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svn commit: r1423279 - in /buildr/trunk: CHANGELOG addon/buildr/wsgen.rb

Author: donaldp
Date: Tue Dec 18 05:48:37 2012
New Revision: 1423279

Created an addon 'buildr/wsgen' for generating wsdls from java and java from wsdls using the underlying wsgen tool.


Modified: buildr/trunk/CHANGELOG
--- buildr/trunk/CHANGELOG (original)
+++ buildr/trunk/CHANGELOG Tue Dec 18 05:48:37 2012
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 1.4.10 (Pending)
+* Added:  Created an addon 'buildr/wsgen' for generating wsdls from java
+          and java from wsdls using the underlying wsgen tool.
 * Change: Defer the expansion of generated poms by wrapping the generation
           in a Proc.
 * Change: Rework Artifact.content(value) method to accept a Proc that

Added: buildr/trunk/addon/buildr/wsgen.rb
--- buildr/trunk/addon/buildr/wsgen.rb (added)
+++ buildr/trunk/addon/buildr/wsgen.rb Tue Dec 18 05:48:37 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
+# work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
+# licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+module Buildr
+  module Wsgen
+    class << self
+      # :call-seq:
+      #    java2wsdl(project, classnames, options) => String
+      #
+      # Uses wsgen to generate wsdl files form annotated, compiled classes. The parameters are
+      # * :project -- The project in which the classes are compiled.
+      # * :classnames -- Either an array of classnames to convert to wsdl or a map keyed on classnames and service
+      #                  specific customizations provided.
+      #
+      # Service options include:
+      # * :service_name -- The name of the service.
+      # * :namespace_url -- The namespace of the service.
+      #
+      # Method options include:
+      # * :output_dir -- The target directory.
+      # * :namespace_url -- The default namespace for the services.
+      #
+      # For example:
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.java2wsdl(project, %w(com.example.MyService))
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.java2wsdl(project, %w(com.example.MyService com.example.MyOtherService))
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.java2wsdl(project, %w(com.example.MyService com.example.MyOtherService), :namespace_url => "")
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.java2wsdl(project, {"com.example.MyService" => {:service_name => 'MiaService', :namespace_url => ""}))
+      def java2wsdl(project, classnames, options = {})
+        desc "Generate wsdl from java"
+        project.task("java2wsdl").enhance([])
+        base_wsdl_dir = File.expand_path(options[:output_dir] || project._(:target, :generated, :wsgen, :main, :wsdl))
+        project.iml.main_source_directories << base_wsdl_dir if project.iml?
+        project.file(base_wsdl_dir)
+        project.task("java2wsdl").enhance([base_wsdl_dir])
+        services = classnames.is_a?(Array) ? classnames.inject({}) {|result, element| result[element] = {}; result} : classnames
+        services.each_pair do |classname, config|
+          name_parts = classname.split('.')
+          service_name = config[:service_name] || name_parts.last
+          namespace_url = config[:namespace_url] || options[:namespace_url] || "http://#{name_parts[0...-1].reverse.join('.')}"
+          wsdl_file = File.expand_path("#{base_wsdl_dir}/META-INF/wsdl/#{service_name}.wsdl")
+          project.file(wsdl_file) do
+            mkdir_p File.dirname(wsdl_file)
+            cp = Buildr.artifacts(project.compile.dependencies + []).map(&:to_s).join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+            java_dir = project._(:target, :ignored, :wsgen, :main, :java)
+            intermediate_dir = project._(:target, :ignored, :wsgen, :main, :java)
+            rm_rf java_dir
+            rm_rf intermediate_dir
+            mkdir_p java_dir
+            mkdir_p intermediate_dir
+            args = []
+            args << "-keep"
+            args << "-inlineSchemas" if (options[:inlineSchemas] && ENV_JAVA['java.version'] >= '1.7')
+            args << "-wsdl"
+            args << "-servicename"
+            args << "{#{namespace_url}}#{service_name}"
+            args << "-portname"
+            args << "{#{namespace_url}}#{service_name}Port"
+            args << "-d "
+            args << intermediate_dir
+            args << "-r"
+            args << "#{base_wsdl_dir}/META-INF/wsdl"
+            args << "-keep"
+            args << "-s"
+            args << java_dir
+            args << "-cp"
+            args << cp
+            args << classname
+            command = "wsgen #{args.join(' ')}"
+            puts command
+            sh command
+            if $? != 0
+              raise "Problem building wsdl"
+            end
+            content ='REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL', "{service_name}")
+  , 'wb') { |f| f.write content }
+          end
+          project.file(base_wsdl_dir).enhance([wsdl_file])
+          project.task("java2wsdl").enhance([wsdl_file])
+        end
+        base_wsdl_dir
+      end
+      # :call-seq:
+      #    wsdl2java(project, wsdls, options) => String
+      #
+      # Uses wsgen to generate java files form wsdls. The parameters are
+      # * :project -- The project in which the classes are compiled.
+      # * :wsdls -- A hash of wsdl filenames to service configuration.
+      #
+      # Service options include:
+      # * :service_name -- The name of the service.
+      # * :package -- The package in which to generate the code.
+      #
+      # Method options include:
+      # * :output_dir -- The target directory.
+      # * :target -- The target version for generated source..
+      # * :package -- The default package in which to generate the code.
+      #
+      # For example:
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.wsdl2java(project, {_('src/main/wsdl/MyService.wsdl') => {}})
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.wsdl2java(project, {_('src/main/wsdl/MyService.wsdl') => {:package => 'com.example'}})
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.wsdl2java(project, {_('src/main/wsdl/MyService.wsdl') => {:output_dir => _(:target, :wsdl, :java)}})
+      #  Buildr::Wsgen.wsdl2java(project, {_('src/main/wsdl/MyService.wsdl') => {}}, :package => 'com.example' )
+      def wsdl2java(project, wsdls, options = {})
+        desc "Generate java from wsdl"
+        project.task("wsdl2java")
+        ws_dir = File.expand_path(options[:output_dir] || project._(:target, :generated, "main/ws"))
+        project.file(ws_dir)
+        project.task('wsdl2java').enhance([ws_dir])
+        target = options[:target] || '2.1'
+        wsdls.each_pair do |wsdl_file, config|
+          pkg = config[:package] || options[:package]
+          service = config[:service] || File.basename(wsdl_file, '.wsdl')
+          java_file = "#{ws_dir}/#{pkg.gsub('.', '/')}/#{service}.java"
+          project.file(java_file) do
+            mkdir_p ws_dir
+            `wsimport -keep -Xnocompile -target #{target} -s #{ws_dir} -p #{pkg} -wsdllocation META-INF/wsdl/#{service}.wsdl #{wsdl_file}`
+            if $? != 0 || !File.exist?(java_file)
+              rm_rf java_file
+              raise "Problem building webservices"
+            end
+          end
+          project.file(ws_dir).enhance([java_file])
+        end
+        project.compile.from ws_dir
+        project.iml.main_source_directories << ws_dir if project.iml?
+        project.compile.enhance(['wsdl2java'])
+      end
+    end
+  end