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svn commit: r1305625 - in /tcl/rivet/trunk: ChangeLog rivet/packages/entities/ rivet/packages/entities/entities.tcl

Author: mxmanghi
Date: Mon Mar 26 22:02:41 2012
New Revision: 1305625

    * rivet/packages/entities.tcl: new package RivetEntities, replacement for tcllib
    ::html::entities but with no extra dependecies (as a matter of fact it 
    works without Rivet too)

    tcl/rivet/trunk/rivet/packages/entities/entities.tcl   (with props)

Modified: tcl/rivet/trunk/ChangeLog
--- tcl/rivet/trunk/ChangeLog (original)
+++ tcl/rivet/trunk/ChangeLog Mon Mar 26 22:02:41 2012
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2012-03-26 Massimo Manghi <>
+    * rivet/packages/entities.tcl: new package RivetEntities, replacement for tcllib
+    ::html::entities but with no extra dependecies (as a matter of fact it 
+    works without Rivet too)
 2012-03-13 Karl Lehenbauer <>
     * Default separate virtual interps to "no".
@@ -12,6 +16,13 @@
     * tclconfig/depcomp, tclconfig/missing, tclconfig/config.guess,
     tclconfig/config.sub, tclconfig/ Update from newer libtools, etc.
+2012-03-08 Massimo Manghi <>
+    * rivet/rivet-tcl/,/rivet/packages/simpledb: various changes suggested by code profiler
+    (thanks to Harald Oehlmann)
+    * rivet/packages/tclrivetparse.tcl: wrong handling of swich cases made method 'parse'
+    unusable
+    * src/rivet.h: obsolete comment amended
 2012-01-16 Massimo Manghi <>
     * rivet/rivet-tcl/tclIndex.tcl: regenerated with auto_mkindex.

Added: tcl/rivet/trunk/rivet/packages/entities/entities.tcl
--- tcl/rivet/trunk/rivet/packages/entities/entities.tcl (added)
+++ tcl/rivet/trunk/rivet/packages/entities/entities.tcl Mon Mar 26 22:02:41 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# -- package entities
+# The code is largely taken from a simple yet clever encoder/decoder of HTML entities
+# starting from a utf-8 character string. The original code writted by Andy Goth is 
+# at Package entities extends the functionality in the 
+# original code combining it with Tcl's 'encoding' command to encode/decode from 
+# any supported encoding
+#   $Id$
+package provide RivetEntities 1.0
+namespace eval rivet {
+#   namespace ensemble create -subcommands {encode decode}
+    namespace export encode decode
+    variable utf8_entities_map {
+        \u00a0 &nbsp\; \u00a1 &iexcl\; \u00a2 &cent\; \u00a3 &pound\; \u00a4
+        &curren\; \u00a5 &yen\; \u00a6 &brvbar\; \u00a7 &sect\; \u00a8 &uml\;
+        \u00a9 &copy\; \u00aa &ordf\; \u00ab &laquo\; \u00ac &not\; \u00ad
+        &shy\; \u00ae &reg\; \u00af &macr\; \u00b0 &deg\; \u00b1 &plusmn\;
+        \u00b2 &sup2\; \u00b3 &sup3\; \u00b4 &acute\; \u00b5 &micro\; \u00b6
+        &para\; \u00b7 &middot\; \u00b8 &cedil\; \u00b9 &sup1\; \u00ba &ordm\;
+        \u00bb &raquo\; \u00bc &frac14\; \u00bd &frac12\; \u00be &frac34\;
+        \u00bf &iquest\; \u00c0 &Agrave\; \u00c1 &Aacute\; \u00c2 &Acirc\;
+        \u00c3 &Atilde\; \u00c4 &Auml\; \u00c5 &Aring\; \u00c6 &AElig\; \u00c7
+        &Ccedil\; \u00c8 &Egrave\; \u00c9 &Eacute\; \u00ca &Ecirc\; \u00cb
+        &Euml\; \u00cc &Igrave\; \u00cd &Iacute\; \u00ce &Icirc\; \u00cf
+        &Iuml\; \u00d0 &ETH\; \u00d1 &Ntilde\; \u00d2 &Ograve\; \u00d3
+        &Oacute\; \u00d4 &Ocirc\; \u00d5 &Otilde\; \u00d6 &Ouml\; \u00d7
+        &times\; \u00d8 &Oslash\; \u00d9 &Ugrave\; \u00da &Uacute\; \u00db
+        &Ucirc\; \u00dc &Uuml\; \u00dd &Yacute\; \u00de &THORN\; \u00df
+        &szlig\; \u00e0 &agrave\; \u00e1 &aacute\; \u00e2 &acirc\; \u00e3
+        &atilde\; \u00e4 &auml\; \u00e5 &aring\; \u00e6 &aelig\; \u00e7
+        &ccedil\; \u00e8 &egrave\; \u00e9 &eacute\; \u00ea &ecirc\; \u00eb
+        &euml\; \u00ec &igrave\; \u00ed &iacute\; \u00ee &icirc\; \u00ef
+        &iuml\; \u00f0 &eth\; \u00f1 &ntilde\; \u00f2 &ograve\; \u00f3
+        &oacute\; \u00f4 &ocirc\; \u00f5 &otilde\; \u00f6 &ouml\; \u00f7
+        &divide\; \u00f8 &oslash\; \u00f9 &ugrave\; \u00fa &uacute\; \u00fb
+        &ucirc\; \u00fc &uuml\; \u00fd &yacute\; \u00fe &thorn\; \u00ff &yuml\;
+        \u0192 &fnof\; \u0391 &Alpha\; \u0392 &Beta\; \u0393 &Gamma\; \u0394
+        &Delta\; \u0395 &Epsilon\; \u0396 &Zeta\; \u0397 &Eta\; \u0398 &Theta\;
+        \u0399 &Iota\; \u039a &Kappa\; \u039b &Lambda\; \u039c &Mu\; \u039d
+        &Nu\; \u039e &Xi\; \u039f &Omicron\; \u03a0 &Pi\; \u03a1 &Rho\; \u03a3
+        &Sigma\; \u03a4 &Tau\; \u03a5 &Upsilon\; \u03a6 &Phi\; \u03a7 &Chi\;
+        \u03a8 &Psi\; \u03a9 &Omega\; \u03b1 &alpha\; \u03b2 &beta\; \u03b3
+        &gamma\; \u03b4 &delta\; \u03b5 &epsilon\; \u03b6 &zeta\; \u03b7 &eta\;
+        \u03b8 &theta\; \u03b9 &iota\; \u03ba &kappa\; \u03bb &lambda\; \u03bc
+        &mu\; \u03bd &nu\; \u03be &xi\; \u03bf &omicron\; \u03c0 &pi\; \u03c1
+        &rho\; \u03c2 &sigmaf\; \u03c3 &sigma\; \u03c4 &tau\; \u03c5 &upsilon\;
+        \u03c6 &phi\; \u03c7 &chi\; \u03c8 &psi\; \u03c9 &omega\; \u03d1
+        &thetasym\; \u03d2 &upsih\; \u03d6 &piv\; \u2022 &bull\; \u2026
+        &hellip\; \u2032 &prime\; \u2033 &Prime\; \u203e &oline\; \u2044
+        &frasl\; \u2118 &weierp\; \u2111 &image\; \u211c &real\; \u2122
+        &trade\; \u2135 &alefsym\; \u2190 &larr\; \u2191 &uarr\; \u2192 &rarr\;
+        \u2193 &darr\; \u2194 &harr\; \u21b5 &crarr\; \u21d0 &lArr\; \u21d1
+        &uArr\; \u21d2 &rArr\; \u21d3 &dArr\; \u21d4 &hArr\; \u2200 &forall\;
+        \u2202 &part\; \u2203 &exist\; \u2205 &empty\; \u2207 &nabla\; \u2208
+        &isin\; \u2209 &notin\; \u220b &ni\; \u220f &prod\; \u2211 &sum\;
+        \u2212 &minus\; \u2217 &lowast\; \u221a &radic\; \u221d &prop\; \u221e
+        &infin\; \u2220 &ang\; \u2227 &and\; \u2228 &or\; \u2229 &cap\; \u222a
+        &cup\; \u222b &int\; \u2234 &there4\; \u223c &sim\; \u2245 &cong\;
+        \u2248 &asymp\; \u2260 &ne\; \u2261 &equiv\; \u2264 &le\; \u2265 &ge\;
+        \u2282 &sub\; \u2283 &sup\; \u2284 &nsub\; \u2286 &sube\; \u2287
+        &supe\; \u2295 &oplus\; \u2297 &otimes\; \u22a5 &perp\; \u22c5 &sdot\;
+        \u2308 &lceil\; \u2309 &rceil\; \u230a &lfloor\; \u230b &rfloor\;
+        \u2329 &lang\; \u232a &rang\; \u25ca &loz\; \u2660 &spades\; \u2663
+        &clubs\; \u2665 &hearts\; \u2666 &diams\; \u0022 &quot\; \u0026 &amp\;
+        \u003c &lt\; \u003e &gt\; \u0152 &OElig\; \u0153 &oelig\; \u0160
+        &Scaron\; \u0161 &scaron\; \u0178 &Yuml\; \u02c6 &circ\; \u02dc
+        &tilde\; \u2002 &ensp\; \u2003 &emsp\; \u2009 &thinsp\; \u200c &zwnj\;
+        \u200d &zwj\; \u200e &lrm\; \u200f &rlm\; \u2013 &ndash\; \u2014
+        &mdash\; \u2018 &lsquo\; \u2019 &rsquo\; \u201a &sbquo\; \u201c
+        &ldquo\; \u201d &rdquo\; \u201e &bdquo\; \u2020 &dagger\; \u2021
+        &Dagger\; \u2030 &permil\; \u2039 &lsaquo\; \u203a &rsaquo\; \u20ac
+        &euro\;
+    }
+    variable entitities_utf8_map [lreverse $utf8_entities_map]
+    proc args_processing {string mode arglist} {
+        if {    [dict exists $arglist -encoding]
+                && [dict get $arglist -encoding] ne "utf-8"
+        } {
+            return [encoding $mode [dict get $arglist -encoding] $string]
+        } else {
+            return $string
+        }
+    }
+# -- encode
+# input string is processed and its characted suitable to be transformed
+# into entities are replaced with their corrisponding HTML (SGML?) entity
+# if the input string encoding is diffrent from utf-8 the string is 
+# transformed into utf-8 and then processed for entity substitution
+#   ::rivet::encode <input_string> ?-encode <encoding>?  
+#  Arguments:
+#   * <input_string>: string whose characted must go through HTML 
+#                     entities expansion 
+#   * <encoding>:     input string character encoding (utf-8 when omitted)
+#  Returned value:
+#      - expanded string 
+    proc encode {string args} {
+        variable utf8_entities_map
+        return [string map $utf8_entities_map\
+                [args_processing $string convertfrom $args]]
+    }
+# -- decode
+# input string is converted into utf-8 and in case the final string
+# has to be in some other encoding Tcl's command 'enconding' is 
+# invoked for final conversion
+#   ::rivet::decode <input_string> ?-encode <encoding>?  
+#  Arguments:
+#   * <input_string>: string whose HTML entities have to be reconverted
+#                     in characters 
+#   * <encoding>:     output string character encoding (utf-8 when omitted)
+#  Returned value:
+#      - converted string
+    proc decode {string args} {
+        variable entitities_utf8_map
+        return [args_processing [string map $entitities_utf8_map $string]\
+                convertto $args]
+    }

Propchange: tcl/rivet/trunk/rivet/packages/entities/entities.tcl
    svn:keywords = Id

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