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Posted to by Eustas <> on 2013/04/28 09:59:33 UTC

Why shiro documentation poor?

I try to find information about session : how to create session, how to
obtain session by id.
But this information absent.
I found only examples in users topic like this
with code example.
What is it the API like:
Session session = createSession(request, host);*

Probably exisis such classes like SessionContext, WebUtil, methods like
isHttp(context) etc  
Is it secret information?
Where to find it?

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Sent from the Shiro User mailing list archive at

RE: Why shiro documentation poor?

Posted by Ken in Nashua <>.
I have never need to handle it and never knew about it.

But it seems he or anyone (the govt) could use this to control users at will.

Here is it... read on... 

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.apache.shiro.session;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;

 * A {@code Session} is a stateful data context associated with a single Subject (user, daemon process,
 * etc) who interacts with a software system over a period of time.
 * <p/>
 * A {@code Session} is intended to be managed by the business tier and accessible via other
 * tiers without being tied to any given client technology.  This is a <em>great</em> benefit to Java
 * systems, since until now, the only viable session mechanisms were the
 * {@code javax.servlet.http.HttpSession} or Stateful Session EJB's, which many times
 * unnecessarily coupled applications to web or ejb technologies.
 * @since 0.1
public interface Session {

     * Returns the unique identifier assigned by the system upon session creation.
     * <p/>
     * All return values from this method are expected to have proper {@code toString()},
     * {@code equals()}, and {@code hashCode()} implementations. Good candidates for such
     * an identifier are {@link java.util.UUID UUID}s, {@link java.lang.Integer Integer}s, and
     * {@link java.lang.String String}s.
     * @return The unique identifier assigned to the session upon creation.
    Serializable getId();

     * Returns the time the session was started; that is, the time the system created the instance.
     * @return The time the system created the session.
    Date getStartTimestamp();

     * Returns the last time the application received a request or method invocation from the user associated
     * with this session.  Application calls to this method do not affect this access time.
     * @return The time the user last interacted with the system.
     * @see #touch()
    Date getLastAccessTime();

     * Returns the time in milliseconds that the session session may remain idle before expiring.
     * <ul>
     * <li>A negative return value means the session will never expire.</li>
     * <li>A non-negative return value (0 or greater) means the session expiration will occur if idle for that
     * length of time.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <b>*Note:</b> if you are used to the {@code HttpSession}'s {@code getMaxInactiveInterval()} method, the scale on
     * this method is different: Shiro Sessions use millisecond values for timeout whereas
     * {@code HttpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval} uses seconds.  Always use millisecond values with Shiro sessions.
     * @return the time in milliseconds the session may remain idle before expiring.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if the session has been stopped or expired prior to calling this method.
     * @since 0.2
    long getTimeout() throws InvalidSessionException;

     * Sets the time in milliseconds that the session may remain idle before expiring.
     * <ul>
     * <li>A negative value means the session will never expire.</li>
     * <li>A non-negative value (0 or greater) means the session expiration will occur if idle for that
     * length of time.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p/>
     * <b>*Note:</b> if you are used to the {@code HttpSession}'s {@code getMaxInactiveInterval()} method, the scale on
     * this method is different: Shiro Sessions use millisecond values for timeout whereas
     * {@code HttpSession.getMaxInactiveInterval} uses seconds.  Always use millisecond values with Shiro sessions.
     * @param maxIdleTimeInMillis the time in milliseconds that the session may remain idle before expiring.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if the session has been stopped or expired prior to calling this method.
     * @since 0.2
    void setTimeout(long maxIdleTimeInMillis) throws InvalidSessionException;

     * Returns the host name or IP string of the host that originated this session, or {@code null}
     * if the host is unknown.
     * @return the host name or IP string of the host that originated this session, or {@code null}
     *         if the host address is unknown.
    String getHost();

     * Explicitly updates the {@link #getLastAccessTime() lastAccessTime} of this session to the current time when
     * this method is invoked.  This method can be used to ensure a session does not time out.
     * <p/>
     * Most programmers won't use this method directly and will instead rely on the last access time to be updated
     * automatically as a result of an incoming web request or remote procedure call/method invocation.
     * <p/>
     * However, this method is particularly useful when supporting rich-client applications such as
     * Java Web Start appp, Java or Flash applets, etc.  Although rare, it is possible in a rich-client
     * environment that a user continuously interacts with the client-side application without a
     * server-side method call ever being invoked.  If this happens over a long enough period of
     * time, the user's server-side session could time-out.  Again, such cases are rare since most
     * rich-clients frequently require server-side method invocations.
     * <p/>
     * In this example though, the user's session might still be considered valid because
     * the user is actively &quot;using&quot; the application, just not communicating with the
     * server. But because no server-side method calls are invoked, there is no way for the server
     * to know if the user is sitting idle or not, so it must assume so to maintain session
     * integrity.  This {@code touch()} method could be invoked by the rich-client application code during those
     * times to ensure that the next time a server-side method is invoked, the invocation will not
     * throw an {@link ExpiredSessionException ExpiredSessionException}.  In short terms, it could be used periodically
     * to ensure a session does not time out.
     * <p/>
     * How often this rich-client &quot;maintenance&quot; might occur is entirely dependent upon
     * the application and would be based on variables such as session timeout configuration,
     * usage characteristics of the client application, network utilization and application server
     * performance.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if this session has stopped or expired prior to calling this method.
    void touch() throws InvalidSessionException;

     * Explicitly stops (invalidates) this session and releases all associated resources.
     * <p/>
     * If this session has already been authenticated (i.e. the {@code Subject} that
     * owns this session has logged-in), calling this method explicitly might have undesired side effects:
     * <p/>
     * It is common for a {@code Subject} implementation to retain authentication state in the
     * {@code Session}.  If the session
     * is explicitly stopped by application code by calling this method directly, it could clear out any
     * authentication state that might exist, thereby effectively &quot;unauthenticating&quot; the {@code Subject}.
     * <p/>
     * As such, you might consider {@link org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject#logout logging-out} the 'owning'
     * {@code Subject} instead of manually calling this method, as a log out is expected to stop the
     * corresponding session automatically, and also allows framework code to execute additional cleanup logic.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if this session has stopped or expired prior to calling this method.
    void stop() throws InvalidSessionException;

     * Returns the keys of all the attributes stored under this session.  If there are no
     * attributes, this returns an empty collection.
     * @return the keys of all attributes stored under this session, or an empty collection if
     *         there are no session attributes.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if this session has stopped or expired prior to calling this method.
     * @since 0.2
    Collection<Object> getAttributeKeys() throws InvalidSessionException;

     * Returns the object bound to this session identified by the specified key.  If there is no
     * object bound under the key, {@code null} is returned.
     * @param key the unique name of the object bound to this session
     * @return the object bound under the specified {@code key} name or {@code null} if there is
     *         no object bound under that name.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if this session has stopped or expired prior to calling
     *                                 this method.
    Object getAttribute(Object key) throws InvalidSessionException;

     * Binds the specified {@code value} to this session, uniquely identified by the specifed
     * {@code key} name.  If there is already an object bound under the {@code key} name, that
     * existing object will be replaced by the new {@code value}.
     * <p/>
     * If the {@code value} parameter is null, it has the same effect as if
     * {@link #removeAttribute(Object) removeAttribute} was called.
     * @param key   the name under which the {@code value} object will be bound in this session
     * @param value the object to bind in this session.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if this session has stopped or expired prior to calling
     *                                 this method.
    void setAttribute(Object key, Object value) throws InvalidSessionException;

     * Removes (unbinds) the object bound to this session under the specified {@code key} name.
     * @param key the name uniquely identifying the object to remove
     * @return the object removed or {@code null} if there was no object bound under the name
     *         {@code key}.
     * @throws InvalidSessionException if this session has stopped or expired prior to calling
     *                                 this method.
    Object removeAttribute(Object key) throws InvalidSessionException;


RE: Why shiro documentation poor?

Posted by Eustas <>.
Thank you.
But what about Shiro's native session?
How to handle it?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Shiro User mailing list archive at

RE: Why shiro documentation poor?

Posted by Ken in Nashua <>.
If your seeking some mechanism to obtain a session by sessionID, then I would think someone has had to implement this using their own method of tracking and storing the sessionID (like I mentioned previously with a system that used framesets...multiple sessions...and yes they stored and tracked their own sessionID's). You may have to roll your own session cache and key on ID if your interested in tracking http sessions.

I dont think shiro would go this far to implement multiple sessions. Its possible but I haven't seen it. 

I do think shiro would implement multiple Subjects. But that information could be proprietary.

Sorry for my guesswork... but I hope it helps. 

- cheers

RE: Why shiro documentation poor?

Posted by Ken in Nashua <>.

Obtaining a session in java (whether is exists or does not exist) is rather simple.

I find a handle to the request object and get the session that way.


This is the HttpSession that houses all state variables during your browser session.

Every session that gets created has a unique ID.

I have seen some web systems allocate a session per frame when using framesets... this caused a multi-threaded rendering effect.

When calling to get a session you pass a boolean ...


Gets the Session. 
If create is false and the session has not been created previously, returns null. 
Also, if the session is invalidated and create is false, returns null.
create true to force the creation of the session
the session (or null if create is false the session has not been previously 