strong> - Java source files that generate the servlets,
      beans, and other Java classes that are unique to your application.
      If your source code is organized in packages (<strong>highly</strong>
      recommended), the package hierarchy should be reflected as a directory
      structure underneath this directory.<br/><br/></li>
  <li><strong>web/</strong> - The static content of your web site (HTML pages,
      JSP pages, JavaScript files, CSS stylesheet files, and images) that will
      be accessible to application clients.  This directory will be the
      <em>document root</em> of your web application, and any subdirectory
      structure found here will be reflected in the request URIs required to
      access those files.<br/><br/></li>
  <li><strong>web/WEB-INF/</strong> - The special configuration files required
      for your application, including the web application deployment descriptor
      (<code>web.xml</code>), tag library descriptors for custom tag libraries
      you have created, and other resource files you wish to include within
      your web application.  Even though this directory appears to be a
      subdirectory of your <em>document root</em>, the Servlet Specification
      prohibits serving the contents of this directory (or any file it contains)
      directly to a client request.  Therefore, this is a good place to store
      configuration information that is sensitive (such as database connection
      usernames and passwords), but is required for your application to
      operate successfully.</li>
  <p>During the development process, two additional directories will be
  created on a temporary basis:</p>
  <li><strong>build/</strong> - When you execute a default build
      (<code>ant</code>), this directory will contain an exact image
      of the files in the web application archive for this application.
      For containers like Tomcat that allow you to deploy
      unpacked directory structures, you need only copy this directory structure
      into a subdirectory of <code>$CATALINA_HOME/webapps</code> in order to
      deploy and test it.<br/><br/></li>
  <li><strong>dist/</strong> - When you execute the <code>ant dist</code>
      target, this directory will be created.  It will create an exact image
      of the binary distribution for your web application, including an license
      information, documentation, and README files that you have prepared.</li>
  <p>Note that these two directories should <strong>NOT</strong> be archived in
  your source code control system, because they are deleted and recreated (from
  scratch) as needed during development.  For that reason, you should not edit
  any source files in these directories if you want to maintain a permanent
  record of the changes, because the changes will be lost the next time that a
  build is performed.</p>
    <subsection name="External Dependencies">
    <p>What do you do if your application requires JAR files (or other
    resources) from external projects or packages?  A common example is that
    you need to include a JDBC driver in your web application, in order to
    <p>Different developers take different approaches to this problem.
    Some will encourage checking a copy of the JAR files you depend on into
    the source code control archives for every application that requires those
    JAR files.  However, this can cause significant management issues when you
    use the same JAR in many applications - particular when faced with a need
    to upgrade to a different version of that JAR file.</p>
    <p>Therefore, this manual recommends that you <strong>NOT</strong> store
    a copy of the packages you depend on inside the source control archives
    of your applications.  Instead, the external dependencies should be
    integrated as part of the process of <strong>deploying</strong> your
    application.  In that way, you can always pick up the appropriate version
    of the JAR files from wherever your development system administrator has
    installed them, without having to worry about updating your application
    every time the version of the dependent JAR file is changed.</p>
    <p>In the example Ant <code>build.xml</code> file, we will demonstrate
    how to define <em>build properties</em> that let you configure the locations
    of the files to be copied, without having to modify <code>build.xml</code>
    when these files change.  The build properties used by a particular
    developer can be customized on a per-application basis, or defaulted to
    "standard" build properties stored in the developer's home directory.</p>
  <section name="Source Code Control">
  <p>As mentioned earlier, it is highly recommended that you place all of the
  source files that comprise your application under the management of a
  source code control system like the Concurrent Version System (CVS).  If you
  elect to do this, every directory and file in the source hierarchy should be
  registered and saved -- but none of the generated files.  If you register
  binary format files (such as images or JAR libraries), be sure to indicate
  this to your source code control system.</p>
  <p>We recommended (in the previous section) that you should not store the
  contents of the <code>build/</code> and <code>dist/</code> directories
  created by your development process in the source code control system.  An
  easy way to tell CVS to ignore these directories is to create a file named
  <code>.cvsignore</code> (note the leading period) in your top-level source
  directory, with the following contents:</p>
  <p>The reason for mentioning <code></code> here will be
  explained in the <a href="processes.html">Processes</a> section.</p>
  <p>Detailed instructions for your source code control environment are beyond
  the scope of this manual.  However, the following steps are followed when
  using a command-line CVS client:</p>
  <li>To refresh the state of your source code to that stored in the
      the source repository, go to your project source directory, and
      execute <code>cvs update -dP</code>.
  <li>When you create a new subdirectory in the source code hierarchy, register
      it in CVS with a command like <code>cvs add {subdirname}</code>.
  <li>When you first create a new source code file, navigate to the directory
      that contains it, and register the new file with a command like
      <code>cvs add {filename}</code>.
  <li>If you no longer need a particular source code file, navigate to the
      containing directory and remove the file.  Then, deregister it in CVS
      with a command like <code>cvs remove {filename}</code>.
  <li>While you are creating, modifying, and deleting source files, changes
      are not yet reflected in the server repository.  To save your changes in
      their current state, go to the project source directory
      and execute <code>cvs commit</code>.  You will be asked to write a brief
      description of the changes you have just completed, which will be stored
      with the new version of any updated source file.</li>
  <p>CVS, like other source code control systems, has many additional features
  (such as the ability to tag the files that made up a particular release, and
  support for multiple development branches that can later be merged).  See the
  links and references in the <a href="introduction.html">Introduction</a> for
  more information.</p>
  <section name="BUILD.XML Configuration File">
  <p>We will be using the <strong>ant</strong> tool to manage the compilation of
  our Java source code files, and creation of the deployment hierarchy.  Ant
  operates under the control of a build file, normally called
  <code>build.xml</code>, that defines the processing steps required.  This
  file is stored in the top-level directory of your source code hierarchy, and
  should be checked in to your source code control system.</p>
  <p>Like a Makefile, the <code>build.xml</code> file provides several
  "targets" that support optional development activities (such as creating
  the associated Javadoc documentation, erasing the deployment home directory
  so you can build your project from scratch, or creating the web application
  archive file so you can distribute your application.  A well-constructed
  <code>build.xml</code> file will contain internal documentation describing
  the targets that are designed for use by the developer, versus those targets
  used internally.  To ask Ant to display the project documentation, change to
  the directory containing the <code>build.xml</code> flie and type:</p>
  ant -projecthelp
  <p>To give you a head start, a <a href="build.xml.txt">basic build.xml file</a>
  is provided that you can customize and install in the project source directory
  for your application.  This file includes comments that describe the various
  targets that can be executed.  Briefly, the following targets are generally
  <li><strong>clean</strong> - This target deletes any existing
      <code>build</code> and <code>dist</code> directories, so that they
      can be reconstructed from scratch.  This allows you to guarantee that
      you have not made source code modifications that will result in
      problems at runtime due to not recompiling all affected classes.
  <li><strong>prepare</strong> - This target "prepares" the <code>build</code>
      directory, creating subdirectories as required.  A common use of this
      target is to copy static files (documentation, HTML pages, and JSP pages)
      from the source directory to the build directory.  When
      executed, this target will only create directories if they do not
      exist, and only copy files if the destination file does not exist,
      or the source version of the file is newer.  This target is generally
      invoked indirectly, by virtue of a <code>depends</code> attribute on
      some other task.
  <li><strong>compile</strong> - This target is used to compile any source code
      that has been changed since the last time compilation took place.  The
      resulting class files are created in the <code>build</code> directory, so
      that they can be executed when the application is deployed.  Because
      this command is executed so often during development, it is normally
      made the "default" target so that a simple <code>ant</code> command will
      execute it.
  <li><strong>all</strong> - This target is a short cut for running the
      <code>clean</code> target, followed by the <code>compiile</code> target.
      Thus, it guarantees that you will recompile the entire application, to
      ensure that you have not unknowingly introduced any incompatible changes.
  <li><strong>deploy</strong> - This target is used to install your
      application into a servlet container (we will continue to use Tomcat
      in our examples) so that it can be tested.  If your application requires
      external JAR files, they will be copied to the <code>/WEB-INF/lib</code>
      directory at deployment time.
  <li><strong>javadoc</strong> - This target creates Javadoc API documentation
      for the Java classes in this web application.  The example
      <code>build.xml</code> file assumes you want to include the API
      documentation with your app distribution, so it generates the docs
      in a subdirectory of the <code>dist</code> directory.  Because you normally
      do not need to generate the Javadocs on every compilation, this target is
      usually a dependency of the <code>dist</code> target, but not of the
      <code>compile</code> target.
  <li><strong>dist</strong> - This target creates a distribution directory for
      your application, including any required documentation, the Javadocs for
      your Java classes, and a web application archive (WAR) file that will be
      delivered to system administrators who wish to install your application.
      Because this target also depends on the <code>deploy</code> target, the
      web application archive will have also picked up any external dependencies
      that were included at deployment time.</li>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/tomcat.gif
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/web.xml.txt
  Index: web.xml.txt
  <!DOCTYPE web-app 
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" 
      <!-- General description of your web application -->
      <display-name>My Web Application</display-name>
        This is version X.X of an application to perform
        a wild and wonderful task, based on servlets and
        JSP pages.  It was written by Dave Developer
        (, who should be contacted for
        more information.
      <!-- Context initialization parameters that define shared
           String constants used within your application, which
           can be customized by the system administrator who is
           installing your application.  The values actually
           assigned to these parameters can be retrieved in a
           servlet or JSP page by calling:
               String value =
           where "name" matches the <param-name> element of
           one of these initialization parameters.
           You can define any number of context initialization
           parameters, including zero.
          The EMAIL address of the administrator to whom questions
          and comments about this application should be addressed.
      <!-- Servlet definitions for the servlets that make up
           your web application, including initialization
           parameters.  With Tomcat, you can also send requests
           to servlets not listed here with a request like this:
           but this usage is not guaranteed to be portable.  It also
           makes relative references to images and other resources
           required by your servlet more complicated, so defining
           all of your servlets (and defining a mapping to them with
           a <servlet-mapping> element) is recommended.
           Servlet initialization parameters can be retrieved in a
           servlet or JSP page by calling:
               String value =
           where "name" matches the <param-name> element of
           one of these initialization parameters.
           You can define any number of servlets, including zero.
          This servlet plays the "controller" role in the MVC architecture
          used in this application.  It is generally mapped to the ".do"
          filename extension with a <servlet-mapping> element, and all form
          submits in the app will be submitted to a request URI like
          "", which will therefore be mapped to this servlet.
          The initialization parameter namess for this servlet are the
          "servlet path" that will be received by this servlet (after the
          filename extension is removed).  The corresponding value is the
          name of the action class that will be used to process this request.
        <!-- Load this servlet at server startup time -->
          This servlet produces GIF images that are dynamically generated
          graphs, based on the input parameters included on the request.
          It is generally mapped to a specific request URI like "/graph".
      <!-- Define mappings that are used by the servlet container to
           translate a particular request URI (context-relative) to a
           particular servlet.  The examples below correspond to the
           servlet descriptions above.  Thus, a request URI like:
           will be mapped to the "graph" servlet, while a request like:
           will be mapped to the "controller" servlet.
           You may define any number of servlet mappings, including zero.
           It is also legal to define more than one mapping for the same
           servlet, if you wish to.
      <!-- Define the default session timeout for your application,
           in minutes.  From a servlet or JSP page, you can modify
           the timeout for a particular session dynamically by using
           HttpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval(). -->
        <session-timeout>30</session-timeout>    <!-- 30 minutes -->
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/docs/README.txt
  Index: README.txt
  This is a dummy README file for the sample
  web application.
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web/hello.jsp
  Index: hello.jsp
  <title>Sample Application JSP Page</title>
  <body bgcolor=white>
  <table border="0">
  <td align=center>
  <img src="images/tomcat.gif">
  <h1>Sample Application JSP Page</h1>
  This is the output of a JSP page that is part of the Hello, World
  application.  It displays several useful values from the request
  we are currently processing.
  <table border="0" border="100%">
    <th align="right">Context Path:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getContextPath() %></td>
    <th align="right">Path Information:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getPathInfo() %></td>
    <th align="right">Query String:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getQueryString() %></td>
    <th align="right">Request Method:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getMethod() %></td>
    <th align="right">Servlet Path:</th>
    <td align="left"><%= request.getServletPath() %></td>
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web/index.html
  Index: index.html
  <title>Sample "Hello, World" Application</title>
  <body bgcolor=white>
  <table border="0">
  <img src="images/tomcat.gif">
  <h1>Sample "Hello, World" Application</h1>
  <p>This is the home page for a sample application used to illustrate the
  source directory organization of a web application utilizing the principles
  outlined in the Application Developer's Guide.
  <p>To prove that they work, you can execute either of the following links:
  <li>To a <a href="hello.jsp">JSP page</a>.
  <li>To a <a href="hello">servlet</a>.
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
  Index: web.xml
  <!DOCTYPE web-app 
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" 
      <display-name>Hello, World Application</display-name>
  	This is a simple web application with a source code organization
  	based on the recommendations of the Application Developer's Guide.
  1.1                  jakarta-tomcat-4.0/webapps/tomcat-docs/appdev/sample/web/images/tomcat.gif
  	<<Binary file>>