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[05/12] stratos git commit: Upgrading fabric8 kubernetes api version to 2.2.16 and removing forked code
diff --git a/dependencies/fabric8/kubernetes-api/src/main/kubernetes/api/kubernetes.html b/dependencies/fabric8/kubernetes-api/src/main/kubernetes/api/kubernetes.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b2668..0000000
--- a/dependencies/fabric8/kubernetes-api/src/main/kubernetes/api/kubernetes.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1636 +0,0 @@
-<head><title>Kubernetes API documentation</title>
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-      <div class=page-header>
-        <h1>Kubernetes API documentation
-          <small>version v1beta1</small>
-        </h1>
-        <p>http://server/api/v1beta1</p>
-        <h3 id=Overview><a href=#Overview>Overview</a></h3>
-        <p>The Kubernetes API currently manages 3 main resources: <code>pods</code>, <code>replicationControllers</code>,
-          and <code>services</code>. Pods correspond to colocated groups of <a href=>Docker
-            containers</a> with shared volumes, as supported by <a
-                  href=>Google Cloud Platform&#39;s container-vm
-            images</a>. Singleton pods can be created directly via the <code>/pods</code> endpoint. Sets of pods may
-          created, maintained, and scaled using replicationControllers. Services create load-balanced targets for sets
-          of pods.</p>
-        <h3 id=Resource-identifiers><a href=#Resource-identifiers>Resource identifiers</a></h3>
-        <p>Each resource has a string <code>id</code> and list of key-value <code>labels</code>. The <code>id</code> is
-          generated by the system and is guaranteed to be unique in space and time across all resources.
-          <code>labels</code> is a map of string (key) to string (value). Each resource may have at most one label with
-          a particular key. Individual labels are used to specify identifying metadata that can be used to define sets
-          of resources by specifying required labels. Examples of typical pod label keys include <code>stage</code>,
-          <code>service</code>, <code>name</code>, <code>tier</code>, <code>partition</code>, and <code>track</code>,
-          but you are free to develop your own conventions.</p>
-        <h3 id=Creation-semantics><a href=#Creation-semantics>Creation semantics</a></h3>
-        <p>Creation is currently not idempotent. We plan to add a modification token to each resource. A unique value
-          for the token should be provided by the user during creation. If the user specifies a duplicate token at
-          creation time, the system should return an error with a pointer to the existing resource with that token. In
-          this way a user can deterministically recover from a dropped connection during a resource creation
-          request.</p>
-        <h3 id=Update-semantics><a href=#Update-semantics>Update semantics</a></h3>
-        <p>Custom verbs are minimized and are used only for &#39;edge triggered&#39; actions such as a reboot. Resource
-          descriptions are generally set up with <code>desiredState</code> for the user provided parameters and <code>currentState</code>
-          for the actual system state. While consistent terminology is used across these two stanzas they do not match
-          member for member.</p>
-        <p>When a new version of a resource is PUT the <code>desiredState</code> is updated and available immediately.
-          Over time the system will work to bring the <code>currentState</code> into line with the
-          <code>desiredState</code>. The system will drive toward the most recent <code>desiredState</code> regardless
-          of previous versions of that stanza. In other words, if a value is changed from 2 to 5 in one PUT and then
-          back down to 3 in another PUT the system isn&#39;t required to &#39;touch base&#39; at 5 before making 3 the
-          <code>currentState</code>.</p>
-        <p>When doing an update, we assume that the entire <code>desiredState</code> stanza is specified. If a field is
-          omitted it is assumed that the user is looking to delete that field. It is viable for a user to GET the
-          resource, modify what they like in the <code>desiredState</code> or labels stanzas and then PUT it back. If
-          the <code>currentState</code> is included in the PUT it will be silently ignored.</p>
-        <p>While currently unspecified, it is intended that concurrent modification should be accomplished with
-          optimistic locking of resources. We plan to add a modification token to each resource. If this is included
-          with the PUT operation the system will verify that there haven&#39;t been other successful mutations to the
-          resource during a read/modify/write cycle. The correct client action at this point is to GET the resource
-          again, apply the changes afresh and try submitting again.</p>
-        <p>Note that updates currently only work for replicationControllers and services, but not for pods. Label
-          updates have not yet been implemented, either.</p></div>
-      <div class="panel panel-default">
-        <div class=panel-heading><h3 id=_pods class=panel-title>/pods</h3></div>
-        <div class=panel-body>
-          <div class=panel-group>
-            <div class="panel panel-white">
-              <div class=panel-heading><h4 class=panel-title><a class=collapsed data-toggle=collapse
-                                                                href=#panel__pods><span class=parent></span>/pods</a>
-                <span class=methods><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods_get><span
-                        class="badge badge_get">get</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods_post><span
-                        class="badge badge_post">post</span></a></span></h4></div>
-              <div id=panel__pods class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                <div class=panel-body>
-                  <div class=list-group><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods_get class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_get">get</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>List all pods on this cluster</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods_post class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_post">post</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Create a new pod. currentState is ignored if present.</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a></div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_pods_get>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_get">get</span> <span
-                              class=parent></span>/pods</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>List all pods on this cluster</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_pods_get_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                        <li><a href=#_pods_get_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_pods_get_request></div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_pods_get_response><h2>HTTP status code <a href=
-                                                                                          target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "PodList",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "items": [
-                              {
-                              "id": "my-pod-1",
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "testRun",
-                              "replicationController": "testRun"
-                              },
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "my-pod-1",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{
-                              "hostPort": 8080,
-                              "containerPort": 80
-                              }]
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "currentState": {
-                              "host": "host-1"
-                              }
-                              },
-                              {
-                              "id": "my-pod-2",
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "testRun",
-                              "replicationController": "testRun"
-                              },
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "my-pod-2",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{
-                              "hostPort": 8080,
-                              "containerPort": 80
-                              }]
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "currentState": {
-                              "host": "host-2"
-                              }
-                              }
-                              ]
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_pods_post>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_post">post</span> <span
-                              class=parent></span>/pods</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Create a new pod. currentState is ignored if present.</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_pods_post_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_pods_post_request><h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Schema</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "$schema": "",
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Pod resource. A pod corresponds to a co-located group of [Docker
-                              containers](",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "kind": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "id": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "creationTimestamp": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selfLink": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "The desired configuration of the pod",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Manifest describing group of [Docker containers](;
-                              compatible with format used by [Google Cloud Platform&#x27;s container-vm
-                              images]("
-                              },
-                              "status": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              },
-                              "host": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              },
-                              "hostIP": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              },
-                              "info": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              }
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "currentState": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "The current configuration and status of the pod. Fields in common with
-                              desiredState have the same meaning.",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "status": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "host": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "hostIP": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "info": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "Pod",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "php",
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "php",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{
-                              "containerPort": 80,
-                              "hostPort": 8080
-                              }],
-                              "livenessProbe": {
-                              "enabled": true,
-                              "type": "http",
-                              "initialDelaySeconds": 30,
-                              "httpGet": {
-                              "path": "/index.html",
-                              "port": "8080"
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "foo"
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="panel panel-white">
-              <div class=panel-heading><h4 class=panel-title><a class=collapsed data-toggle=collapse
-                                                                href=#panel__pods__podId_><span
-                      class=parent>/pods</span>/{podId}</a> <span class=methods><a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                                   data-target=#_pods__podId__get><span
-                      class="badge badge_get">get</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods__podId__put><span
-                      class="badge badge_put">put</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                data-target=#_pods__podId__delete><span
-                      class="badge badge_delete">delete</span></a></span></h4></div>
-              <div id=panel__pods__podId_ class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                <div class=panel-body>
-                  <div class=list-group><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods__podId__get
-                                           class=list-group-item><span class="badge badge_get">get</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Get a specific pod</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods__podId__put class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_put">put</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Update a pod</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_pods__podId__delete class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_delete">delete</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Delete a specific pod</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a></div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_pods__podId__get>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_get">get</span> <span class=parent>/pods</span>/{podId}
-                      </h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Get a specific pod</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_pods__podId__get_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                        <li><a href=#_pods__podId__get_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_pods__podId__get_request><h3>URI Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>podId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_pods__podId__get_response><h2>HTTP status code <a
-                                href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "Pod",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "php",
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "php",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{
-                              "containerPort": 80,
-                              "hostPort": 8080
-                              }],
-                              "livenessProbe": {
-                              "enabled": true,
-                              "type": "http",
-                              "initialDelaySeconds": 30,
-                              "httpGet": {
-                              "path": "/index.html",
-                              "port": "8080"
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "foo"
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_pods__podId__put>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_put">put</span> <span class=parent>/pods</span>/{podId}
-                      </h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Update a pod</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_pods__podId__put_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_pods__podId__put_request><h3>URI Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>podId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Schema</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "$schema": "",
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Pod resource. A pod corresponds to a co-located group of [Docker
-                              containers](",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "kind": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "id": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "creationTimestamp": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selfLink": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "The desired configuration of the pod",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Manifest describing group of [Docker containers](;
-                              compatible with format used by [Google Cloud Platform&#x27;s container-vm
-                              images]("
-                              },
-                              "status": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              },
-                              "host": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              },
-                              "hostIP": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              },
-                              "info": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": ""
-                              }
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "currentState": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "The current configuration and status of the pod. Fields in common with
-                              desiredState have the same meaning.",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "status": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "host": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "hostIP": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "info": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "Pod",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "php",
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "php",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{
-                              "containerPort": 80,
-                              "hostPort": 8080
-                              }],
-                              "livenessProbe": {
-                              "enabled": true,
-                              "type": "http",
-                              "initialDelaySeconds": 30,
-                              "httpGet": {
-                              "path": "/index.html",
-                              "port": "8080"
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "foo"
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_pods__podId__delete>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_delete">delete</span> <span
-                              class=parent>/pods</span>/{podId}</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Delete a specific pod</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_pods__podId__delete_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                        <li><a href=#_pods__podId__delete_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_pods__podId__delete_request><h3>URI Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>podId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_pods__podId__delete_response><h2>HTTP status code <a
-                                href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "success": true
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div class="panel panel-default">
-        <div class=panel-heading><h3 id=_replicationControllers class=panel-title>/replicationControllers</h3></div>
-        <div class=panel-body>
-          <div class=panel-group>
-            <div class="panel panel-white">
-              <div class=panel-heading><h4 class=panel-title><a class=collapsed data-toggle=collapse
-                                                                href=#panel__replicationControllers><span
-                      class=parent></span>/replicationControllers</a> <span class=methods><a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                                             data-target=#_replicationControllers_get><span
-                      class="badge badge_get">get</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                data-target=#_replicationControllers_post><span
-                      class="badge badge_post">post</span></a></span></h4></div>
-              <div id=panel__replicationControllers class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                <div class=panel-body>
-                  <div class=list-group><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_replicationControllers_get
-                                           class=list-group-item><span class="badge badge_get">get</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>List all replicationControllers on this cluster</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_replicationControllers_post class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_post">post</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Create a new controller. currentState is ignored if present.</p>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a></div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_replicationControllers_get>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_get">get</span> <span
-                              class=parent></span>/replicationControllers</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>List all replicationControllers on this cluster</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_replicationControllers_get_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                        <li><a href=#_replicationControllers_get_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_replicationControllers_get_request></div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_replicationControllers_get_response><h2>HTTP status code <a
-                                href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "ReplicationControllerList",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "items": [
-                              {
-                              "id": "testRun",
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "replicas": 2,
-                              "replicaSelector": {
-                              "name": "testRun"
-                              },
-                              "podTemplate": {
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "networkPorts": [
-                              {
-                              "hostPort": 8080,
-                              "containerPort": 80
-                              }
-                              ]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "testRun"
-                              }
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "testRun"
-                              }
-                              }
-                              ]
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_replicationControllers_post>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_post">post</span> <span
-                              class=parent></span>/replicationControllers</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Create a new controller. currentState is ignored if present.</p>
-                      </div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_replicationControllers_post_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_replicationControllers_post_request><h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Schema</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "$schema": "",
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "A replicationController resource. A replicationController helps to create
-                              and manage a set of pods. It acts as a factory to create new pods based on a template. It
-                              ensures that there are a specific number of pods running. If fewer pods are running than
-                              &#x60;replicas&#x60; then the needed pods are generated using &#x60;podTemplate&#x60;. If
-                              more pods are running than &#x60;replicas&#x60;, then excess pods are deleted.",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "kind": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "id": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "creationTimestamp": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selfLink": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "The desired configuration of the replicationController",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "replicas": {
-                              "type": "number",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Number of pods desired in the set"
-                              },
-                              "replicaSelector": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Required labels used to identify pods in the set"
-                              },
-                              "podTemplate": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Template from which to create new pods, as necessary. Identical to pod
-                              schema."
-                              }
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code> {
-                              "id": "nginxController",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "kind": "ReplicationController",
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "replicas": 2,
-                              "replicaSelector": {"name": "nginx"},
-                              "podTemplate": {
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "nginxController",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 8080}]
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {"name": "nginx"}
-                              }},
-                              "labels": {"name": "nginx"}
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="panel panel-white">
-              <div class=panel-heading><h4 class=panel-title><a class=collapsed data-toggle=collapse
-                                                                href=#panel__replicationControllers__controllerId_><span
-                      class=parent>/replicationControllers</span>/{controllerId}</a> <span class=methods><a href=#
-                                                                                                            data-toggle=modal
-                                                                                                            data-target=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__get><span
-                      class="badge badge_get">get</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                data-target=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__put><span
-                      class="badge badge_put">put</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                data-target=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__delete><span
-                      class="badge badge_delete">delete</span></a></span></h4></div>
-              <div id=panel__replicationControllers__controllerId_ class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                <div class=panel-body>
-                  <div class=list-group><a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                           data-target=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__get
-                                           class=list-group-item><span class="badge badge_get">get</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Get a specific controller</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__put
-                          class=list-group-item><span class="badge badge_put">put</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Update a controller</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__delete
-                          class=list-group-item><span class="badge badge_delete">delete</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Delete a specific controller</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a></div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__get>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_get">get</span> <span class=parent>/replicationControllers</span>/{controllerId}
-                      </h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Get a specific controller</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__get_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a>
-                        </li>
-                        <li><a href=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__get_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a>
-                        </li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__get_request><h3>URI
-                          Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>controllerId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__get_response><h2>HTTP status code
-                          <a href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code> {
-                              "id": "nginxController",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "kind": "ReplicationController",
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "replicas": 2,
-                              "replicaSelector": {"name": "nginx"},
-                              "podTemplate": {
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "nginxController",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 8080}]
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {"name": "nginx"}
-                              }},
-                              "labels": {"name": "nginx"}
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__put>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_put">put</span> <span class=parent>/replicationControllers</span>/{controllerId}
-                      </h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Update a controller</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__put_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a>
-                        </li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__put_request><h3>URI
-                          Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>controllerId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Schema</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "$schema": "",
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "A replicationController resource. A replicationController helps to create
-                              and manage a set of pods. It acts as a factory to create new pods based on a template. It
-                              ensures that there are a specific number of pods running. If fewer pods are running than
-                              &#x60;replicas&#x60; then the needed pods are generated using &#x60;podTemplate&#x60;. If
-                              more pods are running than &#x60;replicas&#x60;, then excess pods are deleted.",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "kind": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "id": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "creationTimestamp": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selfLink": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "The desired configuration of the replicationController",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "replicas": {
-                              "type": "number",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Number of pods desired in the set"
-                              },
-                              "replicaSelector": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Required labels used to identify pods in the set"
-                              },
-                              "podTemplate": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "Template from which to create new pods, as necessary. Identical to pod
-                              schema."
-                              }
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code> {
-                              "id": "nginxController",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "kind": "ReplicationController",
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "replicas": 2,
-                              "replicaSelector": {"name": "nginx"},
-                              "podTemplate": {
-                              "desiredState": {
-                              "manifest": {
-                              "version": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "nginxController",
-                              "containers": [{
-                              "name": "nginx",
-                              "image": "dockerfile/nginx",
-                              "ports": [{"containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 8080}]
-                              }]
-                              }
-                              },
-                              "labels": {"name": "nginx"}
-                              }},
-                              "labels": {"name": "nginx"}
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__delete>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_delete">delete</span> <span
-                              class=parent>/replicationControllers</span>/{controllerId}</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Delete a specific controller</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__delete_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a>
-                        </li>
-                        <li><a href=#_replicationControllers__controllerId__delete_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a>
-                        </li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__delete_request><h3>URI
-                          Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>controllerId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_replicationControllers__controllerId__delete_response><h2>HTTP status
-                          code <a href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "success": true
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div class="panel panel-default">
-        <div class=panel-heading><h3 id=_services class=panel-title>/services</h3></div>
-        <div class=panel-body>
-          <div class=panel-group>
-            <div class="panel panel-white">
-              <div class=panel-heading><h4 class=panel-title><a class=collapsed data-toggle=collapse
-                                                                href=#panel__services><span class=parent></span>/services</a>
-                <span class=methods><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_services_get><span
-                        class="badge badge_get">get</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                  data-target=#_services_post><span
-                        class="badge badge_post">post</span></a></span></h4></div>
-              <div id=panel__services class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                <div class=panel-body>
-                  <div class=list-group><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_services_get
-                                           class=list-group-item><span class="badge badge_get">get</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>List all services on this cluster</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_services_post class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_post">post</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Create a new service</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a></div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_services_get>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_get">get</span> <span
-                              class=parent></span>/services</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>List all services on this cluster</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_services_get_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                        <li><a href=#_services_get_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_services_get_request></div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_services_get_response><h2>HTTP status code <a
-                                href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "ServiceList",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "items": [
-                              {
-                              "id": "example1",
-                              "port": 8000,
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              },
-                              "selector": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              }
-                              },
-                              {
-                              "id": "example2",
-                              "port": 8080,
-                              "labels": {
-                              "env": "prod",
-                              "name": "jetty"
-                              },
-                              "selector": {
-                              "env": "prod",
-                              "name": "jetty"
-                              }
-                              }
-                              ]
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_services_post>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_post">post</span> <span
-                              class=parent></span>/services</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Create a new service</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_services_post_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_services_post_request><h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Schema</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "$schema": "",
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "A service resource.",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "kind": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "id": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "creationTimestamp": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selfLink": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "name": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "port": {
-                              "type": "number",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "containerPort": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selector": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "Service",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "example",
-                              "port": 8000,
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              },
-                              "selector": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="panel panel-white">
-              <div class=panel-heading><h4 class=panel-title><a class=collapsed data-toggle=collapse
-                                                                href=#panel__services__serviceId_><span class=parent>/services</span>/{serviceId}</a>
-                <span class=methods><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_services__serviceId__get><span
-                        class="badge badge_get">get</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                  data-target=#_services__serviceId__put><span
-                        class="badge badge_put">put</span></a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal
-                                                                  data-target=#_services__serviceId__delete><span
-                        class="badge badge_delete">delete</span></a></span></h4></div>
-              <div id=panel__services__serviceId_ class="panel-collapse collapse">
-                <div class=panel-body>
-                  <div class=list-group><a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_services__serviceId__get
-                                           class=list-group-item><span class="badge badge_get">get</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Get a specific service</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_services__serviceId__put class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_put">put</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Update a service</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a> <a href=# data-toggle=modal data-target=#_services__serviceId__delete class=list-group-item><span
-                          class="badge badge_delete">delete</span>
-                    <div class=method_description><p>Delete a specific service</p></div>
-                    <div class=clearfix></div>
-                  </a></div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_services__serviceId__get>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_get">get</span> <span class=parent>/services</span>/{serviceId}
-                      </h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Get a specific service</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_services__serviceId__get_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                        <li><a href=#_services__serviceId__get_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_services__serviceId__get_request><h3>URI Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>serviceId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_services__serviceId__get_response><h2>HTTP status code <a
-                                href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "Service",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "example",
-                              "port": 8000,
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              },
-                              "selector": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_services__serviceId__put>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_put">put</span> <span class=parent>/services</span>/{serviceId}
-                      </h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Update a service</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_services__serviceId__put_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_services__serviceId__put_request><h3>URI Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>serviceId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Schema</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "$schema": "",
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false,
-                              "description": "A service resource.",
-                              "properties": {
-                              "kind": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "id": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "creationTimestamp": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selfLink": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "name": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "port": {
-                              "type": "number",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "containerPort": {
-                              "type": "string",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "labels": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              },
-                              "selector": {
-                              "type": "object",
-                              "required": false
-                              }
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "kind": "Service",
-                              "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
-                              "id": "example",
-                              "port": 8000,
-                              "labels": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              },
-                              "selector": {
-                              "name": "nginx"
-                              }
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-              <div class="modal fade" tabindex=0 id=_services__serviceId__delete>
-                <div class=modal-dialog>
-                  <div class=modal-content>
-                    <div class=modal-header>
-                      <button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
-                      <h4 class=modal-title id=myModalLabel><span class="badge badge_delete">delete</span> <span
-                              class=parent>/services</span>/{serviceId}</h4></div>
-                    <div class=modal-body>
-                      <div class="alert alert-info"><p>Delete a specific service</p></div>
-                      <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
-                        <li class=active><a href=#_services__serviceId__delete_request data-toggle=tab>Request</a></li>
-                        <li><a href=#_services__serviceId__delete_response data-toggle=tab>Response</a></li>
-                      </ul>
-                      <div class=tab-content>
-                        <div class="tab-pane active" id=_services__serviceId__delete_request><h3>URI Parameters</h3>
-                          <ul>
-                            <li><strong>serviceId</strong>: <em>required (string)</em></li>
-                          </ul>
-                        </div>
-                        <div class=tab-pane id=_services__serviceId__delete_response><h2>HTTP status code <a
-                                href= target=_blank>200</a></h2>
-                          <h3>Body</h3>
-                          <p><strong>Type: application/json</strong></p>
-                          <p>
-                            <small><strong>Example</strong>:<pre><code>{
-                              "success": true
-                              }
-                            </code></pre>
-                            </small>
-                          </p>
-                        </div>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class=col-md-3>
-      <div id=sidebar class="hidden-print affix" role=complementary>
-        <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked">
-          <li><a href=#_pods>/pods</a></li>
-          <li><a href=#_replicationControllers>/replicationControllers</a></li>
-          <li><a href=#_services>/services</a></li>
-        </ul>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dependencies/fabric8/kubernetes-api/src/main/kubernetes/api/kubernetes.raml b/dependencies/fabric8/kubernetes-api/src/main/kubernetes/api/kubernetes.raml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cf25c4..0000000
--- a/dependencies/fabric8/kubernetes-api/src/main/kubernetes/api/kubernetes.raml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#%RAML 0.8
-baseUri: http://server/api/{version}
-title: Kubernetes
-version: v1beta1
-mediaType: application/json
- - title: Overview
-   content: |
-     The Kubernetes API currently manages 3 main resources: `pods`,
-     `replicationControllers`, and `services`. Pods correspond to
-     colocated groups of [Docker containers]( with
-     shared volumes, as supported by [Google Cloud Platform's
-     container-vm
-     images](
-     Singleton pods can be created directly via the `/pods`
-     endpoint. Sets of pods may created, maintained, and scaled using
-     replicationControllers.  Services create load-balanced targets
-     for sets of pods.
- - title: Resource identifiers
-   content: |
-     Each resource has a string `id` and list of key-value
-     `labels`. The `id` is generated by the system and is guaranteed
-     to be unique in space and time across all resources.  `labels`
-     is a map of string (key) to string (value). Each resource may
-     have at most one label with a particular key. Individual labels
-     are used to specify identifying metadata that can be used to
-     define sets of resources by specifying required labels. Examples
-     of typical pod label keys include `stage`, `service`, `name`,
-     `tier`, `partition`, and `track`, but you are free to develop
-     your own conventions.
- - title: Creation semantics
-   content: |
-     Creation is currently not idempotent. We plan to add a
-     modification token to each resource. A unique value for the token
-     should be provided by the user during creation. If the user
-     specifies a duplicate token at creation time, the system should
-     return an error with a pointer to the existing resource with that
-     token. In this way a user can deterministically recover from a
-     dropped connection during a resource creation request.
- - title: Update semantics
-   content: |
-     Custom verbs are minimized and are used only for 'edge triggered'
-     actions such as a reboot. Resource descriptions are generally set
-     up with `desiredState` for the user provided parameters and
-     `currentState` for the actual system state. While consistent
-     terminology is used across these two stanzas they do not match
-     member for member.
-     When a new version of a resource is PUT the `desiredState` is
-     updated and available immediately. Over time the system will work
-     to bring the `currentState` into line with the `desiredState`. The
-     system will drive toward the most recent `desiredState` regardless
-     of previous versions of that stanza. In other words, if a value
-     is changed from 2 to 5 in one PUT and then back down to 3 in
-     another PUT the system isn't required to 'touch base' at 5 before
-     making 3 the `currentState`.
-     When doing an update, we assume that the entire `desiredState`
-     stanza is specified. If a field is omitted it is assumed that the
-     user is looking to delete that field. It is viable for a user to
-     GET the resource, modify what they like in the `desiredState` or
-     labels stanzas and then PUT it back. If the `currentState` is
-     included in the PUT it will be silently ignored.
-     While currently unspecified, it is intended that concurrent
-     modification should be accomplished with optimistic locking of
-     resources. We plan to add a modification token to each resource. If
-     this is included with the PUT operation the system will verify
-     that there haven't been other successful mutations to the
-     resource during a read/modify/write cycle. The correct client
-     action at this point is to GET the resource again, apply the
-     changes afresh and try submitting again.
-     Note that updates currently only work for replicationControllers
-     and services, but not for pods. Label updates have not yet been
-     implemented, either.
-  get:
-    description: List all pods on this cluster
-    responses:
-      200:
-        body:
-          example: !include examples/pod-list.json
-  post:
-    description: Create a new pod. currentState is ignored if present.
-    body:
-      schema: !include doc/pod-schema.json
-      example: !include examples/pod.json
-  /{podId}:
-    get:
-      description: Get a specific pod
-      responses:
-        200:
-          body:
-            example: !include examples/pod.json
-    put:
-      description: Update a pod
-      body:
-        schema: !include doc/pod-schema.json
-        example: !include examples/pod.json
-    delete:
-      description: Delete a specific pod
-      responses:
-        200:
-          body:
-            example: |
-              { 
-                "success": true
-              }
-  get:
-    description: List all replicationControllers on this cluster
-    responses:
-      200:
-        body:
-          example: !include examples/controller-list.json
-  post:
-    description: Create a new controller. currentState is ignored if present.
-    body:
-      schema: !include doc/controller-schema.json
-      example: !include examples/controller.json
-  /{controllerId}:
-    get:
-      description: Get a specific controller
-      responses:
-        200:
-          body:
-            example: !include examples/controller.json
-    put:
-      description: Update a controller
-      body:
-        schema: !include doc/controller-schema.json
-        example: !include examples/controller.json
-    delete:
-      description: Delete a specific controller
-      responses:
-        200:
-          body:
-            example: |
-              { 
-                "success": true
-              }
-  get:
-    description: List all services on this cluster
-    responses:
-      200:
-        body:
-          example: !include examples/service-list.json
-  post:
-    description: Create a new service
-    body:
-      schema: !include doc/service-schema.json
-      example: !include examples/service.json
-  /{serviceId}:
-    get:
-      description: Get a specific service
-      responses:
-        200:
-          body:
-            example: !include examples/service.json
-    put:
-      description: Update a service
-      body:
-        schema: !include doc/service-schema.json
-        example: !include examples/service.json
-    delete:
-      description: Delete a specific service
-      responses:
-        200:
-          body:
-            example: |
-              { 
-                "success": true
-              }